Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics SUBORDINATION RESULTS FOR THE FAMILY OF UNIFORMLY CONVEX p−VALENT FUNCTIONS volume 7, issue 1, article 20, 2006. H.A. AL-KHARSANI AND S.S. AL-HAJIRY Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Girls College, Dammam Saudi Arabia. EMail: Received 16 May, 2005; accepted 02 October, 2005. Communicated by: G. Kohr Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 151-05 Quit Abstract The object of the present paper is to introduce a class of p−valent uniformly functions UCVp . We deduce a criteria for functions to lie in the class UCVp and derive several interesting properties such as distortion inequalities and coefficients estimates. We confirm our results using the Mathematica program by drawing diagrams of extremal functions of this class. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45. Key words: p−valent, Uniformly convex functions, Subordination. We express our thanks to Dr.M.K.Aouf for his helpful comments. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Class P ARp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Characterization of U CVp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Subordination Theorem and Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 General Properties of Functions in U CVp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5.1 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 References Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 1. Introduction Denote by A(p, n) the class of normalized functions (1.1) p f (z) = z + ∞ X ak+p−1 z k+p−1 k=2 regular in the unit disk D = {z : |z| < 1} and p ∈ N, consider also its subclasses C(p), S ∗ (p) consisting of p−valent convex and starlike functions respectively, where C(1) ≡ C, S ∗ (1) ≡ S ∗ , the classes of univalent convex and starlike functions . It is well known that for any f ∈ C, not only f (D) but the images of all circles centered at 0 and lying in D are convex arcs. B. Pinchuk posed a question whether this property is still valid for circles centered at other points of D. A.W. Goodman [1] gave a negative answer to this question and introduced the class U CV of univalent uniformly convex functions, f ∈ C such that any circular arc γ lying in D, having the center ζ ∈ D is carried by f into a convex arc. A.W.Goodman [1] stated the criterion f 00 (z) (1.2) Re 1 + (z − ζ) 0 > 0, ∀z, ζ ∈ D ⇐⇒ f ∈ U CV. f (z) Later F. Ronning (and independently W. Ma and D. Minda) [7] obtained a more suitable form of the criterion , namely 00 zf (z) zf 00 (z) , ∀z ∈ D ⇐⇒ f ∈ U CV. > 0 (1.3) Re 1 + 0 f (z) f (z) This criterion was used to find some sharp coefficients estimates and distortion theorems for functions in the class U CV . Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 4 1 2 0 0 -1 2 3 -2 4 5 6 2. The Class P ARp We now introduce a subfamily P ARp of P . Let υ2 (2.1) Ω = w = µ + iυ : < 2µ − p p (2.2) = {w : Re w > |w − p|}. Note that Ω is the interior of a parabola in the right half-plane which is symmetric about the real axis and has vertex at (p/2, 0). The following diagram shows Ω when p = 3: Let (2.3) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 22 P ARp = {h ∈ p : h(D) ⊆ Ω}. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 √ Example 2.1. It is known that z = − tan2 2√π2p w maps ν2 w = µ + iν : < p − 2µ p √ conformally onto D. Hence, z = − tan2 2√π2p p − w maps Ω conformally onto D. Let w = Q(z) be the inverse function. Then Q(z) is a Riemann mapping function from D to Ω which satisfies Q(0) = p; more explicitly, √ 2 X ∞ 1+ z 2p √ (2.4) = Bn z n Q(z) = p + 2 log π 1− z n=0 (2.5) 8p 16p 184p 3 = p + 2 z + 2 z2 + z + ··· π 3π 45π 2 Obviously, Q(z) belongs to the class P ARp . Geometrically, P ARp consists of those holomorphic functions h(z) (h(0) = p) defined on D which are subordinate to Q(z), written h(z) ≺ Q(z). The analytic characterization of the class P ARp is shown in the following relation: (2.6) h(z) ∈ P ARp ⇔ Re{h(z)} ≥ |h(z) − p| such that h(z) is a p−valent analytic function on D. Now, we can derive the following definition. Definition 2.1. Let f (z) ∈ A(p, n). Then f (z) ∈ U CVp if f (z) ∈ C(p) and 00 (z) 1 + z ff 0 (z) ∈ P ARp . Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 3. Characterization of U CVp We present the nessesary and sufficient condition to belong to the class U CVp in the following theorem: Theorem 3.1. Let f (z) ∈ A(p, n). Then 00 00 f (z) f (z) (3.1) f (z) ∈ U CVp ⇔ 1 + Re z 0 ≥ z 0 − (p − 1) , f (z) f (z) z ∈ D. 00 (z) Proof. Let f (z) ∈ U CVp and h(z) = 1 + z ff 0 (z) . Then h(z) ∈ P ARp , that is, Re{h(z)} ≥ |h(z) − p|. Then 00 f (z) f 00 (z) Re 1 + z 0 ≥ z 0 − (p − 1) . f (z) f (z) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Example 3.1. We now specify a holomorphic function K(z) in D by (3.2) K 00 (z) = Q(z), 1+z 0 K (z) where Q(z) is the conformal mapping onto Ω given in Example 2.1. Then it is clear from Theorem 3.1 that K(z) is in U CVp . Let (3.3) p K(z) = z + ∞ X k=2 Ak z k+p−1 . Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 6 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 From the relationship between the functions Q(z) and K(z), we obtain (3.4) (p + n − 1)(n − 1)An = n−1 X (k + p − 1)Ak Bn−k . k=1 Since all the coefficients Bn are positive, it follows that all of the coefficients An are also positive. In particular, A2 = (3.5) 8p2 , π 2 (p + 1) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions and (3.6) H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry A3 = p2 2(p + 2) 16 64p + 4 2 3π π . Note that (3.7) Title Page Contents log k 0 (z) = z p−1 Z 0 z Q(ς) − p dς. ς By computing some coefficients of K(z) when p = 3, we can obtain the following diagram JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -2 2 0 -2 -1 Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry 0 1 2 Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 4. Subordination Theorem and Consequences In this section, we first derive some subordination results from Theorem 4.1; as corollaries we obtain sharp distortion, growth, covering and rotation theorems from the family U CVp . 00 00 (z) (z) Theorem 4.1. Assume that f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then 1 + z ff 0 (z) ≺ 1 + zK and K 0 (z) f 0 (z) z p−1 ≺ K 0 (z) . z p−1 00 00 (z) (z) Proof. Let f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then h(z) = 1 + z ff 0 (z) ≺ 1 + zK is the same K 0 (z) as h(z) ≺ Q(z). Note that Q(z) − p is a convex univalent function in D. By using a result of Goluzin, we may conclude that Z z Z z f 0 (z) h(ς) − 1 Q(ς) − p K 0 (z) (4.1) log p−1 = dς ≺ dς = log p−1 . z ς ς z 0 0 Equivalently, f 0 (z) z p−1 ≺ K 0 (z) z p−1 . Corollary 4.2 (Distortion Theorem). Assume f (z) ∈ U CVp and |z| = r < 1. Then K 0 (−r) ≤ |f 0 (z)| ≤ K 0 (r). Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Equality holds for some z 6= 0 if and only if f (z) is a rotation of K(z). Go Back Proof. Since Q(z) − p is convex univalent in D, it follows that log K 0 (z) is also convex univalent in D. In fact, the power series for log K 0 (z) has positive coefficients, so the image of D under this convex function is symmetric about Close Quit Page 9 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 the real axis. As log f 0 (z) z p−1 0 (z) ≺ log Kzp−1 , the subordination principle shows that (4.2) 0 K 0 (−r) = e{ log K (−r)} = e min Re{log K 0 (z)} |z|=r {Re log K 0 (z)} ≤e = |f 0 (z)| ≤ e max Re{log K 0 (z)} |z|=r 0 = e{log K (r)} = K 0 (r). Note that for |z0 | = r, either Re{log f 0 (z0 )} = min Re{log K 0 (z)} Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions |z|=r H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry or Re{log f 0 (z0 )} = max Re{log K 0 (z)} |z|=r for some z0 6= 0 if and only if log f 0 (z) = log K 0 (eiθ z) for some θ ∈ R. Theorem 4.3. Let f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then 14p (4.3) |f 0 (z)| ≤ z p−1 e π2 ς(3) = z p−1 Lp for |z| < 1. (L ≈ 5.502, ς(t) is the Riemann Zeta function.) Proof. Let φ(z) means that φ(z) 0 (z) = zgg(z) , where g(z) = √ z 2p √ ≺ p + π2 log 1+ . 