7V Higher algebraic K-theory: I Daniel Quillen* The purpose of this paper is to develop a higher K-theory for additive categories with exact sequences which extends the existing theory of the Grothendieck group in a natural way. To describe the approach taken here, let M embedded as a full subcategory of an abelian category extensions in A . Then one can form a new category but in which a morphism from subquotient MI/M ° of M, M' to where M M . = category has a classifying space Q(M) M= is closed under Q(M) having the same objects as is taken to be an isomorphis~ of Mo~M are objects of be an additive category A= , and assume I are subobjects of M such that Assuming the isomorphiom classes of objects of BQ(~) M' M= M , with a M° and M/M I form a set, the determined up to homotopy equivalence. One can show that the fundamental group of this classifying space is canonically isomorphic to the Grothendieck group of ~ , which motivates defining a sequence of K-groups by the formula El(~) = ~i+I(BQ(M),O) • It is the goal of the present paper to show t~mt this definition leads to an interesting theory. The first part of the paper is concerned with the general theory of these K-groups. Section I contains various tools for working with the classifying space of a small category. It concludes with an important result which identifies the homotopy-theoretic fibre of the map of classifying spaces induced by a functor. to obtain long exact sequences of One notes that the category short sequences category. K-theory this is used K-groups from the exact homotopy sequence of a map. Section 2 is devoted to the definition of the ties. In Q(M) O - @ M ' -* M - , M " --~O K-groups and their elementary proper- depends only on in M= M and the family of those which are exact in the ambient abelian In order to have an intrinsic object of study, it is convenient to introduce the notion of an exact category, which is an additive category equipped with a family of short sequences satisfying some standard conditions (essentially those axiomatized in [Heller]). of For an exact category K-groups Ki(M) M with a set of isomorphism classes one has a sequence varying functorially with respect to exact functors. contains the proof that Ko(M)= is isomorphic to the Grothendieck group of Section 2 also M=. It should be mentioned, however, that there are examples due to Gersten and Murthy showing that in general KI(M) is not the same as the universal determinant group of Bass. The next three sections contain four basic results which might be called the exactness, resolution, devissage, and localization theorems. a well-known result for the Grothendieck group Each of these generalizes ([Bass, Ch. VIII]), and, as will be apparent from the rest of the paper, they enable one to do a lot of K-theory. The second part of the paper is concerned with applications of the general theory to rings and schemes. Given a ring (resp. a noetherian ring) A , one defines the groups • Supported in part by the Rational Science Foundation. 85 78 Ki(A) (resp. K~(A) ) tive 2 to be the K-groups of the category of finitely generated projec- A-modules (resp. the abelian category of finitely generated canonical map theorem. Ki(A ) --> K~(A) which is an isomorphism for A There is a regular by the resolution Because the devissage and localization theorems apply only to abelian categories, the interesting results concern the groups K~(A) for A A-modules). = K:(A[t]) , K~(A) . In section 6 K:(A[t,t-11) = we prove the formulas K:(A)~K:_,(A) noetherian, which entail the corresponding results for K-groups when regular. A is The first formula is proved more generally for a class of rings with increasing filtration, including some interesting non-co,,,utative rings such as universal enveloping algebras. To illustrate the generality, the K-groups of certain skew fields are computed. For a scheme (resp. noetherian) scheme X, the groups Ki(X ) (resp. K~(X) ) are defined using the category of vector bundles (resp. coherent sheaves) on X, and there is a canonical map Ki(X) -*K~(X) devoted to the K'-theory. which is an isomorphism for X regular. Section 7 is Especially interesting is a spectral sequence cod(x) = p obtained by filtering the category of coherent sheaves according to the codimension of the support. In the case where X program proposed by Gersten is regular and of finite type over a field, we carry out a at this conference ([Gersten 3]), which leads to a proof of Bloch's formula AP(x) proved by Bloch in particular p = HP(x, Kp(_Ox)) ([Blech]), where cases cycles modulo linear equivalence. AP(x) is the group of codimension One noteworthy feature of this formula is that the right side is clearly contravariant in X, which suggests rather strongly that higher K-theory might eventually provide a theory of the Chow ring for non-quasi-projective regular varieties. Section 8 contains the computation of the K-groups of the projective bundle assOciated to a vector bundle over a scheme. This result generalizes the computation of the Grothendieck groups given in ~SGA 63, and it may be viewed as a first step toward a higher K-theory for schemes, as opposed to the K'-theory of the preceding section. proof, different from the one in The [SGA 6], is based on the existence of canonical resolutions for regular sheaves on projective space, which may be of some independent interest. The method also permits one to determine the K-groups of a Severi-Brauer scheme in terms of the K-groups of the associated Azumaya algebra and its powers. This paper contains proofs of all of the results announced in [Quillen I], except for Theorem I of that paper, which asserts that the groups K (A) obtained by making BGL(A) into an H-space (see [Gerstenl5]). here agree with those From a logical point of view, this theorem should have preceded the second part of the present paper, since it is used there a few times. However, I recently discovered that the ideas involved its proof could be applied to prove the expected generalization of the localization theorem and 86 79 fundamental theorem for non-regular rings 3 [Bass, p.494,663~. These results will appear in the next installment of this theory. The proofs of Theorems A and B given in section I owe a great deal to conversations with Graeme Segal, to whom I am very grateful. One can derive these results in at least two o t h e r ways, using cohomology and the Whitehead theorem as in [FriedlanderJ , and also by means of the t h e o r y of minimal f i b r a t i o n s of s i m p l i c i a l s e t s . The p r e s e n t approach, based on t h e Dold-Thom t h e o r y o f q u a s i - f i b r a t i o n s , i s q u i t e a b i t s h o r t e r than the o t h e r s , a l t h o u g h i t i s not a s c l e a r as I would have l i k e d , s i n c e t h e main p o i n t s a r e i n the references. Someday t h e s e i d e a s w i l l undoubtedly be i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o a g e n e r a l homotopy theory f o r topoi. This paper was p r e p a r e d with the e d i t o r ' s encouragement during the f i r s t o f 1973. I mention t h i s because the r e s u l t s i n ~7 on G e r s t e n ' s c o n j e c t u r e and B l o c h ' s formula, which were d i s c o v e r e d a t t h i s time, d i r e c t l y a f f e c t the papers and [Bloch] i n t h i s p r o c e d i n g s , which were prepared e a r l i e r . 87 two months [Qersten 3, 4 ] 80 CONTENTS First part: 81. Generaltheor ~ The classifyin~space of a small cate6ory Coverings of BC and the fundamental group The homology of the classifying space Properties of the classifying space functor ~2. Theorem A: Conditions for a functor to be a ho~otopy equivalence Theorem B: The exact homotopy sequence The K-~roups of,,,,an exact category Exact categories The category Q(~) and its universal property The fundamental group of Q(M) and the Grothendieck group Definition of Ki(~) Elementary properties of the K-groups §3. Characteristic exact sequences and filtrations ~4. Reduction b~Resolution The resolution theorem Transfer maps §5. Devissa~e and localization in abelian categories Second part: Applications ~6. Filtered rin~s and the homotopy property for regular rings Graded rings Filtered rings Fundamental theorem for regular rings K-groups of some skew fields §7. K'-theor~ for schemes The groups Ki(X ) and K~(X) Functorial behavior Closed subschemes Affine and projective space bundles Filtration by support Gersten's conjecture for regular local rings Relation with the Chow ring (Bloch's formula) Pro~ective fibre bundles The canonical resolution of a regular sheaf on PE The projective bundle theorem The projective line over a (not necessarily commutative) ring Severi-Brauer schemes and Azumaya algebras 8S 81 ~I. 5 The classifyin~ space of a small category In the succeeding sections of this paper K-groups will be defined as the homotopy groups of the classifying space of a certain small category. In this rather long section we collect together the various facts about the classifying space functor we will need. All of these are fairly well-known, except for the important Theorem B which identifies the homotopy-fibre of the map of classifying spaces induced by a functor under suitable conditions. It will later be used to derive long exact sequences in K-theory from the homotopy exact sequence of a map. Let whose C= be a small category. Its nerve, denoted p-simplices are the diagrams in C NC= , is the (semi-)simplicial set of the form X ° - - , X I --~ ... ~ X p The i-th face (resp. degeneracy) of this simplex is obtained by deleting the object X. l (resp. replacing denoted Xi by id : Xi--, X i) in the evident way. BC, is the geometric realization of = in one-one correspondence with the NC. = For example, let Then BJ elements of J CW complex whose C=, p-cells are p-simplices of the nerve which are nondegenerate, i.e. such that none of the arrows is an identity map. way. It is a The classifying space of (See [Segal I] ,[Milnor I].) be a (partially) ordered set regarded as a category in the usual is the simplicial complex (with the weak topology) whose vertices are the J and whose simplices are the totally ordered non-empty finite subsets of Conversely, if K is a simplicial complex and if K, then the simplicial complex BJ J J. is the ordered set of simplices of is the barycentric subdivision of K. Thus every simplicial complex (with the weak topology) is homeomorphic to the classifying space of some, and in fact many, ordered sets. Furthermore, since it is known that any CW complex is homotopy equivalent to a simplicial complex, it follows that any interesting homotopy type is realized as the classifying space of an ordered set. (I am grateful to Graeme Segal for bringing these remarks to my attention.) As another example, let a group usual way. sense. Then BG G be regarded as a category with one object in the is a classifying space for the discrete group It is an Eilenberg-MacLane space of type G in the traditional K(G,I ), so few homotopy types occur in this way. Let X be an object of C. = Using BC=, we have a family of homotopy groups groups of C with basepoint X X to denote also the corresponding O-cell of ~i(BC=,X), i ~ O , which will be called the homotopy and denoted simply Tri(C,X). a group, but a pointed set, which can be described as the set Of course, Ir C ~To(C,X) is not of components of the O= category BC C= pointed by the component containing X. are in one-one correspondence with components of We will see below that TrI(C=~) In effect, connected components of C. and also the homology groups of BC= can be defined "algebraically" without the use of spaces or some closely related machine such as semi~dmplicial homotopy theory, or simplicial complexes and subdivision. The existence of similar descriptions of the higher homotopy groups seems to be unlikely, because so far 89 82 6 nobody has produced an "algebraic" definition of the homotopy groups of a simplicial complex. Coverings of BC= and the fundamental group. Let E be a covering space of fibre of E over ~ considered as a O-cell of BC. determines a path from X to X' ~-) E(X'). It is easy to see that X ~-~ E(X) from C to Sets BC=. For any object X in of C, let = If u : X -. X' E(X) denote the is a map in C, it BC=, and hence gives rise to a bijection E(u): E(X) E(fg) = E(f)E(g), hence in this way we obtain a functor which is morphism-inverting, that is, it carries arrows into isomorphisms. Conversely, given with X in C_ and such that spaces F : C --* Sets, let F \ C x E F(X), in which a morphism F(u)x = x'. [Gabriel-Zisman, App.l, 3.2] of (X,x) --~ (X',x') The forgetful functor F \ C -~ C B(F\C) --~BC= having the fibre ting, the map denote the category of pairs B(F\C)-~BC= F(X) over X is a map (X,x) u : X--PX' induces a map of classifying for each object X. it is not difficult to see that when is locally trivial, and hence F Using is morphism-inver- B(F\C) is a covering space BC=. It is clear that the two procedures just described are inverse to each other, whence we have an equivalence of categories (Coverings of BC=) ~ (Morph.-inv. F : C_ --~ Sets) where the latter denotes the full subcategory of from C= to let G = Sets, consisting of the morphism-inverting functors. = C_-- [(ARC) -I] = denote the groupoid obtained from C= the inverses of all the arrows to G: m Funct(C, Sets), the category of functors by formally adjoining [Gabriel-Zisman, I, 1.1] . The canonical functor from C induces an equivalence of categories Funct(_G, Sets) (loc.clt., I, 1.2). Let X -- (Morph.-inv. F : C --~ Sets) be an object of C and let Gx be the group of its auto- morphisms as an object of =G" When C= is connected, the inclusion functor Gx -, =G is an equivalence of categories, hence one has an equivalence Funct(=G, Sets) - ~ Funct(Gx, Sets) = (Gx-sets). Therefore by combining the above equivalences, we obtain an equivalence of categories of the category of coverings of E ~ E(X). morphism: BC= with the category of Gx-sets given by the functor By the theory of covering spaces this implies that there is a canonical iso~I(C=,X) ~ GX. The same conclusion holds when C= is not connected, as both groups depend only on the component of C= containing X. Thus we have established the following. Proposition l. The category of covering s~aces of the category of mor~hism-inverting functors thing, the categor~ Funct(G, Sets), where BC= is canonically equivalent to F : C --b Sets, or what amounts to the same __G = C [(ArC=)-~ is the groupoid obtained by formall[ inverting the arrows of C=. The fundamental group ~TI (C,X) isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of X is canonically as an object of the grou~oid It follows in particular that a local coefficient system L G. of abelian groups on BC = may be identified with the morphism-inverting functor X ~-~ L(X) from C= to abelian groups. 90 83 The homology of 7 BC = It is well-known that the homology and cohomology of the classifying space of a discrete group coincide with the homology and cohomology of the group in the sense of homological algebra. We now describe the generalization of this fact for an arbitrary small category. Let be a functor from C= A to Ab, the category of abelian groups, and let Hp(C,A)_ denote the homology of the simplicial abelian group Cp(C,A) of chains on gC = II with coefficients in associated normalized chain complex. ) C Hp(C,A} = where I~ ~ Ftmct(C,Ab) A(X o) A. (By the homology we mean the homology of the Then there are canonical isomorphisms lim_.~p(A) denotes the l e f t derived f u n c t o r s of the r i g h t exact f u a c t o r to Ab. This is proved by showing that which coincides with lim i~ from A ~-> H.(C=,A) is an exact ~-functor in degree zero and is effaceable in positive degrees. (See [Gabriel-Zisaum, App.II, 3.3J • ) Let H.(BC= ,L) denote the s i t a r coefficient system where we i d e n t i f y f i l t e r i n g the L. homology of BC = with coefficients in a local Then there are canonical isomorphisms L with a morphlem-inverting f u n c t o r as shove. CW complex spectral sequence. = I One has E I = O for q ~ O and Pq C.(C=,L). (Compare [Segal I, 5.1].) plex associated to This may be proved by BC by means of i t s s k e l e t a and c o n s i d e r i n g the a s s o c i a t e d E.o = the normalized chain comThe spectral sequence degenerates yielding the desired isomorphism. Thus we have C and similarly we have a canonical isomorphism for cohomology (2) HP(~=,L) = ~(L) where l i ~ denotes the right derived functors of the left exact functor ~kuTct(C,Ab) tO lim from Ab. Properties of the classifying space functor. From now on we use the letters f : C -,~C' C, C' etc. to denote small categories. is a functor, it induces a cellular map Bf : BC -+BC'. If In this way we obtain a faithful functor from the category of small categories to the category of complexes and cellular maps. This functor is of course not fully faithful. CW As a particu- larly interesting example, we note that there is an obvious canonical cellular homeomorphism (3) where ~c C° = ~c ° is the dual category, which is not realized by a functor from C except in very special cases, e.g. groups. 91 to C° 84 8 By the compatibility of geometric realization with products [Milnor I] , one knows that the canonical map (4) ---~ ~ ----. x ~ =' B(C x C') is a homeomorphism if either BC or BC' is a finite complex, and also if the product is given the compactly generated topology. As pointed out in £Segal I], this implies the following. 