NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2012-13 North Carolina 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Report to the Superintendent Julien Alhour 4/14/2014 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALY LEFT BLANK 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents……………………….………………………………………………………. Page 2 Summary ……………………..………………………………………………………………… Page 3 2013 State Disaggregated Results……………………………………………………………… Page 4 2013 School Districts (LEAs) Disaggregated 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates (By Gender & Ethnicity) With Comparison to State Rates…………………………………………………….. Page 8 2013 School District s (LEAs) Disaggregated 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates (By Exceptionality) With Comparison to State Rates...……………….……………………………. Page 14 2006 to 2013 School Districts (LEAs) Total (ALL Students) 4 –Year Cohort Graduation Rates With Comparison to State Rates……………..………….……………………………………… Page 20 2006 to 2013 Public Schools Total (ALL Students) 4 –Year Cohort Graduation Rates With Comparison to State Rates…………………..………….………………………………………. Page 24 2006 to 2013 Disaggregated (By Ethnicity, Gender, and Exceptionality) State and School Districts (LEAs) Results With Comparison to State Rates…….………………………………. Page 56 Other Reports and Analysis Superintendent Graduation Achievement Award Recipients for the 2012-13 school year... Page 115 2004 Subgroup’s Reading at Grade 3 Results vs 2013 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate…… Page 118 2003 Subgroup’s Reading at Grade 3 Results vs 2012 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate…… Page 119 2 Summary North Carolina's statewide four-year cohort graduation rate for 2012-13 is 82.5 percent, which is up 2.1 percentage points from 2011-12. This rate has improved every year since 2006 when North Carolina reported its first measurement of a cohort graduation rate. The North Carolina Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate reflects the percentage of ninth graders (their cohort) who graduated from high school four years later. Data in this report illustrate the Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate for the state, school districts, and public high schools in North Carolina. Please visit for more information on how the 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate is calculated. In the 2012-13 school year, 548 public schools were expected to graduate seniors from all 115 schools districts. 497 of these schools are regular schools, 44 alternative education schools, and 1 exceptional children school. 2012-13 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate School Districts Number Percentage Public Schools Number Percentage 100% 0 0% 38 6.9% 95% or Greater 0 0% 99 18.1% 90% or Greater 11 9.7% 196 35.8% 85% or Greater 47 40.1% 312 56.9% 82.5% (State Rate) or Greater 68 59% 381 69.5% Less Than 82.5% (State Rate) 47 41% 161 29.4% Data too small for reporting (less than 5 students in cohort) 0 0% 6 1.1% 3 Disaggregated Results of ALL Students ALL Students American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Denominator Numerator 1604 1240 2617 2352 30764 23846 11158 8396 3530 2878 60031 51760 47663 36288 2813 1374 11251 7006 62132 54261 106982 89175 98544 83543 53466 46295 56329 44254 109795 90549 Rate 77.3 89.9 77.5 75.2 81.5 86.2 76.1 48.8 62.3 87.3 83.4 84.8 86.6 78.6 82.5 North Carolina 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate For the 2012-13 School Year State Disaggregated Results (By Ethnicity, Gender, Economic Status, Disability Status, and English Proficiency Status) Disaggregated Results of the Male Subgroup Disaggregated Results of the Female Subgroup Female American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Total Denominator Numerator 732 605 1320 1221 15128 12710 5442 4371 1805 1529 29002 25829 23391 19081 1218 659 3513 2364 30075 27214 52248 45636 49953 43931 53466 46295 Rate 82.7 92.5 84.0 80.3 84.7 89.1 81.6 54.1 67.3 90.5 87.3 87.9 86.6 Male American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Total 4 Denominator Numerator 872 635 1297 1131 15636 11136 5716 4025 1725 1349 31029 25931 24272 17207 1595 715 7738 4642 32057 27047 54734 43539 48591 39612 56329 44254 Rate 72.8 87.2 71.2 70.4 78.2 83.6 70.9 44.8 60.0 84.4 79.5 81.5 78.6 Disaggregated Results of the Not Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup Disaggregated Results of the Economically Disadvantaged Subgroup Economically Disadvantaged American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Rate Denominator Numerator 1004 777 1076 934 20488 15634 7665 5889 1736 1351 15660 11678 2092 1122 6914 3855 45571 35166 40749 32433 23391 19081 24272 17207 47663 36288 Not Economically Disadvantaged American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total 77.4 86.8 76.3 76.8 77.8 74.6 53.6 55.8 77.2 79.6 81.6 70.9 76.1 Denominator Numerator 9 2 454 300 128 79 2091 907 14 10 110 71 2092 1122 449 227 721 252 2364 1147 1218 659 1595 715 2813 1374 Numerator 463 1418 8212 2507 1527 40082 252 3151 54009 51110 27214 27047 54261 Rate 77.2 92.0 79.9 71.8 85.1 90.3 35.0 72.7 87.9 88.4 90.5 84.4 87.3 Disaggregated Results of the Not Limited English Proficient Subgroup Disaggregated Results of the Limited English Proficient Subgroup Limited English Proficient American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Denominator 600 1541 10276 3493 1794 44371 721 4337 61411 57795 30075 32057 62132 Rate Not Limited English Proficient American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Student with Disability Female Male Total 22.2 66.1 61.7 43.4 71.4 64.5 53.6 50.6 35.0 48.5 54.1 44.8 48.8 5 Denominator Numerator 1595 1238 2163 2052 30636 23767 9067 7489 3516 2868 59921 51689 45571 35166 10802 6779 61411 54009 96180 82396 52248 45636 54734 43539 106982 89175 Rate 77.6 94.9 77.6 82.6 81.6 86.3 77.2 62.8 87.9 85.7 87.3 79.5 83.4 Disaggregated Results of the Student with Disability Subgroup Student with Disability American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Female Male Total Denominator Numerator 231 158 68 42 4365 2496 929 547 345 210 5309 3549 6914 3855 449 227 4337 3151 10802 6779 3513 2364 7738 4642 11251 7006 Disaggregated Results of the Not Student with Disability Subgroup Rate Not Student with Disability American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Female Male Total 68.4 61.8 57.2 58.9 60.9 66.8 55.8 50.6 72.7 62.8 67.3 60.0 62.3 Disaggregated Results of the American Indian Subgroup American Indian Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Denominator Numerator 1004 777 9 2 231 158 600 463 1595 1238 1373 1082 732 605 872 635 1604 1240 Denominator Numerator 1373 1082 2549 2310 26399 21350 10229 7849 3185 2668 54722 48211 40749 32433 2364 1147 57795 51110 96180 82396 49953 43931 48591 39612 98544 83543 Rate 78.8 90.6 80.9 76.7 83.8 88.1 79.6 48.5 88.4 85.7 87.9 81.5 84.8 Disaggregated Results of the Asian Subgroup Rate Asian Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total 77.4 22.2 68.4 77.2 77.6 78.8 82.7 72.8 77.3 6 Denominator Numerator 1076 934 454 300 68 42 1541 1418 2163 2052 2549 2310 1320 1221 1297 1131 2617 2352 Rate 86.8 66.1 61.8 92.0 94.9 90.6 92.5 87.2 89.9 Disaggregated Results of the Black Subgroup Black Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Denominator Numerator 20488 15634 128 79 4365 2496 10276 8212 30636 23767 26399 21350 15128 12710 15636 11136 30764 23846 Disaggregated Results of the Multi-Racial Subgroup Rate Multi-Racial Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total 76.3 61.7 57.2 79.9 77.6 80.9 84.0 71.2 77.5 Disaggregated Results of the Hispanic Subgroup Hispanic Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total Denominator Numerator 7665 5889 2091 907 929 547 3493 2507 9067 7489 10229 7849 5442 4371 5716 4025 11158 8396 Denominator Numerator 1736 1351 14 10 345 210 1794 1527 3516 2868 3185 2668 1805 1529 1725 1349 3530 2878 Rate 77.8 71.4 60.9 85.1 81.6 83.8 84.7 78.2 81.5 Disaggregated Results of the White Subgroup Rate White Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Limited English Proficient Not Student with Disability Female Male Total 76.8 43.4 58.9 71.8 82.6 76.7 80.3 70.4 75.2 7 Denominator Numerator 15660 11678 110 71 5309 3549 44371 40082 59921 51689 54722 48211 29002 25829 31029 25931 60031 51760 Rate 74.6 64.5 66.8 90.3 86.3 88.1 89.1 83.6 86.2 2013 School Districts (LEAs) Disaggregated 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates (By Gender & Ethnicity) With Comparison to State Rates School District State American Indian F M T 82.7 72.8 77.3 Asian F M T 92.5 87.2 89.9 F 84 Black M T 71.2 77.5 Hispanic F M T 80.3 70.4 75.2 Multi-Racial F M T 84.7 78.2 81.5 White F M T 89.1 83.6 86.2 Multi-Racial White Female Male Total 86.6 78.6 82.5 Female Male Total LEA Results Compared to the state results School District American Indian Asian Black Hispanic F M T F M T F M T F M T F M T F M T >95 * 77.8 92.3 66.7 84.2 81 66.1 73.8 77.8 56.3 67.6 78.6 92.9 85.7 84.2 80.6 82.3 82.5 73.6 78.1 Alexander County * * * * >95 >95 >95 83.3 93.3 85.7 66.7 72.7 >95 57.1 75 89.8 81.6 85.5 90.6 80.5 85.2 Alleghany County * * * * * * * * * >95 90.9 93.8 * * * 90 87.1 88.9 91.1 88.1 89.8 Anson County * * 60 * * 71.4 86.8 70.6 79 * * 85.7 * 83.3 75 76.3 74.5 75.3 82.7 72.6 77.4 Ashe County * * * * * * * * * >95 75 84.6 * * * 84.5 85.7 85.1 85.2 84.4 84.8 Asheboro City * * * >95 * >95 82.1 73.9 78.4 87.5 85.2 86.4 80 * 87.5 92.6 84.1 88 88.9 83.7 86.3 Asheville City * * * * * 80 78.7 58.7 70.1 * 54.5 66.7 83.3 81.8 82.6 92.5 87.8 90 86.8 76.4 81.6 Avery County * * * * * * * * * * 60 50 * * * 88.9 87.8 88.4 87.8 86.4 87.1 Beaufort County * * * * * * 90.7 61 76.2 71.4 63.6 66 78.6 61.5 70.4 86.9 79.8 83 86.9 71.8 78.8 Bertie County * * * * * * 83.5 71.8 77.1 * * * * * * 93.8 72.7 85.2 84.5 72.6 78.2 Bladen County * * * * * * 89.9 78.9 84.4 75 71.4 73.3 71.4 * 72.7 82.3 67.1 74.4 84.6 73.2 78.9 Brunswick County * * >95 * * 80 >95 89.3 92.2 85 88 86.7 90 80 86.7 86.2 81.3 83.9 88 83.3 85.7 Buncombe County * 83.3 90 94.1 85.7 90.3 85.1 76.5 80 81.5 61.5 69.2 86 69.2 78 85.6 77.6 81.5 85.5 75.7 80.3 Alamance-Burlington 8 School District American Indian F M T F Asian M T F Black M T Hispanic F M T Multi-Racial F M T F White M T Female Male Total Burke County * * * >95 91.3 94.2 93.9 86.5 90 92.7 75 84 72.7 89.5 80.5 88.3 87.4 87.9 89.1 86.9 88 Cabarrus County * * * >95 >95 >95 89.6 78.4 83.8 81.6 71 75.3 >95 80.6 87.9 91 86.5 88.6 90.2 83.2 86.5 Caldwell County * * * * * >95 >95 87.5 91.9 >95 >95 >95 90 87.1 88.2 89.2 87.5 88.3 90.4 88.4 89.4 Camden County * * * * * * 90 >95 >95 * * * * * * 87.9 77.8 82.6 88.4 81.3 84.7 Carteret County * * * >95 * >95 75 82.4 79.3 84.6 55.6 72.7 86.4 87.5 86.8 88.6 81.6 85 88.1 81.5 84.7 Caswell County * * * * * * 86.5 84.6 85.5 71.4 88.9 81.3 * 44.4 41.7 79.2 76.7 77.9 80 77.8 78.8 Catawba County * * * >95 >95 >95 >95 85.2 91.8 83.1 85.5 84.3 80.6 81.8 81.3 94.2 90.3 92.2 92.9 89.7 91.3 Chapel Hill-Carrboro * 60 75 >95 93.2 94.5 88 76.1 81.2 77.8 77.4 77.6 >95 90 >95 >95 >95 >95 94.6 90.7 92.6 88.2 67.7 75 93.9 79.1 86.5 83.4 69.8 76.6 77.6 64.8 71.1 85.7 73.7 80 93.5 88.8 91.1 86.3 75.9 81 Chatham County * * * * * * 94.4 86.5 90.6 79 78.4 78.8 * >95 >95 89.4 82.3 85.3 88.2 82.9 85.3 Cherokee County * * * * * * * * 80 80 85.7 83.3 * * >95 89.2 94.3 91.9 89.5 93.6 91.7 Clay County * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 87.5 90.9 89.3 88.4 89.1 88.8 Cleveland County * * * * * >95 86 82 84 80 68 73.3 84.4 70.8 78.6 87.1 80.6 83.7 86.5 80.2 83.3 Clinton City * 83.3 75 * * * 83.3 82.6 83 83.3 66.7 75 80 * 77.8 92.6 91.7 92.1 85.1 83.2 84.1 94.1 90.9 92.9 * * * 91 75.9 83.5 84.6 81.8 83.3 * * >95 85.4 83.7 84.6 87.8 81.4 84.8 * * 66.7 50 66.7 55.2 89.2 80 85 91.7 76.3 83.8 >95 82.6 92.2 92.4 83.8 88.1 90 81.7 86 80.6 63.9 72.2 >95 84.6 92.4 86.7 72.9 80 89.7 79 84.6 87.8 81.4 84.7 84.4 81.6 82.9 86.5 77 81.7 Currituck County * * * * * * 85.7 * 88.9 * 75 72.7 82.8 84 83.3 90.5 87.7 89.1 88.5 86.8 87.7 Dare County * * * * * * * >95 >95 88.9 >95 >95 * * >95 91 90.2 90.5 91.1 91.5 91.4 Davidson County * * * >95 >95 >95 84.2 79.2 81.4 85.7 90.9 88.5 75 62.5 68.8 89.1 81.5 85.2 88.8 81.8 85.2 Davie County * * * * * * 88.2 77.3 82.1 93.1 75 85.7 >95 54.5 70.6 89.8 77.9 83.4 90.5 76.8 83.2 Duplin County * * * * * * 90 73.6 82.7 76.8 63.8 70.9 * * 83.3 89.6 78.8 84.2 85.8 73.4 79.9 Durham 80 57.1 66.7 86.2 80.8 83.6 84.5 72 78.1 69.3 64.2 66.8 94.1 81.3 87.9 92.2 87 89.6 84.4 75 79.6 Edenton-Chowan * * * * * * 86.8 70 79.4 * * * * * * 87.8 77.2 82.1 87.6 75.3 81.5 CharlotteMecklenburg Columbus County Craven County Cumberland County 9 American Indian F M T F Asian M F Black M Multi-Racial F M T F White M T T T Edgecombe County * * * * * * 84.5 70.1 77.7 76.9 44.4 63.6 * * * 84 74.3 Elizabeth CityPasquotank * * * * * * 90.4 77.2 83.9 85.7 57.1 71.4 >95 >95 >95 91.8 Elkin City * * * * * * * * * >95 * >95 * * * Forsyth County 80 42.9 58.3 >95 88.6 92.5 86.9 74 80.2 79.5 61.8 69.9 87.1 82.1 Franklin County * * 80 * * * 82.6 74.6 78.2 79.4 69.8 74 85.7 Gaston County * * * 93.3 >95 94.3 83.5 73.8 78.7 83.9 77.3 80.7 Gates County * * * * * * >95 92.9 >95 * * Graham County 83.3 >95 90.9 * * * * * * * Granville County * * * * * * 76.9 68.1 72.3 Greene County * * * * * * 92.3 88.1 Guilford County 87.5 72.7 78.9 88.7 79.5 83.5 88.6 Halifax County >95 83.3 92.9 * * * Harnett County 71.4 66.7 69.2 * * Haywood County * * * * Henderson County * * 80 Hertford County * * Hickory City * Hoke County School District Hispanic F M T Female Male Total 78.4 83.8 70.9 77.4 74.1 82.2 91.2 75.4 83 >95 90.4 93 >95 91.4 94.1 84.3 90.7 84.5 87.4 87.6 77.2 82.1 * 81.8 90 77.5 83.4 86.7 75.9 80.8 >95 73.9 86.5 85.1 78.6 81.6 84.9 77.7 81.2 * * * * 83.8 91.8 88.4 90.3 92.3 91.4 * * * * * 83.3 90.2 86.7 81.6 91.5 86.5 92.6 56 75 92.9 62.5 81.8 85.3 75.5 80.5 83.2 71.1 77.1 90.1 >95 76.2 87.2 * * * 86 82.5 84.3 90.8 83.5 87.3 78.4 83.5 86.9 75 81.2 80.4 78.2 79.4 94.2 88.3 91.2 90.3 82.2 86.2 86.1 65.2 75.2 * * * * * * * 37.5 40 86.7 63.9 74.8 * 82.2 70.6 76.2 76.3 69.9 73 87.5 79.2 83.3 87.3 69.6 78.2 84.2 70.3 77.1 * * 50 * 60 83.3 57.1 65 * * 57.1 88 81.2 84.5 86.3 79.9 83 >95 * >95 93.8 90 91.7 88.9 83.6 85.8 83.3 92.3 87.5 91.4 85 88.1 90.8 85.4 88 * * * * 87.5 78 82.7 * * * * * * 89.5 72.7 80.5 88.1 77.2 82.6 * * >95 83.3 90.9 87.5 62.5 75 88.5 76.5 83.7 * 80 75 87.1 85.9 86.4 87.6 78.6 82.8 54.3 30.2 41 * * * 83 70.3 76.5 67.5 74.2 70.4 93.3 83.3 88.9 77.6 69.5 73.5 76.4 64.7 70.5 Hyde County * * * * * * >95 >95 >95 * * * * * * 80 82.4 81.3 84.6 88.9 86.8 Iredell-Statesville * * * 94.4 >95 >95 88.3 78.7 83.3 82.9 82.7 82.8 80 93.3 86.7 90.5 88.4 89.4 89.3 86.9 88.1 Jackson County 42.9 61.5 55 * * * * * * 57.1 57.1 57.1 * * * 91 84.9 88 86 81.3 83.7 Johnston County >95 60 87.5 87.5 >95 92.3 85.6 71.2 78.2 84.4 70.9 77.8 69.2 79.2 75.7 89.5 80.6 84.9 87.9 77.4 82.5 Jones County * * * * * * 90.9 78.9 85.4 * * * * * * 86.7 66.7 75.8 89.7 72.5 81 Kannapolis City * * * * * * 89.3 84.7 86.7 82.6 80.5 81.3 83.3 >95 91.7 83.7 84.4 84.1 85.5 84.4 84.9 10 American Indian F M T F Asian M F Black M F White M T T T Lee County * * * * * * 85.4 75 80.6 90.5 83.2 86.4 >95 75 88.2 93.2 84.5 Lenoir County * * * * * * 77.1 72 74.5 76.9 69.2 72.3 71.4 90.9 83.3 85.7 Lexington City * * 80 >95 * 90 91.9 90.4 91 83.3 84 83.7 * * >95 Lincoln County * * * * * >95 87 90 88.7 90.5 86.7 88.5 80 77.8 Macon County * * * * * * 66.7 * 71.4 70 84.2 79.3 >95 Madison County * * * * * * * * * * * >95 Martin County * * * * * * 72.7 66.2 69.5 * * McDowell County * * * >95 * >95 >95 83.3 92.3 88.2 Mitchell County * * * * * * * * * Montgomery County * * * * 87.5 90 87.5 93.8 Moore County * 60 66.7 * >95 88.9 82.3 Mooresville Graded * * * >95 * >95 Mount Airy City * * * * * Nash-Rocky Mount * * 42.9 * New Hanover County 66.7 66.7 66.7 Newton Conover City * * Northampton County * Onslow County School District Hispanic F M T Multi-Racial F M T Female Male Total 88.6 90.8 82 86.2 80.4 82.9 80.6 75.6 77.9 77.3 61.9 69.8 86.7 83 84.7 78.9 89 83.3 86 89 84 86.4 * 88.9 89.5 85.9 87.6 87.1 85.2 86.1 * * * 86.3 85.7 86 85.3 86.4 85.9 83.3 * * * 82 85.7 83.8 77.9 74.6 76.3 73.7 80.6 86.7 75 80 79.5 74.8 77 81.7 75 78.2 80 * 77.8 * * * >95 83.3 88.7 94.1 82.9 88 90.3 84 77.4 80.4 * * * 87.3 82.2 84.5 87 83.9 85.3 61.1 71.7 74.3 80.5 77.6 92.3 66.7 80 88 82.4 85.2 85.7 77.8 81.7 >95 >95 >95 >95 71.4 84.6 71.4 * 63.6 94 94.3 94.2 94.2 92.6 93.4 * >95 88.9 94.7 * 75 75 * * * >95 90.2 92.8 >95 88.9 91.7 >95 >95 84.5 68.8 76.6 77.4 65.1 71.9 85.7 73.3 80 87.9 80.6 84.3 85.1 73.4 79.4 >95 90.9 >95 77.9 70.6 74.2 79.6 80.4 80 70.3 68.6 69.4 88.8 83.4 85.9 85 80 82.4 * 77.8 80 78.6 90 83.9 86.3 >95 84.6 92 88.9 * 90 86 89 87.7 87.9 87 87.4 * * * * * 90.7 76.4 82.5 * * * * * * 90 64.3 75 90.6 73.6 80.8 >95 >95 >95 90 85.7 88.2 89.9 87 88.4 83.3 84.9 84.2 86.8 85.1 86 89.4 84.8 87 89 85.5 87.2 Orange County * * * * * * 87.2 75.8 80.5 87.5 74.3 79.7 83.3 87.5 85.7 88.4 78.8 83.3 88.1 77.9 82.5 Pamlico County * * * * * * >95 >95 >95 * * * * * * 93 87 89.9 >95 90 92.9 Pender County * * * * * * 91.4 83.6 87.4 90 75.8 82.5 85.7 83.3 84.6 89.1 86.6 87.8 89.6 85.1 87.2 Perquimans County * * * * * * >95 91.7 >95 * * * * * * 83.3 86.7 84.9 89.6 88.1 89 Person County * * >95 * * * 72.2 72.3 72.3 90.9 50 71.4 * * 50 81.9 81.4 81.7 78.8 76.3 77.5 Pitt County * * * 88.9 90 89.5 79.3 62.8 70.7 93.9 64.3 78.7 73.9 83.3 78 88 82.2 85.2 84 71.3 77.6 11 American Indian F M T F Asian M F Black M F White M T T T Polk County * * * * * * >95 * 72.7 * 87.5 91.7 * * * 87.4 78.9 Randolph County 80 * 71.4 >95 >95 >95 88.6 >95 92.4 90.5 80.6 84.6 >95 85.7 92.3 92.5 Richmond County 75 37.5 60 * * 66.7 77.7 75.6 76.5 71.4 50 61 80 80 80 Roanoke Rapids City * * * * * * 75 79.3 77.6 * * * * * 87.1 78.8 82.6 * * * 89.8 84.9 87.4 92.6 94.4 93.5 93.9 Rockingham County * * * * * * 84.6 68.8 76.5 73.5 81 77.6 Rowan-Salisbury * 40 40 83.3 90.9 87 81.8 74.9 78.2 78.9 65.2 Rutherford County * >95 87.5 * * 80 84.6 79.2 82 86.4 Sampson County * 40 40 * * * 77.5 66.7 71.4 Scotland County 72 68.8 70.2 71.4 * 71.4 81.9 66.1 Stanly County * * * 91.7 92.3 92 87.3 Stokes County * * * * * * Surry County * * * * * Swain County 80.8 75.9 78.2 * Thomasville City * * * Transylvania County * * Tyrrell County * Union County School District Hispanic F M T Multi-Racial F M T Female Male Total 83.4 87.1 77.5 82.6 86.2 89.2 92.2 85.9 88.9 81.9 68.7 75 78.8 69.8 74.1 * 88.6 81.6 85.4 87 81.5 84.4 85.7 89.7 89.7 78 83.7 89 81.6 85.1 82.1 71.4 77.6 79.6 72.4 75.9 80.7 72.3 76.3 71.5 94.7 90.9 92.7 87.6 83 85.4 86 79.8 82.9 88.9 87.5 70.6 72 71.2 80.5 73.4 76.7 80.3 75.1 77.7 79.4 55 66.2 72.7 40 57.1 88.9 75.2 82.8 83.8 66.1 75 74.4 * * 80 80 37.5 53.8 80.5 64.7 72.7 79.9 65.3 72.8 69.6 78.4 86.4 79.2 82.6 >95 87.5 93.3 82.8 82.2 82.5 84.5 80.3 82.3 81.8 >95 91.3 87.5 75 80 93.8 80 85.4 88.7 85.1 86.9 88.7 85 86.8 * 77.8 >95 86.7 89.5 63.2 76.3 66.7 80 72.7 87 87.5 87.3 86.7 84.9 85.8 * * * * * >95 * 85.7 * * * 79 84.6 81.6 80.6 81 80.8 * * * 89.7 70.8 79.3 69.6 76.5 72.5 >95 * 75 45.5 59.1 52.3 74.7 68.1 71.4 * * * * * 83.3 80 * * 83.3 88.9 42.9 68.8 88.4 86.1 87.2 88.5 83.7 86 * * * * * >95 69.2 81.8 * * * * * * 92.9 92.3 92.6 >95 77.8 87.3 * * * 94.1 >95 >95 91.3 79.7 85.8 87.2 86.3 86.8 81.8 69.6 75.6 94.7 91 92.8 93.1 88.7 90.8 Vance County * * * * * * 73 51.8 62 64.5 47.8 57.4 88.9 50 68.4 77.3 71.8 74.7 73.5 56.4 64.9 Wake County 66.7 72.7 69.6 91.3 91.8 91.5 78 61 68.9 70.3 60.9 65.7 83.8 79.5 81.6 92.1 89.1 90.6 84.8 77.5 81 Warren County >95 57.1 78.6 * * * 84.7 66.1 75.4 80 * 85.7 * * * 70.8 69.6 70.2 82.7 67.4 75.3 Washington County * * * * * * 90.7 77.6 84.5 * * * * * * 87.5 85 86.1 89 80.6 84.8 Watauga County * * * * * * * >95 >95 68.8 66.7 68.2 * >95 >95 93.2 83.5 88 91.4 84.2 87.6 Wayne County * * * * 70 75 79 63.9 71.3 80 65 72.3 81.5 78.9 80.3 89 77.1 83.2 84.1 71.3 77.6 Robeson County 12 American Indian F M T F Asian M T Weldon City * * * * * Whiteville City * * * * Wilkes County * * * Wilson County * * Yadkin County * Yancey County * School District F Black M Hispanic F M T Multi-Racial F M T T * 74.1 70.4 * * 94.6 * * * 80 * * * * * * * * 72.2 * * * * * 70.3 82.4 * * * * >95 90.9 94.4 >95 76.5 87.5 >95 85.3 67.9 76.3 71.7 75.9 * * >95 80 90.5 77.8 * * * * * * 13 F White M T * * * * 66.7 87.5 >95 * >95 73.2 * 62.5 82.9 80.6 * 40 42.9 80 Female Male Total * 74.2 70.4 72.4 70.9 78.6 89.9 71.1 80.1 90.8 88.6 89.7 91.7 88.4 90.1 75 91.2 80.5 85.7 85.8 73.7 79.7 * 85.7 84.1 81.5 82.8 84 81.9 82.9 * 80 85.7 87.5 86.7 84 80.7 82.3 2013 School Districts (LEAs) Disaggregated 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates (By Exceptionality) With Comparison to State Rates School District Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate North Carolina 76.1 87.3 48.8 83.4 62.3 84.8 109795 90549 82.5 School District Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate Alamance-Burlington 67.2 85.2 32.7 79.6 54.5 81 1718 1342 78.1 Alexander County 81.5 87.9 75 85.4 65.5 86.7 412 351 85.2 Alleghany County 87.8 91.8 * 90.4 60 91.4 98 88 89.8 Anson County 80.4 71.6 * 77.8 60.7 79.1 296 229 77.4 Ashe County 82.5 86.6 * 85.1 77.3 85.6 230 195 84.8 Asheboro City 85.5 87.3 60 87.5 75 87.3 328 283 86.3 Asheville City 67.9 91 * 81.7 61.1 84.2 320 261 81.6 Avery County 80.8 92.7 * 88.2 61.5 89.4 155 135 87.1 Beaufort County 74.5 83.7 50 79.2 63.4 81.1 542 427 78.8 Bertie County 78.3 77.8 * 78.2 62.5 80.1 220 172 78.2 Bladen County 80.7 76.2 28.6 79.8 64.7 81.1 389 307 78.9 Brunswick County 79.1 91.1 71.4 85.9 62 87.9 834 715 85.7 Buncombe County 71 87 47.1 81.3 61.2 82.7 1907 1532 80.3 Burke County 84.9 91.4 57.1 88.6 77.9 89.6 1091 960 88 Cabarrus County 77.6 91.2 42.9 87.3 54.6 89.1 2143 1853 86.5 Caldwell County 86.4 92.3 >95 89.2 72.6 90.8 950 849 89.4 Camden County 60 91.2 * 84.7 69.2 86.3 144 122 84.7 Carteret County 72 89.8 * 84.7 60.8 87.9 642 544 84.7 14 Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate Caswell County 75.8 82.5 * 79.2 45 82.2 217 171 78.8 Catawba County 87.2 94.1 50 91.9 79.5 92.5 1411 1288 91.3 Chapel Hill-Carrboro 75.4 >95 57.9 94.2 63.4 94 878 813 92.6 CharlotteMecklenburg 74.5 87.6 46 83 53.5 83.8 9584 7762 81 Chatham County 81 88.2 60.7 86.6 72.7 86.7 587 501 85.3 Cherokee County 92.1 91.2 * 92 86.2 92.3 264 242 91.7 Clay County 87.5 89.8 * 88.6 90 88.6 89 79 88.8 Cleveland County 76.4 90.1 * 83.5 48.1 86.6 1237 1030 83.3 Clinton City 83.5 85.2 54.5 85.7 61.5 85.6 214 180 84.1 Columbus County 81.9 87.7 50 85.2 68.4 86.7 539 457 84.8 Craven County 82.2 88.9 39.4 87.6 66.1 87.3 1021 878 86 Cumberland County 76.7 86.6 61.5 81.8 54.6 85.2 3864 3157 81.7 Currituck County 81.3 89.7 * 87.7 62.1 90.3 308 270 87.7 Dare County 88.3 92.7 85.7 91.5 90.3 91.4 370 338 91.4 Davidson County 76.1 89.5 80 85.2 56.4 87.5 1530 1303 85.2 Davie County 75.9 87.6 * 83.5 65.4 86.4 513 427 83.2 Duplin County 78 82.5 28.6 82.7 66 81.2 548 438 79.9 Durham 72.6 85.5 54.3 81.2 54.3 82.5 2447 1949 79.6 Edenton-Chowan 78.3 84.2 * 81.4 72.7 82.7 178 145 81.5 Edgecombe County 71.6 86.7 <5 78.1 61.3 79.5 530 410 77.4 Elizabeth CityPasquotank 80.2 86.3 * 83.3 54.8 87.5 447 371 83 Elkin City >95 93.8 * 94.1 80 >95 85 80 94.1 Forsyth County 78.1 84.9 40.1 84.4 64.7 83.9 3985 3272 82.1 Franklin County 79.1 82.3 25 81.5 58.8 82.6 684 553 80.8 School District 15 Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate Gaston County 74.3 87.2 54.5 81.5 63.1 83 2438 1979 81.2 Gates County 93.4 89.9 * 91.4 90.5 91.6 140 128 91.4 Graham County 87.8 85.5 * 86.5 77.8 87.4 96 83 86.5 Granville County 70.4 81.7 75 77.2 58.1 78.6 608 469 77.1 88 86.3 66.7 88.8 66.7 90.3 212 185 87.3 Guilford County 81.7 90.2 65.1 87.3 67.4 88.4 5771 4976 86.2 Halifax County 78.1 64.2 * 74.9 72.1 75.3 282 211 74.8 Harnett County 71.8 81.8 38.9 78 55.2 79.4 1478 1139 77.1 Haywood County 77.8 86 * 83.1 77.6 83.7 619 514 83 Henderson County 84.7 90.7 76.2 88.3 70.7 89.8 985 867 88 Hertford County 82.6 82.6 * 82.6 71.4 84 241 199 82.6 Hickory City 78.8 86.9 80 83 72.2 84.3 291 241 82.8 Hoke County 69.2 72.2 46.7 71.2 59.7 72.1 529 373 70.5 Hyde County 90.9 80 * 86.5 66.7 89.4 53 46 86.8 Iredell-Statesville 79.4 92.4 62.1 88.5 72 89.4 1717 1512 88.1 Jackson County 76.6 89 50 84.5 66.7 85.9 257 215 83.7 Johnston County 74.2 86.4 45.3 83.4 61.8 85.5 2274 1877 82.5 Jones County 80.4 82.6 * 81 42.9 84.7 79 64 81 Kannapolis City 83.2 86.6 58.8 86.1 76.9 86.1 384 326 84.9 Lee County 82.7 89.5 71.9 86.9 70 87.4 749 646 86.2 Lenoir County 73 84.2 53.3 78.4 63.9 79.6 769 599 77.9 Lexington City 84.6 84.9 71.4 85.7 76.9 85.9 196 166 84.7 Lincoln County 79.8 90.3 76.9 86.5 78.9 87 955 825 86.4 Macon County 86.7 85.4 81.8 86.2 66.7 88.6 316 272 86.1 School District Greene County 16 Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate Madison County 84.6 87.4 * 85.9 76.2 86.9 220 189 85.9 Martin County 67.7 86.4 * 76.2 61.8 78.6 240 183 76.3 McDowell County 76.6 79.8 * 78.4 72.7 79 486 380 78.2 Mitchell County 83.3 92.3 * 89.2 50 91.9 150 132 88 Montgomery County 80.6 92.4 30.8 87.8 43.5 88.8 299 255 85.3 Moore County 72.5 87.3 50 82.1 59.6 83.9 971 793 81.7 Mooresville Graded 90.6 94.6 * 93.4 86.1 94.2 366 342 93.4 Mount Airy City 88.9 93.4 * 93 >95 91.1 145 133 91.7 Nash-Rocky Mount 76.1 83.1 6.7 80.2 61 81.2 1366 1084 79.4 New Hanover County 72.8 87.5 59.1 82.7 58.5 84.9 1948 1605 82.4 Newton Conover City 87.3 87.5 71.4 87.9 62.1 91 230 201 87.4 Northampton County 83.9 66.7 * 80.8 76.5 81.3 151 122 80.8 Onslow County 79.7 90.6 41.7 87.5 74.8 88.4 1717 1497 87.2 Orange County 68 89 75 82.6 50 86.5 542 447 82.5 Pamlico County >95 89.6 * 92.9 87.5 93.2 126 117 92.9 Pender County 82.3 91.9 76.9 87.5 64.3 88.9 643 561 87.2 Perquimans County 91.8 85.7 * 89 84.6 89.4 136 121 89 Person County 71.9 81.9 * 78.1 64.1 79 387 300 77.5 Pitt County 69.4 84.8 51.7 78 56.1 79.9 1833 1422 77.6 Polk County 82.5 82.7 * 82.4 55.6 85.5 190 157 82.6 Robeson County 86.8 80.4 83.3 85.2 79.1 86 1749 1489 85.1 Randolph County 82 94.3 65.2 89.3 71.3 90.3 1279 1137 88.9 Richmond County 70.8 78.8 23.1 75.3 60.9 75.2 591 438 74.1 Roanoke Rapids City 80.9 87.4 * 84.4 69.6 85.9 250 211 84.4 School District 17 Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate Rockingham County 69.7 82.1 23.1 77 59.2 78 1081 825 76.3 Rowan-Salisbury 76.3 90.1 48.6 83.7 65.5 84.9 1565 1297 82.9 Rutherford County 72.1 84.5 50 78 66.7 79.5 775 602 77.7 Sampson County 71.2 80.1 21.9 77.7 58 76.4 643 482 75 Scotland County 74.8 69.1 * 72.8 51.9 75.2 496 361 72.8 Stanly County 73.9 88.9 83.3 82.3 61 85.2 690 568 82.3 Stokes County 81.2 90.3 * 87.1 76.4 88.3 559 485 86.8 Surry County 83.8 87.6 44.4 86.4 73 87.2 619 531 85.8 Swain County 78.4 83.8 * 80.8 82.6 80.5 177 143 80.8 Thomasville City 73.2 65 16.7 73.3 71.4 71.4 182 130 71.4 Transylvania County 79.1 91.6 * 86 61.3 88.9 301 259 86 Tyrrell County 83.3 94.7 * 86.8 >95 85.7 55 48 87.3 Union County 84.2 93.3 66.7 91.1 72.7 92.5 2913 2646 90.8 Vance County 61.8 71.5 10 65.8 47 67.1 592 384 64.9 Wake County 64.9 87.3 36 82.7 59.5 84.1 10915 8844 81 Warren County 77.4 71.2 * 75.3 36.8 79.5 190 143 75.3 Washington County 85.6 82.9 * 85.3 65.2 88.5 145 123 84.8 Watauga County 78.7 90.5 54.5 88.6 66 90.8 388 340 87.6 Wayne County 73.3 81.6 42.5 78.7 56.2 80.5 1427 1108 77.6 75 66.7 * 72.4 28.6 78.4 58 42 72.4 Whiteville City 76.3 83.9 * 80.1 47.1 83.4 186 149 80.1 Wilkes County 86.6 93.7 71.4 90.3 72.3 92 666 600 90.1 Wilson County 76.1 83.5 44.4 80.1 60.3 81.3 812 647 79.7 Yadkin County 72.9 88.9 61.5 83.5 67.3 84.6 503 417 82.9 School District Weldon City 18 School District Yancey County Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Not Limited English Proficient Students with Disability Not Students with Disability Total Denom Total Nume Total Rate 75 87.8 14.3 85.4 53.3 85.3 158 130 82.3 19 2006 to 2013 School District s (LEAs) Total (ALL Students) 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates With Comparison to State Rates Green Red White School District 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 North Carolina 68.3 69.5 70.3 71.8 74.2 77.9 80.4 2013 Denominator 109795 2013 Numerator 90549 2013 Rate 82.5 Greater than the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup Less than the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup Equal to the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup *= Number of students in the cohort for the subgroup is too small (fewer than five) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denominator 2013 Numerator 2013 Rate Alamance-Burlington Schools 66.7 71.7 70.8 70.6 72.8 75.5 75.4 1718 1342 78.1 Alexander County Schools 70.7 76.2 75.8 77.5 76.3 76.6 85 412 351 85.2 Alleghany County Schools 82.2 78.3 81.6 78.1 86.2 80.6 85.6 98 88 89.8 Anson County Schools 60.1 64.7 64.3 63.4 63.3 75.9 73.8 296 229 77.4 Ashe County Schools 68.1 84.2 80.9 77.3 77.8 80.6 80.1 230 195 84.8 Asheboro City Schools 71.5 77.1 77.2 75.9 76.1 83.7 85.1 328 283 86.3 Asheville City Schools 63.1 77.5 68.7 73.8 73.7 80.7 85.9 320 261 81.6 Avery County Schools 70.2 81.2 76.3 81 82.4 85.1 90.1 155 135 87.1 Beaufort County Schools 59.7 62.8 62.2 62.2 71 75.7 71.9 542 427 78.8 Bertie County Schools 63.1 71.4 60.4 62.4 68.6 78.6 71.8 220 172 78.2 Bladen County Schools 62.6 61.6 61.7 59.2 65.6 74.9 79.8 389 307 78.9 Brunswick County Schools 56.9 72.8 72.5 74.8 76.2 79.2 83.8 834 715 85.7 Buncombe County Schools 71.5 73.4 72.1 74 73.1 77.9 80 1907 1532 80.3 Burke County Schools 60.6 65.2 69.8 75.8 80.5 85 84.9 1091 960 88 Cabarrus County Schools 71.6 75.4 72.9 74.7 74.5 84.1 86.3 2143 1853 86.5 Caldwell County Schools 65.7 70.7 68.5 72.5 75.3 81.4 84.6 950 849 89.4 Camden County Schools 76.8 74.7 81.8 81.4 79.5 90.7 85.5 144 122 84.7 Carteret County Public Schools 69.2 79.1 77.6 82.5 84.1 83 83.5 642 544 84.7 Caswell County Schools 64.8 72.1 67.3 66.3 67.2 76.3 77.6 217 171 78.8 Catawba County Schools 81.6 80.6 81.2 83.8 83.2 86.2 89.3 1411 1288 91.3 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 90.2 87.9 87.9 88.3 89 88.3 90 878 813 92.6 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 74.6 73.8 66.6 66.1 69.9 73.5 76.4 9584 7762 81 School District 20 School District 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denominator 2013 Numerator 2013 Rate Chatham County Schools 67.1 75 79.9 78.9 74.2 74.3 81.4 587 501 85.3 Cherokee County Schools 80.9 78.7 75.8 77.2 82.7 86.1 88.9 264 242 91.7 Clay County Schools 73.2 84.3 76.5 87.6 86.5 85 84.5 89 79 88.8 Cleveland County Schools 62.5 70.9 67.9 66 71.8 73.2 77.7 1237 1030 83.3 Clinton City Schools 63.1 71.7 75.6 77.1 77.4 78.1 81.9 214 180 84.1 Columbus County Schools 60.6 69.5 63.4 69.7 72.4 81.6 81.2 539 457 84.8 Craven County Schools 66.9 73.4 75.2 75.7 76.2 80.9 85.6 1021 878 86 Cumberland County Schools 64.7 67.4 71.3 73.2 75.1 78.1 80.7 3864 3157 81.7 Currituck County Schools 72.8 75.1 77.7 82.1 79.8 80.3 87.4 308 270 87.7 Dare County Schools 70.6 82.8 89 90.2 90.5 90.1 88.9 370 338 91.4 Davidson County Schools 67.1 68.8 65.8 71.2 65.8 80.6 82.5 1530 1303 85.2 Davie County Schools 80 73.8 72.6 71.6 77.5 76.6 83.2 513 427 83.2 Duplin County Schools 70.7 74.2 70.3 71.9 71 69.1 80.8 548 438 79.9 Durham Public Schools 68.8 66.3 63 64 69.8 73.9 76.9 2447 1949 79.6 Edenton-Chowan Schools 67.6 73.6 64.4 70.6 74.7 78 78.3 178 145 81.5 Edgecombe County Public Schools 56.3 65.1 59.2 58.2 76.7 75 79.8 530 410 77.4 Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Schools 48.2 62.8 64.9 69.3 70.7 77.2 84.1 447 371 83 84 85.2 89.4 88.2 86.5 91.7 89.4 85 80 94.1 Forsyth County Schools 73.7 70.7 70.8 72.7 73.6 78.8 80.9 3985 3272 82.1 Franklin County Schools 61.5 66.5 71.6 74.2 76.7 78.9 80.1 684 553 80.8 Gaston County Schools 68.1 71.2 72.3 70 72 75.4 77.8 2438 1979 81.2 69 79.8 71 73 80.3 82 85.7 140 128 91.4 Graham County Schools 75.5 70.6 62.4 70.5 84.3 85.6 93.6 96 83 86.5 Granville County Schools 72.4 66.9 60.7 58.4 65.3 67.3 72.6 608 469 77.1 Greene County Schools 60.3 63.6 65.3 62.1 62.9 76.3 84.3 212 185 87.3 Guilford County Schools 74 79.7 79.7 79.9 80.7 83.1 84.5 5771 4976 86.2 Halifax County Schools 59.4 66.6 65 54.8 70.1 71.9 75.5 282 211 74.8 Harnett County Schools 65.5 71 71.8 71.2 68.9 72.8 74.5 1478 1139 77.1 Haywood County Schools 68.4 75 75.7 71.9 76.7 79.3 79.3 619 514 83 Henderson County Schools 74.5 79 79.4 79.3 79 82.9 84.9 985 867 88 Hertford County Schools 48.9 68.9 62.1 60.1 65.8 83.9 79.9 241 199 82.6 Hickory City Schools 70.4 70.8 76.8 74.3 68.6 76.5 82.2 291 241 82.8 Hoke County Schools 47.1 63.7 69 62.2 65.4 69.9 73.7 529 373 70.5 Elkin City Schools Gates County Schools 21 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denominator 2013 Numerator 2013 Rate Hyde County Schools 68.1 79.5 78.6 81.2 67.8 83 56.2 53 46 86.8 Iredell-Statesville Schools 71.6 75.3 80.7 80.9 82.7 85.1 87.1 1717 1512 88.1 Jackson County Schools 64.6 70.2 65.6 66.5 77.1 77.2 86.4 257 215 83.7 Johnston County Schools 74.5 75.1 75.1 72.9 74.4 78.7 82.4 2274 1877 82.5 Jones County Schools 64.2 65.2 54.3 66.1 69.7 77 80.6 79 64 81 Kannapolis City Schools 68.4 69 69.3 69.6 77 85.1 82.8 384 326 84.9 Lee County Schools 64.2 63.4 71.4 70.7 73.1 80.4 84 749 646 86.2 Lenoir County Public Schools 55.5 66.3 65.1 65.6 69.4 71.9 78.1 769 599 77.9 Lexington City Schools 43.7 62.1 61.1 70.1 71.5 73.3 78.2 196 166 84.7 Lincoln County Schools 69.4 77.1 79.8 77.8 80.1 81.6 86.4 955 825 86.4 Macon County Schools 66.5 76 77 77 81.5 84.8 84.5 316 272 86.1 Madison County Schools 73.7 76.7 74 64 62.6 81.8 82.4 220 189 85.9 Martin County Schools 71.2 54.6 72.5 74.3 75.6 75.6 74.3 240 183 76.3 McDowell County Schools 64.1 68.1 68.6 72.3 72.9 75.2 78.2 486 380 78.2 Mitchell County Schools 61.9 70.9 61 70.7 73.1 80 83.4 150 132 88 72 71 74.6 67.1 70.1 77.9 80.5 299 255 85.3 66.7 76 73.1 71.5 80.2 72.3 83.4 971 793 81.7 64 76.5 79.9 79.6 86 91.1 90.3 366 342 93.4 Mount Airy City Schools 80.7 80 81 81.8 85 85 91.4 145 133 91.7 Nash-Rocky Mount Schools 60.1 68.4 62.1 67.2 70.8 74.7 76.7 1366 1084 79.3 New Hanover County Schools 60.4 64 63.6 65.5 70.9 73.9 80.4 1948 1605 82.4 Newton Conover City Schools 67.3 79.6 81 76.3 88.6 83 81.9 230 201 87.4 Northampton County Schools 61.9 70.1 70.2 71.6 64.7 76 71.4 151 122 80.8 Onslow County Schools 65.2 71.6 77 79.6 83.7 81.7 86.5 1717 1497 87.2 Orange County Schools 66.5 75.5 76.3 81.4 83.1 82.8 85.4 542 447 82.5 Pamlico County Schools 76.2 80.6 85.5 81.4 84.9 80.9 87.8 126 117 92.9 Pender County Schools 58.9 70 64.3 69.3 81.4 81.9 86.6 643 561 87.2 Perquimans County Schools 71.3 71.7 63.9 64.4 83.2 85.3 83.7 136 121 89 Person County Schools 75.5 67.9 75.3 67.2 70 72.7 68.4 387 300 77.5 Pitt County Schools 64.9 62.4 54 57.4 64 70 73.1 1833 1422 77.6 Polk County Schools 65.9 82 76.6 82.1 86 87.2 89.7 190 157 82.6 Public Schools of Robeson County 55.1 60.4 51.4 63 74.8 78.8 82.6 1749 1489 85.1 Randolph County Schools 73.9 72.4 72.7 79.4 74.8 82.5 83.8 1279 1137 88.9 School District Montgomery County Schools Moore County Schools Mooresville Graded School District 22 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denominator 2013 Numerator 2013 Rate 60 66.8 65.1 67.5 69.3 73.6 73.5 591 438 74.1 Roanoke Rapids City Schools 60.7 64.6 63.9 66.8 74 75.4 80 250 211 84.4 Rockingham County Schools 66.9 70.3 65.8 68 72.9 72.4 76 1081 825 76.3 Rowan-Salisbury Schools 67.6 70.3 70.9 66.3 73 76.9 81.1 1565 1297 82.9 Rutherford County Schools 66.2 69.1 68.7 64 67.1 69 73.3 775 602 77.7 Sampson County Schools 64.6 72.8 68 65.6 72.4 73.4 73.6 643 482 75 Scotland County Schools 55.2 61.9 64.9 64.9 69.5 65.6 76.2 496 361 72.8 Stanly County Schools 75.5 78.1 75.1 72.9 75.4 77.9 81.2 690 568 82.3 Stokes County Schools 78.1 79.6 75.7 80.7 78.7 81.1 86.1 559 485 86.8 Surry County Schools 79.5 77.4 76.2 77.7 77 78.4 83 619 531 85.8 Swain County Schools 66.4 66.9 69.7 71.1 70.2 73.3 79.9 177 143 80.8 50 59.6 62.3 65.3 63.6 67.8 77.8 182 130 71.4 Transylvania County Schools 77.1 77.7 73 76.7 78.9 78 82.2 301 259 86 Tyrrell County Schools 55.8 87.8 51.1 57.9 58.6 80.8 78.3 55 48 87.3 Union County Public Schools 71.3 77.3 77.2 80.7 84.2 89.1 89.5 2913 2646 90.8 Vance County Schools 47.8 59.9 49.3 61.9 65.2 67.5 68.2 592 384 64.9 Wake County Schools 82.6 79.3 78.8 78.4 78.2 80.9 80.6 10915 8844 81 Warren County Schools 68.2 69.2 73.3 68 71.2 79.5 83.9 190 143 75.3 Washington County Schools 70.3 81.4 76.2 68.4 80.8 82.6 79.9 145 123 84.8 Watauga County Schools 78.5 69.4 68.5 74.7 82 87.4 85.4 388 340 87.6 Wayne County Public Schools 61.5 71.6 72.1 72 73.6 74.6 80.1 1427 1108 77.6 Weldon City Schools 47.6 67.8 69.9 75.6 74.2 77.1 85.3 58 42 72.4 Whiteville City Schools 64.1 57.8 65.7 72.9 73.7 78.1 82.7 186 149 80.1 Wilkes County Schools 72.1 72.8 72.7 70.9 74.6 80.7 86.6 666 600 90.1 Wilson County Schools 55.8 56.5 54.8 58.2 64.9 69.1 72.6 812 647 79.7 Yadkin County Schools Yancey County Schools 74.2 74.6 76.7 76 79.5 75.1 77.8 80.6 75.4 77.2 82.6 78.2 82.2 81.6 503 158 417 130 82.9 82.3 School District Richmond County Schools Thomasville City Schools 23 2006 to 2013 Public Schools Total (ALL Students) 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rates With Comparison to State Rates School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 North Carolina North Carolina 68.3 69.5 70.3 71.8 74.2 77.9 80.4 Green Red 2013 Denom 109795 2013 Nume 90549 2013 Rate 82.5 Greater than the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup Less than the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup White Equal to the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup *= Number of students in the cohort for the subgroup is too small (fewer than five) Denom=Denominator and Nume=Numerator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * 67.7 62.5 72 69 90.6 86 33 * >95 73.3 75.8 78.3 76.8 76.6 86.7 80.7 263 220 83.7 57 73 63.7 61.8 65 66.4 68.9 187 142 75.9 58.8 60.2 59.8 60.2 70 70.6 66.7 201 139 69.2 Southern High 71 71.3 75.4 74.6 74.7 76.8 76.3 372 295 79.3 Walter M Williams High 71 81.5 77 75.9 81.8 75.9 85.2 274 231 84.3 Western Alamance High 84.3 90.7 87.4 85.4 84.3 86.6 88.6 308 282 91.6 Alexander Central High 70.7 76.2 75.8 77.5 76.4 76.6 85 412 351 85.2 School District Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alamance-Burlington Schools Alexander County Schools School Alamance-Burlington Middle College Eastern Alamance High Graham High Hugh M Cummings High 24 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Alleghany County Schools Alleghany High 82.2 78.3 81.6 78.1 86.2 80.6 85.7 98 88 89.8 Anson County Schools Anson Academy 20.8 30.8 6.7 42.9 46.9 45.5 62.5 44 20 45.5 Anson County Schools Anson Co. Early College High * * * >95 87.5 90.5 >95 45 * >95 Anson County Schools Anson High School 63 67.2 71.1 65.6 65.8 76.3 74.9 167 140 83.8 Anson County Schools Anson New Tech High * * * * * >95 93.8 26 24 92.3 Ashe County Schools Ashe County High 68.1 84.2 80.9 77.3 77.8 80.7 80.1 230 195 84.8 Asheboro City Schools Asheboro High 71.5 77.1 77.2 75.9 76.1 83.7 85.1 328 283 86.3 Asheville City Schools Asheville High 63.8 80 72.1 78.1 78.2 84.1 86.7 275 227 82.5 Asheville City Schools School of Inquiry and Life Sciences * * * 87 78.3 87.5 >95 38 34 89.5 Avery County Schools Avery County High 70.2 81.7 76.3 81 82.4 85.1 82.8 100 88 88 Avery County Schools Avery High STEM Academy * * * * * * >95 36 * >95 Avery County Schools Blue Ridge Academy * * * * * * * 16 12 75 Bear Grass Charter School Bear Grass * * * * * * * 19 * >95 Beaufort County Schools B C Ed Tech Center * * * 36.8 36 65 61.3 31 24 77.4 Beaufort County Schools Beaufort Co Early College High * * * * * * * 31 29 93.5 Beaufort County Schools Northside High 67.5 71.5 76.9 72.8 85 85.6 82.9 112 97 86.6 Beaufort County Schools Southside High 58.3 69.7 68.1 54.1 82.1 81 81.4 120 98 81.7 Beaufort County Schools Washington High 59 67 58.6 66 70 76.5 70.1 233 179 76.8 25 School Type Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * * * * * * * 12 * >95 63.5 73.3 61 67.9 73.5 78.7 67.4 162 131 80.9 Bertie County Schools Bertie Early College High Bertie County Schools Bertie High Bertie County Schools Bertie STEM High * * * * * 92.1 >95 31 29 93.5 Bladen County Schools East Bladen High 66.7 67 61.9 55.9 66.2 76.7 79.4 175 141 80.6 Bladen County Schools West Bladen High 61.1 62.7 65.6 64.4 71.4 81.8 84.4 206 166 80.6 Brunswick County Academy * 21.2 29.7 29.4 40.7 66.7 58.5 15 7 46.7 Brunswick County Early College * * * * * 91.2 >95 53 * >95 North Brunswick High 58.4 84.5 77.1 82.3 84.8 84.7 89.5 214 185 86.4 South Brunswick High 62.2 75.5 80.2 80.9 80 80.2 90.5 226 200 88.5 West Brunswick High 59.4 75.2 73.4 74.3 74.6 78.5 84.7 317 270 85.2 Buncombe County Early College 78.3 80 * * 67.6 90.9 77.8 40 36 90 * 72.7 69 67.3 84.3 84.4 93.2 71 59 83.1 Community High School 31.8 43.3 31.7 47.2 60 64.4 52.3 55 30 54.5 Enka High 74.2 74.8 75.2 76.3 74 73.7 74.8 283 208 73.5 Erwin High 58.6 66.8 64.7 66.1 60.4 73.5 79.4 341 270 79.2 North Buncombe High 79.7 76.7 84.2 87.9 81.5 83.7 87.2 248 209 84.3 Owen High 69 73.2 77.4 70.6 75.6 81.8 83.3 205 172 83.9 Reynolds High 75 80.4 77.9 82.7 85.7 84.7 84.7 293 244 83.3 Brunswick County Schools Brunswick County Schools Brunswick County Schools Brunswick County Schools Brunswick County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County Middle College 26 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 79.3 81.8 74.6 76.1 78.8 87.4 90.9 322 305 94.7 * * >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 61 * >95 Buncombe County Schools Roberson High Burke County Schools Burke Middle College Burke County Schools East Burke High 67.5 75.1 72 75.4 80.5 88.5 88.8 223 209 93.7 Burke County Schools Freedom High 61.3 72.8 77.3 76.5 80.6 85.6 82.1 265 232 87.5 Burke County Schools Hallyburton Academy * * 23.8 54.8 76.7 88 85.4 137 115 83.9 Burke County Schools Jimmy C Draughn High School * * * >95 93.6 91.9 91.7 173 154 89 Burke County Schools Robert L. Patton High School * * 93.5 91.1 92.5 87.6 87.9 212 186 87.7 Cabarrus County Schools Cabarrus-Kannapolis Early Coll * * * * * * * * * * Cabarrus County Schools Central Cabarrus High 72.1 71.8 77.7 68.9 63.4 83 81.5 301 253 84.1 Cabarrus County Schools Concord High 66.9 73.3 66.6 71 69.5 79.4 81.7 278 239 86 Cabarrus County Schools Cox Mill High School * * * * * >95 >95 271 257 94.8 Cabarrus County Schools Hickory Ridge High * * * 95 92.1 91.7 >95 352 * >95 Cabarrus County Schools Jay M Robinson High 73.2 77.5 78.2 76.9 75.2 80.4 87.1 363 311 85.7 Cabarrus County Schools Mount Pleasant High 82.7 81 80.8 76.3 83.3 90.7 88.4 219 196 89.5 Cabarrus County Schools Northwest Cabarrus High 72 84.5 76.5 82.6 81.2 85.6 90.2 230 211 91.7 Cabarrus County Schools Performance Learning Center * * 30.8 70.6 88.5 75.9 89.7 54 47 87 Caldwell County Schools Caldwell Career Cen Mid. Coll. * * 94.1 93.8 >95 >95 82.5 53 45 84.9 Caldwell County Schools Caldwell Early College * * * * * >95 >95 72 * >95 27 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Caldwell County Schools Hibriten High 67.9 76.8 77.2 76.7 80.4 80 83.6 214 193 90.2 Caldwell County Schools South Caldwell High 68.1 74.7 74.9 76.6 80.5 86.4 92.2 355 * >95 Caldwell County Schools West Caldwell High 67.3 71.6 61.3 69.8 73.8 81.1 82.4 232 203 87.5 Camden County Schools Camden County High 76.8 74.7 81.8 81.4 75 91.8 87.5 88 77 87.5 Camden County Schools CamTech High * * * * 87 92.5 80.5 54 45 83.3 28.6 26.3 19 24.6 36.6 52.2 54.3 35 17 48.6 40 60 25 42.1 41.7 64.7 50 20 18 90 Croatan High 67.3 84.8 80.7 86.1 88.4 84.2 83.7 200 177 88.5 East Carteret High 72.5 76 82.3 77.6 81.9 81.6 76.7 133 99 74.4 West Carteret High 69.1 76.7 73 83.7 82.7 84.5 87.4 306 268 87.6 Caswell County Schools Bartlett Yancey High 64.8 72.1 67.3 66.3 67.2 76.3 77.6 217 171 78.8 Catawba County Schools Bandys High 83.7 81.3 82.3 87.6 90 89.8 91.7 247 232 93.9 Catawba County Schools Bunker Hill High 78.3 81.5 79.7 83.6 82.7 86.5 89.5 254 228 89.8 Catawba County Schools Catawba Rosenwald Education Center * * * 83.3 62.5 36.4 57.1 6 5 83.3 Catawba County Schools Challenger Early College High * * * * 68.5 89.9 >95 81 * >95 Catawba County Schools Fred T Foard High 82.6 81.7 85.2 89.4 86.5 90.4 90.5 293 271 92.5 Catawba County Schools Maiden High 80.8 78.8 77.3 80.1 82.8 88.3 86 219 200 91.3 Catawba County Schools Saint Stephens High 83.6 82.1 82.9 84.3 82.5 81.9 89.1 305 271 88.9 Cape Lookout Marine Science High Carter G Woodson School Carteret County Public Schools Carteret County Public Schools Carteret County Public Schools Cape Lookout Marine Sci High Carter G Woodson School 28 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Exceptional Children Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * * * >95 93.8 87.8 87.8 178 161 90.4 Chapel Hill High 89.7 85.1 89.1 83.8 89.2 87.3 91.8 329 * >95 East Chapel Hill High 91.3 91.7 89 90.8 92.2 >95 94.6 347 * >95 Phoenix Academy High * * * * >95 88.9 70 8 5 62.5 Ardrey Kell High * * 92.9 86.9 89.9 91.5 93.9 544 * >95 87.4 85.4 79.2 80.1 84.6 85.2 89.7 498 465 93.4 * * * >95 >95 >95 >95 95 * >95 69.7 74.5 66.7 63.9 72.8 74 79.7 389 326 83.8 * * * * * * * 334 308 92.2 Harding University High 77.6 86.6 79.4 81.8 88.9 88.5 92.5 290 254 87.6 Hawthorne High 64.3 46.2 78.9 41.2 66.2 70.8 73.7 44 29 65.9 Hopewell High 83.4 85.7 74.2 74.5 77 79.6 78.7 414 358 86.5 Independence High 82.8 80.2 72.8 66.8 72 76.4 79.4 475 401 84.4 Lincoln Heights Academy * * 16.7 * * 7.1 25 * * * Mallard Creek High * * * 90.9 92 93.1 92.6 530 * >95 MG Davis Military & Global Lead Academy * * * * * 90.9 78.6 27 25 92.6 Myers Park High 87.7 86.4 80.8 79.6 81.9 85.2 89.4 662 567 85.6 North Mecklenburg High 84.5 85.3 75 78.1 82 88.9 80.5 349 307 88 School District Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools School Carrboro High Butler High Cato Middle College High East Mecklenburg High Garinger High 29 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Exceptional Children Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 80.3 82.8 79.8 73.5 88.1 89 93.4 110 * >95 Olympic High - Biotech Health Pub Admin * 88.6 91.7 86.2 76.1 82.5 88 107 91 85 Olympic High - Intl Study & Global Econ * >95 94.4 69 69 73.3 72 101 77 76.2 Olympic High - Renaissance School * 89.9 88.7 78.4 80.7 74.7 77.4 105 88 83.8 Olympic High -Intl Bus & Comm Studies * 81 89.9 72.2 83.7 78.9 78.6 110 94 85.5 Olympic High-Math Eng Tech Science * >95 84.6 90 87.9 89.5 87.6 115 107 93 Performance Learning Center * * * 87.8 88 82.4 92.4 76 * >95 77.4 81.1 76 81.5 87.7 91.5 90.8 291 267 91.8 Providence High 89 91.2 80.5 86.7 91.8 93.2 94.6 456 * >95 Rocky River High * * * * * * 94.4 340 315 92.6 South Mecklenburg High 85.5 86.2 79.3 79.8 85.8 84.1 87.9 508 447 88 Vance High 71.5 77.4 72.9 59.7 63.9 70.2 81.6 449 365 81.3 West Charlotte High 81.1 63.7 59.8 54.5 51.1 54.3 56.1 429 305 71.1 West Mecklenburg High 60.3 62.6 58.8 55.9 58.2 64.1 67.6 452 350 77.4 * * * * * * >95 474 437 92.2 School District Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools School Northwest School of the Arts Phillip O Berry Academy of Technology William Amos Hough High Chatham County Schools Chatham Central High 77.3 78.3 80.2 87.3 79.9 86.4 83.6 120 105 87.5 Chatham County Schools Jordan Matthews High 64.6 75 77.8 80.3 68.2 75.4 76.9 189 161 85.2 Chatham County Schools Northwood High 68.3 78.3 85.8 80.4 81 74.1 85.2 232 201 86.6 30 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Chatham County Schools SAGE Academy 21.7 20 * * 57.1 41.2 86.4 41 35 85.4 Cherokee County Schools Andrews High 80.3 70.2 72.4 72.7 76.7 >95 94.7 61 57 93.4 Cherokee County Schools Hiwassee Dam High 89.4 85.7 91.7 87.5 88.2 93.3 94.3 44 41 93.2 Cherokee County Schools Mountain Youth School 53.3 56.5 43.3 54.8 75.8 52.5 59 37 30 81.1 Cherokee County Schools Murphy High 87.4 88.2 83.9 87.8 92.3 93.2 93.9 100 95 95 Cherokee County Schools Tri-County Early College High * * * * * 91.3 90.5 21 * >95 Clay County Schools Hayesville High 73.2 84.3 76.5 87.6 86.5 85.1 84.5 89 79 88.8 Burns High 72.6 75.8 68.1 67.5 76.3 77.2 81.9 283 246 86.9 * * * * * * * 43 * >95 Crest High 68.5 70.4 72.3 70.8 75.7 77.8 80.7 350 298 85.1 Kings Mountain High 55.3 74 72 68.7 74.8 78.1 86.4 289 247 85.5 Shelby High 58.8 74.4 71.4 74.4 79.1 75.6 75.2 228 195 85.5 * * * * * * 25.9 24 5 20.8 63.1 71.7 75.6 77.1 77.4 78.1 81.9 214 180 84.1 Cleveland County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cleveland ECHS Turning Point Academy Clinton City Schools Clinton High Clover Garden Clover Garden 60 >95 76.5 91.3 88.2 77.8 >95 20 19 95 Boys and Girls Homes * * * * 33.3 37.5 88.9 8 5 62.5 CCCA - Southeastern Campus * * * * * 71 76.2 42 38 90.5 51.9 72.1 64.2 71.2 72.6 87.1 90.2 143 129 90.2 Columbus County Schools Columbus County Schools Columbus County Schools East Columbus High 31 School Type Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate South Columbus High 65 71.2 65.1 72.9 75 84.4 81.4 211 177 83.9 West Columbus High 66.5 68.9 66.5 71.4 74.5 80 76.3 135 109 80.7 * * * * * 87.2 >95 45 * >95 School District Columbus County Schools Columbus County Schools School Craven County Schools Craven Early College High Craven County Schools Havelock High 78.3 79.1 88.6 87.2 88.8 88.3 92 275 256 93.1 Craven County Schools New Bern High 61.7 75.9 72 73.7 75.8 80.8 82.3 417 347 83.2 Craven County Schools West Craven High 65.3 69.5 70.8 71.6 68.6 75 83.7 282 234 83 Crossnore Academy Crossnore Academy 27.3 71.4 * 66.7 55.6 41.2 53.3 15 6 40 Crossroads Charter High Crossroads Charter High 14.3 66.7 31.6 49.6 60.8 64.8 68 74 54 73 Cape Fear High 72.3 76.7 79.3 77.4 76.7 80 81.4 377 310 82.2 * * * >95 >95 >95 >95 43 * >95 Douglas Byrd High 64.7 70.1 79.1 79.1 76.1 81.4 86.2 311 254 81.7 E E Smith High 59.1 61.2 64.7 73.5 70.1 73.7 80 247 200 81 Fuller Performance Learning Center * * * >95 94.7 >95 90.2 76 70 92.1 Gray's Creek High 84 79.5 70.8 76.3 84.1 82 88.4 290 254 87.6 Howard Health & Life Sciences * * * >95 >95 >95 >95 37 * >95 Jack Britt High 76.1 83.4 88.3 88.5 86.9 90.4 92.7 476 435 91.4 Massey Hill Classical High 90.1 >95 90.8 87.9 >95 >95 91.1 78 72 92.3 Pine Forest High 62.6 73.8 78.6 82.5 78 81.6 85.5 358 306 85.5 Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cross Creek Early College 32 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 87 89.9 >95 >95 92.1 >95 93.8 77 * >95 Seventy-First High 66.8 67.6 74.5 76.7 77.7 77.5 84 389 317 81.5 South View High 65.5 74.8 71.7 80.7 77.7 80.2 81.4 401 330 82.3 Terry Sanford High 69.5 72.8 81.9 84.6 79 81.1 82.1 308 264 85.7 Westover High 59.7 70.5 75.3 72.7 78.2 81 82.1 240 194 80.8 Currituck County High 72.8 75.1 77.7 82.1 79.8 80.3 87.4 235 200 85.1 * * * * * * * 73 * >95 School District Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Currituck County Schools Currituck County Schools School Reid Ross Classical High The JP Knapp ECH (i)School Dare County Schools Cape Hatteras Secondary School 84.8 82.1 >95 92.3 90.7 85.1 94.9 42 36 85.7 Dare County Schools Dare County Alternative School 14.3 52.6 18.8 45 41.2 29.4 50 22 13 59.1 Dare County Schools First Flight High School 83.4 88.3 92.4 94.4 >95 >95 93.1 195 * >95 Dare County Schools Manteo High School 61 84.9 92.5 91.2 92.3 >95 90.1 109 103 94.5 Davidson County Schools Central Davidson High 68.8 72.7 67.6 72.6 66.3 79.7 76.1 241 206 85.5 Davidson County Schools Davidson County High School * 14 22.6 32.7 32.7 30.6 66 42 30 71.4 Davidson County Schools Davidson Early College * 7.7 42.9 * 60 >95 >95 19 * >95 Davidson County Schools East Davidson High 74.3 75.5 68.6 75.2 64.7 84 83.6 235 207 88.1 Davidson County Schools Ledford Senior High 74.3 79.1 76 81.6 73 86.6 91.1 285 255 89.5 Davidson County Schools North Davidson High 72.4 82.7 71.6 77.9 76.1 86 86.6 397 347 87.4 Davidson County Schools South Davidson High 64.9 64.6 68.4 63.2 66.1 76.1 84.5 107 82 76.6 33 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 70.2 64 63.5 69.8 60.3 78.4 85.1 183 158 86.3 Davidson County Schools West Davidson High Davie County Schools Central Davie Academy * * * * 20 * * * * * Davie County Schools Davie County Early College High * * * * * * 92.5 36 33 91.7 Davie County Schools Davie County High 80 73.8 72.6 71.9 78.7 77.3 83.1 474 394 83.1 Deaf and Blind Schools Eastern NC School for the Deaf * * * * * * * 7 4 57.1 Deaf and Blind Schools NC School for the Deaf * * * * * * * 8 3 37.5 Duplin County Schools Duplin Early College High * * * * * * >95 22 * >95 Duplin County Schools East Duplin High 77.9 74.5 73.3 75 75.4 76.1 89.2 220 183 83.2 Duplin County Schools James Kenan High 66.9 73.2 62.6 60.4 67.4 60.3 70.1 138 101 73.2 Duplin County Schools North Duplin Jr Sr High 91.5 90.4 78.8 85.9 81.5 82.9 87.2 64 53 82.8 Duplin County Schools Wallace-Rose Hill High 61.6 73.9 73.2 74.1 66.9 60.3 73.2 103 80 77.7 Durham Public Schools C E Jordan High 75.7 76.4 68.7 70.1 73.8 84.5 84.6 501 428 85.4 Durham Public Schools City of Medicine Academy * * * >95 94.9 >95 >95 56 53 94.6 Durham Public Schools Durham School of the Arts 82.6 82.2 90.8 91.8 89.7 88.2 94.1 182 166 91.2 Durham Public Schools Durham's Performance Learning Center * * 29.4 55 61.3 52.2 72.1 34 27 79.4 Durham Public Schools Hillside High 66.4 68.2 62.5 52.4 67.3 70.8 78.3 259 217 83.8 Durham Public Schools Hillside New Tech High * * * * * >95 >95 65 * >95 Durham Public Schools J D Clement Early College HS * * 93.7 >95 90.4 95 >95 78 * >95 34 School Type Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * 66.7 >95 70.5 85.7 >95 86 65 61 93.8 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Durham Public Schools Middle College HS @ DTCC Durham Public Schools Northern High 73.4 71.8 71.7 74.6 76.5 75.3 78.6 313 260 83.1 Durham Public Schools Riverside High 76.6 71.9 68.8 70.9 77.6 79 83.1 432 362 83.8 Durham Public Schools Southern School of Energy and Sustainabi 58.9 58.8 61.5 63.1 72.3 71 76.2 240 196 81.7 Durham Public Schools Southern School of Engineering * * * * * 90.2 93.8 37 * >95 East Wake Academy East Wake Academy 72.7 60 85.3 91.3 >95 90.2 >95 58 * >95 Edenton-Chowan Schools John A Holmes High 67.6 73.6 64.4 70.6 74.7 78 78.3 178 145 81.5 Edgecombe Early College High >95 46.2 46.7 57.1 94.1 >95 >95 27 * >95 North Edgecombe High 50 59.8 67 60 69.6 74.7 91.5 85 67 78.8 SouthWest Edgecombe High 53.8 70.8 60.8 56.7 76.9 71.6 75 238 191 80.3 Tarboro High 61.5 62.4 60.8 63.3 80.3 84 82.1 172 125 72.7 Northeastern High 53.8 70.3 71.2 84.3 82.8 88.1 88.6 232 219 94.4 Regular School Pasquotank County High 47.5 65.5 66.7 65.1 69.1 74.1 85.6 193 153 79.3 Regular School Edgecombe County Public Schools Edgecombe County Public Schools Edgecombe County Public Schools Edgecombe County Public Schools Elizabeth CityPasquotank Public Schools Elizabeth CityPasquotank Public Schools Elkin City Schools Elkin High 84 85.2 89.4 88.2 86.5 91.7 89.4 85 80 94.1 Forsyth County Schools Atkins Academic & Technology High * * * * * * >95 80 * >95 Forsyth County Schools Carver High 72.8 73.2 67.9 72.3 66.1 66.9 72.6 164 121 73.8 Forsyth County Schools Early College of Forsyth Count * * * * * * >95 51 * >95 35 Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 80.3 80.3 78.6 82.8 81.2 87.9 87.9 501 446 89 Forsyth County Schools East Forsyth High Forsyth County Schools Jacket Academy at Carver High * * * * 80.4 >95 >95 32 * >95 Forsyth County Schools Middle College of Forsyth Cnty 52.8 36.8 21.1 40.8 44.2 57.1 61.4 61 49 80.3 Forsyth County Schools Mount Tabor High 87.1 80.4 83 85.9 86.5 86 92.8 398 366 92 Forsyth County Schools North Forsyth High 75.5 72.2 71.9 73.1 72.3 74.1 82.3 304 251 82.6 Forsyth County Schools Parkland High 70.7 65.8 67.7 64.2 64.7 74.1 74.3 377 309 82 Forsyth County Schools R B Glenn High 70.4 77.3 75.4 76.2 79.3 78.8 84.5 375 317 84.5 Forsyth County Schools Reagan High * 89 91.9 86.3 89.9 90.3 94.1 448 412 92 Forsyth County Schools Reynolds High 73.1 72.4 69.8 75.9 72.6 81 79.6 438 353 80.6 Forsyth County Schools West Forsyth High 81.2 81.3 80.7 86.9 89.1 91.8 91.5 495 455 91.9 Forsyth County Schools Winston-Salem Preparatory Acad * * >95 91.5 92.5 77.1 >95 36 34 94.4 Franklin Academy Franklin Academy 92.3 92.1 92.9 >95 93.8 >95 >95 89 84 94.4 Franklin County Schools Bunn High 61.9 69.5 70.7 78.7 80.6 78.5 82.3 248 200 80.6 Franklin County Schools Franklinton High 64.9 65.3 75.2 73.3 72.4 77.9 83.3 245 195 79.6 Franklin County Schools Louisburg High 57.4 67.5 70.2 71.6 78.7 81.5 75 191 160 83.8 Gaston College Preparatory Gaston College Preparatory * * * 83.3 89.5 84.8 93.2 70 60 85.7 Gaston County Schools Ashbrook High 73.5 81.3 80.6 74 76.8 80.7 87.4 337 296 87.8 Gaston County Schools Bessemer City High 61.5 70.4 55.1 65.3 63.5 59.5 59.6 145 91 62.8 36 School Type Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Gaston County Schools Cherryville High 61.3 82 85.4 87.6 87 81.8 84.5 155 140 90.3 Gaston County Schools East Gaston High 68.6 75.7 70.4 67.2 73.2 75.1 76.4 384 307 79.9 Gaston County Schools Forestview High 75.2 86 83.4 83.1 84.5 89.7 93.2 347 313 90.2 Gaston County Schools Gaston Early College High School * * * * * * 41.7 23 * >95 Gaston County Schools Highland Sch of Technology >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 136 * >95 Gaston County Schools Hunter Huss High 56 57.6 64.9 63.5 60.5 64.1 68.6 243 159 65.4 Gaston County Schools North Gaston High 63.9 68.6 69 61.6 64.6 73.5 74.8 277 225 81.2 Gaston County Schools South Point High 75.4 70.7 79.4 78.6 80.7 87.4 87.6 314 285 90.8 Gaston County Schools Warlick Academy * * * * * 5 18.4 31 7 22.6 Gates County Schools Gates County Senior High 69 79.8 71 73 80.4 82 85.7 140 128 91.4 Graham County Schools Robbinsville High 75.5 71.3 62.4 70.5 84.4 85.6 93.6 97 84 86.6 Granville County Schools Granville Central High * * * * 83.5 63.8 77.6 122 92 75.4 Granville County Schools J. F. Webb High 68.7 56.2 59.2 61.4 64.8 62.4 67.5 187 134 71.7 Granville County Schools JF Webb High School Of Health And Life S >95 88.6 77.2 86.2 93.3 91.5 90 76 68 89.5 Granville County Schools S Granville High of Health Sci >95 >95 87.1 70.2 90.5 85.6 89.4 95 85 89.5 Granville County Schools S Granville HS of Integ Tech & Lead * * 85.6 85.5 89.9 84.7 85.2 102 90 88.2 Gray Stone Day School Gray Stone Day 56.4 82.1 91.3 90 86.1 92.4 >95 68 * >95 Greene County Schools Greene Central High 60.3 63.6 65.3 62.1 62.9 73.9 82.7 184 157 85.3 37 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * * * * * >95 >95 28 * >95 Greene County Schools Greene Early College High Guilford County Schools Andrews High 79.9 80.5 75.9 66.8 77 80.1 87.6 183 159 86.9 Guilford County Schools Dudley High 74.3 83.7 74.9 78.2 81 80.8 85.6 402 346 86.1 Guilford County Schools Eastern Guilford High 64.4 73.3 75.7 75.3 70.9 82.5 80.7 314 268 85.4 Guilford County Schools Grimsley High 77.1 85.6 81.2 79.6 83.8 84.4 81.1 409 350 85.6 Guilford County Schools GSO College Middle College >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 60 * >95 Guilford County Schools High Point Central High 62.1 77.6 77.9 78.2 81 80.5 77.6 381 322 84.5 Guilford County Schools Middle College at Bennett 75.8 83.3 82.4 90.5 >95 >95 >95 22 * >95 Guilford County Schools Middle College at GTCC - GSO 88.9 90.5 90 88.5 84.6 >95 >95 30 * >95 Guilford County Schools Middle College at GTCC - High Point 92.3 85.7 93.5 89.1 >95 >95 >95 38 * >95 Guilford County Schools Middle College at GTCC - Jamestown 85.1 89.3 88.9 >95 >95 >95 90.7 44 38 86.4 Guilford County Schools Middle College at NC A&T 68.8 92.3 77.3 >95 >95 95 >95 29 * >95 Guilford County Schools Northeast Guilford High 77.5 78.9 77.7 81.1 81 80.5 87.8 257 232 90.3 Guilford County Schools Northern Guilford High * * * * 94 >95 >95 336 * >95 Guilford County Schools Northwest Guilford High 91.1 >95 94.1 94.5 93.8 94.5 93.6 440 417 94.8 Guilford County Schools Page High 73.8 82.4 80.3 81.2 82.4 87.1 85.5 444 390 87.8 Guilford County Schools Penn-Griffin School for the Arts * * * * >95 >95 >95 29 * >95 Guilford County Schools Ragsdale High 82.4 85.3 85.9 87.7 83 84.1 87.3 372 336 90.3 38 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 57 63.9 72.1 73.3 80.1 81.2 84.5 332 245 73.8 Guilford County Schools Smith High Guilford County Schools Southeast Guilford High 86.5 89.2 92.1 89.9 90.7 92.7 >95 348 326 93.7 Guilford County Schools Southern