UW-Stout Chemical Hygiene Plan Created by: Created on: Jane Rank 3/1/2010 Revised on: 4/20/2010 7/19/2010 8/24/2010 10/20/2010 3/26/2012 6/12/2013 Contents 1. Purpose, Scope and Applicability ...................................................................................................3 2. Availability and Review .................................................................................................................3 3. Terminology ................................................................................................................................3 4. Enforcement and Authority ...........................................................................................................4 5. Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................5 6. General Laboratory Rules and Policies ...........................................................................................8 7. Hazard Identification and Communication .....................................................................................8 8. Control Measures to Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals .................................................... 11 9. Chemical Inventory and Storage ................................................................................................. 17 10. Chemical Waste Management ................................................................................................. 18 11. Controlled Substances (Drug Enforcement Agency) .................................................................. 19 12. Training................................................................................................................................. 19 13. Medical Surveillance and Consultation ..................................................................................... 20 14. Working Alone in the Laboratories........................................................................................... 21 15. Laboratory Visitation .............................................................................................................. 22 Appendix A Key UW-Stout Personnel .................................................................................................. 23 Appendix B Assessing Risks in the Laboratory ..................................................................................... 24 Appendix C Labels ............................................................................................................................. 28 Appendix D Safety Data Sheets and Resource Material ........................................................................ 33 Appendix E Fume Hoods .................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix F Laboratory Safety Procedures ........................................................................................... 40 Appendix G Laboratory Visitor Policy for Minors .................................................................................. 58 Appendix H Work with Particularly Hazardous Substances ................................................................... 60 Appendix I Emergency and Medical Response ..................................................................................... 67 Appendix J Chemical Spills ................................................................................................................. 75 Appendix K Hazardous Waste Management ........................................................................................ 78 Appendix L UW-Stout Laboratory Eye Protection Policy ........................................................................ 84 Appendix M Glove Use and Selection in UW-Stout Laboratories ............................................................ 88 Appendix N Safety Equipment ............................................................................................................ 93 Appendix O Exposure Limits ............................................................................................................ 100 Appendix P Program Review and Update Log .................................................................................... 102 1. Purpose, Scope and Applicability 1.1. The purpose of this Chemical Hygiene Plan is to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories standard, 29 CFR 1910.1450 (referred to as the Laboratory Standard in the remainder of this document). UW-Stout is committed to protecting employees from health hazards associated with chemicals in university laboratories. 1.2. This plan does not specifically address protection needed against biological, radiological or other hazards (e.g., electrical, laser, mechanical). 1.3. Laboratories meeting the following four criteria are subject to the Laboratory Standard: 1.3.1. Chemical manipulations are carried out on a laboratory scale. That is, chemical containers are of a size that could be easily and safely manipulated by one person. 1.3.2. Multiple chemical procedures or chemicals are used. 1.3.3. The procedures involved are not part of a production process, nor in any way simulate a production process. 1.3.4. Protective laboratory practices and equipment are available and commonly used to minimize the potential for employee exposure to hazardous chemicals. 1.4. The following UW-Stout departments and organizations are covered by the Laboratory Standard and this Chemical Hygiene Plan: Biology, Chemistry, Food and Nutrition, Physics and the Sustainability Sciences Institute. The Laboratory Standard shall serve as the legal authority and be referred to when interpreting specific requirements not otherwise written in this plan. 2. Availability and Review 2.1. Copies shall be kept in the office of the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) and Safety and Risk Management. Each department with laboratory activities shall also have a copy readily available for reference. It is also available on the UW-Stout Laboratory Safety website: 2.1.1. Login to the UW-Stout Intranet. 2.1.2. Copy this link into your browser: https://www.uwstout.edu/healthandsafety/safety/intranet/laboratory-safety.cfm 2.2. This plan shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary by the CHO. 3. Terminology 3.1. “CHO” shall refer to the UW-Stout Chemical Hygiene Officer who has been delegated overall responsibility for implementation of this Chemical Hygiene Plan. 3.2. “Laboratory Standard” shall refer to 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. 3 3.3. “Laboratory Supervisor” shall refer to any individual who supervises employees or has students working under their direction in a UW-Stout laboratory covered by the Laboratory Standard. This will include: 3.3.1. Department Chairs who supervise faculty in their area. 3.3.2. Laboratory technicians who supervise employees, student workers or volunteers in their work area. 3.3.3. Laboratory instructors supervising students in instructional labs. 3.3.4. Principal investigators (PIs) and researchers who supervise employees, student workers, and/or students, volunteers or visitors conducting research in their work area. 3.3.5. The Director of Safety and Risk Management, who supervises the CHO. 3.3.6. Supervisors of non-laboratory employees who work in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall (e.g., custodial and maintenance staff). . 3.4. “Safety Data Sheet” (SDS) is used in place of the term Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to reflect OSHA’s adoption of the UN’s Global Harmonization System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) terminology in the Hazard Communication standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. 3.5. “CISPro” is the web-based chemical inventory system implemented in summer 2011 for the chemical and biological inventories of the departments of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Food & Nutrition and the Sustainability Sciences Institute. 4. Enforcement and Authority 4.1. The UW-Stout Chancellor has delegated authority to oversee implementation of this Chemical Hygiene Plan to the CHO. 4.2. Issues concerning potential violation of laboratory safety policy and regulations shall be reported through normal reporting lines. The employee shall first report the issue to their supervisor. If the issue cannot be resolved, the supervisor shall report the issue to CHO for resolution. 4.3. The CHO has authority to enforce corrective actions for violations of policy and regulations. If violations cannot be resolved, a discrepancy notice shall be issued and sent to the area Chair, then Dean, then Provost or Division Administrator, and then Chancellor as needed for action. 4.4. The CHO and laboratory supervisors have the authority to suspend laboratory operations in part or in whole if deficiencies in laboratory procedures or equipment pose a significant safety threat. 4.5. The UW-Stout Physical Plant project liaison has the authority to stop work being completed by an outside contractor if the work poses a danger to UW-Stout staff, students or facilities. This authority is limited to projects under the direction of the UW-Stout Physical Plant project liaison. A UW-Stout employee who observes outside contractor actions that potentially pose a danger to UW-Stout staff, students or facilities shall immediately report the condition to their supervisor or the UW-Stout Physical Plant project liaison. 4 4.6. UW-Stout staff do not have the authority to stop work being completed by outside contractors working on a Division of State Facilities (DSF) project. A UW-Stout employee who observes DSF contractor actions that potentially pose a danger to UW-Stout staff, students or facilities shall immediately report the condition to their supervisor or the UW-Stout Physical Plant project liaison. The UW-Stout Physical Plant project liaison will report the situation to the DSF project representative for resolution. 5. Responsibilities 5.1. The Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and Department Chairs are responsible for ensuring that individuals under their management have the training, authority and resources needed to implement policies and procedures outlined in this Chemical Hygiene Plan. 5.2. See Appendix A for a list of key UW-Stout personnel. 5.3. UW-Stout Chemical Hygiene Officer will: 5.3.1. Be familiar with all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and the Laboratory Standard. 5.3.2. Coordinate implementation of all requirements of the Chemical Hygiene Plan, hazardous waste program and federal and state regulatory requirements in UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. 5.3.3. Annually review and update the Chemical Hygiene Plan. 5.3.4. Provide services that lead to continual improvement in the area of laboratory safety and legal compliance for all UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. 5.3.5. Chair the UW-Stout Research Safety Committee. 5.3.6. Monitor procurement, use and disposal of chemicals used in laboratories. Coordinate hazardous waste disposal for laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. 5.3.7. Have overall responsibility for ensuring proper container labeling. 5.3.8. Conduct annual safety audits for all UW-Stout laboratories, preparation rooms and chemical storage rooms covered by the Laboratory Standard. Issue reports, assist in facilitation of action items and implement controls. 5.3.9. Enforce corrective actions for violations of policy or regulations. 5.3.10. Coordinate lab safety training for UW-Stout employees covered under the Laboratory Standard. Develop training programs as needed. Assist laboratory instructors in providing required student training upon request. Maintain safety training records for employees. 5.3.11. Review and approve use of particularly hazardous substances (PHS) and operations that require prior approval. Facilitate PHS process and completion of necessary compliance steps. Be familiar with regulatory requirements for work with PHSs. 5.3.12. Review new experiments and provide recommendations for engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment (PPE). 5 5.3.13. Maintain a master inventory file and master SDS file for hazardous substances stored or used in UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard (as of summer 2011, these master files are kept in CISPro). Maintain records specified in the Chemical Hygiene Plan. 5.3.14. Conduct annual fume hood face velocity testing and coordinate annual certification of biosafety cabinets. Issue reports and retain records. 5.3.15. Coordinate maintenance of safety equipment including regular inspections of first aid kits and spill kits. 5.3.16. Provide technical assistance on all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan. Conduct exposure assessments and evaluate exposure control measures as necessary. Complete hazard assessments and provide PPE training as needed. 5.3.17. Investigate laboratory accidents reported on Incident Report forms. 5.3.18. Participate in planning stages for all work projects that will impact safe use of chemicals in laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. 5.4. The UW-Stout Research Safety Committee will: 5.4.1. Oversee biosafety, chemical hygiene and radiation safety at UW-Stout. 5.4.2. Establish and educate faculty, staff and students on universal guidelines for general safety, biosafety, chemical hygiene and radiation safety on campus. 5.4.3. Develop oversight processes and procedures to assure safety compliance with UW-Stout, state and federal guidelines, including proposal review for extramural grant applications. 5.4.4. Implement periodic compliance review. 5.5. Director of Safety and Risk Management will: 5.5.1. Be familiar with all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and the Laboratory Standard. 5.5.2. Provide technical support to the CHO as requested. 5.5.3. Have overall responsibility for the UW-Stout hazardous waste program. 5.6. Department Chairs will: 5.6.1. Assume responsibility for personnel engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. 5.6.2. Be familiar with all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and the Laboratory Standard. 5.6.3. Provide the CHO with the support necessary to implement and maintain the Chemical Hygiene Plan. 5.6.4. Coordinate maintenance of an up-to-date inventory of all hazardous substances stored and used in their area. As of summer 2011, this inventory shall be maintained in CISPro. 6 5.6.5. Enforce corrective actions for violations of policy or regulations as needed. 5.6.6. Ensure that all employees in their area receive the required laboratory safety training. 5.6.7. Provide budgetary arrangements to ensure the health and safety of the departmental personnel, visitors and students. 5.7. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for the safety and training of the people (employees, students and volunteers) they supervise. They will: 5.7.1. Be familiar with all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and the Laboratory Standard. 5.7.2. Attend required training. 5.7.3. Ensure that all chemicals in primary (manufacturer’s) containers in their area have been entered into CISPro and barcoded. 5.7.4. Maintain a SDS file for all hazardous substances stored and used in their area. As of summer 2011, SDSs shall be maintained in CISPro. 5.7.5. Assess the risks associated with the use of chemicals and determine the level of protective equipment and apparel required to adequately protect lab personnel. Ensure the necessary and appropriate safety equipment and supplies are present in their lab area and in good working condition and that people working in their area are trained on their use and use them appropriately. 5.7.6. Review laboratory work practices to ensure that safety procedures are followed. Incorporate safety in the planning of all experiments and procedures. 5.7.7. Ensure all hazardous substance containers in their area are properly labeled. 5.7.8. Maintain acceptable housekeeping in their area. 5.7.9. Ensure employees and non-employees in their area are properly trained. Notify the CHO of new people who need laboratory safety training, and continually educate all laboratory personnel on the potential hazards associated with tasks. 5.7.10. Promptly report any safety equipment or building maintenance issues to Physical Plant. 5.7.11. Submit accident reports immediately. 5.8. Physical Plant will: 5.8.1. Maintain safety equipment. 5.8.2. Perform monthly inspections of eyewashes. 5.8.3. Perform semi-annual flushing of body showers. 5.8.4. Perform monthly visual inspections of fire extinguishers. 5.8.5. Coordinate annual fire extinguisher pressure checks. 7 5.8.6. Perform required fire alarm testing. 5.8.7. Respond to safety equipment and building operation concerns. 5.8.8. Provide advance notification of pending projects that may impact laboratory operations to the CHO. Include the CHO in the planning stages of the project. 5.9. Employees, students, volunteers and visitors. All individuals who work, study or do research in laboratories will: 5.9.1. Be familiar with all aspects of the Chemical Hygiene Plan and comply with all safety rules specified in this plan and by their supervisor. 5.9.2. Use safety equipment and wear PPE as directed. 5.9.3. Promptly report any equipment malfunctions. 5.9.4. Promptly report any spills or first aid incidents (including sharps incidents) to a laboratory supervisor. Complete an incident report form if indicated. 5.9.5. Know the location of safety equipment and how and when equipment should be used. 5.9.6. Know UW-Stout emergency procedures. 5.9.7. Know the hazards of the chemicals they work with by referring to labels and SDSs. Ask a supervisor if there are any questions or further clarification needed about the hazards of the chemicals they are working with. 5.9.8. Only perform procedures and operate equipment that they have been authorized to do or use and trained to perform or use safely. 5.9.9. Dispose of hazardous waste according to UW-Stout procedures. 5.9.10. Complete required safety training before working in the laboratories. 6. General Laboratory Rules and Policies 6.1. Appropriate PPE must be worn at all times. Minimum PPE is close-toed shoes and long pants or a lab coat whenever hazardous materials are in use. Eye protection may also be required; see paragraph 8.5.6 and Appendix L for eye protection policies. 6.2. Eating or drinking is not allowed in any research or classroom lab at any time, nor should any food or drink be brought into the labs. 6.3. Good housekeeping practices shall be upheld in all laboratories, and all passageways, exits, utility controls and emergency equipment must be accessible and unblocked at all times. 7. Hazard Identification and Communication 7.1. Risk Assessments. Many chemicals can cause immediate health problems as well as long-term health effects. They can also pose inherent physical dangers, such as fire, explosion and high8 pressure hazards. The hazards will determine how these materials should be stored and handled and what special equipment and procedures are needed to use them safely. UW-Stout is committed to minimizing exposure to these hazards and takes a risk-based approach. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for reviewing all operations involving use of hazardous chemicals, assessing the risk and determining proper controls. More information on performing a risk assessment is found in Appendix B. The CHO can also provide guidance. 7.2. Exposure Limits. OSHA has the regulatory authority to set specific exposure limits for air contaminants, called permissible exposure limits (PELs). They are listed in 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-1. The State of Wisconsin has adopted the July 1, 1992 edition of 29 CFR 1910.1000, published in Safety and Professional Services (SPS) standard SPS 332.35. Many PELs are 8-hour time-weighted averages, and there are also short term exposure limits (STELs) that are typically 15-minute limits, and ceiling limits that should never be exceeded. For substances that do not have an OSHA PEL, SPS 332 states that it will accept the recommendations of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Values (TLVs). Most laboratory workers perform non-routine operations over a short time span, in which case STELs are often more appropriate than 8-hour PELs or TLVs. See Appendix O for more information on exposure limits. 7.3. Labels. Container labels provide valuable health and safety information for hazardous substances. The CHO has the overall responsibility for ensuring that all chemical containers are labeled in accordance with this section. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all chemical containers in their work area are labeled in accordance with this section. 7.3.1. Labels on shipped containers. Chemical manufacturers, importers and distributors are responsible for ensuring that their products are delivered with the proper labeling. At a minimum, proper labeling means a label that meets requirements as defined in OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 (f)(1). OSHA adopted the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) as part of an updated Hazard Communication standard. As of June 1, 2015, all labels must meet the requirements in the new Hazard Communication standard. During the transition period labels may comply with the new standard, the old standard or both. UW-Stout shall not accept delivery of a product that does not meet minimum labeling requirements. Container labels under the new standard must include pictograms, a signal word, hazard and precautionary statements, the product identifier and supplier identification. Container labels under the old standard must include the identity of hazardous chemical(s), appropriate hazard warning, and the name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer or other responsible party. 7.3.2. Labels on secondary containers. Secondary containers are created when a chemical is transferred from a manufacturer’s labeled container into a more portable container. The secondary container does not need to be labeled if it will be used immediately (during one work shift) by the person who performed the transfer. 9 If the secondary container will be used for storage of a chemical and/or by a person who did not perform the transfer from the manufacturer’s container it must be labeled with a product identifier and words, pictures, symbols or combination, which provide at least general information regarding the hazards of the chemical and which provides specific information regarding the physical and health hazards of the chemical. 7.3.3. The labels shall be maintained in a legible condition. Manufacturer’s labels shall not be defaced or removed unless the container is immediately labeled with the required information. Any container without a label or with an illegible label shall be reported to the laboratory supervisor immediately. 7.3.4. See Appendix C for additional information on UW-Stout’s label policy. 7.3.5. Hazardous waste containers shall have the contents, date of generation and generator’s name (or department) listed on the label in addition to the words “Hazardous Waste.” Additional information that will aid in proper waste disposal should also be included on the label if known. 7.4. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). SDSs are prepared by manufacturers and summarize the physical and chemical characteristics, health and safety information, handling and emergency response recommendations for their products. SDSs should be reviewed before beginning work with a chemical. 7.4.1. The CHO is responsible for maintaining a master SDS file for all chemicals used and stored in UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. As of summer 2011 the master SDS file shall be stored in CISPro. SDSs must be readily available to employees and students during all work shifts. 7.4.2. The CHO will coordinate periodic audits of SDSs to ensure they are up to date. Any missing or outdated SDSs can be obtained by contacting the manufacturer (see Appendix D) or the CHO. 7.4.3. The SDS shall be kept on file for thirty years after the chemical was last on campus. Outdated or discontinued paper SDSs shall be sent to Safety and Risk Management for archiving. SDSs updated in CISPro are archived in the inventory system. 7.4.4. See Appendix D for additional information about SDSs and links to online sources. 7.5. Signage. The following signage shall be posted in each laboratory: 7.5.1. A summary of hazards. The CHO shall be responsible for creating, updating and posting these signs outside the doors to each lab. 7.5.2. Emergency procedures and telephone numbers. 7.5.3. Location signs for safety showers, eyewash stations, other safety and first aid equipment if not readily visible from all parts of the laboratory. 10 7.5.4. Signage on refrigerators where food storage is not allowed, and on refrigerators/freezers not designed for storage of flammable materials. 7.5.5. Labeling on food stuff that is not intended for human consumption. 7.5.6. Caution signs indicating special or unusual hazards shall be posted as necessary and deemed appropriate by the laboratory supervisor, CHO or Safety and Risk Management. Appendix H discusses special signage for PHSs. 8. Control Measures to Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals 8.1. Controlling exposures to laboratory hazards is the fundamental method of protecting laboratory users. A hierarchy of controls shall be used as a means of determining how to implement feasible and effective controls. The control methods at the top of the hierarchy are more effective and protective than those at the bottom: 8.2. Elimination and substitution are the most protective forms of control because they remove the hazard altogether, either by eliminating the hazardous material or process altogether or by substituting it with a less- or non-hazardous material or process. It is much easier and less expensive to implement elimination or substitution in the planning phase than after a process is in place; therefore it is important to plan carefully when designing new research or instruction and know the hazards of the materials and processes involved. 8.3. Engineering Controls. Engineering controls isolate the hazard or remove contaminants through various ventilation methods. 