Assisting Students with a Concussion Notification: • • School is notified of suspected head injury (via Athletic Director, parent, teacher, etc) Information is given to School's Concussion Contact (counselor - determined by principal) Planning: (completed by Concussion Contact) • Email sent immediately to parent(s), teacher, and nurse. Include others (psychologist, coach, etc) as needed o Assigns Case Manager o Asks teachers to note needed accommodations/modifications o Informs of suspected/diagnosed head injury o Lists recommendations from physician if available o Includes symptoms for parent(s) and teachers to watch for o Gives directions to contact counselor with questions/concerns Plans of Care: • If after two weeks, the student is still experiencing difficulties due to the concussion, develop an Academic Plan of Care via a face to face meeting with teacher(s), parent(s), counselor. Include others (student, psychologist, coach, etc) as needed and appropriate. • During the “recovery phase” (1-3 weeks following the concussion) the nurse will follow up to determine if a medical plan is needed. Roles and responsibilities Parent •Provide medical documentation to nurse/school counselor •Participate in development of Academic and/or Medical Plans of Care •Provide updates from doctors as needed •Notify School Counselor of any changes in behavior of student Nurse •Contact parent •Provide CDC information •Complete nursing assessment •Coordinate development and follow-up of Medical Plan of Care with: •Parent(s) •Student •Doctor •Others (teachers, etc) as needed Counselor •Coordinate development and follow-up of Academic Plan of Care with: •Teacher(s) •Parent(s) •Student •Nurse (if medical clarification is needed) •Others (psychologist, coach) as needed *Medical Plan of Care: • A document outlining the accommodations and modifications a student may need to address medical symptoms while recovering from a concussion. Academic Plan of Care: • A document outlining the accommodations and modifications a student may need to address academic difficulties while recovering from a concussion. • This plan is reviewed as often as necessary, but at least every 6 weeks. If an Academic Plan of Care has been in place for six months, and the student still demonstrates academic needs, refer to an IEP team for DEC 1. Revised 3-2015 Coaches, Athletic Trainers (HS), Sport Safety Technicins (MS) Psychologist Teachers •Participate in development of Academic and/or Medical Plans of Care as requested •Participate in development of Academic and/or Medical Plans of Care •Follow Concussion Notification Process and Return to Play protocols •Notify school psychology TBI Assessment Team as needed •Provide accommodations as outlined in Academic and/or Medical Plans of Care •Participate in development of Academic and/or Medical Plans of Care as requested •Notify School Counselor of any changes in behavior/academic progress of student • This plan is reviewed as often as necessary, but at least weekly. • • If the need for an IEP is ruled out, the team may refer the student to the 504 Coordinator. Please note that if state testing accommodations are needed, use the transitory impairment procedure. For students with current 504/IEP plans, the plans are not amended until a student demonstrates a significant need in direct relation to the head injury. • Example email Dear parent(s), teachers, nurse, et al: We were notified today via [parent report, the Athletic Director, a doctor’s note, etc] that StudentName has a suspected/diagnosed concussion. Most young people will recover completely from a single concussion within three weeks. Some students take longer to recover than others. Having all involved school staff carefully monitor a student for potential difficulties in the weeks after a concussion is very important. Please watch for the following symptoms, and report them to the counselor as you see them. Physical Thinking (Cognitive) Behavioral or Emotional Headaches Slowed thinking Irritability or grouchiness Sick to stomach or vomiting Trouble paying attention Easily upset or frustrated Dizziness or balance problems Difficulty remembering Nervousness Low energy or being run d Trouble with vision/seeing Acting like "in a fog Sadness Easily confused Acting without thinking Bothered by light or noise School performance worsens Any other personality change Please make a note of accommodations/modifications your student has need of over the next two weeks. Knowing what the student has needed during the initial two weeks will be helpful if an Academic Plan of Care is developed. [If student has been seen by doctor] StudentName has been seen by Dr. SoandSo. They have recommended the following: List of recommended modifications/accommodations provided by the physician Please contact me/case manager with any questions or concerns. The case manager is I will follow up with all parties no later than (Date two weeks out). Sincerely, School Counselor Revised 3-2015 . Concussion Plan of Care: Academic Name:____________________________________________ DOB:________________ School:______________________________ Year :___________ Start Date:__________________ Review Date(s)_________________________________________________ __________ End Date:_______________ Teachers:________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Diagnosis: Brain Injury secondary to Concussion Name of Physician: ___________________________________________________________ Description: A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. A loss of consciousness does NOT have to occur to have a concussion. Problem Accommodations Responsible