2. A natural transformation induces a homoto~y BC= x I ~ In effect, the triple is the ordered set [O<I~ BC_' between (f,g,@) e : f -@ g Bf and of functors from can be viewed as a functor , and B| C__. to C' = - - Bg. C x ! --~ C_ ', where 1 is the unit interval. We will say that a functor is a h omoto~y e~uivalence if it induces a homotopy equivalence of classifying spaces, and that a category is contractible if its classifying space is. I. If a functor f has either a left or a right ad~oint, the_._nn f is a homotopy equivalence. For if f~ f'f -@ id, id is say left adjoint to -~ ff', whence Corollary 2. Bf' f, then there are natural transformations is a homotopy inverse for Bf. A cate~or~ havin~ either an initial or a final obseot is contractible. For then the functor from the category to the punctual category has an adjoint. Let I and let be a small category which is filtering (= non-empty + directed i ~-~ C i limit of the be a functor from Ci; to small categories. Let [Bass, p.41]) C= be the inductive because filtered inductive limits commute with finite projective limits, we have 0~= = lira..., ObCi,= ArC= = ~ 0bC I ~i' ~d more ~,~erally ~C= = lira_.,. NCi . Let X i be a family of objects such that for every arrow i --~ i' in I, the induced =l functor C i --)C=i, carries indexed by Xi to Xi, , whence we have an inductive system Proposition 3. If X is the common ~ e i_~ ,,(~i,xl) Proof. subset of ~rn(Ci,X i) I. Because of the Xi in C, then = ,,(c=,x). I is filtering and NC= = lim~ NC i , it follows that any simplicial NC= with a finite number of nondegenerate simplices lifts to i, and moreover the lifting is unique up to enlarging the index As every compact subset of a every compact subset of CW i NCi= for some in the evident sense. complex is contained in a finite subcomplex, we see that BC= lifts to BC=i for some i, uniquely up to enlarging i. The proposition follows easily from this. Coroll~ functor I. Suppose in addition that for every arrow C i -~ C=i, is a homotopy equivalence. equivalence for each Proof. suppose map of i CW Replacing Then the functor ~ I the induced C=i -9 C= is a homotopy i. I by the cofinal category is the initial object of complexes i -@ i' I. i~I of objects under i, we can It then follows from the proposition that the BC__i --, BC= induces isomorphisms on homotopy. homotopy equivalence by a well-known theorem of Whitehead. 92 Hence it is a 85 Corollary 2. Any filtering category is contractible. In effect, I/i 9 I is the inductive limit of the functor of objects over i i ~-~ I/i , and the category has a final object, hence is contractible. Sufficient conditions for ai functor I to be a . homotopy equivalence. it ii Let C' _-- by f : C= --*C' be a functor and denote objects of Y, Y' P etc. sisting of pairs is a map If (X,v) w : X --*X' functor of Y is a fixed object of with f/Y Theorem A. the functor f f(w)v = v'. consisting of pairs If the category denote the category con- Y\f Y\C' of objects under (X,u) with Example. Y. to (X',v') is the identity Similarly one defines u : fX --~Y. is contractible for ever~ object Y of (3), this result admits a dual formulation to the effect that Let g : K --, K' f/Y C', then is homeomorphic to f/~ Bf. If f is a are contractible. he a simplicial map of simplicial complexes, and let be the induced map of ordered sets of simplices in K', then (X,v) f is a homotop~ equivalence. In view of of X, X', etc. and objectsof In particular, when homotopy equivalence when all of the categories f : J -~ J' by Y\f v : Y --~fX, in which a morphism from such that C', we obtain the category the category C C', let = ~- denotes the element of is the ordered set of simplices in K and K', so that g J' corresponding to a simplex g-1(o-). In this situation the theorem says that a simplicial map is a homotopy equivalence when the inverse image of each (closed) simplex is contractible. Before proving the theorem we derive a corollary. fibred and cofibred categories the fibre of f the identity of C' over Y [SGA I, Exp. VI] Y, that is, the subcategory of by f. It is easily seen that First we recall the definition of in a suitable form. f C: = makes ~-1(y) v : Y -. Y' ~ Y\f Y (X,v) ~ f the functor v'X, we obtain for any map u'v* -. (vu)* u,v v. The prefibred category of composable arrows in is an isomorphism. C', the We will call such prefibred and fibred respectively. Dually, f f-1(y) ..,f/y f-1(y,) C' -7 f-, (y) C' is a fibred category if for every pair = ,, canonical morphism of functors functors of a functor v* • f-1 (y,) over denote , x~.(x,i~) Denoting the adjoint by determined up to canonical isomorphism, called base-chsnw~,e by C: = f-1(y) C__ a prefibred category over in the sense of loc.cit, if and only if for every object has a right adjcint. Let whose arrows are those mapped to makes induced by category when C= into a precofibred cate~or~ over have left adjoints v : Y -~Y' (vu). ~ v . u , (X,v) ~-~v.X. is called c obase-chanse by for all composable C' = when the functors In this case the functor u,v. v, and Such functors C v.: f-1(y) --> is a cofibred f will be called precofibred and cofibred respectively. Corollary. Suppose that contractible for every This follows from Y. f is either prefibred or precofibred, and that The.._~n f is a homotopy equivalence. Prop. 2, Cor. I. 93 f-1 (y) is 86 Example. Let S(C) which a morphism from such that be the category whose objects are the arrows of u : X --~Y u' = wuv. 10 (Thus to S(C) fibres defined by the functor CO < = u': X' -+Y' is a pair is the cofibred category over (X,Y) ~-~ Hom(X,Y).) s S(C) _-- t C , and in = v : X' --~X, w : Y -~Y' COxC with discrete One has functors ~ C= given by source and target, and it is easy to see ~hat these functors are cofibred. categories s-m(x) = X \ C tible. Therefore s and and t The t-I(Y) = (C_/y)o have initial objects, hence are contracare homotopy equivalences by the corollary. This construc- tion provides the simplest way of realizing by means of functors the homotopy equivalence (3). We now turn to the proof of Theorem A. We will need a standard fact about the realization of bisimplicial spaces which we now derive. Let 0rd be the category of ordered sets p ={0<I< definition simplicial objects are functors with domain from simplicial spaces to spaces where p6M, so that by ([Segal I]) may be defined as the functor left adjoint to the functor which associates to a space Horn denotes function space and vertices. ..~p}, 0rd °. The realization functor Y /~P the simplicial space is the simplex having p ~-~ H o m ( A p, Y), p as its set of In particular the realization functor commutes with inductive limits. Let T : ~, ~ to spaces. ~-~ Tpq be a bisimplicial space, i.e. a functor from ~==0rd°x0rd °=== Realizing with respect to q keeping p fixed, we obtain a simplicial space P ~-, j q ~-k TpqJ which may then be realized with respect to p . Also, we may realize first in the p-direction and then in the q-direction, or we may realize the diagonal simplicial space p ~-~ Tpp . It is well-known (e.g. [ Tornehave] ) that these three procedures yield the same result: Lemma. There are h,,omeomerphisms whi.ch a r e f u n c t o r i a l Proof. i n 'the s i m p l i c i a l Suppose first that T h rs • S : (p,q) ~ where S space T. is of the form Hom(p,r) • Hom(q,m) x S is a ~ v e n space. Then I • ~ ' * ~ o m ( , , ' ) • Horn(,,.) • s ] = (This is the basic h o m e o m o ~ A r • A s ~ s. used to prove that geometric realization commutes with i products [Milnor I].) 1 P ~ Iq~, On the other hand, we have Hom(,,~-) • ~ o m ( q . . ) • I sli . Ar• s• and similarly for the double realiza~iom taken in the other order. Thus the required functorial homeomorphlsms exist on the full subcategory of bisimplicial spaces of this form. 94 11 87 But any T canonical has a h (r,=)-~(r' presentation x Trs ~ hrSx Trs ,l' ) . (r,.) which is exact in the sense that the right arrow is the cokernel of the pair of arrows. Since the three functors from bisimplicial spaces to spaces uader consideration commute with inductive limit8 , the lamina follows. Proof of Theorem A. with X (X,Y,v) an object of to C S(f) and v : Y --> fX be the category whose objects are triples (Thus (X,Y) ~-~ Hem(Y,fX).) S(f) P2 Pl S(f) p~(X,Lv) = x, p2(X,Lv) = T(f) u : X --~X', w : Y' -->Y is the cofibredcatagory (X,Y,v) C', and in which a morphism from over such that C= x C= '° defined by the functor We have functors ~,o < given by a map in (X',Y',v') is a pair of arrows v' = f(u)vw. Let Let ~C Y. be the bisimplicial set such that an element of T(f)pq is a pair of diagrams (Yp in C' and = C ~ "'" -'~Yo --* fX o 0 X ° --~ ... --#Xq) respectively, and such that the = deletes the object i-th face in the Yi (rasp Xi) in the obvious way. p-(resp, q-)direction Forgetting the first component gives a map of bisimplicial sets (-) T(f)pq ......~ N% where the latter is constant in the T(f) map is the nerve of the category BPl : BS(f) ~ BC= . p-directlon. Since the diagonal simplicial set of S(f), it is clear that the realization of (*) is the (By the realization of a bisimplicial set we mean the space described in the above lemma, where the bisimplicial set is regarded as a bisimplicial space in the obvious way.) On the other hand, realizing (*) with respect to p gives a map ug simplicial spaces IL B(~'/fXo)° ~ Xo-.,~...-~Xq which is a homotopy equivalence for each object. pt = ~c q Pl we see the realization of (*) C='/fXo has a final ([Tornehave, A.3] ), or the lemma is a homotopy equivalence. Thus the is a homotopy equivalence. Similarly there is a map of bisimplicial sets is the map =q because the category Applying a basic result of May and Tornehave below (Th. B), functor ~ Xo--~......~Xq T(f)pq --~ N(C'°)p BP2 : BS(f) .....~.. BC='° . Realizing with respect to whose realization q, we obtain a map of simplicial spaces Yo*-""~"Yp Io"-" "*"Yp which is a homotopy equivalence for each tible by hypothesis, p, because the categories Thus we conclude that the functer 95 P2 Y\f are contrac- is a homotopy equivalence. 12 88 But we have a co~utative diagram of categories P2 C'O ~ , P2 c o ~_ P~ S(f) Pl s(i,~,) , C ~ c, = where f'(X,Y,v) = (fX,Y,v). been proved, (note that Thus f The horizontal arrows are homotopy equivalences by what has Y\i~, = Y\C' is contractible as it has an initial object). is a homotopy equivalence, whence the theorem. The exact homotopy sequence. Let g : E --~B h_omotopy-fibre of be a map of topological spaces and let f over F(g,b) consisting of pairs For any e in fum~tor sendir~E with e a point of E and ~ ~ri(F(g,h), ~) -----~ =i(E,e) denoting the constant path at f : C --@C' B. The is the space p a path joining one has the exact homoto~y secuence of ~ = (e,~), ~ Let be a point of = E xBBI xB[b~ (e,p) g'!(b) ---~ lri+,(B,b) where b b be a funmtor and (X,v : Y ~ fX) to Y Y and b. e ~.. b. C'. If j : Y~f (X,v) ~-~ v : Y --~ fX formation from the constant ~kmctor with value g(e) with basepoint g* _~ Iri(B,b) an object of X, then g to fj. -,C is the is a natural trans- Hence by Prop. 2 the composite B(Y\f) --~ BC= -, BC=' contracts canonically to the constant map with image Y, and so we obtain a canonical map B(Y\f) ~ F(Bf, Y). We want to know when this map is a homotopy equivalence, for then we have an exact sequence relating the homotopy groups of the categories Y\f, C and C' Since the homotopy-fibres sf a map over points connected by a path are homotopy equivalent, it is clearly necessary in order fsr the above map to be a homotopy equivalence for all Y, that the functor Y'\f--~Y\f , (X,v) ~-k(X,vu) equivalence for every map u in C'. induced by u : Y ~-~.Y' be ahomotopy We are going to show the converse is true. Because homotopy-fibres are not classifying spaces of categories, and hence are somewhat removed from what we ultimately will work with, it is convenient to formulate things in terms of ho~otopy-cartesian squares. ~t . . .h'. ~E B' ~ h ;B Recall that a co~utative square of spaces is called h~Otopy-cartesian if the map E' ~ from E' B' x B B I x B E to the homotopy-fibre-product of 96 , e' ~-. (g'(e'), ~--q'6U, h'(e')) h and g is a homotopy equivalence. 89 When in B' is contractible, ~he map B', hence one has a map 15 F(g',b') --~ E' E' --kF(g,h(b')) is a homotopy equivalence for any unique up to homotopy. square is easily seen to be homotopy-cartesian if and only if b' In this case the E' --~ F(g,h(b')) is a homotopy equivalence. A commutative square of categories will be called homotopy-cartesian if the corresponding square of classifying spaces is. With this terminology we have the following generalization of Theorem A. Theorem B. C' = Y t Let f : C ~ C' = be a functor such that for every arrow Y -* Y' of C' - - in , the induced functor Y' \ f --~ Y \ f is a hemotopy, eqtuivalence. Then for any object ........... the cartesian square of categories = Y\f J , C j(X,v) = X = f, if Y\c, is homotopy-cartesian. --~ wher___Z f'<x,v) -- ~' ~ c_' j,(Y,,~) : Y, Consequently for any X =i+i(c__,,y) ~ =i(Y\f, ....J* [) in f-1 (y) ~ =i(c,x) we have an exact,,,sequence f* .> =i(c__..Y)--~ .. X = (X,i~). As with Theore~ A, this result admits a dual formulation with the categories Corollary. Suppose arrow u : Y --* Y' f : C= -@ C=' is/Drefibred (resp. precofibred) and that for every the base-chan~e functor u*: f-1(y,) --~ f-1(y), (resp. the cobase- change functor u.: f-1(y) _.~f-l(y,)) is a homotop~ equivalence. C__', the cate~or~ f/Y. f-1(y) Then for an[ is homotop~ equivalen ~ to the homotop[-fibre of f Y over in Y. (Precisely, the square f-i(y) i > C pt ) C' = where i is the inclusion functor, is homotopy-cartesian.) we Consequently for any X in have an exact homotopy sequence _+=i+l<c, y> This is clear, since ~ ,~i(~-,(y),x) f-1 (y) --~ y \ f i. ~ %(c,x) ~" . =i(c,,Y) - - - . is a homotopy equivalence for prefibred f. For the proof of the theorem we will need a lemma based on the theory of quasi-fibrations [Dold-Lashof] , which is a special case of a general result about the realization of a map of eimplicial spaces [Segal 2 spaces such that the canonical map for all e c~ in B. A quasi-fibratlon is a map E, B are in the class W complex, one ~ o w s from LMilnor 2] F(g.b> =W, and g that 97 of of spaces having the homotopy type of is in W Thus if is a quasl-fibration, we have that g-1 (b) -e F(g,b) equivalence, i.e. the square g : E --~ B induces isomorphisms on homotopy When also in b ]. g-1 (b)--e F(g,b) -l(b) is a homotopy is 14 90 -1 i !t h,!~ is homotopy-cartesian. Le0~ma. Let and let be a functor from a small c a t e ~ o r ~ i~-~X i g : X I --~ BI be the s ~ c e over pl ) ~_ Proof. to the obtained by rea~zing the simplicial s~ace xi io-*..-~ip If X i -~ Xi, BI o is a homotouy equivalence for every arrow It suffices by Lemma 1.5 of ~Dold-Lashof] p-skeleton F P of BI to topological space,s, I i --* i' in I, then g is a to show thatthe restriction of is a quasi-fibration for all p. g We have a map of cocartesian squares ~ Fp_I C g Fp C I (ep_I ) where the disjoint unions are taken over the nondegenerated NI. Let and let of g to U, V and U n V g are quasi-fibrations. and Ug%V, since to glU, assuming as we may by induction that is a quasi-fibration, and using the evident fibre-preserving deformation into glFp_| we may, let x D of provided by the radial deformation of /kp minus barycenter onto 9 / ~ p. g-| (x') induced by /~P This is clear for V is a product map. We have only to check that if simplex p-simplices U be the open set of F P V = Fp - Fp_ I . It suffices by Lemma 1.4 of lo___~c,cir. to show the restrictions We will apply Lemma 1.3 of loc. ~ . ,~U g l (Fp) i -~..--) i of o p obtained by removing the barycenters of the p-cells, over each p-cell glFp_1 ~ D D carries x E U into x'eFp_ I, then the map induces isomorphisms of homotopy groups. come from an interior point z of the copy of A p s = (io-~..-~ip) , and let the radial deformation push with vertices Supposing z g-1(x) --~ x ~ Fp_ I as corresponding to the into the open face of Then it is easy to see that g-1(x) = X i and g'1(x') o X k , k = ijo, and that the map in question is the one Xio---~~ induced by the face io--~ k of s. jo < ..(jq. As these induced maps are homotopy equivalences by hypothesis, the proof of the lemma is complete. Proof of Theorem B. We retura to the proof of Theorem A. The functor is a homotopy equivalence as before, but not necessarily the functor Bp2 : BS(f) -~ B(C='O) is the realization of the map lemma to the functor Y ~-~ B(Y~f) 98 Pl : S(f)-~ C= The map (**). Thus applying the preceding from C 'O to spaces, we see that fibration, and hence the cartesian square P2" BP2 is a quasi- 91 Y\f ~ pt 15 s(f) Y > C '0 = is homotopy-cartesian. Consider now the diagram Y\f ,s(f) Y\c' ~s(i%,) ~ ~c ~,~ • c, pt --V-~ c,o in which the squares are cartesian, and in which the sign equivalence. Since the square homotopy-cartesian, hence (I) + (3) (I) + (2) j2. The ',,~ ' denotes a homotopy is homotopy-cartesian, (,) it follows that is is also, whence the theorem. K-~rou~s of an,,exact cate~or~ Exact categories. Let M= be an additive category which is embedded as a full subcategory of an abelian category A , and suppose that M is closed under extensions in A in the sense that if an object A of A= has a subobject A' such that are isomorphic to objects of ~, then A is isomorphic to an object of A' ~. and Let ~A' =E be the class of sequences (I) in o M= ,, ~M' i ,M J ~M" which are exact in the abelian category ~ A. = ~o We call a map in M_- monomorphism (resp. admissible epimorphism) if it occurs as the map member M') (I) #M of and an admissible (resp. j) of some =E. Admissible monomorphisms and epimorphiems will sometimes be denoted M ---k~M", respectively. The class a) i E clearly enjoys the following properties; Any sequence in M= isomorphic to a sequence in E is in = E. For any = M',M" in =M, the sequence (2) o is in i E. ~- ,~' (id.o)_M.e For any sequence (I) in the additive category M. = b) in ~ ' ~ . " E, i ,o is a kernel for j j is a cokernel for The class of admissible epimorphisms is closed under composition and under base- change by arbitrary maps in M__. Dually, the class of admissible monomorphisms is closed under composition and under cobase-change by arbitrsly maps in c) and Let M -~M" in M= such that be a map possessing a kernel in N --~ M -~ M" admissible epimorphiem. M. = If there exists a map is an admissible epimorphism, then M -~ M" N -~M is an Dually for admissible monomorphiems. For example, suppose given a sequence Form the diagram in M. A 99 (I) in E _-- and a map f : N --~M" in M. = 92 where P O k M' ~ M J .