Guilford High 76.9 86.4 84.2 83.6 80.4 83.8 81.1 241 203 84.2 Guilford County Schools Southwest Guilford High 89.6 90.9 88.2 89.9 88.8 92.7 91.3 342 315 92.1 Guilford County Schools The Academy at HP Central * 85.7 77.8 78.6 60 88 94.3 44 * >95 Guilford County Schools The Academy at Smith * >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 51 * >95 Guilford County Schools The Early College at Guilford >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 48 * >95 Guilford County Schools Weaver Academy >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 71 * >95 Guilford County Schools Western Guilford High 82.7 84.5 91.9 86.9 86.9 88.1 81.1 320 281 87.8 Halifax County Schools Northwest High 56.4 64.8 66.1 57.8 69.4 73.8 73.9 162 113 69.8 Halifax County Schools Southeast Halifax High 64.7 69.8 63 58.9 72.6 71.5 78.1 119 99 83.2 Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School * * 50 58.3 66.7 70 72.7 7 3 42.9 Harnett County Schools Harnett Central High 64.7 76.2 76.2 76.5 75.7 76.9 82.8 340 266 78.2 Harnett County Schools Overhills High 71 74.1 73.7 64.7 65.4 66 72.5 423 333 78.7 Harnett County Schools Triton High 76.4 78.7 71.2 74.5 76.2 81.3 76.1 356 292 82 Harnett County Schools Western Harnett High 60.1 78.1 81.8 74.4 70.4 76.2 78 323 251 77.7 Haywood County Schools Central Haywood High 16 43.5 55.3 48.4 54.7 66.2 70.3 59 49 83.1 Haywood County Schools Haywood Early College * * * * * 56.4 61.5 21 18 85.7 39 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Haywood County Schools Pisgah High 77.4 85.3 83.3 78.7 81.2 85 86.7 251 221 88 Haywood County Schools Tuscola High 68.6 77.3 79.4 77.1 85.1 87.5 83.5 270 227 84.1 Balfour Education Center 42.9 46.3 40 47.1 51.4 50 61.6 76 52 68.4 East Henderson High 78.4 80.6 86.3 80.9 84.7 80.8 81.3 241 209 86.7 * * * * * * * 26 * >95 Hendersonville High 78.7 92.8 89 >95 91.6 >95 >95 165 154 93.3 North Henderson High 71.3 76 76.4 77 79.2 86.4 91.4 195 169 86.7 West Henderson High 80.6 86.6 84.5 89.1 91.6 93.7 94.5 263 * >95 Henderson County Schools Henderson County Schools Henderson County Schools Henderson County Schools Henderson County Schools Henderson County Schools Henderson County Early College Hertford County Schools CS Brown High * * * 90 85.7 93.3 92.9 7 * >95 Hertford County Schools Hertford Co Early College * * * * * * * 40 38 95 Hertford County Schools Hertford County High 48.9 68.9 62.1 60.8 66.9 86.6 82.1 190 154 81.1 Hickory City Schools Hickory Career & Arts Magnet High School 5.7 10.7 19.4 19.4 8.9 11.1 56 33 28 84.8 Hickory City Schools Hickory High 78 79.7 83.3 81.1 80.8 82.2 85.1 257 215 83.7 Hoke County Schools Hoke County High 50.4 66.2 70.7 63.8 69.8 71.7 77.2 455 328 72.1 Hoke County Schools SandHoke Early College High * * * * * >95 >95 47 * >95 Hyde County Schools Mattamuskeet Early College High * * * * * * * 42 * >95 Hyde County Schools Ocracoke School 71.4 * * >95 * 90 >95 * * * Iredell-Statesville Schools Collaborative College for Technology * * * * 93.3 >95 90 43 * >95 40 School Type Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 87.3 86.6 89.7 92.8 94.2 94 >95 477 * >95 Iredell-Statesville Schools Lake Norman High Iredell-Statesville Schools Monticello School * * 42.9 69.2 41.2 52.6 73.8 69 53 76.8 Iredell-Statesville Schools North Iredell High 70.2 77 77.3 79.6 84.1 88.9 89.6 294 254 86.4 Iredell-Statesville Schools Pressly School * * * * >95 94.7 >95 10 5 50 Iredell-Statesville Schools South Iredell High 64.9 74 82.4 73.2 78.7 83.9 87.4 272 233 85.7 Iredell-Statesville Schools Statesville High 68 68 82.9 79.7 84.8 82.5 80.9 279 243 87.1 Iredell-Statesville Schools Visual and Performing Arts Center * * * * * * >95 23 * >95 Iredell-Statesville Schools West Iredell High 72.2 75.1 75.7 82 84.4 82.4 84.7 231 198 85.7 Jackson County Schools Blue Ridge Early College * * * >95 >95 81.2 92.9 20 19 95 Jackson County Schools Jackson Co Early College * * * * * * >95 31 * >95 Jackson County Schools Jackson Co Sch of Alternatives 46.7 47.4 14.3 17.4 54.3 65 65.7 43 18 41.9 Jackson County Schools Smoky Mountain High 68.3 73.9 72.6 72.9 80.4 81.1 88.8 163 147 90.2 Johnston County Schools Clayton High 84.1 83.5 83.6 86.9 85.1 86.2 87.5 337 290 86.1 Johnston County Schools Cleveland High * * * * * * * 275 258 93.8 Johnston County Schools Corinth Holders High * * * * * * * 262 244 93.1 Johnston County Schools Johnston Co Early College Academy * * * * * * * 43 * >95 Johnston County Schools Johnston Co Middle College 92.9 83.3 87.5 83.3 90.6 88.7 >95 60 57 95 Johnston County Schools North Johnston High 72.4 74.7 76.3 72.1 68 75 82.3 162 134 82.7 41 School Type Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Johnston County Schools Princeton High 79.5 78.8 81.1 76.9 80.4 78.4 85.5 103 87 84.5 Johnston County Schools Smithfield-Selma High 71.9 66.5 64 61.1 60.8 69.3 72.3 325 244 75.1 Johnston County Schools South Campus Community High * 16.7 15 6.7 24.1 27.3 33.3 12 4 33.3 Johnston County Schools South Johnston High 79.4 80.2 73.7 70.6 72.2 76.7 79.7 308 236 76.6 Johnston County Schools West Johnston High 75.7 81.5 83.2 81.2 84.2 87.9 89 333 282 84.7 Jones County Schools Jones Senior High 64.2 65.2 54.3 66.1 69.7 77 80.6 79 64 81 Kannapolis City Schools A L Brown High 68.4 69 69.3 69.6 77.2 85.1 82.8 385 327 84.9 Kennedy Charter Kennedy Charter 20 47.4 87.2 78.8 74.2 55.1 56.5 25 15 60 Kestrel Heights School Kestrel Heights School * * 76.2 47.4 57.1 78.3 75.5 83 57 68.7 Lake Norman Charter Lake Norman Charter * * * * * 92.6 94.3 193 * >95 Lee County Schools Lee County High 66.8 64.5 73 72.4 75.3 86.6 85.7 377 344 91.2 Lee County Schools Lee Early College * * * * * 86.7 90.8 58 54 93.1 Lee County Schools Southern Lee High School * 84.9 89.6 72.5 75.9 79.7 85.8 292 248 84.9 59.6 68 70.6 69.3 72.8 73.6 85.3 226 185 81.9 * * * * * * 90.5 35 * >95 60.7 70.8 68.3 68.3 72.3 75.2 76.6 270 207 76.7 Sampson School * 12.5 8.3 5.6 16.7 21.4 46.7 18 4 22.2 South Lenoir High 65 73.8 68.3 69.4 76 81 82 205 170 82.9 Lenoir County Public Schools Lenoir County Public Schools Lenoir County Public Schools Lenoir County Public Schools Lenoir County Public Schools Kinston High Lenoir County Early College High North Lenoir High 42 School Type Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Lexington City Schools Lexington Senior High 43.7 62.1 61.5 70.1 72.6 73.3 78.5 194 167 86.1 Lincoln Charter School Lincoln Charter School 60 86.4 84.2 81.8 94.2 >95 >95 77 * >95 Lincoln County Schools East Lincoln High 69.4 80.5 87.5 85 84.5 82.2 85.7 210 177 84.3 Lincoln County Schools Lincolnton High 61.3 68.1 67.1 69.1 76.2 79.1 86.8 220 188 85.5 Lincoln County Schools North Lincoln High 84.9 84.4 88 87.6 87.5 87.9 88.8 258 235 91.1 Lincoln County Schools West Lincoln High 71.2 79.1 79.6 73.5 79.6 84 88.4 254 225 88.6 Macon County Schools Franklin High 62.4 73.1 75.7 75.2 81.1 85.8 90 214 194 90.7 Macon County Schools Highlands School 87.8 94.3 87.1 88.5 91.2 >95 91.9 27 24 88.9 Macon County Schools Macon Early College High School * * * * * 84.8 86.4 27 23 85.2 Macon County Schools Nantahala School 85.7 88.9 >95 >95 92.9 >95 >95 10 * >95 Macon County Schools Union Academy * * * 57.1 >95 63.6 45.5 31 22 71 Madison County Schools Madison Early College High * * * * * * * 29 * >95 Madison County Schools Madison High 73.7 76.7 74 64 62.6 81.8 82.4 191 161 84.3 Martin County Schools Riverside High 74.6 52.8 73.4 74 70.8 79.5 73.8 153 116 75.8 Martin County Schools South Creek High 68.9 50.8 76.1 70.6 69.6 78.6 86.9 84 67 79.8 * * * * * 93.3 94.3 37 * >95 McDowell High 71.8 72.3 74.9 75.4 76.7 77.4 80.2 437 344 78.7 Mitchell High 61.9 70.9 61 70.7 73.1 80 83.4 150 132 88 McDowell County Schools McDowell County Schools Mitchell County Schools McDowell Early College 43 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 67.7 70.7 76.3 64.6 66 76.2 81 119 110 92.4 * * 36.4 62.5 81.5 85.7 79.6 29 18 62.1 West Montgomery High 77.7 74.1 75.2 72.5 72.3 77.4 87.4 141 126 89.4 Moore County Schools North Moore High 69.5 81.8 81.1 71.3 73.9 75 74.8 157 135 86 Moore County Schools Pinckney Academy 10.8 * 10.7 22.2 33.3 9.1 5.6 16 1 6.3 Moore County Schools Pinecrest High 68.3 73.6 69.6 72.9 80.3 73.2 86.9 501 415 82.8 Moore County Schools Union Pines High 73.3 83 80.2 74.9 87.5 73.9 91.4 271 243 89.7 Mooresville Graded School District Mooresville Senior High 64 76.5 79.9 79.6 86 91.1 90.3 366 342 93.4 Mount Airy City Schools Mount Airy High 80.7 80 81 81.8 85 85 91.4 145 133 91.7 Nash Central High 59.9 68.1 58.4 66.6 70 69.3 74.4 293 233 79.5 Northern Nash High 58.5 68.4 58.1 69.3 75.2 80.5 81.6 299 249 83.3 68 75 73.3 70.6 93.2 94.9 >95 48 * >95 Rocky Mount High 61.2 71.7 69.1 68.8 68 77.8 77.2 308 248 80.3 Southern Nash High 70 74.2 71.5 73.2 73.4 79.5 79.4 335 271 80.9 Tar River Academy 20 23.5 20 23.8 58.3 50 50 49 37 75.5 Emsley A Laney High 63 67.7 76.4 70 76.5 77.9 85.2 463 408 88.1 Eugene Ashley High 63.3 77.3 62.3 68.7 71.8 71.7 78.7 435 341 78.4 Isaac M Bear High * * * * >95 92.9 >95 56 * >95 School District Montgomery County Schools Montgomery County Schools Montgomery County Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools Nash-Rocky Mount Schools New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools School East Montgomery High Montgomery Learning Academy NRM Early College High School 44 School Type Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 73.9 86.7 80.9 87.2 82.3 84.7 84.5 408 369 90.4 * * * 74.1 61.7 65.3 66.7 38 30 78.9 53.4 60.9 64.1 55.2 65.9 73.7 82.6 452 367 81.2 Wilmington Early College High * * * * * * 90.9 35 * >95 Discovery High School * * 91.7 >95 >95 92.9 91.3 27 * >95 Newton-Conover High 67.3 82.6 80.2 77.6 89.7 85.2 80.8 197 175 88.8 * * * * * * * * * * Northampton County High School 58.3 69.3 74.8 71.9 75 78.3 81.4 133 120 90.2 Onslow County Schools Dixon High 58.9 71.2 77.8 73.9 73 75.8 82.4 192 167 87 Onslow County Schools Jacksonville High 65.6 67.3 81 80.1 87.1 82.8 88 267 240 89.9 Onslow County Schools Northside High 61.1 73.9 76.9 75.4 80.3 87.7 88.1 215 199 92.6 Onslow County Schools Richlands High 70.8 79.3 80.9 83.5 88.5 84.5 89 294 257 87.4 Onslow County Schools Southwest High 76.6 80.1 86.8 81.4 86.4 83.5 86 181 151 83.4 Onslow County Schools Swansboro High 62.8 73.3 75.8 77.5 86.9 82.5 85.3 272 237 87.1 Onslow County Schools White Oak High 64.5 75.6 79.1 90 85.5 85 89.6 283 248 87.6 Orange County Schools Cedar Ridge High 61.6 80.3 77.9 87.2 91 87.8 89.1 234 208 88.9 Orange County Schools Orange High 72.4 71.9 78.4 77.9 78.6 81.5 83.9 284 232 81.7 Orange County Schools Partnership Academy * * * * * 62.5 * 15 8 53.3 School District New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools Newton Conover City Schools Newton Conover City Schools Northampton County Schools Northampton County Schools School John T Hoggard High Mary Sidberry Mosley PLC New Hanover High Northampton County Alternative School 45 School Type Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * 33.3 44.8 63.6 46.9 34.9 43.9 31 16 51.6 PACE Academy PACE Academy Pamlico County Schools Pamlico County High 76.2 80.6 85.5 81.4 84.9 80.9 87.8 126 117 92.9 Pender County Schools Heide Trask High 52.9 68.5 59.8 73.4 78.5 77.8 82.7 156 118 75.6 Pender County Schools Pender Early College High * * * * * 83.3 90.3 37 35 94.6 Pender County Schools Pender High 62.8 63.7 64.8 62.9 82.2 84.7 85.9 149 129 86.6 Pender County Schools Topsail High 73.7 90.1 81.5 83.2 90.3 88.7 91.8 297 279 93.9 Perquimans County Schools Perquimans County High 71.3 71.7 63.9 64.4 83.2 85.3 83.7 136 121 89 Person County Schools Person High 75.5 68.6 75.3 67.2 70 72.8 68.4 390 303 77.7 Piedmont Community Charter Piedmont Community Charter School, CFA * * 93.3 84.2 80 64.7 83.3 38 36 94.7 Pine Lake Preparatory Pine Lake Preparatory * * * * 85.7 86.7 83.6 88 83 94.3 Pitt County Schools Ayden-Grifton High 65.9 57.1 53.8 68.6 75 77.5 80.7 188 146 77.7 Pitt County Schools D H Conley High 69.7 66.1 58.6 62.7 72.1 74.8 78.4 363 292 80.4 Pitt County Schools Farmville Central High 68.7 68 54.7 51.4 61 69.1 69.8 210 171 81.4 Pitt County Schools Junius H Rose High 64.8 72.9 58.3 61.5 60.8 68.9 72.9 384 294 76.6 Pitt County Schools North Pitt High 60.9 55.1 43.5 54.3 57.1 60.9 62.6 244 175 71.7 Pitt County Schools South Central High 63.3 61.4 51.3 55.1 72.4 81.8 83.3 404 344 85.1 Polk County Schools Polk County Early College * * * * * >95 >95 10 8 80 Polk County Schools Polk County High 65.9 82 76.6 82.1 86 86.8 89.2 180 149 82.8 46 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Fairmont High 52.3 62 47.1 59.4 65.3 73 83.4 180 154 85.6 Lumberton Senior High 60.5 66.7 49.6 57.9 69.6 76.7 80.8 514 409 79.6 * * 67.7 88.5 90 93.5 91.2 29 * >95 Purnell Swett High 55.1 61.2 54.8 70.4 82.8 84.3 89.5 436 391 89.7 Red Springs High 44.2 64.7 49.8 69.7 72.4 76.8 84.1 204 173 84.8 Saint Pauls High 59.5 60.4 49.5 71.1 87.1 82.9 82 233 210 90.1 South Robeson High 55.3 60.1 61.5 60.8 81.3 84.1 85.3 139 124 89.2 Quality Education Academy * * * * 94.7 87.5 92.9 21 19 90.5 Queens Grant Community * * * * 68.6 57.6 72.1 105 80 76.2 Raleigh Charter High School >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 124 * >95 Randolph County Schools Eastern Randolph High 76 74.9 74.2 73.4 71.9 78.3 85.9 185 149 80.5 Randolph County Schools Providence Grove High * * * 90.4 92 93.4 81.8 188 170 90.4 Randolph County Schools Randleman High 70.5 62.8 64.9 92.2 62.7 80.4 78.2 208 183 88 Randolph County Schools Randolph Early College High * * * * * 86.8 92.1 61 * >95 Randolph County Schools Southwestern Randolph High 68.4 72.7 72.9 74.7 76.7 82.2 83.4 271 245 90.4 Randolph County Schools Trinity High 82.9 82 78.8 84.2 82.5 80.2 84.1 164 149 90.9 Randolph County Schools Wheatmore High * * * * * >95 >95 202 184 91.1 Richmond County Schools Leak Street High * * * 23.8 70.4 32.3 43.1 56 36 64.3 School District Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Public Schools of Robeson County Quality Education Academy Queens Grant Community School Raleigh Charter High School School PSRC Early College at RCC 47 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * * * * * * 87.1 35 33 94.3 Richmond Senior High 60.7 76 72.6 79.1 80 86.1 85.4 434 368 84.8 River Mill Academy 92.9 92.9 >95 >95 >95 >95 92.3 38 36 94.7 Roanoke Rapids High 60.7 64.6 63.9 66.8 74 75.4 80 250 211 84.4 Dalton McMichael High 69.6 72.9 64.1 71.6 76.9 75.4 77.5 252 201 79.8 John M Morehead High 70.4 73.1 69 66.2 73 68.3 75.1 260 176 67.7 Reidsville High 60.5 69.4 65.8 62 69.9 75.4 75.2 241 193 80.1 * * * * * * * 50 46 92 Rockingham County High 73.4 74.3 70.5 77.1 77 77.5 79.9 262 210 80.2 Rocky Mount Preparatory 85 73 91.4 77.8 68.4 75.5 80.3 52 43 82.7 Rowan-Salisbury Schools Carson High * 92.2 87.8 76.2 77.7 86.8 84.5 289 257 88.9 Rowan-Salisbury Schools East Rowan High 75.3 79.8 82.2 77.1 84.9 89.5 90.4 255 217 85.1 Rowan-Salisbury Schools Henderson High 38.6 43.2 32.3 10.4 10.5 34.6 27.3 31 14 45.2 Rowan-Salisbury Schools North Rowan High 59.6 69.1 63.4 61 66.3 70.7 72.4 183 152 83.1 Rowan-Salisbury Schools Rowan Co Early College * * * * * * >95 44 * >95 Rowan-Salisbury Schools Salisbury High 58.1 70.7 73.5 59.4 62 66.5 73.6 216 162 75 Rowan-Salisbury Schools South Rowan High 71.9 70.2 71.9 65.4 73.4 73.3 87.1 258 213 82.6 Rowan-Salisbury Schools West Rowan High 77 73.3 82.2 81.5 85.6 79.9 85.1 266 239 89.8 School District Richmond County Schools Richmond County Schools River Mill Academy Roanoke Rapids City Schools Rockingham County Schools Rockingham County Schools Rockingham County Schools Rockingham County Schools Rockingham County Schools Rocky Mount Preparatory School Richmond Early College High Rockingham Co Early College High 48 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate * * * 66.7 92.3 94.6 94 63 59 93.7 60.3 71.7 78.9 59.4 66 78.5 76.8 218 175 80.3 73 78.7 70 70.5 67 66 71.2 176 140 79.5 68.2 72 69.6 66.4 77.6 78.8 82.6 235 197 83.8 Rutherford Early College High * * * 84.8 >95 >95 >95 38 * >95 Rutherford Opportunity Center 63.3 25 26.7 45.2 46.1 38.4 46.6 82 52 63.4 Sampson County Schools Hobbton High 70.9 76 67.1 69.1 74.6 73.5 76.7 128 96 75 Sampson County Schools Lakewood High 57.8 66.4 66.2 60.7 64.7 64.9 72 148 119 80.4 Sampson County Schools Midway High 66.1 75.8 72 72.5 77.5 74.2 76.7 169 133 78.7 Sampson County Schools Sampson Early College High * * * * >95 92.9 91.9 43 40 93 Sampson County Schools Union High 65.6 73.8 69 57.4 65.6 73.4 64 155 96 61.9 Scotland County Schools Scotland Early College High * * * * * * >95 40 37 92.5 Scotland County Schools Scotland High School * * * * * * >95 321 * >95 Scotland County Schools Shaw Academy * * * * * 26.7 61.1 46 20 43.5 Southern Wake Academy Southern Wake Academy 80 56.2 75 72 81.5 78.9 83.3 38 31 81.6 Stanly County Schools Albemarle High 73.2 66.9 70.3 69.4 72.4 80.3 79.2 141 117 83 Stanly County Schools North Stanly High 77 84.5 76.3 73.9 73.7 76.8 85.2 160 134 83.8 Stanly County Schools South Stanly High 67.6 77.1 72.4 73.3 80.1 74.3 85.9 116 97 83.6 School District Roxboro Community School Rutherford County Schools Rutherford County Schools Rutherford County Schools Rutherford County Schools Rutherford County Schools School Roxboro Community School Chase High East Rutherford High R-S Central High 49 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Stanly County Schools Stanly Academy Learning Center * * * * * 13.3 27.3 11 6 54.5 Stanly County Schools Stanly Early College High * * * * * 84 >95 32 * >95 Stanly County Schools West Stanly High 80.5 83.6 83.5 77.1 81.3 87.2 81.5 213 180 84.5 Stokes County Schools Meadowbrook Academy 30 25 14.3 18.8 8 9.1 10 16 3 18.8 Stokes County Schools North Stokes High 86 79.6 80.9 86.9 85.3 88.7 93.6 102 96 94.1 Stokes County Schools South Stokes High 80.7 77.6 79.7 79.7 81.6 82.5 90.1 200 184 92 Stokes County Schools West Stokes High 81 85.3 78 86.4 82.7 85.2 89.5 232 202 87.1 Surry County Schools East Surry High 88.3 86.4 85.1 81.2 83.9 81.2 86.2 126 * >95 Surry County Schools North Surry High 75 74 72.3 74 70.3 77.4 77.2 235 186 79.1 Surry County Schools Surry Central High 78.7 74.8 78.5 81.1 80 71.8 82.3 200 167 83.5 Surry County Schools Surry Early College HS Design * * * * * >95 >95 56 * >95 Swain County Schools Swain County High 66.4 66.9 69.7 71.1 71.1 74.3 81.7 177 143 80.8 The Hawbridge School The Hawbridge School 50 37.5 61.5 76.9 83.3 85.7 90 16 12 75 Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy Thomas Jefferson Class Academy 48.4 94.4 89.7 91.9 >95 94.7 92.8 72 67 93.1 Thomasville City Schools Thomasville High 50 59.6 62.3 65.3 63.6 67.8 77.8 182 130 71.4 80.2 87.2 81.2 84.1 85.6 87 86.5 192 174 90.6 * 15.4 7.1 47.1 60 26.3 25 18 5 27.8 82.1 82.5 86.8 86.6 86.4 90.3 >95 83 * >95 Transylvania County Schools Transylvania County Schools Transylvania County Schools Brevard High Davidson River School Rosman High 50 School Type Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Columbia High 55.8 87.8 51.1 57.9 58.6 80.8 78.3 55 48 87.3 Union Academy * * * >95 86 >95 94.7 87 * >95 Central Academy of Technology * * * 92.7 >95 >95 >95 203 * >95 Cuthbertson High * * * * * >95 >95 295 * >95 Forest Hills High 69.4 73.8 79.8 75 80.2 81.5 80.9 210 173 82.4 * * * >95 >95 >95 >95 347 * >95 Monroe High 58.2 63.4 62.5 68.7 68.1 77.4 73.7 179 151 84.4 Parkwood High 75.1 84.7 78.5 80.1 82.8 85.2 84 219 184 84 Piedmont High 82.8 85.5 79.9 88.3 88.7 91.5 90 266 240 90.2 * 92.2 82.9 78.7 85.6 89.9 89.9 310 290 93.5 South Providence 15.8 6.7 17.4 15.2 66.2 89.6 91.5 198 175 88.4 Sun Valley High 67.3 71.6 72.3 76.2 80.2 84.4 89.9 295 258 87.5 * * * * * 93.3 >95 48 * >95 Weddington High 79.9 91.6 93.3 91.2 >95 >95 >95 292 * >95 Vance County Schools Northern Vance High 51.1 66.3 58.8 68.2 71.5 72.4 75.6 283 176 62.2 Vance County Schools Southern Vance High 45.7 62.7 48.5 60.7 68.9 72.4 69.9 195 141 72.3 Vance County Schools Vance Co Early College * * * * * * * 46 43 93.5 Vance County Schools Western Vance High 47.6 40 38.1 78.9 88.9 82 92.5 25 * >95 School District Tyrrell County Schools Union Academy Charter School Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools School Marvin Ridge High Porter Ridge High School Union County Early College 51 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate Wake County Schools Apex High 89.3 88.7 90.1 90.2 91.2 90.8 91.2 613 563 91.8 Wake County Schools Athens Drive High 81.5 82.7 79 75.8 78.1 85.1 81.2 492 371 75.4 Wake County Schools Cary High 82.5 79.7 85.3 78.5 80.9 83 86.7 620 524 84.5 Wake County Schools East Wake School of Arts Education and G * * 85.7 85.2 75.6 69.2 66.4 95 73 76.8 Wake County Schools East Wake School of Engineering * * 89.6 84.8 88.4 80.2 79.6 91 71 78 Wake County Schools East Wake School of Health Science * 89 >95 84 85.3 80.5 81.7 102 92 90.2 Wake County Schools East Wake School of Integrated Technolog * * 78.6 80.7 77.8 69.2 68.9 66 48 72.7 Wake County Schools Fuquay-Varina High 80.7 77 76.1 83 80.7 83.3 84.7 500 422 84.4 Wake County Schools Garner High 75.5 71.8 74.7 71.8 72.6 75 70 604 480 79.5 Wake County Schools Green Hope High 90.3 92.4 92.6 94 92.6 >95 94.7 501 470 93.8 Wake County Schools Heritage High * * * * * * * 359 321 89.4 Wake County Schools Holly Springs High * * * 90.6 82.1 85.8 88.5 557 510 91.6 Wake County Schools Knightdale High * 86.7 77.4 73.8 73.7 76.4 79.6 420 329 78.3 Wake County Schools Leesville Road High 90.6 87 84.4 87.5 86.4 85.2 82 599 515 86 Wake County Schools Middle Creek High 88.9 90.9 84.8 80.4 83.3 85.7 86 458 392 85.6 Wake County Schools Millbrook High 82.5 78.4 76.2 72.6 76.8 81.8 81.3 529 421 79.6 Wake County Schools Needham Broughton High 88.8 85.8 77.7 80.2 83.7 85.8 82.5 544 443 81.4 Wake County Schools Panther Creek High * * * >95 92.8 93.4 94.7 574 * >95 52 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 50 45 65.6 74.4 79.3 81.2 75 60 41 68.3 Wake County Schools Phillips High Wake County Schools Sanderson High 78.6 76.1 77.5 76.7 75 77.5 78.6 531 415 78.2 Wake County Schools Southeast Raleigh High 89.3 85.9 85.9 80.9 82.6 76.4 81.5 391 294 75.2 Wake County Schools Wake Early College of Health and Science * * * * * >95 93.8 52 * >95 Wake County Schools Wake Forest-Rolesville High 84.5 85 83.8 86.7 89.1 85.7 87.8 491 423 86.2 Wake County Schools Wakefield High 87.6 84.6 84 85 83.4 87.4 85.5 632 539 85.3 Wake County Schools William G Enloe High 90.1 88.1 86.3 85.5 84.2 85 81.8 595 468 78.7 Warren County Schools Warren County High 68.2 69.2 73.3 68 71.2 74.4 81.6 124 84 67.7 Warren County Schools Warren Early College High * * * * * * * 25 21 84 Warren County Schools Warren New Tech High * * * * * >95 94.7 40 38 95 Creswell High 71.4 63.2 75 71 84.4 82.1 90.5 30 27 90 Plymouth High 70.6 84.3 76.5 68.8 79.8 82.8 78 115 96 83.5 Watauga High 78.5 69.4 68.5 74.7 82 87.4 85.4 389 341 87.7 Charles B Aycock High 73.2 80.6 80.7 82.7 78.2 81.2 84.9 305 251 82.3 Eastern Wayne High 71.3 84.5 85.6 91.1 84.7 83.4 88.6 251 212 84.5 Goldsboro High 51.5 50.5 47.7 44.8 53.7 67.7 68.5 158 114 72.2 Rosewood High 80.6 86.2 89.2 80.7 83.1 83.2 81.3 132 113 85.6 Southern Wayne High 66.6 71.6 66.6 70.9 70.1 70 73.8 252 178 70.6 Washington County Schools Washington County Schools Watauga County Schools Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools 53 School Type Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 62.9 67.7 73.6 71.4 79.5 73.6 84.1 140 106 75.7 Wayne Early / Middle College High * >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 >95 60 * >95 Wayne School of Engineering * * * * * 90.3 94.7 76 * >95 Weldon City Schools Weldon High * * * * * * * 46 42 91.3 Whiteville City Schools North Whiteville Academy * * 12.5 44.4 71.4 30 66.7 8 6 75 Whiteville City Schools Whiteville High 67.6 62.9 67.5 74.6 74.6 84.1 85.5 176 143 81.3 Wilkes County Schools East Wilkes High 75.6 78.5 76.7 81.5 84.7 85.6 90.5 124 111 89.5 Wilkes County Schools North Wilkes High 72.4 70.2 69.8 70.7 74.7 82 86.9 168 153 91.1 Wilkes County Schools West Wilkes High 77.5 73.9 74.6 74 78.1 82 86.4 158 143 90.5 Wilkes County Schools Wilkes Central High 68 74 74.2 69.7 72.6 79.6 87.2 216 193 89.4 Wilson County Schools Beddingfield High 52.6 49.8 53.6 57.2 57 68.2 70.6 221 175 79.2 Wilson County Schools Fike High 56.5 61.8 56.4 62.4 67.9 71.6 76.8 255 208 81.6 Wilson County Schools James Hunt High 62.9 63.2 61.7 62.8 74.2 77.2 79.2 312 262 84 Wilson County Schools Wilson Early College Academy * * * * * * * * * * Woods Charter School Woods Charter 91.3 93.3 84.6 >95 >95 95 94.2 44 39 88.6 Yadkin County Schools Forbush High 76.4 86.5 85.9 82.6 81.3 85.3 86 258 221 85.7 Yadkin County Schools Starmount High 77.2 77.2 85.1 76 75.5 86.2 84.5 187 154 82.4 Yadkin County Schools Yadkin Early College * * * * * * 82.9 47 42 89.4 School District Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools School Spring Creek High 54 School Type Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Alternative Education Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School Regular School School District Yancey County Schools School Mountain Heritage High 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Denom 2013 Nume 2013 Rate 74.6 76 75.1 80.6 77.2 78.2 81.6 158 130 82.3 55 School Type Regular School North Carolina 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Disaggregated Longitudinal Report (December 1, 2013) State of North Carolina Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 51.1 75.2 60.4 52.3 66.0 73.5 72.6 64.0 55.6 55.0 50.0 68.3 2007 55.6 78.9 61.4 53.7 65.4 75.0 73.9 65.1 66.0 52.1 49.5 69.5 2008 53.8 81.0 62.7 56.4 68.4 75.7 74.6 66.2 59.2 49.9 56.6 70.3 2009 60.0 83.7 63.2 59.0 71.5 77.7 76.6 67.1 61.8 52.1 56.8 71.8 2010 68.0 85.2 66.9 61.4 71.1 79.6 78.9 69.6 66.2 48.3 57.6 74.2 2011 69.7 86.9 71.5 68.8 77.2 82.6 82.2 73.8 71.2 48.1 57.2 77.9 2013 - Students in Cohort: 109795 and 2013 - Number of High Schools: 548 Green Red Greater than or equal to state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup Less than the state rate in the corresponding year for the same subgroup *= Number of students in the cohort for the subgroup is too small (fewer than five) 56 2012 73.7 87.5 74.7 73.0 80.6 84.7 84.6 76.5 74.7 50.0 59.9 80.4 2013 77.3 89.9 77.5 75.2 81.5 86.2 86.6 78.6 76.1 48.8 62.3 82.5 Alamance-Burlington Schools (010) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1718 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 71.4 82.1 58.1 43.3 51.5 73.9 72.0 61.7 44.8 33.3 46.2 66.7 2007 * 85.7 63.8 44.4 66.7 78.9 77.4 66.1 63.2 45.3 48.0 71.7 2008 60.0 86.7 62.5 42.6 72.7 77.9 76.3 65.4 57.9 34.5 46.8 70.8 2009 * 89.5 63.4 56.6 51.3 76.6 77.7 63.9 58.9 43.8 46.7 70.6 2010 80.0 87.5 69.8 56.9 80.4 76.6 76.5 69.3 67.8 52.8 53.3 72.8 2011 85.7 79.2 71.6 69.2 59.4 79.0 79.1 72.1 67.4 47.1 51.3 75.5 2012 * 84.0 76.0 66.3 65.4 77.8 79.2 71.7 68.2 40.9 52.6 75.4 2013 77.8 84.2 73.8 67.6 85.7 82.3 82.5 73.6 67.2 32.7 54.5 78.1 2008 * 93.8 76.0 60.0 * 75.4 81.2 71.2 68.2 66.7 64.7 75.8 2009 * 93.3 88.9 52.6 * 77.3 83.3 72.2 66.4 54.5 69.0 77.5 2010 * 93.3 79.2 38.5 85.7 76.9 78.9 73.6 68.2 66.7 57.9 76.3 2011 * 92.3 69.2 84.6 * 76.6 79.8 74.1 70.1 73.3 63.0 76.6 2012 * >95 69.6 87.0 * 84.9 86.5 83.6 78.6 88.9 67.9 85.0 2013 * >95 93.3 72.7 75.0 85.5 90.6 80.5 81.5 75.0 65.5 85.2 Alexander County Schools (020) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 412 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 63.2 69.0 43.5 * 73.1 71.8 69.5 51.0 51.9 29.6 70.7 2007 * >95 60.5 58.3 * 77.6 82.2 70.8 79.8 81.8 63.6 76.2 57 Alleghany County Schools (030) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 98 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 84.2 87.0 76.6 * * 58.3 82.2 2007 * * * 76.9 * 79.8 81.7 75.0 84.8 83.3 64.3 78.3 2008 * * * 81.8 * 82.1 86.2 78.2 64.4 71.4 41.7 81.6 2009 * * * 88.9 * 77.4 81.1 75.0 69.2 >95 55.6 78.1 2010 * * * 84.6 * 86.7 86.9 85.5 83.9 83.3 86.7 86.2 2011 * * * 87.5 * 81.6 82.5 79.2 86.6 * 72.7 80.6 2012 * * * 93.8 * 84.2 77.8 92.2 85.7 * 75.0 85.6 2013 * * * 93.8 * 88.9 91.1 88.1 87.8 * * 89.8 2008 * * 59.7 * * 73.3 64.5 63.9 59.8 * 46.4 64.3 2009 * * 62.3 * * 68.0 66.7 60.1 65.0 * 55.8 63.4 2010 * * 61.6 * * 68.6 65.4 61.5 47.0 * 72.4 63.3 2011 * 83.3 74.1 >95 * 80.5 79.3 72.3 82.0 * 64.3 75.9 2012 * 58.3 72.9 * * 81.0 82.3 66.0 75.7 * 73.5 73.8 2013 * 71.4 79.0 85.7 75.0 75.3 82.7 72.6 80.4 * 60.7 77.4 Anson County Schools (040) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 296 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 77.8 57.4 * * 63.8 64.6 55.9 38.9 * 33.3 60.1 2007 * * 63.7 * * 69.6 68.5 61.1 70.0 * 46.2 64.7 58 Ashe County Schools (050) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 230 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 68.4 68.8 67.5 * * 41.2 68.1 2007 * * * * * 84.0 85.1 83.2 82.5 * 74.2 84.2 2008 * * * * * 81.8 89.2 74.6 77.5 * 68.4 80.9 2009 * * * 66.7 * 77.3 79.2 75.7 66.7 * 68.4 77.3 2010 * * * * >95 77.7 82.4 73.6 17.6 * 55.6 77.8 2011 >95 * * 78.9 * 80.8 84.0 77.7 74.8 66.7 63.3 80.6 2012 * * * 61.5 * 81.7 82.5 77.6 76.3 * 59.1 80.1 2013 * * * 84.6 * 85.1 85.2 84.4 82.5 * 77.3 84.8 2008 * >95 75.0 69.6 60.0 80.3 80.9 73.4 70.8 68.8 57.1 77.2 2009 * * 77.5 76.4 * 76.5 83.2 69.0 64.8 71.0 55.6 75.9 2010 * 88.9 74.6 68.3 90.9 78.1 77.0 75.1 68.8 44.4 55.2 76.1 2011 * 77.8 80.0 73.8 >95 87.2 84.7 82.8 83.5 52.4 71.4 83.7 2012 * * 77.4 83.7 84.6 88.9 87.2 83.3 78.1 69.2 60.9 85.1 2013 * >95 78.4 86.4 87.5 88.0 88.9 83.7 85.5 60.0 75.0 86.3 Asheboro City Schools (761) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 328 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 72.7 60.4 59.6 * 77.5 73.7 69.2 93.8 * 46.9 71.5 2007 * >95 64.4 71.4 * 81.3 78.7 75.3 70.7 60.7 46.4 77.1 59 Asheville City Schools (111) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 320 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 47.8 * * 71.9 68.1 58.7 45.5 * 53.8 63.1 2007 * 83.3 66.3 66.7 66.7 83.3 78.1 76.7 73.0 * 60.0 77.5 2008 * * 57.3 52.9 60.0 76.8 71.9 66.1 62.1 * 52.6 68.7 2009 * >95 55.3 88.9 76.5 84.0 82.2 65.2 51.9 * 41.2 73.8 2010 * * 51.8 68.8 71.4 85.7 77.3 70.1 57.4 * 46.2 73.7 2011 * * 65.4 88.2 81.2 89.7 80.5 81.0 71.7 * 71.4 80.7 2012 * * 80.2 82.4 85.7 89.0 87.4 84.3 81.0 * 80.0 85.9 2013 * * 70.1 66.7 82.6 90.0 86.8 76.4 67.9 * 61.1 81.6 2008 * * * * * 78.9 83.3 71.9 64.9 * 82.4 76.3 2009 * * * 62.5 * 82.1 84.4 77.4 73.0 * 69.2 81.0 2010 * * * * * 82.4 83.7 81.1 66.7 * 53.8 82.4 2011 * * * 83.3 * 85.5 90.0 80.9 77.8 * 69.2 85.1 2012 * * * >95 * 90.1 92.2 88.3 91.2 * 66.7 90.1 2013 * * * * * 88.4 87.8 86.4 80.8 * 61.5 87.1 Avery County Schools (060) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 155 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 69.4 74.0 67.6 * * 60.0 70.2 2007 * * * * * 81.6 84.7 78.5 85.4 * 81.0 81.2 60 Beaufort County Schools (070) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 542 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 56.0 38.1 * 63.7 62.5 56.7 34.6 * 50.8 59.7 2007 * * 53.1 30.0 >95 73.5 71.2 54.5 62.3 55.6 50.7 62.8 2008 * * 56.9 29.6 50.0 70.0 67.5 56.7 57.3 5.001 54.8 62.2 2009 * * 57.5 38.2 * 68.0 67.5 57.3 56.2 * 44.8 62.2 2010 * * 64.8 54.8 * 77.4 77.8 64.2 68.0 35.3 59.4 71.0 2011 * * 70.1 77.1 80.0 79.5 81.2 70.3 73.1 63.6 50.8 75.7 2012 * * 63.1 59.6 78.3 79.8 76.9 67.2 68.6 41.7 44.4 71.9 2013 * * 76.2 66.0 70.4 83.0 86.9 71.8 74.5 * 63.4 78.8 2008 * * 61.5 * * 57.1 65.3 55.1 59.0 * 40.0 60.4 2009 * * 61.6 * * 65.6 74.3 53.7 64.5 * 40.0 62.4 2010 * * 68.2 * * 72.4 79.1 57.9 67.4 * 52.2 68.6 2011 * * 77.7 * * 83.3 85.4 71.4 78.5 * 44.0 78.6 2012 * * 72.0 * * 65.2 86.6 57.4 75.9 * 33.3 71.8 2013 * * 77.1 * * 85.2 84.5 72.6 78.3 * 62.5 78.2 Bertie County Schools (080) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 220 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 63.8 * * 63.6 79.7 45.4 * * 57.1 63.1 2007 * * 70.1 * * 78.0 75.6 67.6 72.2 * 59.1 71.4 61 Bladen County Schools (090) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 389 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 60.9 57.1 * 66.3 67.4 57.6 48.6 * 45.5 62.6 2007 62.5 * 59.8 * * 66.5 66.5 56.7 63.2 5.001 67.4 61.6 2008 * * 58.9 31.8 * 68.1 72.4 52.7 58.5 * 39.6 61.7 2009 * * 57.7 30.8 * 65.5 64.8 54.6 52.8 * 56.0 59.2 2010 * * 62.7 52.6 * 71.1 76.4 56.1 62.9 * 56.4 65.6 2011 * * 76.2 74.1 88.9 74.0 79.0 70.7 75.0 * 48.6 74.9 2012 * * 77.8 93.3 80.0 80.5 80.7 78.8 80.1 >95 71.2 79.8 2013 * * 84.4 73.3 72.7 74.4 84.6 73.2 80.7 * 64.7 78.9 2008 * * 69.7 71.4 61.1 73.6 77.6 68.0 56.8 * 56.1 72.5 2009 50.0 83.3 79.6 68.4 83.3 73.7 81.1 69.1 69.0 61.5 63.5 74.8 2010 60.0 * 80.2 75.0 58.3 75.7 76.7 75.6 72.3 55.6 72.8 76.2 2011 * * 82.7 69.0 82.6 78.9 83.2 75.4 78.5 53.8 66.7 79.2 2012 87.5 * 86.9 81.7 87.5 82.8 86.5 81.0 80.6 * 70.4 83.8 2013 >95 * 92.2 86.7 86.7 83.9 88.0 83.3 79.1 71.4 62.0 85.7 Brunswick County Schools (100) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 834 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 61.6 48.0 71.4 55.8 61.4 52.0 47.1 * 43.5 56.9 2007 45.5 * 72.4 71.4 69.2 73.5 77.0 68.9 72.2 83.3 49.0 72.8 62 Buncombe County Schools (110) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1907 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 9 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 70.0 86.4 62.7 63.6 81.5 72.1 74.4 68.6 52.1 >95 56.6 71.5 2007 >95 92.9 67.0 63.9 65.9 74.1 76.4 70.5 62.0 58.6 45.5 73.4 2008 78.6 83.3 58.6 65.9 60.0 73.7 76.9 67.5 58.0 57.1 52.0 72.1 2009 66.7 >95 52.8 66.1 70.5 76.3 78.3 69.8 62.5 63.8 57.3 74.0 2010 54.5 92.3 60.0 68.6 66.7 74.5 78.6 67.9 63.4 57.6 54.7 73.1 2011 >95 >95 77.2 70.3 72.9 78.5 82.8 73.4 69.7 53.6 53.6 77.9 2012 * 85.7 74.2 74.2 76.2 81.1 83.1 77.0 73.1 47.1 61.9 80.0 2013 90.0 90.3 80.0 69.2 78.0 81.5 85.5 75.7 71.0 47.1 61.2 80.3 2008 * 82.7 80.9 62.0 66.7 67.9 74.0 65.8 64.9 66.7 66.3 69.8 2009 * 88.9 79.8 58.3 69.7 75.3 81.2 69.9 67.1 64.2 71.1 75.8 2010 * 91.9 81.7 77.0 85.2 79.3 82.3 78.7 75.2 78.9 66.9 80.5 2011 * 91.3 81.2 89.0 80.8 84.6 87.0 83.2 83.1 89.4 70.5 85.0 2012 * >95 88.8 85.9 77.3 83.5 85.9 84.0 82.8 84.8 73.5 84.9 2013 * 94.2 90.0 84.0 80.5 87.9 89.1 86.9 84.9 57.1 77.9 88.0 Burke County Schools (120) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1091 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 73.6 57.4 32.1 * 60.4 66.1 55.7 22.5 * 42.4 60.6 2007 * 75.8 69.2 53.8 76.9 63.9 69.0 61.2 54.7 73.9 60.2 65.2 63 Cabarrus County Schools (130) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 2143 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 9 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 77.3 54.6 37.8 78.9 78.0 74.9 68.1 65.8 83.3 50.4 71.6 2007 * 88.5 65.9 55.8 51.6 80.0 78.9 71.5 66.7 48.3 45.9 75.4 2008 61.5 75.8 63.4 48.2 70.7 78.0 76.2 69.7 56.0 41.4 63.3 72.9 2009 * 91.3 65.9 52.9 85.2 79.1 78.2 71.4 63.8 46.9 61.4 74.7 2010 92.3 88.2 67.3 53.1 68.0 78.8 76.3 72.9 65.2 32.9 56.4 74.5 2011 >95 90.3 76.9 70.0 81.0 87.6 86.9 81.4 74.6 50.0 59.4 84.1 2012 * >95 82.6 77.2 87.5 88.5 89.6 83.4 77.0 48.1 64.4 86.3 2013 * >95 83.8 75.3 87.9 88.6 90.2 83.2 77.6 42.9 54.6 86.5 2008 * >95 69.2 52.4 73.3 68.7 73.3 63.8 55.9 56.2 60.4 68.5 2009 * >95 71.4 73.7 61.9 72.5 73.6 71.3 62.0 76.2 73.5 72.5 2010 * 85.7 76.8 78.3 * 75.6 78.0 72.6 65.3 63.6 61.1 75.3 2011 * >95 84.9 86.2 82.9 80.7 81.2 81.7 77.3 65.0 61.3 81.4 2012 * 91.7 76.1 >95 79.5 84.7 86.0 83.4 82.0 75.0 75.9 84.6 2013 * >95 91.9 >95 88.2 88.3 90.4 88.4 86.4 >95 72.6 89.4 Caldwell County Schools (140) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 950 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 71.4 56.9 62.5 * 66.8 68.5 63.1 52.8 * 43.9 65.7 2007 * 86.7 70.3 72.7 58.3 70.5 74.0 67.3 72.3 71.4 53.9 70.7 64 Camden County Schools (150) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 144 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 75.0 * * 76.9 85.5 65.9 * * * 76.8 2007 * * 65.0 * * 78.9 78.8 70.2 70.6 * 71.4 74.7 2008 * * 89.5 * * 81.4 85.3 78.7 75.0 * 83.3 81.8 2009 * * 68.2 * * 83.6 85.2 78.5 76.9 * 61.5 81.4 2010 * * 87.5 * * 76.4 84.4 75.6 80.0 * 56.2 79.5 2011 * * 89.5 * * 91.3 94.2 87.3 72.0 * 80.0 90.7 2012 * * 81.0 * * 86.9 90.6 81.5 82.9 * 61.5 85.5 2013 * * 95.0 * * 82.6 88.4 81.3 60.0 * 69.2 84.7 2008 * * 84.3 75.0 71.4 77.1 80.5 74.5 70.7 60.0 66.1 77.6 2009 * 83.3 80.0 60.0 73.7 83.5 85.4 80.0 72.7 * 76.7 82.5 2010 * 85.7 87.8 64.7 69.2 84.9 89.2 79.4 73.0 * 70.4 84.1 2011 * >95 68.1 69.2 88.5 84.3 84.4 81.9 72.5 * 60.3 83.0 2012 * >95 92.9 82.6 79.5 82.8 87.5 79.5 75.4 >95 70.7 83.5 2013 * >95 79.3 72.7 86.8 85.0 88.1 81.5 72.0 * 60.8 84.7 Carteret County Public Schools (160) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 642 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 72.3 38.9 * 69.9 72.1 66.5 57.8 * 61.8 69.2 2007 * * 75.6 50.0 83.3 79.8 83.6 75.2 76.2 * 61.7 79.1 65 Caswell County Schools (170) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 217 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 66.4 * * 65.7 69.4 60.6 58.3 * 41.4 64.8 2007 * * 69.4 * * 74.8 77.9 66.7 60.7 * 56.5 72.1 2008 * * 64.3 90.0 71.4 67.6 74.6 60.3 61.4 * 80.0 67.3 2009 * * 64.0 * 61.5 69.0 73.6 60.0 57.8 * 36.8 66.3 2010 * * 69.4 * * 67.1 74.6 61.9 58.9 * 53.1 67.2 2011 * * 84.3 86.7 * 71.4 76.2 76.5 74.8 * 50.0 76.3 2012 * * 81.7 70.0 81.8 76.0 82.3 72.2 72.7 * 61.5 77.6 2013 * * 85.5 81.3 41.7 77.9 80.0 77.8 75.8 * 45.0 78.8 2008 * 87.5 77.9 65.4 81.5 81.8 81.6 80.8 71.3 68.9 64.6 81.2 2009 * 86.5 71.8 74.7 85.7 85.4 86.1 81.9 74.5 71.2 74.4 83.8 2010 * 88.3 81.2 77.2 76.5 83.6 86.4 80.2 76.4 73.7 71.0 83.2 2011 * 92.9 83.8 79.0 86.2 86.6 87.0 85.4 77.9 57.8 70.4 86.2 2012 * 93.5 91.0 81.8 89.8 89.7 91.4 87.3 84.9 61.1 80.0 89.3 2013 * >95 91.8 84.3 81.3 92.2 92.9 89.7 87.2 50.0 79.5 91.3 Catawba County Schools (180) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1411 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 89.9 79.8 72.7 84.6 81.5 85.6 77.6 66.7 75.0 60.4 81.6 2007 * 86.9 80.9 62.7 58.3 81.2 85.9 74.8 83.9 72.1 60.9 80.6 66 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (681) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 878 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 94.0 73.6 64.5 92.3 94.6 92.4 88.2 53.8 * 77.3 90.2 2007 * >95 67.7 54.5 84.0 93.2 90.1 85.9 63.6 50.0 56.5 87.9 2008 * >95 64.0 68.0 78.6 94.5 91.1 85.0 59.5 47.1 60.9 87.9 2009 * 86.8 72.4 67.7 88.2 94.3 93.1 83.9 64.0 47.1 65.1 88.3 2010 * 91.0 75.0 66.2 92.1 >95 92.3 85.6 65.6 57.1 78.1 89.0 2011 87.5 77.5 77.7 74.2 93.7 94.9 90.4 86.2 63.4 33.3 67.4 88.3 2012 * 79.0 81.8 73.0 >95 >95 93.4 86.9 66.7 41.8 71.1 90.0 2013 75.0 94.5 81.2 77.6 >95 >95 94.6 90.7 75.4 57.9 63.4 92.6 2008 52.5 75.2 58.6 55.0 74.1 77.1 71.8 61.3 52.3 54.3 43.6 66.6 2009 62.5 78.8 55.5 57.6 55.3 81.1 71.3 60.6 52.0 54.4 39.1 66.1 2010 63.8 76.4 61.6 54.6 72.0 84.9 75.6 64.4 59.8 43.9 43.3 69.9 2011 78.7 84.4 66.8 58.0 72.5 86.6 79.7 67.2 64.6 42.7 41.6 73.5 2012 67.4 83.2 71.3 65.5 76.0 86.5 82.1 70.8 69.7 46.1 44.8 76.4 2013 75.0 86.5 76.6 71.1 80.0 91.1 86.3 75.9 74.5 46.0 53.5 81.0 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (600) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 9584 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 29 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 60.0 80.1 66.0 58.4 77.3 84.8 80.2 68.8 59.1 62.9 43.2 74.6 2007 44.2 80.8 62.8 61.8 71.6 87.1 77.3 70.1 64.5 62.3 45.8 73.8 67 Chatham County Schools (190) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 587 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 70.5 37.9 54.5 72.2 68.6 65.7 48.3 * 55.8 67.1 2007 * * 75.6 47.7 75.0 80.7 78.4 71.7 71.5 40.0 52.7 75.0 2008 * * 77.2 70.5 >95 82.4 84.5 75.6 75.7 63.8 65.3 79.9 2009 * * 74.6 70.4 70.0 82.8 85.7 72.1 74.9 55.6 73.2 78.9 2010 * * 77.5 60.3 81.2 78.2 80.7 68.8 68.1 45.8 68.5 74.2 2011 * * 82.0 55.6 57.1 79.0 81.0 68.9 65.6 32.3 61.0 74.3 2012 * >95 81.9 70.8 >95 84.2 85.9 76.7 75.5 45.2 57.6 81.4 2013 * * 90.6 78.8 >95 85.3 88.2 82.9 81.0 60.7 72.7 85.3 2008 55.6 * >95 * * 76.4 79.1 72.8 64.1 * 62.5 75.8 2009 >95 * * 75.0 * 76.9 85.1 69.8 73.8 * 85.3 77.2 2010 66.7 * 85.7 87.5 85.7 83.0 86.7 79.1 78.9 * 66.7 82.7 2011 * * 