CHAPTER FIVE Challenges of Collaborative Planning The collaborative-planning approach rests firmly on two foundations: credible scientific information and broadly inclusive participation. One of the challenges for collaborative planning will be to develop the institutions and available expertise for scientific involvement while at the same time operating in an open, public forum wherein all those with responsibility and interest are involved throughout the process. Thus, this approach moves well beyond notions of public participation as simply distinct stages in an otherwise technical process. It also moves beyond an expert-driven model of planning wherein narrowly focused analysis considers a range of alternatives all within a single-agency context. Because new strategies are needed for conservation of large-scale ecological processes and because participation is necessary to achieve coordination across administrative or governmental boundaries of responsibility, collaborative planning requires a more complex model of both democratic processes and scientific engagement than past planning efforts. The first two sections of this chapter address these issues and include substantive recommendations by the Committee on new institutions, processes, and resources. A following section addresses the issue of the Forest Service appeals processes in the context of collaborative planning. The last section addresses a somewhat different issue: Given that sustainability is a global concern, how does the collaborative-planning process proposed here fit with global criteria for sustainability? 5A. Building Decisions on a Strong Foundation of Scientific Information Public-land management has always which scientists played a significant role rested on scientific and technical knowledge, suggest that new institutions, new funding not simply the desires of the public or the support, and new roles for scientists and preferences of managers. Today, that commit- researchers are emerging. Partly, these re- ment to scientific credibility has grown inside quirements have resulted in response to legal and outside of the Forest Service. Managers challenges. Partly, however, they have resulted seek it, interest groups call for it, and the from the recognition that monitoring, adaptive public expects it. For this reason, the collabo- management, and the complex system-level rative-planning process outlined in this report analysis necessary for sustainability simply integrates scientists and researchers within demand expertise beyond the capacity of most that process. managers and specialists. Research and Recent experiences with bioregional assessments and science-policy processes in technology are moving so quickly that scientists and researchers must themselves partici- 121 pate in developing and evaluating the informa- land management based on claims of an tion needed for “scientifically credible” conser- inadequate scientific basis for decisions. For vation strategies and land-management ap- example, in the Pacific Northwest, a series of proaches. lawsuits about the adequacy of protection for This section attempts to answer two species associated with old-growth forests as questions: What does “scientifically credible” well as threats to anadromous salmon stocks mean in collaborative planning? And what revealed that current management of federal institutions and roles must the scientific lands could not withstand scientific scrutiny. community and the Forest Service develop to This situation led the Forest Service and other ensure that decisions are based upon credible federal agencies to call for “scientifically scientific information and can withstand credible conservation strategies,” first specifi- independent scientific review? cally for the northern spotted owl and then for old-growth species and salmon stocks. New Roles for Scientists in Land and Resource Planning Scientists, under the leadership of Jack Ward Thomas, moved immediately from the sidelines to center stage to construct scientifically credible strategies for management of the federal forests of the Northwest. Their efforts through four studies resulted in a set of alternatives for management of these lands, along In the first round of forest plans under with estimates of the ecological, economic, and NFMA, managers and interdisciplinary teams social effects of the alternatives. One of these sorted though the available information to options, with some modification, became the design strategies that would allow the maxi- President’s Plan for Northwest Forests; finally, mum sustained yield of commodities and the federal forests had a plan that withstood amenities subject to “minimum management legal challenge, albeit based on a strong com- requirements” for protection of species and mitment to monitoring and adaptive manage- ecosystems. Scientists, by-and-large, sat on ment. Rumblings about the adequacy of protec- the sidelines during “forest planning.” How- tion of species and ecosystems in the forest ever, in response to the environmental laws of plans also occurred in the early to mid 1990s the early 1970s, in particular the Endangered in most other regions in the country through Species Act and the Clean Water Act, federal protests, lawsuits, and attempts at congres- and private funding for ecological research sional action. Many of these disputes resulted grew dramatically. Several major research in a call for science and scientists to help sort initiatives like the Man and the Biosphere out the competing arguments. It was these Project led to not only new scientific findings forces that led to the assessments on species but also new theories about ecological and (e.g., the red-cockaded woodpecker, the inland social systems. trout species across the west, and the northern As research expanded scientific knowl- goshawk in the Southwest) and assessments of edge about ecological and social systems, the bioregions (e.g., the Southern Appalachia new theories and data led to scientific con- Assessment, the Interior Columbia Basin cerns about the consequences of timber Ecosystem Assessment, the Sierra Nevada harvest on species, watersheds, and ecosys- Ecosystem Assessment, and the Tongass tems. Scientific concern combined with a National Forest Assessment). growing dissatisfaction among the public with clearcutting led to legal challenges to public- 122 Each of these assessments carried consequences for the role of scientists and scientific information in land and resource planning and in an open, public process. This “assessment” management. In both the Interior Columbia process ensures that current scientific think- Basin and the Tongass National Forest, the ing is part of the planning process as well as a scientists continue to be deeply involved in sound foundation of credible information. assessing current conditions and trends while Issues in planning that have a significant managers craft conservation strategies and scientific content include: whether the tempo- make initial estimates of effects. In both cases, ral and spatial scales being considered are scientists and managers are working to identify appropriate for the questions being asked, the issues and set up the conceptual frame- whether all relevant information is being work for analysis. In both cases, scientists considered, whether that information is inter- have reviewed the consistency of these strate- preted in a manner consistent with current gies and estimated effects with scientific scientific understanding, whether the level of understanding and have published their risk to species and ecosystems associated with analysis in a separate report. However, while the alternatives is acknowledged, and whether the above discussion has focused primarily on the uncertainty of our knowledge is recognized. the forestry component of the planning pro- In the application of scientific understand- cess, it needs to be emphasized that other uses ing to managing large landscapes, we generally and activities on National Forest System lands are not talking about a classic application of (e.g., grazing, mining, fire, road construction, the scientific method. Hypothesis testing at the recreation, and flow withdrawals and diver- landscape scale though controlled experiments sions) can similarly have major impacts on is difficult. Rather, we are talking about scien- planning, management, and attainment of tific knowledge as a set of working hypotheses sustainability. Their exclusion from the above that are informed by experiments, demonstra- discussion is not meant to relegate them to a tions, argument, and reflection. Over time, lower level of concern. those hypotheses are retained, revised, and In sum, the Forest Service (and other discarded as needed. Scientists expect them to agencies in most cases) has embraced the change; eternal truths are hard to find. Often, notion that land- and resource-management their revision occurs at the most inopportune planning must make effective use of scientific time for managers. Nonetheless, a scientific and technical analysis and review. Now, the way of thinking is at the heart of adaptive agency and research community must develop management. the institutions and procedures necessary for To further complicate matters, there is collaborative planning to involve scientists rarely complete unanimity among scientists. effectively and appropriately as a matter of On some issues, there are a variety of hypoth- normal procedure. eses having near-equal support among different groups of scientists. On other issues, Integrating Scientific Information into Collaborative Planning strong support exists for a particular working hypothesis, although a dissenting opinion will almost always exist. As a result of numerous discussions of this topic, the Committee anticipates that the scientific community can expect to be asked to help with at least five different tasks in collabo- Collaborative planning rests upon a rative planning: