MATH 266/267 – Section C – Elementary Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms Syllabus / Course Outline1 – Summer 2015 Instructor: Dr. Kristopher Lee – Carver 445 – (515) 294-0259 – Office Hours: TR @ 10:00–12:00 PM (or by appointment) Time and Locations: Lecture will be on MTWRF @ 12:10-1:30 PM in Carver 0282. Course Text: Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by Zill, Wright, Cullen ISU Custom Edition, ISBN: 9781305025172 Course Description: For MATH 266: Solution methods for ordinary differential equations. First order equations, linear equations, constant coefficient equations. Eigenvalue methods for systems of first order linear equations. Introduction to stability and phase plane analysis. For MATH 267: Same as MATH 266 but also including Laplace transforms and series solutions to ordinary differential equations. More information on this course can be found here: Grading Policy: Your grade will be computed as follows: Assessment Homework Quizzes Exams Percentage 50% 20% 30% Letter grades will be assigned as follows: Letter Percent Letter Percent A ≥ 93% C ≥ 73% A≥ 90% C≥ 70% B+ ≥ 87% D+ ≥ 67% B ≥ 83% D ≥ 63% B≥ 80% D≥ 60% C+ ≥ 77% F < 60% You can keep track of your grade on Blackboard Learn. 1 This document is subject to adjustment by the instructor, with notice given to the students. Homework: MATH 266 will have 6 homeworks and MATH 267 will have 8 homeworks, one each week. All homework will be due in class on Wednesday. Homework problems shall be assigned from our textbook, and each homework will have at least one problem that will require the use of mathematical software, such as MATLAB or Python. The instructor’s preferred software is Sage (note that this is on the cloud and as such may run slowly). Quizzes: MATH 266 will have 3 quizzes and MATH 267 will have 4 quizzes. With the exception of Quiz 2 (7/2), all quizzes will be in class on a Friday the week we do not have an exam. Exams: MATH 266 will have 3 exams and MATH 267 will have 4 exams. All exams will be in class on a Friday the week we do not have a quiz. Calculators and Other Electronic Devices: You may use any calculator that does not have wireless communication features. Other electronic devices may be used during lecture for educational purposes only. Disabilities: If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to go to the Disability Resource (DR) Office for coordination of your academic accommodations. The DR is located in the Student Services Building, Room 1076. Their phone number is 515-294-6624. No retroactive accommodations will be provided in this class. Conduct and General Class Policies: I expect all students to behave in a respectful manner during lecture, and you will be asked to leave the lecture if you are being inappropriate and/or disruptive. If you cannot hand in homework or miss a quiz/exam (for legit reasons), you will have one week from the date of the assessment to contact the instructor and discuss how to make up the material. For more information regarding academic regulations, see the Class Policies provided by the Department of Mathematics. Additionally, resources for help in mathematics can be found here. Course Schedule for MATH 266/267 Week 6/15 – 6/19 6/22 – 6/26 6/29 – 7/3 7/6 – 7/10 7/13 – 7/17 7/20 – 7/24 M 1.1 2.2 3.1/3.2 4.3 5.1 8.1/8.2 T 1.2 2.3 4.1 4.4 4.9 8.2 W 1.3 2.4 4.2 4.6 8.1 8.2 R 2.1 2.5 Quiz 2 4.7 8.1 10.1 F Quiz 1 Exam 1 No Class Exam 2 Quiz 3 Exam 3 Continued Course Schedule for MATH 267 Week 7/27 – 7/31 8/3 – 8/7 M 7.1 7.5 T 7.2 6.1 W 7.3 6.1/6.2 R 7.4 6.2 F Quiz 4 Exam 4