~ M" ~0 0 :~i' ;P ,N rO is a fibre product of sions in A, we can suppose exists in 16 P f and j in A . is an object of Because M. = M is closed under exten- Hence the basechange of Definition. An exact category is an additive category of sequences of the form properties by f a), b), c) Examples. M= equipped with a family (I), called theishort)exact sequences of hold. An exact functor F : _M_--, M' an additive functor carrying exact sequences in M= between exact categories is into exact sequences in M'. = Any abelian category is an exact category in an evident way. family of split exact sequences (2). =E M__, such that the category can be made into an exact category in at least one way by taking [Holler] j M= and it is an admissible epimorphism. Any additive E = to be the A category which is 'abelian' in the sense of is an exact category which is Karoubian (i.e. every projector has an image), and conversely. Now suppose given an exact category contravariant functors from M M. Let A be the additive category of additive to abelian groups which are left exact, i.e. carry (I) to an exact sequence o ; ;(M") ~ F(M) , F(M') (Precisely, choose a universe containimg M, and let A be the category of left exact functors whose values are abelian groups in the universe.) (e.g. [Gabriel I ), one can prove embeds M= as a full subcategory of sequence (I) is in E The categor~ M= M Following well-known ideas is an abelian category, that the Yoneda functor A= if and only if details will be omitted, If A h closed under extensions, and finally that a h carries it into an exact sequence in A. The as they are not really important for the sequel. QM . is an exact category, we form a new category but with morphiems defined in the following way. QM Let M having the same objects as and M' be objects in M= and consider all diagrams (3) where ~ j j ~> i ,~, is an admissible epimorphism and i is an admissible monomorphism. is~orphisms of the~e diagrams which induce the identity on being unique when they exist. A morphlsm from M definition an isomorphism class o£ these diagrams. to M' M and We consider M', such isomorphisms in the category Given a morphism from Q~= is by M' to M" represented by the diagram M'~ j' N' ~ i' . M" the composition of this morphism with the morphism from is the morphism represented by the pair j-pr I , i'-pr 2 100 M to M' represented by in the diagram (3) 93 17 i' N ; 4 M" ~M' i M It is clear that composition is well-defined and associative. classes of diagrams then ~ (3) form a set Thus when the isomorphism (e.g. if every object of is a well-defined category. M= has a set of subobjects~ We assume this to be the case from now on. It is useful to describe the preceding construction using ad~ssible sub- and quotient objects. By an admissible subob~ect of admissible monomorphisms over M. we will mean an isomorphism class of Admissible subobjects are in one-one correspondence with admissible quotient objects defined in the analogous way. with the ordering: morphism. cokernel M M')---~ M, isomorphism being understood as isomorphism of objects When M ;I M_ MI~ M 2 The admissible subobjects of if the unique map MI~< M 2, we call (MI ,M2) M I --> M 2 over an admissible subquotient of isomorphism of ((MI,M2), 8) M form an ordered set is an admissible mono- an admissible layer of M, and we call the M. With this terminology, it is clear that a morphis~ from identified with a pair M M to M' in consisting of an admissible layer in QM= may be M' and an @ : M - ~ M / M I . Composition is the obvious way of combining an isomorphism ~,i with an admissible subquotient of sible subquotient of M" M' and an isomorphism of to get an isomorphism of M M' with an admis- with an admissible subquotient of M tt• For example, the morphisms from 0 to M in the admissible subobjects of M. isomorphisms from isomorphisms from in M. = If from M' M i : M' ~ to M to M in M' ~ M are in one-one correspondence with to M' in Q~= are the same as is an admissible monomorphism, then it gives rise to a morphism QM= which will be denoted i! : M'---~ M. Such morphisms will be called in~ective. Similarly, an admissible epimorphism j : M-~M" gives rise to a morphism J : M" --~ M and these ~rphisms will be called surjeetive. By definition, any morphism u in Q__M t can be factored u = i!j', and this faetorization is unique up to unique isomorphism. If we form the bicartesian square N) then u = i ~M' j' !.t x ! , and this injective-followed-by-surjective factorization is also unique up to unique isomorphism. A map which is both injective and surjective is an isomorphism, 101 18 94 and it is of the form e! = (@-I)' for a unique isomorphism Injective and surjective maps in ~ epimorphisms in the categorical sense. In fact, the category missible layers in QM=/M @ in M.= should not be confused with monumorphisms and Indeed, every morphism in ~ is a monomorphism. is easily seen to be equivalent to the ordered set of ad- M with the ordering" (Mo,M1) ~ (Mo,M~) i f Mo<.Mo~Ml~.M~. ! We can use the operations by a u n i v e r s a l property. i ~+ i.r and j ~-~ j" to c h a r a c t e r i z e the category Q~= F i r s t we note that these operations have the following properties: a) If Dually, if (JJ')' • = b) i and j and j,'j' If i' are composable admissible monomorphisms, then j' are composable admissible epimorphisms then Also • (4) (i%) t -- (i~)' " = i%1 • is a bicartesian square in which the horizontal (resp. vertical)maps ! are admissible mon~morphisms (resp. epimorphisms), than ~ow suppose given a category C, and for| each -(reap. (i'i)! = i'll , • i : M' )--@M C= and for each object (reap. j : M--~M") j" : hM" -~ hM) such that the properties this data induces a unique functor t i!j" = j"i', M a map a), b) Q=M -, C , M ~-k hM of M_- . an object hM of i, ; hM' - e h M bold. Then it is clear that compatible with the operations | i ~-~ i! and j ~-~ j" in the two categories. In particular, an exact functor functor QM--~QM= = ', F : M --~ M' M~->FM , i ,.~ - * ( F i ) ,. ~ j! ~= between exact categories induces a (Fj)" . We note also that if _M_ O is the dual exact category, then we have an isomorphism of categories (5) Q(=Mo) = such that the imjective arrows in the former correspond to surjective arrows in the latter and conversely. The fundamental ~roup of that the classifying space Theorem ~. Suppose now that is defined. Let _M is a small exact category, so 0 The fundamental $,roup TrI(B(Q=M), O) Grothendieck ~roup Proof. QM. B(QM) be a given zero object of KOM= . The Grothendieck group is by definition the abelian group with one generator ["I for each object (I) in M= . M of ~ and one relation [M] -- [M'][M'~ for each exact sequence We note that it could also be defined as the not-necessarily-abelian group with the same generators and relations, because the relations LM"]tM'] F of morphism-inverting functors show the group tot from F = Let to Ko=M acts naturally on K M - sets M. F : Q=M --~ Sets. F(0) for F in B(QM) is equivalent to the It suffices therefore to _F , and that the resulting func- is an equivalence of categories. o-- ~. : O ) - - @ M and JM : M - - ~ 0 f u l l subcategory of _F_ consisZing of r for all LM'][M"] = [M' ~ M"o] = force the group to be abelian. Accordir~ to Prop. I, the category of covering spaces of category M. is canonicall~ isomorphic to the Clearly any F denote the obvious maps, and let such that F(M) = F(O) and is isomorphic to an object of 102 F' be the F(iM!) = idF(o) F', so it suffices to show 95 F' is equivalent t o K M- = 19 sets. O= Given a Ko~ - set S, let F S • Q M --~ Sets be the functor defined by ~s(~) = s , Fs(i !) = id s ,- Fs(j!) = multiplication by using the universal property of _F_'. On the other hand if F(i! ) = idF(0). QM= . Clearly F6=F', then given [Ker j] on S, is a functor from i : M'>-~M we have Ko=M - sets to i.~, = ~ ) hence Given the exact sequence 0 > M' ! i ~M J ! ; M " ~ O ! J~.~ = i!jM; , hence we have S ~-k F S ! F(~) = F(jM;) 6 Aut(F(O)). Also F(jM') = F(j jM.) = F(jM,)F(jM;,) so by the universal property of Aut(F(O)) any F in F'. = KoM- , there is a unique group homomorphls,, from ~ F(j . such that ~hus we ~ v e a naturnl action of KoM In fact, it is clear that the resulting functor K M - sets is an isomorphism of categories with inverse o= theorem is complete. H~her K-groups. definition of K.M ==i (B(Q~),o) = I= +I Note first of all that the O. F~F(0) from for F' = to S ~-~ F S , so the proof of the The above theorem offers some motivation for the following K-groups for a small exact category ~.finition. Ko=M to on F(0) M= . * E-groups are independent of the choice of the zero object Indeed, given another zero object there is a canonical path from 0 to O' there is a unique map O' in the classifying space. 0 --~ O' in QM , hence Secondly we note that the precedin~ definition extends to exact cate6ories havin~ a set of isomorphism classes of objects. subcategory equivalent to We define M= , the choice of KiM= to be KiM=', where Mr' is a small H' being irrelevant by Prop. 2. = From now on we wili only consider exact categories whose isomorphism classes form a set, except when mentioned otherwise. In addition, when we apply the results of ~I, it will be tacitly assumed that we have replaced any large exact category by an equivalent small one. Elementary properties of K-groups. QM__--~QM_', and hence a hemomorphism of (6) f : M= --~ M'= induces a functor f . , KiM - - . Ki~' In this way groups. (5) An exact functor K-groups which will be denoted Ki becomes a functor from exact categories and exact functors to abelian Moreover, isomorphic functors induce the same map on K-groups by Prop. 2. From we h a v e (v) Ki(~o) The p r o d u c t i s e x a c t when i t s M x M' K~. = o f two e x a c t c a t e g o r i e s i s an e x a c t c a t e g o r y i n which a s e q u e n c e projections in M and = M' are. ~ Clearly Q(M -- x M') -- = QM x QM'. = = the classifying space functor is compatible with products (~I, (4)), we have (e) p r , . ( x ) • pr~.(x) Ki(M= x M') = Ki~= e Ki~=' , 10.3 x ~ . Since 20 96 The functor 0 : M x ~ - - ~ , (M,M') F - ~ M ~ M ' K.M ~ K.M i= i= = O~ _~ K M . Ki(M x M) -- is exact, so it induces a homomorphism 1= -- This map coincides with the sum in the abelian group KiM O~M , M ~-~ M ~ 0 Let j ~-~ Mj because the functors M ~-~ are isomorphic to the identity. be a functor from a amall filtering category to exact categories and functors, and let lira ---, M. =j be the inductive limit of the M. =j in the sense of Prop. 3. is an exact category in a natural way, and Q ( l ~ Mj) = lira Q=Mj , ~ Then lira --* M=3 hence from Prop. 3 (9) we obtain an isomorphism < ( l i r a ~.) Example. Let A = lira K.M.. be a ring with I and let ~(A) finitely generated projective (left) A-modules. denote the additive category of We regard P(A) as an exact category in which the exact sequences are those sequences which are exact in the category of all A-modules, and we define the K-groups of the ring A KiA = A ring homomorphism A--~ A' by Ki(P(A)). induces an exact functor A' ~ A ? : P(A)--> =P(A') which is defined up to canonical isomorphism, hence it induces a well-defined homomorphism (I0) ( A ' @ A ?). : KiA .....~. K.A'. 1 making KiA a covariant functor of A. (11) If Ki(A x A') j ~, Aj KiA ~ (8) we have KiA'. is a filtered inductive system of rings, we have from (12) Ki(1~ (To apply = From Aj) (9), one replaces = P(Aj) lim K.A.. ---, I 3 by the equivalent category P(AJ' =I the idempoten% matrices over A.3 ' so that =P(l~ Aj)' = ~ that P D-~ HomA(P,A) A °p is an equivalence of P(A) is the opposed ring to A, hence from (13) Ki(A) Remarks. (7) Finally we note with the dual category to P(A°P), where Ki(A°P ) . 1 into an whose objects are J =P(Aj) . ) we get a canonical isomorphism It can be proved that the groups K.A defined by making BGL(A) [Gersten 5]). = (9) an isomorphism defined here agree with those H-space and taking homotopy groups (see for example In particular, they coincide for i = I , 2 with the groups defined by by Bass and Milnor, and with the K-groups computed for a finite field in [Quillen On the other hand, for a general exact category the universal determinant group defined in M= , the group [Bass, p.389]. K I(M)= is not the same as There is a canonical homomor- phism from the universal determinant group to K I (M=), but Gersten and Murthy have produced examples showing that it is neither surjective nor injective in general. 104 2]. 21 97 ~3. C~racteristic Let M exact sequences and filtrations be an exact category and regard the family as an additive category in the obvious way. let sE, ~E, qE E of short exact sequences in We denote objects of denote the sub-, total, and quotient objects of E by M E, E', etc. and E, whence we have an exact sequence O in M ~ sE ~ tE ~ qE associated to each object E of E . gives rise to three exact sequences in exactness, it is clear that functors from E to Theorem 2. Proof. M on applying Q~ maps in Let QM . u (e,q) : Q =E - - ~ M,N of objects of QM= x QM: Lemma. M . consisting of triples C' v With this notion of s, t, and q are exact is a homotopy equivalence. Put C" (s,q)/(M,N) is contractible C = (s,q)/(M,N); it is the fibred C u : sE -->M, v : qE -~ R consisti~ of the triples are (E,u,v) be the full subcategory of triples such that u is injective. The inclusion functors C= ' - - ~ C= Consider first the inclusion of that there is a universal arrow C' in X -~ ~ in ! u = j'i I• will be called exact if it s, t, and q. (E,u,v), where be the full subcategory of is surjective, and let is surjective and E is an exact category, and that It suffices by Theorem A to show the category for any given pair Let A sequence in M . The functor category over such that E ~ O where i : sE~--~ M' , j and C= " - - ~ C=' - - C. Let C= with : have left ad~oints. X = (E,u,v)gC; ~ M ~M', in it suffices to show C'. = and define the exact sequence i.E by 'pushout': E : 0 • sE ~ ~qE tE ,O jl i.E : 0 > M' ~qE ~ T ~ O . t Let ~ = (i.E,j',v); it belongs to the evident injective map 0' and there is a canonical arrow X --~ given by E -@ i.E . ! ~ow suppose given by the pair Ep-@ Eo, X --bX' with E' :;3 E o X' = (E',j",v') sE >---> SEo<~. represents M ~ sE 0 uniquely u, we can suppose is E ~ X --~ X -~ X' j. E° sE'.~ j' chosen so that By the universal C'. = Represent the map sE >--> sE ° is the map i.E b-~ E 0 , so it is clear that we have a map is the given map of X -* X' X ~-* X' such that and E~ ~ -~ X' i, and E0 factors in C_' such that X --~ X'. X" is in valent to the ordered set of admissible layers in corresponding to E--~E' M property of pushouts, the map It remains to show the uniqueness of the map X -+ X" -+ X' in Since ~ -@ X'. C' E'. Consider factorizations ~ote that Let C/X' (E° , E I) (E"o ' E';) the layer corresponding to 105 = QE/E'= is equi- be the layer X" --~ X' so that 98 (So 'zl)<(E"o ,z~,) and s~.i'= ~'. 22 Tbere is a least such laye. _(Z"o'q ) given by tE O = tEO , tE~ = sE' + tEI , which is characterized by the fact that the map E~'/Eo is injective and induces an isomorphism on quotient objects. factorizations X -~ X" -~ X' there is a least one~ unique up to canonical isomorphism, and characterized by the condition that morphism qE ~ qE". clear that the map E -@ E" Since the factorization X -. X' EI/E O --~ Thus among the should be injective and induce an iso- X -~ ~ -, X' is uniquely determined. Thus has this property, it is C' -~ ----. C has the left adjoint = x~. Next consider the inclusion of v : qE--~ N by the pair C" = in C' t and let 0 ~ sE b T 0 : sE ~ tE .... N , and define N' ~ ..... • (E,u,v)6C' = ---- j : N' ~ ~ qE, i : N ' ~ • qE -----*O . • is left adjoint to the inclusion of By Prop. 2, Cot. I, the categories (E,j',i,)6C", and let ! " = (O, JM',~,) JM : M --~O ! to C and and ~ in C" are homotopy equivalent. : OP-~N C'. , This finishes the lemma. be the obvious maps. may be identified with an admissible subobject . sE' = sE object of C"=. Thus (E,u,v) ~ - ~ C" Let A map from -~ (E,j',i,) such that by pull-back: 0 One verifies by an argument essentially dual to the preceding one that (j*E,u,i!) Represent j*E E' of E ! and qE' = O. Clearly C"=, and hence E' is unique, so (O,jM" ,~!) is an initial =C is contractible, which finishes the proof of the ~heorem. Corollary Let 1. 0 and M' • M be exact c a t e g o r i e s and l e t F' ----* F ~ .... ) be an e x a c t 9e~uence of e x a c t f u n c t o r s f r o m F" M' to F. - F . +F.. : Ki~,-~K.M~= Proof. ~ O M._ Then . It clearly suffices to treat the case of the exact sequence ~ s----~t 0 of functors from E to Mo Let > q , .~0 f : M x M --~ E be the exact functor sending (M*,M") to the split exact sequence 0 The functors tf , .~M' t.f. But f. Thus t. = i s a s e c t i o n of = ) M' ~ M " and ~ ( s , q ) f e.(a.,%)f. (s.,q.) , M" ~ 0 . are isomorphic, hence = (s. + q.)f. : (KiM=)2--~ Ki_rJ_. : KI=E --) (ELM_)2 which i s an isomorphism by the theorem. s. + q., proving the corollary. Note that the category of functors from a category C= to an exact category M = an exact category in which a sequence of functors is exact if it is pcintwise exact. thus have the notion of an admissible filtration F. This means that F I (X)--* Fp(X) O = FoG F | C . . o F n = F is an admissible monomorphism in 106 M is We of a functor for every X 23 99 F/F for q.( p, determined up q is an exact category, and if the in C=, and it implies that there exist quotient functors to canonical iscmorphl-m. functore It is easily seen that if C F/Fp_ I are exact for Co rolla~ 2. |~< p <~n, then all the quotients Fp/Fq (A~ditlvity for 'characteristic ,' fi!trationg) Let are exact. F : M=' -~ M__ be an exact functor between exact categories equipped with an admissible filtration cF n = F such that the quotient functors Fp/Fp. I are exact for 1(p.<n. 0 = FoC .. Then n pc1 Corollary 3. = (Additlvlt~r for 'characteristic' exact sequences) 0 , > ) Fo .~ Fn----+ ... is an exact sequence of exact fuuctors from M' If 0 to M , then n p--0 (-,)P(~). = o : ~i~'--* K K. x= These result from Cor. I by induction. Applications. We give two simple examples to illustrate the preceding results. Let x ~ a ri~.d e y e , ~ d ~ t vector bundles on X, (i.e. sheaves of KIX ~ Xi~(X), where =P(X) is th. category of _~-modules which are locally direct factors of ~X~) equipped with the usual notion of exact sequence. functor KiX. E@? If Given E in P(X), we have an exact : =P(X) --) =P(X) which induces a homomorphlsm of K-sToups O --@ E' ~ Cot. I implies E --+ E" --~ 0 (E~?). = (E'@?). + (E"@?), . Thus we obtain products KxezKJ O) which clearly make ....> Kix , i n t o a module over KIX (E@?).: KIX -~ is an exact sequence of v e c t o r bundles, then (~?).x [E]~x ~ KoX . (Products KiX ® 5 X --~ Ki.jX can also be defined, but this requires more machinery.) Graded rin~e. Let A = A ° @ A! ~ .. be a graded ring and denote by category of graded finitely generated projective group Ki(=Pgr(A)) is a P = ~ Pn ' n ~ Z Z[t,t'1]-module, where multiplication by induced by the translation functor Proposition. A-modules Pgr(A) the . The t is the automorphism P ~-~ P(-I ), P(-I )n = Pn-1 " There is a ~ [t,t-I] -module isomorphism ~[t,t-IJe2~KiA O Ki(Pgr(A)) , 1 @ x b-~ (AeA ?).X • O Given P for n~ k, and let P =q Proof. which F_q_1P = 0 in Pgr(A), let and F P = P. A° be the A-submodule of Pgr(A) = P generated by consisting of those T(P) = Ace A P is considered as a graded ring concentrated in degree zero. ([Bass], p.637) that P is non-canonically isomorpklc to A~AoT(P) = P We have an exact functor T • =Pgr(A) --@ =Pgr(A) , where FkP be the full subcategory of ~n~ A(-n)~AoT(P)n . 