foundation of scientific information developed by scientists and other knowledgeable people 123 Creating Knowledge of Relevance to Collaborative Planning During assessments, specific problems or issues of concern arise for which inadequate information exists. Sometimes scientists are needed to undertake traditional research (hypothesis testing), and at other times they are asked to summarize the state of knowledge. This second role is very important because many of the practical issues in land and resource management have not been addressed by traditional research. Such issues include: determining the habitat requirements of owls, the effectiveness of fuel breaks in stopping wildfires, the growth and mortality patterns of riparian forests, or the mimicking of natural patterns of cleared areas in forests to make clearcuts more acceptable to the public. Generally, scientists prepare white papers that synthesize the state of knowledge related to issues. Given that these questions relate to expected results of management activities, scientists play an important service in relating theoretical models to actual practices. Developing the Integrative Science for Bioregional Assessments what scale to use are critical questions that must be answered before scientists can provide a scientific foundation for conservation strategies. Answering these questions requires integration of different types of information across many disciplines and at scales not usually encountered in traditional research. Furthermore, compromises in information quality may result when attempting to answer a wide range of questions. Helping Managers Understand the Application of Scientific and Technical Knowledge As new policy requirements are issued from Congress, the administration, or the courts, scientists are often called upon to help interpret them from a scientific standpoint and ensure that the resulting instructions to the field have scientific credibility. The regulatory language for implementing ecological sustainability developed by the Committee uses the concepts of “ecosystem integrity” and “species viability” as central concepts. Without a doubt, scientists will be involved in interpreting the meaning of these concepts and working with managers to develop field-tested methods for implementing such rules. Based on the assessments, the first step in planning is defining the desired future The shift to a bioregional and large- condition across large landscapes and landscape scale creates a different sort of bioregions. As resource specialists, planners, challenge for scientists. Understanding large- and managers undertake these tasks, they will scale processes requires a new theoretical have a multitude of questions about how to approach and a new integration across disci- define the desired future conditions in terms plines. For example, in the Interior Columbia that lead to measurable strategies for achieving Basin Ecosystem Assessment, scientists were them. They will need scientific assistance in asked how to assess the state of different fish translating conservation strategies derived from stocks in the 160-million-acre Columbia Basin, the assessments into practical management the state of forest health in the northern Rocky approaches that can be expected to achieve the Mountains, and the implications of placing desired goals. Answering these questions, as roads in roadless areas. What to measure and 124 vital as they are to the planning effort, is not the traditional domain of research scientists. As specialists and managers begin to implement strategic plans for large landscapes, they will need the assistance of scientists to help craft creative ways to accomplish the Evaluating the Use of Scientific Information in Planning and Implementation plans’ objectives. In recent experience, landscape-scale strategic plans, like the Northwest Once strategic plans or sets of projects Forest Plan, have relied upon “default prescrip- are proposed (along with estimates of their tions” developed by scientists within the effects), policy-makers, interest groups, and planning process to implement the conserva- the public often challenge their scientific tion strategies with the full expectation that bases. These “science-consistency checks” and local knowledge developed in the field would field project reviews are just beginning, but are lead to more-effective, site-specific approaches. quickly becoming an important new role for As might be expected, these prescriptions often scientists in collaborative planning. do not fit field conditions very well, yet managers are understandably reluctant to vary the standard prescription without assistance and field review by scientists. Adaptive management simply necessitates a new role for scientists in not only developing ideas for conservation strategies and how to achieve them but also working more closely with technical specialists and managers in applying these New Institutions Needed to Support Scientific Information and Review ideas and adapting them to field conditions. Independent review is essential if scien- Helping to Design Effectiveness-Monitoring Procedures and AdaptiveManagement Experiments Monitoring is a key component of collaborative planning. Yet, there are few standard procedures to draw upon for designing effectiveness-monitoring procedures for the millions of acres in a strategic plan for large landscapes. This deficiency especially holds true with the limited funds available for such work. Selecting an efficient, yet dependable, set of measures will require scientific involvement. tific and political credibility are to be achieved in a collaborative-planning process. Thus, the Committee makes four major recommendations to provide for scientific review. Forest Service Research Forest Service Research (FSR) will need to shoulder major responsibilities for the assessments, monitoring, and adaptive-management aspects of collaborative planning. Forest Service Research, as an existing institution, will need to provide the day-to-day information, evaluation, and advice to address the five tasks listed above. Although these efforts may be assisted by scientists in other federal agencies and from outside the federal government, Forest Service Research must form its core. This effort will call for an expanded mission for this branch of the Forest Service and will 125 5-1. Why Science Is Not Enough: Understanding the 1960s Controversy on the Bitterroot National Forest When Harold Anderson came to the Bitterroot National Forest (BNF) as Supervisor in the late 1950s, he saw the forest through the eyes of a professional forester with a master’s degree in forestry from Yale University. What he saw worried him: uneven stands of commercial timber with old growth mixed throughout the stand that was overstocked by silvicultural standards and a target for disease. So, in a effort to “get modern,” a timber-management plan was developed by Ray Karr, hired specifically for this task. Indeed, he was immediately faced with huge fires coming in consecutive years and leaving more than 30,000 acres of burned-over ridge lines behind. So, Ray’s directions were to accelerate the harvest of old growth to make way for younger, more productive forests; to emphasize disease control, especially for mistletoe in the Douglas fir and pine beetles; and to improve the availability of timber to the local sawmills, partly through salvage efforts. In 1950, only 3 million board feet were harvested from the BNF; by 1955 it was 14 mbf; and by 1964, through the timber-management plan, the BNF sold 70 mbf and built nearly 60 miles of roads. The goal to modernize forestry through scientific methods of timber management applied to all of the national forests, and the BNF was one of the most advanced forests in Region 1. Indeed, one reason that the BNF could rapidly respond to this national call was because it had a cadre of old Civilian Conservation Corp road locators, allowing it to garnish more of the region’s road-building budget than other forests and thereby access more areas to sell. Another reason, however, was its application of the reforestation technique of “terracing” on steep slopes. The costs of reforestation through hand preparation and planting averaged require allocating a significant portion of the sustained commitment to it from Forest Ser- energies of this organization to supporting land vice Research. and resource planning and management. The Forest Service is blessed with its own Of the five tasks mentioned above, only the first one has been the traditional domain of research organization, one of the finest natu- Forest Service Research on a regular basis. ral-resource research organizations in the Requests for help on the other four have been world. Forest Service Research has fought for very occasional and are seen as “special and achieved a mission that emphasizes assignments,” extraordinary activities not scholarly work and allows considerable inde- related to the “real work” of the research unit. pendence in defining a research agenda apart All this must change if collaborative planning from the immediate needs of the National is to have a reasonable chance of success. Forest System. Although making collaborative planning work will require efforts both inside and outside the federal government, we have reached one inescapable conclusion about the key to its success: collaborative planning can succeed only if there is a strong, deep, and 126 National Forest System National Forest System (NFS) technical staff must also shoulder major responsibilities to facilitate collaborative planning and scien- about $100 per acre, and had an average survival rate of 20% on harsh, south-facing slopes. Using machinery to prepare slash for burning and create terraces allowed the BNF to use machine planting at about $50 per acre with an average seedling survival of more than 80% on the south-facing slopes. Technically, terracing had been developed for