NEDO/OITDA National Project on Photonic Network Technologies -Development of an Optical Label Switching Node Prototype Yoshiaki Nakano Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) University of Tokyo International Workshop on the Future of Optical Networking Sunday 25th March 2007 Acknowledgement NEDO, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ) Optoelectronics Industry and Technology Development Association, OITDA KDDI R&D Labs Fujitsu Limited Mitsubishi Electric Co. Hitachi Ltd. Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. Asahi Glass Co. Ltd NEC Hitachi Cable Ltd. Project Overview Photonic transparent networking Advantages: -Large capacity over Tbps -Compactness and economy by eliminating port-by-port OEO -Low power consumption by payload cut-through -Scalability and flexibility by bit-rate/modulation-format transparency Purpose of the project -To develop key devices and components for realizing the photonic transparent network -To construct a node prototype based on the developed devices and to do system demonstration More Specifically… Development of a switching node subsystem featuring: -Finer granularity switching by a microsecond class fast optical matrix switch -Autonomous decentralized routing by optical labels -Highly intelligent and flexible processing of the optical label by a high-speed electronic processor -Bit rate and format free payload cut-through -Contention resolution by wavelength conversion and deflection routing -Low power and low CAPEX due to wavelength converter sharing So as to provide most feasible photonic switching solutions at the moment Optical Burst/Packet Switching Label (address) Edge Node Data Data aggregation Core Node Core Node Low bit rate label Electronic processor Control Data Label Data All-optical switch Optical label controls switching path Payload is cut-through the core nodes without OEO High-speed (~µs) reconfiguration Only optical label is read electronically low power consumption bit-rate, format independent payload high network efficiency Architecture of the Proposed Node 6. Label Processor 3. WDM MUX/DEMUX Arrayed Electronic label processor (FPGA) 1. Optical Switch Amp Source AWG EDFA Destination Source Destination 5. Arrayed Amplifiers 2. Wavelength Conv. Wavelength converter 8x8 Optical Switch Optical label Optical data Electrical control signal Tunable laser 4. Tunable Laser Components are ready to be assembled into OBS node prototype Outline The NEDO Photonic Network Project Optical matrix switch Wavelength converter Tunable wavelength laser Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) Er-doped waveguide amplifier (EDWA) Research of photonic subsystems Switch subsystem Label processor Optical burst switching (OBS) node prototype Optical Switch Switching principle and structure suitable for OBS Fast EO-effect Good scalability PLZT: (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 Prototype 8x8 switch OUTPUT 120mm Prototype switch unit PLZT beam deflectors prism-shaped electrode EO waveguide Light beam lower electrode When voltage is applied, ref. index changes due to EO-effect in a prism shape, allowing deflection to off-axis angles 8x8 matrix switch A. Sugama et al, OFC2007, Paper OWV2 Wavelength Converter (1) LSOA=2.4mm, w=0.6µm ■InP-based MZI-SOA WC chip ■ Dual 40Gb/s WC unit ■Pig-tailed module Full C-band operation bandwidth, with low polarization dependence realized in bulk InGaAsP core, monolithic integrated MZI-SOA wavelength converter MZI-SOA: Mach Zehnder interferometer semiconductor optical amplifier Wavelength Converter (2) phase adjust λprobe =1535-1565nm SOA SOA λprobe (40G-NRZ) λsignal =1547nm (a) λprobe =1535nm (b) λprobe =1550nm 5ps/div. (c) λprobe =1565nm λsignal=1547nm Fast Tunable Laser Diode (1) 0.5mm 