SYLLABUS PLANT GENETICS, Agron527, SPRING 2011 Madan K. Bhattacharyya, G303 Agronomy Hall, 294-2505, For class notes: 1/10 – 1/12 1/14 1/19 - 2/4 Topic I Topic II Topic III Mendel’s work and its criticism Genotype and phenotype Meiosis; physical crossing over and genetic Recombination; and segregation in diploid, polyploids, and in advanced filial generations of diploids 2/7 2/9 - 3/2 3/4- 3/9 Exam 1 Topic IV Topic V 3/11 3/14 - 3/18 3/21 - 3/28 3/30 - 4/20 Midterm Exam Spring Break Topic V Mapping continues Topic VI Plant Reproductions: Male sterility: Classification and molecular basis of male sterility. Self-incompatibilty: Classification; molecular basis of gametophytic and sporophytic self-incompatibility. Evolution of self-incompatibility. 4/22 -4/29 Topic VII Linkage: Linkage detection and estimation Mapping: genetic mapping; molecular markers and molecular mapping and comparative mapping Polyploids, evolution and rapid genomic rearrangements and epigenetic changes following polyploidization. 5/3 Final Exam Tuesday, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Grading System: 10% First Exam; 25% Mid-term exam; 40% Final exam; 15% Class Project; 10% Homework Class Project a. Choice of Topics: Recent advances in molecular marker technologies; next and third generation sequencing; apomixes. b. Deadline for topic selection is January 21 (in class). c. Written part: No page limit (1 ½ spacing, font size 12, Times New Roman) 1. Review a topic of your choice. (8 points) 2. Summarize in two pages 3. Peer reviewing (2 points) d. Deadline for submission of the review with a two-page summary is March 25 (by email). e. Peer review to be completed by April 4. f. Oral presentation: 40 minutes for oral presentation. (5 points) g. Oral presentation will be on April 8 (afternoon 3-5 PM). Office Hour: By appointments in my office (G303). There will be general review sessions before each exam. There can be additional review classes if requested by the students.