slopes of less than 30% as a means for trapping all available moisture and eliminating competing vegetation; its goals were to improve reforestation rates and to decrease costs. However, it worked so well to conserve moisture and decrease mortality among seedlings, that it was tried all over. Knowing that this method was still experimental, the BNF brought researchers in at every step to review the plans and the field conditions. As Orville Daniels, Supervisor on the BNF from 1970 to 1974 eloquently summarizes, clearcutting and terracing was cost-effective and technically successful and it created no watershed problems from siltation, but it was socially unacceptable. The clearcutting controversy arose on the BNF because the opinion leaders and key people in the adjoining communities never participated in reviewing this decision until they saw areas of the forest they loved treated in a way that offended them. By 1969, when Senator Metcalf asked the dean of the University of Montana Forestry School to convene an independent faculty group to review the management practices on the BNF, the underlying reason for the controversy had spread across the nation. People expected to participate in reviewing agency plans, and they valued the many multiple uses and benefits from the forests, not just the timber production. The simple statement by the University Committee, “multiple use as a reality is not practiced on the BNF,” sums up the public perspective of efforts to concentrate management on efficient, scientific timber production. tifically sound management activities. While NFS scientists and technical staff are one relying on FSR and nonagency scientific step closer to management issues and prob- committees is important for ensuring the lems, and they develop relationships with land scientific credibility of management decisions, managers that can provide more rapid atten- a key step in promoting sound decisions that tion to pressing issues and more direct links to will withstand external review is an increased scientific information. NFS technical staff can capacity for NFS to effectively develop, imple- provide an important link between science and ment, and evaluate scientifically based plans policymakers, but they may lack the external and management strategies and actions. A credibility of FSR. Clearly, both FSR and NFS diverse and effective cadre of professionals have important contributions to make to grounded in science must be provided for in ensuring sound and credible collaborative NFS. They must have support to develop and planning. Their new roles and responsibilities maintain technical skills to allow them to need to be articulated in expanded missions operate effectively between scientists and for both and supplemented with the budgets policymakers. To be credible, their efforts necessary to fulfill these critical new tasks. should be subject to open technical review. While FSR has an important and central role to fulfill in enhancing collaborative plan- 127 ning, it cannot and should not shoulder this Tongass National Forest land-management plan responsibility alone. Care must be taken to (Everest et al., 1997) is a step in this direction. ensure the ongoing credibility of FSR and to In this case, the scientists who conducted the maintain its solid foundation of basic research. assessment as part of the land-management NFS technical staff must adopt a more central planning process evaluated the alternatives and role as an interface between policymakers and analysis of management effects based on their the research community and between “consistency” with the body of scientific infor- policymakers and managers on issues bearing mation in the assessment. The science-consis- on the scientific basis for decision making. tency check can be used to achieve consistency While FSR can, for example, help create and through iterative application that involves evaluate science-based protocols for monitoring successive improvements in how scientists state or assessments; help develop the scientific their findings and in how the framers of man- basis for creating, evaluating, and modifying agement policy interpret the implications of standards and guides; develop science-based those findings. In the case of the Tongass frameworks; and provide or secure independent National Forest planning effort, the science- review of the scientific foundation of plans, NFS consistency check was itself subjected to technical staff should bear responsibility for independent scientific peer review. assisting, enabling, and ensuring managers’ Because a finding of a lack of consistency ability to apply this guidance to their day-to- can be a point of appeal or legal challenge, a day management decisions. Additionally, NFS thoughtful, thorough check can help avoid that technical staff are in a position to more directly problem. Questions that would be asked in a involve and benefit from the insights and science-consistency check include the follow- knowledge that managers possess about ing: Are the temporal and spatial scales being trends, impacts, and on-the-ground realities. considered useful for the resource-conservation issues being addressed? Was all relevant Evaluation Institutions and procedures must be established to evaluate, on a regular basis, the use of scientific thought in planning and implementation. These reviews serve both to provide independent verification of the scientific foundation of plans and their implementation and to highlight and reward creative approaches to the challenging issues faced in the management of the national forests and grasslands. The expectation of an evaluation at the end of the planning process should encourage collaboration among managers, specialists, and scientists as the plans are developed. There should be an evaluation of the use of scientific and technical information in strategic planning (i.e., an evaluation of the consistency of strategic planning and plans with scientific and technical understanding). The “science-consistency” check undertaken by the 128 information considered? Was this information interpreted in a manner consistent with current scientific understanding? Has the level of risk to species and ecosystems associated with the alternatives been acknowledged and reported? Has the uncertainty of our knowledge been recognized? Field reviews of projects should also be conducted. These reviews should address two basic questions: Are the proposed actions a credible attempt to meet the goals of the plans from a scientific and technical viewpoint? Were the actions taken in the field consistent with what was proposed.? The interagency PACFISH reviews could serve as a model for this effort, assuming that the interagency committee was broadened to consider all the values recognized in the plans. Science and Technology Advisory Board energies from Forest Service Research and the scientific community in general. The board’s members would include scientists and other specialists from a broad The Chief of the Forest Service should range of disciplines: biology, ecology, earth establish a science and technology advisory sciences, economics, sociology, and other board with a primary goal of helping collabora- fields. The members should come from a wide tive planning become a reality on the national variety of organizations doing scientific work, forests and grasslands. This board would including academia, industry, independent provide highly qualified and independent laboratories, and American Indian tribes. There advice to the Forest Service to assure that the should be a variety of backgrounds represented most current and complete scientific and in the diverse and well-qualified group to help technical knowledge is used as the basis of ensure a broad range of outside perspectives. land and resource management. The board The membership should consist of an would help the Forest Service effectively interdisciplinary group of nationally known accomplish the suite of tasks, such as those scientists and planning experts from outside listed above, important to successful imple- the National Forest System. The variety of mentation of collaborative planning. They scientific and technical specialties represented would be especially useful in advising the on the board should span the range of re- Forest Service on how to accomplish the many sources, issues, values, and geographic regions tasks that will require new directions and encountered in national forest management. In 5-2. Advisory Boards The Scientific Roundtable on Biodiversity convened by the Chequamegon and Nicolet national forests in Wisconsin serves as an example of how advisory boards have assisted the Forest Service in land management. Two advisory boards, convened in 1992, were made up of teams of scientists and sociologists who subsequently provided reports that have influenced land management on these two national forests. One group focused on scientific issues, particularly biodiversity; the other focused on socioeconomic aspects of managing the forest. The Scientific Roundtable assessed particular risks involving diversity in northern Wisconsin. Each risk was ranked according to its severity, possible responsiveness to changes in management, and uncertainty. The Roundtable concluded that many biodiversity concerns were best approached on a regional or landscape scale. The Roundtable developed 23 sets of management recommendations that emphasized how particular risks could be mitigated or eliminated and discussed how uncertainties might be resolved via future research. The Roundtable also recommended that further research monitoring is necessary to more accurately detect threats to biodiversity and to assess how threatened elements respond to changes in resource management. The Roundtable was successful in terms of bringing science to bear on the complex and difficult issues surrounding biodiversity. The research and management recommendations are now being used to influence management processes on these two national forests in Wisconsin. 