8.3.1. Dilution Ventilation Adequate ventilation is essential for maintaining safe levels of exposure. All laboratories located in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition have dilution ventilation providing 100% exhaust. It is the responsibility of the laboratory supervisor to discontinue laboratory operations if ventilation is judged to be inadequate for any reason. Laboratories are negative pressure to hallways to contain chemical vapors and odors within the labs and facilitate efficient removal by the ventilation system. 11 8.3.2. Chemical Fume Hoods The determination that a hood is necessary for a process shall be based on a risk assessment, which should include a review of the physical characteristics, quantity, volatility and toxicity of the materials to be used, the number and sophistication of manipulations, etc. The skill and expertise of the individual performing the work should also be considered. In general, fume hoods should be used with all particularly hazardous substances and any other chemicals that present an inhalation hazard. Lab workers must understand how to properly use chemical fume hoods. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their workers are properly trained and that training is documented. As much as possible, fume hoods shall not be used as chemical storage areas. Storing materials in fume hoods reduces their efficiency, clutters the work space and could lead to inadvertent mixing of incompatible chemicals. Long-term chemical procedures and experiments are allowed in fume hoods as required and are not considered storage. There are vented cabinets available in Jarvis Science Wing Addition for malodorous and highly volatile chemical storage Fume hoods located in Heritage Hall and Jarvis Science Wing and Addition do not operate continuously. They must be manually turned on. While on, air flow velocities are on a continuous monitor alarm system (Jarvis hoods only). Fume hoods shall be checked annually by the CHO using a calibrated thermal anemometer to confirm minimum rates. Deficiencies will be reported to UW-Stout Physical Plant for repair. Ventilation for laboratory fume hoods shall follow the Wisconsin Public Employee Safety and Health standard, SPS 332.24(6), which requires a minimum average 100 feet per minute face velocity at full open sash or sash stop position. When determining the minimum flow rate through the fume hood, the sash stop position may not be lower than 18 inches above the work surface. Inspection results shall be posted on each fume hood. Fume hoods with inadequate face velocities or other serious problems shall be prominently marked and taken out of service until repaired. See Appendix E for additional information on fume hoods including user guidelines. 8.3.3. Biosafety cabinets are located in several Jarvis Science Addition laboratories. The CHO is responsible for coordinating testing as required, which must be done annually. Biosafety cabinets are not chemical fume hoods and shall not be used for chemical manipulations. 8.3.4. Air quality monitoring for hazardous air contaminants will be conducted as deemed necessary in consultation with the CHO and Safety and Risk Management. The CHO shall coordinate and/or conduct these studies. 8.4. Administrative Controls. Administrative controls for hazardous chemical usage consist of policies and procedures developed to improve the safety of laboratory operations. Since they require 12 workers to follow appropriate procedures they are generally not as reliable as engineering controls. 8.4.1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Some general SOPs for safe handling of hazardous materials in labs can be found in Appendix F. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for maintaining safe SOPs in laboratories under their supervision. 8.4.2. Particularly Hazardous Substances (PHSs) Provisions for additional employee protection for work with PHSs as defined by the Laboratory Standard have been established. PHSs include carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and substances with a high degree of acute toxicity. Some highly reactive substances (e.g., pyrophorics) may also be considered PHSs. Individuals must receive pre-approval before beginning work with a PHS. The preapproval process starts with completion and submission of the PHS approval form. The CHO and the responsible department chair are responsible for reviewing and approving use of PHSs. Requirements for additional employee protection for work with PHS will include: Establishment of a designated area. Use of engineering controls and PPE. Procedures for safe removal of contaminated waste. Decontamination procedures. Responsibility for identifying PHSs and complying with the established approval process ultimately rests with faculty, PI or lab instructor. Training on identifying PHSs and the approval process will be included in required lab safety training. See Appendix G for additional information on UW-Stout policy for work with PHSs and for a copy of the PHS approval form. 8.4.3. Prior Approval. The laboratory supervisor, in consultation with the CHO, is responsible for identifying lab operations that may require prior approval. In general, the following will require prior approval: When it is likely that PELs could be exceeded or that other harm is likely. Procedures using PHSs, radioactive or bio-hazardous substances of risk group 2 or higher. For bio-hazardous substances, refer to the UW-Stout Biosafety Manual on the Laboratory Safety website (see paragraph 1.4 for instructions for logging in). 13 First-time use of a particular piece of laboratory equipment that has a substantial chemical, physical or biological risk associated with its use. Use of volatile substance in cold rooms, warm rooms or other rooms with limited ventilation. When working alone in laboratories/buildings with significant hazardous substances and operations. Procedures involving unattended operation. The PHS approval form shall be completed and submitted to the CHO for review for all operations requiring prior approval. 8.4.4. Housekeeping. All laboratories shall be maintained at a satisfactory level of orderliness and cleanliness. Chemicals and equipment that are not in use and may pose an imminent danger must be stored or disposed of. Walkways and exit routes must be free of obstructions. Access to safety equipment (e.g., safety showers, eyewashes, fire extinguishers) and electrical panels must be free of obstructions. Benches and active work spaces should be organized, leaving adequate workspace for safe work practices. No chemicals shall be stored more than six feet above the floor or on the floor. Chemical spills must be cleaned up promptly. Laboratory supervisors are directly responsible for maintaining acceptable housekeeping in their work area. The CHO will include an audit of housekeeping in periodic lab audit. 8.4.5. Emergency Procedures The following are found in Appendix I: UW-Stout Emergency Guide: Includes emergency guidelines identifying various types of emergency situations, suggested actions and who to call. UW-Stout Laboratory Medical Emergency Action Plan: Provides information for faculty and staff on responsibilities for responding to medical emergencies in the laboratory. UW-Stout Laboratory First Aid Guide: Guidance on responding to common first aid emergencies encountered in laboratories. These are intended as limited involvement measures to take until emergency personnel arrive on the scene. 14 UW-Stout Emergency Guide will be posted near the exit doors of laboratories. The CHO is responsible for coordinating posting of emergency procedures. UW-Stout employees covered by the Laboratory Standard will receive training on emergency procedures. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for educating students concerning emergency procedures as outlined in the UW-Stout Emergency Guide. Laboratory supervisors are also responsible for informing students and visitors of an emergency and for initiating emergency procedures when needed. 8.4.6. Incident Reports. Any event that requires a first aid response, activation of eye wash or body shower, activation of fire alarm, use of fire extinguisher and/or spill response requiring outside assistance must be reported using the UW-Stout incident form found in Appendix I. The completed form shall be submitted to the CHO with a copy sent to Safety and Risk Management. Any incident that results in illness or injury to an employee must be reported to Human Resources through the employee’s supervisor using the workers compensation form (http://www.uwstout.edu/hr/upload/employee_work_injury_rpt.pdf). 8.4.7. Chemical Spills The cleanup of a spill must only be performed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel. Spill kits with instructions, absorbents, reactants and PPE are available for cleanup of minor spills. A minor spill is one that the laboratory staff is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety and emergency personnel. See Appendix J for more information on spill cleanup, and Appendix N for the location of spill kits. All other chemical spills are considered a major spill. In the event of a major spill, remove all persons from the area, close doors to the affected area or otherwise limit access to the spill and call 911. Be prepared to provide the dispatcher with the exact location of the spill, chemical name, amount spilled and the actions taken by laboratory staff to isolate the spill. 8.4.8. Laboratory Audits. The CHO shall conduct annual audits of all UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. Inspections shall be conducted while the laboratory is in use so that the operating procedures will be verified as being followed by all personnel and students. Inspection results and checklists used shall be communicated to the laboratory supervisor of the work area inspected after completion of the inspection. Inspection results shall also be copied to department chair and Safety and Risk Management. 8.5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE is the hazard control mechanism of last resort. Whenever possible, the hazard should be mitigated by elimination or substitution, or minimized using engineering or administrative controls. If it is not possible to control the hazard in any other way, PPE must be used. 8.5.1. At a minimum, long pants or a lab coat and close-toed shoes must be worn in laboratories when hazardous materials are in use. 15 8.5.2. When working with hazardous chemicals, routine PPE may include a laboratory coat (or equivalent) and protective eye wear. Special procedures may require special protective equipment on a case by case basis. For example, gloves made of chemically compatible material should be worn with strong corrosives or with PHSs as applicable. If such procedures are routinely encountered, they should be included in the SOPs for the lab. 8.5.3. The CHO shall assess the laboratories to determine if hazards that necessitate the use of PPE are present or are likely to be present. A written hazard assessment must be completed and on file for each laboratory. 8.5.4. PPE should be inspected before donning, and defective or damaged PPE shall not be used. 8.5.5. When selecting PPE it is critical that it be compatible with and rated properly for the specific chemical. There may be multiple sources that need to be investigated to find the proper PPE for the given application. All PPE that has limitation and ratings disclaimers must be reviewed. The CHO should be consulted for assistance with choosing proper PPE. 8.5.6. Eye Protection All UW-Stout employees and students shall use appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors and potentially injurious light radiation. The employee’s supervisor is responsible for ensuring appropriate eye protection is provided at no cost to the employee based on an assessment of exposure hazards. The CHO can provide assistance with completing a hazard assessment and provide training upon request. Training documentation will be retained by the laboratory supervisor and copied to the CHO. Laboratory supervisors shall ensure that employees and students in their work area wear appropriate eye protection for the task being performed, and shall ensure the employees and/or students who are not wearing correct eye protection are removed from the laboratory until eye protection is available and they are able to comply. See Appendix L, UW-Stout Eye Protection Policy, for the complete eye protection policy. 8.5.7. Hand Protection Determination of the need for hand protection shall be made on the basis of hazard assessment that considers the chemical, chemical concentration, potential harm to chemical exposure and use conditions. Special procedures may require glove protection. The review process for work with PHSs shall include a glove requirement assessment. 16 Laboratory supervisors are responsible for determining if and what type of glove protection is required in their work area. The CHO will provide assistance with the glove assessment process upon request. See Appendix M, Glove Use and Selection in UW-Stout Laboratories, for additional information on the glove selection process and resources available. 8.5.8. Respirators. Respirators may only be worn when engineering controls cannot keep chemical exposure below PELs. Consult with the CHO when considering use of a respirator. Employees may not wear a respirator until they have completed required elements of the UW-Stout Respiratory Protection Program administered by Safety and Risk Management. 8.5.9. Additional PPE may be required based on a hazard assessment of the procedure. 8.5.10. Training. The CHO and laboratory supervisor are responsible for ensuring that all employees who wear PPE in laboratories receive required training and that training is documented. 8.6. Safety Equipment. See Appendix N for a table listing location of safety equipment available in Heritage Hall and Jarvis Science Wing and Addition. 9. Chemical Inventory and Storage 9.1. A current inventory of all hazardous chemicals used and stored in UW-Stout laboratories will be maintained by departments with laboratory operations. Chemicals are to be identified by the name that appears on the label and the SDS for that substance. As of summer 2011, this inventory shall be maintained in CISPro. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all chemicals in primary (manufacturer’s) containers in their area are entered into CISPro and barcoded. In general, if a chemical or material has a SDS, it should be in the inventory. 9.2. The CHO shall oversee maintenance of the master inventory in CISPro for all chemicals stored or used in UW-Stout laboratories. 9.3. Chemical inventories shall be kept to a minimum in working laboratories. Chemicals shall be stored in a safe manner utilizing, for example, appropriate storage cabinets for corrosives and flammables. Chemicals shall be segregated by chemical characteristics to avoid incompatibilities. Alphabetical storage may be used only if chemical characteristics are compatible. Secondary containment or other segregation options may be necessary to address compatibility concerns when storage is not adequate. Secondary containment is also a valuable tool to prevent spills. 9.4. Chemical containers shall be kept capped when chemicals are not being withdrawn, added or otherwise utilized. This includes hazardous waste containers. 9.5. Adequate security for chemical storage areas is essential to minimize the possibility of theft or unauthorized entry. Labs shall be locked when a competent individual is not present. Competent individuals shall be those persons trained by a laboratory supervisor to perform their work safely, recognize hazards and take appropriate action in an emergency. Laboratory supervisors shall ensure individuals meet competent person qualifications before requesting card access 17 privileges (Jarvis Science Wing and Addition) or a key (Heritage Hall) to a laboratory under their control. Card access and keys are granted by the employee’s supervisor and building manager. 9.6. The laboratory supervisor is responsible for maintaining compatible chemical storage in their area. The CHO will provide assistance with establishing appropriate chemical storage schemes upon request. 9.7. International Fire Code, International Building Code, the National Fire Protection Association and OSHA place limitations on the use and storage of compressed gases, cryogenic liquids, highly toxic and toxic materials, flammable and combustible liquids and water reactive solids. Due to the complexities of the standards and the need to be in compliance with regulations every effort shall be made to minimize the quantity of hazardous chemicals in laboratories. 9.7.1. Flammable liquids. In addition to regulatory requirements, the following limits have been set: No more than 10 gallons of flammable liquids per laboratory room may be stored outside a flammable storage cabinet, not including materials stored in approved safety cans. The CHO may make exceptions for larger laboratory suites, although exceptions will not exceed fire code limits. Flammable liquids that require refrigeration must be stored in laboratory-safe refrigerators. 9.7.2. Gas cylinders. In order to ensure safe use and storage, all gas cylinders must be: Stored within a well-ventilated area, away from damp areas, salts or corrosive atmospheres, and away from exit routes. Stored in an upright position with full cylinders separated from empty cylinders. Secured with a chain or appropriate belt above the midpoint but below the shoulder. Cylinders less than 18 inches tall may be secured by approved stands or wall brackets. Capped when not in use or attached to a system. Kept at least 20 feet away from all flammable, combustible or incompatible substances and ignition sources. 9.7.3. Cryogenic liquids. Stationary and portable containers must be stored in areas with adequate ventilation. 9.7.4. More comprehensive guidance on safe handling can be found in Appendix F. 10. Chemical Waste Management 10.1. UW-Stout is committed to responsible management of its hazardous waste and compliance with all applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) rules. A sound waste management program follows the waste 18 management hierarchy. Reducing waste production at the source, recovery, reuse, recycling and on-site treatment are waste minimization practices that should be considered before disposal. See Appendix K for the UW-Stout Hazardous Waste Program. 10.2. The CHO shall coordinate hazardous waste disposal for laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. Safety and Risk Management is available to assist and consult with departments in hazardous waste management and arranges all hazardous waste disposals through the UWStout hazardous waste program. 10.3. Hazardous waste training is required for employees involved in management or generation of hazardous wastes. 11. Controlled Substances (Drug Enforcement Agency) 11.1. A controlled substance is a drug that is regulated by state and federal laws that aim to control the danger of addiction, abuse, harm and illegal trafficking. They may be illegal for sale or use, but can be permitted for legitimate use in research. 11.2. When planning for research that involves drugs, the PI shall identify whether the drug is a controlled substance and act accordingly. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) publishes schedules of controlled substances: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/ 11.3. The use of controlled substances for research requires obtaining both state (Wisconsin Controlled Substances Board Special Use Authorization) and federal (DEA) registration. The state registration must be obtained first. Penalties for using controlled substances without proper registration can be severe. The regulations strictly limit who can handle or administer the drugs and imposes physical security and inventory requirements. 11.4. The permitting process is between and individual researcher and the state and DEA. Registrants cannot share controlled substances with non-registered users who are not under their supervision. 11.5. Possession of expired substances can bring additional scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Agriculture since administration of expired substances is not allowed. 11.6. Disposal is strictly regulated by the DEA. 11.7. Neither the CHO nor Safety and Risk Management play a role in the permitting process, although the CHO can provide limited guidance. 11.8. The UW-Madison Research Animal Resources Center has very good guidance on the use of controlled substances: http://rarc.wisc.edu/forms/files/lab_notebook/controlled_substances_information.pdf 12. Training 12.1. UW-Stout will provide employees, including faculty and staff working in laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard, with information and training to ensure that they are apprised of the hazards, including chemicals, present in their work area. 19 12.2. Such information will be provided at the time of initial assignment to the work area where hazardous chemicals are present and prior to assignments involving new exposure situations. Employees shall review the Laboratory Safety refresher training module on D2L annually. 12.3. Online training through D2L is the primary source of comprehensive laboratory safety training. Laboratory supervisors shall provide names of employees requiring training to the CHO. The CHO will enroll employees in the D2L training. 12.3.1. All employees must review the Chemical Hygiene Plan and complete the initial training modules and quizzes: Part and Module Part 1, Module 1: Introduction, SOPs and PPE Part 1, Module 2: Emergency Procedures and Safety Equipment Part 1, Module 3: Bloodborne Pathogens, Glassware Safety and Waste Management Part 2, Module 4: Labels Part 2, Module 5: Safety Data Sheets Part 3, Module 6: Physical and Chemical Properties Part 3, Module 7: Fire Hazards Part 3, Module 8: Corrosives Part 4, Module 9: Toxicity Quiz Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 12.3.2. Persons who work with PHSs must complete the Particularly Hazardous Substances Training Modules (Parts One and Two) and associated quiz in addition to the initial training modules. They must also review the Particularly Hazardous Substance Approval Form and substance-specific training for each PHS they will be working with. 12.3.3. PIs, supervisors, laboratory instructional faculty and laboratory managers must also be more informed about laboratory safety than their subordinates and students. Therefore they are required to complete all Additional Training Modules for Faculty/Staff: Module Chemical Storage Corrosives Fire Hazards Ventilation Toxins Personal Protective Equipment (Parts 1-3) Particularly Hazardous Substances (Parts 1-2) Quiz Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Quiz 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Quiz 10 12.4. Laboratory supervisors shall ensure students enrolled in their courses or that conduct research in their work areas receive required training. The CHO will provide assistance with student training upon request and can enroll students in the D2L training. Laboratory supervisors shall retain documentation of student training. 13. Medical Surveillance and Consultation 13.1. The Laboratory Standard mandates that employers provide medical attention, examinations and follow-up examinations (at the physician’s discretion) under the following circumstances: 20 13.1.1. Whenever an employee develops signs and/or symptoms associated with a hazardous chemical to which they may have been exposed. 13.1.2. Whenever exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level about the OSHA action level or exposure above the PEL for OSHA regulated substances. 13.1.3. Whenever an event takes place in the work area such as a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence that results in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure. Such an occurrence requires an opportunity for medical consultation for the purpose of determining the need for a medical examination. 13.2. In the event of a possible exposure, the affected individual (or other laboratory staff present) must be prepared to provide the examining physician the following information: 13.2.1. Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) to which the employee may have been exposed. 13.2.2. A description of the conditions under which the exposure occurred including quantitative exposure data, if available. 13.2.3. A description of the signs and symptoms of exposure, if any, that the employee is experiencing. 13.2.4. A copy of the relevant SDS or other information. 13.3. The CHO shall request a written opinion from the physician including: 13.3.1. Recommendation for future medical follow-up. 13.3.2. Results of examination and associated tests. 13.3.3. Any medical condition revealed that may place the employee at increased risk as a result of chemical exposure. 13.3.4. A statement that the employee has been informed by the physician of the results of the examination or consultation and told of any medical conditions that may require additional examination or treatment. 13.4. The material returned by the physician shall not include specific findings and/or diagnoses that are unrelated to occupational exposure. 13.5. Safety and Risk Management has responsibility to maintain a file concerning any events and resultant medical examinations or consultations. 13.6. All medical examinations and consultations shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and shall be provided without cost to the employee, without loss of pay and at a reasonable time and place. The employee and their supervisor must complete a workers compensation report for any of the above incidents. Students and nonemployees must complete an incident report along with their laboratory supervisor. 14. Working Alone in the Laboratories: The following policy has been adopted for all persons using UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. 21 14.1. No one (including faculty/staff) may work alone if activities involve use or manipulation of hazardous materials or if hazardous conditions exist (e.g., high pressure, high voltage, and vacuum systems). "Working alone" means working out of sight or sound communications with another person for more than five minutes. Overnight procedures requiring high pressure, high voltage, or vacuum system are only to be done where there is no other reasonable way of accomplishing this procedure and exposure to any potential hazard is minimal. Situations where there is danger of explosion, implosion or exposure to UV, X-ray or high voltage require a notice posted on door if left unattended. Prior approval must be given for unattended operations. 