107 It is known Pn for i00 It follows that P ~-~FkP 24 is an exact functor from ~gr(A) to itself, and that there is a canonical isomorphism of exact functors FnP/F_IP = A ( - n ) ~ A T(P)n . o Applying Cor. 2 to the identity functor of P and the filtra$ion =q 0 = F_q_IC-..~F q =id, one sees that the homomorphism tn~A O ---~ Ki~ q , tn~x ~-> (A(-n)e A ?).x o -q~ n ~ q is an isomorphism with inverse given by the map with components ~6T(A) is the union of the In this section M ~2, (9). Reduction by resolution ~4. P (Tn) . , -q~ n@ q . Since _Pq , the proposition results from denotes an exact category with a set of isomorphism classes, and a full subcategory ~!osed under extensions in object and for any exact sequence in M in the sense that P contains a zero M = (I) if o----~M, M' and M" ----~ , ~,~" - are isomorphic to objects of ~o P , so is M. Such a category where a sequence is exact if and only if it is exact in a subcategory of QM= which is Sot usually a full subcategory, as phisms and epimorphisms need not be will always refer to The corresponding explicitly. P ~ objects of P ; it is P' Ki~ M-admissible monomor- (2) o ---. p P , and the symbols M-admissible monomorphism between two P-admissible iff the cokernel is isomorphic to an object of when every object M of M= has a finite .......~ ..... - . _ _ . p n The standard proof for KO o _P in ~ ( - t ) n [ P n ~ 6 Ko=P depends only on / M ] . (2) P . _M induces isomorphisms P-resolution: --_ ~ M ----~ o . consists in defining an inverse map works when there exist resolutions is P-admissible notions will be specified denotes an We are interested in showing that the inclusion of KiP= ~ QP M-admissible monomorphisms, epimorphisms and subobjects, respectively. For example, is an exact P-admissible. In the following, letters P, P', etc. will denote objects of 3--~, ---> , ~ P Mr. The category Ko~M --> Ko~P by showing By Cor. 3 of the preceding section, this method depending on M in an exact functorial fashion. However, this situation occurs rarely, so we must proceed differently. The following theorem handles the case where resolutions of length one exist. example, think of _M_ as modules of projective dimension ~< n, and modules of projective dimension ~ n. Theorem 3- Let P The general case follows by induction (see Cor. I ). be a full subcategor~ of an exact category =M which is closed under extensions and_is such that i) ii) For ~ For an~ exact sequence M" i~ The n the inclusion . . . .functor~~ M, As an =P as the subcategory of (I), i_ff M is in P , then there exists an exact sequence M' (I) is in with P . M in _P . W2= -~Q/4= is_ a homotop,y equivalence, --s° K.PI=~-~Ki~ " 108 i01 Proof. We factor QP --~ QM QP where g C and into two inclusion functors ~ ~C f ~ is the full subcategory of f 25 Q~= with the same objects as g is a homotopy equivalence, it suffices by Theorem A to prove contractible for any object valent to the ordered set P J in of C= . The category ~P M-admissible layers hypothesis i), one knows that M1 and MO are in ~P is is easily seen to be equi- (Mo,M I) ~th the orderin~ (~o'M1~(M'~'o"~'I) iff "~<'~o~MI~<M~ J We will prove are homotopy equivalences. To show in QP . in P such that MI/Mo6 P, an~ ~o/M'o ' ~ / ~ ~- -P " By =P for every (Mo,M I) in J. Hence we have arrows (.o,~,) ~ (o,~) ~ (o,o) which can be viewed as natural transformations of functors from functor J to J joining the t o the identity and t o the constant functor with value (Mo,M I) ~-> (O,M I) Using Prop. 2, we see that J, hence ~P , is contractible, so g (O,0). is a homotopy equivalence • To prove QM. = Put f is a homotopy equivalence, we show M\f C = F= = M \ f ; it is the cofibred category over u : M -->P a map in surjective. Given QM. Let is contractible for any consisting of pairs F_' be the full subcategory consisting of X = (P,u) in F , write u = i,j ! with j : P ~M of F' and i), i P is in defines a map arrow from an object of F' = in F' = P as the notation suggests. ~ --> X. to Thus X , hence X ~-,~ dual category which a morphiam from triangle commutes. Given another extension of F '° P ~M to by is a map P XMP 0 which is in Ker ( P - ~ M ) is an object is a universal F' is contractible. _- P --~ P' P ~ M , and in such that the obvious ii), there is at least one such object By hypothesis P --~ M , the fibre product Pc X -->X is the category whose objects are maps P' - - ~ M u is right adjoint to the inclmsion of F= . By Prop. 2, Cor. I, we have only to prove that The with with ! X = (P,j') One verifies easily that (P,u) (P,u) in , i : P )--->P • _ By hypothesis M is an object of P by hypothesis Poem • P , as it is an i). Hence in F 'O we have arrows (P ~ (P ~ r o "-~ M) --~ M) ~ (Pc - ~ ~i) which may be viewed as natural transformations from the functor to the constant functor with value we conclude that F' Corollary I. (P--~M) ~-~ (P ~ P o and to the identity functor. Assume,. =P is closed under extensions in For every exact sequence b) Given (I), if - - j : M --9@ P, there exists M, M" are in j': P ' - - ~ P (This holds, for example, if for e v e ~ M and M= and further that P , then so is = f : P' -->M there exists Let =Pn b~ the f~l su~ategory of M cons%s~i~ of ~ ~ v i ~ <~n, .i.. e..t. such t h a t t h e r e ' ex.ists an exact sequence Kip -~M) Using Prop. 2, is contractible, finishing the proof of the theorem. a) jf = j' Pc--~ M ~ ip1 Kip 109 ( 2 ) , and put. P'-~M M'. such that .) ~-resolutions of length Pco =U=Pn " Then 102 That =nP is closed under extensions in 26 =M , and hence the groups KiPn are defined results from the following standard facts (compare [Bass, p.39]). Lemma. For an~ exact sequence (I) and integer n>~O, we have =n 2) ]4', M" (~ =n+1 ====~ ]4E-P-~+I ~) ]4 ' ~" ~ -~n+1 = ~ ' ]4'~: ~n+', " -P-n C =Pn+1 " Assuming this, we apply Theorem 5 to the pair fied, for given and by I) for each ]4&--Pn+1 ' there exists an it is n. Pn+1-admissible. The case of Pco follows by passage to the limit Since a simple ii) P--~M The other hypotheses are clear, so To prove the lemma, it suffices by I): Hypothesis M-admissible epimorphism is satis- with ; (§2, (9)). induction to treat the case M " ~ P I , there exists a short exact sequence P6P KiP_n - ~ Ki=Pn+I n = O. P'~--~P --~]4", so we can form the diagram on the left with short exact rows and columns t and with have 1 [ I , F ~ P p' ~ p ' @ P" ]4' ~M y ]4" ]4' ~ ]4 F = ]4 xM,P . F 6 P= . 2): I ]4' Since Since we can enlarge P', M F, P 6 P_- ]4"6PI, P Since are in we have from there exists and find =P P" ~ a) P ~ M and =P ..... ~ M" is closed under extensions, we that ]4'6P= , proving M", so applying factoring into ,p" b) to P" --~ M - + M " . I). pr I : P ~,,]4 - ~ P the above diagram on the right with short exact rows and columns, and with ]4'C_PI . 3): Applyin~ Since I) we see that R"6P= , so R~P= and M~P|= , proving P', R'6 =P as 2). ME P|, we can form the diagram with short exact rows and columns P' - L impl~es K~, ;-]4" -~M so As an example o f t h e c o r o l l a r y , ( l e f t ) A-modules. t P ..... M' A~ M'E=P I , I ) P ' ~ O t K ~ (Better, so that -'M" M'E=F I , provin~ take P = P(A) 3). and The l e m ~ and Cor. I are ~one. M = ]4od(A), t h e c a t e g o r y = M has a set of isomorphism classes, take of M to be the abelian category of a l l A-modules of c a r d i n e l i t y <o(, where o( i s some i n f i n i t e cardinel P (A) be the category of length > card(A).) Let ~ n, end Pco(A) = ~ =Pn(A). Then P ( A ) - Corollary 2. regular, then A-modules. , Thus we can form ~ A-modules having P-resolutions of as i n the corollary, so we obtain For O ~ n ~ o ~ , we have KiA ~-~Ki(Pu(A)). KiA ~ In p a r t i c u l a r i f A i_~s Ki(Modf(A)), where Modf(A) i s the category of f i n i t e l y generated 110 103 We recall that a r e ~ 27 ring is a noetherian ring such that every (left) module has finite projective dimension. For such a ring A we have =Pco (A) = Modf(A). Similarly, Cot. I implies that for a regular noetherian separated scheme the K-groups of the category of coherent sheaves and the category of vector bundles are the same, since every coherent sheaf has a finite resolution by vector bundles Transfer maps. is in P Let f : A -~ B be a ring homcmorphism such that as an Pco(A) ° Then restriction of scalars defines an exact functor from (A), hence f. : PQo(B) B to KiB--~KiA and call the transfer map with respect to g : B -*C A-module by Cor. 2 it induces a homomorphiem of K-groups which we will denote (3) f. Clearly given another homomorphism with C~=Pco(B), we have (4) (gf). = f.g. : KiC ~ We suppose now for simplicity that P(A) x Pn(A) for ~SGA 6, II, 2.2J. A B. Then if and B are commutative, so that we have functors ---. P=a(A) , O & n ( o o , which induce a product similarly for KiA . (P,M) ~ PeA M . KoA@KiA --~ KiA , [P~@z ~-h ( P ~ A ? ) . z , and f* = (B ~A?). : KiA -+ KiB , we have the pro0ection formula (5) f.(f*x.y) = x . f ~ and Y ~ K i B . This results immediately from the fact that for X in for x ~ K A P(A) there is an isomorphism of exact functors Y ~ from =P (B) to (B~gAX)@BY ----- X @ J Pea (A)" = Corollary 3. L e t T = IT i , i ~ |} be an ,ex,a,c,t connected sequence of ftmctors from an exact category M__ to an abelian category A (i.e. fo,r, ever~ exact sequence (I), we have a lon~ exact sequence - - ~ T2M" > TIM' Let =P be the full subcategory of assume for each M in M= - - • TIM ~ TIM" ). T-acyclic objects that there exists P --~M (Tram = 0 with P f o r all n~1), and in P , and that -- T M = 0 n fo_xr n ~fioient1~ ~r~e. Then Ki__P~ K ~ This results either frcm Cor. I, or better by applying Theorem 3 directly to the inclusion =PnC_Pn+I, where -P-a consists of Here is an application of this result. and let f : A -~ B because such that TjM = O for K~A = Ki(Modf(A) ) for A be a homomorphism of noetherian rings. A-moduie, then we obtain a homomorphism of (6) M Put If B j>n. noetherian, is flat as a right K-groups (B~A?) . : K~A --9" K~B B~A? is exact. A-module, then applying But mere generally if Cot. 3 to M = Modf(A) 111 B is of finite Tot-dimension as a right 104 we find that M K P "~ K:A , where I-l TnM = 0 for n > O . such that (6) P 28 is the full subcategory of Since B~A? is exact on Modf(A) consisting of =P , we obtain a homomorphism in this more general situation. ~5° Devissa~e and localization in abelian categories In this section A will denote an abelian category having a set of isomorphism classes of objects, and B will be a non-empty full subcategory closed under taking subobjects, quotient objects, and finite products in gory and the inclusion functor B --~ A A. Clearly B----. is an abelian care= We regard A and B as exact cate- is exact. gories in the obvious way, so that all monomorphisms and epimorphisms are admissible. Then ~ is the full subcategory of objects of Theorem 4. (Devissage) 0 = MoCMIC..CM functor n = M QB_ --p ~ Proof. that f/M Suppose that every object such that Mj/Mj_ I is a homotopy equivalence, so is contractible for any object QB= consisting of pairs By associating to such that u equivalence of such that u M with the ordered set MI/Mo£B, with the ordering A of A. = has a finite filtration J. Then the inclusion KiA= . f, it suffices by Theorem A The category N~ Q~= and f/M is such that to prove is the fibred u : N --~M is a map in (Mo,M I) consisting of layers (Mo,M1)<~ (Mo,M ~) iff (Mo,M I) MoCMoCMICM~ in M • has a finite filtration with quotients in i : J(M') -eJ(M) M/M' 6B. = of N -~ MI/M ° , it is clear that we obtain an J(M) M it will suffice to show the inclusion M'C M of what might be called its image, that is,the layer is given by an isomorphism f/M M for each Ki_B - ~ (N,u), where By virtue of the hypothesis that whenever is in. B Denoting the inclusion functor by category over M QA= consisting of those objects which are also B. B , is a homotopy equivalence We define functors r : J(M) --~ J(M') , (Mo,M1) ~-~ (Mo~M', MI~M') s-~(M)-~(z~) , (Mo,M, ) ~ (MonM',M1). These are well-defined because MI~M'/Mon~' C MI /MonM' and because idj(M, ) B C MI/MoxM/M' is closed under subobjects and products by assumption. and that there are natural transformations ir--~ s 4-- idj(M) Note that ri = represented by (MonM', MlnM') ~ (MonM', M1) ~ (Mo, M I) • Hence by Prop. 2, r Corollary I. is a homotopy inverse for Let A be an abelian cate$or~ (with a set of isomorphism classes) such that every object has finite len6th. Then ~A ~--X= where fxj, j 6 J~ objects of A , and i, so the proof is complete. II KiDj j~j is a set of representatives for the isomorphism classes of simple Dj is the sfield End(Xj) °p. 112 105 Proof. F r ~ the theorem we have 29 K B = K A , where B is the subcategory of semi- simple objects, so we reduce to the case where every object of =A the fact that we reduce to the case where =A then is semi-simple. K-groups commute with products and filtered inductive limits M~-~HOm(X,M) has a single simple object is an equivalence of ~ X Using (§2, (8),(9)) up to isomorphism. But with ~(D), D = End(X)°P, so the corollary follows. Corollar~ 2. If I is a nilpotent two-sided ideal in a noetherian rin~ Kx(A/I) -~ K~A , (notation as in ~4,(6)). This results by applying the theorem to the inclusion Theorem 5. (Localization) A, then Let B Modf(A/I) C Modf(A). be a Serre subcategory of A , let =A/B be the associated quotient abelian categor~ (see for example [Gabriel], [SwanJ), and let • : B --, A= , s : =A -* ~ B = denote the canonical functors. Then there is a long exact _ sequence s. ..... e. K I (~_B)= _ . ~ ~ s. ; KA , Ko(~B)= ----. 0 . (It will be clear from the proof that this exact sequence is functorial for exact functors (A,B) --~ (A',=B'). Unfortu~uately the proof does not shed much light on the nature of the boundary map ~ : Ki÷I (_~__B)~ Ki(B ) , and further work remains to be done in this direction.) Before taking up the proof of the theorem, we give an example. Corollary. If A F, there is a loW is a Dedekind domain with quotient field exact sequence > Ki+IF > ~ Ki(~m) • KiA ~ KiF ~ . . m where m runs over the maximal ideals of A. This follows by applying the theorem to A = Modf(A), with = torsion modttles, whence We have Ki~ = KiA ~ote that the map phism A --~F by Cor. 2 of Theorem 3, and __~. One knows that aM ---~O. the subcategory of A--~A/m Ki(~m) - ~ K i A 0 in A= , and let is the full subcategory of ~ Hence the composite of the constant functor with value is the transfer map associ- in the sense of the preceding section. Fix a zero object B Ki~ = ~ K i ( A / m ) by Theorem 4, Cor. I. in the exact sequence is the one induced by the homomor- as in ~2, (10), and the ~ p Proof of Theorem 5. B = is equivalent to Modf(F)= ~(F), (compare[Swan, p. 115]). KiA --*KiF ated to the homomorphism in ~ Qe : ~B --~QA with = = O, so > Qe O\Qe O also denote its image consisting of M Qs : QA --~ Q(~B) = _ = such that is isomorphic to factors ~ QA= In view of Theorem B, ~I, it suffices to establish the followi~ assertions. a) For ever~ b) The functor u : V'--* V in Q~_- ~2 0 \Qs Q(_A/B), u*: V \ Q s -@V'\Qs is a homotopy equivalence. 113 is a homotopy ea~ivalence. 106 Factoring when u u into injective and surjective maps, one sees that it suffices to prove is either injective or surjective. its dual does not change the iajective in u = i! , Q-category (§2,(7))° the i n j e c t i v s map ~ : FV Finally we have for ~ y As surjective maps in is an isomorphism. when u become is injective, say a) for __A/B . be the full subcategory of u : V - ~ sM a) Q(_~B) i!~,: = iV! , so it suffices to prove V in a) On the other hand, replacing a category by Q((_~B) O) = Q(A°/=B°), it is enough to prove i : V'~--~V. Let 30 V\Qs Clearly ~ consisting of pairs is isomorphic to ~ (M,u) such that , so assertion b) results from the following. Lemma I. The inclusion functor Denoting this functor by F V -@ V \ i s f, it suffices by is contractible for any object (M,u) of Theorem A V\~s. represented by an isomorphism V -~ VI/V ° , where easily seen that the category f/(M,u) (Mo,M I) in M such that is a homotopy equivalence. to show the category Let the map (Vo,V I) u : V -~ sM is a layer in in eM. f/(M,u) Q(=A/B) be It is is equivalent to the ordered set of layers (aMo,SM1) = (Vo,VI), with the ordering (Mo,MI)~< (M~,M~) iff MoCMoC M|CM; . This ordered set is directed because (~o.M,) <. (~%~M° , MI+ . ; ) ~ (M~,M~) It is non-empty because any subobjsct In effect, V I = aN s(g)s(i) -I where one can take then for some N i : N')--~N MI VI in of sM is of the form A , and the map has its cokernel in =B to be the ~ms~e of g. Thus V I --~ sM and sM I MIC'M. can be represented as g : N' - ~ M f/(M,u) for some is a map in A ; _- is a filtering category, so it is contractible by Prop. 3, Cot. 2, proving the lemma. The next four lemmae will be devoted to proving that the category equivalent to ~_. h : M ~N is homotopy To this end we introduce the following auxiliary categories. be a given object of where =FV =A , and let ~ be the category having as objects pairs is a mod-B_-- isomorphism, i.e. a map in A Let whose kernel and cokernel are = in B ' or equlvalently one which becomes an isomorphi= in _~. A mOrphiem f = ~ to (M',h') in ~ is by definition a map u : M --~M' in Q~= such that (*) 1~ i j h M "i' N (M,h), (M,h) h' ~N ! commutes i f of B = by (*) u = i!j'. TO each (M,h) in _~ we associate determined up to canonical isomorphism. we associate the map in ~_ Ker(h)~< induced by j and i respectively. To the map Ker(h), which is an object (M,h) -->(M',h') represented represented by the maps _ Ker(hj) 3 ~ Ker(h') It is easily checked that in this way we obtain a functor , determined up to canonical isomorphism. (M,h) ~ We prove 114 Ker(h) ~ is a homotopy equivalence in two 31 107 steps. Lemma 2. Let E~ that h : M --~ s be the full subcate~or~ of ia an e p ~ o r p ~ . _~ consistiu~ of pairs ~hen the restriction ~ (M,h) such : ~ --* ~ o__r ~ 18 a homotopy e~uivalence. I t s u f f i c e s to prove ~ / ~ i s contractible for any ~ is the fibred category over ~ where u : Ker(h) - ~ T ((M,h),u) with u consisting of pairs is a map in surjective. QB = and define Her(h) > .... ~ M ITo ~.... ~t ((M,h),u), with ~ = ~/~ ; it (M,h) in ~ , and ! in C , write u= j'i! with (i.M,h) by 'pushout': h ~> N I lJ > i.M ,1~ ~ l I ! Let X = ((i.M,h),j'); it belongs to C' and there is an evident map X -@ ~. verifies as in the proof of Theorem 3 that X - ~ X object of C'. ~. be the full subcategory consisting of Given X = ((M,h),u) i : Ker(h) > - ~ T ° , j : T - - ~ T ° -- Let C' = in Hence the inclusion reduced to proving that C' C'--~ C has the left adjoint is contractible. One is a universal arrow from X But C' to an X ~-~, so we have has the initial object ((N,i%), jT ) , so this is clear, whence the le~aa. Lemma 3. The functor ~ :~ -@ ~ is a homotop~ e~uivalence. Thanks to the preceding lemma, it suffices to show the inclusion homotopy equivalence. is in I be the ordered set of subobjects =B , and consider the functor easily that =E~ to and Let _~ f being in I. I being J xi? : (M--*,I) ~-~ (J l ~ kj , it follows from JCI f : _~ --+ =I sending is fibred, the fibre over Lemma 2 that f over I. Since I Im(h). One verifies Since commutes with J Xl? kI _E_i is homotopy equivalent to the is contractible (it has one knows from homotopy theory that the inclusion for each (M,h) to is a such that N/I is a homotopy equivalence for every arrow From Theorem B, Cot., we conclude homotopy-fibre of _~ -~ _~ of N E~ , and the base change functor from -*,J). J Xl? I E~ -* _~ N for final object), is a homotopy equivalence I, proving the lemma. We now want to show FV is homotopy equivalent to _~ when aN ~ V. First we note a simple consequence of the preceding. Lemma 4. functor Let g : N --~ N* g. : _~ --* ~ , be a map in A , (M,h) ~-> (M,gh) which is a mod-=B isomorphism. Then the is a homotopy equivalence. One verifies easily that by associating to (M,h)6 ~ the obvious injective map Ker(h)---> Ker(gh), one obtains a natural trar~sformation from ~ to ~ , g . ° (Observe: In 'lower* K-theory one calculates with matrices- in 'higher* K-theory with functors.) ~h~ % ~ %g. ~ s homotopic, and since % and % , are h~otopy equivalenoes. so is g. , whence the lemma. Now given V where ~ is in A in ~B_ , let and _~ ~ : aN ~ V be the category having as objects pairs is an isomorphism in 115 (~,~), _~_B , in which a morphism 108 32 (~.