STAT 557 Solutions to Assignment 3 Fall 2002 1. (a) For this multinomial sample relative risk is dened as RR = 11 =1+ 21 =2+ and the natural logarithm of the relative risk is g() = log( ) log( ) log( ) + log( ) First partial derivatives of g() with respect to the elements of = ( 1 ( ) 1 G= 11 1+ 21 2+ 11 1+ 11 11 1+ 1+ 2+ 21 2+ 21 12 21 22 )0 are 2+ Using the delta method, the large sample variance of log(RR) is log RR = G( 0 )G0 = G G0 because G = 0 = + 2 ( ) 12 11 Estimates are ^ = Y =Y = 1:932; RR Y =Y 11 1+ 21 2+ 1+ log(^RR) = 0:658 22 21 2+ var( ^ log(^RR)) = Y Y Y + Y Y Y = 0:01221 12 1+ 22 11 2+ 21 Then, an approximate 95% condence interval for log(RR) is q ^ ^ ) = (0:442; 0:875) ^ RR log(RR) 1:96 var(log (b) and an approximate 95% condence interval for RR is [exp(0:442); exp(0:875)] = (1:555; 2:399) The risk of having a major CHD event when working under tension is about 55% to 140% higher than that when working under no tension. odds.ratio stderr lower.limit upper.limit 2.225945 0.1388392 1.695634 2.922111 The odds ratio is about 25% larger than the direct estimate of relative risk, but both estimates indicate the risk of coronary heart disease is approximately doubled by a stressful work environment. 2. (a) Test results are in the following table. Female Male statistic d.f. p-value statistic d.f. p-value G 47.8166 4 0.000+ 37.5094 4 0.000+ X 50.2535 4 0.000+ 35.9090 4 0.000+ For both males and females, there appear to be some associations between attitudes toward physical and psychological demands of employment. (b) 2 2 1 Gamma 95% condence interval estimate standard error lower limit upper limit Females 0.236 0.0385 0.160 0.311 Males -0.125 0.0327 -0.189 -0.061 The is a signicant positive association between physical and psychological demands of work for females, but a signicant negative association for males. 3. (a) The rst derivative of = log is 1 1 1 : @ 1 = + = @ 2 1 + 1 1 By the Æ-method, @ var ^ @ var(^ ) = (1 1 ) var(^ ): For females, ^f = 0:240; var ^f = 0:00166: For males, ^m = 0:126; var ^m = 0:00110: (b) For females, the approximate 95% condence interval for is q q ^ z : var(^); ^ + z : var(^) = (0160; 0:320): 1+ 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 975 0 975 Since = 1 e2 , an approximate 95% condence interval of is (0:159; 0:310) Similarly for males, an approximate 95% condence interval for is ( 0:189; 0:061). These closely match the results from problem 2 because the sample sizes are large. (c) Since = log is a strictly increasing function of , testing the hypothesis H : f = m vs. Ha : f 6= m is equivalent to testing the hypothesis H : f = m vs. Ha : f 6= m : Consider ^f ^m, the estimator of f m . Under the assumption that the counts for females and males are independent, var(^f ^m) = var(^f ) + var(^m ): When H holds, the distribution of the test statistic Z = pvar ff mvar m is well approximated by a standard normal distribution when the sample sizes are large enough. This generally provides a more m accurate p-value than approximating the null distribution of pvar ff var with a standard normal m distribution. For these data, Z = 6:96 and the standard normal approximation yields p-value < :0001 The association between physical and psychological demands of work is not the same for males and females. The association is positive for females, but weaker and negative for males. 4. (a) Odds that a mother has a college graduate divided by the odds that a father is a college graduate. (b) Consider a multinomial distribution 2 +1 1 2 1+ 1 0 0 ^ 0 ^ ( ^ )+ ^ (^ ) ^ (^ )+ 0 B Y=B @ Y11 Y12 Y21 Y22 1 C C A 0 0 B B B Mult B @n = 390; = @ 2 11 12 21 22 (^ 11 CC CC AA ) Note that log = log + log log log = log( + ) + log( + ) log( + ) log( + ) g() 1+ 11 and Let +2 2+ 12 +1 11 12 21 22 11 21 varfg = varfY=ng = n1 fdiag() 0g V(): h G( ) = @@g11 @@g12 @@g21 = 11 12 11 21 Then, by the delta method, 1 + 1 + and it is estimated by @g @22 1 i 11 +12 + 12 1 + 22 1 21 +22 1 11 +21 1 12 +22 1 21 +22 : varflog(^)g G()V()G()0 var ^ flog(^)g = = G(^)V(^)G(^)0 = 0:01142: (c) Note ^ = 1:202966 and log ^ = 0:18479. Then, a 95% condence interval for log() is is given by p log ^ 1:96 var(log ^ ^) = ( 0:0246; 0:3942): (d) (0.9757, 1.4832) (e) Applying the delta method to the asymptotic normal distribution for log(^) obtained in (b): log(^) _ N (log(); var(log ^)); we have the large sample normal distribution for ^: ^ _ N (; fvar(log ^)g): p ^ ^)g = (0:9510; 1:4549): (f) ^ 1:96 fvar(log (g) Yes. The distribution for log(^) is more symmetric and thus better approximated by Normal than that for ^. (h) As expected, obtained condence intervals are all closer to the condence interval in (d). 