14.2. Undergraduate students in scheduled courses must be supervised at all times. Students may not work out of hours for any scheduled course unless specific permission is granted by the faculty person supervising the lab and students will not be doing any manipulations using hazardous chemicals and hazardous conditions do not exist. 14.3. Student researchers (both graduate and undergraduate students) may never work alone if working with hazardous chemicals or if hazardous conditions exist. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the PI to ensure safe supervision of undergraduate and graduate researchers. 15. Laboratory Visitation 15.1. All visitors who are passing through or touring a laboratory must be under the direct supervision of a UW-Stout employee who is trained and knowledgeable of the area's hazards. 15.2. Prior to allowing visitors to tour or observe in a lab, the supervising employee must conduct a basic safety orientation, including both general safety information and any hazards particular to the lab in question. 15.3. The visitors must be informed about proper clothing and other protective equipment prior to the visit so they can bring it with them, or it must be provided to them. Any person not wearing appropriate clothing shall not be allowed to enter the lab. 15.4. Minors must also have a Uniform Statement of Responsibility, Release and Authorization form signed by their parent or guardian (Appendix G). 15.5. Laboratory supervisors shall contact the CHO for training and approval requirements of visiting faculty/researchers who will be using laboratory facilities and equipment. 22 Appendix A Key UW-Stout Personnel Position Chancellor Provost Vice Chancellor of Administrative and Student Life Services Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Dean of the College of Education, Health and Human Services Chemical Hygiene Officer Executive Director, Health and Safety Director, Safety and Risk Management Chief, University Police Director, Student Health Services Name Charles Sorensen Joseph Bessie Phillip Lyons Phone number 232-2441 232-2421 232-1683 Jeff Anderson 232-1122 Mary Hopkins-Best 232-2687 Tracy Glenz Jim Uhlir Dean Sankey Lisa Walter Janice Lawrence-Ramaeker 232-5371 232-2188 232-2258 232-2222 232-1314 23 Appendix B Assessing Risks in the Laboratory The information in this appendix is summarized from the National Research Council’s Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards, updated version (2011). A key element of planning an experiment is assessing the hazards and potential risks associated with the chemicals and laboratory operations to be used. This appendix provides a practical guide to conducting a risk assessment for the trained laboratory personnel involved in these activities. The primary responsibility for proper hazard evaluations and risk assessments lies with the person performing the experiment; responsibility is also shared by the lab supervisor. Evaluations and assessments may be performed by trained laboratory personnel, but they should be checked and authorized by the supervisor. The supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that everyone involved in an experiment and those nearby understand the evaluations and assessments. The Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) can be consulted for guidance. There are seven steps involved in hazard evaluation and risk assessment: 1. Identify the chemicals to be used and circumstances of use. Identify the chemicals needed for the proposed experiment and determine the amounts that will be used. Is the experiment to be done once, or will the chemicals be handled repeatedly? Will the experiment be conducted in an open laboratory, in an enclosed apparatus, or in a chemical fume hood? Is it possible that new or unknown substances will be generated in the experiment? Are any of the trained laboratory personnel involved in the experiment pregnant or likely to become pregnant? Do they have any known sensitivities or allergies to specific chemicals? 2. Consult sources of information on hazards. Consult an up-to-date Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (http://www.safety.duke.edu/ohs/chemsummaries.htm) or other references for the hazards of the chemicals needed for the proposed experiment. Other references: International Chemical Safety Cards from the International Programme on Chemical Safety: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcs/icstart.html#usversion NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/ TLVs and BEIs from the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. The CHO has a copy. See Appendix O for further information on exposure limits. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ The University of California Center for Laboratory Safety. Look under Resources for SOP templates that contain specific chemical information and featured chemicals: http://cls.ucla.edu/ 3. Evaluate the hazards. Chemicals can be divided into several different hazard classes, and many chemicals will belong to more than one class. The hazard class will determine how these materials should be stored and handled and what special equipment and procedures are needed to use them 24 safely. Therefore, it is essential that the hazards are defined and controlled prior to beginning an experiment. Most chemicals have either physical or health hazards, or both. Physical hazards: o Flammable: in general, a liquid chemical is considered flammable if it has a flash point of less than 140°F. There are also flammable solids, gases and aerosols. Pyrophoric chemicals will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of than 130°F or below and must be very carefully handled. Oxidizers are not flammable but initiate or promote combustion in other materials, thereby either causing fire themselves or through the release of oxygen or other gases. o Explosive: an explosive is a chemical that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure or high temperature. Compressed gases are under great pressure in a container that, if ruptured, can rapidly release pressure and become a projectile danger. Some materials, such as peroxide formers, may not have explosive tendencies themselves but may form explosive substances over time o Reactive: reactive substances can release gases that will burn, explode or produce high pressure that can cause injury. In some instances they can release substances that are significantly more toxic than themselves. Unstable materials can vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense or become self-reactive under conditions of shock, pressure or temperature. Water-reactive materials react with water to release a gas that is either flammable or presents a health hazard. Health hazards: o Carcinogen: a carcinogen has the potential to cause cancer. Substances may be categorized as known or suspected human carcinogens. o Toxin: OSHA defines a chemical as being acutely toxic depending on the effects occurring following oral or dermal administration of a single dose of a substance, or multiple doses given within 24 hours, or an inhalation exposure of four hours. The criteria are defined in Section A.1 of this link: http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=1 0100. Use the sources of information in step 2 and the criteria in the link to classify the toxin based on its LD50. For substances that pose an inhalation hazard, take note of the permissible exposure limit, short-term exposure limit, threshold limit value and/or other regulatory or recommended exposure limits (see Appendix O). o Corrosive: a corrosive chemical causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. o Irritant: an irritant is not corrosive, but causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. 25 o Sensitizer: a sensitizer causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical. Chemicals can be skin or respiratory sensitizers. o Target organ toxin: certain chemicals may cause damage to specific organs. Categories include hepatotoxins (liver), nephrotoxins (kidney), neurotoxins (nervous system), hemotoxins (blood/hematopoietic system) and respiratory toxins. o Reproductive toxins: reproductive toxins cause adverse effects on sexual function in adult males and females, as well as adverse effects on development of offspring Other hazards: o Nanomaterials: the increasing use of nanomaterials in research labs warrants consideration of the hazards they may pose. As is the case with many new technologies, the health effects of nanomaterials have not been thoroughly investigated. Consequently, the uncertainty surrounding the toxicity of nanomaterials merits a cautious approach. Nanomaterials include any materials or particles that have an external dimension in the nanoscale (~1-100 nanometers). Nanomaterials can be categorized by the potential risk of exposure they pose based on the physical state of the materials and the conditions in which they are used. In general, the risk of exposure is lowest when the materials are bound in a solid matrix with little potential to create airborne dust or when in a non-volatile liquid suspension. The risk of exposure increases when the nanomaterials are used as fine powders or are suspended in volatile solvents or gases. The parent compound should also be taken into consideration when evaluating the potential hazards (e.g., a highly toxic compound such as cadmium should be anticipated to be at least as toxic and possibly more toxic when used as a nanomaterial). o Biohazards: biological hazards are a concern in labs in which microorganisms, or material contaminated with them, are handled. Anyone who is likely to come in contact with blood or other potentially infectious material is covered under OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030). Consult the UW-Stout Biosafety Manual (on the Laboratory Safety website) for more information on controlling biological hazards. o Radiation: radiation hazards include those from ionizing radiation (alpha and beta particles, gamma and x-rays) and non-ionizing radiation (UV, IR, lasers). Any experiments involving exposure to radiation must be coordinated with the CHO to ensure all federal and state regulations are met. 4. Consider possible routes of exposure. Determine the potential routes of exposure for each chemical: there may be more than one. Common routes are inhalation, ingestion, skin contact and absorption, but injection may also need to be considered. Are the chemicals gases, or are they volatile enough to present a significant risk of exposure through inhalation? If liquid, can the substance be absorbed through the skin? Is it possible that dusts or aerosols will be formed in the experiment? Does the experiment involve a significant risk of inadvertent ingestion or injection of chemicals? The sources of information listed in step 2 can help. 5. Evaluate the hazards posed by the required equipment. Review procedures for correct use of all equipment. Identify heat and ignition sources and consider appropriate placement form them in 26 the laboratory. Are any pieces of equipment going to be under high or low pressure (e.g., a vacuum line)? Is all glassware free of cracks and chips? 6. Select appropriate procedures to minimize exposure. Use the basic prudent practices for handling chemicals, as discussed in this Chemical Hygiene Plan and other references such as Prudent Practices in the Laboratory (http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=4911#toc) for the 1995 version; the CHO has the updated 2011 version). Use the hierarchy of controls covered in Section 8 of this document to minimize the risk posed by the chemicals and equipment to be used in the experiment. Consult with the CHO for assistance with this step. 7. Prepare for contingencies. Be aware of UW-Stout policies and procedures in the event of emergencies and accidents. Note the signs and symptoms of exposure to the chemicals to be used in the experiment. Some questions to consider are: What are appropriate measures to take in the event of fire, explosion, injury, spill or exposure to potentially dangerous quantities of a chemical? What are the appropriate first aid procedures in the event of heat, cold or chemical burns? 27 Appendix C Labels On March 26, 2012 OSHA published the Hazard Communication Final Rule in the Federal Register, in which it modified the Hazard Communication standard to conform to GHS. The effective date of the final rule is 60 days after the date of publication. As of June 1, 2015, all labels will be required to meet the requirements in the new Hazard Communication standard. During the transition period labels may comply with the new standard, the old standard, or both. UW-Stout shall not accept delivery of a product that does not meet minimum labeling requirements. Under the new standard, labels on shipped containers must include: Product identifier used on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Name, address and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer or responsible party. Signal word: a word used to indicate the relative severity of hazard and alert the reader to a potential hazard. The signal word is either “Danger” for more severe hazards, or “Warning” for less severe hazards. Hazard statement(s): a statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical, including, where appropriate, the degree of hazard. Pictogram(s): a symbol with a specific border and color that is intended to convey visual information about the hazards. Eight pictograms are designated in the new Hazard Communication standard, as shown in Figure C-1. 28 Figure C-1: GHS Pictograms and Associated Hazard Classes Oxidizers Flammables Self Reactives Pyrophorics Self-Heating Emits Flammable Gas Organic Peroxides Explosives Self Reactives Organic Peroxides Acute Toxicity (Severe) Corrosives Gases Under Pressure Carcinogen Respiratory Sensitizer Reproductive Toxicity Target Organ Toxicity Mutagenicity Aspiration Toxicity Environmental Toxicity Irritant Dermal Sensitizer Acute Toxicity (Harmful) Narcotic Effects Respiratory Tract Irritation Precautionary statement(s): a phrase that describes recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical, or improper storage or handling. 29 Figure C-2: Sample GHS-Compliant Label Under the old standard, labels on shipped containers must include: Identity of the hazardous substance. Appropriate hazard warning. Name and address of the manufacturer. Labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals shall remain on the container and protected. UWStout staff shall appropriately re-label the original container if the label becomes defaced, removed or otherwise illegible. Labels on secondary containers. Secondary containers are created when a chemical is transferred from a manufacturer’s labeled container into another container. This may happen if a portion of the hazardous substance is transferred from the original container to a smaller container for use at the laboratory bench, or to prepare a reagent for use in the laboratory (this could be a dilution or it could involve preparation of a mixture). 30 If the secondary container will be under the immediate control of the person who performs the transfer it does not require a label. If the secondary container will be used for storage of a chemical and/or by a person who did not perform the transfer from the manufacturer’s container it must be labeled in accordance with either the new standards in paragraph 2 above, or: o Identity of the hazardous chemical(s), matching the SDS name. o Appropriate hazard warning(s). Hazard warning means any words, pictures, symbols, or combination thereof appearing on a label or other appropriate form of warning that convey the specific physical and health hazards, including any target organ effects, of the chemical(s) in the container. Use of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) symbols may not be sufficient to convey appropriate warning about the physical and health hazards, and in particular information about target organs. Therefore, the hazard warning may require a brief statement about the physical and health hazard effects of the chemical (e.g. “causes lung cancer”). Information provided on the manufacturer’s label and the SDS should be helpful in appropriately labeling secondary containers. The Chemical Hygiene Officer will also provide assistance in determining required label elements. Appropriate secondary container labeling is the primary responsibility of the person who has direct control of the container. Laboratory supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all containers of hazardous substances in their work area are meet Hazard Communication Standard labeling requirements. Other labeling systems are still allowed by OSHA, including the NFPA 704 diamond and HMIS, as long as they are consistent with the requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard and employees have immediate access to specific hazard information. All doors to Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall labs have a hazard sign that uses both GHS pictograms and the NFPA diamond to give an overview of the chemical hazards contained within that room. Figure C-3 illustrates the NFPA system. 31 Figure C-3: NFPA 704 Diamond 32 Appendix D Safety Data Sheets and Resource Material UW-Stout requires that a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) be on file for each hazardous chemical used in the laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard. The SDS must be manufacturer- and product numberspecific (i.e., containers of acetic acid manufactured by Fisher Scientific and Sigma-Aldrich must each have their own SDS on file. If a product/catalog number is known, the SDS should be specific to that product/catalog number). SDSs provide comprehensive safety information on a substance or mixture for use in the workplace. Copies of SDSs for chemicals stored and used in UW-Stout laboratories are readily available from several sources: CISPro, the web-based chemical inventory system implemented in summer 2011 for the chemical and biological inventories of the Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Food & Nutrition departments. SDSs stored in CISPro are accessible either by logging into the database itself (requires a user name and password) or by utilizing the MSDS Search website: https://cisprolive1.chemswlive.com/CISPro/login_msds.asp?accessid=2640 Many SDSs may also be accessed on-line. Table D-1 lists several on-line databases available at no cost. For the most current SDS, always refer first to the product manufacturer’s or vendor’s website, the largest of which are included in the table. Table D-1: On-line SDS Links Note that this is not an exhaustive list. Resource Comment Sigma-Aldrich www.sigmaaldrich.com/safety-center.html Sigma-Aldrich provides on-line SDS access for their products and for some chemicals that are not Sigma-Aldrich products. Sigma-Aldrich uses the GHS SDS format; SDSs created or revised beginning in 2010 also include GHS pictograms and hazard and precautionary statements. Fisher Scientific provides on-line SDS access for their products and for some chemicals (e.g., Acros) that are not theirs. To access a SDS, enter the product number, chemical name or CAS registry number in the search field. Fisher Scientific uses a 16-section SDS format very similar to the GHS SDS format. BD provides on-line SDS access for their products. BD uses a 16-section SDS format very similar to the GHS SDS format. Avantor provides on-line SDS access for their products as well as those for J.T. Baker and Mallinckrodt. To access an SDS, enter the product number, chemical name or CAS registry number in the search field. Avantor uses a 16section SDS format very similar to the GHS SDS format. Fisher Scientific www.fishersci.com BD (Becton Dickinson) http://www.bdregdocs.com/msds/ Avantor Performance Materials http://www.avantormaterials.com/ 33 Resource Comment Vermont SIRI MSDS Database http://siri.org/msds/ The University of Vermont maintains a relatively large database of SDSs for chemicals and products. The database can be searched by manufacturer or chemical name. On March 26, 2012 OSHA published its updated Hazard Communication standard in the Federal Register, which mandates use of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) 16-section format by June 1, 2015. Certain sections that do not fall under the jurisdiction of OSHA are regulated by their specific agency (e.g., transport information will be covered by the U.S. Department of Transportation and ecological information will be covered by the Environmental Protection Agency). A summary of the 16-section GHS SDS format with main components of each section is found in Table D2 below. It is important that all employees are familiar with the format and terminology used on SDSs since this are considered a primary source of chemical safety information. Table D-2: Summary of GHS SDS Sections GHS SDS section 1. Product and company identification 2. Hazards identification 3. Composition/information on ingredients 4. First-aid measures 5. Firefighting measures 6. Accidental release measures 7. Handling and storage 8. Exposure controls/personal protection 9. Physical and chemical properties 10. Stability and reactivity 11. Toxicological information Content Product identifier Manufacturer or distributor name, address, phone number Emergency phone number Recommended use Restrictions on use All hazards regarding the chemical Required label elements Information on chemical ingredients Trade secret claims Important symptoms/effects, acute, delayed Required treatment Suitable extinguishing techniques, equipment Chemical hazards from fire Emergency procedures Protective equipment Proper methods of containment and cleanup Precautions for safe handling Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limits Threshold Limit Values Appropriate engineering controls Personal protective equipment Chemical characteristics Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions Routes of exposure Related symptoms, acute and chronic effects Numerical measures of toxicity 34 GHS SDS section 12. Ecological information 13. Disposal considerations 14. Transport information 15. Regulatory information 16. Other information Content Exotoxicity Persistence and degradability Bioaccumulative potential Mobility in soil Other adverse effects Description of waste residues and information on their safe handling and methods of disposal, including any contaminated packaging UN number UN proper shipping name. Transport hazard class(es) Packing group, if applicable Marine pollutant (Y/N) Special precautions which a user needs to be aware of or needs to comply with in connection with transport or conveyance either within or outside their premises Safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question Including date of preparation or last revision Table D-3 contains a list of additional resources on chemical safety. This list includes links to several reputable chemical safety resources (primarily governmental agencies) that are available at no cost. Table D-3: Additional Chemical Safety Resources NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/default.html International Chemical Safety Cards http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcs/icstart.html The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) is intended as a source of general industrial hygiene information on several hundred chemicals/classes for workers, employers and occupational health professionals. It presents key information and data in abbreviated or tabular form for chemicals or substance groupings that are found in the workplace. It includes chemical names, Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances information, exposure limits, physical description, measurement methods, PPE recommendations, and respirator recommendations. International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs) summarize essential health and safety information on chemicals for their use at the “shop floor” level by workers and employers in factories, agriculture, construction and other work places. Information provided in user friendly format in several languages. Good supplement to SDSs. Limitations: ICSCs have been developed for a limited number of substances. 35 Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries http://dwb4.unl.edu/Chem/CHEM869V/CHE M869VLinks/www.qrc.com/hhmi/science/la bsafe/lcss/start.htm OSHA Occupational Chemical Database https://www.osha.gov/chemicaldata/ NIOSH chemical page http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/chemical. html NIOSH databases www.cdc.gov/niosh/database.html Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries (LCSSs) were prepared by the National Research Council, Committee on Prudent Practices for Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Chemicals in Laboratories. They provide concise critical discussions of the toxicity, flammability, reactivity, and explosivity of a limited number of chemicals commonly used in scientific research laboratories. Directions for handling, storage and disposal and special instructions for first aid and emergency response are given. Since many of these chemicals are representative of a class of potentially hazardous compounds, the LCSSs can also be used as guides to handling many other compounds with related chemical structures. LCSSs are designed especially for laboratory workers. They are an excellent complement to the substance SDS. OSHA maintains this database as a convenient reference for the occupational safety and health community. This database compiles information from several government agencies and organizations. Links to information on many specific chemicals is found on this page. Links to a number of useful databases in addition to the NPG and ICSCs links referenced above. 