#) -, (~'.#') ie a =~p g : N -, ~' such that d,s(g) = ¢ . construction of =A/B that g2 : (N,~) -~ (N',d') __~ is a filtering category. we have s(gl-g2) = O, so (N',~') --~ (N",#") equalizing We have a functor from (N',~') to gl 'g2 g. : _~ --) _~, . Further, for each P(N',#') g~ = P(N,#) _-;v ' g1' /m(gl-g2)~=B, hence we obtain a map N" = N'/Im(gl-g2). _Iv to categories sending P(~,~) ' -~ - + Since with It is clear from the For example, given two maps (N,~) (~,h) ~ for any map (N,~ to _~ and g : (N,~) --~ we have a functor (~, s(h)-1~-1: V ~ g : (~,~) -~ (N',~') in ~ -~ .~) . __~ , we obtain a func tor =Iv which we claim is an isomorphism of caBegories. (~, for any (M,@) in e : v = ~) we otain a map (**) is surjective on objects. M = M ~ and g : (N,#) -.(u',d') is injective on objects. Applying Prop. 3, Cor. I, we obtain from Lemma 5. For any ~ : ~i -~V, the functor : V \ O ~ -@ O \ Q s s(hi, = e(h') . Also given Letting N' = N/Im(h-h') such tha~ g.(~,h) = g.(M',h'), ~cwing t~at (**) The verification that The end is now near. (~!)* = p(M,O-I)(M,i%) FV , s h o w i ~ that p(N,~)(M,h) = p(N,~)(g',h'), then In effect (**) is bijective on arrows is similar. Lemma 4 and P(N,~) (**) the following. is a homotopy equivalence. To finish the proof of the theorem, we have only to show i S a homotopy equivalence. Choose (N,~) a s i n Lemma 5 and form t h e diagram _~ P(N,~) ~ Fv = v \ ~ ~£ I (~v,)* The diagram is not commutative, for the lower-left and upper-right paths are respectively the functors (M,h) ,L _~ (Ker(h), 0 -~ s(Ker(h)) ) (M,h) ~ (M, (JAM) ,. : O --~ aM) . However it is easily checked that by associating to (M,h) the obvious injective map Ker(h) --, M, one obtains a natural transformation between these two functors. Thus the diagram is homotopy commutative, and since all the arrows in the diagram are homotopy equivalences except possibly one a l s o . (~!)* by Lenmaas I, 3, and 5, it f o l l o w s that The p r o o f o f t h e l o c a l i z a t i o n theorem i s now c o m p l e t e . 116 (~!)" is 33 109 §6. Filtered rings @nd the homotopy property for regular rings This section contains some important applications of the preceding results to the groups K~A = Ki(Modf(A)) for A noetherian. If A is regular, we have the resolution theorem (Th. 3, Cot. 2), so we also obtain results about regular. In particular, we prove the homotopy theorem: K-groups of Kareubi and Villamayor for KiA by K A for A i for A regular. KiA = Ki(A[t]) According to [Gersten I], this signifies that the groups KiA = K~A are the same as the A regular (assuming Theorem I of the announcement [Quillen 11 which asserts that the groups KiA are the same as the Quillen K-groups of [ reten I]). Graded rings. Let B = ~ B , n~O we consider only graded B-modules Ti(N) where k is regarded as a right Ti(N) is a graded Denote by FpN be a graded ring and put N = ~ = Nn with Tor~(k,S) B-module by means of the augmentation k-module in a natural way, e.g. the submodule of N o-F_,NC;oN To4F ) n To(N) n = generated by Nn for It fl) k = B° . From now on n>. O, unless specified otherwise. Put Then Nn/(AINn_I + .. + AnNe). n.~ p, so that we have that is clear _- B --~ k. o ( To(~) n n>p n<, p and that there are canonical epimorphisms (2) B(-p) ~k To(N)p where B(-p) n = Bn_p . Lemma I. I_~f TI4N) = 0 an__d Torlk(B,To(N)) = 0 isomorphism for all Proof. (5) ':" F~/F~-IN k-module resolution of X is a ~ is an Ti(B~kX)= 0 for i>O. k-projective resolution of X, then B ®kX , and B ®k P. Ti(B~k x) = Hi(k ~B B ®kP.) = Hi(P. ) = 0 particular by the hypothesis on 44) 42) we have for i>O Tor~(B,X) = 0 P. i>O, then p. For any In effect, if for all is a for B-projective i>O. In To(N), we have Ti(~®k~o(~)) = 0 for i > O . Let R p be the kernel of 42). Since (2) clearly induces an isomorphism on To, we obgain from the Tor long exact sequence an exact sequence T1 (B(-p) ~kTo(N)p)n --~ T1 (FpN/Fp.lN)n ~-~ To(RP)n----> OThe first group is zero by Fix an integer s. also that T I(FpN)n = 0 true, because (4), so for n~<s TI(FpN)n= TI(N) n Assuming TI(FN) n = O ~ is an isomorphism. We will show that (2) is an isomorphism in degrees ~<s and by decreasing induction on for p~.n, and because for n.<s, we find from 117 (I) p. TI(N) = 0 For large p, this is by hypothesis. and the exact sequence ii0 34 TI(FpN) n --'~TI(FpN/Fp_I~) n --~To(Fp_IN) n "-~To(FpN) n that T I(FpN/Fp_IN) n = To(RP) n = 0 ~s, showing that (2) for n~ s. It follows that R p is an isomorphis~ in degrees find o = T2(B(-p) ~kTo(N )p)n ~---T2(FpN/Fp_IN) n - is zero in degrees ..~s as claimed. for In addition we n ~ s, whence from the exact sequence T2(rpN/Fp_1~) n --> T I (Fp.IN)n --* T I (FpN)n we have TI(Fp_IN) n = O for n~s, completing the induction. Since s is arbitrary, the lemma is proved. Suppose now that B is (left) noetherian, and let Modfgr(B) category of finitely generated graded over ~[t], where the action of The ring k t induced by the exact functor F be the abelian K-groups are naturally modules B N ~N(-I). has finite Tor dimension as a right k-module, (~4,(6)) (B ~k?). : K~k (~) Its is induced by the translation functor is also noetherian, so if we have a homomorphism k-modules B-modules. such that ,~ Ki(Mo~gr(~)) B ~k ? on the subcategory Tork(B,F) = O for ~ of Modf(k) consisting of i>O. i Theorem 6. Suppose B is a graded noetherian ring such that dimension as a right k-module, and such that k B-module. extends to a ~[t]-module isomorphism Then (5) ~[t] ~i~ K~k (The hypothesis that k For example, if k ring over k. over k. "~ has finite Tor Ki(Modfgr(B) ) . be of finite Tor dimension over is a field and B has finite Tor dimension as a right B is commutative, then B B is very restrictive. has to be a polynomial In all situations where this theorem is used, it happens that Does this follow from the assumpltion that B and k B is flat are of finite Tor dimen- sion over each other?) Proof. Ti(N) = 0 that Let for N' = be the full subcategory of Modfgr(B) i>O, and let ~" consisting of N such that be the full subcategory of N' consisting of N such To(N) E ~ . By the finite Tot dimension hypotheses and the resolution theorem one has isomorphisms subcategory of N" K.Fx== K~k , K.N"x== K N'x= = Ki(M°dfgr(B))" consisting of N such that = F N = N. (~4) Let N"=n be the full We have homomorphisms n (KiF)n= = Ki(Fn 1= induced by the exact functors and ~ ~-* (To(N)j) b ) Ki(~_~ )_ (Fj , O ~ j ~ n) ~ respectively. Clearly c , (Ki{)n= ~ cb = id. in =nN" has an exact characteristic filtration B(-j) ®~Fj__ (this is in ~" OCFoNCJ..C-FnN = N B(-p) ®kTo(~)p , so applying Th. 2, Cor. 2, one finds that isomorphism, so by passing to the limit over n bc = id. with F~/Fp_1~p_ = Thus b is an we have ~It]® Ki~ ~*Ki~", which proves the theorem. The following will be used in the proof of Theorem 7. 118 by (3)) On the other hand, by Lemma I any N iii Lemma 2. Suppose dimension as a risht B is noetherian, k B-module. Then any finitely ~enerated pro~ective ~raded Proof. Pr-1 ) N ~ r is projective. Ti(N r) = Ti+1(Nr_1) d for O for k in Modfgr(B) ) k To(Nd) is projective for over B. Then for r~d ~To(Pr_ I) ~ T o ( N r _ Filtered rin~s. Let B = gr(A) = ~ A M -~,=- F_IM O ~FoMC.. ~4FpM/Fp_IM Le,ma 3. ii) If s, so To(Nr) is projective is projective, whence the lemma. p+qA , and ~ F p A = A. k = FoA = B ° Let By a A-module equipped with an increasing filtration FpA.FqMCFp+qM and U F p M = M . Then gr(M) = is a finitely ffenerated B-module, then M In particular, if ever~ sTaded left ideal in B is a projective gr(M) is a finitely is finitely B-module, then M is a pro~ective A-module. has a resolution by finitely 6enerated pro~ective 6raded of length ~ n, then M Proof. r~ d, where is noetherian. gr(M) iii) If and B-module in anatural way. gr(M) A-module. ~enerated, then A i>O Since ~ 0 . be the associated graded ring and put such that i) If I) I ~ F Ao ' F AA-F C qF p we will mean an is a graded large. be a ring equipped with an increasing filtration by subgroups such that FpA/Fp_IA A-module for r we have exact sequences has finite projective dimension O = F_IAC-FACFIAC... ~enerated has finite Tor ) 0 Nr-1 i~O, it follows that Ti(N r) = O ~To(N r) is regular, , Pr-1 r ~ d+s . It follows from Lemma I that Nd+ s filtered k has a finite resolution by B-modules. We have to show N r is the Tor dimension of As is re$,ular, and that N Starting with N O = N, we recursively construct exact sequences in Modfgr(B) 0 where 35 has a B-modules ~(A)-resolution of length ~ n. We use the following construction. Suppose given k-modules L and maps J of k-modules L - - ~ F M J J for each Lj --~FjM is onto. Let P j~O suchthat the composition >grj(M) be the filtered ~ To(gr(M)) j A-module with be such that ~ Lj Then To(gr(P)) j = Lj , and to FjM. restricted to A @kLj ~ gr(~) FnP = I ~ Fn_jA ~kLj and let ~ :P--.M A-linear extension of the given map from is a map of filtered is onto, hence Fn(~) A-modules such that To(gr(~)) is onto. and so is onto. Thus if K = Ker(~) , F K = KnFnM , we have an exact sequence of ~ It follows that is the is onto for all n, A-modules O ~ >K )P ~M ~O such that ,o o (6) o are exact for all i): If gr(M) ~K )~nP~g~M ~0 n. is a finitely generated 119 B-module, then To(~(M)) is a finitely 112 generated k-module, hence we can take which is zero for large j. Then P 56 L to be a free finitely generated k-module J is a free finitely generated A-module, so M is finitely generated, proving the first part of to be a left ideal of ii): If we can take gr(M) A i). The second part follows by taking M and endowing it with the induced filtration is projective over Lj = To(gr(M))j , Then B, then To(gr(~)) F M = MnF A . n n is projective over k, and To(g~r(M)) is an isomorphism, so from the exact sequence we conclude that To(gr(K)) = O. projective over iii): A, proving We use induction on Assuming gr(M) B-module. P as in the proof of From the exact sequence we know that graded projective a n, the case n = 0 has a resolution of length B-modules, choose le~aua), Then gr(K) = O, so K = 0 , M = P , and M is ii). gr(K) ~ n being clear from and ii). i), so that gr(P) is a free finitely generated (6), and the lemma after Th. 3, Cot. I, (or Schanuel's has a resolution of length ~<n-1 B-modules. i) by finitely generated graded projective by finitely generated Applying the induction hypothesis, it follows that P(A)-resolution of length $ n-l, so = M has a K has P(A)-resolution of length ~ n, as was = to be shown. Lamina 4. as a right If B is noetherian, B-module, then A k is regular, and if k has finite Tot dimension is re$ular. This is an immediate consequence of Lemma 2 and Lamina 3 iii). We can now prove the main result of this section. Theorem 7. Let 0 = F_mA<FACFIAC B = gr(A) such that and A ~/so if B 16FoA , FA.FACFp+A k = FoA. FoA FoACA has Tor dimension d n, so the same is true for B A Suppose is of finite Tot dimension as a induces isomor~hisms K~(FoA ) ~" KIA . is noetherian, we h o w over k, then If further Ki(FoA ) - ~ KiA . FnA/F_IA A is also by Lemma 3 i). has Tot dimension FnA , and hence also for A. Lemma 4 and the fact that ~d Thus the map is defined, and we have only to prove that it is an isomorphism. tion of the theorem results f r ~ = A. is of finite Tor dimension as a right A, and we have isomorphisms Since ,and ~ F p A is of finite Tot dimension as a risht module over are noetherian and Then the inclusion i~t B Suppose also that is re~alar, then so is Proof. each FoA FoA-modtule ) . B-module. FoA be a ring equipped with an increasin~ filtration ... is noetherian and that B o = FoA, (hence right A for K~k -~ KIA Indeed, the last asser- KiA = K~A for regular A by the resolution theorem (Th. 3, Cor. 2). Let z be an indeterminate and let show the graded ring A' central non-zero-divisor in As k be the subring ~(FA)z n satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 6. finite Tor dimension over A'. A' k is clear from the preceding paragraph. A', we have that has finite Tor dimension over B = A'/zA' A[z]° We Since z A' has is a is of Tor dimension one over B, it follows that 120 of The fact that k has finite Tot dimension 37 113 over A'. Finally to show A' is noetherian, we filter A' those polynomials whose coefficients are in F A. P gr(A') = II (grpA)zn p~<n is isomorphic to gr(A)[zJ, which is noetherian, h@nce A' = O Let F__ be the full subcategory of Modf(k) for i>O, whence Theorem 6 to B and KiF = K;k by letting F A' P The ring consist of is noetherian by Lemma 3 i). consisting of F such that By the resolution theorem (Th.3, Cor. 3). Tork(B,F) Applying A', we obtain ~[t]-modtLle isomorphiems (7) Z~[t]® Ki~ Let z B Ki(Modfgr(A')) , ~ be t h e S e r r e s u b c a t e g o r y o f is nilpotent. (A'®k?),x . , ® x ~ A = Modfgr(A' ) consisting o f modules on which The functor j = Modfgr(A') --~ Modf(A) , M~ M/(z-I)M is exact and induces an equivalence of the quotient category _~B [Swan, p. 114, 130]; note that if S = Iz n} , then with Modf(A). (Compare S'IA ' is the Laurent polynomial ring Air,z-13, and a graded module over A[z,z-lJ is the same as a module over Since A = A'/(z-1 )A'.) A'/zA' = B, we have an embedding i • Mo~r(B) ---~ Mo~gr(A') identifying the former with the full subcategory of the latter consisting of modules killed by z. The devissage theorem implies that Ki(Modfgr(B)) = Ki=B . Thus the exact sequence of the localization thorem for the pair (8) i .:.~ ~.~ Ki(Modfgr(B) ) We next compute i. (A,B) takes the form j. Ki(Modfgr(A')) ~ K:A with respect to the isomorphisms ~. (7). Associating to F in __F the exact sequence O---~A(-~)~# "-~- A=kr >,~#---.-,.o we obtain an exact sequence of exact functors from F = to Modfgr(A'). Applying Th. 2. Cor. I, we conclude that the square of Z~[t]-module homomorphiems ~-t I ~i. =It] o Ki~ ~ , is commutative. sequence (8) Since 1-t Kimodf~r(A)) is injective with cokernel K.F , we conclude from the exact that the composition Ki~ ~ Ki(MoGfgr(A')) - - ~ induced by F~-~ A' ~k F W-? A ®kF K~A is an isomorphic. the theorem. 121 Since K.Fz== K:k , this proves 114 38 The preceding theorem enables one to compute the K-groups of some interesting non-commutative rings. Examples. U(~) Let c~ be a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a field be its universal enveloping algebra. that U(~) is a filtered algrebra such that Thus Theorem 7 implies that Kik = KiU(~). algebra over k with generators Pi ' ~ i) ii) If K i(A[t]) A i) is a polynomial ring over ~ k. is the Heisenberg-Weyl ~i,Pj] = Kik -- KiHn . is noetherian, then there are canonical isomorphisms = KIA Ki(A[t,t'1])~ Proof. gr(U(~)) Similarly if ' 1~i~<n, subject to the relations [~,qj] = O , /pi,qj ] = ~ij ' then we have Theorem 8. k, and let The Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem asserts KIA (~ KI_mA follows immediately from the preceding theorem. ii): Applying the localization theorem to the Serre subcategory consisting of modules on which ~ Ki=B t ~ is nilpotent, we get a long exact sequence K~(A[t]) K'A 1 _B of Modf(A~t]) ~ Kl(A[t,t-1]) > K'A 1 where the first vertical isomorphism results from applying the devissage theorem to the embedding Modf(A)=Modf(A[t]/tA[t])C_B to I makes A Ki(A[t,t-1]) ~ . The homomorphism A [ t , t - 1 ] ~ A left inverse to the oblique arrow. Thus the exact sequence breaks ii). (#~undamental theorem for regular rin6s) If are canonical isomorphisms This is clear from Exercise. t a right module of Tor dimension one over A[t,t-1], so it induces a map K'AI up into split short exact sequences provir~ Corollary. sending Let ~ Ki(A[t]) = KiA and Th. 3, Cor. 2, since A ~ , then there Ki(A[t,t-1~ ) = KiA ~ Ki_IA . A[t] and A[t,t -1] are regular if A be an automorphism of a noetherian ring A, and let is. A~[t], A~it,t -I] be the associated twisted polynomial and Laurent polynomial rings in which t.a = ~(a).t , ([Farrsll-Hsiang]). Show that KIA = Ki(A~[t]) and that there is a long exact sequence (9) ~ Ki A .I-~, .............K:AI ~ KI(A~ [t't-1]) ~ Ki-IA' ) We finish this section by showing how the preceding results can be used to compute the K-groups of certain skew-fields. already in the case of is not known. Keith Dennis points out that this has some interest K2 , since a non-c~mmutative generalization of Matsumoto's theorem (Here and in the computation to follo~, we will be assuming Theorem I the announcement [Quillen I ] , which implies that the ~ A and that the groups K.R l q~ Example I. k Let of here is the same as Milnor's, are the same as the ones computed in [Quillen 23.) be the algebraic closure of the finite field R~p, and let be the twisted polyno~al ring k~[F~ with 122 Fx = xqF for x in k, where q = pd A be 115 Then A is a non-commutative domain in which eve/y left ideal is principal. the quotient skew-field of category consisting of dimensional over (1o) (A 39 k. D MOdf(D) = Modf(A)/B, where additive map i. ~ KiA bijective on B ~ KiD * D be KiA = Kik Ki-IB by Theorem 7. is a finite dimensional vector space F : V --, V well-known that Let is the Serre sub- A-modules which are torsion, or equivalently, which are finite are regular), and we have An object of B The localization theorem gives an exact sequence ~ K x= B and A, whence V such that F(xv) = xqF(v) splits canonically: for ¥ x over k k and in V = V ° @9 V I , where F equipped with an v in V. is nilpotent on It is V° and V I , and moreover that k v' vI q where ~ of with k = i v ~ V [ Fv = ~ q elements. B = is a finite dimensional vector space over the subfield q Thus we have an equivalence of categories ~ Modf x Modf . n Applying the devissage theorem to the first factor, we obtain Let d : k --~ k base extension of the k k-vector space is regarded as a right , On t h e o t h e r h a n d , i f A®kd(V) ~, i.e. ~(V) = k ~k V, where V is regarded as an , V ~ A®kV A-module killed by : 0 ~-~ a x P ® v W is a finite ~ A~W dimensional vector .