LASOR: Label Switched Optical Router International Workshop on the Future of Optical Networking March 5, 2006 Daniel J. Blumenthal Optical Communications and Photonic Networks Group Dept. of ECE University of California, Santa Barbara LASOR research supported under DARPA/MTO DoD-N Program Award Number W911NF-04-9-0001 Technical Contributors Calient Networks R. Helkey, O. Jerphagnon, S. Yuan Cisco Systems D. Civello, P. Donner, G. Epps JDS Uniphase D. Al-Salameh, C. Coldren, G. Fish , A. Turukhin Stanford University N. Beheshti, Y. Ganjali, A. Goel, N. McKeown, T. Roughgarden UCSB J. Barton, S. Bjorlin, D. J. Blumenthal, J. E. Bowers, E. Burmeister, J. Chen, M. Chun, L. A. Coldren, W. Donat, M. Davanco, R. Doshi, M. Dummer, E. Hu, Z. Hu, L. Johansson, B. Koch, V. Lal, J. Mack, M. Masanovic, H. Park, H. Poulsen, R. Rajaduray, S. Rangarajan, J. Summers, A. Tauke-Pedretti, D. Wolfson, W. Zhao 2 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Project Overview Project Start Date: 4/8/04 Project Duration: 4 Years Funding Agency: DARPA/MTO Program: DoD-N Program Manager: Dr. J. Shah Technical Team ERP ORAM 32/64 40G Inputs Today’s Technology 32/64 40G Outputs Line WC/ Regen WDM Fiber Transmission System 1.28/2.56 Tbps ODR Linecard 40G Packet Add/Drop Optical Router Node (ORN) Electrical Router (ER) D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 1.28/2.56 Tbps ODR Linecard 1.28/2.56 Tbps ODR Linecard 40G WDM Line Add/Drop Reconfigurable Optical Backplane (ROB) 3 OH Read > 100 Tbps Nodes Collaborators USC (Willner) Telcordia Optical Packet Forwarding Engine Mux/DeMux UCSB Calient Networks Cisco Systems JDS Uniphase Stanford University 2.56/5.12 Tbps Linecard Router Architectures Virtual Output Queue (Input Buffering) FIFO (Single Input Queue) FIFO FIFO FIFO VOQ Crossbar Switch •Simple Memory •Simple Scheduler •Performance limited by head of line blocking (HOB) VOQ Crossbar Switch VOQ VOQ FIFO •More complex memory than FIFO (one queue per output port for every input port) •More Complex Scheduler than FIFO • Performance not limited by HOB Scheduler Scheduler Distributed/Multistage Linecard Scheduler Scheduler Linecard Scheduler Linecard Linecard Linecard Linecard Linecard Linecard Scheduler Scheduler 4 Linecard Scheduler Scheduler Scheduler D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Scheduler •Scales to very large number of ports Integrated Technologies Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect 5 Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Electronic Routing Processor D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G TWC Array Optical Packet Structure Optical Packet Optical Header (10Gbps NRZ) Optical Payload (40Gbps RZ) Payload (IP Packet) Guard Bands 6 Idlers Guard Band D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland [Optional] Inter-packet gap Optically Buffered ODR Input A Time Domain Local Reference Clock Output A Time Domain Memory Write Delay Set Input A PED ORAM Synchronizer Buffer Size Delay Set Input B PED Synchronizer Buffer Size Memory Read Memory Write ORAM Memory Read Input B Time Domain 7 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Output A Optical Packet Forwarding Output B Simulation Environment: TCP over Input-Queued Switch N. Beheshti, R. Rajaduray, N. McKeown Flow 1 TCP Sources 1 Port 1 Group1 8 Flow N 1 Port 32 Scheduler Pre-existing: 8 ns2: Accurate discrete-event simulator for TCP networks SIM: Accurate slotted-time simulator for switches/routers New simulation environment Ns2 with accurate switch/router simulator Many TCP flows per input port multiplexed upstream. Four Virtual Output Queues (VOQ) per input port 8 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Group4 Small Buffer Simulation Results 32x32 CIOQ switch, 10Gb/s per port, GiSLIP scheduler, Speedup = 2, very small buffers 120 flows per input port IQ: 5 packets per VOQ IQ: 10 packets per VOQ OQ: 200 packets per output 120 flows per input port OQ: 200 packets per output 9 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Optical Header Recovery and Payload Envelope Detect Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW Array 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect Electronic Routing Processor 40G TWC Array Burst Mode OL Recovery and PED Fast locking (<20 bits @ 10Gbps) Maintains clock for 384 bits after the end of packet Low jitter payload envelope accurate to within 64ns Optical Header Read/PED OH Burst Mode CDR Input: 10G optically labeled 40G packet OH Erase TWEAM MMIC Amplifier TIA 10G PD 16ns 8ns 32ns 16ns 