36 Appendix E Fume Hoods Use of appropriate ventilation is an important way of protecting laboratory workers from exposure to hazardous airborne substances generated in a lab procedure. There are two types of ventilation used in the science laboratories: dilution ventilation and local ventilation. With dilution ventilation no air is re-circulated back in to the building; all air from the lab and building is exhausted directly to the outside. Airborne contaminants created at the lab bench mix with room air, which reduces the concentration of contaminants. This diluted mixture is exhausted from the laboratory. Dilution ventilation is limited to control of vapors and gases of low toxicity or very small amounts of moderately toxic vapors or gases. Dilution ventilation is not sufficient when working with acutely hazardous substances or moderate to large quantities of moderately toxic vapors or gases. Local ventilation works on the principle of capturing toxic materials at their source before they reach the breathing zone of the lab worker and before they contaminate the general air in the room. The most common type of local ventilation in the laboratory is the chemical fume hood. There are 62 chemical hoods located throughout the laboratories in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition, and two in Heritage Hall. All of these hoods are designed to provide a face velocity of 100 feet per minute (fpm) (optimal contaminant capture) when the sash opening is at 18 inches. The UW-Stout Chemical Hygiene Officer performs annual certification to verify face velocity is a minimum 100 fpm with a sash opening at 18 inches. A label verifying hood certification is affixed to the front of the hood. Two other types of local ventilation are in use in Jarvis: snorkel hoods, which are used to control contaminants emitted from some lab equipment, and biological safety cabinets (BSCs), which are designed to contain aerosols generated during work with infectious agents. Check with the laboratory supervisor before using a BSC. All BSCs in Jarvis are vented into the lab after contaminants pass through a HEPA filter. Therefore, none of the BSCs are suited for work with toxic or flammable materials. Chemical Fume Hood Components The hood body is the visible part of the hood that serves to contain hazardous gases and vapors. Hood baffles are the moveable partitions used to create slotted openings along the back wall of the hood. They keep air flow uniform across the hood opening, eliminate dead spots and optimize capture efficiency. The sash is the sliding door(s) that improve containment of contaminants and provide some protection to the user in case of an incident in the hood. Sashes can be designed to move vertically and/or horizontally. Many of the chemical hoods located in Jarvis have a combined vertical/horizontal sash. The hoods in Heritage Hall have horizontal sashes. 37 The sash stop located on the frame of the hood is designed so that face velocity will be maintained at 100 fpm if the sash opening is kept below the sash stop level. The sash stop can be overridden, but this should only be done when setting up or taking down equipment. The hood alarm (Jarvis hoods only) will sound if the sash stop is overridden, signaling that face velocity has gone below the 100 fpm capture rate. The airfoil is the bent metal piece at the front edge of the hood. It prevents creation of eddy currents that can carry vapors out of the hood. Spill control – a raised lip surrounds the work surface providing some spill containment in case of a spill. Keep in mind that this is limited spill containment. A spill kit should be readily available and additional secondary containment should be considered when working with some hazardous substances. Lab sinks in hoods are connected to the sanitary sewer system. Do not pour substances down the hood sinks unless you have permission from the laboratory supervisor. Mechanical controls are located on the frame of the hood. Depending on the hood these may include: natural gas, compressed air, vacuum, light switch and electrical outlets. Hood monitors are located on the front frame of the hood. They serve as an alarm system to alert you when face velocity falls below 100 fpm. Only hoods in Jarvis are equipped with monitors. Safe Operating Procedures Confirm the hood is running properly. Chemical hoods located in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall do not run continuously. They must be manually turned on. The switch is located on the front of the hood. Check for current (within one year) hood certification. Check the hood monitor (if applicable) to ensure face velocity is 100 fpm at a minimum at a sash opening of 18 inches. If not, immediately notify the laboratory supervisor. Do not proceed with experiment until hood face velocity is a minimum 100 fpm at a sash opening of 18 inches. If possible, position the sash so that work is performed by extending the arms under or around the sash, placing the head in front of the sash and keeping the glass between the head and the chemical source. The worker views the procedure through the glass, which acts as a primary barrier if a spill, splash or explosion should occur. The sash is not a substitute for required eye protection, however: wear appropriate or required eye protection. Never work with the sash raised higher than 18 inches (the sash stop level). Keep your head out of the hood except when installing and dismantling equipment. Work at least six inches into the hood to optimize contaminant capture. Fume hood containment tests have shown that the concentration of a contaminant in the worker’s breathing zone can be 300 times higher from a source located at the front of the hood than from one placed at least six inches back. Raise large lab equipment one to two inches from the work surface to minimize air flow disruption. 38 Keep the hood free of clutter. Avoid blocking off baffle exhaust slots in any manner. Objects in the hood tend to increase turbulence and increase the possibility of accidental fire and/or spill. Minimize movement in front of the hood. People walking in front of the hood create competing currents at the hood face, potentially causing hazardous gases or vapors to flow out of the hood. Keep materials stored in hoods to a minimum and do not allow them to block vents or air flow. Hoods shall not be used for long-term storage of chemicals. 39 Appendix F Laboratory Safety Procedures This appendix gives general guidance for working safely with chemicals and equipment in laboratories. It is not meant to be a complete safety manual, but using this section in conjunction with other safety references (such as Prudent Practices in the Laboratory) will help maintain a safe laboratory and maintain compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard for laboratories. General Laboratory Safety No food or drink in any lab at any time, even if the class is lecture only. Do not use ice from a laboratory ice machine for human consumption. Laboratory microwaves and refrigerators are not to be used for food intended for human consumption. No horseplay is allowed in any lab at any time. Know about the chemicals and hazards in the lab. Know their potential flammability, reactivity, corrosivity and toxicity. Know how to read and interpret labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). Know what to do in different emergency situations (see Appendix I). Avoid working alone in the lab (see section 14 in the main content for the UW-Stout policy on working alone in laboratories). Do not underestimate risks: assume any mixture will be more hazardous than its most hazardous component and that all substances of unknown toxicity are toxic. Minimize all chemical exposures. Few lab chemicals are without hazards, so use precautions when handling all chemicals. Wear personal protective equipment appropriate to the work. Use extreme care when working with needles, blades and glass. Provide adequate ventilation by using fume hoods: this is the best way to prevent exposure to airborne hazards. Protect unattended operations from utility failures and other potential problems that could lead to overheating or other hazardous events. Confine long hair and loose clothing. Wear long pants or a lab coat to protect legs. Wear shoes at all times in the laboratory but do not wear sandals or perforated shoes. Be alert to unsafe conditions and see that they are corrected when detected. Immediately report unsafe conditions to the laboratory supervisor and Chemical Hygiene Officer. Laboratory Housekeeping: Generally speaking, a clean, orderly lab is a safer lab. Good housekeeping can lower the number of lab accidents and reduce the risk and consequences of a fire. It can also increase working space. For a safe and efficient laboratory: Keep passageways to exits clear. 40 Do not block areas around safety showers and eyewashes, fire extinguishers, fire blankets and electrical panels and controls. Do not store chemicals on the floor, where they may be broken or become a trip hazard. Return chemical containers to their proper storage location after use. Do not use floors, stairways or hallways as storage areas for equipment, supplies or chemicals. Clean contaminated equipment and spills immediately. Keep balances, hoods, centrifuges, incubators, refrigerators, ovens and other common-use items clean and neat for the next user. Personal Hygiene in the Laboratory: Good personal hygiene will help minimize exposure to hazardous substances. Even small exposures from some compounds may result in harmful effects. In general, the goal should be to avoid skin contact with all laboratory chemicals and biological materials. In the event of a spill, a careless person can quickly spread contamination throughout a laboratory. To keep yourself and others safe from contamination: Do not eat, drink or apply makeup or lip balm while in the lab. Do not touch things that are used by non-gloved hands (e.g., telephone, door knobs, etc.) if you are wearing gloves that have touched chemicals or biological materials. Gloves can be washed with soap and water if removal is not convenient. Wash hands thoroughly and frequently, especially after lab work and before eating, drinking, applying cosmetics (including lip balm) and leaving the lab. Routinely wash door knobs, telephones, keyboards and work surfaces. Never use mouth suction to fill a pipette. Use a bulb or other pipette filling device. Never allow a laboratory chemical or biological material to touch your skin; use gloves and wear a lab coat. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and do not use the clothing again until it has been properly decontaminated. Do not immerse fingers or hands in liquids; use tongs or a tool. Do not sniff or taste chemicals. Moving Chemicals: Whenever a chemical is moved the risk of a spill increases. Take precautions whenever moving chemicals, whether it is across the lab or across campus. Use secondary containment: No matter how careful you are, containers can drop and bottles can break. Use a tray, bucket or carrier specifically designed for transporting containers whenever you move chemicals from one room or building to another. Use carts and secondary containment for moving large amounts of chemicals. It is a safer practice to take several trips with fewer chemicals than to try to overload a cart and raise the risk of an incident. 41 Extra precautions for vehicles: Chemicals should never be transported in the passenger compartment of a vehicle. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation and Department of Natural Resources regulate the transport of hazardous materials on the road. Depending on the type and quantity of material transported, the driver may be required by law to have a commercial driver’s license, carry proper shipping manifests and use specified packaging. Shipping hazardous materials: Many government agencies regulate the shipment of hazardous materials (including chemicals and biological materials). Anyone who prepares hazardous material packages for shipment via ground transportation (e.g., FedEx or UPS) or air must attend a training class and become certified. Contact the CHO for information on how to find a class. Chemical Storage and Management: Proper chemical storage is as important as proper chemical handling. Chemical inventories must be actively managed. Read chemical labels and SDSs for specific storage instructions. Store chemicals in a safe place. Fume hoods should not be used for long-term storage of chemicals; use a ventilated cabinet to store volatile and odiferous chemicals (there are several in Jarvis Science Wing Addition). Use sturdy shelves (ideally with a lip to prevent chemicals from being knocked off shelves) with ample space for every chemical. Use secondary containment to contain liquid spills. Keep large, heavy items on lower shelves. Do not store chemicals on the floor or above eye level (approximately six feet off the floor). Keep incompatible chemicals separate to prevent chemical reactions. General guidelines include: o Separate acids from bases. o Separate oxidizers and acids from flammables. o Separate highly toxic chemicals and carcinogens from all other chemicals. o Do not keep peroxide-forming chemicals longer than 12 months. Dispose of expired chemicals. Inspect storage areas at least annually. Remove unwanted or expired chemicals and update CISPro. Replace defaced or missing labels. Visually inspect stored chemicals to determine viability and safety. Chemicals showing any of these indications should be evaluated for disposal: o Slightly cloudy liquids o Darkening or change in color o Spotting on solids o Caking of anhydrous materials 42 o Existence of solids in liquids or liquids in solids o Pressure buildup in containers o Evidence of reaction with water o Corrosion or other damage to container Storage and Use of Reactive Chemicals: The hazards of reactive chemicals are specific to each chemical’s properties, so it is important to understand their dangers before working with them. Read the label, SDS and other published information on their safe use. With all reactives, use as small a quantity as possible. Use proper eye protection, possibly including a face shield. Segregate reactive chemicals and store them away from heat and sunlight. Oxidizers. Oxidation reactions are a frequent cause of chemical accidents. Store oxidizers away from flammable and combustible materials, organic material and other reducers. Pyrophoric chemicals. Pyrophorics (e.g., boranes, n-butyl lithium, white phosphorus) ignite spontaneously on contact with air. Avoid a spill by storing breakable glass bottles inside a rubber or plastic bottle carrier. Use and store all pyrophorics in an inert atmosphere (e.g., stored under nitrogen or argon). Always wear a lab coat and proper eye protection when working with pyrophorics. Shock sensitive, self-reactive, explosive and endothermic substances. Atoms of these substances are bonded to each other in an arrangement that has high potential energy. They can then spontaneously release large amounts of energy when struck, vibrated, dropped or agitated. Some can explode with only slight increase of temperature, light vibration, grinding or a chemical initiation. o Some chemicals become increasingly shock sensitive with age. Inspect reactive chemicals regularly and dispose of any that appear degraded. o Lab accidents can occur from the inadvertent formation of explosive or shock sensitive materials such as peroxides from oxygen exposure, perchlorates from perchloric acid procedures performed in fume hoods and azides from azide salt solutions acting on lead in drains. o Silver oxide and ammonia solution can produce a fulminating silver which is very sensitive to movement and energetic in decomposition to its elements. o Nitro organics such as nitromethane, nitrophenol and picric acid form salts with a strong base that are both thermal and shock sensitive, producing quick, energetic decomposition. Storage and Use of Peroxide-Forming Chemicals: Certain chemicals can turn into potentially dangerous, shock sensitive organic peroxides with prolonged storage and/or concentration. One step to reduce the risk is to avoid the prolonged storage of all peroxide-forming chemicals. 43 The Class A chemicals shown in Table F-1 can form polyperoxide chains or cyclic oligoperoxides that are difficult to detect and eliminate. They can come out of solution and form crystals or a gel in the bottom of the container and are extremely unstable and can violently decompose with the smallest disturbance or even spontaneously. o Do not store these chemicals longer than suggested. Good practice requires they be discarded within three months of receipt. o If a container of Class A peroxidizable is past its expiration date, or if the presence of peroxides is suspected or proven, do not attempt to open the container. The act of unscrewing a cap or dropping a bottle can be enough to trigger an explosion. The Class B chemicals listed in Table F-1 as hazardous due to peroxide initiation of autopolymerization can undergo explosive polymerization initiated by dissolved oxygen. Do not store these chemicals longer than suggested, unless tests show that they contain less than 80 parts per million (ppm) of peroxides. o Class B chemicals are often sold with autoxidation inhibitors. If the inhibitor is removed, particular care must be taken in their long-term storage because of the enhanced probability of peroxide formation. Purging the container headspace with nitrogen is recommended. o If a container of Class B peroxidizable is past its expiration date, open it with caution. o Mark the container with the opening date and inspect it every six months. Test for peroxides annually, or discard one year after opening. The Class C chemicals listed in Table F-1 as peroxide hazard on concentration can form hydroperoxides and ketone peroxides. They are soluble and can be detected with peroxide test strips or a KI-starch test. o In most cases, commercial samples of Class C materials are provided with polymerization inhibitors that require the presence of oxygen to function and therefore are not to be stored under inert atmosphere. Inhibitor-free Class C compounds (i.e., the compound has been synthesized in the laboratory or the inhibitor has been removed from the commercial product) should be kept in the smallest quantities possible and under inert atmosphere. Unused inhibitor-free material should be disposed of immediately. o If a container of Class C peroxidizable is past its expiration date, open it with caution. o Mark the container with the opening date and inspect it every six months. Discard one year after opening. o It is common to distill these peroxidizable solvents before use and this concentrates the dissolved peroxides and subjects them to heat and mechanical shock. To safely distill peroxidizable solvents: Eliminate the peroxides with a chemical reducing agent or pass the solvent through activated alumina. 44 Add mineral oil to the distillation pot. This has the combined effect of cushioning any bumping, maintaining dilution and serving as a viscous reaction moderator in case the peroxides begin to decompose. Carefully monitor the distillation process to ensure that it does not dry out completely and overheat. Testing peroxide-forming chemicals. With some exceptions, these procedures will work only with Class B peroxidizables. o Peroxide test strips, which turn to an indicative color in the presence of peroxides, are available commercially. Note that these strips must be air dried until the solvent evaporates and exposed to moisture for proper indication and quantification. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely. o Add 1 to 3 mL of the liquid to be tested to an equal volume of acetic acid, add a few drops of 5% aqueous potassium iodide solution, and shake. The appearance of a yellow to brown color indicates the presence of peroxides. Alternatively, addition of 1 mL of a freshly prepared 10% solution of potassium iodide to 10 mL of an organic liquid in a 25-mL glass cylinder produces a yellow color if peroxides are present. o Add 0.5 mL of the liquid to be tested to a mixture of 1 mL of 10% aqueous potassium iodide solution and 0.5 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid to which has been added a few drops of starch solution just before the test. The appearance of a blue or blue-black color within one minute indicates the presence of peroxides. Table F-1: Peroxide-Forming Chemicals Class A: High risk peroxide forming materials. Oxidation products are easily formed that are sensitive and energetic. Discard within three months of receipt. The usual peroxide test will only work for isopropyl ether. Butadiene (106-99-0) Isopropyl ether (108-20-3) Sodium amide (7782-92-5) Divinyl ether (109-93-3) Potassium amide Vinylidene chloride (17242-52-3) (75-35-4) Divinyl acetylene (821-08-9) Potassium metal Chloroprene (126-99-8) (7440-09-7) Class B: Common solvents that can accumulate peroxide products that are a risk on heating and concentration. Mark container with opening date and inspect every six months; test for peroxides yearly or discard after 1 year. Acetal (105-57-7) 2-Butanol (78-92-2) Cellusolves (e.g., 2Ethoxyethanol, 110-80-5) Cumene (isopropylbenzene) (98-82-8) Cyclohexene (110-83-8) Decalin (91-17-8) Cyclopentene (142-29-0) Dicyclopentadiene (77-73-6) Diglyme (111-96-6) Diethyl ether (ethyl ether) (60-29-7) 1,4-Dioxane (123-91-1) Dimethoxyethane (monoglyme) (110-71-4) Tetrahydronaphthalene (119-64-2) Diacetylene (460-12-8) Furan (110-00-9) Isopropanol (67-63-0) Methylcyclohexane (108-87-2) Methyl isobutyl ketone (108-10-1) Tetrahydrofuran (109-99-9) Cyclooctene (931-87-3) Methyl acetylene (74-99-7) 45 Methylcyclopentane (96-37-7) 2-Phenylethanol (60-12-8) Isoamyl alcohol (123-51-3) Cyclohexanol (108-93-0) 2-Cyclohexen-1-ol (822-67-3) 2-Hexanol (626-93-7) 2-Pentanol (6032-29-7) 4-Heptanol (589-55-9) 4-Methyl-2-pentanol (108-11-2) 4-Penten-1-ol (821-09-0) 1-Phenylethanol (98-85-1) Class C: Liquids and liquefied compressed gases that can be initiated by oxygen to polymerize. Mark container with opening date and inspect every six months, discard after 1 year. The usual peroxide test may not show peroxides, but there are indicators of polymerization: look for an increase in viscosity of liquids or residue after evaporation of a sample of gases. Both of these may indicate a polymer. Acrolein (107-02-8) Chlorotrifluoroethylene Styrene (100-42-5) (79-38-9) Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) Ethyl acrylate (140-88-5) Tetrafluoroethylene (116-14-3) Acrylic acid (79-10-7) Ethyl vinyl ether (109-92-2) Vinyl acetate (108-05-4) Vinyl acetylene (689-97-4) Chloroprene (126-99-8) Methyl methacrylate (80-62-6) Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) 2-Vinyl pyridine (100-69-6) 4-Vinyl pyridine (100-43-6) Storage of and Use of Flammables and Combustibles: Use labels and SDSs to identify flammable and combustible chemicals. Improperly stored and used flammable and combustible chemicals can provide the fuel that can lead to a catastrophic laboratory fire. Minimize the amount of flammables and combustibles. Buy only what will be used in the immediate future. Excess flammable solvents risk a fire, a dangerous spill and health risks. Store flammables in an approved flammable storage cabinet. Store flammables, combustibles and other fuels away from strong oxidizers. Limit flammable liquids stored outside of flammable cabinets to less than 10 gallons per room. Limit the storage of flammable liquids on benchtops to those only in immediate use. Handle flammables in areas free from ignition sources. Exercise caution when using flammables in confined spaces with hot plates and other electrical equipment that is not intrinsically safe; a hot plate thermostat cycling on can be an ignition source if flammable vapors have built up in a small space. Always bond metal containers to metal receivers when transferring large volumes of flammable liquids or gases. If static electricity is a problem (especially in the winter), use nonconductive materials (floor mats, etc.) and grounding straps on instruments and machines, especially when transferring flammable chemicals between metal containers. Never heat flammable chemicals with an open flame. Use a water bath, oil bath, heating mantle, hot air bath, etc. Use a fume hood when there is a chance of dangerous vapors. 46 If flammables need to be refrigerated, keep them in an explosion-proof or flammable refrigerator, not a standard refrigerator. Storage and Use of Compressed Gas Cylinders: Compressed gas cylinders in the lab present both chemical and physical hazards: if handled incorrectly, they can be extremely dangerous. A broken cylinder valve can cause a cylinder to act like a rocket, and exposure to some gases leaking from a cylinder can be lethal. Only use regulators approved for the type of gas in the cylinder. Do not use adapters to interchange regulators and never use improvised adapters. Always wear safety glasses or goggles when working with compressed gases. Never refill cylinders. Before using, check all connections under pressure for leaks. Swab connections with a soap solution and look for bubbles. Turn off both the main valve and regulator when not using the cylinder. Do not leave regulators and valves on cylinders except when they are in frequent use. When not in use, remove regulators and valves and screw on the safety cap. Use spark-proof tools on cylinders that contain flammable gases. Do not force valve stems, which can easily snap off. Clearly mark empty cylinders as “empty.” Do not store empty and full containers together: move empty containers to a designated storage area. All cylinders (empty and full, in use and in storage) must be chained, strapped or otherwise securely attached to a wall or other sturdy surface to prevent the cylinder from falling and potentially becoming a missile. If attached to a wall, the attachment points should be driven into studs or other structural members. To safely move cylinders: o Wear safety glasses, leather gloves and appropriate footwear. o Ensure that valves are fully closed and the safety cap is secured in place. o Only use carts or hand trucks designed for moving cylinders. o Do not allow cylinders to drop or strike each other violently. o Never lift cylinders by the cap. o A best practice for moving cylinders between floors is to secure the cylinders on a cart and put them on an elevator by themselves. An elevator is a confined space that would be difficult to escape from if there was an accidental release. 