1− z g(z) log p = z Z 0 z 0 zf (z). Then φ(z) ≺ Q(z) which Moreover , φ(s) − p s Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 22 ds J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 and therefore, if z = reiθ and |z| = 1, √ Z r Z r g(z) 1 + 2p 1 t dt iθ √ dt log p = log <e(φ(te ) − p) ≤ 2 z t π 0 t 1− t 0 √ Z 1 2p 1 1+ t 2p √ dt = 2 (7ς(3)), ≤ 2 log π 0 t π 1− t where Z 0 1 1 log t Then we find that √ 1+ t √ dt = 7ς(3) 1− t 0 zf (z) 2p 2 (7ς(3)) . zp ≤ e π [8]. Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry The following diagram shows the boundary of K(z)’s dervative when p = 2 in a circle has the radius (5.5)2 : Title Page Contents JJ J 20 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 II I Go Back Close 0 Quit -20 0 -20 Page 11 of 22 20 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Corollary 4.4 (Growth Theorem). Let f (z) ∈ U CVp and |z| = r < 1. Then −K(−r) ≤ |f (z)| ≤ K(r). Equality holds for some z 6= 0 if and only if f (z) is a rotation of K(z). Corollary 4.5 (Covering Theorem). Suppose f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then either f (z) is a rotation of K(z) or {w : |w| ≤ −K(−1)} ⊆ f (D). Corollary 4.6 (Rotation Theorem). Let f (z) ∈ U CVp and |z0 | = r < 1. Then |Arg{f 0 (z0 )}| ≤ max Arg{K 0 (z). (4.4) |z|=r Equality holds for some z 6= 0 if and only if f (z) is a rotation of K(z). P k+p−1 Theorem 4.7. Let f (z) = z p + ∞ and f (z) ∈ U CVp , and let k=2 ak+p−1 z An+p−1 = max |an+p−1 |. Then f (z)∈U CVp (4.5) Ap+1 = 8p2 . π 2 (p + 1) The result is sharp. Further, we get n Y 8p2 8p (4.6) An+p−1 ≤ 1+ . (n + p − 1)(n − 1)π 2 k=3 (k − 2)π 2 P k+p−1 Proof. Let f (z) = z p + ∞ and f (z) ∈ U CVp , and define k=2 ak+p−1 z ∞ X zf 00 (z) =p+ ck z k+p−1 . φ(z) = 1 + 0 f (z) k=2 Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 12 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Then φ(z) ≺ Q(z). Q(z) is univalent in D and Q(D) is a convex region, so Rogosinski’s theorem applies. 8p 16p 184p 3 z + ··· , Q(z) = p + 2 z + 2 z 2 + π 3π 45π 2 so we have |cn | ≤ |B1 | = π8p2 := B. Now, from the relationship between functions f (z) and Q(z), we obtain (n + p − 1)(n − 1)an+p−1 = n−1 X (k + p − 1)ak+p−1 cn−k . k=1 2 pB = π2 8p . If we choose f (z) to be that function (p+1) (p+1) 2 zf 00 (z) , then f (z) ∈ U CVp with ap+1 = π2 8p , which f 0 (z) (p+1) From this we get |ap+1 | = for which Q(z) = 1 + shows that this result is sharp. Now, when we put |c1 | = B, then pap c2 + (p + 1)ap+1 c1 2(p + 2) pB(1 + Bp) . |ap+2 | ≤ 2(p + 2) ap+2 = When n = 3 pap c3 + (p + 1)ap+1 c2 + (p + 2)ap+2 c1 3(p + 3) 1 pB(1 + Bp)(2 + Bp) |ap+3 | ≤ 2 3(p + 3) 1 Bp = pB(1 + Bp) 1 + . 3(p + 3) 2 ap+3 = Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 13 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 We now proceed by induction. Assume we have 1 Bp Bp |ap+n−1 | ≤ pB(1 + Bp) 1 + ··· 1 + (n − 1)(p + n − 1) 2 n−2 n Y pB Bp = 1+ . (n − 1)(p + n − 1) k=3 k−2 Corollary 4.8. Let f (z) = z p + |ap+n−1 | = O n12 . P∞ k=2 ak+p−1 z k+p−1 and f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 14 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 General Properties of Functions in U CVp 5. P k+p−1 Theorem 5.1. Let f (z) = z p + ∞ and f (z) ∈ U CVp . Then k=2 ak+p−1 z f (z) is a p−valently