8ns Recovered Label B. Koch, Z. Hu, UCSB Input: 40G Packets Output: PED 11 OH CDR D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland H. Poulsen, UCSB 40Gbps Wavelength Converter Technology Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect 12 Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW Array 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Electronic Routing Processor D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G TWC Array 40Gbps Monolithic Widely-Tunable Differential Wavelength Converters Gen. 1 : External Delay V. Lal, M. L. Mašanović, J. A. Summers, L. A. Coldren, and D. J. Blumenthal, "40Gbps Operation of an Offset Quantum Well Active Region Based Widely Tunable All-Optical Wavelength Converter,“Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, 2005. Chip Area = 2.5mm2 Gen. 2 : Integrated Input Differential Delay J. A. Summers, V. Lal, M. L. Mašanović, L. A. Coldren, and D. J. Blumenthal, "Widely-Tunable AllOptical Wavelength Converter Monolithically Integrated with a Total Internal Reflection Corner Mirror Delay Line for 40Gbps RZ Operation," Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA '05), Paper IMC5, San Diego, California, April 11-13, 2005. Chip Area = 3.8mm2 Gen. 3 : Compact Integrated Balanced Delay V. Lal, J. A. Summers, M. L. Masanovic, L. A. Coldren, and D. J. Blumenthal, “Novel Compact InP-based Monolithic Widely Tunable Differential Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Wavelength Converter for 40Gbps Operation,” Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Opto-I (IPRM '05), Glasgow, Scotland, May 8-12. Chip Area = 2.4mm2 13 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Differential MZI-SOA based Wavelength Conversion at 40Gbps Differential operation used to overcome slow gain recovery lifetimes Input Pulse 2 1 2 Switching window 1 CW signal power at MZI output Δt V. Lal, M. L. Masanovic, J. A. Summers, L. A. Coldren, and D. J. Blumenthal, "40Gbps Operation of an Offset Quantum Well Active Region Based Widely-Tunable All-Optical Wavelength Converter," presented at Optical Fiber Communication Conference,OFC 2005, Anaheim, CA. 14 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G Tunable Wavelength Converters with Integrated Delay World’s First Monolithic Integrated 40G Tunable All-Optical WC On-chip delay lines using TIR mirrors for RZ operation Optical preamplifiers Optical power splitters and combiners Mach-Zehnder interferometer optical wavelength converter Tunable laser Laser booster optical amplifier PRBS 27-1 1553 in 1541 out 1553 in 1541 out Input SOAs 0.8mm λin SG-DBR Laser Booster SOA Power Penalty 5dB λout MZI SOAs MZI Phase 2.9mm λin Input SOA Booster SOAs 0.6mm SG-DBR Laser 15 6.3mm D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland MZI SOAs MZI Phase λout Packet Forwarding Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect 16 Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW Array 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Electronic Routing Processor D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G TWC Array PFC Chip and Module Chip Area = 5.25 mm2 ~10 ps Delay Line Signal Power Control SOAs XPM SOA ’s 0.75 mm 7 mm Pump Power Control SOA Signal Splitter Fast Tunable Laser Pump/Signal Combiners MZ Phase Label Write Phase Shifter “Monolithic Widely Tunable Optical Packet Forwarding Chip in InP for All-Optical Label Switching with 40 Gbps Payloads and 10 Gbps Labels,” V. Lal, M. Mašanović, D. Wolfson, G. Fish, C. Coldren, and D. J. Blumenthal, Accepted for presentation as Postdeadline Paper, ECOC 2005 Glasgow, Scotland. 17 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland PFC Packet λ-Conversion and OH Re-Write Dual SGDBR Signal Booster SOAs 10ps Delay using deep-etched waveguide Label Rewrite EAM Input Signal Blanking EAM SGDBR Tunable Flared Input Pre-amp Laser SOAs 1mm MZI SOAs 10G Optical Header Re-Write Variable Length Packets and Dynamic Forwarding + 100ns Guard Band New 10G OL WC 300ns 40G Output λ1 iMix 7:4:1 -> 40B:570B:1500B B D F H J Input A B CD E F GH I J New 10G OL WC 114ns 40G Output λ2 A C E G I 1500B 40B 100ns Guard Band 570B 18 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland New 10G OL WC 8ns 40G Buffers Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect 19 Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW Array 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Electronic Routing Processor D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G TWC Array Optical Buffer (ORAM) Recirculating