47 Storage and Use of Cryogenic Liquids: Cryogenic liquids are hazardous because of the physical and chemical characteristics of their super-cooled state. They can cause explosions, fires, asphyxiation, tissue destruction or embrittlement of structural materials. Avoid skin and eye contact by always wearing chemical splash goggles and a face shield and appropriate cold-resistant gloves. Keep cryogenic liquids away from all sources of ignition. Store in a well-ventilated area to avoid buildup of flammable gases or displacement of breathing air. Store in double-walled, insulated containers (e.g., Dewar flasks). Handle all containers carefully. Tap Dewar flasks thoroughly to prevent the release of a large number of tiny glass slivers in the event the flask shatters. Pre-cool receiving vessels to avoid thermal shock and splashing. Select work materials wisely. Cryogenic liquids alter the physical characteristics of some materials; accidents have been reported where Pyrex tubes have failed and caused injury. Use tongs to place and remove items in cryogenic liquids. Rubber and plastic may become very brittle; handle these items carefully when removing them. Use extreme care in transporting. Use a cart for large cryogenic containers. When moving between floors, secure carts and containers and put them on the elevator by themselves. An elevator is a confined space that would be difficult to escape from if there was an accidental release. Safe Use of Centrifuges: Centrifuges present the possibility of two serious hazards: mechanical failure and aerosols. The most common hazard associated with centrifuges is broken tubes; given the high speeds and the necessity to maintain balance it is important to properly load the unit, operate it only at speeds recommended by the manufacturer, wait until it has completely stopped before removing all samples and properly cleaning the unit. Always wear safety glasses (at a minimum) when working with centrifuges to protect the eyes in the event of an accident. When loading the rotor, examine the tubes for signs of stress and discard any tubes that are damaged. Inspect the inside of each tube cavity or bucket. Remove any glass or other debris from the rubber cushion. Ensure that the centrifuge has adequate shielding to guard against accidental flyaways. Use a centrifuge only if it has an interlock that deactivates the rotor when the lid is opened. Do not overfill a centrifuge tube to the point where the rim, cap or cotton plug becomes wet. 48 Always keep the lid closed during operation and shutdown. Do not open the lid until the rotor is completely stopped. Do not brake the head rotation by hand. Do not use aluminum foil to cap a centrifuge tube: it can rupture or detach. When balancing the rotors, consider the tubes, buckets, adapters, inserts and any added solution. Stop the rotor and discontinue operation if you notice anything abnormal such as noise or vibration. Rotor heads, buckets, adapters, tubes and plastic inserts must match. Some low-speed and small portable centrifuges may not have aerosol-tight chambers that can allow aerosols to escape. In these cases use a safety bucket to prevent escape of aerosols. High-speed centrifuges present additional aerosol hazards due to the higher stress and force applied to their rotors and tubes. o Filter the air exhausted from the vacuum lines. o Keep a record of rotor usage to reduce the hazard of metal fatigue. o Frequently inspect, clean and dry rotors to prevent corrosion or other damage. Proper inspection, care and cleaning of centrifuge rotors are important. o Clean any spills immediately. o Review the manufacturer’s safety instructions. o Visually inspect the rotor for mechanical or chemical damage prior to each use. Look at the underside of the rotor, the web area and the outer rim. Ensure the top and bottom pieces of the rotor are tightly connected. o Certain chemicals (e.g., phenol) attack plastic rotors and some nucleic acid extraction kits can damage the rotor. Look for discoloration, peeling or other deterioration of the rotor finish. o Mechanical damage such as cracks, scratches or gouges can often be seen or detected as an increase in noise or vibration during a spin. Do not ignore excessive vibration that does not resolve after rebalancing and checking the fit of the rotor cover. Do not use the rotor if any damage or change is evident. Safe Use of Glassware: Broken glass is one of the most common causes of laboratory injuries. To reduce the chance that something will happen, use common sense when working with glassware. Always wear safety glasses when conducting operations that have a high risk of breaking glass (e.g., operating centrifuges or vacuums). 49 Inspect all glassware for chips and cracks before use. Do not use glassware that has any defects. Never use laboratory glassware to serve food or drinks. Use care in handling to avoid damaging it. Leave at least 10% air space in containers with positive closures. When possible, substitute plastic or metal connectors for glass connectors. Thoroughly clean and decontaminate glassware after each use. When inserting glass tubing into rubber stoppers, corks or tubing: o Use adequate hand protection (e.g., gloves or a hand towel). o Lubricate the tubing using glycine or similar material. o Hold hands close together to minimize movement if the glass breaks. o Rotate the tube back and forth while gently pushing it into the stopper. Never attempt to push tubing directly through a stopper. Use thick-walled, round-bottomed glassware for vacuum operations. Flat-bottomed glassware is not as strong. Carefully handle vacuum-jacketed glassware to prevent implosions. Dewar flasks, vacuum desiccators and other evacuated equipment should be taped or shielded. Use only glassware designed for use with vacuums. Large glass containers are highly susceptible to thermal shock: heat or cool them slowly. Use Pyrex or heat-treated glass for heating operations. Do not pick up broken glass with bare or unprotected hands: use a brush and dustpan. Remove glass in sinks by using tongs for large pieces and cotton held by tongs for small pieces and slivers. Dispose of uncontaminated broken glass in designated cardboard boxes. Glass contaminated with a biological material must be disposed of in a sharps container. Electrical Safety: Many laboratory fires start with the careless handling of electrical equipment. Un-safe practices and worn or defective equipment can also cause electrical shocks. Before use, check all electrical apparatus for worn or defective insulation and loose or broken connections. Power cords should be checked closely and replaced if defective. Connect all ground wires to clean metal (avoid painted surfaces). Use three-prong grounded plugs wherever possible. Never remove the ground plug or use an adapter to make a three-prong plug fit a two-prong receptacle. Keep electrical wires away from hot surfaces. Do not allow water and other potentially destructive liquids to leak on electrical wires, switches and outlets. Never touch a switch, outlet or other electrical power source with wet hands. 50 Avoid the use of extension cords for other than temporary situations. The only exception is surge protectors. The cord must be grounded. Do not use homemade or makeshift wiring; call an electrician for all wiring. Safe Use of Electrophoresis Equipment: Electrophoresis equipment can be a major electrical hazard; it uses both high voltage and conductive fluid, which can present a potentially lethal combination. A standard electrophoresis operating at 100 volts can deliver a lethal shock, and even a slight leak in the device tank can result in serious shock. Follow the equipment operating instructions. Use physical barriers to prevent inadvertent contact with the apparatus. Use electrical interlocks. Do not disable safety devices. Use warning signs to alert others of the potential electrical hazard. Frequently check the physical integrity of the electrophoresis equipment. Turn the power off before connecting the electrical leads, opening the lid or reaching into the chamber. Use only insulated lead connectors and connect one lead at a time using one hand only. Ensure that hands are dry when connecting the leads. Keep the apparatus away from water and water sources. Safe Use of Heating Systems: Next to glass failure, the most common source of laboratory injury is the improper manipulation of heating apparatus, particularly gas burners. Common hazards associated with lab heating devices include open flame/fire hazards, electrical hazards and hot surfaces. When temperatures of 100°C (212°F) or less are required, it is safer to use a steam-heated device than an electrically-heated device because steam-heated devices do not present a shock or spark hazard and they can be left unattended with the assurance that their temperature will never exceed 100°C. Before using any electrical heating device, ensure that the heating unit has an automatic shutoff to protect against overheating and that all connecting components are in good working condition. Heated chemicals can cause more damage more quickly than would the same chemical at a lower temperature. Always wear chemical splash goggles and appropriate gloves when heating chemicals. Heating baths should be equipped with timers so they turn on and off at appropriate times. Use a chemical fume hood when heating flammable or combustible solvents. Arrange the equipment so that escaping vapors do not contact heated or sparking surfaces. 51 Use non-asbestos thermal-resistant gloves to handle heated materials and equipment. Place oil baths in plastic or metal trays to contain spills, and do not leave them unattended. Minimize the use of open flames. Safe Use of Pressurized Systems: Processes requiring high pressures present a physical hazard (explosion) should the equipment fail. High pressure operations should only be conducted in specificallydesigned equipment and only by trained operators. Do not conduct a reaction in, or apply heat to, a closed system apparatus unless the equipment is designed and tested to withstand pressure (such systems may be stamped with safe operating pressures). Pressure systems should also have an appropriate relief valve, be fully shielded and should not be operated in an occupied space until safe operation has been assured. Always wear safety glasses (at a minimum) when working with pressurized systems to protect the eyes in the event of an accident. Minimize risk and exposure by planning. Identify and assess all hazards and consequences before beginning work. Consider how failures could occur. Do not assume that the apparatus will have an “inherent safety factor.” Use remote manipulations whenever possible. Conduct the procedure in areas that are not occupied by other people. Minimize pressure, volume and temperature. The stored energy available for release is proportional to the total volume and pressure. Use material with a predictably safe failure mode, preferably ductile failure. Do not use a brittle material unless it is properly shielded or barricaded. Demonstrate structural integrity by a proof test. Ensure that the components of the pressurized system will maintain structural integrity at the maximum allowable working pressure. Operate within the original design parameters. Do not exceed maximum allowable working pressure. Do not change working fluids or service environments without re-considering all hazards and consequences. Provide backup protection. Suitable pressure relief valves should be installed to ensure that the pressure level will stay within safe limits if the equipment malfunctions or is improperly operated. Use quality hardware. Use tie-downs to secure hoses, tubing and piping: a line under pressure that fails can whip unless it is restrained. Do not leave a pressure system unattended. Safe Use of Vacuum Systems: Vacuum systems have similar hazards as high pressure systems, except that the danger is from implosion rather than explosion. Dangers include flying glass, spill/spray of toxic chemicals and fire. 52 Always wear safety glasses (at a minimum) when working with vacuum systems to protect the eyes in the event of an accident. Ensure that pumps have belt guards in place during operation. Ensure that service cords and switches are free from defects. Always use a trap on vacuum lines to prevent liquids from being drawn into the pump, house vacuum line or water drain. Replace and properly dispose of vacuum pump oil that is contaminated with condensate. It should be disposed of as a non-halogenated hazardous waste. Place a pan under pumps to catch oil drips. Do not operate pumps near containers of flammable chemicals or in an enclosed, unventilated cabinet. Glassware in vacuum operations presents a particularly dangerous hazard if it breaks. o Only heavy-walled round-bottomed glassware should be used. The only exception is glassware specifically designed for vacuum operations (e.g., Erlenmeyer filtration flask). o Wrap exposed glass with tape to prevent flying glass if an implosion occurs. o Carefully inspect vacuum glassware before and after each use. Discard any glass that is chipped, scratched, broken or otherwise stressed. Glass desiccators may develop a slight vacuum due to cooling of contents. When possible, use molded plastic desiccators with high tensile strength. For glass desiccators, use a perforated metal desiccator guard. Vacuum pumps often have a cold trap to prevent volatile compounds from getting into hot pump oil and vaporizing into the atmosphere, and to prevent moisture contamination in a vacuum line. o Locate the cold trap between the system and vacuum pump. o Ensure the cold trap is big enough and cold enough to condense vapors in the system. o Check frequently for blockages in the cold trap. o Use isopropanol/dry ice or ethanol/dry ice instead of acetone/dry ice to create a cold trap. Isopropanol and ethanol are cheaper, less toxic and less prone to foam. o Do not use dry ice or liquefied gas refrigerant bath as a closed system, as these can create uncontrolled and dangerously high pressures. Safe Distillation of Organic Solvents: Potential hazards from distillations arise from pressure buildup, flammable materials and the use of heat to vaporize chemicals. Care must be taken during construction 53 of the system to ensure effective separation and to avoid leaks that can lead to fires or contamination. Take precautions with distillations and reactions, especially when they run overnight. Prevent overheating by ensuring that all hoses and connections are securely tightened. Use boiling chips or stir bars to prevent bumping during distillations, refluxing and similar procedures. Be aware when distilling chemicals that certain types may auto-oxidize and accumulate peroxides, which can explode when heated and concentrated during a distillation. Use only round-bottomed flasks for vacuum distillations. Erlenmeyer flasks are more likely to implode. Vacuum distillations or evaporations should always be shielded in case of implosion. Do not leave a distillation unattended if possible. Post a phone number on the door of the lab if you must leave. Safe Use of Autoclaves: Autoclaves are used to sterilize materials by high heat and pressure. Burns can result from physical contact with the autoclave itself, with the hot pressurized steam that it generates and with hot items as they are removed from the autoclave. Explosive breakage of glass vessels due to temperature stresses can produce mechanical injury and cuts during opening and unloading. Additionally, because of the extreme conditions created inside steam autoclaves they can easily malfunction if not carefully maintained. Load the autoclave properly. Be sure to clean the drain strainer before loading. Do not load plastic materials that are not compatible with the autoclave. Individual glassware pieces should be within a heat-resistant plastic tray on a shelf or rack; never place them directly on the autoclave bottom or floor. Be sure the autoclave is OFF and the steam pressure is down before opening the door. Open the door slowly, keeping head, face and hands away from the opening. Wait at least 30 seconds after opening the door before reaching or looking into the autoclave. Before removing autoclaved items, wait five minutes for loads containing only dry glassware and 10 minutes for liquid loads. When removing items wear heat-resistant, long-sleeved gloves and safety glasses or goggles treated with anti-fog solution. Remove solutions from the autoclave slowly and gently; some solutions can boil over when moved or when exposed to room temperature. Let glassware cool for at least 15 minutes before touching it with ungloved hands. Be alert for autoclaved liquid bottles still bubbling. Let liquid loads stand in an out-of-the-way location for a full hour before touching them with ungloved hands. Clean up any spills immediately. The following form shall be used as part of the laboratory safety introduction for all students enrolled in a UW-Stout instructional laboratory covered by the Laboratory Standard. Laboratory instructors shall ensure all 54 students enrolled in their class sign this form. Laboratory instructors shall retain signed forms with class records. 55 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS 1. No eating or drinking is permitted in any laboratory at any time. 2. Eye protection must be worn when required by the lab instructor. 3. Wear sensible clothing. Loose fitting clothing and open sandals or open footwear shall not be worn. 4. Long hair must be confined. 5. No unauthorized experimentation is allowed. Do not change written laboratory procedures without permission of the instructor. 6. Students may not work in the laboratory without an instructor present. (Exceptions may be made depending on the course.) 7. Students are not allowed to work in instructional laboratories outside of regularly scheduled hours without written permission from instructor. 8. Students should know locations of all available safety equipment. This includes eye wash stations, safety showers, fire extinguishers, fire blanket and first aid supplies. 9. Pipetting by mouth is not allowed. Never place anything in the mouth except as directed by instructor while in the laboratory. Smell chemicals only by wafting a small amount of vapor toward the nose with the hand. 10. Personal protective equipment in addition to eye protection should be used at the direction of the laboratory instructor. This equipment includes gloves when working with certain corrosives and organic solvents and laboratory aprons. 11. Keep lab bench clear of book bags and outer clothing. These should be placed in provided areas. Students are responsible for maintaining a safe and clean work area. 12. Chemical fume hoods should be used for all operations that have the potential to release fumes, gases or volatile solvent vapors in excess of recommended exposure levels. Follow written laboratory procedures and the laboratory instructor's directions. Notify the instructor if you think the fume hood is not functioning properly. 13. Read lab procedures before entering the laboratory. Do not proceed with an experiment if you do not understand the procedure. All chemical names and identities should be carefully double-checked prior to any use. Check labeling before using a chemical so that potential hazards are known. 14. Report all injuries, no matter how minor, to the laboratory instructor. The instructor will give guidance on any appropriate treatment which may be needed or call 911 if necessary. 15. Proper disposal of laboratory waste is essential. Do not dispose of any chemical down sewer/sink without approval from the instructor. Use appropriate waste containers when provided. 16. Clean up spills promptly. If you should break a mercury thermometer, notify the instructor so that the mercury is promptly recovered. If you have questions on spill clean-up, ask your instructor. 56 17. Only students registered for the class are allowed into the laboratory. 18. Students should clean work area and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the laboratory. I have read and I understand the above standard operating procedures. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow the above procedures and I agree to follow these procedures. Date: Signature: ___________________________________________________ 57 Appendix G Laboratory Visitor Policy for Minors UW-Stout adopted Policy No. 04-65 concerning the presence of children in hazardous environments. This policy aims to prevent possible accidents or harm to children while on UW-Stout grounds, while also minimizing disruptions to the educational environment. Because UW-Stout manages and maintains potentially hazardous areas – including, but not limited to, scientific laboratories, industrial work spaces, and athletic facilities – children may be prohibited from entering such areas. For safety reasons, and in the best interest of the health and well-being of persons on UW-Stout grounds, it is therefore the policy of UW-Stout that access to certain potentially hazardous university areas be limited only to students, employees, and authorized guests. Definition of Terms “Hazardous University areas” include, but are not limited to: scientific laboratories, industrial work spaces, athletic facilities, weight rooms, warehouses, and other work areas in which potentially dangerous materials, machinery, or conditions may be present. “Children” are those persons present on UW-Stout grounds who have not attained the age of majority (eighteen years of age). Statement of Policy Authorized persons on UW-Stout grounds who ordinarily perform their work in a potentially hazardous University area are expected to be appropriately trained concerning all relevant safety and emergency procedures to adequately protect themselves and others from any such present or potential hazards. Children are prohibited from entering potentially hazardous University areas unless: o The individual is a UW-Stout student and such entry occurs in the context of the ordinary duties of that individual as a student, student-employee, intern or assistant who has been informed by the appropriate supervisor of the risks and safety procedures involved; OR o Such entry occurs in the context of a scheduled open house, tour, camp, clinic, or other similar UW-Stout-sanctioned program or activity; OR o Such entry is accompanied or validated by written documentation indicating approval for entry has been granted by the appropriate building supervisor. 58 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STOUT UNIFORM STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY, RELEASE, AND AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN __________________________ Whereas, I desire to have my child participate in ____________________ sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stout, (University) and the University has approved my participation in the _____________________________ during the period of , 201 to , 201_. I hereby agree as follows: 1) I assume full legal and financial responsibility for my child’s participation in the program; 2) I grant the University, its employees, agents and representatives the authority to act in any attempt to safeguard and preserve my child’s health or safety during my child’s participation including authorizing medical treatment on my behalf and at my expense and returning my child home at my own expense for medical treatment or in case of an emergency; 3) Accident and health insurance are recommended for my child’s participation in this event. I understand that the University encourages me to have appropriate insurance coverage for the entire time of the trip; 4) I voluntarily indemnify and hold harmless the University, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System (Board of Regents), their respective officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of my participation in the field trip and which do not arise out of the negligent acts or omission of an officer, employee, and agent of the University and/or Board of Regents while acting within the scope of their employment or agency; 5) I acknowledge that I have read this document and understand and accept its terms. __________________________________ (Print) name of participating minor __________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian (if Participant is less than 18 years of age) Date 59 Appendix H Work with Particularly Hazardous Substances OSHA has established a category of chemicals known as particularly hazardous substances (PHSs). Particularly hazardous substances include select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and substances with a high degree of acute toxicity. Some highly reactive substances (e.g., pyrophoric and explosive chemicals) may also be considered PHSs. UW-Stout faculty and staff shall complete the approval steps listed below before beginning work with a PHS. OSHA has expanded regulatory standards for certain toxic substances with additional compliance requirements. All of the expanded standard substances are identified in Table H-1 below. Other significant health hazards must also be considered when working with expanded standard substances. Since expanded standard substances are also PHSs, UW-Stout faculty and staff shall complete the PHS approval process before beginning work with expanded standard substances. The Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) will complete an exposure assessment as part of the approval process for work with an expanded standard substance. Specific expanded standard requirements will be incorporated into practices outlined in the Particularly Hazardous Substance Approval Form if the exposure assessment indicates the action level and/or permissible exposure limit or short-term exposure limit may be exceeded. Table H-1: OSHA Regulated Toxic and Hazardous Substances OSHA citation 1910.1001 1910.1003 1910.1004 1910.1006 1910.1007 1910.1008 1910.1009 1910.1010 1910.1011 1910.1012 1910.1013 1910.1014 1910.1015 1910.1016 1910.1017 1910.1018 1910.1025 1910.1026 1910.1027 1910.1028 1910.1029 Chemical Asbestos 4-Nitrobiphenyl alpha-Naphthylamine Methyl chloromethyl ether 3,’-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts) bis-Chloromethyl ether beta-Naphthylamine Benzidine 4-Aminodiphenyl Ethyleneimine beta-Propiolactone 2-Acetylaminofluorene 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene N-Nitrosodimethylamine Vinyl chloride Inorganic arsenic Lead Chromium (VI) Cadmium Benzene Coke oven emissions Comment Known carcinogen Commonly referred to as the OSHA 13 carcinogens Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Possible carcinogen (IARC 2B) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) 60 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) 1910.1043 1910.1044 1910.1045 1910.1047 1910.1048 1910.1050 1910.1051 1910.1052 1910.1096 Cotton dust 1,2,-dibromo-3-chloropropane Acrylonitirile Ethylene oxide Formaldehyde Methylenedianiline 1,3-butadiene Methylene chloride Ionizing radiation Some BBPs (e.g. hepatitis B and C) are known carcinogens Not a suspected carcinogen Possible carcinogen (IARC 2B) Possible carcinogen (IARC 2B) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Known carcinogen Possible carcinogen (IARC 2B) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Possible carcinogen (IARC 2B) Known carcinogen (IARC 1) Responsibility for identifying