75.0 >95 * 85.9 86.5 85.6 81.8 * 69.2 86.1 2012 * * * * * 90.0 90.8 87.0 92.6 * 87.5 88.9 2013 * * * 83.3 >95 91.9 89.5 93.6 92.1 * 86.2 91.7 Cherokee County Schools (200) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 264 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 71.4 * * * * 81.4 79.0 82.7 82.4 * 78.4 80.9 2007 >95 * * * * 78.9 86.6 71.2 78.4 * 61.5 78.7 68 Clay County Schools (220) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 89 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 72.5 76.2 69.4 * * * 73.2 2007 * * * * * 84.8 86.0 82.8 78.3 * * 84.3 2008 * * * * * 77.8 71.7 80.4 68.4 * * 76.5 2009 * * * * * 87.4 86.7 88.9 93.2 * 88.9 87.6 2010 * * * * * 87.0 88.4 85.3 78.3 * 85.7 86.5 2011 * * * * * 85.7 86.5 83.3 76.3 * 92.3 85.0 2012 * * * * * 85.2 82.9 85.7 79.5 * 80.0 84.5 2013 * * * * * 89.3 88.4 89.1 87.5 * 90.0 88.8 2008 * 70.0 57.6 52.6 65.0 73.5 72.3 63.9 58.6 50.0 43.8 67.9 2009 * >95 60.4 57.1 76.7 67.8 72.8 59.3 56.5 63.6 44.0 66.0 2010 * 72.7 66.4 50.0 65.4 75.3 77.1 67.2 61.3 * 43.1 71.8 2011 * >95 69.4 75.6 73.7 74.8 77.1 69.5 66.6 * 41.7 73.2 2012 66.7 >95 71.6 55.8 86.4 80.5 82.6 72.9 69.5 * 44.3 77.7 2013 * >95 84.0 73.3 78.6 83.7 86.5 80.2 76.4 * 48.1 83.3 Cleveland County Schools (230) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1237 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 54.5 54.4 60.9 71.4 66.1 62.6 62.5 41.4 * 38.0 62.5 2007 * 70.0 62.7 51.9 72.2 74.8 72.9 68.7 65.7 * 54.0 70.9 69 Clinton City Schools (821) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 214 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 54.5 50.0 * 77.8 69.9 55.0 76.9 * * 63.1 2007 55.6 * 69.4 58.8 * 79.2 73.6 69.6 65.2 * 31.2 71.7 2008 83.3 * 67.0 83.3 * 81.3 81.0 69.8 64.7 * * 75.6 2009 71.4 * 70.9 56.5 85.7 90.7 77.5 76.5 69.0 55.6 66.7 77.1 2010 >95 * 73.7 81.8 * 82.1 82.5 72.5 74.5 * * 77.4 2011 >95 * 73.2 80.0 60.0 83.6 84.0 71.9 71.8 66.7 50.0 78.1 2012 87.5 * 75.6 75.8 92.9 91.3 82.8 81.1 78.5 * * 81.9 2013 75.0 * 83.0 75.0 77.8 92.1 85.1 83.2 83.5 54.5 61.5 84.1 2008 70.8 * 63.7 46.7 * 63.6 70.0 57.1 64.8 * 70.0 63.4 2009 67.6 * 69.0 60.0 * 70.9 75.9 65.0 69.9 * 66.1 69.7 2010 66.7 * 71.2 75.0 * 74.1 78.5 66.1 71.3 * 74.0 72.4 2011 82.6 * 86.5 45.5 >95 80.7 79.5 83.8 82.1 * 72.5 81.6 2012 91.2 * 83.8 56.5 * 80.3 87.7 74.3 80.9 * 50.0 81.2 2013 92.9 * 83.5 83.3 >95 84.6 87.8 81.4 81.9 * 68.4 84.8 Columbus County Schools (240) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 539 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 60.0 * 61.4 45.0 * 61.0 60.5 60.6 48.0 * 44.0 60.6 2007 65.9 * 67.2 50.0 * 72.6 75.6 64.2 70.1 * 50.0 69.5 70 Craven County Schools (250) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1021 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 62.5 61.0 51.0 89.5 70.8 69.3 64.2 48.0 5.001 40.4 66.9 2007 >95 66.7 64.3 71.9 78.9 78.1 75.9 70.7 70.9 * 48.2 73.4 2008 * 75.0 66.3 78.1 69.4 80.7 79.9 70.5 64.4 55.6 50.0 75.2 2009 * 86.4 68.9 66.7 73.3 80.0 79.3 71.7 64.3 61.1 47.7 75.7 2010 * 47.6 71.0 61.0 80.0 81.0 80.5 72.1 65.5 36.4 50.0 76.2 2011 83.3 52.0 77.3 81.5 94.0 82.8 87.3 74.9 74.1 39.3 58.5 80.9 2012 * 63.3 83.9 85.2 88.6 87.6 86.8 84.5 83.5 59.3 76.9 85.6 2013 * 55.2 85.0 83.8 92.2 88.1 90.0 81.7 82.2 39.4 66.1 86.0 2008 60.3 81.5 67.9 71.9 68.9 75.7 77.0 65.4 62.0 54.8 54.6 71.3 2009 69.9 86.7 71.3 74.5 77.9 74.6 78.4 68.3 69.1 70.6 60.2 73.2 2010 73.4 87.1 73.7 73.0 71.8 77.2 79.7 70.4 69.4 47.6 55.0 75.1 2011 62.0 86.8 75.3 81.0 85.5 80.5 82.0 73.9 72.4 45.5 52.3 78.1 2012 80.2 91.2 78.4 85.6 85.1 81.5 85.2 76.2 75.0 58.3 53.3 80.7 2013 72.2 92.4 80.0 84.6 84.7 82.9 86.5 77.0 76.7 61.5 54.6 81.7 Cumberland County Schools (260) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 3864 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 15 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 52.1 71.2 61.7 63.7 65.0 68.1 70.0 59.3 59.2 * 34.5 64.7 2007 58.4 76.7 64.4 63.2 70.5 71.7 73.3 61.8 68.0 58.8 40.2 67.4 71 Currituck County Schools (270) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 308 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 75.0 75.0 87.5 72.2 71.4 74.3 * * 55.6 72.8 2007 * * 81.5 * * 75.0 78.8 71.6 69.0 * 38.9 75.1 2008 * * 81.8 * >95 76.9 83.9 71.4 64.0 * 61.5 77.7 2009 * * 88.5 * >95 81.5 87.5 77.2 78.5 * 75.9 82.1 2010 * * 86.4 85.7 88.9 78.4 79.3 80.3 79.5 * 65.5 79.8 2011 * * 91.7 62.5 90.0 79.0 77.3 82.9 72.9 * 60.0 80.3 2012 * * 81.2 88.9 92.1 86.7 85.7 88.8 78.0 * 61.5 87.4 2013 * * 88.9 72.7 83.3 89.1 88.5 86.8 81.3 * 62.1 87.7 2008 * * 63.6 62.5 75.0 91.1 90.5 87.5 76.6 * 75.9 89.0 2009 * * 81.8 78.6 75.0 91.3 92.3 88.3 82.5 >95 92.9 90.2 2010 * * >95 93.3 75.0 90.6 94.0 87.7 87.6 87.5 88.9 90.5 2011 * * 93.8 76.5 87.5 90.6 93.2 87.4 84.3 * 83.3 90.1 2012 * * 66.7 95.0 77.8 89.6 91.7 86.3 80.3 * 63.6 88.9 2013 * * >95 >95 >95 90.5 91.1 91.5 88.3 85.7 90.3 91.4 Dare County Schools (280) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 370 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 82.4 61.5 * 70.5 71.6 69.7 74.1 * 42.1 70.6 2007 * * 86.7 86.7 * 82.2 87.8 77.4 81.8 * 88.0 82.8 72 Davidson County Schools (290) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1530 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 8 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 60.0 53.1 69.0 41.7 67.7 70.0 64.2 51.7 * 50.9 67.1 2007 * 58.3 66.7 48.4 * 69.6 74.8 62.6 66.7 * 57.9 68.8 2008 45.5 40.0 58.2 44.4 58.3 67.3 68.9 62.7 44.7 * 54.4 65.8 2009 77.8 73.7 72.9 72.4 78.6 70.9 75.1 67.4 54.7 76.9 50.9 71.2 2010 * 60.0 58.2 57.9 63.6 66.6 68.2 63.2 53.6 * 47.3 65.8 2011 83.3 85.7 79.7 80.0 84.6 80.5 82.7 78.7 68.7 * 51.5 80.6 2012 * 72.7 76.6 78.1 66.7 83.3 85.5 79.5 73.1 46.2 69.2 82.5 2013 * >95 81.4 88.5 68.8 85.2 88.8 81.8 76.1 * 56.4 85.2 2008 * * 65.1 41.2 * 75.3 76.1 68.9 50.5 * 61.0 72.6 2009 * * 58.1 37.5 * 76.0 77.2 65.3 54.1 30.4 65.2 71.6 2010 * * 70.3 62.2 76.9 79.4 82.3 72.5 60.1 43.8 68.6 77.5 2011 * * 77.1 71.4 84.6 76.7 80.3 73.4 64.9 * 64.7 76.6 2012 * * 75.8 75.0 87.5 84.6 86.0 80.3 71.8 71.4 63.6 83.2 2013 * * 82.1 85.7 70.6 83.4 90.5 76.8 75.9 * 65.4 83.2 Davie County Schools (300) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 513 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 76.9 54.2 * 82.0 82.5 77.7 88.9 * 84.2 80.0 2007 * * 64.3 61.8 * 75.8 72.9 74.6 68.0 60.0 50.0 73.8 73 Duplin County Schools (310) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 548 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 65.2 56.8 * 78.7 80.0 60.4 61.5 * 56.8 70.7 2007 * * 69.5 59.6 * 82.1 76.2 72.3 70.6 57.1 52.7 74.2 2008 * * 71.5 47.3 55.6 77.4 78.8 62.2 65.0 25.0 54.3 70.3 2009 * * 73.9 50.9 * 78.9 78.1 65.7 64.8 28.9 58.8 71.9 2010 * * 67.2 54.2 * 81.4 76.7 65.1 65.8 35.9 70.7 71.0 2011 * * 69.0 62.8 * 72.6 73.5 65.0 67.4 38.2 50.0 69.1 2012 * * 74.0 74.0 87.5 90.2 87.5 74.1 77.4 47.6 56.5 80.8 2013 * * 82.7 70.9 83.3 84.2 85.8 73.4 78.0 28.6 66.0 79.9 2008 * 69.6 57.7 37.4 70.0 81.4 71.3 54.7 48.3 33.7 56.3 63.0 2009 * 80.0 56.6 38.4 68.1 85.4 68.3 59.8 51.1 39.6 48.8 64.0 2010 * 91.1 63.0 58.3 68.4 87.4 76.9 62.7 63.3 51.2 50.2 69.8 2011 75.0 81.1 69.2 60.9 76.7 90.3 80.4 67.3 68.7 43.8 49.3 73.9 2012 * 85.7 73.7 63.8 78.0 90.8 81.9 72.0 71.5 43.9 48.6 76.9 2013 66.7 83.6 78.1 66.8 87.9 89.6 84.4 75.0 72.6 54.3 54.3 79.6 Durham Public Schools (320) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 2447 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 12 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 78.0 63.7 40.1 71.2 82.1 76.0 61.5 51.5 * 57.7 68.8 2007 * 83.7 59.3 35.2 64.8 83.1 71.8 60.4 58.3 36.4 42.4 66.3 74 Edenton-Chowan Schools (210) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 178 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 55.4 * * 80.4 75.7 59.4 * * 40.0 67.6 2007 * * 64.2 * * 82.1 84.0 60.9 59.7 * 56.2 73.6 2008 * * 67.5 * * 62.4 73.9 55.4 60.3 * 57.1 64.4 2009 * * 58.2 * * 81.0 78.4 61.1 63.4 * 60.9 70.6 2010 * * 63.2 * * 84.1 88.3 62.0 64.5 * 56.2 74.7 2011 * * 70.5 * * 83.9 81.9 74.5 70.4 * 43.8 78.0 2012 * * 73.8 * * 81.3 81.9 75.7 73.3 * 50.0 78.3 2013 * * 79.4 * * 82.1 87.6 75.3 78.3 * 72.7 81.5 2008 * * 58.3 45.8 * 62.3 64.9 53.0 58.7 * 35.8 59.2 2009 * * 58.8 52.2 * 58.6 64.9 51.5 61.6 * 44.8 58.2 2010 * * 75.2 80.8 * 79.5 79.5 73.9 76.5 71.4 66.1 76.7 2011 * * 76.1 52.6 * 75.9 78.1 72.2 72.6 5.001 54.5 75.0 2012 * * 82.2 85.2 * 76.4 84.9 74.2 80.2 * 62.0 79.8 2013 * * 77.7 63.6 * 78.4 83.8 70.9 71.6 5.001 61.3 77.4 Edgecombe County Public Schools (330) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 530 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 53.3 38.7 * 63.9 64.0 47.0 53.6 * 52.9 56.3 2007 * * 64.2 45.0 * 68.1 73.6 56.5 71.0 * 46.9 65.1 75 Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools (700) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 447 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 43.6 * * 53.7 54.8 42.9 46.2 * 25.6 48.2 2007 * * 54.6 * * 73.3 75.1 51.6 62.0 * 39.2 62.8 2008 * * 67.1 * 87.5 61.5 72.4 58.1 64.9 * 56.5 64.9 2009 * * 66.4 77.8 42.9 73.4 77.8 60.9 60.9 * 50.0 69.3 2010 * * 66.7 38.5 84.6 75.9 79.8 63.1 62.8 * 43.1 70.7 2011 * * 75.3 58.3 >95 79.3 83.7 70.1 71.7 * 55.1 77.2 2012 * * 86.2 71.4 >95 82.2 88.3 79.9 82.3 * 61.8 84.1 2013 * * 83.9 71.4 >95 82.2 91.2 75.4 80.2 * 54.8 83.0 2008 * * * 87.5 * 91.2 83.6 >95 82.1 90.0 87.5 89.4 2009 * * * 80.0 * 91.0 94.8 77.1 70.8 * 71.4 88.2 2010 * * 87.5 54.5 * 91.3 87.0 86.0 81.5 * * 86.5 2011 * * >95 50.0 * >95 93.9 89.4 77.8 * >95 91.7 2012 * * * >95 * 86.9 93.9 85.5 88.9 * 85.7 89.4 2013 * * * >95 * 93.0 >95 91.4 >95 * 80.0 94.1 Elkin City Schools (861) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 85 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * >95 * * 81.4 86.5 81.8 * * 69.2 84.0 2007 * * 85.7 * * 84.5 87.9 83.3 77.8 * * 85.2 76 Forsyth County Schools (340) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 3985 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 14 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 58.3 84.2 68.2 49.8 64.9 80.4 78.2 69.3 59.7 58.8 56.3 73.7 2007 * 80.4 64.2 40.9 66.7 80.1 74.5 67.0 65.3 38.9 40.3 70.7 2008 42.9 91.3 64.1 45.7 71.6 79.4 75.0 66.9 57.6 35.9 53.5 70.8 2009 * 88.7 66.2 49.4 77.9 81.5 77.4 68.1 61.2 41.3 55.9 72.7 2010 * 90.5 68.6 55.5 70.9 81.4 78.1 69.3 62.7 38.8 55.2 73.6 2011 75.0 93.9 74.3 61.8 78.5 86.0 81.9 75.5 71.9 41.4 59.5 78.8 2012 66.7 89.9 78.1 65.9 83.3 86.7 84.8 77.2 73.0 40.1 63.0 80.9 2013 58.3 92.5 80.2 69.9 84.3 87.4 87.6 77.2 78.1 40.1 64.7 82.1 2008 * * 68.0 53.5 * 77.0 78.0 65.6 65.1 56.2 53.7 71.6 2009 * * 70.7 57.7 75.0 79.1 82.7 66.5 63.6 38.5 62.0 74.2 2010 * * 71.9 60.0 77.8 81.8 82.4 71.7 71.8 53.3 69.4 76.7 2011 * * 79.2 65.2 83.3 80.0 87.2 71.8 77.3 * 67.4 78.9 2012 * * 77.4 50.9 * 86.8 80.7 79.6 75.3 * 61.1 80.1 2013 * * 78.2 74.0 81.8 83.4 86.7 75.9 79.1 * 58.8 80.8 Franklin County Schools (350) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 684 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 56.4 44.4 * 66.8 68.8 54.1 64.3 * 28.1 61.5 2007 * * 63.4 66.7 * 69.4 67.4 65.4 69.0 55.6 29.4 66.5 77 Gaston County Schools (360) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 2438 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 11 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 72.5 64.8 55.8 66.7 69.5 69.9 66.3 57.2 58.8 45.3 68.1 2007 62.5 77.8 71.2 68.8 73.7 71.2 75.9 66.2 68.3 71.4 51.7 71.2 2008 83.3 87.0 66.5 62.6 66.7 74.2 76.2 68.4 59.8 56.8 60.7 72.3 2009 * 87.1 66.3 68.1 74.4 70.8 76.1 63.9 59.8 66.2 54.7 70.0 2010 63.6 84.6 69.1 62.0 70.4 73.6 76.7 67.5 65.9 45.0 60.7 72.0 2011 * 85.3 71.9 79.9 68.5 76.1 79.8 71.1 70.3 68.1 56.1 75.4 2012 85.7 90.2 78.4 77.2 70.6 77.5 82.0 73.8 70.2 47.5 52.5 77.8 2013 * 94.3 78.7 80.7 86.5 81.6 84.9 77.7 74.3 54.5 63.1 81.2 2008 * * 68.4 * * 72.5 73.6 68.8 62.9 * 93.3 71.0 2009 * * 65.2 * * 77.7 78.2 68.2 67.7 * 63.2 73.0 2010 * * 83.3 * * 78.7 90.0 70.1 74.2 * 81.8 80.3 2011 * * 83.1 * * 81.7 86.8 77.0 79.4 * 71.4 82.0 2012 * * 82.1 * * 87.8 92.7 78.5 82.7 * 66.7 85.7 2013 * * >95 * * 88.4 90.3 92.3 93.4 * 90.5 91.4 Gates County Schools (370) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 140 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 76.8 * * 64.9 78.9 60.7 * * 46.7 69.0 2007 * * 78.9 * * 80.9 85.7 74.7 86.2 * 40.0 79.8 78 Graham County Schools (380) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 96 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 60.0 * * * * 77.1 76.2 75.0 * * 71.4 75.5 2007 55.6 * * * * 73.6 64.6 79.5 74.3 * 57.1 70.6 2008 70.0 * * * * 61.5 66.0 59.3 52.6 * 61.5 62.4 2009 62.5 * * * * 70.6 77.3 61.8 75.8 * * 70.5 2010 90.9 * * * * 84.0 82.2 86.4 81.6 * 83.3 84.3 2011 72.7 * * * * 86.7 84.8 86.3 80.0 * 71.4 85.6 2012 >95 * * * * 92.4 94.3 93.0 91.4 * 75.0 93.6 2013 90.9 * * * * 86.7 81.6 91.5 87.8 * 77.8 86.5 2008 * * 55.4 51.3 66.7 65.3 65.4 56.0 47.5 43.5 41.5 60.7 2009 * * 54.8 52.4 * 61.3 65.9 51.1 48.0 43.5 18.0 58.4 2010 * 77.8 57.1 53.8 54.5 72.5 72.5 58.2 50.0 38.5 30.2 65.3 2011 * * 56.7 50.0 72.0 77.7 75.2 59.3 52.7 * 47.6 67.3 2012 * * 61.0 66.0 85.7 80.0 80.1 65.6 66.2 * 61.0 72.6 2013 * * 72.3 75.0 81.8 80.5 83.2 71.1 70.4 75.0 58.1 77.1 Granville County Schools (390) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 608 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 65.2 73.7 * 77.3 79.8 64.8 >95 * 51.9 72.4 2007 * * 54.7 62.5 * 75.1 76.4 57.4 55.6 70.0 31.1 66.9 79 Greene County Schools (400) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 212 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 58.4 31.6 * 69.0 68.7 53.3 60.0 * * 60.3 2007 * * 65.5 44.4 * 67.8 73.2 54.6 67.3 * 48.3 63.6 2008 * * 60.2 54.2 * 76.5 71.4 60.3 60.7 * 48.0 65.3 2009 * * 56.5 54.5 * 71.3 67.4 57.1 57.7 81.8 43.5 62.1 2010 * * 54.8 65.2 * 75.7 69.8 57.3 59.8 45.5 50.0 62.9 2011 * * 73.6 50.0 * 89.3 81.5 71.6 68.8 33.3 63.6 76.3 2012 * * 86.4 75.8 * 85.7 90.2 80.2 85.5 55.6 65.5 84.3 2013 * * 90.1 87.2 * 84.3 90.8 83.5 88.0 66.7 66.7 87.3 2008 58.3 84.0 72.0 68.8 76.4 87.8 83.9 75.5 70.0 62.4 63.3 79.7 2009 72.0 82.3 73.8 68.4 78.7 87.4 84.6 75.0 74.2 59.7 65.7 79.9 2010 65.2 81.4 75.5 68.5 76.3 88.1 85.1 76.6 77.5 61.3 67.9 80.7 2011 78.4 84.0 78.0 75.1 74.4 90.4 87.5 78.7 79.2 65.3 66.5 83.1 2012 63.2 84.5 81.2 78.1 75.9 90.4 88.3 81.1 80.6 65.7 68.7 84.5 2013 78.9 83.5 83.5 81.2 79.4 91.2 90.3 82.2 81.7 65.1 67.4 86.2 Guilford County Schools (410) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 5771 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 26 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 42.3 63.4 67.5 52.3 72.4 82.6 78.4 69.6 67.4 60.6 60.4 74.0 2007 69.4 75.8 73.6 64.1 76.5 86.3 82.9 76.4 74.7 62.5 63.7 79.7 80 Halifax County Schools (420) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 282 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 65.5 * 60.6 * * * 73.1 46.7 46.2 * 22.8 59.4 2007 54.8 * 68.4 * * * 76.3 57.0 69.3 * 35.6 66.6 2008 56.2 * 65.4 * * 64.3 76.6 53.3 67.1 * 43.8 65.0 2009 32.0 * 57.3 * * * 64.8 44.6 57.1 * 39.4 54.8 2010 66.7 * 70.7 * * * 76.2 64.9 71.9 * 60.5 70.1 2011 66.7 * 72.9 * * * 84.8 61.1 74.4 * 67.4 71.9 2012 60.0 * 77.5 83.3 * * 83.6 68.2 83.5 * 57.8 75.5 2013 92.9 * 75.2 * * * 86.7 63.9 78.1 * 72.1 74.8 2008 75.0 * 64.0 69.0 64.3 76.8 78.3 65.4 65.5 63.3 58.5 71.8 2009 83.3 81.8 65.3 68.0 68.4 74.6 74.8 67.4 65.1 56.1 56.2 71.2 2010 66.7 * 62.8 62.5 75.8 72.8 73.6 64.5 61.1 41.5 53.9 68.9 2011 72.7 75.0 71.7 69.8 67.6 74.3 79.1 66.5 69.0 53.5 56.7 72.8 2012 70.6 * 70.3 75.9 84.6 76.2 79.3 69.9 71.5 59.5 50.6 74.5 2013 69.2 * 76.2 73.0 83.3 78.2 84.2 70.3 71.8 38.9 55.2 77.1 Harnett County Schools (430) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1478 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 58.3 * 57.6 59.4 70.0 69.5 68.8 62.2 60.0 71.4 49.7 65.5 2007 * 87.5 64.2 72.1 72.4 74.9 75.9 66.2 69.4 68.2 52.6 71.0 81 Haywood County Schools (440) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 619 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 69.2 67.8 69.0 52.0 * 52.6 68.4 2007 * * * * * 75.7 80.8 69.3 69.0 * 46.8 75.0 2008 * * 83.3 68.8 * 75.8 78.9 73.0 58.0 * 62.7 75.7 2009 * * * 78.9 * 72.4 76.8 67.6 62.6 92.3 76.7 71.9 2010 * * * 76.2 >95 76.7 81.4 72.1 65.8 70.0 69.8 76.7 2011 >95 * 85.7 84.6 70.0 79.0 84.2 74.8 71.4 * 82.8 79.3 2012 55.6 * * 81.0 77.8 79.5 81.5 77.4 76.4 * 69.8 79.3 2013 * * 60.0 65.0 * 84.5 86.3 79.9 77.8 * 77.6 83.0 2008 * 70.0 71.9 61.0 60.0 82.1 81.4 77.7 68.7 73.1 76.5 79.4 2009 * 90.9 73.7 60.9 76.5 82.5 84.2 75.0 66.3 55.1 69.5 79.3 2010 * 91.7 67.9 74.5 58.3 81.0 84.3 73.7 71.8 52.4 69.5 79.0 2011 * 75.0 76.9 81.1 84.6 83.4 85.8 80.0 78.1 76.0 64.3 82.9 2012 * 92.3 86.0 83.6 72.3 86.1 88.9 81.5 79.4 74.2 70.1 84.9 2013 * >95 91.7 85.8 87.5 88.1 90.8 85.4 84.7 76.2 70.7 88.0 Henderson County Schools (450) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 985 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 60.0 62.5 59.3 88.9 76.8 77.8 71.6 55.8 75.0 58.1 74.5 2007 * 90.0 79.5 64.4 72.7 80.4 82.0 75.9 75.3 68.2 58.7 79.0 82 Hertford County Schools (460) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 241 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 50.0 * * 47.5 57.6 39.2 38.5 * * 48.9 2007 * * 68.9 * * 68.8 73.0 64.2 72.8 * 47.1 68.9 2008 * * 62.1 * * 60.4 64.5 59.7 55.5 * 46.2 62.1 2009 * * 61.4 * * 57.1 64.6 55.5 62.7 * 54.3 60.1 2010 * * 69.1 * * 48.8 69.2 61.7 70.6 * 65.9 65.8 2011 * * 86.1 * * 74.4 87.7 80.2 88.6 * 85.4 83.9 2012 * * 82.2 * * 61.9 84.4 75.5 86.8 * 73.3 79.9 2013 * * 82.7 * * 80.5 88.1 77.2 82.6 * 71.4 82.6 2008 * 83.3 67.7 61.1 58.3 84.5 77.0 76.5 65.4 66.7 78.6 76.8 2009 * 78.3 60.0 60.0 77.8 83.0 77.3 70.6 68.9 60.7 46.4 74.3 2010 * 88.9 49.5 66.0 76.5 76.2 73.6 64.1 62.5 55.2 57.9 68.6 2011 * 83.3 67.1 66.7 75.0 81.5 77.0 76.0 70.9 60.0 55.0 76.5 2012 * >95 78.4 77.8 66.7 84.9 87.3 76.7 79.2 73.3 67.7 82.2 2013 * 90.9 75.0 83.7 75.0 86.4 87.6 78.6 78.8 80.0 72.2 82.8 Hickory City Schools (181) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 291 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 65.0 56.6 43.3 * 81.2 73.3 67.4 73.1 * 45.5 70.4 2007 * 76.5 53.7 69.0 * 78.7 74.1 67.8 59.7 76.9 44.4 70.8 83 Hoke County Schools (470) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 529 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 35.8 * 51.1 41.4 * 46.2 53.2 41.9 63.6 * 20.3 47.1 2007 51.2 >95 67.4 45.5 62.5 65.7 69.8 57.2 64.8 * 37.3 63.7 2008 71.0 * 76.5 59.4 90.0 53.3 77.3 59.4 70.2 45.5 71.4 69.0 2009 62.3 * 63.2 58.1 64.7 60.8 63.5 60.9 57.6 31.2 45.5 62.2 2010 66.7 * 65.4 58.8 54.5 67.6 68.4 62.5 66.3 38.5 51.9 65.4 2011 58.3 * 72.2 74.6 79.4 66.9 73.9 66.0 68.4 61.9 63.2 69.9 2012 54.0 * 77.6 70.4 73.7 75.4 76.0 71.6 71.1 33.3 55.1 73.7 2013 41.0 * 76.5 70.4 88.9 73.5 76.4 64.7 69.2 46.7 59.7 70.5 2008 * * 85.7 * * 70.0 91.3 63.2 73.1 * >95 78.6 2009 * * 76.7 * * 86.2 90.0 73.5 76.7 * 88.9 81.2 2010 * * 72.0 * * 65.5 68.8 66.7 62.8 * 84.6 67.8 2011 * * 94.7 * * 78.3 93.3 64.7 83.3 * * 83.0 2012 * * * * * 60.0 77.8 * * * * 56.2 2013 * * >95 * * 81.3 84.6 88.9 90.9 * * 86.8 Hyde County Schools (480) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 53 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 60.0 * * 74.2 65.2 70.8 * * * 68.1 2007 * * 73.9 * * 85.0 86.7 75.9 87.0 * * 79.5 84 Iredell-Statesville Schools (490) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1717 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 9 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 71.4 62.6 65.4 * 74.8 77.4 66.1 64.6 * 49.6 71.6 2007 * 78.9 63.3 65.1 85.7 78.4 79.3 71.0 69.6 57.1 51.9 75.3 2008 * 88.2 72.7 77.4 75.0 82.4 84.5 77.5 67.2 58.3 65.1 80.7 2009 * 89.7 75.9 66.7 80.8 83.0 83.5 78.6 69.9 57.1 68.5 80.9 2010 >95 86.7 76.6 70.4 80.0 85.0 87.3 78.4 73.3 44.0 65.1 82.7 2011 * 92.1 79.3 69.6 82.4 87.7 87.7 82.5 76.3 48.1 65.3 85.1 2012 >95 94.3 83.1 77.0 80.8 89.2 89.5 84.9 78.1 48.0 73.8 87.1 2013 * >95 83.3 82.8 86.7 89.4 89.3 86.9 79.4 62.1 72.0 88.1 2008 28.6 * * 54.5 * 69.0 68.7 62.7 53.9 * 51.7 65.6 2009 50.0 * 83.3 * * 70.0 69.5 64.1 49.4 * 63.3 66.5 2010 40.9 * * 85.7 * 79.8 77.6 76.6 71.3 * 56.7 77.1 2011 51.7 * * 63.6 * 81.4 79.3 75.2 70.5 * 60.7 77.2 2012 87.5 * * 80.0 * 86.6 86.9 85.8 81.8 71.4 63.2 86.4 2013 55.0 * * 57.1 * 88.0 86.0 81.3 76.6 * 66.7 83.7 Jackson County Schools (500) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 257 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 30.0 * * * 5.001 70.0 71.3 57.5 * * 55.6 64.6 2007 47.4 * 87.5 * * 72.8 72.6 68.2 73.8 * 52.2 70.2 85 Johnston County Schools (510) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 2274 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 11 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 71.4 64.3 59.8 76.2 79.4 77.9 70.9 62.3 * 59.6 74.5 2007 81.8 81.8 64.9 52.5 86.4 80.1 78.2 72.1 67.2 41.7 64.0 75.1 2008 * 75.0 63.7 51.1 69.7 81.9 79.6 71.0 58.5 44.8 63.8 75.1 2009 75.0 >95 64.5 56.4 61.2 79.1 76.4 69.5 57.8 46.1 67.6 72.9 2010 71.4 * 65.8 58.1 67.1 80.8 80.1 69.1 61.9 37.3 55.4 74.4 2011 85.7 77.8 72.3 60.2 66.7 83.4 82.5 74.8 69.8 27.8 63.3 78.7 2012 55.6 >95 75.7 73.9 65.7 86.8 86.9 77.8 74.4 49.0 61.8 82.4 2013 87.5 92.3 78.2 77.8 75.7 84.9 87.9 77.4 74.2 45.3 61.8 82.5 2008 * * 62.3 * * 38.7 52.0 56.8 57.9 * 50.0 54.3 2009 * * 80.3 * * 45.9 76.2 59.7 62.7 * 70.0 66.1 2010 * * 74.5 * * 64.6 80.0 61.1 70.8 * 55.6 69.7 2011 * * 79.4 * * 72.5 83.0 71.7 79.5 * * 77.0 2012 * * 84.5 * * 73.3 89.1 72.3 81.7 * * 80.6 2013 * * 85.4 * * 75.8 89.7 72.5 80.4 * * 81.0 Jones County Schools (520) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 79 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 71.2 * * 53.1 72.7 54.9 * * * 64.2 2007 * * 73.8 * * 56.1 68.8 60.4 67.7 * 42.9 65.2 86 Kannapolis City Schools (132) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 384 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 90.0 64.2 50.0 >95 73.7 74.1 62.1 80.6 * 42.3 68.4 2007 * 62.5 68.5 48.1 >95 71.7 78.2 59.3 70.3 * 22.7 69.0 2008 * * 73.7 61.7 61.5 69.6 71.4 67.3 60.1 47.8 52.5 69.3 2009 * * 73.5 75.0 75.0 65.1 82.2 58.1 67.7 72.7 28.6 69.6 2010 * >95 78.6 63.2 87.5 80.1 83.3 70.1 75.0 57.7 56.8 77.0 2011 * * 91.8 80.0 91.7 82.4 87.2 83.4 82.0 58.8 79.4 85.1 2012 * >95 89.5 78.0 69.2 80.4 85.9 80.1 83.2 64.3 78.6 82.8 2013 * * 86.7 81.3 91.7 84.1 85.5 84.4 83.2 58.8 76.9 84.9 2008 * >95 67.1 66.4 50.0 75.6 75.6 67.4 59.8 68.3 41.3 71.4 2009 * 77.8 70.6 61.5 72.2 74.2 76.8 65.1 66.6 59.0 53.4 70.7 2010 * >95 69.4 63.3 72.7 78.4 80.4 66.3 67.8 49.1 61.2 73.1 2011 85.7 * 81.2 75.7 73.3 82.4 83.0 78.0 78.2 59.3 65.8 80.4 2012 * >95 80.9 83.5 70.6 86.5 84.8 83.2 83.2 64.4 75.0 84.0 2013 * * 80.6 86.4 88.2 88.6 90.8 82.0 82.7 71.9 70.0 86.2 Lee County Schools (530) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 749 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 57.5 52.9 63.6 71.5 71.5 56.3 28.6 * * 64.2 2007 * * 56.9 55.3 76.9 68.0 71.7 55.5 62.2 63.2 36.4 63.4 87 Lenoir County Public Schools (540) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 769 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 49.8 36.7 46.2 63.9 61.4 50.0 44.4 * 26.9 55.5 2007 * * 59.6 50.0 * 74.9 71.3 61.4 62.5 * 47.7 66.3 2008 * * 60.7 65.4 * 72.1 71.5 59.0 55.5 42.9 50.0 65.1 2009 * 77.8 61.3 40.0 * 72.8 70.2 60.8 57.7 * 41.8 65.6 2010 * 60.0 66.2 56.5 33.3 76.8 77.9 62.4 64.7 63.2 33.8 69.4 2011 * * 66.4 51.1 81.2 82.1 79.4 65.6 68.4 35.3 38.6 71.9 2012 * * 76.8 74.6 90.5 79.3 79.4 76.8 78.6 64.3 60.3 78.1 2013 * * 74.5 72.3 83.3 82.9 80.6 75.6 73.0 53.3 63.9 77.9 2008 * 58.3 68.5 68.0 77.8 44.4 74.7 49.0 62.2 45.5 52.4 61.1 2009 * 81.2 77.7 54.5 54.5 67.9 74.5 66.1 72.4 55.6 82.4 70.1 2010 * 77.8 77.7 66.7 * 64.2 78.4 64.3 71.3 61.1 40.0 71.5 2011 * 85.7 79.5 68.4 * 67.3 76.5 71.1 72.2 45.5 57.9 73.3 2012 * 85.7 89.6 62.5 87.5 65.5 84.2 72.0 77.9 33.3 64.3 78.2 2013 * 90.0 91.0 83.7 >95 69.8 86.7 83.0 84.6 71.4 76.9 84.7 Lexington City Schools (291) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 196 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 53.8 47.2 34.0 * 42.4 50.0 36.9 40.0 * * 43.7 2007 * 54.5 74.4 62.5 * 45.1 64.6 59.8 70.8 85.7 45.8 62.1 88 Lincoln County Schools (550) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 955 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 83.3 58.0 61.6 70.0 71.3 71.1 67.6 47.7 62.5 46.5 69.4 2007 * 85.7 69.0 70.5 77.8 78.2 80.1 74.1 73.2 77.8 61.5 77.1 2008 * * 77.2 64.2 84.6 81.0 81.8 77.9 68.0 53.8 75.2 79.8 2009 * * 77.6 61.8 81.8 79.1 81.1 74.8 63.5 51.2 68.5 77.8 2010 * 77.8 65.7 76.2 79.2 81.7 83.6 76.6 72.5 71.4 65.7 80.1 2011 * * 80.4 87.2 83.3 81.0 83.7 79.8 72.7 87.5 65.5 81.6 2012 * 83.3 82.6 81.8 84.6 87.2 88.7 84.1 80.7 80.0 71.9 86.4 2013 * >95 88.7 88.5 78.9 86.0 89.0 84.0 79.8 76.9 78.9 86.4 2008 * * * * * 79.0 87.2 68.5 70.4 * 57.1 77.0 2009 * * * 75.0 * 77.4 77.3 76.7 70.6 70.0 72.2 77.0 2010 * 85.7 * 80.0 * 81.8 86.6 76.5 79.0 72.7 84.8 81.5 2011 * * * 80.8 83.3 85.0 89.2 79.5 82.8 60.0 55.6 84.8 2012 * * >95 71.4 >95 85.2 88.1 80.8 82.5 71.4 57.1 84.5 2013 * * 71.4 79.3 88.9 87.6 87.1 85.2 86.7 81.8 66.7 86.1 Macon County Schools (560) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 316 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 66.5 70.8 62.6 44.7 * 48.1 66.5 2007 * * * 66.7 >95 75.5 82.4 69.9 76.1 * 59.3 76.0 89 Madison County Schools (570) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 220 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 75.0 71.9 75.0 63.6 * 53.3 73.7 2007 * * * * * 76.8 85.0 68.9 69.4 * 43.5 76.7 2008 * * * * * 73.6 77.4 71.1 61.8 * 75.0 74.0 2009 * * * 83.3 * 63.2 78.4 51.8 51.1 * 35.0 64.0 2010 * * * * * 62.8 63.0 62.2 50.9 * 58.3 62.6 2011 * * * * * 81.3 88.6 75.8 77.8 * 64.7 81.8 2012 * * * * * 82.2 92.9 71.8 74.7 * 57.1 82.4 2013 * * * >95 * 86.0 85.3 86.4 84.6 * 76.2 85.9 2008 * * 69.5 * * 76.0 79.5 64.4 65.6 * 80.8 72.5 2009 * * 68.1 * * 79.6 78.2 70.9 65.6 * 52.4 74.3 2010 * * 63.4 * * 88.3 84.4 67.1 65.1 * 61.3 75.6 2011 * * 70.9 * * 82.6 84.6 67.3 77.0 * 79.2 75.6 2012 * * 70.4 61.5 * 78.9 79.9 68.9 72.7 * 57.1 74.3 2013 * * 69.5 83.3 * 83.8 77.9 74.6 67.7 * 61.8 76.3 Martin County Schools (580) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 240 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 65.8 85.7 * 77.3 73.7 68.9 68.2 * 51.3 71.2 2007 * * 45.3 55.6 * 67.5 53.7 55.4 58.4 * 45.0 54.6 90 McDowell County Schools (590) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 486 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 81.8 47.6 46.2 * 64.8 67.7 60.8 55.7 * 43.6 64.1 2007 * 91.7 81.0 52.9 * 67.2 75.1 61.4 66.2 * 41.7 68.1 2008 * >95 70.8 65.2 * 68.3 73.2 64.2 61.3 64.3 67.9 68.6 2009 * 80.0 70.0 68.4 * 72.4 77.1 68.0 68.3 76.5 76.4 72.3 2010 * 83.3 84.2 57.1 * 73.3 74.9 71.1 72.1 40.0 77.8 72.9 2011 * 85.7 88.9 70.4 >95 74.4 79.2 71.1 70.4 45.5 65.7 75.2 2012 * >95 85.0 62.2 * 79.3 82.3 73.9 77.3 * 65.2 78.2 2013 * >95 92.3 80.6 80.0 77.0 81.7 75.0 76.6 * 72.7 78.2 2008 * * * * * 61.7 61.5 60.4 60.9 * 61.5 61.0 2009 * * * * * 73.2 72.5 68.7 66.7 * 57.1 70.7 2010 * * * * * 73.3 73.6 72.5 68.6 * 77.3 73.1 2011 * * * * * 81.6 76.5 82.6 76.1 * 72.7 80.0 2012 * * * * * 84.6 89.5 79.5 80.3 * 60.0 83.4 2013 * * * 77.8 * 88.7 94.1 82.9 83.3 * 50.0 88.0 Mitchell County Schools (610) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 150 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 62.5 58.8 65.7 * * 50.0 61.9 2007 * * * 71.4 * 70.9 75.7 67.0 61.5 * 62.5 70.9 91 Montgomery County Schools (620) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 299 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 75.0 67.0 57.6 * 77.4 75.9 68.1 57.1 * 69.0 72.0 2007 * 76.9 76.6 55.9 * 73.7 75.1 66.9 76.0 59.1 55.3 71.0 2008 * 77.8 77.8 75.6 * 72.7 76.9 72.5 68.7 60.0 50.0 74.6 2009 * 68.8 72.0 53.2 * 69.0 72.3 62.9 66.0 45.5 58.3 67.1 2010 * 88.9 81.7 46.9 87.5 73.3 65.1 74.2 69.5 38.1 60.0 70.1 2011 * 85.7 88.0 64.0 * 78.6 78.7 77.0 78.4 45.2 93.1 77.9 2012 * * 81.2 76.4 * 82.5 79.5 81.4 78.8 59.1 57.1 80.5 2013 * 90.0 90.3 80.4 * 84.5 87.0 83.9 80.6 * 43.5 85.3 2008 50.0 * 60.6 69.6 58.8 78.6 76.8 69.5 64.6 >95 56.7 73.1 2009 * 92.3 60.5 54.5 48.3 77.1 75.7 67.9 56.5 60.0 54.0 71.5 2010 88.9 87.5 70.6 60.4 73.9 84.5 83.1 77.2 69.9 56.2 70.8 80.2 2011 75.0 77.8 66.2 67.1 71.4 74.5 73.8 70.9 66.3 40.9 59.2 72.3 2012 >95 88.9 74.6 75.0 72.7 87.0 85.2 81.9 71.6 39.1 60.0 83.4 2013 66.7 88.9 71.7 77.6 80.0 85.2 85.7 77.8 72.5 50.0 59.6 81.7 Moore County Schools (630) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 971 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 60.0 * 52.0 57.1 53.8 72.8 74.2 60.6 48.3 * 42.5 66.7 2007 * >95 67.3 69.2 90.9 79.2 82.4 68.8 67.4 33.3 48.0 76.0 92 Mooresville Graded School District (491) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 366 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 69.2 47.0 66.7 * 68.1 66.7 61.4 54.5 * 52.9 64.0 2007 * 77.8 66.7 77.8 * 78.5 78.3 74.1 70.6 * 50.0 76.5 2008 * * 68.9 62.5 >95 83.6 84.3 74.5 67.3 * 71.1 79.9 2009 * 83.3 72.3 61.5 * 82.2 87.2 72.8 69.5 * 65.5 79.6 2010 * >95 85.7 80.0 77.8 86.4 88.3 83.9 85.2 * 78.1 86.0 2011 * >95 88.7 88.2 >95 91.5 92.0 90.1 84.7 * 72.7 91.1 2012 * * 94.8 84.2 * 89.6 91.4 89.2 85.6 * 83.9 90.3 2013 * >95 >95 84.6 63.6 94.2 94.2 92.6 90.6 * 86.1 93.4 2008 * * 66.7 * * 85.0 83.8 78.5 59.6 * 84.6 81.0 2009 * * 70.6 71.4 * 85.4 87.0 77.6 68.8 * 83.3 81.8 2010 * * 87.0 77.8 * 86.7 89.9 80.8 79.6 * 82.6 85.0 2011 * >95 84.2 82.4 * 86.5 84.3 85.7 82.1 83.3 72.2 85.0 2012 * * 81.8 >95 * 91.5 90.0 92.9 87.2 * >95 91.4 2013 * * 94.7 75.0 * 92.8 >95 88.9 88.9 * >95 91.7 Mount Airy City Schools (862) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 145 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 87.5 77.8 * 80.3 78.2 83.1 * * 70.0 80.7 2007 * * 82.4 83.3 * 79.3 77.9 81.8 85.0 * 50.0 80.0 93 Nash-Rocky Mount Schools (640) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1366 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 68.8 52.6 68.0 72.2 70.2 65.0 55.1 47.9 75.0 32.2 60.1 2007 * 76.5 61.0 55.0 85.7 77.7 75.6 60.8 68.3 37.5 38.7 68.4 2008 85.7 75.0 54.1 60.6 58.8 72.4 66.8 57.4 59.1 45.5 43.8 62.1 2009 >95 66.7 59.0 59.7 66.7 79.2 74.3 60.6 62.9 55.6 46.7 67.2 2010 83.3 83.3 64.8 65.0 78.9 79.8 78.5 63.0 67.4 42.1 51.0 70.8 2011 * 77.8 68.4 76.7 86.9 82.2 80.1 69.4 76.6 57.9 51.5 74.7 2012 * >95 70.8 78.9 86.9 83.0 82.6 70.9 73.1 * 45.7 76.7 2013 * >95 76.6 71.9 80.0 84.3 85.1 73.4 76.1 * 61.0 79.4 2008 87.5 66.7 50.4 49.4 59.4 69.5 69.1 58.7 42.8 45.5 45.8 63.6 2009 * 62.5 48.0 51.2 50.8 73.6 71.4 59.4 46.7 40.4 43.9 65.5 2010 71.4 77.4 56.1 50.0 66.7 77.9 77.0 64.9 54.3 35.0 44.3 70.9 2011 41.7 65.0 62.3 62.0 63.2 80.3 78.6 69.4 60.5 41.9 42.0 73.9 2012 * 93.8 68.8 75.8 75.6 85.4 85.0 76.0 72.8 48.4 48.4 80.4 2013 66.7 >95 74.2 80.0 69.4 85.9 85.0 80.0 72.8 59.1 58.5 82.4 New Hanover County Schools (650) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1948 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 57.6 49.7 27.8 36.8 66.3 64.2 56.3 36.8 * 47.6 60.4 2007 66.7 75.0 49.4 27.6 36.4 72.4 67.8 60.3 59.4 31.6 37.8 64.0 94 Newton Conover City Schools (182) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 230 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 64.7 69.4 57.7 * 68.5 71.0 62.7 71.4 * 65.2 67.3 2007 * >95 85.4 81.5 75.0 75.9 79.3 80.0 84.0 88.9 51.9 79.6 2008 * >95 93.0 70.8 * 76.3 82.7 79.0 82.0 * 85.0 81.0 2009 * 72.2 73.5 73.1 60.0 80.0 81.3 71.8 71.6 64.0 36.4 76.3 2010 * >95 >95 72.7 * 88.1 89.8 87.4 85.2 50.0 77.8 88.6 2011 * >95 73.3 82.8 83.3 85.7 87.1 78.7 78.5 63.6 51.6 83.0 2012 * * 75.6 >95 71.4 80.7 81.5 82.2 80.6 >95 57.9 81.9 2013 * 78.6 86.3 92.0 90.0 87.7 87.9 87.0 87.3 71.4 62.1 87.4 2008 * * 72.3 * * 58.5 82.5 58.0 73.3 * 46.7 70.2 2009 * * 67.8 * * 87.9 83.1 61.4 67.2 * 40.9 71.6 2010 * * 62.7 * * 75.6 72.9 57.7 67.3 * 55.0 64.7 2011 * * 79.0 * * 73.0 80.0 71.7 74.5 * 66.7 76.0 2012 * * 69.3 * * 80.6 79.5 64.9 75.1 * 50.0 71.4 2013 * * 82.5 * * 75.0 90.6 73.6 83.9 * 76.5 80.8 Northampton County Schools (660) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 151 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 61.2 * * 64.3 72.8 50.8 57.9 * 29.6 61.9 2007 * * 70.1 * * 68.5 73.1 66.9 74.1 * 32.4 70.1 95 Onslow County Schools (670) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1717 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 64.3 61.9 61.6 72.0 65.7 66.2 66.2 64.2 56.2 * 44.9 65.2 2007 60.0 73.7 65.9 61.4 71.8 74.6 75.7 67.2 71.5 * 52.2 71.6 2008 80.0 79.3 74.2 69.2 77.4 78.6 80.0 74.0 66.7 56.2 66.9 77.0 2009 87.5 76.0 76.5 78.7 82.0 80.7 84.7 74.5 69.7 72.7 61.6 79.6 2010 86.7 93.3 83.8 83.2 81.7 83.6 88.0 79.4 75.3 77.8 56.9 83.7 2011 72.7 90.9 82.6 82.1 74.1 81.9 87.2 76.1 75.3 50.0 59.4 81.7 2012 81.5 78.6 85.0 85.9 86.0 87.3 89.9 82.9 82.7 66.7 61.0 86.5 2013 >95 88.2 88.4 84.2 86.0 87.0 89.0 85.5 79.7 41.7 74.8 87.2 2008 * >95 66.4 45.0 54.5 81.3 82.6 70.2 58.3 * 69.2 76.3 2009 * >95 68.2 81.8 83.3 85.3 85.5 77.7 73.2 77.8 65.5 81.4 2010 * >95 74.1 70.0 86.7 85.7 87.7 79.5 69.0 * 65.3 83.1 2011 * * 81.1 68.3 * 85.4 88.9 77.7 72.0 * 70.7 82.8 2012 * >95 81.7 79.2 85.7 86.9 85.8 84.9 71.5 * 59.5 85.4 2013 * * 80.5 79.7 85.7 83.3 88.1 77.9 68.0 75.0 50.0 82.5 Orange County Schools (680) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 542 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 55.3 36.4 * 72.1 71.7 62.3 35.7 * 46.6 66.5 2007 * * 65.8 54.5 90.0 79.1 79.6 71.4 67.1 * 58.3 75.5 96 Pamlico County Schools (690) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 126 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 77.2 * * 76.6 82.6 69.8 * * 61.5 76.2 2007 * * 81.5 * * 79.7 79.1 82.0 76.5 * 71.4 80.6 2008 * * 94.0 * * 81.7 88.6 82.6 82.0 * 85.7 85.5 2009 * * 90.0 83.3 * 78.6 85.9 77.5 80.9 * 72.2 81.4 2010 * * 88.9 * * 82.7 89.2 80.8 81.2 * 80.0 84.9 2011 * * 92.0 * * 78.4 85.1 76.6 75.7 * 85.7 80.9 2012 * * 94.7 * * 86.4 92.4 83.1 85.9 * 69.2 87.8 2013 * * >95 * * 89.9 >95 90.0 >95 * 87.5 92.9 2008 * * 64.2 40.9 63.6 67.1 64.5 64.1 57.9 28.0 50.0 64.3 2009 * * 68.0 39.1 64.7 72.5 72.9 66.5 61.8 40.7 58.3 69.3 2010 * * 75.9 65.5 85.7 84.1 85.8 77.3 79.1 55.6 62.5 81.4 2011 * * 85.5 79.3 61.5 81.7 88.0 76.0 78.7 55.6 61.7 81.9 2012 * * 84.5 91.1 81.8 86.7 91.7 82.3 85.4 90.0 63.8 86.6 2013 * * 87.4 82.5 84.6 87.8 89.6 85.1 82.3 76.9 64.3 87.2 Pender County Schools (710) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 643 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 54.3 57.1 * 60.6 66.1 51.3 38.5 * 44.4 58.9 2007 * * 61.4 32.1 * 76.0 74.2 66.1 73.9 * 52.6 70.0 97 Perquimans County Schools (720) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 136 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 78.1 * * 67.0 74.0 67.6 * * * 71.3 2007 * * 79.3 * * 66.3 79.7 63.4 71.6 * 57.9 71.7 2008 * * 57.9 * * 68.1 62.9 64.8 49.3 * 64.7 63.9 2009 * * 75.0 * * 59.1 67.2 62.0 58.6 * 37.5 64.4 2010 * * 85.9 * * 80.6 88.7 77.3 81.5 * 71.4 83.2 2011 * * 91.7 * * 81.9 92.5 78.9 86.3 * 81.8 85.3 2012 * * 79.5 * * 85.1 89.8 78.6 76.9 * 75.0 83.7 2013 * * >95 * * 84.9 89.6 88.1 91.8 * 84.6 89.0 2008 * * 67.5 44.4 62.5 82.1 77.8 73.0 60.1 * 63.8 75.3 2009 * * 61.8 53.3 83.3 70.8 73.4 60.5 56.2 * 53.2 67.2 2010 * * 62.7 71.4 * 74.5 79.0 61.7 62.6 * 57.9 70.0 2011 * * 60.6 76.9 * 81.2 77.6 67.5 60.2 * 55.0 72.7 2012 * * 62.9 82.4 87.5 70.3 79.9 58.6 61.0 * 44.0 68.4 2013 >95 * 72.3 71.4 * 81.7 78.8 76.3 71.9 * 64.1 77.5 Person County Schools (730) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 387 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 67.1 50.0 71.4 80.9 84.4 67.4 * * 69.2 75.5 2007 * * 66.0 50.0 * 70.8 70.6 65.0 66.4 * 48.5 67.9 98 Pitt County Schools (740) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1833 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 72.2 53.6 54.3 88.9 74.9 71.4 59.1 43.6 * 47.2 64.9 2007 * 62.5 54.2 39.6 47.8 73.4 67.5 57.3 55.4 * 51.1 62.4 2008 * 63.6 45.3 33.0 40.0 65.7 58.3 49.8 37.8 35.0 37.0 54.0 2009 * 79.2 47.2 53.9 51.7 68.2 61.5 53.4 45.2 42.3 45.8 57.4 2010 * 82.1 53.1 58.7 55.0 78.1 70.4 56.7 55.4 50.0 49.4 64.0 2011 * 88.9 60.4 55.3 71.4 82.8 76.2 64.0 63.9 27.5 46.6 70.0 2012 * 89.3 65.6 74.4 69.4 82.9 77.8 68.4 69.3 57.7 48.9 73.1 2013 * 89.5 70.7 78.7 78.0 85.2 84.0 71.3 69.4 51.7 56.1 77.6 2008 * * >95 66.7 * 75.0 81.0 72.2 64.2 83.3 78.6 76.6 2009 * * 81.2 87.5 85.7 81.8 84.2 80.0 73.3 * 65.0 82.1 2010 * * 92.3 >95 * 84.7 83.5 88.8 86.4 * 88.9 86.0 2011 * * >95 75.0 * 87.2 84.2 89.2 84.6 * 83.3 87.2 2012 * * 87.5 82.6 83.3 91.1 86.8 92.9 87.4 * 80.0 89.7 2013 * * 72.7 91.7 * 83.4 87.1 77.5 82.5 * 55.6 82.6 Polk County Schools (750) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 190 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 53.8 50.0 * 68.7 71.0 60.7 * * 60.0 65.9 2007 * * 92.9 * * 80.7 79.6 84.7 76.1 * 72.7 82.0 99 Public Schools of Robeson County (780) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1749 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 50.8 * 58.4 36.1 42.9 61.6 60.8 49.3 49.2 * 40.0 55.1 2007 54.6 85.7 63.3 38.5 84.6 68.9 67.6 52.4 69.0 18.5 48.4 60.4 2008 53.7 61.5 49.5 30.8 50.0 54.0 54.3 48.4 52.8 27.8 47.1 51.4 2009 63.4 55.6 62.0 53.0 72.2 65.4 67.8 58.2 70.5 52.5 56.6 63.0 2010 75.4 >95 75.2 72.7 47.4 73.9 79.9 70.0 82.0 60.9 68.0 74.8 2011 76.1 90.0 80.4 84.5 82.2 80.0 82.7 75.1 83.5 81.0 62.4 78.8 2012 80.6 >95 82.5 90.7 90.5 83.1 85.5 79.8 85.1 87.5 70.5 82.6 2013 82.6 * 87.4 93.5 89.7 83.7 89.0 81.6 86.8 83.3 79.1 85.1 2008 * 70.6 69.4 60.9 68.0 73.9 75.9 69.6 58.3 51.7 53.7 72.7 2009 83.3 94.7 76.1 78.0 75.0 79.6 82.2 76.8 71.7 71.1 73.1 79.4 2010 * >95 75.7 69.3 * 75.2 80.3 69.4 65.4 71.4 56.2 74.8 2011 66.7 90.9 79.6 76.2 69.6 83.7 87.1 78.0 73.3 57.6 54.5 82.5 2012 90.0 58.3 82.3 80.5 73.9 84.7 88.6 79.4 76.5 59.3 64.4 83.8 2013 71.4 >95 92.4 84.6 92.3 89.2 92.2 85.9 82.0 65.2 71.3 88.9 Randolph County Schools (760) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1279 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 7 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 66.7 53.8 77.2 57.5 * 75.7 78.2 70.1 79.4 * 56.2 73.9 2007 70.0 92.9 77.8 60.8 59.1 72.9 79.0 66.6 72.6 71.4 49.6 72.4 100 Richmond County Schools (770) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 591 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 71.4 * 56.4 * * 63.7 65.1 54.8 43.2 * 44.8 60.0 2007 56.2 * 71.1 54.5 * 64.1 71.3 62.8 67.6 * 41.0 66.8 2008 48.0 * 64.8 67.9 * 67.3 67.5 62.5 59.7 50.0 46.2 65.1 2009 72.0 75.0 67.5 56.5 41.7 68.8 69.7 65.4 64.1 62.5 53.1 67.5 2010 57.5 87.5 75.1 69.7 66.7 64.7 70.2 68.3 68.3 * 62.3 69.3 2011 58.6 * 81.2 80.8 * 67.1 73.8 73.4 74.4 62.5 71.8 73.6 2012 54.1 62.5 77.6 71.9 69.2 72.8 77.6 69.4 74.7 35.7 49.1 73.5 2013 60.0 * 76.5 61.0 80.0 75.0 78.8 69.8 70.8 * 60.9 74.1 2008 * >95 43.5 * * 68.4 69.8 58.2 41.8 * * 63.9 2009 * * 45.8 * * 71.9 73.1 61.4 45.9 * 48.1 66.8 2010 * * 77.8 * * 73.7 79.7 68.1 61.8 * 50.0 74.0 2011 * * 70.8 83.3 * 76.0 84.6 66.7 65.3 * 45.8 75.4 2012 * * 78.3 * * 81.7 90.8 68.3 76.4 * 42.1 80.0 2013 * * 77.6 * * 85.4 87.0 81.5 80.9 * 69.6 84.4 Roanoke Rapids City Schools (421) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 250 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 47.4 * * 65.2 63.6 57.7 * * 50.0 60.7 2007 * * 46.5 * * 69.0 72.9 55.6 55.2 * 39.1 64.6 101 Rockingham County Schools (790) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1081 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 83.3 62.6 47.9 45.5 69.4 72.9 60.6 41.9 * 45.6 66.9 2007 * * 67.3 48.6 64.0 72.7 74.5 66.3 64.2 * 43.9 70.3 2008 * * 64.6 61.5 54.5 66.9 72.0 60.0 55.2 47.4 52.3 65.8 2009 * * 68.4 54.0 64.0 68.8 72.4 64.4 60.5 56.5 54.0 68.0 2010 * * 71.7 60.0 76.2 74.8 76.2 69.6 63.7 * 52.2 72.9 2011 * >95 74.8 54.1 64.9 73.0 77.9 67.4 65.6 50.0 52.3 72.4 2012 * >95 74.7 71.9 69.0 77.0 82.2 70.4 70.0 53.3 60.0 76.0 2013 * * 76.5 77.6 77.6 75.9 80.7 72.3 69.7 * 59.2 76.3 2008 * 76.5 58.7 48.7 50.0 76.0 73.9 68.1 61.8 55.3 64.5 70.9 2009 66.7 73.1 54.9 