The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 3 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 50 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ READING 340.1 112,720 100.0 % Goal 2: Apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed 69.0 % 67.9 Goal 3: Make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology 24.3 % 69.1 Literary Reading 58.7 % 69.5 Informational Reading 41.3 % 67.1 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 345.7 113,239 100.0 % Goal 1: Model, identify, and compute with whole numbers through 9,999 38.0 % 64.7 Goal 2: Recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement 12.0 % 61.8 Goal 3: Recognize and use basic geometric properties of two- and three-dimensional figures 14.0 % 70.6 Goal 4: Understand and use data and simple probability concepts 14.0 % 60.4 Goal 5: Recognize, determine, and represent patterns and simple mathematical relationships 22.0 % 64.6 NUMBER OF STUDENTS Taking Form C D ------------19,087 18,817 E ------18,775 F V ------------18,655 18,900 Z ------18,486 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 123 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1a. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 4 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 50 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ READING 346.4 112,605 100.0 % Goal 2: Apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed 66.0 % 70.0 Goal 3: Make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology 29.3 % 66.6 Literary Reading 58.0 % 68.9 Informational Reading 42.0 % 68.3 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 352.2 113,427 100.0 % Goal 1: Read, write, model, and compute with non-negative rational numbers 36.0 % 65.1 Goal 2: Understand and use perimeter and area 12.0 % 65.4 Goal 3: Recognize and use geometric properties and relationships Goal 4: Understand and use graphs, probability, and data analysis 12.0 % 73.2 16.0 % 73.0 Goal 5: Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical relationships 24.0 % 62.9 NUMBER OF STUDENTS Taking Form A ------18,987 U ------18,769 V ------18,692 W ------18,782 Y ------18,756 Z ------18,619 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 124 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1b. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 5 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 50 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ READING 351.4 110,982 100.0 % Goal 2: Apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed 63.7 % 66.7 Goal 3: Make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology 29.0 % 71.8 Literary Reading 58.0 % 69.3 Informational Reading 42.0 % 66.7 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 357.1 111,726 100.0 % Goal 1: Understand and compute with non-negative rational numbers 24.0 % 63.0 Goal 2: Recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement 12.0 % 65.3 Goal 3: Understand and use properties and relationships of plane figures 28.0 % 67.1 Goal 4: Understand and use graphs and data analysis 12.0 % 73.1 Goal 5: Demonstrate an understanding of patterns, relationships, and elementary algebraic representation 24.0 % 68.8 NUMBER OF STUDENTS Taking Form T ------18,647 U ------18,518 V ------18,607 X ------18,392 Y ------18,542 Z ------18,276 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 125 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1c. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 6 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 53 Mean Percent Scale Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ READING 354.3 108,841 100.0 % Goal 2: Explore and analyze information from a variety of sources 19.2 % 64.9 Goal 4: Use critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate print and non-print materials 10.1 % 66.3 Goal 5: Respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes 49.4 % 70.3 Literary Reading 62.3 % 70.1 Informational Reading 37.7 % 66.3 ============================================================================================== (50 Items) MATHEMATICS 357.8 109,461 100.0 % Goal 1: Understand and compute with rational numbers 22.0 % 62.1 Goal 2: Select and use appropriate tools to measure twoand three-dimensional figures 14 .0% 55.4 Goal 3: Understand and use properties and relationships of geometric figures in the coordinate plane 20.0 % 66.8 Goal 4: Understand and determine probabilities 22.0 % 63.8 Goal 5: Demonstrate an understanding of simple algebraic expressions 22.0 % 61.4 NUMBER OF STUDENTS Taking Form B ------18,552 C ------18,239 F ------18,090 G ------18,103 H ------17,993 J ------17,864 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 126 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1d. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 7 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 53 Mean Percent Scale Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ READING 357.4 107,256 100.0 % Goal 2: Synthesize and use information from a variety of sources 20.4 % 72.5 Goal 4: Refine critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate print and non-print materials 13.2 % 69.1 Goal 5: Respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes 47.5 % 70.5 Literary Reading 61.0 % 70.5 Informational Reading 39.0 % 70.9 ============================================================================================== (50 Items) MATHEMATICS 360.7 107,676 100.0 % Goal 1: Understand and compute with rational numbers 20.0 % 61.1 Goal 2: Understand and use measurement involving twoand three-dimensional figures 10.0 % 61.2 Goal 3: Understand and use properties and relationships in geometry 20.0 % 63.0 Goal 4: Understand and use graphs and data analysis 20.0 % 68.6 Goal 5: Demonstrate an understanding of linear relations and fundamental algebraic concepts 30.0 % 61.7 NUMBER OF STUDENTS TAKING FORM A ------18,173 B ------17,882 C ------17,991 W ------17,694 Y ------17,783 Z ------17,733 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 127 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 1e. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Test Grade 8 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 53 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ READING 360.1 105,391 100.0 % Goal 2: Use and evaluate information from a variety or resources 19.2 % 70.0 Goal 4: Refine critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate print and non-print materials 10.1 % 68.6 Goal 5: Respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes 49.4 % 71.8 Literary Reading 58.7 % 70.2 Informational Reading 41.3 % 67.6 ============================================================================================== (60 Items) MATHEMATICS 363.5 105,673 100.0 % Goal 1: Understand and compute with real numbers 15.0 % 71.3 Goal 2: Understand and use measurement concepts 10.0 % 60.3 Goal 3: Understand and use properties and relationships in geometry 15.0 % 56.1 Goal 4: Understand and use graphs and data analysis 25.0 % 68.9 Goal 5: Understand and use linear relations and functions 35.0 % 57.3 NUMBER OF STUDENTS TAKING FORM ² T ------26,420 V ------26,242 W ------26,469 X ------26,260 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 128 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 2. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Science Test Grade 5 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Scale Number of of 60 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Science 155.6 111,466 100.0% Goal 1: Conduct investigations to build an understanding of the interdependence of plants and animals. 27.9% 74.3 Goal 2: Make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of landforms. 21.8% 67.3 Goal 3: Conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of weather and climate. 21.8% 62.3 Goal 4: Conduct investigations and use appropriate technologies to build an understanding of forces and motion in technological designs. 28.5% 71.0 ============================================================================================= Number of Students H I J K Taking Form ------------------------28,121 27,693 27,900 27,752 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 230 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 2a. 2010-11 End-of-Grade General Science Test Grade 8 Goal Statewide Summary Report Percent Weighted Scale Number of of 69 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct* _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Science 153.6 105,536 100.0% Goal 1+2: Scientific inquiry and technological design. 32.5% 61.9 Goal 3: Conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of the hydrosphere.. 30.0% 63.0 Goal 4: Conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of chemistry. 28.3% 58.2 Goal 5: Conduct investigations and utilize appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of evidence of evolution in organisms and landforms. 21.7% 61.8 Goal 6: Conduct investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of cell theory. 10.0% 59.5 Goal 7: Conduct investigations use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an understanding of microbiology. 10.0 % 54.1 ============================================================================================= Number of Students G I J K Taking Form ------------------------26,624 26,272 26,445 26,195 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: *“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. End-of-grade retest data are not included in this table. See Appendix A for student proficiency with retest scores included. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 231 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report Algebra I Percent of 64 Items 100.0% Weighted Mean Percent Correct 1 GOAL 1: Number and Operations: perform operations with numbers and expressions to solve problems 23.4% 64.6 GOAL 2: Geometry and Measurement: describe geometric figures in the coordinate plane algebraically 10.9% 53.6 GOAL 3: Data Analysis and Probability: collect, organize, and interpret data with matrices and linear models to solve problems 29.7% 72.0 GOAL 4: Algebra: use relations and functions to solve problems 35.9% 57.8 ALGEBRA I Scale Score Mean 153.2 Number of Observations 124,078 ====================================================================================== NUMBER OF STUDENTS I J K L TAKING FORM ------------------------31,362 30,973 30,916 30,827 Notes: 1 As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct, but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 286 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3a. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report Algebra II Percent of 51 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct GOAL 1: Perform operations with complex numbers, matrices, and polynomials 25.5% 59.8 GOAL 2: Use relations and functions to solve problems 74.5% 57.9 ALGEBRA II Scale Score Mean 152.5 Number of Observations 85,439 ======================================================================================= NUMBER OF STUDENTS L M N O TAKING FORM ------------------------21,396 21,374 21,324 21,346 Notes: Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 287 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3b. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report Biology BIOLOGY Scale Score Mean 152.7 Number of Observations 106,671 Percent of 60 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct GOAL 1: Understand scientific inquiry 29.2% 65.5 GOAL 2: Understand physical, chemical, and cellular basis of life 25.0% 62.0 GOAL 3: Continuity of life and changes in organisms over time 30.0% 61.4 GOAL 4: Understand the unity and diversity of life 28.3% 62.1 GOAL 5: Understand ecological relationships of organisms 16.7% 67.9 ======================================================================================== NUMBER OF STUDENTS J K L M TAKING FORM ------------------------27,499 27,194 27,101 24,877 Notes: Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 288 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3c. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report Civics and Economics Percent of 80 Items 100.0% Weighted Mean Percent Correct1 GOAL 1: Foundations of the American political system and basic values and principles of American democracy 11.9% 69.4 GOAL 2: How does the government established by the United States Constitution embody the purposes, values, and principles of American democracy 12.8% 66.9 GOAL 3: How state and local government is established by the North Carolina Consitution 5.9% 60.3 GOAL 4: Explore active roles as a citizen at the local, state, and national levels of government 8.1% 66.0 GOAL 5: Explain how the political and legal systems provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts 12.2% 64.3 GOAL 6: Why laws are needed and how they are enacted, implemented, and enforced at the national, state and local levels 12.2% 66.5 GOAL 7: How and why individuals and groups make economic choices 10.6% 68.5 GOAL 8: Analyze features of the economic system of the United States 10.6% 65.1 GOAL 9: Analyze factors influencing the United States economy 10.0% 58.3 GOAL 10: Develop, defend, and evaluate positions on issues regarding the personal responsibilities of citizens in the American constitutional democracy 5.6% 72.2 CIVICS AND ECONOMICS Scale Score Number of Mean Observations 153.7 104,775 ====================================================================================== Number of Students A B D E G Taking Form ³ ------------------------------26,281 147 26,240 26,072 26,036 Notes: 1 As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct, but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Data received 4rom LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 289 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3d. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report English I Percent of 56 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct GOAL 1: Express reflections and reactions to print and non-print text and personal experiences 7.6% 64.8 GOAL 2: Explain meaning, describe processes, and answer research questions to inform an audience 9.4% 65.9 GOAL 3: Examine argumentation and develop informed opinions 4.9% 67.1 GOAL 4: Create and use standards to critique communication 14.3% 65.7 GOAL 5: Demonstrate understanding of various literary genres, concepts, elements, and terms 28.6% 64.2 GOAL 6: Apply conventions of grammar and language usage 35.3% 68.6 Composition 35.7% 69.7 Textual Analysis 64.3% 64.4 ENGLISH I Scale Score Mean 151.9 Number of Observations 113,639 ======================================================================================== NUMBER OF STUDENTS G H J K TAKING FORM ------------------------28,407 28,504 28,398 28,330 Notes: Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 290 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3e. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report Physical Science PHYSICAL SCIENCE Scale Score Mean 152.9 Number of Observations 46,716 Percent of 60 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct GOAL 1: Understand scientific inquiry 16.3% 67.6 GOAL 2: Construct an understanding of forces and motion 15.0% 69.8 GOAL 3: Analyze energy and its conservation 18.3% 62.9 GOAL 4: Understand electricity and magnetism 17.1% 69.3 GOAL 5: Understand the structure and properties of matter 18.3% 59.9 GOAL 6: Understand regularities in chemistry 31.3% 57.2 ======================================================================================== NUMBER OF STUDENTS B C D E TAKING FORM ------------------------11,817 11,689 11,636 11,574 Notes: Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 291 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2010-11 Table 3f. 2010-11 End-of-Course General Test Statewide Goal Summary Report U. S. History Scale Score Number of Mean Observations UNITED STATES HISTORY 155.0 94,508 GOAL 1: The New Nation (1789-1820) - Identify, investigate, and assess the institutions of the new republic Percent of 80 Items 100.0% Weighted Mean Percent Correct1 8.0% 70.9 GOAL 2: Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) - Assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism 9.1% 67.4 GOAL 3: Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) - Analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation 8.2% 62.0 GOAL 4: The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - Evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation 6.4% 64.6 GOAL 5: Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) - Describe innovations in technology and business practices and assess their impact on economic, political, and social life in America 7.7% 67.6 GOAL 6: The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) Analyze causes and effects of the US emergence as a world power 7.0% 60.1 GOAL 7: The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) Analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period 8.4% 59.0 GOAL 8: The Great War and its Aftermath (1914-1930) - Analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war's influence on international affairs during the 1920's 5.0% 58.9 GOAL 9: Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - Appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of "The Twenties" and "The Thirties" 10.0% 66.2 GOAL 10: World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930s-1963) Analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war's influence on international affairs in the following decade 11.1% 66.3 GOAL 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - Trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period 11.6% 59.5 GOAL 12: The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) - Identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the US during this time period 7.5% 60.4 ====================================================================================== Number of Students B D H J Taking Form ³ ------------------------31,617 31,619 216 31,056 Notes: 1As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct, but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after September 2, 2011 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 292