129 addition to members, the activities of the board may be enhanced by consultants invited by a committee chair to serve on an “as needed” basis on various issues to which their expertise is relevant. The number of consultants is flexible, and their one-year term can be extended indefinitely. Consultants would be expected to meet the same standards of technical expertise as the members. The 20-year history of the Science Advisory Board (SAB) of the Environmental Protec- • Address novel scientific problems or principles • Integrate science into agency actions in new ways • Influence long-term technology development • Deal with problems that transcend organizational boundaries • Strengthen the agency’s overall capabilities tion Agency (EPA) could serve as a model for some elements of the Forest Service board. Because the requests for projects now exceed the number that the boards can address, the EPA SAB has adopted the following criteria for prioritizing requests: • Serve leadership interests • Deal with controversial issues These criteria may useful for the Forest Service to consider in establishing this board. • Impact overall environmental protection 5B. Integrating Scientific and Public Deliberation Deliberation is a process in which a stand them or the implications of alternative variety of perceptions, interpretations, claims, strategies and actions. They also vary in terms and contentions are openly discussed, cri- of their contentiousness: some issues involve tiqued, and challenged. Simply put, delibera- multiple goals and diverse social values, and tion represents democracy in action. When require extended public discussion to define used as a process for finding areas of agree- desired future conditions as well as strategies ment amongst scientists, stakeholders, or the to achieve them. Thus, the nature and quality public, deliberation needs to ensure of public and scientific issues argues for inclusivity, openness, safety of expression, and different approaches to deliberation. A collabo- respect for divergent views and positions. rative-planning process needs have the flexibil- Clearly, a deliberative approach to participa- ity to treat issues differently. tion takes time, involves numerous discussions The more that multiple goals and diverse across a wide cross-section of participants, social values are involved, the more that and seldom leads to full consensus or complete stakeholders representing the range of values agreement. Nonetheless, only through delibera- in contention must be convened in a delibera- tive processes can collaborative planning tive process aimed at developing options that create credible scientific strategies or public reflect those different goals and and stakeholder support. Without this legiti- values.“Stakeholders” are all affected parties, macy, it is difficult for planning to make a including other federal agencies, state and difference or have worthwhile results. local governments, tribes, and the public. And Public issues vary widely. In land- and the more complex and ambiguous the scientific resource-management planning, they vary in and technical information concerning an issue, terms of whether there is sufficient scientific the more that experts must be involved to and technical information available to under- assist with and provide credibility to the public 130 Table 4-1. A typology of information. State of Knowledge Agreement on Values High Low Well-Developed Routine analysis with periodic stakeholder and expert review Emphasis on stakeholder deliberation with periodic expert review Tentative/Gaps Disagreements/ Research Needed Emphasis on expert deliberation with stakeholder review Emphasis on both stakeholder and expert deliberation (wicked problems) deliberation. Constructing a typology (see cal integrity and productivity. Achieving this Table 4-1), with the state of knowledge as one integration requires democratic processes, in dimension, and the agreement on values as the which people participate in designing effective other, creates four assessment and planning strategies and work together to carry them out. situations that differ in the need for and type Thus, the simple democratic premise that of stakeholder and expert deliberation. people should participate in making decisions Developing conservation strategies for about issues important to them and which species and ecosystems as well as treatments may affect them lies at the heart of and actions that serve as pathways to desired sustainability. Indeed, working toward future conditions are generally problems for sustainability allows this generation to act as a which no one solution will satisfy all stakeholders steward for future generations, as well. or enjoy complete consensus among the scientific Our proposed collaborative-planning communities. In these cases, both assessments process rests on strong principles of democratic and decision processes must bring stakeholders participation in planning and decision making. and experts together in an extended deliberative Public deliberation is a concept that expresses process that involves multidimensional tradeoffs the democratic ideal of self-governance. In a based on tentative knowledge. collaborative-planning process, participants In general, ongoing deliberation builds include: other agencies, other governments, familiarity with public issues, the diversity of tribes, interested organizations, communities public viewpoints, and the complexity of the and citizens. The terms “public involvement” or ecological and social systems. When planning is “public participation” emerged in the 1960s as not an “event” but a continuous activity, then correctives for government decisions contrary deliberation can build trust and legitimacy for to the will of the people or affected stakehold- public action. Regular expert and public delib- ers. Today, formal public-review processes are eration also provides a long-term forum for now required for nearly all types of government public, scientific, and agency learning. decisions. However, these terms refer to formal and informal administrative processes that A Participatory Approach Is at the Heart of Democracy allow the public to provide issues for consideration in planning, comments on proposed government actions or expenditures of public money, or comments on proposed government regulations. A collaborative-planning process rests on continuous, open participation by all stakeholders, interested parties, and the Sustainability connects economic and public. Simply providing issues for consider- social welfare with the maintenance of ecologi- 131 5-3. Public Participation in the Huron-Manistee National Forest Forest-Plan Revision In 1995, the Huron-Manistee National Forest (HMNF) and the Eastern Regional Office developed a strategy to revise the forest plan. The overall vision was that the revised Forest Plan would be widely endorsed at the end of the process. The process would be open and fair, with employees and the public working in a collaborative and cooperative manner. A brochure, “Invitation to Participate,” was developed that explained forest planning and the revision process and invited the public to actively participate. In June 1996, a forest-plan-revision “need-for-change” process was initiated. The public was invited to comment at 13 public meetings throughout HMNF on items that they felt needed to be changed in the forest plan, and on how they would like to participate in the process. 2500 interested public were also contacted by mail and invited to participate, either by writing or by attending the public meetings. During each step of the process, the media throughout Michigan were contacted and informed of events and results. A content analysis of all suggestions was completed. More than 150 statements were identified as change, no-change, and discussion items. Discussion items consisted of suggestions that were in conflict with each other and highly charged issues, such as early successional habitat, old growth, allowable sale quantity, and roads. Various ideas and suggestions on how the public desired to participate in the process were documented. A common desire was to have public working group sessions that openly discussed the discussion items. The need-for-change items and the proposal to conduct working group sessions were shared with the public at an open meeting and through mailings. The public commented, and modifications were made based on their feedback. HMNF identified 12 discussion items (hot topics/no agreement), and briefing papers presenting all aspects of each topic were developed. The briefing papers were discussed at a two-day public meeting. The purposes of the meetings were to determine whether all aspects of each discussion item had been adequately captured in the briefing papers and to review information about each item. On the basis of feedback at the meeting, the briefing papers were revised. Twelve one-day public working group sessions were conducted to discuss each discussion item. Pre-work packets were mailed out two to four weeks prior to each working group session. Experts were invited to present information, and the public debated and discussed the issues at the working group sessions. HMNF documented areas of agreement and areas where there was a diversity of opinion and the reasons. All participants had equal opportunity to participate. HMNF documented each working group session and mailed the results of each session to participants and interested publics. 