~ A ~ W q a ® w F If space over I r , we h a v e an q A-modules 0 where with respect to ~. A-modules a®(x®v) exact sequence of V k-module via F, we have an exact sequence of 0 Ki__B= K.k ~ K.K~ . 1 I q ~(x) : x q, and let ~(V) denote the be the Frobenius automorphism: }-~ acts on the cokernel by ,~ k ~ W q a(F-1)Ow ~ > 0 q F(x ~ w) = x q ~ w . Applying Th. 2, Cor. I, to these "characteristic" sequences, one easily deduces that the composite i, Kik d) KiF q = KiB= ~ KiA = K.kx is zero on the factor K.F xq and the map I - ~. on Kik . From [Quillen 2] one has exact sequences 1-d. 0 for i > O. ~ K.F i q • Combining this with KoD (11) K2iD K.k l (10) = .~ K . k l K2i+ID = 0 we obtain the formulas 2~ , KID = • (K2i_,~12 = 7Z.~2Z = ( ~ ( q i _ 1 1~.)2 (K2i )2 = o 123 i>o i>o . 116 Example 2. pq - qp = I of H. Let H 40 be the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra with generators over an algebraically closed field k, and let D p,q In this case, one can prove that the localization exact sequence associated to Modf(R) and the Serre subcategory of torsion modules breaks up into short exact sequences O ~" K.kl ~ K DI ~ ~I Ki_Ik ~ 0 where the direct sum is taken over the set of isomorphism classes of simple The proof is similar to the preceding, the essential points being generated over such that be the quotient skew-field R-modules are of finite length, because k, and b) k J. If X where M(X) KqX = KqP(X),= where (= locally free sheaves of usual notion of exact sequence. ([Quillen 3]). If X P(X)= is the category of vector _Ox-modules of finite rank) equipped with the is a noetherian scheme, we put is the abelian category of coherent sheaves on concerns primarily the groups H-module K~-theor~ for schemes is a scheme, we put X has no modules finite dimensional is the ring of endomorphisms of any simple §7. bundles over H H-modules. a) torsion finitely X. K'Xq = K¢~(X), The following theory KqX, so for the rest of this section we will assume all schemes to be noetherian and separated, unless stated otherwise. As the inclusion functor from (1.1) KX ~ X M(X) is exact, it induces a homomorphism ~'X q When F =P(X) to q is regular this is an isomorphism. In effect, one knows that any coherent sheaf is a quotient of a vector bundle [SGA 6 II 2.2.3 -] , hence it has a resolution by vector bundles, in fact a finite resolution as [SGA 2 VIII 2.4]). Thus If E 1.1 is a vector bundle on itself, hence as in (I .2) §3 ,(I), KX o X is regular and quasi-compact (see is an isomorphism by the resolution theorem (Th. 3, Cor. I). X, then F ~-~ E ® F is an exact functor from M__(X) to we obtain pairings ® K'X q --* K'X q making K'X a module over the ring KoX. (In a later paper I plan to extend this idea to q define a graded anti-commutative ring structure on K,X such that K~X is a graded module over 2. K,X.) Functorial behavior. If f : X --, Y morphism), then the inverse image functor is exact, hence it induces a homomorphism of 42.1) f~ : K Y - ~ K J q K'q f* : M(Y) -~ M(X) ) K-groups which will be denoted ( resp. f* : K ' Y - , K'X ) . q q It is clear that in this way groups, and that is a morphism of schemes (resp. a flat f* : P(Y) -@ =P(X) (resp. K becomes a contravarlant functor from schemes to abelian q is a contravariant functor on the subcategory of schemes and flat morphisms. 124 ll7 Propositien 2.2. Let i ~-~ X i the . . . .transition. . . morphiams . . .Xi-#X j (2.5) KX be a filtered pr0jeqtive s~stem of schemes such that are affine, and let X = ~limX''x Then = q 41 limKX --~ q~ . If in addition the transitlon mo~hisms are flat~ then (2.4) K'X q Proof. = We wish to apply inductive limit of the lira --~ K'X.. q~ ~2 (9), using the fact that ~(Xi) by Let I is essentially the [EGA IV 8.51 . In order to obtain an honest inductive system of categories, we replace as follows. ~(X) =P(Xi) by an equivalent category using Giraud's method be the index category of the system category obtained by adjoining an initial object ~ to X i , and let I. I' be the We extend the system X. to I I' by putting X% = X, and let ~ =P(Xi) over object of i. Pi Let i ~ I' having the fibre =IP' be the category of cartesian sections of is a family of pairs (j -~i)*Ei ---~E and be the fibred category over for each object =~i is a functor from (Ej, @j) j .i I° of with Ej6=P(Xj) I'/i.) Clearly to categories. =P over and P: ej I'/i. (An an isomorphism is equivalent to P(X~) Using [EGA IV 8.5] it is not hard to see that we have an equivalence of categories i _ ~ ( i ~ ~i ) --.-, ~(X) I such t~at a sequence is exact in some =xP'" Thus from §2 (9) P(X) we have if and only if it comes from an exact sequence in Kq=P(X) = lim._~KqP i= , proving 2.3. The proof of 2.4 is similar. 2.5. Suppose that f : X -, Y is a morphism of finite Tor dimension (i.e. OX of finite Tot dimension as a module over category of M=(Y) consisting of sheaves f-1(O ) ), and let Y such that P(Y,f) = is be the full sub- F % Tori= ( ~ , F ) = O Assuming that every theorem implies that the inclusion induces isomorphisms Combining this isomorphism with the homomorphism induced by the exact f* : K'Y q --, The assumption holds if either f sheaf on Y K'X . q is flat (whence P(Y,f) = M(Y) ), or if every coherent is the quotient of a vector bundle (e.g. if Y In both of these cases the formula 247. Let f : X -* Y for =F(X'f)°'# ~(X) °= i large (fg)* = g'f* has an ample line bundle). is easily verified. be a proper morphism, so that the higher direct image functors carry coherent sheaves on X full subcategory of M(X) Rif. = 0 __P(Y,f),the resolution =P(Y,f)--~ M(Y) f* : =P(Y,f) -, M(X), we obtain a homomorphism which will be denoted (2.6) Rlf. i>O . in M=(Y) is a quotient of a member of (Th. 3, Cot. 3) on K-groups. functor F for to coherent sheaves on consisting of F such that Y. Let Rif.(F) = O F(X,f) for [EGA iII 1.4.12], we can apply Th. 3, Cot. 3 to get an isomorphism denote the i>O. Since to the inclusion Kq=F(X,f)-~KqX, provided we assume that every 125 42 118 coherent sheaf on X can be embedded in a member of with the homomorphism of F(X,f). Composing this isomorphism K-groups induced by the exact functor f. : =F(X,f) -~ M(Y), we _- a homomorphism which will be denoted obtain (2.8) f. : K'X ---* K'Y . q q The assumption is satisfied in the following cases: ~nen i) Rif. = O for ii) When on f is finite, in particular, when i>O X [EGA III 1.3.2] , so f is a closed immersion. In this case F(X,f) = M(X). = = has an ample line bundle [EGA II 4.5.3]. In effect if L is ample X , then it is ample when restricted to any open subset, and in particular, it is ample relative to f. ample relative to f , and further that any n Replacing we have an epimorphism L by a high tensor power, we can suppose L L is very is generated by its global sections. Then for (O_l)rn--. L~n, hence dualizing and tensoring with L f~n, we obtain an exact sequence of vector bundles o --. ~-~ Hence for any coherent sheaf (2.9) 0 where that --~ F(n) = r ® L~n. Rif.(F(n)) = 0 F (T~)=-~ F on --* X ~. we have an exact sequence F(n)rn---~ F ® E But by Serre's theorem for embedded in a member of o. -~ i)bO, n ~ n O, so --, 0 6EGA IIl 2.2.1], there is an F(n) 6 =F(X'f) for n ~ n O. no Thus such F can be =F(X,f) as asserted. The verification of the formula (fg). = f.g. in cases i) and ii) is straight- forward and will be omitted. Proposition 2.10. (Projection formula) Tcr dimension, and assume defined. f.(x) Then for and x e KoX is the ~ma~e of Proof. X • Y and y~ K~ Rf.(E) ~ We recall that if f.E , and such that Y. Let L F ~ =L, exact functor we have 2.6 f.(x.f*y) = f.(x).y f. : KoX - @ K o Y Rf.(E). [E] Arguing as in case such that and in __ o_~f [SGA 6 ii) Rif.(E) = 0 denote the full subcategory of = By the resolution theorem we have --* proper and of finite 2.8 K 'q Y , are where 2.12.33 . E, then f.(x) above, one sees for i>O. Then f.(x) = E(-1)i[Pi] ~ KoX , where {P.} is a finite resolution of Oy Tori= (f.E,F) O f : X -~ Y • = [E] is the class of a vector bundle is generated by the elements by vector bundles on for K'J b~ the homomorphism is the class of the perfect complex that Suppose have ample line bundles so that Pn ~ F ---, .. one sees t ~ t F~-~f.E ~ F O = K L = K'Y. q= q --* Po ® F y ~-~ f.(x)-y from Oy Tori = (_O_x,F) L to F in . --~ is the endomorphism of to O K'Y q induced by the M(Y). From the projection formula in the derived category: (see [SGA 6 I i I 2 . 7 J ) , we f i n d f o r i>O Moreover, applying Th. 2, Cor. 3 ---* f.E ~ F f.E M__(Y) consisting of L 126 that L Rf.(E ® ~ ) = L Rf.(E) ~ F F 119 43 C q O [ f.E M F Thus E ® f*F is in y~f.(x.f*y) from L = F(X,f), so by the definition of O q = 0 • 2.6 and 2.8, we have that is the endomorphism of to K'Y induced by the exact functor F~-~f.(E ®f'F) q Since we have an isomorphism f.(E ® f'F) ~ f.E ® F , the projection M(Y). = formula follows. P r o p o s i t i o n 2.11. Let X' g' ~ y, g X L ~ Y be a cartesian s,quare of schemes havin~ ample line bundles. of finite Tor d~ension, and that Y' an__~d X x E X , y'~Y', y ~ Y such that g* f. Sketch of proof. Set in the derived category = = 0 : K'X q L = P(X,g')O=F(X,f). --~ the inclusion K L-~ L--~ P From the formula KqX . ,g') 3. Rif. on the category Closed subschsmes. Since we have that g*f.(F) = f'.g'*(F). KqP(X,g')~K~X induces isomorphisms on functor X killed by Proposition 3.1. -If - K (Xre Z I i. : M(Z) -# M(X) sheaves on __P(X,g') are effaceable for Let canonical immersion, and let Y, (i.e. Lg*Rf. = Rf'.Lg'* F6L this follows from the resolutien theorem, because the exact sequence functors i_~s K'Y' . q f.F 6 P(Y,g), g'*F ~ F(X',f'), and that there is an isomorphism only to check t ~ t g Then [SGA 6 IV 3.1.0]. one deduces that for Thus everythir~g comes to showing that is proper, fo_!r i > O f(x) = y = g(y').) f'. g'* f are Tot independent over ToriO-y'Y(Oy,,y,, OX, x) for ar~ Assume , we have K-groups. 2.9 But shows that the i>O. be a closed subscheme of X, let be the coherent sheaf of ideals in i : Z --~ X _~ allows us to identify coherent sheaves on defining Z be the Z. The with coherent I. I is nilpotent, then i. : K'Z q --~ K'X q is an isomorphism. K'X. This is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4. PropOsition 3.2. Let canonical open ~ e r s i o n . (3.3) .~ Proof. of ~(U) K~+IU ~ U be the complement of Z i__nn X, and j : U -~ X th__~e Then there is a lon~ exact sequence K'Z q i. One knows [Gabriel, Ch. V] with the quoZient category ~ K'X ~ q that * Z. 127 , j* : M(X) - - ~ _M(U) induces an equivalence M=(X)/~, where t i n g of coherent sheaves with support in K'U q B i s the Serre subcategory c o n s i s - Theorem 4 implies that i. : M(Z)--@ B In 120 induces isomorphisms on Remark 3.4. 44 K-groups, so the desired exact sequence results from Theorem 5. The exact sequence 3.3 has some evident naturality properties which follow from the fact that it is the homotopy exact sequence of the "fibration" For example, if Z' is a closed subscheme of the exact sequence of (X,Z) to the one for From 3.3 containing (X,Z'). (X,Z) induces a map from the exact sequence for Remark 3.5. X q U Also a flat map to the one for f : X'--~ X (X',f-IZ). one deduces in a well-known fashion a Ma~er-Vietoris sequence q+1 for any two open sets Z, then there is a map from and V of X. q Starting essentially from this point, Brown and Gersten (see their paper in this precedings) construct a spectral sequence E~q= which reflects the fact that a certain sense. higher aPCX, K' ) =-q = - - - ~ K' X -n K'-theory is a sheaf of generalized cohomology theories in In connection with this, we mention that Gersten has proposed defining K-groups for regular schemes by piecing together the Ymroubi-Villamayor theories belonging to the open affine subschemes (see [Gersten 2]). sequence and the fact that Karoubi-Villamayor Using the above Mayer-Vietoris K-theory coincides with ours for regular rings, Gersten has shown that his method leads to the groups 4. K X = K'X q q studied here. Affine an d projective space bundles. Proposition 4.1. (Homotopy property) Let f : P ---~ X be a flat map whose fibres are affine spaces (for example, a vector bundle or a terser under a vector bundle). f* : K'X ---@ KqP q Proof. If Then is an isomorphism. Z is a closed subset of X with complement U, then because f is flat we have a map of exact sequences .... ~ K'Z q ....... - K'X q $ - -= K'U q $ KqPZ ~ KiP $ ~ KqPU ---1 By the five lemma, the proposition is true for one of other two. subsets X, Z, and U Z ~ X. We can suppose then the proposition holds for can also suppose X X ZI reduced by is irreducible, for if and Then by 2.4, residue field at the case where lira_ > K'Uq = Kq(k(x)) x, and where X : Spec(k), k But this follows from X = ZIUZ 2 with Z I,Z 2 ~ X, X - Z 1 = Z 2 - (ZI~Z2) , hence also for X. We 3.1. Now take the inductive limit in the above diagram as CX. if it is true for the Using noetherian induction we can assume the proposition holds for all closed x and Z I ~ K q P U = Kq(k(x) XxP) , where is the generic point of X. a field, and we want to prove §6 Th. 8 , so the proof is complete. 128 runs over all closed subsets k(x) is the Thus we have reduced to K'kq -T~Kq(k[t I .... tn]). 45 121 4.2. scheme that Jouanolou's device. X P Jouanolou has shown chat at least for a quasi-projective over a field, there is a torsor is an affine scheme. Karoubi-Villamayor He defines higher X with group a vector bundle such K-6Toups for smooth P. From 4.1 P X by taking the and showing that these do not it is clear that his method yields the groups considered here. Proposition 4.3. Let E be a vector bundle of rank be the associated projective bundle, where f : PE -~ X be the structural ma~. SE y ~ x ~-~ y-f*x . line bundle r over X, le__~t PE = Proj(SE) is, the s~ametric algebra of Then we have a K°(PE) ~oX K'Xq ~ (4.4) given by over K-groups of the coordinate ring of depend on the choice of K X = K'X q q P E, and let Ko(PE)-module isomor2hism K'(PE)q Equivalentl~, if z~ Ko(PE) is the class of the canonical 0(-I ), then we have an isomorphism r-1 (4.5) (K~X)r ~ Sketch of proof. The equivalence of Ko(PE) is a free sequence field. 3.3 (Xi)o~'i<r ~-* >~i=o z~f*x K'(~)q ' 4.4 KoX-module with basis as in the proof of and 4.5 results from the fact that I .... r-l, [SGA 6 Vl 1.1] . Using the exact 4.1, one reduces to the case where By the standard correspondence between coherent sheaves on generated graded Modfgr(SE) SE-modules, one knows that by the aubcategory of has the same M PE k a and finitely M=(PE) is equivalent to the quotient of such that K-groups as the category X = Spec(k), M Modfgr(k) SE-modules killed by the augmentation ideal. n = O for n large. This subcategory by Theorem 4, where we view k-modulesas Thus from the localization theorem we have an exact sequence where PE. i. , K q(Modfgr(SE) ) ~ Kq (Modfgr(k)) (4.6) i From is the inclusion and Theorem 6 j J* ~ K'(PE)q associates to a module M . the assoclated sheaf M on we have the vertical isomorphiams in the square K q (Modfgr(k)) ~ 2~/t] ® K'qk i. ~ K q (Modfgr(SE)) ~I = h ~ ~Z[t] ~ Kqk Using the Koszul resolution O ~ and SE(-r) ® A r E ® M ~ ..... Th. 2, Cor. 3, one shows that the map multiplication by ~_t(E) = Z h ~ SE~ M ~ M ~ O rendering the above square commutative is (-t)i[AiE]-- . Thus i. is injective, so from 4.6 we get an isomorphism I I ti • K'k q K;(PE) O~i<r induced by the functors M ~-~ O(-1)®iOkM , O~<i<r gives the desired isomorphism 4.5. 129 from Modf(k) to M(PE). This 122 The following generalizes Proposition 4.7. x in the residue field extension plicative system in f. : K~(X') -, Proof. 3.1. Lent f : X' --~X surjective (i.e. for each ~ 46 X be a finite morphism which is radicial and the fibre k(x')/k(x) f-1(x) generated by the degrees K'Xq induces an isomorphism If Z Z [k(x'):k(x~ S-IK'(X ')q is a closed subscheme of are the respective inverse ~m~#es~ of has exactly one point is purely inseparable). and Let S x' an__~d be the multi- for all x in X. Then --~S-IK'Xq . X with complement U in U, and if Z' and U' X', then we have a map of exact sequences > K,(z,) .