Party Activity (Physical/visual/motor integration) Balance problems Difficulty completing written work Difficulty copying from the board Dizziness Fatigue Headaches Allow rest breaks as requested by student Class withdrawal Extended time on tests and/or projects Limit classwork/ homework assignments Limit exposure to projectors/computers/television Limit reading assignments and/or allow use of audiobooks Modified schedule /day No PE or recess until cleared by physician Provide teacher notes and/or study guides Staff member to assist student as needed with ambulation Other: Teacher/Counselor/Student Sensory (Sound sensitivity/Light sensitivity/Vision) Dehydration Double/Blurry vision Headaches Lights from projectors, computers, etc that may trigger headaches Ringing in ears Sound defensiveness Allow rest breaks as requested by student Allow student to wear sunglasses/hat (provided by parent/guardian) Allow water bottle in class (provided by parent/guardian) Extended time on tests and/or projects Limit classwork/ homework assignments Limit exposure to projectors/computers/television Limit reading assignments and/or allow use of audiobooks Provide alternative printed materials (e.g., large print materials, colored paper) Provide seating to facilitate vision Other: Teacher/Counselor/Student Concussion Plan of Care: Academic Name:____________________________________________ DOB:________________ School:________________________ Year :___________ Emotional Anxiety Irritability Sadness Cognitive (Thinking/Processing/Memory) Confusion if too much information is presented at once, or too quickly Difficulty concentrating Difficulty filling out forms/worksheets Difficulty following complex multi-step directions Difficulty paying attention for long periods of time Difficulty processing information in order to understand what others are saying Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Headaches Problems remembering or learning new information Reads slowly or has difficulty reading material in complex formats or with small print Slow to answer questions Allow rest breaks as requested by student Allow student to meet with counselor/psychologist as needed Referral to Alliance Behavioral Health if difficulties persist Other: Teacher/Counselor/Student Allow extra time for student to process/visually inspect and comprehend/respond to information Allow rest breaks as requested by student Allow student to use extended breaks (holidays) for makeup work completion rather than adding it on to current study requirements Limit classwork/homework assignments Limit exposure to projectors/computers/television Limit reading assignments and/or allow use of audiobooks Partial/modified day/schedule Provide both spoken and written Instructions/directions Provide repetition of material/instructions Provide teacher notes and/or study guides Provide testing modifications o Allow extended time on tests and/or projects o Allow student to mark in book for testing o Grade averaging in lieu of quizzes o No classroom or standardized testing until cleared by physician o Open book/notes for quizzes/tests o Stagger test schedule (One test per day) o Test in recognition format (T/F or multiple choice) Reduce amount of new material to be memorized by student Other: Teacher/Counselor/Student Counselor Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date :____________________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date :____________________________________ NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Policy Manual Policy Identification Priority: Healthy Responsible Students Category: Policy ID Number: New Policy HRS-D-000 Policy Title: Return-to-Learn After Concussion Current Policy Date: Other Historical Information: Statutory Reference: GS 115C-12(12) Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Reference Number and Category: Concussion Monitoring: Return to Learn (a) Each Local Education Agency (LEA) and charter school must develop a plan for addressing the needs of students preschool through twelfth grade suffering concussions. The plan must include: 1) guidelines for removal of a student from physical and mental activity when there is suspicion of concussion; 2) a notification procedure to education staff regarding removal from learn or play; 3) expectations regarding annual medical care update from parents, medical care plan/school accommodations in the event of concussion; and 4) delineation of requirements for safe return-to-learn or play following concussion. (b) In accordance with the LEA or c harter school plan, each school must appoint a team of people responsible for identifying the return-to-learn or play needs of a student who has suffered a concussion. This team may include the student, student’s parent, the principal, school nurse, school counselor, school psychologist, or other appropriate designated professional. (c) Each LEA and charter school must provide information and staff development on an annual basis to all teachers and other school personnel in order to support and assist students who have sustained a concussion in accordance with their learning and behavioral needs. This annual training should include information on concussion and other brain injuries, with a particular focus on return-to-learn issues and concerns. (d) Each LEA and charter school will include in its annual student health history and emergency medical information update a question related to any head injury/concussion the student may have incurred during the past year. This plan shall be implemented at the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic school year. 1