5. (a) Table 1: Kappa = -0.125 with 95% condence interval (-0.245, -0.004) Table 2: Kappa = -0.074 with 95% condence interval (-0.180, 0.033) There is some evidence, at least in white families, of less agreement between the mother's rating and the child's rating than one would expect at random. (b) q (K^ K^ ) (1:96) SK1 + SK2 ) ( 0:212; 0:110) Since the condence interval for the dierence in the Kappa values contains zero, the data do not provide suÆcient evidence to conclude that the levels of agreement are dierent for white and black mother/daughter pairs. This does not prove, however, the levels of agreement are exactly the same in white and black families. Incidentally, if the two tables in part (a) were the results of a single simple random sample, the counts in Table 1 would have negative correlations with the counts in Table 2. The correlation between the two Kappa values converges to zero as the sample size increases, however, and the formula shown above is also an appropriate large sample formula in this second case. You would not have a simple random sample, for example, if several classes were selected from a school district and all of the children in the selected classes were used in the study. This would be a one-stage cluster sample, and standard errors based on an assumption of simple random sampling (used in parts (a) and (b)) would tend to be too small. 2 2 1 2 2 ^ 2 ^ 3 6. (a) Columns 2 and 3 of the following tables contain estimates of odds ratios and 95% condence intervals where 0.5 was substituted for any observed zero count, but other counts were not changed. Columns 4 and 5 show corresponding values where 0.5 was added to each count in every table. Condence intervals were constructed by constructing a 95% condence interval for the natural logarithm of each odds ratio and applying the exponential function to each end of the interval. Age Estimated 95% condence Estimated 95%condence Group odds ratio interval odds ratio interval 25-34 23.56 (0.74, 751.23) 33.63 (1.28, 883.73) 35-44 5.05 (1.27, 20.03) 5.08 (1.37, 18.84) 45-54 5.66 (2.80, 11.46) 5.56 (2.77, 11.19) 55-64 6.36 (3.45, 11.73) 6.25 (3.40, 11.47) 65-74 2.58 (1.22, 5.48) 2.56 (1.22, 5.38) 74+ 38.75 (1.91, 785.55) 40.76 (2.04, 812.69) The results in columns 4 and 5 are quite similar to those in columns 2 and 3. Adding 0.5 to every count in each table tends to shrink the estimates of the odds ratios a little more toward one and results in slightly shorter condence intervals. Consequently, variance is reduced at the expense of increased bias. The results of some simulation studies suggest that adding .025 to each count is a better option for obtaining an estimator with small mean squared error (MSE=variance+(bias) ). The changes in the estimated odds ratios for any of these options are small relative to the size of the standard errors of the estimates, so all of these options provide the same inference about the odds ratios. All odds ratios appear to be signicantly bigger than one, indicating that the odds for cancer for the high alcohol consumption group is signicantly higher than that for the low alcohol consumption group for each age group. The condence intervals also show that the odds ratios are not well estimated in the youngest and oldest age groups. Those estimates will receive less weight and have smaller inuence on the MH estimator of a common odds ratio in the next part. (b) The Mantel-Haenszel estimator of a common odds ratio does not require adding anything to the observed counts in this case. The resulting estimator is ^MH = 5:16 with approximate 95% condence interval (3.56, 7.47), using the formula in the notes. PROC FREQ in SAS inverts the CMH test to obtain (3.64, 7.31) for an approximate 95% condence interval. The information in the tables for the youngest and oldest age groups does not have much inuence of the value of ^MH because of the relatively large variances associated with the estimates of the odds ratios for those two tables. The value of ^MH is 5.08 when 0.5 is added to each count in every table and the condence interval (3.53, 7.30) is slightly shorter. PROC FREQ in SAS gives (3.60, 7.15) as a 95% condence interval. (c) The following results are for the original data: stat d.f. p-value Breslow-Day test 9.32 5 0.097 T test 0.956 1 0.169 The square of the T test can be compared to the percentiles of a central chi-squared distribution with 1 d.f. Neither test rejects the null hypothesis of homogeneous odds ratios. (d) If you just had the data for the four middle age groups, the Breslow-Day test would be preferred because you would have a few tables with relatively large counts in each table. Try applying the Breslow-Day test to the tables for the four middle age groups. Would you expect the results to change? The T test would be preferred if you had many tables with small counts in some tables. (e) There appear to be no large dierences in the odds ratios for the individual age groups, and it is reasonable to compute the value of an estimate for a common odds ratio. If either the Breslow-Day test or the T had been signicant, you could have compared odds ratios by constructing condence intervals for dierences in log-odds ratios for all pairs of age groups. Of courses, the variances of the estimated odds ratios for the oldest and youngest age groups are so large that these estimates will not be found to dier signicantly from odds ratios for other age groups. (f) The value of the CMH test produced by PROC FREQ in SAS is X = 85:01 with 1 d.f. and p-value < :0001. This agrees with the results in part (b). Within each age group the odds of oesophageal cancer are about 5 times higher for people who consume at least 80g of alcohol per day. 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 7. (a) . Birth Order Odds Ratio 95% condence interval 2 1.317 (0.572, 3.030) 3{4 1.189 (0.545, 2.596) 5+ 2.016 (0.844, 4.816) (b) The value of the Breslow-Day statistic is 0.85 with 2 degrees of freedom and p-value=0.653. The data are consistent with the hypothesis of homogeneous odds ratios within age groups. The use of the Breslow-Day test is appropriate in this case since the number of groups is small (three) and each group has enough subjects. (c) The estimate of the odds ratio for the marginal table of counts is 1.347. An approximate 95% condence interval is (0.851, 2.132). This is consistent with the information in the tables for the three age groups, and it is not an example of Simpson's paradox. 8. (a) From the software posted as negbin.ssc or, which was applied to the cavity data, we have ^ = :018888224 and k^ = :5883654 as the maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters in the negative binomial model. Then the m.l.e. of P r(Y = 0) = k is ^k = 0:375. (b) Dene g(; k) = k . The rst partial derivatives of this function are G = (k k ; k log()). A consistent estimator of G is obtained by evaluating G at the m.l.e's of the parameters. Then, G^ = (k^ ^k ; ^k log(^)) = (1:168553; 0:62574). The software from part (a) provided the estimated covariance of (^; k^), the inverse of the estimated Fisher Information matrix, 2 3 :0009275 :0024042 5: V^ = 4 :0024042 :0092353 Then, by the delta method, an estimate of the large sample variance of ^k is G^ 0 V^ G^ = :001363 and the standard error of ^k is .03692. (c) An approximate 95% condence interval for k is :375 (1:96)(:03692) ) (:303; :447): Alternatively, you could have used the delta method to rst construct an approximate 95% condence interval for log(k = k log() and applied the exponential function to the end points of the resulting interval to get an approximate 95% condence interval for k . Which method would provide a coverage probability closer to 0.95? (d) You could do a simulation study of the coverage probability of the procedure for constructing condence intervals used in part (c). Select values of and k. You