132 HMNF completed the need-for-change process by preparing a forest-plan need-for-change assessment that visibly incorporated the results of the public-participation process. The draft document was reviewed at a public meeting and revised on the basis of the feedback received at the meeting. A finalized need-for-change assessment was mailed to participants and interested publics. Interest-group representatives; individuals speaking for themselves and their families; tribal, state, and federal government representatives; and Forest Service leadership team and staff all participated in the process. In summary, the public participated throughout the need-for-change process in a manner it selected, in equal standing, and in partnership with the Forest Service and other stakeholders. A full spectrum of diversity and diverging opinions were represented throughout the process. Participants got to know and understand each other. Experts participated as a source of information. The Forest Service role was to facilitate, keep the public on course, prepare and present information, be neutral, and listen. After listening, the need-forchange assessment was developed and widely accepted by the public. ation or comments on proposals is nowhere • Coming to public judgment can occur near sufficient for a collaborative-planning when sufficient deliberation results in process. Thus, this report avoids these terms wise and considered decisions. to reduce confusion. Rather, the concept of a “participatory • Public review of performance by federal agencies responsible for developing and process” is used to refer to democratic decision implementing policies is an important making and “public deliberation” is used to public duty and needs to become an on- refer to the ongoing dialogue across multiple going part of the planning process stakeholders, scientists, and the public in a through monitoring and external review. participatory process. In addition to dialogue, however, the public has two other important responsibilities: to contribute to wise decision making and to contribute to evaluating the performance of government programs and activities. Thus, there are three primary roles for the public in a participatory process: • Deliberation of public issues means that people contribute to developing the Contributing to Building Decisions and Evaluating Performance information needed for planning, join in debating public purposes, and come Coming to public judgment (i.e., defining to better understand the perspectives desired future conditions) is a time-consuming of others interested in, and knowledge- process when overlapping public purposes must able about, the lands and resources. be integrated within complex strategies for land and resource conservation and management. This process cannot be rushed, but it can be expedited by maintaining an ongoing dialogue. Ongoing processes of public deliberation create 133 5-4. Public Participation in Plan Revision on the White Mountain, Green Mountain, and Finger Lakes National Forests A few years ago, the planners on the White, Green, and Finger Lakes national forests in the Northeast got together to develop a strategy for forest-plan revision. Though we needed to write three separate forest plans, we knew we had a large number of “constituents” in common who wanted consistency in our approaches. We also knew we could do a much better job together, harnessing the creative energies of the group. We wanted to create a new process wherein people (the public) would be involved up-front helping develop planning materials, rather than critically reviewing products created by the agency. We reviewed past planning efforts and research, trying to use the best of each that would take advantage of the collaborative New England culture. There have been a number of successful planning efforts in the past, such as the Northern Forest Lands Council and the New Hampshire State Forest Resources Plan. These endeavors made it clear that the Forests would have to work closely together to accomplish ecosystem-sustainability goals and resolve the social issues. It was also clear that people would not tolerate being excluded from the process. This “no-surprises” philosophy evolved into a “plan for the plan” with four basic principles: 1) Nonagency people would be brought into the process from the beginning. They would be asked to help identify issues, determine what information was required, and decide how the public would be involved. 2) Information would be widely shared. Virtually any information developed by the agency would be shared with others. People who are interested in forest-plan revision would be urged to bring their data to the table. 3) Participants would learn from one another. Meetings of people interested in plan revision would be, among other things, educational forums. People were to express their views and provide information to support their points. Forest Service employees would be participants rather than controllers of the process. 4) Joint problem solving would be expected. No single organization or individual would be responsible for solving the problem. Everyone would share responsibility for helping devise solutions. The process design we created divided public-participation phases into discrete units so that people could come in and feel productive, whether it was for one of the units or the whole process. We wanted people to understand that we wanted their involvement for the long haul, but we also wanted to give them the opportunity to step out and take a breather instead of burning out. The units in this pre-notice of intent or “prescoping” portion of plan revision included outreach, public planning groups, local planning groups, technical working groups, and public forums, which culminated in the issuance of a notice of intent and the transition to the more formally defined phases of forest-plan revision. Outreach: The Green Mountain and White Mountain national forests held seven geographically scattered sessions, including a joint session in Boston. The Finger Lakes held two sessions. We 134 asked participants to identify what they thought needed to be revised in the forest plans. We received thousands of comments. The comments were analyzed, summarized, and grouped into issues and subissues. Public Planning Groups: Sessions were held on each forest. Three weekday sessions were held on the White Mountain National Forest and five were held on the Green Mountain National Forest. We held five sessions on the Finger Lakes National Forest, and varied the times from weekdays to weekends to consecutive weeknights to draw a diverse group of participants. The public planning group on the White Mountain National Forest reviewed issue briefs developed by Forest Service specialists for each of the issues, while the Green Mountain National Forest and Finger Lakes National Forest public planning groups developed issue briefs in concert with Forest Service staff. Those sessions built upon the work of the outreach comments and gave participants a chance to exchange knowledge about the issues. Planning-group members also raised questions for the technical working group in the succeeding phase, which they believed needed to be answered in revision. Local Planning Groups: Originally, we planned to have about a dozen local planning groups established and facilitated in the Northeast, from New York City to Maine. Our intent was to allow interested people to come together in diverse groups for a few hours each month and discuss the issues. The results of these meetings were then to be carried forward to the public planning group on each forest. This effort failed. Funding was insufficient to provide paid facilitators for the discussions. Groups were encouraged to form on a self-directed basis; however, that never really took off. The next two phases are more theoretical in nature because we have not yet reached them. The Green Mountain and Finger Lakes forests are under the moratorium on revision. Work is proceeding on the White Mountain National Forest in the following two phases: Technical Working Groups: During this phase, the latest scientific information concerning each issue will be collected. The degree of scientific controversy will be identified, as will relative risks to sustainability. Literature reviews will be provided for each issue area, followed by symposiums to foster interaction between scientists and the public. Further work will follow to answer some of the questions raised. Our emphasis in this phase will be to bring scientific information forward in a manner understandable to the lay public. Public Forums: Our goal in this phase is to develop a vision for each national forest that, in a few paragraphs, outlines the role the forest will play in sustaining ecosystems and meeting social needs in the Northeast. Each phase builds upon the results of the previous phase. Our revision efforts will focus on those areas where a need for change has been identified. The public has helped to describe and clarify the issues. In addition, people have been engaged in an effort that allows them to express their values, share information, and build trust. We have focused on partnerships, collaboration, and involvement by all. The knowledge gained and the relationships formed can then be brought forward through the NEPA process and into implementation and annual plan updates. Positive outcomes to this approach have included continuing work, by the public, on the Green Mountain and Finger Lakes forests on nonrevision projects, such as trail maintenance, and an increase in the number of forest partners and volunteers. Mary Krueger and Chuck Prausa for the Joint Core Planning Team 135 a reservoir of public understanding that can be forests and grasslands necessitate careful, drawn upon when difficult issues arise or independent review by outside scientists, unexpected events occur, such as hurricanes, interested parties, and knowledgeable people. floods, and fires. In this way, strong relation- Expert and scientific review is essential, but ships can provide for efficient action by provid- not sufficient to ensure public acceptability or ing the context for considering what to do in simple common sense. Incorporating new light of past decisions. This is the payoff for methods of performance