The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 3 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 44 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING 440.5 111,182 100.0 % English Language Arts Concepts Language 22.0 % 73.7 Reading: Literature 34.9% 79.1 Reading: Informational Text 43.2 % 71.0 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 450.2 112,017 100.0 % Calculator Inactive 50.0 % 61.0 Calculator Active 50.0 % 65.9 Mathematics Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking 31.9 % 65.2 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 9.1 % 62.9 Numbers and Operations-Fractions 22.7 % 64.1 Measurement and Data 25.0 % 55.3 Geometry 11.4 % 75.9 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 1 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1a. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 4 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 43/44 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING 445.7 103,553 English Language Arts Concepts Language 100.0 % 19.1 % 76.0 Reading: Literature 32.1% 71.8 Reading: Informational Text 48.9 % 70.4 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 449.6 103,977 100.0 % Calculator Inactive 50.0 % 55.3 Calculator Active 50.0 % 60.7 Mathematics Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking 15.9 % 56.4 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 25.0 % 61.5 Numbers and Operations-Fractions 29.6 % 56.3 Measurement and Data 15.9 % 52.6 Geometry 13.6 % 63.3 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 2 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1b. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 5 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 43/44 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING 450.0 111,175 English Language Arts Concepts Language 100.0 % 15.3 % 73.0 Reading: Literature 42.7% 69.6 Reading: Informational Text 42.0 % 68.2 ============================================================================================== MATHEMATICS 450.2 111,718 100.0 % Calculator Inactive Gridded Response Items 50.0 % 13.6 % 55.7 49.7 Calculator Active 50.0 % 59.8 Mathematics Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking 6.8 % 59.3 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 25.0 % 57.2 Numbers and Operations-Fractions 50.0 % 57.1 Measurement and Data 13.6 % 61.1 4.6 % 56.1 Geometry 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 3 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1c. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 6 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 48 Mean Percent Scale Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISHLANGUAGE ARTS/READING 452.6 110,955 100.0 % English Language Arts Concepts Language 18.1% 74.0 Reading: Literature 38.2% 68.8 Reading: Informational Text 43.8% 65.0 ============================================================================================== (50 Items) MATHEMATICS 449.9 111,470 100.0 % Calculator Inactive Gridded Response Items 30.0% 18.0% 45.2 37.1 Calculator Active 70.0% 53.7 Mathematics Domains Ratios and Proportional Relationships 14.0% 53.9 The Number System 30.0% 50.8 Expressions and Equations 30.0% 47.9 Geometry 16.0% 52.5 Statistics and Probability 10.0% 55.9 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 4 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1d. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 7 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 48 Mean Percent Scale Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING 455.8 113,012 English Language Arts Concepts Language Reading: Literature 100.0 % 22.2% 70.3 34.0% 73.1 Reading: Informational Text 43.8% 61.7 ============================================================================================== (50 Items) MATHEMATICS 449.9 113,416 100.0 % Calculator Inactive Gridded Response Items 30.0% 18.0% 43.7 33.2 Calculator Active 70.0% 52.1 Mathematics Domains Ratios and Proportional Relationships 26.0% 52.7 The Number System 10.0% 29.0 Expressions and Equations 26.0% 54.0 Geometry 24.0% 45.6 Statistics and Probability 14.0% 57.3 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 5 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 1e. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Grade 8 Percent Weighted Developmental Scale Number of of 48 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/READING 458.9 111,946 English Language Arts Concepts Language Reading: Literature 100.0 % 20.3% 70.2 33.6% 66.5 Reading: Informational Text 46.2% 61.9 ============================================================================================== (50 Items) MATHEMATICS 450.1 112,243 100.0 % Calculator Inactive Gridded Response Items 30.0% 18.0% 40.9 28.9 Calculator Active 70.0% 54.1 Mathematics Domains Functions 24.0% 51.3 6.0% 24.7 Expressions and Equations 32.0% 48.7 Geometry 22.0% 57.7 Statistics and Probability 16.0% 50.3 The Number System 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 6 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 2. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Science Grade 5 Percent Weighted Scale Number of of 60 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SCIENCE 252.0 111,659 Physical Science: Forces and Motion 100.0% 36.9% 13.3% 66.0 71.0 14.7% 68.2 Energy: Conservation and Transfer 8.9% 54.2 Earth Science: Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes 17.8% 48.5 Life Science: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms 45.4% 15.6% 70.7 69.8 Ecosystems 16.7% 65.9 Evolution and Genetics 13.1% 79.1 Matter: Properties and Change ============================================================================================= 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 7 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 2a. 2013–14 End-of-Grade General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Science Grade 8 Percent Weighted Scale Number of of 60 Mean Percent Score Mean Observations Items Correct1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ SCIENCE 250.8 112,108 Physical Science: Matter: Properties and Change 100.0% 26.7% 16.7% 54.3 54.9 Energy: Conservation and Transfer 10.0% 53.4 Earth Science: Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes 25.0% 13.3% 58.4 61.8 11.7% 54.5 48.3% 17.2% 62.8 64.9 Ecosystems 11.1% 64.2 Evolution and Genetics 13.3% 64.2 6.7% 52.3 Earth History Life Science: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Molecular Biology ============================================================================================= 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 8 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 3. 2013–14 End-of-Course General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Biology BIOLOGY Scale Score Mean 250.5 Number of Observations 106,639 Percent of 60 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct1 GOAL 1: Structure and Function of Living Organisms 20.1% 63.0 GOAL 2: Ecosystems 20.1% 70.2 GOAL 3: Evolution and Genetics 45.3% 65.9 GOAL 4: Molecular Biology 14.5% 63.4 ======================================================================================== 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 9 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 3a. 2013–14 End-of-Course General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report English II ENGLISH II Scale Score Mean 150.5 Conceptual Categories Language Number of Observations 109,569 Percent of 55/56 Items 100.0% Mean Percent Correct1 17.4% 59.6 Reading: Literature 38.3% 61.3 Reading: Informational Text 44.3% 58.8 ======================================================================================== 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 10 The North Carolina State Testing Results, 2013–14 Table 3b. 2013–14 End-of-Course General Test Results Statewide Goal Summary Report Math I MATH I Scale Score Mean 250.7 Number of Observations 116,462 Percent of 49 Items 100.0% Weighted Mean Percent Correct1 Calculator Inactive Gridded Response Items 30.6% 20.4% 34.7 29.8 Calculator Active 69.4% 51.4 Conceptual Categories Algebra 30.6% 46.0 Functions 37.7% 42.9 Geometry 10.2% 57.6 6.1% 32.7 15.3% 52.9 Number and Quantity Statistics and Probability ====================================================================================== 1“Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. As not all forms are taken by the same numbers of students, the weighted mean scores take into account not only the percent of items correct but also the numbers of students taking those forms. Notes: Data received from local education agencies, charter schools, and regional school after December 5, 2014 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Test Development Section. 11