could try several sets of values, using some that are close or equal to the m.l.e.'s of the parameters evaluated in the previous parts of this problem. For each set of parameter values, simulate a large number of samples (say 10000 samples) from the corresponding negative binomial distribution with n independent observations in each sample. Then, construct a condence interval from the data for each sample, using the method from part (c). Record the proportion of the 10,000 condence intervals that contain the true value for k . Repeat this for several choices of n, including the number of children in the original study. The upper and lower condence limits are random. To simulation the coverage probability of a method of constructing condence intervals, you must simulate values of the random upper and lower limits and monitor how often those random limits enclose the true value of the quantity you are trying to estimate. Some students proposed simulating estimates of the probability of observing a child with no cavities and then monitoring how often those simulated estimates fell between the particular condence limits computed in part (c). This incorrectly considers the upper and lower limits of a condence interval as xed (non-random) quantities. ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ 5 9. (a) ^ = 2:933 with approximate 95% condence interval (1:67; 5:16). This suggests that the odds of contracting Hodgkin's Disease are between 67% to 500% greater among people who have had their tonsils removed. This condence interval was constructed by rst constructing an approximate 95% condence interval for log() and then applying the exponential function to the endpoints of the interval to obtain an approximate 95% condence interval for the odds ratio. Directly using the large sample normal distribution for the odds ratio, we have XX p ^ (1:96) (^ Yij ) ) (1:27; 4:59): 2 2 1 2 i=1 j =i This does not adequately account for the right skewness in the distribution of the odds ratio in this case. Notice how much this interval is shifted to the left of the previous interval. (b) Some people questioned the use of the odds ratio as a good approximation to relative risk in the Vianna study. Since this is a retrospective study, you cannot directly estimate relative risk, but the odds ratio does provide a good approximation because Hodgkin's disease is a rare disease. Some people worried about the restrictions put on the control group in the Vianna study, and others noted that the sibling controls used by Johnson and Johnson may dier substantially from the controls used in the Vianna study. (b) While there are advantages in using siblings as controls, Johnson and Johnson did not do an appropriate analysis, because they did not allow for the eects of matched sibling pairs. The "controls" are not an independent sample of persons without Hodgkin's disease. Each sibling pair, not each individual, should be thought of as an independent experimental unit. Siblings are likely to provide correlated responses. Johnson and Johnson should have reported the data in the following table with one count for each sibling pair. C ontrol Sibling Had T. No T. Sibling with Had T. Y Y Hodgkin's disease No T. Y Y There are n = Y + Y + Y + Y = 85 sibling pairs. Unfortunately, this table cannot be obtained from the table reported by Johnson and Johnson (1972). The Pearson chi-square test for independence performed by Johnson and Johnson is incorrect. They should have performed a test of marginal homogeneity using the counts in the table shown above. This is McNemar's test (or the sign test). Reject the null hypothesis of marginal homogeneity if (Y Y ) > X = ; Y + Y 21 (this is a 2-sided test). Using the above table Johnson and Johnson could have estimated an odds ratio as (Y + Y )(Y + Y ) ^ = (Y + Y )(Y + Y ) : Then you can construct an approximate condence interval using the methods you derived in problem 4 on this assignment. There was a reason for doing problem 4. Finally, note that Vianna, et al. sampled from a dierent population than Johnson and Johnson. What are the consequences of this? 11 12 21 11 12 21 22 22 12 2 21 2 12 2 1 11 12 12 22 21 22 11 12 6