evaluation that are taking the time to build deliberative capacity. open, inclusive, and independent will be Engaging the American public in deliberating the future of the national forests and necessary for building trust. Important to evaluating the strategies and grasslands is more than just talking to people treatments for achieving desired future condi- living near the public lands. Pinchot set forth tions is a monitoring process designed to the principle that local decisions should be measure performance against expected out- made on local grounds at a time when local comes. While the design of a monitoring meant “people living nearby.” Today, people process may be as simple as measuring water who live great distances from the forests and temperature and water flow and be carried out grasslands feel strong attachments to them and by school children, it can also be as complex want to participate in making decisions about as a research experiment and engage the them. Just as transportation systems have research community. Without measurement changed the meaning of “local” in decision and maintenance of good records for historical making, information technologies have trans- comparisons, it is difficult to assess long-term formed the abilities of people living far from performance. The recent Government Perfor- public lands to join in deliberating the future of mance and Review Act sets performance those lands. New methods of public dialogue evaluation as a high priority for government need to be invented in order for planning to agencies. Making that process an open and effectively engage the American people. public one can greatly contribute to the resto- In adaptive management, the review and ration of trust in Forest Service management of evaluation of performance is an integral part of national forests and grasslands and its com- stewardship. Complex strategies for conserving mitment to achieving sustainability. and managing the resources of the national 5C. Protests and Appeals of Federal Decisions Federal agencies differ greatly as to if, like the Environmental Protection Agency, do when, and how their decisions can be appealed not allow administrative appeals after deci- or protested by the public. A potential impedi- sions are final, only judicial review. ment to multiagency planning and decision Several times we have heard reference to processes is the differences in timing and the differences between the Bureau of Land approach to resolving protests and appeals. In Management and Forest Service appeals pro- the case of federal land management, both the cesses. At the level of the Forest Plan, the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Man- primary difference is that for the Bureau of Land agement allow the public to protest or appeal Management the appeals are predecisional and their decisions, whereas neither the Fish and for the Forests Service they are postdecisional. Wildlife Service nor the National Marine Fisheries Service allow appeals. These agencies, 136 For the Bureau of Land Management, this means that after the final EIS is published, but before the ROD is signed, “protest appeals” can of Land Management state directors will make be filed. The issues these appeals can raise are the decisions. In that case, the decisions of the limited to those issues raised for the record in Bureau of Land Management would be open to the planning process. The ROD is the final predecisional protest, but the Forest Service agency action. The next step is a lawsuit. For decisions could be appealed after the ROD. This the Forest Service, a postdecisional appeals makes coordinated planning for large-scale process means that after the final decision is policy decisions very difficult. published in the ROD, an appeal can be filed, Currently, the Forest Service regulations and the Forest Service must consider it and (36 CFR Part 215 and Part 217) create barriers respond. The Chief is the deciding officer for to collaboration with other federal agencies. As appeals of land- and resource-management generally applied, the existing rules limit the plans. opportunity for other federal agencies to review There are several issues that these obser- and comment upon proposed courses of action vations raise regarding our proposed collabora- after the Forest Service has chosen a preferred tive-planning process. alternative based on comments on the draft 1) In the context of multiple-agency plan- environmental impact statement (DEIS). The ning and decision making, what is the current regulations do not allow other federal effect of appeals processes that assume agencies to raise issues of concern after the single-agency planning and decision final EIS and ROD are published. Unless making? agency planners and managers make a con- 2) Should large-landscape planning have an appeals process that is predecisional instead of, or in addition to, the existing postdecisional appeal process? certed and successful effort to seek out comment on a preferred alternative after reviewing the comments on the DEIS, concerns of other agencies cannot be raised during the postdecisional appeals process now used by 3) How can small-landscape planning the Forest Service. As a result, significant best address the statutory requirements differences are raised to the highest levels of for project-level, postdecisional appeals? the agencies for resolution, creating political discord among agencies, or unaddressed Appeals Process issues reduce the success of implementation or threaten future actions. It is the Committee’s expectation that, if One question that must be dealt with is the Forest Service works with the other land- whether the current appeals processes in the management and appropriate regulatory Forest Service and other federal agencies need agencies in the early stages of the assessment modification to recognize the multiagency and decision processes, relationships will be planning processes of the future. The current built and problems addressed before they must appeals processes assume single-agency plan- be dealt with by managers close to the field. ning processes and single-agency decisions. In Especially because adaptive management will one of the only instances of multiple-agency necessarily require the capacity to review, planning and decision making, the Northwest evaluate, and change management activities on Forest Plan, the decisions were made at the a regular basis, the federal agencies will need Secretary level to avoid the problem of inconsis- to become partners rather than adversaries in tent appeals rules, among other reasons. In the working toward achieving sustainability. case of the Columbia Basin project, the expec- However, the formal rules need to encourage, tation is that regional foresters and the Bureau facilitate, and ensure that strong relationships 137 are built and maintained if stewardship is to of appeals on forest plans, the Service is not maintain or achieve ecological sustainability. always able to meet this deadline. Recommendation mended that the forest plans should not be The first Committee of Scientists recom- Consider developing a consistent approach across federal agencies for addressing protests and appeals. The Committee recommends that the different agencies form a multiagency task group to carefully identify and examine the specific impediments to coordinated planning and decision making, opportunities for developing a more harmonized approach, and the development of an appeals process that is consistent across agencies and encourages participation in collaborative planning. The agencies’ differences in experience and perspective on appeals and protests will provide useful comparisons for this effort. The Committee recognizes that legislation currently requires the Forest Service to allow project-level appeals after a final decision is made. While changing legislation requires a greater level of effort than that needed to change agency regulations, the appeal requirements need to be analyzed in the context of the new approaches to planning and recommendations for changes made to ensure that a collaborative-planning process can succeed. Predecisional Appeals subject to appeals; they recommended appeals only at the project-decision level. However, the array of interest groups all protested this recommendation, and the result was an appeals process with broad access to nearly all decisions of the Forest Service. In 1989, the Forest Service narrowed the type of decisions that could be appealed and split out certain contract and business decisions into a different appeals process. In 1992, the Forest Service proposed to limit appeals to forest plans only and to replace project appeals with a predecisional notice and public-involvement system. In the fall of 1992, Congress responded. It created a mandatory project-level notice, comment, and appeals process and directed the Forest Service to “establish a notice and comment process for proposed actions of the Forest Service concerning projects and activities implementing Land and Resource Plans” and “to modify procedures for appeal concerning such project.” Appeals can be brought by people who provided comments during the 30-day comment period or who otherwise expressed interest. The Act was not limited as to which decisions were affected, so it applies to mining as well as all other activities. The law made no express provisions for exemptions; however, Forest Service regulations (36 CFR 215) interpreted the act and legislative history as allow- A more specific question is whether the large-landscape decisions should have a predecisional appeals process. For the Forest Service, the appeals process (36 CFR 217) follows the publication of the ROD. The issues raised do not have to have been raised in the planning process. Appeals on Forest Plan approvals and revisions must be filed within 90 days of the decision, and the Forest Service has 160 days to respond to the