PHSs and complying with the approval process ultimately rests with faculty, PI or lab instructor. Training on identifying PHSs and the approval process is included in required lab safety training and is described further in this appendix. The OSHA Laboratory Standard defines particularly hazardous substances as: Carcinogens: A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer. Carcinogens are chronically toxic substances; that is, they cause damage after repeated or long-duration exposure, and their effects may become evident only after a long latency period. A chemical is considered a carcinogen, for the purpose of the Laboratory Standard, if it is included in any of the following carcinogen lists: o OSHA-regulated carcinogens as listed in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, also known as the OSHA 13 carcinogens (see Table H-1). o Listed under the category "known to be carcinogens" in the most current Report on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) (http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/?objectid=72016262-BDB7-CEBA-FA60E922B18C2540) o Listed in Group 1 ("carcinogenic to humans") of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs, latest editions. (http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Classification/index.php) o Listed in IARC Group 2A or 2B or considered "reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens" by NTP, and causes significant tumor incidence in experimental animals under the following conditions (this information can be found in the IARC monographs): After inhalation exposure of 6-7 hours per day, 5 days per week, for a significant portion of a lifetime to dosages of less than 10 mg/m3; After repeated skin application of less than 300 mg/kg of body weight per week; or After oral dosages of less than 50 mg/kg of body weight per day. Reproductive Toxins: Reproductive toxins are substances that have adverse effects on various aspects of reproduction, including fertility, gestation, lactation, and general reproductive performance. When a pregnant woman is exposed to a chemical, the fetus may be exposed as 61 well because the placenta is an extremely poor barrier to chemicals. Reproductive toxins can affect both men and women. Male reproductive toxins can in some cases lead to sterility. No scientific or government agency has established a definitive method for classifying potential human chemical reproductive toxins as they have for carcinogens. There is therefore no comprehensive list of reproductive toxins, and very little information on exposure levels at which the toxins are hazardous. Check the SDS for information on potential reproductive hazards. Table H-2 lists some reproductive hazard resources. Table H-2: Reproductive Hazard Resources Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Harvard University) http://research4.dfci.harvard.edu/ehs/Chem%20and %20Lab/Reproductive%20Toxins.htm University of California – San Diego http://www-ehs.ucsd.edu/lab/pdf/repro_haz.pdf Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ NIOSH Reproductive Health website http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/repro/ OSHA Safety and Health Topics: Reproductive Hazards http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/reproductivehazards/inde x.html Examples of chemicals known or suspected to be human reproductive toxins. Not an allinclusive list. Includes chemicals, drugs, infectious materials, possible teratogens and physical hazards. Not an all-inclusive list. ATSDR publishes information on specific chemicals. ToxFAQs and toxicological profiles include information on potential reproductive effects. Links to many resources, including NIOSH publications 99-104 and 96-132 that contain lists of chemical, physical and infectious reproductive hazards for women and men in the workplace. Not all-inclusive lists. Links to OSHA standards as well as other resources on chemical, physical and biological reproductive hazards. Substances with a High Acute Toxicity: High acute toxicity includes any chemical that falls within any of the following OSHA-defined categories (this information is usually found in the Toxicological section of the SDS): o A chemical with a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 mg or less per kg of body weight when administered orally to certain test populations (rats are preferred). The adverse effects must occur after a single dose or after multiple doses given with 24 hours. o A chemical with an LD50 of 200 mg or less per kg of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours to certain test populations (rats or rabbits are preferred). The adverse effects must occur after a single dose or after multiple doses given with 24 hours. o A chemical with a median lethal concentration (LC50) in air of 500 parts per million (ppm) by volume or less of gas, 2 mg per liter or less of vapors, or 0.5 mg per liter or less of dusts and mists, when administered to certain test populations (rats are preferred) by continuous inhalation for 4 hours. Some highly reactive chemicals may also be considered PHSs. Consult the CHO before ordering any pyrophoric or explosive chemicals, or chemicals that under certain conditions create explosive or highly 62 flammable hazards (e.g., liquid chemicals that, when dried, are sensitive to shock or reactive to air or water). Approval Procedure. Laboratory workers planning to use a PHS shall first receive explicit written approval from the CHO. The following steps shall be taken: Laboratory workers shall complete a Particularly Hazardous Substance Approval Form. The form and a PHS Tip Sheet are available on the UW-Stout Laboratory Safety website: o Cut and paste this link into a browser: https://www.uwstout.edu/healthandsafety/safety/intranet/laboratory-safety.cfm o Login to the UW-Stout Intranet to be taken to the above page. Information required on the form includes: o Identity, physical characteristics and health hazards of the PHS. o Consideration of exposure controls such as fume hoods, glove boxes and personal protective equipment. o Designation of an area (hood, glove box, portion of lab, entire lab) specifically for experimental procedures with the PHS. o Plans for storage and secondary containment. o Procedures for safe removal of contaminated waste. o Decontamination procedures. The laboratory worker shall submit the form first to their department chair for signature and then to the CHO for review and approval. The CHO will complete an exposure assessment as part of the review process for work with any OSHA expanded standard chemical. Work with the PHS may not begin until approval has been given. The area(s) where the PHS will be used and stored shall be posted as a designated area(s). Additional signage may be required for work with expanded standard chemicals. Signs for this purpose will be provided by the CHO. The laboratory worker shall proceed with the experiment, following the practices outlined in the Particularly Hazardous Substance Approval Form and the work practices listed in the section titled “Working Safely with Particularly Hazardous Substances” found below. Additional requirements may be added for work with expanded standard chemicals. All work shall be conducted within the designated area. The laboratory worker shall decontaminate all equipment and dispose of waste promptly, as outlined in the Particularly Hazardous Substance Approval Form. Working Safely with Particularly Hazardous Substances. The increased hazard risk associated with PHSs calls for more strict operating procedures in the laboratory: 63 Training and Documentation. All laboratory personnel who work with or may be exposed to PHSs must be adequately trained. Records of conducted training must be kept on file in the lab and should include an outline of the topics covered. The CHO will provide a short training presentation. Continuing training shall be conducted as needed to maintain a working knowledge of hazards and these requirements for all staff members that work with particularly hazardous chemicals. Records shall be retained for all training completed. Training shall include at a minimum: o The hazards/ toxicological effects associated with the chemicals being used. o Methods and techniques for the safe use of the chemicals. o Decontamination practices and procedures (for both emergency and routine use). o Emergency practices and procedures. o Proper disposal procedures. o A review of the SOPs and SDSs. Work Habits o There shall be no eating, drinking, smoking, chewing of gum or tobacco, application of cosmetics or storage of utensils, food or food containers in laboratory areas where PHSs are used or stored. o All personnel should wash their hands and arms with soap and water immediately after the completion of any procedure in which a PHS has been used and when they leave the laboratory, even if gloves were worn. o Each procedure should be conducted with the minimum amount of the substance, consistent with the requirements of the work. o The laboratory worker should keep records of the amounts of each PHS used, the dates of use and the names of the users. o Work surfaces, including fume hoods, should be fitted with a removable liner of absorbent plastic-backed paper to help contain spilled materials and to simplify subsequent cleanup and disposal. Engineering Controls o Benchtop work with PHSs should be avoided whenever practical in favor of contained systems (such as fume hoods or glove boxes) and is not permitted if there is a reasonable likelihood of workers exceeding regulatory exposure limits. o Chemical fume hoods used as containment areas for PHSs must have a face velocity of 100 fpm, averaged over the face of the hood, and must be certified annually. 64 o Laboratories and rooms where PHSs are used shall have general room ventilation that is at negative pressure with respect to the corridors and external environment. The laboratory/room door must be kept closed at all times. o Vacuum lines shall be protected by HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters or higher efficiency scrubbers. o Highly toxic gases must be used and stored in a vented gas cabinet connected to a laboratory exhaust system. Gas feed lines operating above atmospheric pressure must use coaxial tubing. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PHSs may require more stringent use of PPE. Refer to the specific chemical’s SDS for information on proper gloves, lab clothing and respiratory protection. o Proper PPE must be worn at all times when handling PHSs. o Lab clothing that protects street clothing, such as a fully fastened lab coat or a disposable jumpsuit, should be worn when PHSs are being used. Laboratory clothing used while manipulating PHSs shall not be worn outside the laboratory area. o When methods for decontaminating clothing are unknown or not applicable, disposable protective clothing should be worn. Disposable gloves shall be discarded after each use and immediately after overt contact with a PHS. If PPE has become contaminated with the PHS it must be disposed of in accordance with applicable hazardous waste regulations. Special Handling and Storage Requirements o Stock quantities of PHSs should be stored in a designated storage area or cabinet with limited access. Segregate the PHSs from incompatible materials. Additional storage precautions (i.e., refrigerator, ventilated cabinet, flammable liquid storage cabinet) may be required for certain compounds based upon other properties. o Both manufacturer and secondary containers must be clearly labeled. o Double containment should also be considered. Double containment means that the container will be placed inside another container that is capable of holding the contents in the event of a leak and provides a protective outer covering in the event of contamination of the primary container. o Containers should be stored on trays or pans made of polyethylene or other chemicallyresistant material. o Persons transporting PHSs from one location to another should use double containment to protect against spills and breakage. o Additional requirements for the safe storage of a specific chemical may be found in the manufacturer’s instructions or in the SDS. 65 Spill and Accident Procedures o Immediate measures must be available to prevent the possible spread of contamination (e.g, spill kit). o The contaminated area shall be decontaminated and cleaned as soon as possible. o If necessary, the affected area should be evacuated as soon as an emergency is determined. o Call 911 if unable to safely contain and clean up spill. o If skin contact is involved, the worker shall be required to shower or flush the affected areas for a minimum of 15 minutes. o Report the spill to CHO and complete an incident report (found in Appendix I). Decontamination Procedures o Laboratory work surfaces shall be decontaminated at the conclusion of each procedure and at the end of each day. o Decontaminate all equipment before removing it from the designated area. o Decontamination should be carried out in a glove box or fume hood. o Contaminated PPE must not be removed from the designated area until properly decontaminated or disposed of. o After working with these chemicals, immediately remove gloves, wash hands and arms with soap and water. Waste Disposal Procedures. Most PHSs are also hazardous waste. Check with the CHO or Safety and Risk Management for guidance on appropriate hazardous waste disposal methods. Designated Area o Working quantities of PHSs should be kept as small as practical. o Designated area(s) for use and storage of PHSs must be established. This may be a specific work bench or chemical fume hood. When PHSs are present, access to this area shall be limited to personnel following appropriate procedures who are knowledgeable in working with these PHSs. o Signage is required for the designated work area and storage location. All containers must be properly labeled in accordance with Appendix C. o Work surfaces should be stainless steel, plastic trays, dry absorbent plastic backed paper, chemically resistant epoxy surfaces, or other chemically impervious material. 66 Appendix I Emergency and Medical Response Emergency: To report an accident, fire, serious illness injury or crime in progress that requires immediate response call 911. An emergency is defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as “Any unplanned event that can cause deaths or significant injuries to employees, customers or the public; or that can shut down your business, disrupt operations, cause physical or environmental damage, or threaten the facility’s financial standing or public image.” Laboratory emergencies can include chemical spills/releases that have the potential for harm to human health or the environment (see Appendix J); laboratory fires or explosions; or severe injuries from sharps, equipment malfunctions or other accidents. The following information is provided in this appendix: UW-Stout Emergency Guide – includes emergency guidelines identifying various types of emergency situations, suggested actions and who to call. UW-Stout Laboratory Medical Emergency Action Plan – provides information for faculty and staff on responsibilities for responding to medical emergencies in the laboratory. UW-Stout Laboratory First Aid Guide – guidance on responding to common first aid emergencies encountered in laboratories. These are intended as limited involvement measures to take until emergency personnel arrive on the scene. Each faculty and staff member has the responsibility to: Educate their students concerning the emergency procedures as outlined in the UW-Stout Emergency Guide. Inform their students and visitors of an emergency and initiate emergency procedures when needed. The UW-Stout Incident Report Form at the end of this appendix should be used to report incidents listed above and injuries involving non-employees (e.g., students and visitors). All incidents involving employee injury must be reported to the University Worker Compensation Coordinator using the form found here: http://www.uwstout.edu/hr/upload/employee_work_injury_rpt.pdf. UW-Stout policy requires a UW-Stout Incident Report Form be filled out for the following occurrences: Significant personal injuries, such as those incurred because of cuts, burns, electric shock, etc. Report any incident: o Where first aid is involved with the exception of minor cuts or burns. o That requires treatment by an emergency responder, off-campus healthcare provider or at Student Health Services. o When the eye wash or body shower is activated for response. 67 Fires that require use of fire extinguisher. Mercury spills other than breakage of standard mercury thermometer. All chemical spills exceeding 100 mL. Large water spills including use of safety showers and eye wash stations. Exposure incidents involving blood or other potentially infectious materials. Any spill where a chemical is accidently released into the sewer system or where a chemical is spilled onto ground outside. 68 University of Wisconsin Stout Emergency Guide Emergency: To report an accident, fire, serious illness, injury or crime in progress that requires immediate response Non-emergency: UW Stout Campus Police Call 911 Call 232-2222 Call Situation Action Medical Emergency Report any serious injury or illness. Begin first aid if qualified (use protective equipment when in contact with blood or other body fluids). Non-emergencies injuries or illness should be reported to Campus Police. In case of fire or smoke, activate nearest fire alarm to warn occupants of building to evacuate. Fire Explosion Bomb Threat Hazardous Substance Spill Fumes and vapors Caution – the building fire alarm will sound in the building but it does not automatically notify emergency personnel. Someone must call 911. Evacuation Leave lights on, close but do not lock the doors. Evacuate building using nearest uninvolved exit. Assist the disabled to the nearest stairwell in the building. Have them wait on landing. Immediately notify police or fire department if a disabled person is waiting on a stairwell landing. Do not re-enter until instructed to do so by emergency personnel. Report immediately by calling 911. If necessary, or directed to do so, activate building fire alarm system to evacuate building (see evacuation procedures under Fire above). Caution – the building fire alarm will sound in the building but it does not automatically notify emergency personnel. Someone must call 911. If you receive: Keep caller on the line – do NOT hang up phone. Gather and pay close attention to certain information. Keep a copy of bomb threat card near phone and record information the card contains. Hazardous substance spill which you cannot safely clean or control: Contact the fire department first by calling 911. If the spill occurred during business hours, contact Safety and Risk Management. During non-business hours call Campus Police. Evacuate affected area. Seal off the contaminated area to prevent further contamination. Seek medical treatment immediately if contaminated or injured. Suspected toxic fumes or vapors – emergency: Evacuate area. Ventilate area if appropriate. Non-emergency toxic fumes or vapors. Violent or Criminal Behavior Report all violent/criminal behavior immediately. Threat and other crime reports Severe Weather/Tornado Watch Severe weather/ tornado conditions are present and could occur Monitor local radio or TV for weather conditions Severe weather/tornado sighting occurs. Warning will be signaled by a continuous sounding of emergency sirens. Seek shelter in the nearest strong building. Go to basement or interior walls of lower floors. Stay away from windows and exterior doors. Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums and similar large rooms with wide roofs. For an all-clear check local TV station via computer or use radio to listen to local radio station. Severe Weather/Tornado Warning 911 X2222 911 911 911 911 and Safety and Risk Management (X2258 or X1793) during business hours or X2222 after hours 911 Physical Plant X2200 911 Campus Police X2222 69 Student Crisis Mechanical/utility failure/flooding Emergencies involving student crisis issues including Alcohol and other drug use emergency Disruptive behavior Death of student, friend or family member Discipline issues Mental health/behavioral incidents or concerns Physical injury Sexual assault Threats to public welfare Non-emergency student crisis issues Report the following to Physical Plant: Utility failures Building or facility problems Equipment failure or erratic operation Flooding Note: if there is a potential danger to building and/or occupants call 911 immediately 911 Campus Police X2222 or the Dean of Students X1181 X2200 during business hours or Campus Police X2222 after hours 70 UW-Stout Laboratory Medical Emergency Action Plan Report any serious injury or illness by calling 911 immediately. Non-emergency injuries or illness should be reported to University Police at X2222. UW-Stout faculty and laboratory staff are not responsible for providing first aid. Their primary responsibility is to ensure emergency personnel are summoned when needed. Limit first aid to provision of band aids only. Any injury requiring a greater degree of care requires emergency personnel to be summoned to the scene. Notify the Chemical Hygiene Officer of any injury or illness that has occurred. Chemical burns and accidents that involve chemicals in the eyes or on skin should be flooded with cool water for at least 15 minutes by using the eyewash or emergency shower until the arrival of medical personnel. Personal safety is your first priority. Use protective equipment when in contact with the victim’s blood or body fluids. If victim’s blood or body fluids come in contact with skin, wash area immediately and report to Safety and Risk Management for Bloodborne Pathogen exposure follow-up. There will be no cost to the student to summon 911. If transport by ambulance is required, the student is responsible for the cost incurred. The student has the right to refuse additional medical treatment. A UW-Stout Incident Report Form must be completed for any injury sustained by a student (non-employee) in your laboratory. A copy of this form is in Appendix I of the Chemical Hygiene Plan or can be obtained from the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) or online (http://www.uwstout.edu/healthandsafety/safety/accidentform.cfm). The original should be returned to the CHO with a copy to Safety and Risk Management. A copy shall be provided to the student for their personal record. It is important that each incident is reported. This protects the student as well as the University should additional medical attention be needed at a later date due to this incident. This also helps to identify trends of injurious activities whereby methods could be modified to prevent further injury. Also use the UW-Stout Incident Report Form to report incidents involving employees. Injuries sustained by employees must be reported to Human Resources for workers compensation consideration. The Employee’s Work Injury and Illness Report form must be completed and submitted to the employee’s supervisor within 24 hours of the incident. A copy can be obtained from the CHO or online (http://www.uwstout.edu/hr/upload/employee_work_injury_rpt.pdf). 71 UW-Stout Laboratory First Aid Guide UW-Stout faculty and staff are not responsible for providing first aid. Their primary responsibility is to summon emergency personnel when needed. The following information is provides guidance on how to manage first aid incidents in the few minutes before emergency personnel arrive. Faculty and staff should consider personal safety first when responding to a first aid incident in the lab. Cuts Burns Chemical Burns If a person has received a minor cut, have them rinse the wound with clean water. All laboratories in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall are equipped with first aid kits stocked with bandages. Advise the injured to watch for signs of infection. If there is a possibility of contamination of the wound by chemicals or glassware fragments, the injured should be urged to seek additional medical attention. A cut that is deep, severe, or bleeding profusely may require stitches. Instruct the victim to lie down and elevate the injured area to a position higher than their heart. Call 911. Provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet for each chemical involved (if applicable) to the emergency personnel when they arrive. For minor burns, including second-degree burns limited to an area no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter with no open blisters, cool the burn by holding it under running water for 15 minutes. Do not put ice on the burn. Advise the victim to see a physician to prevent infection and to assure that the victim’s tetanus vaccination records are up-to-date. For second-degree burns with open blisters and third-degree burns, do not use water. Call 911 immediately. 1. Immediately flush the affected area with water for at least 15 minutes. If the burning chemical is a powder-like substance such as lime, brush it off the skin before flushing. 2. Remove clothing or jewelry that has been contaminated by the chemical. 3. Advise the victim to seek further medical attention. 4. Seek emergency medical assistance by calling 911 if: The victim has signs of shock, The chemical burned through the first layer of skin and the resulting second-degree burn covers an area more than 2-3 inches in diameter, The chemical burn occurred on the eye, hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks or over a major joint. 5. Provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet to the Emergency Medical Technician upon arrival. 72 Electrical Burns Call 911 immediately. An electrical burn may appear minor, but the damage can extend deep into the tissues beneath skin. If a strong electrical current passes through the body, internal damage such as a heart rhythm disturbance or cardiac arrest can occur. While helping someone with an electrical burn and waiting for medical help, do the following: Look first. Do not touch. The person may still be in contact with the electrical source. Touching the person may pass the current through you. Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not, move the source away from you and the affected person using a non-conducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood. Check for breathing. Once the person is free of the source of electricity, ensure the person is breathing. If breathing has stopped or you suspect the person’s airway is blocked, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you have been trained to do so. Unconscious person 1. Call 911 immediately. 