55.7 63.2 71.0 71.3 61.3 61.7 53.1 58.8 66.3 2010 * 60.0 59.7 65.7 52.8 78.6 77.5 68.7 67.6 58.5 57.3 73.0 2011 83.3 86.7 67.9 69.1 54.1 81.3 81.3 72.8 71.5 62.5 58.5 76.9 2012 * 93.3 72.3 74.8 82.4 84.2 85.5 77.0 75.0 53.6 58.3 81.1 2013 * 87.0 78.2 71.5 92.7 85.4 86.0 79.8 76.3 48.6 65.5 82.9 Rowan-Salisbury Schools (800) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1565 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 8 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 76.5 57.7 48.9 50.0 71.9 69.3 65.9 47.9 43.8 54.5 67.6 2007 * 84.0 60.5 55.7 58.8 73.3 75.4 65.5 61.2 50.0 55.5 70.3 102 Rutherford County Schools (810) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 775 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 58.3 48.1 80.0 68.4 73.2 58.7 52.4 * 51.5 66.2 2007 * * 62.9 60.0 54.5 70.9 74.9 63.2 75.7 * 58.0 69.1 2008 * * 68.8 74.1 35.7 69.1 74.1 63.8 63.6 71.4 58.1 68.7 2009 * * 59.2 59.4 53.3 65.4 70.8 57.6 60.1 52.9 63.6 64.0 2010 * * 62.4 73.3 45.5 68.2 72.3 61.5 61.4 * 61.7 67.1 2011 * * 67.0 76.1 68.9 68.8 73.6 64.4 62.5 63.6 56.6 69.0 2012 * * 69.2 87.5 81.8 71.7 76.2 70.3 66.2 80.0 52.9 73.3 2013 87.5 * 82.0 87.5 71.2 76.7 80.3 75.1 72.1 * 66.7 77.7 2008 75.0 * 66.3 51.1 * 74.8 73.9 62.3 63.4 31.6 50.0 68.0 2009 54.5 * 62.5 55.6 62.5 71.4 67.6 63.7 59.2 46.2 66.7 65.6 2010 * * 70.9 61.5 80.0 76.8 78.3 66.8 71.3 56.4 54.8 72.4 2011 60.0 * 71.8 67.8 73.9 77.1 79.5 66.8 69.0 38.2 52.9 73.4 2012 * * 72.4 64.9 77.4 78.1 80.1 67.3 71.2 42.5 42.9 73.6 2013 * * 71.4 66.2 57.1 82.8 83.8 66.1 71.2 21.9 58.0 75.0 Sampson County Schools (820) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 643 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 5 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 58.3 * 65.8 36.8 * 68.6 68.9 60.6 42.9 * 63.3 64.6 2007 80.0 * 75.7 53.4 83.3 75.4 81.1 65.4 76.4 42.1 53.0 72.8 103 Scotland County Schools (830) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 496 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 42.5 * 52.5 * * 61.8 57.8 52.6 66.2 * 28.3 55.2 2007 61.3 66.7 56.4 * * 70.7 69.4 54.7 67.8 * 47.5 61.9 2008 60.7 75.0 61.5 * * 68.9 72.0 57.9 60.7 * 45.5 64.9 2009 50.7 >95 62.6 62.5 87.5 70.6 69.6 60.9 65.1 >95 55.7 64.9 2010 54.8 >95 72.9 * * 69.3 73.2 65.3 67.6 * 61.4 69.5 2011 63.9 * 62.9 * 72.7 68.5 73.6 57.2 68.6 * 48.1 65.6 2012 77.1 71.4 73.8 * 77.8 80.0 82.5 70.6 79.8 * 66.7 76.2 2013 70.2 71.4 74.4 * 53.8 72.7 79.9 65.3 74.8 * 51.9 72.8 2008 * 90.6 68.0 47.4 54.5 77.0 77.9 72.6 65.8 75.0 67.3 75.1 2009 * 82.4 68.3 40.0 55.6 75.2 75.7 70.6 64.7 52.2 64.9 72.9 2010 * 86.2 72.0 63.2 81.8 75.8 77.1 74.0 69.7 61.1 69.8 75.4 2011 * >95 76.3 80.0 50.0 78.4 80.4 75.8 73.6 66.7 62.5 77.9 2012 * >95 84.7 77.8 72.7 80.1 83.1 79.1 76.3 66.7 68.9 81.2 2013 * 92.0 78.4 82.6 93.3 82.5 84.5 80.3 73.9 83.3 61.0 82.3 Stanly County Schools (840) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 690 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 6 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 81.8 76.0 55.6 * 76.6 76.0 75.0 57.1 * 55.6 75.5 2007 * 75.0 67.9 68.8 76.9 80.4 82.3 74.4 75.8 88.2 64.3 78.1 104 Stokes County Schools (850) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 559 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 87.0 * >95 78.1 82.2 74.2 * * 59.7 78.1 2007 * * 70.0 * 75.0 80.6 85.1 72.8 76.6 * 58.8 79.6 2008 * * >95 * 62.5 75.6 77.6 74.0 61.3 * 72.2 75.7 2009 * * 83.8 93.3 76.9 80.3 83.2 78.1 70.3 >95 73.1 80.7 2010 * * 83.3 71.4 78.6 78.6 83.6 73.9 68.7 * 72.9 78.7 2011 * * 84.2 83.3 83.8 80.9 85.2 77.3 73.1 * 65.4 81.1 2012 * * 88.9 85.7 89.5 85.9 87.9 84.5 82.3 * 73.8 86.1 2013 * * 91.3 80.0 85.4 86.9 88.7 85.0 81.2 * 76.4 86.8 2008 * * 76.7 70.4 55.6 77.0 80.6 72.4 68.0 52.6 65.7 76.2 2009 * * 85.7 75.0 83.3 77.7 82.8 73.0 70.3 78.0 69.7 77.7 2010 * * 61.5 78.5 60.0 77.5 84.4 69.9 70.6 75.0 68.4 77.0 2011 * * 86.4 77.1 * 78.4 81.9 75.3 73.3 59.1 62.8 78.4 2012 * * 78.9 83.9 * 84.0 86.9 79.6 77.9 59.3 71.2 83.0 2013 * * 86.7 76.3 72.7 87.3 86.7 84.9 83.8 * 73.0 85.8 Surry County Schools (860) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 619 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 78.9 63.3 83.3 81.2 83.5 75.4 52.4 * 66.7 79.5 2007 * * 79.2 66.7 84.6 78.3 82.8 72.3 80.0 57.7 65.6 77.4 105 Swain County Schools (870) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 177 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 53.1 * * * * 69.0 72.1 61.9 83.3 * 45.8 66.4 2007 52.6 * * * * 72.2 62.3 72.9 52.2 * 78.6 66.9 2008 67.9 * * * * 70.0 71.2 68.4 57.4 * 42.9 69.7 2009 55.6 * * 83.3 * 74.6 70.9 71.3 61.8 * 69.2 71.1 2010 70.0 * * * * 69.4 78.7 63.4 60.2 * 37.5 70.2 2011 58.1 * * * * 79.0 78.2 68.1 73.3 * 61.5 73.3 2012 78.4 * * 83.3 * 80.0 84.6 75.8 79.7 * 56.2 79.9 2013 78.2 * * 85.7 * 81.6 80.6 81.0 78.4 * 82.6 80.8 2008 * * 67.4 50.0 * 61.3 61.9 62.8 62.2 * * 62.3 2009 * * 69.2 56.0 83.3 56.5 71.6 61.5 65.4 50.0 68.4 65.3 2010 * * 68.4 50.0 * 65.5 70.0 57.1 59.8 * 66.7 63.6 2011 * * 72.1 46.7 77.8 69.4 73.3 62.6 65.3 5.001 58.3 67.8 2012 * * 81.7 64.5 >95 74.4 86.0 68.2 78.9 * 56.2 77.8 2013 * * 79.3 72.5 75.0 52.3 74.7 68.1 73.2 * 71.4 71.4 Thomasville City Schools (292) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 182 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 57.0 38.5 * 41.5 49.5 50.5 43.8 * * 50.0 2007 * * 68.5 55.6 * 50.8 55.8 63.4 69.6 * * 59.6 106 Transylvania County Schools (880) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 301 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 75.0 * * 77.6 83.9 71.0 * * 56.5 77.1 2007 * * 60.9 * 62.5 79.5 78.8 76.8 73.9 * 64.3 77.7 2008 * * 69.2 * * 73.8 75.8 69.9 60.0 * 61.9 73.0 2009 * * 70.6 * * 79.3 79.6 74.1 60.7 * 42.1 76.7 2010 * * 81.2 * * 80.1 80.3 77.7 74.8 * 75.0 78.9 2011 * * 69.2 77.8 41.7 80.4 86.3 70.0 68.9 * 71.9 78.0 2012 * >95 78.6 * 77.8 82.7 86.3 78.5 73.6 * 75.0 82.2 2013 * * 80.0 83.3 68.8 87.2 88.5 83.7 79.1 * 61.3 86.0 2008 * * 55.0 * * 45.5 50.0 52.0 57.1 * * 51.1 2009 * * 65.2 * * 50.0 65.4 51.6 79.2 * * 57.9 2010 * * 52.2 * * 61.3 70.4 48.4 51.7 * * 58.6 2011 * * 76.2 * * 84.6 89.3 70.8 81.8 * 62.5 80.8 2012 * * 80.0 * * 81.8 79.3 76.5 71.9 * * 78.3 2013 * * 81.8 * * 92.6 >95 77.8 83.3 * >95 87.3 Tyrrell County Schools (890) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 55 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 47.6 * * 75.0 52.4 58.1 * * * 55.8 2007 * * 73.3 * * >95 >95 82.1 87.5 * * 87.8 107 Union County Public Schools (900) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 2913 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 12 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 69.2 57.8 50.3 56.5 76.4 75.2 67.6 55.2 * 56.9 71.3 2007 * 81.0 62.8 57.8 73.0 82.6 81.2 73.7 68.3 45.9 56.7 77.3 2008 54.5 78.3 64.6 60.9 75.0 82.4 80.5 73.8 66.7 54.5 69.0 77.2 2009 * 88.2 70.1 64.9 78.3 84.8 85.7 76.0 71.5 46.0 65.6 80.7 2010 90.0 >95 76.2 75.1 69.5 87.5 88.8 79.6 74.5 57.9 63.9 84.2 2011 75.0 94.4 79.3 87.8 88.6 91.3 92.0 86.2 80.9 62.1 66.5 89.1 2012 88.9 >95 81.9 84.0 92.5 91.7 92.7 86.0 80.5 60.0 66.1 89.5 2013 * >95 85.8 86.8 75.6 92.8 93.1 88.7 84.2 66.7 72.7 90.8 2008 * * 49.1 40.0 * 52.5 57.4 42.0 46.9 50.0 40.7 49.3 2009 * * 64.8 32.5 * 61.5 64.2 59.5 60.2 * 60.7 61.9 2010 * * 65.0 37.5 62.5 71.5 73.5 56.5 64.3 31.6 50.0 65.2 2011 * * 66.8 51.3 80.0 71.5 73.4 61.4 68.8 33.3 59.3 67.5 2012 * * 68.8 50.0 76.5 70.9 69.4 67.0 66.9 41.7 57.5 68.2 2013 * * 62.0 57.4 68.4 74.7 73.5 56.4 61.8 * 47.0 64.9 Vance County Schools (910) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 592 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 47.9 37.9 * 50.5 56.6 39.2 61.0 * 29.8 47.8 2007 * * 61.8 52.4 * 56.8 65.4 54.0 64.5 * 45.9 59.9 108 Wake County Schools (920) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 10915 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 25 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 90.5 91.7 69.9 57.7 82.3 89.6 86.2 78.9 59.7 51.5 62.8 82.6 2007 69.0 86.9 65.3 55.3 73.2 88.2 84.0 74.4 63.3 44.6 57.4 79.3 2008 52.0 91.8 64.6 52.2 80.6 87.8 83.3 74.4 56.5 38.6 56.3 78.8 2009 86.7 88.3 63.4 51.1 81.2 89.4 82.5 74.5 54.2 38.9 56.8 78.4 2010 >95 91.3 63.9 54.2 75.7 89.3 82.9 73.6 59.2 36.7 57.0 78.2 2011 83.3 91.0 67.9 65.2 80.3 90.7 85.0 77.1 63.0 36.7 55.9 80.9 2012 74.5 88.1 69.6 65.3 80.6 90.3 84.7 76.8 65.1 34.6 61.1 80.6 2013 69.6 91.5 68.9 65.7 81.6 90.6 84.8 77.5 64.9 36.0 59.5 81.0 2008 88.9 * 74.0 * * 69.4 78.7 68.4 75.8 * 48.4 73.3 2009 81.8 * 70.5 * * 65.1 74.6 62.1 71.0 * 53.8 68.0 2010 >95 * 70.7 * * 74.4 78.4 64.1 75.8 * 45.8 71.2 2011 86.7 * 77.8 83.3 * 85.3 83.9 75.0 80.5 * 65.4 79.5 2012 89.5 * 83.2 85.7 * 84.8 87.8 80.6 84.4 * 63.0 83.9 2013 78.6 * 75.4 85.7 * 70.2 82.7 67.4 77.4 * 36.8 75.3 Warren County Schools (930) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 190 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 77.8 * 72.2 * * 52.4 70.7 65.8 60.0 * 52.6 68.2 2007 91.7 * 69.5 * * 60.5 77.4 62.2 70.1 * 45.2 69.2 109 Washington County Schools (940) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 145 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 73.5 * * 57.9 79.6 59.5 * * 65.0 70.3 2007 * * 80.6 * * 82.9 87.7 74.6 86.7 * 76.5 81.4 2008 * * 75.0 * * 80.6 78.0 74.4 75.9 * 70.0 76.2 2009 * * 68.1 * * 73.5 77.5 60.8 65.0 * 46.2 68.4 2010 * * 84.0 * * 71.0 82.7 79.0 81.2 * 82.6 80.8 2011 * * 82.9 * >95 82.4 87.3 78.9 84.3 * 59.3 82.6 2012 * * 82.7 * * 77.8 85.5 74.7 84.5 * 81.0 79.9 2013 * * 84.5 * * 86.1 89.0 80.6 85.6 * 65.2 84.8 2008 * * * 45.5 62.5 69.9 71.0 66.7 37.0 * 67.9 68.5 2009 * 75.0 * * * 76.6 78.6 71.4 52.9 * 75.0 74.7 2010 * * * * * 83.2 82.0 82.0 67.5 * 61.0 82.0 2011 * >95 * 90.9 >95 86.5 87.0 87.8 80.2 * 68.0 87.4 2012 * * * 75.0 92.3 85.3 90.2 81.1 75.6 * 62.2 85.4 2013 * * >95 68.2 >95 88.0 91.4 84.2 78.7 54.5 66.0 87.6 Watauga County Schools (950) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 388 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 79.4 78.0 79.2 * * 66.7 78.5 2007 * * * * * 70.0 69.4 69.4 62.1 * 84.4 69.4 110 Wayne County Public Schools (960) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 1427 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 8 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * 58.8 53.6 48.4 61.8 70.2 66.2 56.7 40.7 66.7 52.1 61.5 2007 * 93.8 64.4 58.5 62.5 79.5 77.3 66.0 74.8 62.5 47.0 71.6 2008 * 70.0 60.6 68.0 71.9 81.7 76.9 67.6 62.9 35.7 52.3 72.1 2009 * 86.7 63.3 64.5 77.8 80.9 76.5 67.3 65.1 45.0 54.7 72.0 2010 * 94.4 67.8 65.3 71.1 79.9 77.1 70.3 66.2 30.8 56.7 73.6 2011 * 72.2 70.1 74.0 80.4 77.9 78.2 71.4 72.1 57.1 64.6 74.6 2012 85.7 81.8 76.0 76.5 81.9 84.0 83.8 76.3 77.7 55.0 59.1 80.1 2013 * 75.0 71.3 72.3 80.3 83.2 84.1 71.3 73.3 42.5 56.2 77.6 2008 * * 69.6 * * * 77.5 62.8 72.1 * 71.4 69.9 2009 * * 76.1 * * * 79.2 71.4 77.4 * * 75.6 2010 * * 74.7 * * * 82.6 65.1 75.7 * 80.0 74.2 2011 * * 80.8 * * * 84.2 71.1 80.6 * 54.5 77.1 2012 * * 86.3 * * * 90.5 78.8 88.5 * >95 85.3 2013 * * 72.2 * * * 74.2 70.4 75.0 * * 72.4 Weldon City Schools (422) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 58 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 46.5 * * * 68.5 24.5 * * * 47.6 2007 * * 69.1 * * * 65.6 70.4 83.3 * * 67.8 111 Whiteville City Schools (241) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 186 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 2 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 57.6 * * 68.8 68.0 60.2 * * 29.2 64.1 2007 * * 57.9 * * 60.3 61.9 54.2 64.7 * 40.7 57.8 2008 * * 61.7 * * 70.0 75.6 57.1 61.2 * 41.7 65.7 2009 * * 68.9 * * 78.1 75.3 70.6 69.6 * 57.1 72.9 2010 * * 66.3 * * 82.4 75.7 71.3 72.3 * 53.8 73.7 2011 * * 71.4 * * 83.6 85.5 70.7 75.3 * * 78.1 2012 * * 80.6 * * 87.7 86.7 77.8 81.2 * 60.0 82.7 2013 * * 82.4 * * 78.6 89.9 71.1 76.3 * 47.1 80.1 2008 * >95 77.4 55.3 * 73.3 77.5 67.9 61.6 47.4 59.6 72.7 2009 * * 60.6 53.7 66.7 72.5 74.7 67.4 57.0 47.1 59.4 70.9 2010 * * 61.3 55.0 66.7 76.4 76.0 73.4 67.7 60.0 74.1 74.6 2011 * * 80.4 69.5 90.9 81.5 85.2 76.2 72.8 66.7 66.7 80.7 2012 * >95 >95 90.5 >95 85.4 87.1 86.2 83.2 80.0 75.0 86.6 2013 * * 94.4 87.5 >95 89.7 91.7 88.4 86.6 71.4 72.3 90.1 Wilkes County Schools (970) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 666 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 60.7 48.4 * 73.8 77.2 66.8 43.8 * 48.0 72.1 2007 * * 73.7 61.9 * 73.2 75.6 69.9 68.2 * 37.3 72.8 112 Wilson County Schools (980) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 812 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 4 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 47.8 38.7 70.0 70.3 62.1 49.6 33.3 66.7 30.5 55.8 2007 * 81.8 48.3 28.9 * 69.6 65.9 47.7 55.7 42.9 34.4 56.5 2008 * 55.6 48.6 30.4 * 68.3 61.7 47.6 48.9 25.0 24.5 54.8 2009 * 87.5 49.4 43.9 80.0 71.7 64.4 51.8 51.2 48.8 44.6 58.2 2010 * 81.8 56.4 43.1 60.0 79.1 70.7 58.8 55.8 32.1 34.5 64.9 2011 * * 60.3 63.0 93.8 81.6 73.8 63.7 61.8 41.7 37.9 69.1 2012 * * 67.2 64.0 75.0 80.7 78.8 66.9 67.7 * 47.2 72.6 2013 * >95 76.3 73.2 75.0 85.7 85.8 73.7 76.1 * 60.3 79.7 2008 * * 68.2 54.8 * 84.3 79.8 79.2 72.6 54.5 66.7 79.5 2009 * * 80.0 61.4 * 80.8 79.6 76.1 71.4 47.8 85.0 77.8 2010 * * 44.0 62.5 66.7 79.6 79.8 70.9 66.8 50.0 66.0 75.4 2011 * * 83.3 66.2 * 85.5 81.7 83.3 70.6 29.2 72.4 82.6 2012 * * * 77.4 * 84.2 84.1 80.5 74.5 66.7 75.0 82.2 2013 * * 90.5 80.6 85.7 82.8 84.0 81.9 72.9 61.5 67.3 82.9 Yadkin County Schools (990) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 503 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 3 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * 94.7 57.1 * 75.5 74.6 73.8 54.5 * 57.1 74.2 2007 * * 80.0 57.4 * 78.7 79.4 73.9 76.9 * 77.5 76.7 113 Yancey County Schools (995) Number of Students in the 4-Year Cohort in 2013: 158 Number of Schools Graduating Students in 2013: 1 Subgroup American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Female Male Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Proficient Student with Disability Total 2006 * * * * * 75.0 80.8 67.4 * * 52.2 74.6 2007 * * * * * 77.0 77.4 74.5 73.2 * 57.1 76.0 2008 * * * * * 75.4 76.7 73.5 62.7 * 53.8 75.1 114 2009 * * * 81.8 * 80.4 83.7 78.0 67.0 77.8 82.1 80.6 2010 * * * 62.5 * 78.3 88.2 67.0 67.5 * 68.8 77.2 2011 * * * * * 79.4 81.4 75.7 63.4 * 52.6 78.2 2012 * * * 62.5 * 83.3 82.3 80.9 82.0 * 67.9 81.6 2013 * * * 42.9 * 86.7 84.0 80.7 75.0 * 53.3 82.3 Superintendent’s Graduation Achievement Awards In 2008, State Superintendent June Atkinson kicked off various new graduations awareness initiatives. One of these initiatives is the Superintendent Graduation Achievement Awards. Award certificates are presented to school district and school leaders to recognize them for high 4-year cohort graduation rate achievement. 2012-13 Superintendent’s Graduation Achievement Awards recipients 1. Top 10 School Districts (State Rate 82.5) School District # Students In Cohort 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Elkin City Schools 85 94.1 Mooresville Graded School District 366 93.4 Pamlico County Schools 126 92.9 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 878 92.6 Cherokee County Schools 264 91.7 Mount Airy City Schools 145 91.7 Dare County Schools 370 91.4 Gates County Schools 140 91.4 Catawba County Schools 1411 91.3 Union County Public Schools 2913 90.8 2. Top School District with Highest Graduation Rate by Cohort Size School District # Students In Cohort 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate Large – Union County Public Schools 2913 90.8 Medium – Catawba County Schools 1411 91.3 85 94.1 Small – Elkin City Schools Large: Greater than 2000 Students in Cohort Medium: 1000-1999 Students in Cohort Small: Less than 1000 Students in Cohort 3. 100% Club This award is given to schools achieving 100% 4-year cohort graduation rate that have been open for at least 4 years and have 10 or more students in their cohort. School District School Students In Cohort Bertie County Schools Bertie Early College High 12 Brunswick County Schools Brunswick County Early College 53 Burke County Schools Burke Middle College 61 Catawba County Schools Challenger Early College High 81 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Cato Middle College High 95 Cumberland County Schools Cross Creek Early College 115 43 School District School Cumberland County Schools Howard Health & Life Sciences 37 Davidson County Schools Davidson Early College 19 Durham Public Schools Hillside New Tech High 65 Durham Public Schools J D Clement Early College HS 78 Durham Public Schools Southern School of Engineering 37 Edgecombe County Public Schools Edgecombe Early College High 27 Forsyth County Schools Early College of Forsyth Count 51 Forsyth County Schools Jacket Academy at Carver High 32 Greene County Schools Greene Early College High 28 Guilford County Schools Middle College at Bennett 22 Guilford County Schools Middle College at GTCC - GSO 30 Guilford County Schools Middle College at GTCC - High Point 38 Guilford County Schools Middle College at NC A&T 29 Guilford County Schools Penn-Griffin School for the Arts 29 Guilford County Schools The Academy at HP Central 44 Guilford County Schools The Early College at Guilford 48 Guilford County Schools Weaver Academy 71 Henderson County Schools Henderson County Early College 26 Hyde County Schools Mattamuskeet Early College High 42 Jackson County Schools Jackson Co Early College 31 Macon County Schools Nantahala School 10 McDowell County Schools McDowell Early College 37 New Hanover County Schools Isaac M Bear High 56 Public Schools of Robeson County PSRC Early College at RCC 29 Rutherford County Schools Rutherford Early College High 38 Stanly County Schools Stanly Early College High 32 Surry County Schools Surry Early College HS Design 56 Union County Public Schools Union County Early College 48 Wake County Schools Wake Early College of Health and Science 52 Wayne County Public Schools Wayne Early / Middle College High 60 4. Students In Cohort Top 2 Schools in 6 cohort sizes Less than 100 School District School Students in Cohort Graduation Rate Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Cato Middle College High 95 100 Catawba County Schools Challenger Early College High 81 100 116 100 to 199 School District Lake Norman Charter Gaston County Schools School Lake Norman Charter Highland Sch of Technology Students in Cohort 192 135 Graduation Rate 99.5 99.3 School Central Academy of Technology Weddington High Students in Cohort 203 292 Graduation Rate 99 98.6 School Marvin Ridge High Northern Guilford High Students in Cohort 347 336 Graduation Rate 99.7 96.4 School Lake Norman High Providence High Students in Cohort 477 456 Graduation Rate 96.6 95.2 School Ardrey Kell High Panther Creek High Students in Cohort 544 574 Graduation Rate 96.7 95.3 200 to 299 School District Union County Public Schools Union County Public Schools 300 to 399 School District Union County Public Schools Guilford County Schools 400 to 499 School District Iredell-Statesville Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 500 and Greater School District Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Wake County Schools 117 2004 NC Subgroup’s Reading Proficiency at Grade 3 Results vs 2013 NC 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate for These Subgroups 100 90 80 70 60 2013 NC 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate 50 Total 118 Male Female Student with Disability Limited English Proficient Economically Disadvantaged White Multi-Racial Hispanic Black Asian American Indian 40 2004 NC Percent Proficient in Reading at Grade 3 2003 NC Subgroup’s Reading Proficiency at Grade 3 Results vs 2012 NC 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate for These Subgroups 100 90 80 70 60 2012 NC 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate 50 All Students Male 119 Female Student with Disability Limited English Proficient Economically Disadvantaged White Multi-Racial Hispanic Black Asian American Indian 40 2003 NC Percent Proficient in Reading at Grade 3