appeal. However, given the size, complexity, and numbers 138 ing limited exceptions, including actions that are categorically excluded under Forest Service NEPA procedures, such as small timber sales, small wildlife openings in a timber sale, and others. The Act also provides for an automatic “stay” on the project once an appeal is filed, which in some cases can be overridden by an “emergency finding” by the Chief. In these regulations, a decision on the appeal must be rendered by the agency in 45 days. If a formal decision is not issued, a formal response will 5-5. Sustainability in Indian Communities Managed Indian forests can serve as models of sustainability. Reservations are permanent homelands where people live intimately with the environmental and economic consequences of forest management. Indians want their forests for a complex mix of uses: timber harvest, livestock grazing, hunting, plant gathering, firewood, fishing, scenic beauty, and spiritual sanctuary; and they have a compelling need to balance competing interests. They are committed to protecting the resources that are both their heritage and legacy. The Menominee of Wisconsin are sustaining their way of life through managing their forest for the production of timber. Yet the tribe also preserves species diversity within the forest, citing the devastation of elm trees as evidence of the wisdom of species diversification. Continued harvest of timber from their forest is part of the Menominee conception of the good life. The forest has few trees older than the selected rotation age, although that rotation age is much longer than is common in industrial forestry, in order to produce quality timber. Annual allowable cut is determined by observed growth in the previous planning period. The Menominee use fossil-fuel-powered equipment in the forest. They have a lumber mill, which provides employment and revenue, and they manage a major casino and engage in other economic activities. As the population expands, residences are not allowed in the forest; the tribe instead purchases new land for housing. Among the fundamental beliefs of the Menominee is that the current generation is borrowing from its grandchildren; hence an agreed-upon social goal is the maintenance of their forest and its productivity. The Taos Pueblo in New Mexico sustains its culture through reliance on the watershed that contains Blue Lake. The Taos, unlike the Menominee, do not use their forested land to produce timber; wildlife and clean water are much more important to them. Blue Lake is sacred and is kept undeveloped. People can drink directly from the stream. The Pueblo itself sits on both sides of the stream, at the point where the stream leaves the watershed. The traditional homes in the old Pueblo are not powered by electricity; the Taos thus restrict the level of energy subsidy they accept from outside their ecosystem. The two communities differ in the extent to which their lands are connected to the surrounding landscape. The Menominee Reservation is a forest amid dairy farms and cut-over lands; the Taos Pueblo’s land contains most of a single watershed, with boundaries determined by ridges. Both communities have outside economic connections. The non-Indian town of Taos links the Pueblo to Hispanic and Anglo communities, which are potential sources of employment. With their international trade in wood products, the Menominee have global connections as well. Cultural sustainability is the maintenance of a way of life linked to the past; defined by family, community, and spiritual and aesthetic values; and shared by an entire group. Conceptions of a good way of life differ among peoples, as do relationships with the land. Yet for both Menominee and Taos, their place on the land partly defines their identity, which is, in turn, reflected in their care for that place. 139 be given to the appellants on the disposition of judicial review later. On the other hand, be- their appeal. cause the appeals process is postdecisional, The crux of the difference, then, is when appeals have the effect of providing an opportu- the appeals process occurs and how the agency nity for some groups to gain a little more of needs to respond. In the case of the Bureau of what they want after the agreements are Land Management, the agency can respond to reached by the larger public constituency. predecisional protests by acknowledging them Because of this problem of creating privileged and explaining the rationale of its decisions. In access, the Forest Service Chief often sends the case of the Forest Service, the appeals plans back to the particular national forest for process follows the decision of field officers reworking of specific problems raised in the (regional forester for forest plans), and the chief appeal rather than independently negotiating is the reviewing officer (with the assistant with the set of the public that brought the secretary as a discretionary reviewing officer). appeal outside of open, participatory processes. Several important issues arise with the The large-landscape plans will normally Forest Service postdecisional approach. First, involve a wide variety of agencies, governments, because the chief is the reviewing officer, it is organizations, groups, and citizens. Because important for him to maintain independence their purpose is to develop broad conservation and objectivity in reviewing the evidence strategies based upon a set of regional-level presented. For this reason, it appears that the issues, it seems that the ideal approach would chief might be criticized for getting very in- be for the agreements reached in the public- volved in the earlier stages of controversy or to participation processes to stand, except in work closely with regional foresters when they instances where there were omissions based on are writing the ROD or reviewing appeals. As a legal obligations or other actionable reasons. result the “the agency works against itself” by Thus, the predecisional appeals process, isolating the decision makers from one an- wherein minority views could be expressed to other, just at the time that some internal the decision makers before the decision, would discussion might be useful. provide this incentive to stay at the table and Second, the USDA postdecisional appeals work out differences substantively rather than process can inhibit multiagency collaboration. watching for procedural errors that could be Bureau of Land Management appeals are the basis of a lawsuit later. predecisional. For both the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Fish and Wildlife, there is no administrative appeals process, so controversial issues are elevated to the Washington level fairly quickly. The Forest Service Chief is the reviewing officer when the body of evidence is put forward in Forest Service postdecisional appeals. Third, from the standpoint of interest groups, there are mixed and inconsistent incentives for their involvement in planning. On the one hand, they want to be involved in the planning process to influence the outcome. In addition, they must to be involved to show sufficient participation so that the courts would recognize their credibility were they to seek 140 Recommendation The Committee believes that the incentives contained in the proposed collaborativeplanning process are significantly different from those provided by the previous approach to planning. If the Forest Service is committed to a collaborative approach that meaningfully involves those who care about the national forest system lands, then the incentives to appeal planning decisions should be minimized. Our recommendation to the agency is, just like all other aspects of this proposed planning framework, to experiment with its application and to monitor this aspect of its implementation to determine what is accom- Given statutory requirements for appeals plished and what problems occur. If the on projects, this issue is not easily resolved appeals process proves problematic, influenc- through internal administrative changes. The ing parties to disregard their agreements or to idea of treating small-landscape planning as leave the table before agreements are reached, more of an assessment may provide an interim then the agency might evaluate the benefits of approach in this evolutionary process, but is shifting to a predecisional process similar to likely to be inadequate in that it may create that used by the BLM. “pseudodecisions” that are not sufficiently vetted through the NEPA process. In addition Postdecisional Appeals to the difficulties of developing multiproject EAs, there is an added problem when this level of planning is treated as an ongoing process of adaptive management based on monitoring and external review. A parallel question is how small-landscape planning can best address the requirements for project-level, postdecisional appeals. The idea of small-landscape plans, with integrated sets of projects and activities implementing the strategic direction from the largelandscape plans, may be the most difficult to achieve in the near term. Current statutory requirements for postdecisional project-level appeals increase the level of information, analysis, and evidence necessary for making individual project decisions sufficient to withstand a legal challenge. As a result, combining projects into multiproject environmental assessments (EAs) or EISs increases Recommendation Addressing the issue of project-level appeals in a multiproject, integrated-planning process should be an important priority as the new planning process is developed in regulations and evolves in practice. The ideal of an integrated small-landscape planning based on adaptive-management practices will, no doubt, take some time to be fully realized, but its evolution will be greatly enhanced as planning, decision, and appeals processes are harmonized across agencies. the information and analysis demands so they quickly become infeasible. 