2. If you do not suspect a back or neck injury, position the person on his or her back. If you are not sure if there is a back or neck injury, do not move the victim. 3. Watch the airway carefully. People who lose consciousness may vomit. If vomiting occurs, turn the victim on their side so that the stomach contents are not aspirated into the lungs. 4. Check for breathing. Position your ear over the person’s mouth to listen for breathing sounds. Begin CPR if you are trained to do so. 5. Provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet for each chemical involved to the Emergency Medical Technicians. Seizures/ Convulsions 1. Call 911 immediately. 2. Loosen clothing around person’s neck. 3. Remove anything nearby that might cause harm to the victim such as glasses, furniture or other objects. 4. If the victim begins to vomit, turn the head so that the contents will not be aspirated into the lungs. 5. Remain with the victim until the ambulance arrives. Give the victim reassurance to remain calm. 6. Provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet for each chemical involved to the Emergency Medical Technicians. Chemical ingestion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Call 911 immediately. Do not induce vomiting except under the advice of a physician. Remain with the victim until the ambulance arrives. Save all chemical containers. Provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet for each chemical involved to the Emergency Medical Technicians. 73 UW- Stout Incident Report Form Name (Last, First, Initial): _____________________________________ Birth Date: ____________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ Telephone #: ______________________ Date of Accident: Date: ________________________________ Time: _______________________________ Location of Accident:_________________ Building: __________________________ Room: ____________________________ Were you an employee at the time of accident? Yes _______ No _______ If so, who was your supervisor? _____________________________________ Witnesses: (names, addresses, phone #s) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Describe Injury in Detail: (use back of this page if needed) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Severity: Non-disabling _______ Disabling _______ Fatal ________ EMERGENCY CARE & PATIENT STATUS: First Aid only _____ Treatment at University Health Center _____ Treatment at Local Hospital _____ Confinement at Hospital _____ Other _____ DETAILS OF ACCIDENT: (describe event, conditions including environmental, physical and emotional/personal factors which contributed to the injury. Use reverse side if necessary.) Be very specific. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ REPORT PREPARED BY SIGNATURE ___________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________ Please complete this report in full. Return to the Chemical Hygiene Officer (314 Heritage Hall) and Safety & Risk Management (130 University Services) as soon as possible. Any questions, please call X1793. 74 Appendix J Chemical Spills For the purpose of chemical spill response planning at UW-Stout, spills will be classified as either: A simple spill: o Is a spill you can safely clean up yourself. o Does not spread rapidly. o Does not endanger people or property except by direct contact. o Does not endanger the environment. A complex spill is a spill that requires outside assistance for cleanup. If you say “yes” to any of the following when evaluating a chemical spill, you are dealing with a complex spill that requires outside assistance. Call 911 to report the spill and request outside assistance. Also call the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO), x5371, or Safety and Risk Management, x2258 or x1793, for assistance in managing the situation. Has a person been injured? Is there fire present or has an explosion occurred? Is the spill spreading beyond the immediate area? Is the identity of the spilled chemical unknown? Is there a risk of the spilled chemical entering the sewer or contaminating soil? Is the spill located in a confined space or poorly ventilated area? Are flammable vapors and ignition sources present? Are toxic vapors or dusts present? Is the spilled chemical a strong oxidizer? Is the spilled chemical air-, water- or otherwise highly reactive? Is the spill in a high occupancy/frequently traveled area and is evacuation required to secure the scene? 75 The following section explains how to handle a simple spill. Planning o A spill containment/clean-up plan should be established to handle chemicals you use in the laboratory. Consideration must be given to the maximum amount used and concentrations of chemicals. o Familiarize yourself with spill clean-up equipment available. If necessary obtain sufficient supplies to handle potential spills. o The person causing a spill or release is responsible for cleanup to the extent of his/her ability. Laboratory technicians may be available for assistance but they are not responsible for cleanup. Persons who work with chemicals are expected to know how to safely clean up spills of these chemicals. Simple Spill Cleanup o Don the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). At a minimum, chemical splash goggles, a lab coat and gloves that are resistant to the spilled chemical should be worn. o Prevent the spread of dusts and vapors. If the substance is volatile or can produce airborne dusts, close the laboratory door and increase ventilation (through fume hoods, for example) to prevent the spread of dusts and vapors to other areas. o Neutralize acids and bases if possible. Once neutralized, most liquid acids or bases can be mopped up and rinsed down the drain (to the sanitary sewer). However, be careful because the neutralization process is often vigorous, causing splashes and yielding large amounts of heat (chemical splash goggles, a face shield, appropriate gloves, and an apron or other skin protection should be worn). Neutralize acids with soda ash or sodium bicarbonate. Bases can be neutralized with citric acid or ascorbic acid. Use pH paper to determine when acid or base spills have been neutralized. o Control the spread of the liquid by making a dike around the outside edges of the spill. Use absorbent materials from spill kits. o Absorb the liquid by adding absorbents, working from the spill’s outer edges toward the center. Note that special absorbents are required for chemicals such as hydrofluoric and concentrated sulfuric acids. o Collect and contain the cleanup residues. The neutralized spill residue or absorbent should be scooped, swept or otherwise placed into a plastic bucket or other container: do not use hands to directly pick up the waste. For dry powders or liquids absorbed to dryness, double bag the residue using plastic bags. Additional packaging may be required before the wastes can be transported from your laboratory. Be sure to label containers. o Dispose of the wastes. Keep cleanup materials separate from normal trash. Contact the CHO for guidance in packaging and labeling cleanup residues. Promptly place cleanup wastes in an appropriate hazardous waste receptacle. 76 o Decontaminate the area and affected equipment. See the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet for decontamination procedures. Ventilating the spill area may be necessary. Open windows or use a fan unless the area is under negative pressure. In some instances, the CHO may be able to test the air to ensure that hazardous vapors are gone. For most spills, conventional cleaning products, applied with a mop or sponge, will provide adequate decontamination. Special Precautions o Flammable liquids: remove all potential sources of ignition. Vapors are what actually burn, and they tend to accumulate near the ground. Flammable liquids are best removed though the use of spill pillows or pads. Because flammable liquids will probably be incinerated, avoid using inert absorbents such as cat litter. All used absorbent materials should be placed in heavy-duty poly bags, which are then sealed, labeled, and disposed through Safety and Risk Management as hazardous waste. Before resuming work, make sure the room has been adequately ventilated to remove flammable vapors. o Volatile toxic compounds: use appropriate absorbent material to control the extent of the spill. Spill pillows or similar absorbent material usually work best because they do not have the dust associated with cat litter, vermiculite, or corn cobs. Place all used absorbent materials in heavy-duty poly bags. Seal the bags, label them dispose of them through Safety and Risk Management as hazardous waste. Before resuming work, make sure the room has been adequately ventilated to remove flammable vapors. o Direct contact hazards: carefully select suitable PPE. Make sure all skin surfaces are covered and that the gloves you use protect against the hazards posed by the spilled chemical. Often it is a good idea to wear two sets of gloves: one as the primary barrier, the second as an inner liner in the event the primary barrier fails. When the cleanup is complete, be sure to wash hands and other potentially affected skin surfaces and dispose of the PPE with the absorbent materials. o Mercury spills: mercury spills rarely present an imminent hazard unless the spill occurs in an area with extremely poor ventilation. The main exposure route of mercury is via vapor inhalation. Consequently, if metallic mercury is not cleaned up adequately, the tiny droplets remaining in surface cracks and crevices may yield toxic vapors for years. 77 Appendix K Hazardous Waste Management UW-Stout is committed to responsible management of its hazardous waste and compliance with all applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) rules. This appendix provides the basic tools hazardous waste generators need to properly manage these waste streams. Questions concerning hazardous waste disposal should be directed to the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO). How should hazardous waste be managed? A sound waste management program follows the waste management hierarchy. Reducing waste production at the source, recovery, reuse, recycling and on-site treatment are waste minimization practices that should be considered before disposal. The Waste Management Hierarchy Most desirable Reduce waste production at the source. Recover and reuse wastes on-site (i.e., recycling). Recycle off-site. Treatment. Dispose of wastes in a manner that protects the air, water quality, land quality, and human health and safety. Least desirable UW-Stout relies on the generators of hazardous waste to properly manage the waste. The CHO will provide assistance to laboratory supervisors in identifying whether a waste is a hazardous waste and the best way to manage the waste, and can move hazardous waste containers from science laboratories to the hazardous waste storage site within required time frames upon request. The Director of Safety and Risk Management is responsible for overall management of hazardous waste generated at UW-Stout. What is hazardous waste? Wisconsin statutes define waste as any liquid, solid or gaseous material that can no longer be used for its originally intended purpose because it has become contaminated or has been used in some process or is an item that is no longer wanted. This waste is considered hazardous if it exhibits the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and/or toxicity or if it is specifically named in one of four lists found in Wisconsin statutes. Ignitable: o A liquid with a flash point <140oF. For example, spent paint thinner, rags (cloth or paper) soaked with a solvent with a flash point <140oF, oil-based paint products, ethanols, organic solvents, etc. 78 o Not a liquid and capable, under standard temperature and pressure, of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical changes and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently that it creates a hazard o An ignitable compressed gas o An oxidizer Corrosive: a water-containing liquid with a pH<2 or pH>12.5 or a chemical that corrodes plain carbon steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm per year. Products labeled acid, base, caustics and alkalis fall in this category. Reactive: a waste that will readily release energy or toxic gases or fumes through reaction with air, water or other stimuli. For example: sodium metal, phosphorus or dry picric acid. Toxic: a waste is considered a hazardous waste because of toxicity if it is one of 39 listed substances (eight metals, six pesticides and 25 organic chemicals) and fails the toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The TCLP is a test that determines whether the substance will leach from the waste (a concern if waste is placed in a landfill). Table K-1 lists the toxicity characteristic chemicals. Table K-1: Toxicity Characteristic Chemicals Arsenic Barium Benzene Cadmium Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chromium m-Cresol o-Cresol p-Cresol Cresol, total 2,4-D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachloroethane Lead Lindane Mercury Methoxychlor Methyl ethyl ketone Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol Pyridine Selenium Silver Tetrachloroethylene Toxaphene Trichloroethylene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-TP Silvex Vinyl chloride Listed wastes: Wisconsin has adopted the EPA lists of hazardous waste that include wastes from non-specific sources and discarded chemical products that are listed as acute hazardous wastes and toxic wastes. o F-listed (non-specific sources) and K-listed (specific sources) wastes are typically created in manufacturing and industrial processes. o P-listed and U-listed wastes are discarded commercial chemical products, some of which are used in UW-Stout labs. These wastes have been identified in CISPro, on the chemical’s Identity tab. Waste minimization: It is important that all persons and departments generating hazardous waste consider how they can contribute to a waste minimization effort. The goal at UW-Stout is to either prevent the formation or production of pollutants at the source or reduce the amount of hazardous waste 79 that is generated. Before seeking a disposal method for chemical waste and when planning work, consider pollution prevention and waste minimization methods: Modify laboratory processes to use fewer chemicals. Can chemical use be eliminated altogether using computer modeling and simulations? Take care when weighing or transferring chemicals to minimize spills and waste. Buy less, store less, use less and dispose of less. Approximately 25% of waste collected is unused chemicals. Less reduces the risk of an accident or fire, saves space and money and reduces pollution. Buy only what you need in the immediate future. A bulk quantity may seem economical, but the cost of disposing excess will negate (and often exceed) the savings. Redistribute surplus lab chemicals. CISPro makes it easy to look for other users of the same chemical who may be able to use your surplus. Contact a lab manager or the CHO. Use surplus lab chemicals, especially if you need a very small quantity. CISPro can be used to find an owner of the chemical you need who may be willing to share their excess. Control your laboratory chemical inventory. All primary chemical containers are in CISPro, so if you are unsure if you already own a chemical check there first. Substitute with less hazardous chemicals if possible. This is beneficial for not only minimizing waste but also minimizing risk to human health. In-lab chemical management: In-lab management includes simple disposal and treatment methods that can be done in your lab, such as solvent commingling, flushing down the sanitary sewer and neutralization. Solvent commingling: Most labs in Jarvis Science Wing Addition and Heritage Hall that have the potential to create hazardous waste, and all prep areas in Jarvis Science Wing Addition, have containers for separating halogenated and non-halogenated wastes. o Halogenated waste includes solvents such as chloroform, methylene chloride and 1,2dichloromethane. Halogenated wastes must be incinerated in a special facility and therefore are quite expensive to dispose of: a 5-gallon carboy can cost as much as $207 to treat. Wastes that include both halogenated and non-halogenated solvents must be disposed of in the halogenated carboy. o Non-halogenated waste includes solvents such as acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, hexane, toluene, methane, alcohols, acetone, non-PCB oils and tetrahydrofuran. They can be blended for fuel for energy creation and are therefore much cheaper to dispose of than halogenated wastes: a 5-gallon carboy will cost about $22 for disposal. Heavy metal wastes, such as cadmium, chromium, and lead, can also be commingled; a container has been provided where there are also halogenated and non-halogenated carboys. Mercury and mercury compounds should be kept separate. 80 Sanitary sewer disposal: Some chemicals can be disposed of down the sanitary sewer. This should not be done without first consulting with the CHO. Neutralization: Corrosive solutions with a pH of less than 2 or greater than 10 should not be sent directly down the sanitary sewer, but they can be neutralized first. Do not attempt to neutralize the following acids (dispose of them as hazardous wastes instead): acid anhydrides and chlorides; chlorosulfonic acid; fuming nitric acid; fuming sulfuric acid; liquid halides of boron, silicon, tin, titanium and vanadium; and liquid halides and oxyhalides of phosphorus, selenium, chromium, vanadium and sulfur. o Only conduct neutralization if you are trained and comfortable with the procedures. o Neutralization can create significant vapors and heat. o Carry out neutralizations in a well-ventilated fume hood. Use the sash along with appropriate eye protection to protect against vigorous reactions. o Wear an apron, splash-proof goggles and face shield, and long/gauntlet nitrile gloves. o A five-gallon polyethylene bucket is recommended for neutralizing 1 to 10 liters. A large container is needed for addition of cold water/ice and base, and to safely stir the reaction. o Contact the CHO for procedures for specific acids and bases. Comply with the following guidelines if you generate hazardous waste: Never place waste in the normal trash or pour down the drain unless you are sure it is safe and legal to do so and it is not hazardous. Hazardous waste containers shall have the contents, date of generation and generator’s name listed on its label in addition to the words “Hazardous Waste.” Additional information that will aid in proper waste disposal should also be included on the label if known. Only use containers that are in good condition and compatible with the waste being stored. Plastic soda bottles are not acceptable for containing hazardous waste. Wear chemical splash goggles, appropriate gloves and a lab coat/apron when transferring waste to a hazardous waste container. Use a funnel to prevent spills, and be sure to remove the funnel and re-cap the container when finished. Do not fill waste containers completely; leave 5% for volume for expansion. Keep waste containers closed at all times, except when adding or removing waste. The container must be closed with a tight fitting lid or cap. Parafilm or foil is not an acceptable cover. Handle and store waste container properly to prevent rupture or leakage. Use secondary containment. Maintain good housekeeping. Do not mix hazardous waste with nonhazardous waste. Do not mix incompatible wastes. 81 Be prepared to handle spills. Call 911 if you are not able to safely cleanup a spill of a hazardous waste. Once a container is full, date the container and contact the CHO to ensure waste is transferred to the hazardous waste storage site within three days. Contact the Director of Safety and Risk Management for pickup of hazardous waste generated in other areas of campus. The laboratory supervisor should contact the CHO for a review of anticipated waste streams. The CHO will provide guidance on appropriate waste disposal. Separate waste containers will be provided for mercury or other solid or liquid toxic waste as needed. Specialty Waste Batteries: Alkaline batteries are the only batteries that can be placed in the normal trash for disposal. There are two disposal options for all other batteries: o Return to dealer where battery was purchased. o Contact the CHO for management as a hazardous waste. Recycling is the preferred option for battery disposal. Lamps/bulbs: Fluorescent lamps and light bulbs contain small quantities of mercury and other metals harmful to the environment and human health. The DNR bans landfill disposal of spent fluorescent, mercury vapor, metal halide and sodium vapor lamps and bulbs from businesses. All University-generated spent lamps and bulbs are sent out for recycling. Contact a custodian or the CHO if you have a bulb that should be recycled. Infectious and Medical Waste: Management varies depending on the source of the waste. See the UW-Stout Biosafety Manual for detailed information on disposal of infectious waste. o Sharps such as scalpels, needles, razors and other items capable of breaking the skin, whether contaminated or not, should be placed in a sharps container. Contaminated glass, vials, slides, etc. should also be placed in a sharps container. When the container is full, contact the CHO for proper management. o All other infectious waste is autoclaved before being placed in the normal trash for disposal. This includes items contaminated with blood or body fluids (but not sharps), animal bedding and microbiological laboratory waste. Photographic Waste may contain silver. UW-Stout reclaims silver from photo waste before disposal. Oily Rags: Rags (cloth or paper) that have been contaminated with a solvent with a flash point <140oF are considered hazardous waste. Therefore, rags used to wipe off excess product with a flash point <140o F are hazardous waste. This waste stream should be managed as follows: 82 o Switch to a higher flash point (>140o F) solvent. This eliminates the generation of hazardous waste. o Use a laundering service that specializes in oil-contaminated rags to clean all contaminated cloth rags. o If the above two are not an option, contact the Director of Safety and Risk Management for specific procedures for managing this waste stream. Electronic Scrap: The following have been banned from Wisconsin landfills: televisions, computers and monitors, desktop printers, other computer accessories (including mice, keyboards and speakers), DVD players, VCRs, DVRs, fax machines, cell phones and major appliances (including clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ovens and microwave ovens). Many of these items can be recycled through Surplus. The University can only accept and manage hazardous waste generated on the UW-Stout campus. Contact your local county household hazardous waste program for management of hazardous waste generated in the home. Hazardous Waste Resources UW-Madison Laboratory Safety Guide (contact the CHO prior to disposing of wastes in accordance with these guides, as they were written specifically for UW-Madison) o Chapter 7, “Chemical Disposal Procedures”: http://www.ehs.wisc.edu/documents/chemlsgchapter07.pdf o Appendix A, “Disposal Procedures by Chemical”: http://www.ehs.wisc.edu/documents/chem-lsgappendixa.pdf Wisconsin DNR o Hazardous waste website: http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Waste/Hazardous.html o Chapter NR 661, “Hazardous Waste Identification and Listing”: http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/nr/600/661.pdf 83 Appendix L UW-Stout Laboratory Eye Protection Policy Safety glasses (at a minimum) are required to be worn by students, faculty, employees, and visitors in all research laboratories and laboratory prep areas (except office areas) at all times whenever anyone in the area is working with a chemical or biological agent. They are also the minimum protection required when working with processes that could potentially involve shattering or other flying glass (e.g., vacuum operations and centrifuging). Eye protection is not required in classroom laboratories as long as all chemicals and biological agents are stored and/or securely capped (e.g., protective eyewear is not required if chemicals in a fume hood are securely capped and are not opened during the class). If anyone in a classroom lab is working with a chemical or biological agent, all people in the lab must don appropriate eye protection. Safety glasses at a minimum must also be worn when working with processes that could potentially involve shattering or other flying glass. See Table L-1 for laboratory designations in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall. Researchers, lab technicians and instructors should assess the risk associated with the work they will be performing and use the appropriate level of eye protection (refer to guidance below): Safety glasses with side shields provide minimal chemical protection and protection to the eyes from glass or other impact hazards but do not prevent chemicals from bypassing the protection or protect the face. Chemical splash goggles with indirect or no ventilation are required when splash is a possibility, or when working with materials that have special hazards. Splash goggles must be worn when: o Working with explosives (including peroxides) o Performing pressurized reactions o Working with liquid pyrophorics o Working with chemicals that react violently with water o Working with highly reactive or corrosive liquids (e.g., sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid greater than 0.01M, solutions of bromine or iodine, acid chlorides, hydrogen peroxide) o Transferring liquid nitrogen or helium in quantities greater than 100 milliliters o Pouring solvents or waste solutions in quantities greater than 4 liters o Working with chemicals heated to more than 60°C Experiments that pose a severe risk of eye damage or risk of damage to the face (e.g., work with explosives or pressurized reactions) may require extra precautions such as a full face shield in addition to chemical splash goggles, and the potential hazards may also require that the 84 experiment be conducted in a fume hood or biosafety cabinet with the sash lowered as far as possible. Face shields are not designed for eye protection in and of themselves and must always be worn with safety glasses or chemical splash goggles. The use of laser or ultraviolet light sources requires special glasses or goggles with filter lenses that have a shade number appropriate for the work being performed. Consult the Chemical Hygiene Officer for assistance in choosing the correct eyewear. Anyone within 10 feet of someone performing work that requires more protective eyewear than safety glasses must also don the more protective eyewear. Use of a fume hood or biosafety cabinet is not a substitute for eye protection. All protective eyewear must meet the ANSI Z87.1 design standard. Check for a ‘Z87’ marking somewhere on the eye protection to ensure compliance. Ordinary prescription glasses generally do not meet ANSI Z87.1 standards and therefore do not provide adequate protection against injury. University employees can obtain prescription safety glasses and goggles through the Department of Safety and Risk Management using the requestor’s departmental funds. Contact lenses may be worn under other appropriate eye protection. If chemicals or biological agents do get in the eyes of someone wearing contact lenses, the lenses should be removed while flushing with water from an eyewash station. There are situations when contact lens use should be avoided including exposure to intense heat, molten metals, highly particulate environment and certain chemicals. Safety and Risk Management can assist with ordering prescription safety glasses and goggles. Responsibilities The employee’s supervisor is responsible for ensuring appropriate eye protection is provided at no cost to employee based on an assessment of exposure hazards. Eye protection should be personally assigned for individual employee use whenever possible. If eye protection is shared, the supervisor shall ensure eye protective devices are cleaned and disinfected prior to being used by a different individual. University departments with instructional and/or research laboratories shall determine what type of eye protection is required for students enrolled in each instructional lab and for students conducting research in University laboratories. Eye protection requirements will be communicated to students no later than the first class period or first day of research. Only Department-approved eye protection is allowed. Departments may require students to purchase appropriate eye protection. Departments that elect to provide students with appropriate eye protection for select experiments are responsible for ensuring eye protective devices are cleaned and disinfected prior to being used by a different individual. Laboratory supervisors shall ensure that employees and students working within his/her laboratory wear appropriate eye protection for the task being performed and shall ensure that employees and/or students who are not wearing the correct eye protection are removed from the laboratory until eye protection is available and they are able to comply. 