-- K,(x,) ~ (fz). Localizing with respect to holds for two of K'X q S fz' f' fu k' ~ K'U q , and using the five lemma, we see that if the proposition it holds for the third. we can reduce to the case where X' = Spec(k'), where _ (fu). f. K'Z ~ q .) ) K'(U') X = Spec(k), k Thus arguing as in the proof of a field. By 3.1 4.1 we can suppose is a purely inseparable finite extension of k. Thus we have reduced to the following. Proposition 4.8. Let f : k--~k' be a purely inseparable finite extension @f d d degree p . Then f.f* = multiplication by p o~n K k and f*f. = multiplication by d q p o===nn K (k'). q Proof. The fact that of the projection formula The homomorphism f*f. ~(k') to itself. k' ®k k' ~4 (5) [k':k] is an immediate consequence and does not use the purely inseparable hypothesis. is induced by the exact functor v ~ from f)f* = multiplication by k,%v Since is nilpotent. (k,%k')%,v = k'/k is purely inseparable, the augmentation ideal Filtering by powers of I of I, one obtains a filtration of the above functor with gr((k' ®k k') ®k' V) = ~ (In/I n+m ) Ik, V . n But because the two k'-module structures on isomorphic to the functor Cor. 2 V ~-~V r, where Filtration b2 support~ Gersten's conjecture! and the Chow rln~. denote the Serre subcategory of is of codimension ~ p. M(X) (5.1) ~2 (9) and -~,z where 3.1, it is clear that we have Kq(Mp(X))=_ = Let Mp(X) consisting of those coherent sheaves whose support (The codimension of a closed subset the dimensions of the local rings From ®k k')) = p d Applying Th. 2, d f*f, = multiplication by p , completing the proof. to this filtration, we find 5. In/I n+1 coincide, this graded functor is r = d~k,(gr(k' lim, qK'Z }.30 z Z of X is the infimum of runs over the generic points of Z.) 47 123 Z where runs over the closed subsets of codimension (5.2) f*(~p(X)) c- Mp(X') In effect, one has to show that if codimension ~ p in X'. But if Z if ~ p. f : X'-~X has codimension z' We also have is flat. ~ p in is a generic point of f-Iz X, then f-IZ, and has z = f(z'), then the homomorphism -~,z " ~ - ~ ' , z ' is a f l a t local homomorphism such that rad(_~,z)"_~,,Z, is primary for r a d ( ~ , , z , ) ; hence dim(_Ox,z) = dim(Ox,,z,) by [EGA IV 6.1.3], proving the assertion. If X = lim X i where i ~-~ X. is a filtered projective system with affine flat transition morphisms, then we have isomorphisms (5.3) Kq(M__p(X)) = In view of form 5.1 this reduces to showing that any f-l~(Zi) for some fi : X -~ X i with i, where fi(Z). Theorem 5.4. -Let - Xp Z of codimension is of codimension But for i p in Thus z' Z. x p in X and z z' is of the X i , and where large enough, one has Hence any generic point z of Z, so the local rings at result about dimension used above. spectral Zi denotes the canonical map. Z i = the closure of generic point i ~ Kq(_M_p(Xi)) of Z = f.~1(Zi) Z.l is the image of a have the same dimension by the also has codimension be the set of points of codimension p p, proving in X. 5.3. There is a sequence ElPqCx) (5.5) I I K-p-q k(x) : x~X which is convergent when X >K -n x P has finite (Krull) dimension. contravariant for flat morphiams. Furthermore, -if - This spectral sequence is X = ~lim X I , where i ~-~X.1 is a- filtered pro~ective s2stem with affine flat transition morphisme, then the spectral sequence for X is the inductive limit of the spectral sequences for the In this spectral sequence we interpret sequence is concentrated in the range Proof. of M(X) = Kn p>~O , as zero for n~O. Xi . Thus the spectral p+q ~ O. We consider the filtration by Serre subcategories. There is an equivalence ,(x) I1 U Modf( ,/rad( ,x )n) x~X so from n P Th. 4, Cor. I, one has an isomorphism Ki(~p(x)/~p+,ix)) ~ I | ~ik(x) x~X where k(x) --* is the residue field at Ki(Mp+I(X)) --~ Ki(Mp(X)) x. P From --* 131 Th. 5 we get exact sequences I I Kik(x) xgX P ~ Ki_I(_M_p+I(X)) 124 48 which give rise to the desired spectral sequence in a standard way. The functorality assertions of the theorem follow immediately from 5.2 and 5.3. We will now take up a line of investigation initiated by Gersten in his talk at this conference [Gersten 3]. Proposition 5.6. i) For every ii) For all The following conditions are e~uivalent: p>/O, the inclusion q , EPq(X) =O M__p+I (X)--> M=p(X) induces zero on if p ~ O -- and the edge homomorphism K-~roups. K'- - q X ~ EOq(x) is an isomorphism. iii) For every (5.7> o ~ n the sequence ~'# ~ I I ~k(x> d, I1 ~_,k(x> d,, x ~ Xo is exact. Rere dI is the differential on E I (X) and pulling-back with respect to the canonical morphisms e Proposition 5.8. for all (Gersten) in X. E2Pq(x) is the map obtained b.y 5.5 and its construction. K' denote the sheaf on X associated to the =n Spec(~,x) satisfies the equivalent conditions of 5.6 Then there is a canonical isomorphism EPq(X) with . Let U ~-~ K'nU . Assume that x . Spec k(x) -=@ X. This follows immediately from the spectral sequence presheaf . xE X l as in = HP(x,K=~'q) 5.5. Proof. We view the sequences 5.7 for the different open subsets of X as a sequence of presheaves, and we sheafify to get a sequence of sheaves o -+ (5.9) ~, - + II (ix).(~k(~)) ~ I] (ix)~(~n ,k(xl) x~ X ° where ix : Spec k(x) --)X sequence 5.7 for denotes the canonical map. Spec(_Ox,x),__ because affine open neighborhoods of such projective limits. K' " x~X I The stalk of Spec(_~,x)=~U, where x, and because the spectral sequence By hypothesis, 5.9 5.9 over x is the U runs over the 5.5 commutes with is exact, hence it is a flask resolution of , SO =n xEX : {s S _- as asserted. The following conjecture has been verified by Gersten in certain cases [Gersten 3]. Conjecture 5.10. of a r ~ l a r (Gersten) The conditions of 5.6 are satisfied for the spectrum local ring. Actually, it seems reasonable to conjecture that the conditions of 5°6 hold more generally for semi-local regular rings, for in the cases where the conjecture has been 132 125 49 proved, the arguments also apply to the corresponding semi-local situation. On the other hand there are examples suggesting that it is unreasonable to expect the conditions of 5.6 to hold for any general class of local rings besides the regular local rings. We will now prove Gersten's conjecture in some important equi-characteristic cases. Theorem 5.11. Let set of primes in R R be a finite type alsebra over a field such that R is regular for each p regular semi-local rin~ obtained by localizin~ satisfies the conditions of Proof. subfield of k S S' R with respect to R is smooth over of Spec R' such that are the base extensions of the primes in with respect to S', then subfields of containing k A = lim ki®k,A' and ~ k, let S S, and let S. be a finite A be the Then Spec A k. There exists a finitely generated over the prime field, a finite type R', and a finite subset in in 5.6. We first reduce to the case where k' p A = k ~,A' k' and R = k ~k,R' S'. A' If A' k'-algebra and such that the primes is the localization of is regular. k.1 run Letting R' over the and finitely generated over the prime field, we have K.(M (A)) = lim K.(M (k M_,A')) =p • =p by 1 K 5.3, where here and in the following we write when M=p (A) instead of M=p (Spec A). Thus it suffices to prove the theorem is finitely generated over the prime field. In this case A is a localization k of a finite type algebra over the prime field, so by changing the prime field. the points of some f R, we can suppose As prime fields are perfect, it follows that S, hence also in an open neighborhood of not vanishing at the points in S. S, we can suppose R Replacing R k is smooth over R by is smooth over Rf k is k at for as asserted. We wish to prove that for any K-groups. By 5.3 K . ( M I(A)) where f p>.O runs over elements not vanishing at the points of K.(Mp+I(R))= t induces zero on ~p+1(A) -@ ~p(A) = 1~. K.(~p+l(Rf)) we reduce to showing that the functor where the inclusion we have = M=p+1(R) --> Mp(A) element t, there exists an from Rf, As R, it suffices to show that given a regular f, not vanishing at the points of Mp(R/tR) to Mp(R) by K-groups. ~lim K.(Mp(R/tR))= runs over the regular elements of M ~-, Mf S, hence replacing R induces zero on induces zero on S, such that the functor K-groups. We will need the following variant of the normalization lemma. Lemma 5.12. k, let t Let R be a smooth finite type algebra of dimension be a regular element of there exist elements B = k[x I .... Xr_1]c-R, at the points of R, and let x I ,..,Xr_ I o f then i) R/tR R S r be a finite subset of algebraicall 2 independent over is finite over B, and ii) R over a field Spec R . k such that if is smooth over S. Granting this for the moment, put B' = k/tR arrows 133 and R' = R ®B B' Then so that we have B 126 R' ~ R B' ~, B where the horizontal arrows are finite. lying ever the points in S, u' S. As u 50 Let S' be the finite set of points of is smooth of relative dimension one at the points of [SGA I I I 4.15] that the ideal I = Ker (R'--~B') hence principal in a neighborhood of S'. not vanishing at the points of module. We can also suppose R'/R Then for any (*1 B'-module Since R'f is flat over phism If we have an exact sequence of B', if M is in S smooth over R over M__p(R'f), so is an exact sequence Mp(Rf)= induces the a maximal ideal containing it, we R. Let ~ be the module of Kahler It is a projective R-module of rank B = k[Xl..,Xr_1] at the points of S means that the differentials R/m n , m £ S, V of R suppose also that S. Let J such that for each V generates R m at S, there exists by letting r-1. R/tR has dimension is of dimension Let be a system of parameters for z 1,..,zr_ I >I 2. are lifted to elements By the choice of Then x l' of • r-2, so gr(R/tR) gr(R/tR) R, then V, we can choose gr(R/tR) is finite over Vl,..,Vr_ I On the other hand, the is finite over k[Xl,..,Xr_1]. xi in 134 V S. whose We can in Proj(~Fn(R/tR)) of the affine space Proj at infinity, namely r-1 as asserted. V zi is kin I .... Zr_1], so if the zi k x ,.., r-1 such that x i = x! + v i l S, whence condition ii) of the have the leading terms The proof of the lemma and now complete. As be the subspace such that each is finite over R/tR S. Then the associated has dimension I ~ i ~ r, have independent differentials at the points of lemma is satisfied. V. Spec (R/tR) r-l, the part of this Proj(gr(R/tR)), homogeneous of degree Fn(R/tR ) To see this, note that is the closure in projective space of the subscheme Since to be dxi6 j ~ 1 k. in the elements of is of dimension v I ,..,v r vanishin~ at the other points of R/tR ~ n R k, we can find a finite dimensional as an algebra over Define an increasing filtration of gr(R/tR) in m r, and for be the intersection of the ideals in is finite dimensional over spanned by the monomials of degree graded ring S k. differentials form a basis for ~ I R/tR is in (*) M__p(B') to Choosing for each prime in are independent at the points of so R'~B,M Th. 2, Cor. I, and using the isomor- is a finite set of maximal ideals of differentials of Spec S(V). B'. K-groups, as was to be shown. can suppose k-subspace R'f- Rf-modules M=p(Rf). Thus M__p(B') to M=p(Rf). Applying Proof of the lemma. R/J n = ~ as an in O. M=p(B'), then is in R'f f is smooth, hence flat, ever ---,. Mf R'~B,M S', Thus we can find is isomorphic to R'f If ~---R'f , we conclude that the functor from zero map on Spec R. M Rf-module, we have of exact functors from in chosen so that R,#B,M One knows then is finite, this neighborhood f o viewed as an S S such that S'. is principal at the points of Since contains the inverse ~m~ge of a neighborhood of R Spec R' is smooth of relative dimension one at the points of zi in gr(R/tR), Theorem 5.11 is 51 127 Theorem 5.13. The conditions of formal power series power series in k ~ X I .... X n ~ XI,..,X n 5.6 hold for over a field Spec A when k, and when A is the rin~ of l e t h e ring of convergent A with coefficients in a field complete with respect to a non-trivial valuation. The proof is analogous to the preceding. then after a change of coordinates, Weierstrass preparation theorem. A/tA Indeed, given Further, if we put K-groups. B = kI[X I ....Xr_1] ] by the A' = A ~ / t A , is principal, so arguing as before, we can conclude that on O ~ t e A = k[[X1,,,Xn~, becomes finite over then Ker(A' --~A/tA) Mp(A/tA) -* Mp(A) induces zero The argument also works for convergent power series, since the preparation theorem is still available. We now want to give an application of the fact tha~ the particular that KIA KIA 5.11 to the Chow ring. We will assume known defined here is canonically isomorphic to the Bass is canonically isomorphic to the group of units K I , and in A', when A is a local ring or a ~.~aclidean domain. Proposition 5.14. Le.t X be a regular sc.h.eme...~.o.f....finite t~pe over a field. Then the ima~e~ dl : I I Klk(X) ~ ~ x{Xp_ I in the spectral sequence AP(x) P is the subgroup of codimens%on 5.5 linearly e~uivalent to zero. ~rou~ Consequently of cycles of codimension Proof. Let p1 form W ° - W o, where known formula for Let W W or k(y). and let = o - W dim(W) - I . p1. Let cP(x) Let x W ~ ( X x O) t denote the denote the group of codimension Y t' and W w Y the generic point of : k(y)" -9-~ ordyx(f) for f ¢ o. 5.15 k(y). p x in of codimension are proper. p such We need a p1 X x -~ X, so that W = Y x p1 and p - I W, so that k(w) Y, X x p1 Wr~(X x co) has codimension be the non-zero element of (multiplicity of yx = In the latter case we have be a point of codimension one in (5.15) From W under the projection dimension one with quotient field ord and Go which we now recall. dim(W) = dim(Y), whence generic point of where iscanon!9.ally isomorphic to the modulo linear equivalence. is an irreducible subvariety of W o co be the image of Y we may assume of E~'-P(x) P cTcles which are p The subgroup of cycles linearly equivalent to zero is generated by cycles of the that the intersections dim(W) p x~X be the projective line over the ground field, and let canonical rational function on cycles. Kok(X) =-l--t x~X W o X. in k(w) Oy, x Go Let = O, so y be the is a finite extension obtained by pulling whence dim(Y) = - W t back to W, is a local domain of Then the formula we want is WO -Wco) = ordyx(ROrm~(w)/k(y ) t') is the unique homomorphism such that = length(Oy,/fOg, x) For a proof of 5.15 see it is clear that the subgroup 135 [Chevalley, p. 2-12]. of cycles linearly equivalent to zero is 128 52 the image ef the homemorphism ii ¢ k(y)" tl where i f f~k(y)', Klk(y) = ¢(f)= then k(y)', we see Z ord. (f)-~ ~ is a map from ~ ~ d w e put E F I '-P(x) remains to prove the preposition is to show that Let fer y Xp_ I dI in Xp_ I Y (dl)y x : k(y)" = K1k(Y) and in X x Xp . be its closure. for all the ene fer ord --0 if x¢E}- Since YXE IP'-P(x),so all that to ~ = dI . have the components and let Mj+p_I(X) =~ = cp(x) xeX P Y ~ Xp_ I ~ Kok(X)=~, We want te show that The closed immersien (dl)yx = °rdyx " Y --~X carries j, hence it induces a map from the spectral sequence augmenting the filtration by dI p-1. which shows that _o,-l(y) ~:1 (dl)yx = O codimensien one in d~ ~ ~I J ,-1 (y) unless x is in Y, then the flat map 5.5 in te fer Y te cP(x) ]- = y Thus we get a commutative diagram E~ 1']p(x) ---. :'-P(x) KIk(Y) Fix Mj(Y) Y. : C1 (y) On the other hand, if Spec(Oy, x) ---~Y x is of induces a map of spectral sequences, so we get a commutative diagram KIk(Y) _0,-I (y) ~I = II KIk(Y) which shows that the equality Lemma 5.16. = ~I is the map dI ~'I and residue field is isomorphic to ord(x)= length(A/xA) We have isomorphiams o k. x If since x is not a unit. x --~ in Speck KIP = F" and for x KIA = A" in By hypothesis By naturality of the exact sequence Spec A. Then is the hom0morphism such k e A since A, x { O. is in the image of the map were algebraic over ord of A, x ~ O . algebraic, se we have a flat homomorphism x. KoA ord : F" -* ZZ , where x We wish te show ~(x) = ord(x) can suppose of for Kk " KeF --~ 0 associated to the closed set k ~-~ k, and let 3.3 clear, as ~(x) = O Oy, x . Therefore be an equi-characteristic local noetherian domain of dimensien F be the exact sequence Proof. 2Z in the spectral sequence for K I, rings. [multiplicity oe x is a consequence of the fellewing. --~ : KIF ~ K k C I (y) (Oy,x) = K;A that = 1 _~,_~ = erdyx .Let A ene with quotient field E I ,-1 (y) l ~o,_~(%,x) ~ = (dl)yx (dl)yx dl > If is in F are local A', this is . Thus we is an algebra over the prime subfield ko[t ] --~ A 136 and x KIA -~ K~A - + K I F , it would be a unit in 3.3 A A. Thus x sending the indeterminate is net t to for flat maps, we get a commutative diagram 129 '~ Klko[t] 53 ~ Klko[t,t-1 ] 1 8 , Kok° 1u K~A - ~ tv KI F 9 ~ K k O such that u(t) = x. The homomorphism v is induced by sending a k -vector space V to O the A-module A ®ko[t]V = A/xA ®k V O and using devissage to identify the length with those of P(k). K-groups of the category of A-modules of finite Thus with respect to the isomorphisms K k = is multiplication by top row of the above diagram, one has ~ (t) = ~ 1 . But this is easily verified by KoR = Z and Remark 5.17. In another paper, along with the proof of Theorem I of local noetherian domain for A of dimension one with By the universal property of the (5.18) B(Aut(V)) compatible with direct sums. --~ A-submodules of layers such that (Lo,LI) Then G X(V). acts on there is a functor desired map X(V) G --~ F for a and residue field V over F a homotopy class of maps BQ(~(k)) L such that LI/L ° F ~A L = V. A-lattices in Let X(V) is killed by the maximal ideal of X(V), so we can form a cofibred category One can show that 'bttilding'), hence the functor [Quillen I], ~ : KnF - + K _ i k quotient field To do this consider the set of finitely generated with fibre for a K-theory of a ring, such a map is defined by giving every finite dimensional vector space G = Aut(V). KIR = R" q.e.d. I plan to justify the following description of the boundary map k. , v O Therefore it suffices to show that in the explicitly computing the top row, usiz~ the fact that Euclidean domain, = K k =~ O0 length(A/xA) = ord(x) . X(V) be the ordered set A, and put X(V) G over G is contractible (it is essentially a X(V) G -~ G ~(P(k)) V, i.e. is a homotopy equivalence. sending (Lo,LI) to On the other hand LI/L O , hence we obtain the 5.18. It can be deduced from this description that the Lemma 5.16 is valid without the equi-characteristic hypothesis. Combining 5.8, 5.11, and Theorem 5.19. 5.14 we obtain the following. For a re~alar scheme X of finite type over a field, there is a canonical isomorphism HP(X,Kp) For HI(x,_~) = p = O and Pic(X). I For = AP(x) . this amounts to the trivial formulas p = 2 H°(X,~) = C°(X) and this formula has been established by Spencer Bloch in certain cases (see his paper in this proced~gs). One noteworthy feature about the formula contravariant in X~ 5.19 which suggests that higher is that the left side is manifestly K-theory will eventually provide hhe tool for a theory of the Chow ring for non-projective nonsingular varieties. 137 130 ~8. 