5D. Global Commitments Regarding Sustainability The Santiago Agreement for the Conserva- international reference for policymakers in the tion and Sustainable Management of Temper- formulation of national policies and a basis for ate and Boreal Forests, signed on Feb. 3, 1995, international cooperation aimed at supporting is an important step forward in conserving sustainable forest management.” forest resources. The criteria and indicators, as The Santiago agreement includes criteria stated in the Declaration, “provide a common and indicators for conservation and sustain- framework for describing, assessing, and able management of temperate and boreal evaluating a country’s progress toward forests. Seven criteria were developed: sustainability at the national level. They are not intended to assess directly sustainability at the forest management unit level. As such, the criteria and indicators should help provide an 1) Conservation of biological diversity 2) Maintenance of productive capacity of forest ecosystems 141 5-6. Working Towards Economic and Social Sustainability in the Eastern Sierra A 300-mile-long region along California’s eastern boundary, the Eastern Sierra, includes a diversity of landscapes and contains both the highest and lowest points in the continental United States. Recreational opportunities abound, from Mammoth Mountain ski area to the Ansel Adams Wilderness. Public and private landownership patterns overlap in the region, and its economy is inextricably tied to the natural-resource base. In 1991, Bill Bramlette, then District Ranger for the Inyo National Forest’s Mono Lake Ranger District, and Nancy Upham, then Manager of the Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area, recognized the region’s dependence on the national forests for its tourism-based economy, but also noted the increasing overuse of some areas, which was threatening the ecological base. They were concerned that no mechanism existed for addressing the region’s ecological and economic needs. Bramlette and Upham began working with representatives of the chambers of commerce of Bishop and Mono counties, Mammoth Tourist Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and California Department of Fish and Game to organize a public workshop on recreation in the Eastern Sierra. Approximately 200 people attended the initial two-day public workshop, including representatives from public agencies, chambers of commerce, private businesses, and environmental organizations. This meeting spawned the formation of a group called the Coalition for Unified Recreation in the Eastern Sierra (CURES). During the ensuing six months, newly formed task groups met monthly to discuss and develop strategies for a range of issues, from resource-planning to marketing and education. Each task group had at least one representative from each of the following interest groups: private recreation providers, local businesses, chambers of commerce, elected officials, public agencies, and environmentalists. By spring 1992, the coalition had evolved a formal structure and mission. According to their mission statement, “CURES is dedicated to preserving the Eastern Sierra’s natural, cultural, and economic resources and enriching the experiences of visitors and residents.” In mid-1992, CURES began to develop a vision statement describing what recreation in the Eastern Sierra should look like in the year 2010. Upham, who facilitated these meetings, sought common ground. She asserted that the region’s carrying capacity should not be exceeded, and the group concurred; in their words, “a sustainable economy requires a sustainable environment.” They discussed ways to market and manage the area’s recreation potential, as well as ways to reduce use of areas that were already exceeding their carrying capacity for recreation. The CURES effort has had its share of tension and conflict. The group has helped address conflicts by creating a special “Balancing Task Force,” charged with looking at the broad economic and environmental issues facing the Eastern Sierra. Upham noted that the task force sponsors forums to “get people together to learn about issues and be able to discuss 142 them in a noncombative way.” One environmental member of CURES commented that opposing interests used to “fight it out through the newspaper,” but they now speak directly to each another instead. In this way, the relationships among all groups in the larger community have been strengthened, and the capacity for problem solving finally exists. CURES has remained successful and intact as it has moved into its implementation phase. The group has created an interpretive guide for visitor centers in the region and published a trilingual activities map. In addition, CURES sponsored three educational seminars for local businesses, attended by more than 200 people. The State Division of Tourism awarded CURES its annual “Good Host” award for sponsoring the seminars. CURES also conducted a marketing conversion study and has received a $1.5 million federal grant to develop a scenic byway project in the Eastern Sierra, which will include 28 stops. CURES also installed an interactive computer system at a popular visitor kiosk in Inyo County. The CURES process has now become an institution of sorts in the Eastern Sierra, allowing this region to effectively link resources, knowledge, and energies in pursuing a shared goal of ecological and economic sustainability. CURES is succeeding because of the initiative and commitment of two Forest Service employees. They provided the critical initial forum in which public dialogue could begin and a common vision could be crafted. The process that evolved from their efforts has taken on a life of its own and has broad participation of all interests across the region. It has been instrumental in building understanding of the role of the national forests in this region’s economy and has provided a structure within which problems are solved, plans are developed, and an ecologically sound and economically sustainable future is pursued. 3) Maintenance of forest ecosystem forest-dependent species and (2) the status health and vitality (rare, threatened, endangered, or extinct) of 4) Conservation and maintenance of soil and water resources 5) Maintenance of forest contribution to global carbon cycles 6) Maintenance and enhancement of forest-dependent species at risk of not maintaining viable breeding populations, as determined by scientific assessment or dictated by legislation. We have a number of observations about the criteria and indicators: long-term multiple socioeconomic 1) The criteria and indicators are benefits to meet the needs of society explicitly established with national and 7) Legal, institutional, and economic international perspectives. The decen- framework for forest conservation and nial assessment called for by the Forest sustainable management. and Rangeland Renewable Resources A number of indicators are listed under Planning Act of 1974 would be the each criterion. For example, the first criterion logical vehicle for aggregating and (conservation of biological diversity) is subdi- reporting the state of the lands of the vided into ecosystem diversity, species diver- United States relative to the criteria sity, and genetic diversity; two criteria are and indicators, and the regional listed under species diversity: (1) the number of assessments recommended in this 143 report could assist in gathering the forest ecosystems” does not appear to needed data. include the amount of dead trees for 2) In addition, the criteria and indicators wildlife habitat as an indicator. could provide a set of considerations for Undoubtedly, these indicators will be examining regional conditions, as well. improved through time. Indeed, as countries become proficient 2) They are generally nonspatial and at developing and measuring indicators seem to lack a landscape view. They related to these criteria, it is critical that focus on measuring acres in certain indicators are chosen that monitor condition without the aggregation progress at different geographic scales. needed for judgments about areas. The Otherwise, it would be difficult to relate lack of integrative concepts on the use progress at the watershed or community of the indicators may make it difficult level to achievement of national bench- to use them to make overall judgments. marks and goals. 3) They could consume much of the While acknowledging their potential agency’s resources for inventorying usefulness, the Committee has a number of and monitoring, leaving little to other qualifications about the use of these indicators important measures of sustainability. for gauging sustainability on the National Clearly, working to link the kinds of Forest System lands: monitoring activities on the national forests and 1) They may not be sufficient, by grasslands with the indicators of national-level themselves, to gauge ecological sustainability for these important public lands sustainability. As an example, the will be a challenge in the coming decades. “maintenance of productive capacity of 5E. Summary Bringing scientific credibility to the tion of commitment and trust. These proposi- management plans and activities of the Forest tions are not abstract symbols; there are many Service is essential for a collaborative-planning successful examples around the country both process to work. Trust can be built through within the Forest Service and involving other mutual understanding and agreement on basic highly contentious natural-resource-policy information. Understanding the role of the issues involving other federal and state agen- public in collaborative planning is much more cies. The experience is there to address the than simply providing “issues” of concern and issues outlined in this chapter; the challenge is “comments” on options and should lead to a to do so with enthusiasm. richer base of information as well as a founda- 144