85 Students enrolled in laboratory courses and/or conducting research in University laboratories shall purchase appropriate eye protection as directed by the laboratory instructor or research supervisor, shall wear appropriate eye protection when working in the laboratory as required and shall comply with supervisor/laboratory instructor instructions. Types of Eye Protection Safety glasses (referred to as spectacles in ANSI Z87.1) look very much like normal glasses but have lenses that are impact resistant and frames that are much stronger than standard prescription glasses. Safety glasses must have side shields or a wrap-around design and shall be worn whenever there is a possibility of objects striking the eye, such as particles, glass or metal shards. Safety glasses may not provide adequate protection from chemical splashes because they do not seal to the face. Goggles are protective devices designed to fit snugly but not necessarily seal completely to wearer’s face. Goggles are commonly available in two styles: o Eyecup goggles that cover eye sockets completely o Cover goggles, which may be designed to be worn over spectacles Three types of ventilation are available o Direct ventilation (“impact”) goggles permit the direct passage of air from the work environment into the goggle. Direct ventilation goggles should not be used for protection against liquid splash hazards. o Indirect ventilated goggles permit the passage of air and may prevent the direct passage of liquid and/or optical radiation. o Goggles with no ventilation minimize passage of dusts, mists, liquid splash and vapor. Face shields are protective devices designed to shield the wearer’s face, or portions thereof, in addition to the eyes, from various hazards. Face shields are in order when working with large volumes of hazardous materials, either for protection from splash to the face or flying particles. Face shields must be used in conjunction with safety glasses or goggles. Face shields are not a substitute for safety glasses or goggles. Prescription eyewear is not a substitute for appropriate eye protection. Wearers of prescription eyewear shall wear eye protection that incorporates the prescription in its design or that can be worn over prescription lenses without disrupting either the prescription eyewear or the protective eyewear. 86 Table L-1: Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall Laboratory Designations Research Laboratories JHSWA 020 030 (except office area) 145 147 251 257 260 347 351 357 366 Classroom Laboratories JHSWA 141 157 247 250 254 266 267 350 354 360 367 Laboratory Prep Areas JHSWA 143 (except 143D) 249 252 264 349 (except 349B) 352 HERH 132 249 371 JHSW 101 105 116 137 HERH 230 232 238 240 244 HERH 248 Eye protection is NOT required in the following areas: JHSWA JHSW HERH 030 (office area) 118 242 143D 130 242A 349B 132 132A 133 135 87 Appendix M Glove Use and Selection in UW-Stout Laboratories Determination of the need for glove protection shall be made on the basis of a hazard assessment that considers the chemical, chemical concentration, potential of harm to chemical exposure and use conditions (including an assessment of the potential for exposure; e.g., splash or immersion). Special procedures may require glove protection. For example, gloves made of chemically compatible material should be worn for work with strong corrosives or with particularly hazardous substances. The review process for work with particularly hazardous substances shall include a glove requirement assessment. Lab instructors and research supervisors are responsible for determining if and what type of glove protection is required in their labs. General rules for glove use: Select gloves that are resistant to the chemicals you may be exposed to. Consult relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), which may recommend a particular glove material. Consult chemical resistance guides and manufacturer’s sites for brand specific glove recommendations. The Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) can also assist with glove selection. Select gloves of the correct size and fitting. Before use, check gloves (even new ones) for physical damage such as tears or pin holes and for previous chemical damage. This is especially important when dealing with dangerous materials. When removing gloves, do so in a way that avoids the contaminated exterior contacting the skin. Watch this video for a demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEnn-Ng-NNs. Disposable gloves must be discarded once removed. Do not save for future use. Dispose of contaminated gloves properly. Wash hands with soap and water once gloves have been removed. Never wear gloves outside of the laboratory or to handle telephones, computer keyboards, etc. Non-disposable/reusable gloves must be washed and dried, as needed, and then inspected for tears and holes prior to reuse. If for any reason a glove fails, and chemicals come into contact with skin, consider it an exposure and seek medical attention. Glove Selection No glove will protect from all chemical hazards. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select gloves based on several considerations: o Chemical 88 o o o o o o Chemical contact time Chemical concentration Incidental splash or immersion protection Temperature of chemical Glove thickness Glove re-use Other glove requirements will also affect glove selection decision: o o o o o Length of glove Dexterity requirements Cut and abrasion resistance Puncture and snag resistance Glove grip Table M-1 lists appropriate gloves for common laboratory chemicals. Consult glove manufacturers’ compatibility charts or other sources for chemicals that are not in the table. Also note that only the most common glove materials are included. Additional glove materials include latex, poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA), poly-vinyl chloride (PVC), natural rubber, Viton, Teflon, Silver Shield and more. 89 Table M-1: Glove Chemical Resistance Chemical Nitrile Butyl Neo. Chemical Nitrile Butyl Neo. Acetaldehyde Acetone Acetonitrile Acrylamide Amyl alcohol Benzaldehyde Boron trifluoride Butyl alcohol Chloroform Diethyl ether Dimethylformamide Dimethylsulfoxide Ethanol Ethoxyethanol Ethyl acetate Ethylene glycol NR NR P G P NR NR P NR P NR P P NR NR E E E E E E E NR E P P E E E E G E P P F E E F NR E P P F E E G P E Methanol Methylene chloride Phenol Propyl alcohol Sodium azide Tetrahydrofuran Toluene Xylene NR NR NR P E NR NR NR E P E E NT P P P F NR F E E P P P Common Acids Acetic acid, glacial Formic acid Hydrochloric acid Nitric acid Sulfuric acid NR NR E NR NR E E E E E E E E E E Formaldehyde E E E Common Bases Glycerine E E E Ammonium hydroxide E E E Hexane P P G Calcium hydroxide E NR E Hydrogen peroxide E E E Potassium hydroxide E E E Isopropyl alcohol P E E Sodium hydroxide E E E Key: E = Excellent; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor; NR = Not Recommended; NT = Not Tested Neo. = Neoprene Nitrile = Thin disposable nitrile gloves. Thicker nitrile gloves may work where disposable gloves do not. It is important to be familiar with the following terminology when making a glove selection: o Permeation is a process by which a chemical can pass through a protective film without going through pinholes, pores, or other visible openings. Chemical permeation can be described in simple terms by comparing it to what happens to the air in a balloon after several hours. Although there are no holes or defects, and the balloon is tightly sealed, the air gradually passes through its walls and escapes. Permeation data are reported in two values: Breakthrough times (most commonly used) are the times observed from the start of the test to first detection of the chemical on the other side of the sample. Breakthrough rates are the highest flow rates recorded for the permeating chemicals through the glove samples during a six-hour or eight-hour test. o Degradation is the physical change in glove after chemical exposure. Typical effects may be swelling, wrinkling, deterioration or delamination. There are no accepted standards for measuring degradation. o Cut Resistance. There are no consistent standards for measuring cut resistance. 90 Several glove selection resources are listed in Table M-2. This is not an all-inclusive list of glove selection guides; safety supply companies and other glove manufacturer sites may also prove helpful. Recommendations vary, since for the most part, each site recommends brand-specific gloves. Available on each site are the glove compatibility or chemical resistance charts for those gloves supplied by those companies. Not all chemicals will be listed on these charts. Also note that two similar gloves supplied by two separate manufacturers may not provide the same level of protection to a specific chemical. Therefore, it will be necessary to consult the manufacturer’s specific compatibility chart for the brand of gloves being used. A few more things to consider when using these resources: o There are two basic components to consider when making glove selection: glove material and glove thickness. Common glove materials are latex, nitrile, neoprene, butyl, PVC and PVA. There are other specialty glove materials available. Glove thickness is typically measured in millimeters. Most resources below will make a brand specific glove recommendation which will consider both basic components. Additional research must be done if a recommendation does not consider both basic components. o Glove protection requirements differ on whether protection is needed from splash (and incidental contact) or immersion (significant contact over time). Some resources make distinctions in their recommendation based on whether one anticipates splash or immersion exposure. o Most of these sites are considering industrial applications when making glove recommendations. Industrial and lab applications often differ. This emphasizes the importance of considering conditions of use and potential for chemical exposure when making the hazard assessment. o Concentration of chemical used is a variable that should be considered when making a glove selection. Not all sites specify chemical concentration. Additional research must be done if guidance does not allow consideration of chemical concentration. o Not all chemicals will be listed. o Each guide and site uses slightly different rating keys. It is important to understand the rating system used for the site you are using. o There are limits to the ability of these guides and on-line selection tools for making glove recommendations considering the number of variables that should be considered when making glove selection. Other resources should also be considered when making glove selections. Consult the chemical’s SDS and/or the CHO. Most glove companies and safety supply companies have technical phone support. 91 Table M-2: Glove Selection References Reference All Safety Chemical Resistance Chart: http://www.allsafetyproducts.com/images/sas_glove_chemical_resistance_chart.pdf Not specific to manufacturer. Uses color scheme and ratings for the compatibility of four common glove materials with a variety of chemicals. Does not specify glove thickness. Ansell Chemical Resistance Guide: http://www.ansellpro.com/download/Ansell_8thEditionChemicalResistanceGuide.pdf Recommendations are limited to Ansell products. Lists degradation rating and permeation breakthrough times, and provides an overall rating using color codes with green being wellsuited. Ansell SpecWare: http://www.ansellpro.com/specware/ Recommendations are limited to Ansell products. Can choose for splash or immersion protection. Can also search for gloves for mixtures by choosing more than one chemical. Uses the same overall rating color code as the Ansell Chemical Resistance Guide. Ansell “Ask the Experts:” http://www.ansellpro.com/main/technicalCenter_askTheExperts.asp Email the Ansell technical support team for recommendations. Showa Best Glove ChemRest: http://www.showabestglove.com/site/chemrest/default.aspx Recommendations are limited to Showa Best Glove products. Lists degradation rating, permeation breakthrough times for two ASTM tests, and cut/puncture/abrasion/tear resistance. Cole-Parmer Glove Chemical Compatibility Database: http://www.coleparmer.com/TechInfo/GloveChemComp.asp?CID=9&SrtBy=3 Includes several manufacturers with overall, degradation and permeation ratings and breakthrough times. MAPA Glove Chemical Resistance Guide: http://www.mapa-pro.com/hand-protectionselection-guide/protections/chemical-protection.html Recommendations are limited to MAPA glove products. Gives chemical concentration used in making the recommendation. Lists breakthrough time, permeation level and degradation rating, and provides overall protection rating using symbols and colors with ++/dark green being the best. North ezGuide: www.northsafety.com Registration is required. Gives glove thickness used for testing. Lists breakthrough time, permeation rate and a color-coded degradation rate with “Excellent”/green representing no degradation. NIOSH Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ncpc/ Provides overall recommendations for 8-hour and/or 4-hour use, but no other details such as glove thickness, breakthrough, etc. It is no longer being updated but is available as an archived reference. 92 Appendix N Safety Equipment Table N-1 provides a list of safety equipment located in UW-Stout laboratories covered by the Laboratory Standard, regular maintenance requirements and the person or department responsible for coordinating completion of maintenance requirement(s). Table N-2 is a spreadsheet listing location of safety equipment in Jarvis Science Wing and Addition and Heritage Hall by room location. The UW-Stout Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) shall complete an annual update of the Table N-2 list. Table N-1: Safety Equipment in UW-Stout Laboratories Safety Equipment Required Maintenance Person/Area Responsible Biosafety cabinets Annual certification CHO Labeling cabinet with certification information Maintaining certification records Eyewash Weekly flushing Document flushing on affixed tagged Maintenance Fire extinguisher Monthly visual inspections CHO – flushing and documentation Building and Grounds – maintenance Building and Grounds Inspections documented on affixed tag Annual pressure checks First aid kits Regular check and re-stocking as needed CHO 93 Fume hoods Annual face velocity Labeling cabinet with certification information Maintain testing records CHO – annual face velocity tests, hood labeling, testing record retention Building and Grounds maintenance Maintenance Goggle cabinets Body shower Laboratory supervisor Regular flushing Building and Grounds Documentation on affixed tag Maintenance Spill kit Regular check and re-stocking as needed CHO 94 Rm # Acid Storage Flammable Storage Biosafety Cabinet Fume Hood Eyewash Body Shower Fire Blanket Fire Ext. First Aid Spill Kit Gas Shut Off Goggle Cabinet Jarvis Science Wing and Addition 10D 1 20 1 30A 1 30B 1 1 1 37 1 1 1 100A 1 100B 1 100C 1 100D 1 100F 1 100G 1 100H 1 1 100J 1 1 100L 1 101 1 1 1 1 1 105 1 1 1 1 1 116 1 1 1 1 1 118 1 137 1 1 1 1 1 1 141 1 1 1 1 1 1 143 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 143C 2 3 147 147E 147D 1 1 1 1 95 Rm # Acid Storage Flammable Storage Biosafety Cabinet Fume Hood Eyewash Body Shower Fire Blanket Fire Ext. First Aid Spill Kit 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gas Shut Off Goggle Cabinet Jarvis Science Wing and Addition 147C 147A 1 157 2 1 1 1 200F 1 200G 1 200H 1 200J 1 247 249D 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 249E 250 252 1 254 257 257B 1 1 1 1 1 1 257D 257E 257F 1 1 1 1 1 257G 1 257H 260 1 260A 260B 1 260C 1 260D 1 1 1 96 Rm # Acid Storage Flammable Storage Biosafety Cabinet Fume Hood Eyewash Body Shower Fire Blanket Fire Ext. First Aid Spill Kit Gas Shut Off Goggle Cabinet Jarvis Science Wing and Addition 264A 1 266 266A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 267 1 2 300A 1 300B 1 300G 1 300H 1 300J 1 303 1 1 1 347 1 1 1 349 1 1 1 349C 1 349E 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 349F 350 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 357 1 1 1 1 1 357A 1 1 351 352 354 1 12 1 1 3 1 12 357B 1 357C 1 357D 1 357E 1 1 97 Rm # Acid Storage Flammable Storage Biosafety Cabinet Fume Hood Eyewash Body Shower Fire Blanket Fire Ext. First Aid Spill Kit Gas Shut Off Goggle Cabinet Jarvis Science Wing and Addition 360 1 1 366E 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 62 29 29 20 22 25 1 1 367 Total 1 2 4 25 7 14 17 11 98 Rm # Acid Storage Flammable Storage Biosafety Cabinet Fume Hood Eyewash Body Shower Fire Blanket Fire Ext. First Aid 1 1 1 1 1 Spill Kit Gas Shut Off Goggle Cabinet 0 0 Heritage Hall 100F 100G 100N 132 1 (not operable) 200P 2 200L 3 200R 2 230 1 1 1 232 1 1 1 238 1 1 1 240 1 1 242 1 1 244 1 1 248 1 249 1 1 250 1 1 1 1 1 300M 2 300L 2 300G 3 300E 1 1 371 1 1 Total 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 4 1 1 1 28 9 3 99 Appendix O Exposure Limits Occupational exposure limits for exposure to hazards have been set by various organizations. Some of the limits are enforceable by law while others are recommendations only, with no legal basis. All exposure limits, whether regulatory or recommended, can be used to inform the risk assessment process. 1. Permissible Exposure Limits. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets enforceable permissible exposure limits (PELs) to protect workers against the health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. PELs are regulatory limits on the amount or concentration of a substance in the air. They may also contain a skin designation that serves as a warning of potential cutaneous absorption that should be prevented in order to avoid exceeding the inhalational PEL. There are three different types of PELs: Most OSHA PELs are based on an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure. An employee may be exposed below the PEL for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, for a working lifetime without adverse effects. Some PELs are ceiling values – concentrations above which a worker should never be exposed. There are also short-term exposure limits (STELs) that denote a concentration that should not be exceeded over a 15-minute period. The Wisconsin legislature adopted the PELs that OSHA updated and published (and that an appeals court later vacated) in 1989. There are PELs for only about 425 chemicals. A table of those PELs can be found here: http://www.wisconsin.edu/oslp/safety/uwsres/z_ref.htm. 2. Threshold Limit Values. Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) are occupational exposure limits set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). TLVs are regulatory limits in the State of Wisconsin if there is not a PEL for a chemical or particulate, but they are also more appropriate limits to follow regardless of the existence of a PEL because they are more frequently updated (ACGIH publishes new and updated TLVs annually). Like PELs, TLVs are airborne concentrations of a gas or particle to which most workers can be exposed on a daily basis for a working lifetime without adverse effects (assuming an 8-hour per day, 40-hour per week work schedule). There are TLV-TWAs as well as ceiling limits (TLV-C) and STELs (TLV-STEL) that meet the same definition in the OSHA regulations. ACGIH assigns a skin notation to chemicals for which significant contributions to overall exposure can occur through the skin, mucous membranes or eyes, either by vapor or direct skin contact. The sensitizer notation indicates a chemical that can produce significant sensitization (i.e., allergic reaction) via skin contact or inhalation. ACGIH also identifies known and suspected human carcinogens. The “TLVs & BEIs” book must be purchased from ACGIH; the CHO has a current copy. 3. Recommended Exposure Limits. Recommended exposure limits (RELs) are published by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and as the name suggests they are recommended rather than legally enforceable limits. NIOSH is a branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is the principal federal agency engaged in research, education and 100 training related to occupational safety and health. The REL is a level that NIOSH believes would be protective of worker safety and health over a working lifetime if used in combination with engineering and work practice controls, exposure and medical monitoring, posting and labeling of hazards, worker training and personal protective equipment. NIOSH TWAs are a time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour work day during a 40-hour work week; ceiling (C) and STEL (ST) values have the same definition as the OSHA PELs unless otherwise noted. NIOSH also identifies potential occupational carcinogens with “Ca.” RELs can be found in the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/default.html), which is also an excellent reference for chemical and physical properties, incompatibilities, effects of exposure, personal protection and first aid. 4. Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health. NIOSH also provides immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) concentrations for some chemicals, which are defined as the airborne concentration from which a worker could escape without injury or irreversible health effects in the event of the failure of respiratory protection equipment. In determining IDLH values, NIOSH considered the ability of a worker to escape without loss of life or irreversible health effects along with certain transient effects, such as severe eye or respiratory irritation, disorientation and incoordination, which could prevent escape. IDLH values can also be found in the NIOSH Pocket Guide. 5. Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels. The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) originally developed the WEELs, which are transitioning to Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA), a non-profit organization. They are non-enforceable occupational exposure limits for chemicals that are not addressed by OSHA or ACGIH. They will eventually be published on the TERA website: http://www.tera.org/OARS/index.html. Exposure limits are typically reported in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m 3). 101 Appendix P Program Review and Update Log Date Changes Made to Program 4/20/2010 Added 4.2.17 and 3.4 as requested by Department of Commerce. 7/19/2010 Added Table of Contents as suggested by Department of Commerce. 8/24/2010 Revisions requested by Department of Commerce. 10/20/2010 3/26/2012 Formatted document to UW-Stout standard template for safety programs and plans. Updated to align with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard revision. Revised eye protection policy with updated policy approved by Research Safety Committee. Added verbiage to reflect implementation of CISPro, online chemical inventory database system. Significantly updated several sections to reflect updates to Laboratory Safety program since hiring of full-time Chemical Hygiene Officer. Added Sustainability Sciences Institute to departments and organizations covered by the Laboratory Standard Added UW-Stout Research Safety Committee responsibilities. Added hierarchy of controls. Significantly enhanced sections on chemical inventory and storage, chemical waste management, training. Added Risk Assessment appendix. Updated and enhanced SOP appendix (now Laboratory Safety Procedures) Significantly changed and enhanced Hazardous Waste Management appendix. Added exposure limit appendix. 6/12/2013 Reviewed By Tracy Glenz, CHO Tracy Glenz, CHO 102