54 Pro~ective fibre bundles The main result of this section is the computation of the bundle associated to a vector bundle over a scheme. Grothendieck groups in [SGA 6 VI] K-groups of the projective It generalizes the theorem about and may be considered as a first step toward a higher K-theory for schemes (as opposed to the K'-theory developed in the preceding section). The method of proof differs from that of [SGA 6] in that it uses the existence of canonical resolutions for sheaves on projective space which are regular in the sense of [Mumford, Lecture 14]. method. We also discuss two variants of this result proved by the same The first concerns the 'projective llne' over a (not necessarily ring; it is one of the ingredients for a higher Theorem' of the Bass K commutative) generalization of the 'Fundamental to be presented in a later paper. The second is a formula relating K-groups of a Severi-Brauer scheme with those of the associated Azumaya algebra and its powers, which was inspired by a calculation of Roberts. I. The canonical resolution of a regular sheaf on (not necessarily noetherian or separated), S, and let X = PE = Proj(SE) symmetric algebra of f : X -* S sheaf of E let E PE. Let S be a scheme be a vector bundle of rank be the associated projective bundle, where over 0 S. the structural map. Let _~(I) r SE over is the be the canonical line bundle on X and We will use the term "X-module" to mean a quasi-coherent O__x-modules, unless specified otherwise. The following lemma summarizes some standard facts about the higher direct image functors Rqf. Lemma 1.1. we will need. a) For any X-module F, R~.(F) is an S-module which is zero for q>/r. b) For an~¢ X-module F and vector bundle R%.(F) %E, c) For any S-module = E' on S, one has R%.(F %E') N, one has I R%.(~(n) %s) 0 = q~O,r-1 Sn~,®S N q= 0 (Sr_nE)V®SArE ®S N where r - I ,'v" denotes the dual vector bundle. d) If F affin___~e, then Parts is an F X-module of finite t~cpe (e. G. a vector bundle), and if .is a quotient of (~(-1)~n) k a), c) Part b) finitely many copies of 0 S. For Following Mumford, we call an where as usual, by for some S is n, k. result from the standard Cech calculations of the cohomology of projec- tive space [EGA III 2]. n>~O q : F(n) = is obvious since locally d), see X-module 138 is a direct sum of [EGA II 2.7.10]. F regular if _~(I )®nMXF . For example, we have c). E' Rqf.(F(-q)) = O for q>O, _O_x(n)®S/~ is regular for 131 Lemma 1.2. Le__!t O a) If b) If F(n) c) If F'(n+1) -~ F' --~ F F'(n) and F"(n) and F" --~ O are regular, so is F'(n+1) F(n+1) and F"(n) -# 55 be an ~xact sequence qf X-modules. F(n). are regular, so is are regular, and if F"(n). f.(F(n))--~ f.(F"(n)) is onto, then is regular. Proof. This follows immediately from the long exact sequence Rqf,~'(n-q))---PRqf.(F(n-q)) --~ Rqf.(F"(n-q)) The following two lemmas appear in ; Rq+If.(F'(n-q)) --~-Rq+If,(F(n-q)) [Mumford, Lecture 14] and in [SGA 6 XIII 1.3J, but the proof given here is sliglztly different. Lemma 1.3. If Proof. F is re~n~lar, then F(n) From the canonical epimorphism (, .4) ~(-i )®~ is regular for all n~>O. _~ ®S E -+ _~(I ) one has an epimorphis~ --> so we get an exact sequence of vector bundles on X (1.5) O ~ _~(-r) ~ r E --~ . . . --~ _Ox(-I) ®S E ---~ _~ by taking the exterior algebra of _O_x(-I) ~S E 1.4. Tensoring with (1.6) F F Thus if 1.6 with differential the interior product by we obtain an exact sequence 0 ---~ Z(-r) ~ s A r z - - ~ . . . Assuming to be regular, then --~F(-1) % Z (F(-p)~PE)(p) Thus Proof. 1.2 b) 1.1 b). --. zp. I --~ o 1.7. to show by decreasing induction on l_~f F p is regular, then the canoniqal map OX ® ~ . ( F ) - - ~ F is sur~ective. From the preceding proof one has an exact sequence 0 map is seen to be regular using that Z (p+1) is regular. P Zo(1) = F(I ) is regular, so the lemma follows by induction on n. L~ where ---. Z ---. O . is split into short exact sequences o --~ zp --~ z(-p)~sAPz we can use > 0 > zI ~ ZI(2 ) is regular. f.(F(n-1))®~ ~ Thus F(-I)®sz --~ z - - ~ o R1f.(Z1(n)) = O f.(F(n)) for is surjective for n~1, so we find that the canonical n~1. Hence the canonical map of SE-modules is surjectivs. SZ %f.(Z) ----. I I f,(F(n)) n~>O The lemma follows by taking associated sheaves. Suppose now that F o--.~(-~1)%T where the T i is an X-module which admits a resolution I are modules on S. : . .--.~%T ° ~F-~o Breaking this sequence up into short exact sequences 139 132 and applying 56 1.2 b), one sees as in the proof of 1.3 that F has to be regular. Moreover, the above exact sequence can be viewed as a resolution of the zero module by acyclic objects for the ~-functor on applying 0 (1.8) n ~ O. O -~ F " " " --* ---~... X-module Z and n Supposing now that T F (1.9) Zn(n) 0 --~ where the canonical map we find that c Z f.(F(n)) --~ T n = Tn(F) as follows. _O_x®sTn c are X-modules Z_I = F, --AoO-(-n)O~Tn~Zn-1" F. is surjective by Zn_1(n ) - - ~ Zn(n÷1 ) is reg%ular, 1.7 O and the induction hypothesis. is regular, so the induction works. = o and the fact that f. By 1.3, In addition we have for n~.O induces an isomorphism after applying f.. is exact on the category of regular F ~-~ Tn(F) X-modules, is an exact functor from regular X-modules S-modules. We next show that Zr_ I = O. Rq-lf.(Zn+q_m(n)) From ~ 1.9 we get exact sequences Rqf,(Zn+q(n)) ~ Rqf.(_~(-q)®#n+q) which allow one to prove by induction on q , starting from 1.10, that for is regular, since Rqf. qtn~O. 1.10 and This shows that 1.7 we have Zr_1(r-1) Zr_l(r-1) = O, so Combining the exact sequences sheaf F of length r - I. Proposition 1.11. 0 ~ where the F ~-~ Ti(F ) are Rqf.(Zn+q(n)) = O is zero for q~r. Any regular By as was to be shown. we obtain a canonical resolution of the regular Thus we have proved the following. _~(-r÷I)®sTr_I(F) ~ T.l (F) 1.9 Zr_ I = 0 X-module . . . ~ F has a resolution of the form _Ox®s%(F ) ~- F ~ O S-modules determined up to unique isomorphism by is an exact functor from the category of regular F. Moreover X-modules to the cate6ory S-modules. The next three lemmas are concerned with the situation when on n Starting with be the kernel of the canonical map n ~ one concludes by induction that of T F, we inductively define a sequence of f.(Zn(n)) 1.9 O We have an exact sequence Zn(n+1) (1.1o) to ~ O n is regular, we show by induction that n = -I. From -'~ f.(F(n)) are additive functors of this being clear for c SnE®s% ~ S-modules T n = f.(Zn_1(n)), and let because Thus up to canonical isomorphism. and a sequence of It is clear that 1.2 c) is any fixed integer >I O. which can be used to show recursively that the modules Conversely, given an let ~ E ®sT_I n = O , ..., r-1 Z n = Zn(F ) n In particular, we have exact sequences T n -* determined by Rqf.(?(n)), where we get an exact sequence --~ Sn_r+1E ® S % - 1 for each for f. X. 140 F is a vector bundle 133 57 ~emma 1.12. Assume there exists an. integer S is quasi,compact. Then for any vector bundle no such that for all S-modules N and F ~ X, n ~ n o , one has ~.(F(n)~s~)--o fo__zrq>O ,) f.(F(n))%~ ~ '.) f.(F(n)) f.(F(n)%N) is a vector bundle on S. [ 'roof. Because the lemma when n and k by S S is the union of finitely many open affines, it suffices to prove is affine. 1.1 d). In this case F is the quotient of Thus for any vector bundle F on L = Oy(-n) k for some S, there is an exact sequence of vector bundles O---@F' --->L such that the lemma is true for o ; P'(n)~ ,-F--. O L by 1.1. Since ---*.L(n~fi ---,.F(n)~ --+0 is exact, we have an exact sequence R%.(L(n)~s~) --. R%.(F(n)~) so part a) theorem [EGA III 2.2.1]. can be proved by decreasing induction on O --~ for ---,. Rq+lf.(F'(n)~) n >/ some Using a) q, as in the proof of Serre's we have a diagram with exact rows f,(F'(n))®sN ~ f.CL(n))®S~ ~ f , CF(n))~sN ~ O f,(F'(n)esN) .-~ f,(L(n)~sN ) ~ f,(F(n)~?) 0 ~ n and all N. Hence u is surjective; applying this to the vector o bundle F', we see that u' is surjective, hence u is bijective for n ~> some n o and all 4, whence b). By a), f . ( F ( n ) ~ ) is exact as a functor of N for sufficiently large n, whence using f.(F(n)) is a quotient of Applying this to large n. F' b) we see f.(L(n)) we see that f.(F(n)) for is a flat n ~> some Os-mOdule. rLo, so f.(F(n)) On the other hand, is of finite type. f.(F(n)) is of finite presentation for all sufficiently But a flat module of finite presentation is a vector bundle, whence Lemma 1.13. n/>0, then Proof. If F f.(F(n)) is a vector bundle on The assertion being local on is a vector bundle on 0 ~ is a vector bundle on F(n) S for large n S F(n) such that for all 1.12 c). ~ 0 ~ f.(F(n)) Therefore one can show induction on f. > fo~ n)O. S affine, whence 1.5. For 6"-functor n>~O, this is a Rqf. , hence one one gets an exact sequence f.(F(n)) f.(F(n+r))®SArE is a vector bundle for all n. 141 f.(F(n)) F ( n + r ) ~ A r E v ----~0 with the dual of the sequence • • • ~ q~>O, Consider the exact sequence resolution of the zero module by acyclic modules for the knows that on applying Rqf.(F(n)) = 0 S, one can suppose by ~- F ( n + 1 ) ~ E V - - - ~ . . . obtained by tensorlng X c). ~ 0 . n>~O by decreasing 134 Lemma 1.14. If bundle on S F is a regular vector bundle on X, then for each i, using the exact sequences The ~rojective bundle theorem. naturally modules over K ° Theorem 2.1. Let Proj(SE) E by 1.8 and the lemma 1.13. Recall that the K-groups of a scheme are §3 (I). The following result generalizes be a vector bundle of rank the associated projective scheme. If S r over a scheme [SGA 6 VI 1.1]. S and X = is quasi-compact, then one has isomorphisms r-1 (KqS)r = . K X (ai)0.~i~r q where is a vector Ti(F) i. This follows by induction on 2. 58 zgKX ~ ' Yl zi. f*ai i=O is the class of the canonical line bundle _~(-I) and f : X --~S is the structural map. Proof. F of Let --Pn denote the full aubcategory of such that Rqf.(F(k))= 0 __P(X) consisting of F for closed under extensions, so its Lemma 2.2. For all q ~O such that and F(n) k~n. Let is regular. Rn denote the full subcategory Each of these subcategories is K-groups are defined. n, one has isomorphieme: ina~,e,d b~ the inclueio,~ __P(X) consisting of vector bundles =Re P C Kq(Rn)= ~" Kq(Pn)=~ Kq(P(X))= =~(x). To prove the lemma, we consider the exact sequence (2.3) >F---*F(1)%E O, For each p>O, ~ F ~-~ F(P)®sAPE . . . >F(r)%ArE is an exact functor from ....... ~ . - 0 . :n P induces a homomorphism to =Pn-1 ' hence it Up : Kq(__P =n) -'> Kq(Pn_ 1 )" From Th. 2, Cor. 3 ~-~,p~O(-1)P-lUp is an inverse to the map induced by the inclusion of Thus we have P , so by Kq(P(X)) K (P .) - ~ K (P) for all n. By 1.12 a), q =n-I q =n ~2 (9) we have Kq(P__n)= Kq(P(X)) for all n. it is clear that --Pn-1 in Pn " P(X) is the union of the = The proof that Kq(Rn) ~--- is similar, whence the lemma. Put U n ( N ) = _ ~ ( - n ) ~ for from P(S) = In view of to --Pc by N in P(S). For O~_.n<r, U n is an exact functor 1.1 c), hence it induces a homomorphism un : K q (P(S)) -* Kq(P o ). = 2.2, it suffices for the proof of the theorem to show that the homomorphism r-1 u : Kq(~(S)) r ---~ Kq(P=o) ' (an)o~n< r ~') ~ Un(an) is an isomorphism. From 1.13 we know that Vn(F) = f.(F(n)) is an exact functor from P =O for n~O, hence we have a homomorphism v : ~q(~o)= -~ where V n KIP(s))= , is induced by V . Since n 142 x ~-~ (Vn(X))o~n<r . to P(S) = 135 by 1.1 c), it follows that the composition ones on the diagonal, Therefore On the other hand, Tn vu 59 vu is described by a triangular matrix with is an isomorphism, so u is an exact functor from =R° is injective. to =P(S) by 1.11 and 1.14, hence we have a homomorphism t : Kq(Ro) = where tn is induced by --~ K (P(S))r q= Tn. see that the composition ut R =O in P 3. let By =O t 2.2, ut , x ~-~ ((-1)ntn(X))o~n< Applying Th. 2, Cor. 3 is the map r to the exact sequence 1.11, we Kq(Ro ) = --~ Kq(Po)= induced by the inclusion of is an isomorphism, so The ~ro~ective line over a rin~. Let A u is surjective, concluding the proof. be a (not necessarily commutative) ring be an indeterminate, and let A[t] ii> ¢- i2 Aft,t-l] denote the canonical homomorphisms. When A A[t-I] is commutative, a quasi-coherent sheaf on p l = Proj(A[X ,X.]) may be identified with a triple 0 ' 1 M ~Mod(A[t ]) F = (M+,M-,@), where M+g Mod(A[t]), + and O : i1(M ) --mx2(M ) iS an Isomorphism of A[t,t J - m o d u l e s . l o w i n g [Bass XiI §9], we define Mod(P1) for A Fol- non-commutative to be the abelian category of such triples, and we define the category of vector bundles on p1 , denoted I =P(PA), to be the full subcategory consisting of triples with M+~ __P(ALt~), M-E P(A[t-I/). Theorem 3.1. Let h triple eonsistin~ o f P L t ~ : P(A) --@ P(PIA) be the exact functor sendin~ A[t]IAP ,-P[t-IJ, and multiplication by t-n P ~ to the PLt,t-1]. Then one has isomorphisms (KqA)2 ~ Kq(p(p1)) , (x,y) ~-~(ho).(x ) + (hl).(y) and the relations (3.2) ( ~ ) . - 2(hn_I ) . + (~_2). = O for all n. When module A is commutative, this follows from 0x(n)®sP . For the non-commutative case, one modifies the proof of straightforward way. For example, if Xo,X I : F(n-1)--> F(n) XI = t 2.1, once one notices that on M+ and O corresponding to I F = (M+,M-,8), we put be the homomorphisms given by X ° = 1 on M-). r- F(n-2) hn(P) 2.1 is the in a F(n) = (M+,M-,t-n@), and let on M + and t-I on M-, Then we have an exact sequence XoPrl (XI ''X°) ~ F(n-l)2 1.6, which leads to the relations , , , F(n) + XlPr2 ~O 3.2. Also using the fact that can be computed by means to the standard open affine covering of Rqf. p1, we can define R~.(F) in the non-commutative case to be the homology of the complex concentrated in degrees 0 , I given by the map d : M + x M- ~ i~(M-) , d(x,y) = @(1~x) - m~y . One therefore has available all of the tools used in the proof of 2.1 tative case; the rest is straightforward checking which will be omitted. 143 in the non-commu- 136 4. 60 Severi-Brauer schemes and Azuma[a algebras. ,i|N i | i a Severi-Brauer scheme over S Let of relative dimension S-scheme locally isomorphic to the projective space (see r2 r-1. PSr-1 be a scheme and let By definition X X be is an for the etale topology on S. [GrothendieckJ ), and it is essentially the same thing as an Azumaya algebra of rank over S. We propose now to generalize When there exists a line bundle geometric fibre, one has the etale topology on X. bundle of rank X r on PGLr, S = PGLr, S E Y associated to a toreor GLr, S act on X Since Y Gin,S if Y over g factors through the projective group T for the etale topology on under PGLr, S of rank X = PE. X S and X' = PE Oy(-m)~0S , PGLr, S is the bundle over Y. Oy(-1)~O S on Y As is the group S with fibre locally trivial for the etale topology. Y Thus gives rise to a vector r. J is compatible with base change, and that In the general case there is a cartesian square )If g' ~X S' g ; S I is faithfully flat (e.g. an etale surjective map over which such that r-1 Y = PS = in the standard way, and put S, one knows that I where S, f : X -, S exists only locally for acts trivially on the vector bundle It is clear that the construction of J = _~(-I)®s E f,LV on L O(-I)r on each geometric fibre. O~ by faithfully flat descent, the bundle on is the vector bundle 0(-I) on each However, we shall now show that there is a canonical vector is locally isomorphic to J to this situation. which restricts to operates on this vector bundle compatibly with its action on of automorphisms of bundle X In general such a line bundle The induced action on GLr,s/Gm, S . the group X. 2.1 on which restricts to Let the group scheme Proj(S(_O~)). L X = PE, where being the structural map of X S for some vector bundle E of rank r on T becomes trivial) S', and further g,*(j) _- ~,!-,)%,~. Let A he the sheaf of (non-commutative) A where = _0_s-algebras given by f.(_~(j))op 'op' denotes the opposed ring structure. As g is flat, we have g*f. = f~g'* . Rence we have ~(A)°P= hence A f'.(~_~.(~.(-,)%,E)) is an Azumaya algebra of rank f'A = as one verifies by pulling back to Let that An Jn (resp. An) be the r2 = f'.(Ox,~s,~n__%,(E>) _- _E~S,(E) , over S. Moreover one has ~(j)Op X'. n-fold tensor product of is an Azumaya algebra of rank (rn) 2 144 such that J on X (resp. A on S), so 137 An Let =P(An) Since Jn = f.(_En_~(Jn))°P 61 , f*(An) = denote the category of vector bundles on is a right E n~(Jn)°P S f*(An)-module , which locally on which are left modules for An is a direct summand of f*(An), X we have an exact functor JaVA ? n : P(An) = and hence an induced map of Theorem 4.1. ~ P(X) = , M f*(M) . K-groups. I_~f S is quasi-compact, one has isomorDhisms r-1 r-1 [ I Ki(A) ~ Ki(X) ' (Xn) ~'@ Z ( J n ~ C ) * ( x n) n=O n=O This is actually a generalization of equivalent, and hence have isomorphic 2.1 because if two Azumaya algebras K-groups. S, then the categories Thus Ki(P(An) ) = Ki(S) A , B P(A), =P(B) are = for all n if is the projective bundle associated to some vector bundle. The proof of F Jn ~ f*(An) represent the same element of the Brauer group of X ~ 4.1 is a modification of the proof of to be regular if its inverse image on X' = PE 2.1. One defines an X-module is regular. For a regular F one constructs a sequence (4.2) 0 ---~Jr_I®Ar_ITr_I(F) ~ . • . ~ O__x~To(F) ~ F ~ 0 recursively by Tn(F ) = f.(H~(Jn,Zn_1(F)) ) ; Zn(F ) = Ker IJn~A Tn(F) --* Zn_I(F) ) n starting with Z I(F) = Fo It is easy to see this sequence when lifted to the the canonical resolution faithfully flat over X, 1.11 for the inverse image of 4.2 is a resolution of F on X'. X' Since coincides X' is F. We note also t~mt there is a canonical epimorphism J - ~ _~ obtained by descending 1.4, and hence a canonical vector bundle exact sequence o--~A% on X ~ corresponding to the proof of proof of 4.1 Example: 2.1 ~, a - - . ~ - - + o ... 1.5. Therefore it should be clear that all of the tools used in are available in the situation under consideration; the rest of the will be left to the reader. Let X be a complete non-singular curve of genus zero over the field k = H°(X,O__x) , and suppose X has no rational point. Then over k of relative dimension one, and rank 2 over X with degree K.(X)I = where A -2. J X is a Severi-Brauer scheme is the unique indecomposable vector bundle of The above theorem says Ki(k) ~Ki(A) is the skew-field of endomorphisms of been proved by Leslie Roberts ([Roberts]). 145 J. This formula in low dimensions has 138 62 References H. Bass: Algebraic S. Bloch: K2 K-theory, Benjamin 1968. and algebraic cycles, these procedings. K. Brown and S. 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