2.5mm Tunable laser array IGAIN MMI coupler Booster SOA ISOA ITUNE Laser output 波長可変特性 tunability Short gain section(~35µm) Wavelengthamplification Active DBR gratings ground electrode InP substrate T. Kurobe et al., OFC’07 paper OMS5 Fast Tunable Laser Diode (2) ch1 ch3 ch5 ch7 波長(nm) (nm) Lasing Wavelength 1570 1560 ch2 ch4 ch6 ch8 DBR laser chip isolator PD 1550 1540 32nm 1530 1520 0 20 40 60 80 DBRDBR電流(mA) Current (mA) 100 PD lens triple beam FP etalon collimator splitter TLD module with wavelength locker Innovative packaging enabled use of standard sized encasing with high-precision wavelength locker Dual TLD unit with drivers Compact, Low Loss, Athermal AWG (1) Typical temp controlled AWG Athermal AWG 200~80cm3 70~40cm3 inner packaging resin fixing heater for temp. control Target (size: <1/10) Size:3.9cm3 21mm Compact athermal AWG module 41.6mm Target: size :<1/10 (below 8cm3) loss:<4dB crosstalk:<-30dB Compact, Low Loss, Athermal AWG (2) Characteristics Loss [dB] 20 0℃ 25℃ 65℃ 15 80mm 25 130mm 10 Center wavelength shift: < 0.03 nm/0-65oC 5 0 1541.5 1542.5 1543.5 Athermal, flat-top AWG (200GHz spacing) 1544.5 Wavelength [nm] Temperature dependence Low loss, low temp. dependence simultaneously realized by optimizing resin trenches Flat-top type athermal AWG also developed Optical Amplifier (EDWA) Array (1) Bismuthate host glass based erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers (Bi-EDWA) •Bismuthate thin film fabricated by sputtering, waveguide array by photolithography and dry-etching •Spiral waveguide layout for chip-area saving with long waveguide for sufficient gain 15mm 1cm 1cm 11mm 15mm 8-ch Bi-EDW Photograph of EDW chip under pumping 8-ch WDM couplers 8chfiber arrays M. Ono et al.,OFC2006, Anaheim, p. OTuD3. Optical Amplifier (EDWA) Array (2) EDWA 10dB 10dB Signal IN Pump LD1 APC Signal OUT Signal MON Pump LD2 AGC Automatic high speed gain control circuit Burst-mode operation needs auto-gain control (AGC) AGC using feedback control of backward pump was realized for all 8ch. Optical Labeling Scheme Optical label is read by O-E conversion and simple signal processing Label is generated with same transmitter as payload by bit-serial subcarrier BPSK format Label supports bit inversion due to wavelength conversion by NRZI coding Immediate reservation, explicit release for each optical burst 16bit 16bit preamble "1" "0" Subcarrier BPSK 1 1 or 0 0 "0" 1 0 or 0 1 "1" DA SA test ctrl delimiter CRC logical inversion NRZI coding setup label release label 10~40Gbps payload variable length Optical burst format Optical Label Processor CHCH-1 CHCH-2 CHCH-3 CHCH-4 CHCH-5 CHCH-6 CHCH-7 CHCH-8 RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX AMP RX PD TX SERDES SERDES Sw I/F スイッチ制御I/F FPGAFPGA-A BUFFER 1 TLS制御I/F TLS I/F SERDES SERDES FPGAFPGA-A BUFFER 2 FPGAFPGA-B SERDES SERDES SERDES SERDES モニタ(デバック) Mon I/F I/F FPGAFPGA-A INT CLOCK 外部CLOCK入力 Ref Clk 3 CLOCK出力 Clk out FPGAFPGA-A 4 SH4 CPU 100Mイーサネット 100M Eth. Edge node AMP Hardware implementation of label generation/ recognition using FPGA Core router Payload 10Gbps NRZ 8ch per system interface for switch and TLD wavelength control FPGA: field programmable gate array Optical Switching Subsystem Prototype EDFAx3 AWGx3 Label tester EDFAx3 AWGx3 Label processor LNx6 AWGx3 EDFAx3 EDWAx8 PLZT Switch LD source (ILX) Clock Rec. DCA (Agilent) APD+ Oscillo. (Tektronix) Power supply For switch Pol Controlx8 FDLx8 EDWAx8 Wavelength Converterx2 TLSx2 EDFAx3 Edge node and core node each is constructed within a rack, with less than 2kW power consumption 3day stable operation during exhibition (InterOpto’06, ECOC’06) Live Exhibition of OBS InterOpto 2006 (July 11-14, 2006, Makuhari) ECOC 2006 (Sep 25-28, 2006, Cannes) Live exhibition of OBS at the OFC ’07 (March 27-29) Booth #1261 OITDA (close to poster session area and coffee station) Contention Resolution Experiment in Optical Switching Subsystem Burst Gen. Label Processor 100µs/div Label Analyzer Input 1(λ1) λ1 LN 1 1 1’ 3 λ1 LN 2 2 2’ 4 3 3’ 4 AWG EDWA 4’ 4x4 PLZT Switch λ2 λ3 5 Output1(λ1) 6 Output2(λ1) λ Output4(λ2) conv TLS Destination = 1’ Output4(λ3) Destination = 2’ 80 µs 200 µs Input time 1 2 Output 3 4 5 6 11’ 22’ 11’ 22’ time 12’ 11’ 21’ 21’ 22’ conv. conv. 21’ Input 2(λ1) 12’ 21’ 12’ 12’ 11’ 22’ 10Gbps burst payload waveform Dynamic switching, burst-by-burst wavelength conversion are among the basic functions that were demonstrated in the prototype node using a 4x4 PLZT switch. Bit Error Rate Measurement for Mixed Bitrate Contention Resolution 40Gbps -4 -4 Bit Error Ratio (BER) -5 -5 10Gbps -6 -6 -7 -7 -8 -8 -9 -9 -4 9.95Gbps -5 PRBS7 1552.5 -6 1554.1nm Bit Error Ratio (BER) PRBS (27-1) continuous bit-stream Back-to-Back Back-to-Back 39.81Gbps SW+λ.Conv SW+λ.Conv PRBS7 SW+λ.Conv+SW SW+λ.Conv+SW 1552.5 1554.1nm -7 -8 -9 -10 -10 -10 -4 Back-to-Back Back-to-Back 20ps/div -11 -11 SW+λ.Conv -11 SW+λ.Conv -5 -5 SW+λ.Conv+SW SW+λ.Conv+SW Eye after switching, -12 -12 -12 -6 -6 wavelength (λ)conversion, -36 -29 -26 -34 -23-32 -20 -17 -30 -29 -26 -23 -20 -17 switching again -7 -7 Received Power [dBm] Error-free-8performance is achieved for both switching and contention -8 -9 Error Ratio (BER) -4 resolution, -9 <4.8dBm , for 10Gbps: <1dBm Penalty for 40Gbps: Multi-hop Loop Experiment DFB 1547.7nm LN Mod DFB 1549.3nm LN Mod DFB 1550.9nm DCF AOSW2 AOSW1 DGE 50km SMF 50:50 LN Mod Label Proc. OSA Label Rx DCA AOSW3 BPF Clock Rec. Func. Gen. 5km SMF AGCEDWA 4x4 PLZT Matrix Switch 4x4 PLZT matrix switch and flat-top AWGs with 200GHz spacing 50km SMF link with hop by hop dispersion compensation Gated receiver at receiver Port 2-port2’ switched ON/OFF inside the loop to see dynamic behavior of the setup Label Processing Errors after Multiple Hops (Label error ratio) (No of received labels) - (Label errors) (No of sent labels) Lap0 Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Lap4 Lap5 Lap6 Lap7 Lap8 Lap9 Lap10 Lap14 Error-free label processing was verified for at least 13hopes Power transients are a limiting factor for cascading Wavelength conversion reduce noise levels and enable up to 13 hops switching at 10Gb/s with wavelength conversion. Multihop Switching with Wavelength Conversion 50km SMF + DCF Lap0 Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Lap4 Lap5 Lap6 Lap7 Lap8 Lap9 Lap10 Lap14 node 10Gbps TX A W G 0.8nm OBPF 10Gbps Rx 200GHz spacing Wavelength conversion reduce noise levels and enable up to 13 hops switching with wavelength conversion. Further cascading may need retiming, due to accumulated jitter Optical Burst Switching of Application Data 40Gbit/s edge node 40Gbit/s payload with optical label 40Gbit/s Optical label 10GbE 40Gbit/s payload PC2 LAN-Sw1 LAN-Sw2 Edge1 Edge2 PC1 PC1 Edge1 OBS Core Edge2 PC2 Microsoft Netmeeting video conference across OBS node prototype optical burst with 40Gbit/s payload carrying clients data demonstrated Summary Advanced devices developed in the NEDO-funded Photonic Network Project have been introduced PLZT matrix switch based on beam-deflection Inherently bit-rate transparent, µs switching speed MZI-SOA monolithic integrated wavelength converter Supports up to 40Gbps Fast tunable LD based on active short-cavity DBR array Full C-band continuous tuning Compact, athermal AWG <0.03nm passband shift for 0-65℃ Compact 8ch EDWA array with AGC for bursty signals Large gain (>19dB) over C-band An OLS router prototype based on the developed components Successfully demonstrated optical label based switching, contention resolution, bit-rate transparency, cascadibility etc.