TO: RECORDER: Kitrina Carlson Dan Dunbar* Robert Fraher Urs Haltinner Jane Henderson* Joshua Laskowski* Mitchell Ogden* Jill Paetzold* David Plum* Doug Wahl Todd Zimmerman Guests: Ed Jakober* Mike King* Nick Dangeur* Mary Hopkins‐Best* Millie Kotulek * indicates present Introductions and Announcements – Jane Henderson o New EITC members are Jill Paetzold (Business) and David Plum (Operations & Management). o The UW System 2014 Faculty Survey on Online Teaching, Learning & Support was taken by ninety UW‐Stout faculty. The survey asked for input regarding the UW learning management system, as well as components of online learning. Survey results will be used to inform suggestions for the UW‐Stout Strategic Plan. o Updates to the UW‐Stout learning management system (Learn@UW‐Stout) are scheduled for June 2015. Henderson will be contacting deans and the Provost when a date is determined. The scheduling of updates is controlled by the UW System host utility and the Desire2Learn Company, and is subject to change. Henderson asks the EITC to share this information with their colleges regarding the scheduling of June 2015 updates. o The 10.3 upgrade to Learn@UW‐Stout occurred June 4‐5, 2014. The UW‐Stout Learning Technology Services unit provided workshops to faculty on navigating the new Discussions layout. Faculty responded positively to the upgrades once they learned how to use it; however, there were faculty who did not like the layout of the Discussions format. The D2L Company is currently working on creating service‐pack updates to provide choice of view for instructors, of either the grid version or the reader version. The service‐pack updates will be publicized only after testing is completed. o Learning Technology Services utilizes the TPACK and SAMR models in helping instructors understand how learning technology can impact their teaching and learning, and how to incorporate instructional technology. The LTS team includes individuals with expertise in instructional design and learning theory backgrounds. LTS College Consultants provide one‐on‐one and group consultation for faculty. The LTS website contains tutorials for learning technology tools (http://www.uwstout.edu/lit/services/instructional/index.cfm ). Feedback regarding the TPACK and SAMR models is welcomed and can be directed to Jane Henderson. o UW‐Stout has a subscription to Quality Matters (QM), a structure designed to certify the quality of online and blended course design. QM also provides several professional development workshops. Cost for participating in the workshops is to be picked up by each faculty member’s college department. The EITC is asked to share this information with their colleges. Quality Matters link: https://www.qualitymatters.org/ o On January 22, 2015 Learning Technology Services is bringing an online teaching expert, Penny Ralston‐
Berg, to Stout for an all‐day session to speak on improving online teaching, with the focus on effective assessment. Advertising for this and other JPD learning technology events is forthcoming. o A newly formed Student IT Council will have its first meeting on Nov. 5th, with co‐chairs being Jane Henderson and Doug Wahl. o The UW‐System Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) has received a $10K grant to look at accessibility for digital resources. The grant is to impact all the UW campuses. The LTDC welcomes ideas on how to create more awareness for UW instructors regarding the accessibility of online digital resources, as well as how to be more pro‐active than reactive regarding accessibility to those resources. 1
Update on Video for Instruction – Mike King, Ed Jakober o My Media is a video player hosted by UW System and integrated with the Learn@UW‐Stout(D2L) LMS. It was introduced to and piloted on the Stout campus in summer 2014, in response to instructor requests for a location to house and maintain control of their instructional videos. Its official launch will be January, 2015. The launch will include training sessions on features, strategies, tutorials and terms of use. Student video space will be available through D2L and associated exclusively with courses. Student uploaded videos remain on the server for one year only. Instructors who wish to keep their uploaded videos on the server beyond one year must tag on “faculty” to the file name when uploading. Specific information will be shared on the LTS website and at the professional development sessions. o Jakober and King are working on a draft of a MyMedia information sheet for the instructor and student, including user’s rights and responsibilities regarding copyright and ethical purposes.The EITC Council is asked to review these drafts and send their feedback to Henderson regarding this and other ideas for launching, training or uses for the tool. (see attached draft) E‐Stout Program Update – Jane Henderson o A hybrid HP computer is being considered for the 2015 laptop rollout. One of the features for this device is removable touch screen. The Mac PC device does not have a touch screen feature at this time. o UW‐Stout’s current contract expires April 2015. No new contract or RFP will be necessary, as we will be able to purchase the PC devices utilizing our existing WISCA contract. Because Macs are a single source, there is no contract or RFP needed with them. Vanguard will still remain as Stout’s sub‐contractor since they help with the deployment and repair of the PC devices. o The HP scholarships will continue. o Next fall, Windows 8.1 will be installed on the PC devices. o A laptop plus a mobile device (1+1) is not under consideration. The students elected not to go to an iPad because the laptop is of greater value to their education. Information Technology Action Plan 2015‐16 o The EITC is asked to bring forward any ideas regarding academic or emerging instructional technology that should be included in the IT Action Plan for 2015‐16. The Council may ask their college deans, department chairs and colleagues for ideas. Send ideas/needs to Doug Wahl; wahld@uwstout.edu. o Ideas received thus far are 1) Web‐space for student assignments, and 2) server space. Emerging Technology Lab – Nick Dangeur o The ET lab allows instructors to experiment with emerging instructional technologies to increase faculty awareness of existing and future pedagogy techniques. o The EITC will be vetting the requests/ideas for equipment and helping in the evaluation process to make recommendations to the CIO, Doug Wahl. 2