buffers for on-chip, integrated optical packet buffer with dynamic control of storage time and random read. SOA gate matrix 2x2 switches have been fabricated on the same material platform as all other program-wide InP devices. Prototypes meet all specifications including high extinction ratios, fast switching, and error-free operation at 40Gb/s. 20 E. Burmeister D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Lookup and Forwarding Basic Optical Data Router (ODR) OLR/E PED Optical Label Recovery/ Payload Envelope Detect 21 Sync/ ORAM 40G FTWC/ OLE/ OLW Array 32 x 32 (64 x 64) AWGR Electronic Routing Processor D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 40G TWC Array Electronic Control OLR/PED OH CDR OH Erase Input A PF Board Output A • Label Blanker • PFC Module Input A • PED • OH CDR PFC Module Input B • PED • OH CDR Output B • Label Blanker • PFC Module Input B 22 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 2x2 Optical Data Router (ODR) Demo D. Wolfson, V. Lal, M. Masanovic, H. N. Poulsen, C. Coldren, G. Epps, D. Civello, P. Donner, and D. J. Blumenthal, “All-optical asynchronous variable-length optically labeled packet switch operating at 40Gbps,” Accepted for presentation as Postdeadline Paper, ECOC 2005 Glasgow, Scotland. 23 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Layer- 1 and Layer-2 Packet Error Measurements PRBS: Bit Error Rate Minimum Measurable Packet Size PRBS Sequence Length Error Detection Window PRBS Transmitter PRBS Transmitter PRBS Data Synchronization ~ 512 bits User Defined Packets: Packet Throughput or Loss Minimum Measurable Packet User Defined Packet Streams† Size Data Compare Received Packets to Transmitted Packets Data Transmitter Data Receiver PRBS Data Synchronization ~ 16 bits † Can be deterministic or user generated PRBS 24 To measure 10-9, must collect 1010 to 1011 PRBS data bits and analyze over all PRBS measured in detection windows D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Packets received compared to packets transmitted to measure % throughput 2x2 ODR Functional Diagram Input A OHD/PED Δoptical OH Erase Packet Forwarding/ OH Write Output A •Analog Electrical •10G NRZ Optical Header •40G Payload Envelope • New OH • Digital Payload Envelope • λ-select • 10G Header Clock •OH Blanking Burst Mode 10G CDR • 10G Header Data •Analog Electrical •10G NRZ Optical Header •40G Payload Envelope OHD/PED Input B 25 Δoptical OH Erase I2 O2 I3 O3 I5 • New OH • Digital Payload Envelope • λ-select • 10G Header Clock •OH Blanking Burst Mode 10G CDR O1 I4 ERP • 10G Header Data I1 Packet Forwarding/ OH Write D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland AWGR O4 O5 I6 O6 I7 O7 I8 O8 Output B Layer-2/3 Header & PED Recovery Header & PED Recovery 160 Detected (%) 140 Noise interpreted as PED signals Headers PEDs 120 100% 100 80 -12 dBm < Pin < -3.5 dBm 60 40 20 -24 Forwarding and Label Re-Write -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 Re-Written 10G Labels Switched 40G Packets Optical input power (dBm) 1500B 26 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 570B 40B Layer-2/3 Results: Payload Throughput Output A (λ1) Input iMix = 7:4:1 A B CD E F GH I B D Output λ1 570B J C E G I Input A 1500B Output B (λ2) Payload Throughput (%) 40B H J A 95ns Guard Band F 120 1550.12 nm (w/o switching) 1533.76 nm 1539.28 nm 100 Due to Tx/Rx bit errors 80 60 ~1 dB 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Optical input power (dBm) 27 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland 7 Ongoing Challenges Asynchronous, variable length packet optical routing DC balancing (both electrical and optical domain) Higher density photonic integration + electronics 40G cascadability (node and link) Fast wavelength switching Optical packet buffer integration Buffered ODR operation Reduced guard bands New techniques are being explored to move functionality into the integrated photonic domain. 28 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland Summary Reviewed the DARPA DoD-N LASOR Project Described the ODR and linecard architecture Progress on integrated technologies Full packet forwarding function on a chip Optical header recovery and payload envelope detect on chip Fast tunable 40Gbps wavelength converters Demonstration of a 2x2 optical data router that handles asychronous, variable length optically labeled packets Asynchronous burst mode control and lookup electronics Progress on optical packet buffers (ORAM) and synchronizers 29 D. J. Blumenthal, ECOC 2005, Sept. 26-30, Glasgow, Scotland