Volume 8 (2007), Issue 4, Article 115, 3 pp. A GENERALIZATION OF THE MALIGRANDA - ORLICZ LEMMA RENÉ ERLÍN CASTILLO AND EDUARD TROUSSELOT D EPARTAMENTO DE M ATEMÁTICAS U NIVERSIDAD DE O RIENTE 6101 C UMANÁ , E DO . S UCRE , V ENEZUELA rcastill@math.ohiou.edu eddycharles2007@hotmail.com Received 23 August, 2007; accepted 3 December, 2007 Communicated by S.S. Dragomir A BSTRACT. In their 1987 paper, L. Maligranda and W. Orlicz gave a lemma which supplies a test to check that some function spaces are Banach algebras. In this paper we give a more general version of the Maligranda - Orlicz lemma. Key words and phrases: Banach algebra, Maligranda-Orlicz. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46J10. 1. I NTRODUCTION The following lemma is due to L. Maligranda and W. Orlicz (see [1]). Lemma 1.1. Let (X, k·k) be a Banach space whose elements are bounded functions, which is closed under pointwise multiplication of functions. Let us assume that f · g ∈ X and (1.1) kf gk ≤ kf k∞ · kgk + kf k · kgk∞ for any f, g ∈ X. Then the space X equipped with the norm kf k1 = kf k∞ + kf k is a normed Banach algebra. Also, if X ,→ B[a, b], then the norms k·k1 and k·k are equivalent. Moreover, if kf k∞ ≤ M kf k for f ∈ X, then (X, k·k2 ) is a normed Banach algebra with kf k2 = 2M kf k, f ∈ X and the norms k·k2 and k·k are equivalent. At least one easy example might be enlightening here. Recall that the Lipschitz function space (denoted by Lip[a, b]) equipped with the norm k·kLip[a,b] = |f (a)| + Lip(f ) f ∈ Lip[a, b], f (x)−f (y) where Lip(f ) = supx6=y x−y , is a Banach space, which is closed under the usual pointwise multiplication. 274-07 2 R ENÉ E RLÍN C ASTILLO AND E DUARD T ROUSSELOT Next, we claim that Lip[a, b] is a Banach algebra. To see this , we just need to check (1.1) from Lemma 1.1. Indeed, g(x) − g(y) f g(x) − f g(y) (1.2) ≤ |f (x)| x − y x−y f (x) − f (y) , x 6= y + |g(y)| x−y ≤ kf k∞ Lip(g) + kgk∞ Lip(f ), since kf gkLip[a,b] = |f g(a)| + Lip(f g). By (1.2) we have (1.3) kf gkLip[a,b] ≤ 2|f (a)||g(a)| + kf k∞ Lip(g) + kgk∞ Lip(f ) ≤ kf k∞ |g(a)| + |f (a)| + |f (a)|kgk∞ + kf k∞ Lip(g) + kgk∞ Lip(f ). Thus kf gkLip[a,b] ≤ kf k∞ kgkLip[a,b] + kgk∞ kgkLip[a,b] . On the other hand, since BV [a, b] ,→ B[a, b] it is not hard to see that (1.4) kf k∞ ≤ max{1, b − a}kf kLip[a,b] . Then by (1.3) and (1.4) we can invoke Lemma 1.1 to conclude that Lip[a, b] is a Banach algebra either with the norm k·k1 = k·k∞ + k·kLip[a,b] or k·k2 = 2 max{1, b − a} k·kLip[a,b] which are equivalent to the norm k·kLip[a,b] . 2. M AIN R ESULT Theorem 2.1. Let (X, k·k) be a Banach space whose elements are bounded functions, which is closed under pointwise multiplication of functions. Let us assume that f · g ∈ X such that kf gk ≤ kf k∞ kgk + kf kkgk∞ + Kkf kkgk, K > 0. Then (X, k·k1 ) equipped with the norm kf k1 = kf k∞ + Kkf k, f ∈ X, is a Banach algebra. If X ,→ B[a, b], then k·k1 and k·k are equivalent. Proof. First of all, we need to show that kf gk1 ≤ kf k1 kgk1 for all f, g ∈ X. In fact, kf gk1 = kf gk∞ + Kkf gk ≤ kf k∞ kgk∞ + Kkf k∞ kgk + Kkf kkgk∞ + K 2 kf k·k gk = (kf k∞ + Kkf k)(kgk∞ + Kkgk) = kf k1 kgk1 . This tells us that (X, k·k) is a Banach algebra. It only remains to show that k·k1 and k·k are equivalent norms. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(4) (2007), Art. 115, 3 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ G ENERALIZATION OF THE M ALIGRANDA - O RLICZ L EMMA 3 Indeed, since X ,→ B[a, b], there exists a constant L > 0 such that k·k∞ ≤ L k·k . Thus K k·k ≤ k·k∞ + K k·k = k·k1 ≤ L k·k + K k·k = (L + K) k·k . Hence K k·k ≤ k·k1 ≤ (L + K) k·k . This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. R EFERENCES [1] L. MALIGRANDA AND W. ORLICZ, On some properties of functions of generalized variation, Monastsh Math., 104 (1987), 53–65. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(4) (2007), Art. 115, 3 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/