convex function of order β in |z| < r1 = r1 (p, β), where r1 (p, β) is the largest value of r for which (5.1) rk−1 ≤ (p − β)(k − 1) Qk (k + p − β − 1)B j=3 1 + pB j−2 , (k ∈ N − {1}, 0 ≤ β < p). Proof. It is sufficient to show that for f (z) ∈ U CVp , 00 zf (z) 1 + ≤ p − β, |z| < r1 (p, β), − p f 0 (z) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions 0 ≤ β < p, where r1 (p, β) is the largest value of r for which the inequality (5.1) holds true. Observe that P∞ 00 k=2 (k + p − 1)(k − 1)ak+p−1 z k−1 zf (z) 1 + . P − p = k−1 f 0 (z) p+ ∞ k=2 (k + p − 1)ak+p−1 z 00 (z) Then we have 1 + zff 0 (z) − p ≤ p − β if and only if P∞ (k + p − 1)(k − 1) |ak+p−1 | rk−1 k=2P k−1 p− ∞ k=2 (k + p − 1) |ak+p−1 | r ∞ X ≤p−β (k + p − 1)(k + p − 1 − β) |ak+p−1 | rk−1 ≤ p2 − pβ. ⇒ H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 22 k=2 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Then from Theorem 4.7 since f (z) ∈ U CVp , we have k Y pβ Bp |ak+p−1 | ≤ 1+ (k + p − 1)(k − 1) j=3 j−2 and we may set k Y pβ Bp 1+ ck+p−1 , ck+p−1 ≥ 0, |ak+p−1 | = (k + p − 1)(k − 1) j=3 j−2 ( ) ∞ X ck+p−1 ≤ 1 . k ∈ N − {1}, Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry k=1 Now, for each fixed r, we choose a positive integer k0 = k0 (r) for which Title Page (k + p − 1 − β) k−1 r (k − 1) Contents JJ J is maximal. Then ∞ X II I Go Back (k + p − 1)(k + p − β − 1) |ak+p−1 | rk−1 Close k=2 ≤ k Y Bp (k0 + p − β − 1) k0 −1 r 1+ (k0 − 1) j−2 j=3 . Quit Page 16 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Consequently, the function f (z) is a p−valently convex function of order β in |z| < r1 = r1 (p, β) provided that k (k0 + p − β − 1) k0 −1 Y Bp r 1+ ≤ p(p − β). (k0 − 1) j − 2 j=3 We find the value r0 = r0 (p, β) and the corresponding integer k0 (r0 ) so that k (k0 + p − β − 1) k0 −1 Y Bp r 1+ = p(p − β), (k0 − 1) j − 2 j=3 (0 ≤ β < p). Then this value r0 is the radius of p−valent convexity of order β for functions f (z) ∈ U CVp . Theorem 5.2. h(z) = z p + bn+p−1 z n+p−1 is in U CVp if and only if p2 r≤ , (p + n − 1)(p + 2n − 2) where |bn+p−1 | = r and bn+p−1 z n−1 = reiθ . 00 (z) Proof. Let w(z) = 1 + zhh0 (z) . Then h(z) ∈ U CVp if and only if w(z) ∈ P ARp which means that Re{w(z)} ≥ |w(z) − p| . On the other side we have 00 zh00 (z) zh (z) ≥ 1 + 0 − p , Re 1 + 0 h (z) h (z) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 17 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 then zh00 (z) p + (n + p − 1)nreiθ Re 1 + 0 = Re (p − 1) + h (z) p + (n + p − 1)reiθ p3 + p(n + p − 1)(n + 2p − 1)r cos θ + (n + p − 1)3 r2 . = |p + (n + p − 1)reiθ |2 The right-hand side is seen to have a minimum for θ = π and this minimal value is p3 + p(n + p − 1)(n + 2p − 1)r + (n + p − 1)3 r2 . |p + (n + p − 1)reiθ |2 Now, by computation we see that 00 1 + zh (z) − p = (n + p − 1)(n − 1)r . |p + (n + p − 1)reiθ | h0 (z) Then H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents p3 + p(n + p − 1)(n + 2p − 1)r + (n + p − 1)3 r2 (n + p − 1)(n − 1)r ≤ , p − (n + p − 1)r which leads to (n + p − 1)(n − 1)r ≤ p2 − (n + p − 1)2 r. Hence, Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions p2 r≤ . (n + p − 1)(2n + p − 2) JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 18 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Theorem 5.3. Let f (z) ∈ U CV, then (f (z))p ∈ U CVp . Proof. Let w(z) = (f (z))p , then 1+z f 00 (z) f 0 (z) w00 (z) = 1 + z + (p − 1)z . w0 (z) f 0 (z) f (z) Then we find 00 w (z) w00 (z) Re 1 + z 0 − z 0 − (p − 1) w (z) w (z) f 00 (z) f 0 (z) = Re 1 + z 0 + (p − 1)z f (z) f (z) 00 0 f (z) f (z) − z 0 + (p − 1)z − (p − 1) . f (z) f (z) Since f (z) ∈ U CV , therefore we have f 00 (z) f 0 (z) + (p − 1)z Re 1 + z 0 f (z) f (z) 00 f (z) f 0 (z) + (p − 1)z − (p − 1) − z 0 f (z) f (z) 0 0 f (z) f (z) ≥ (p − 1)Re z − z − 1 f (z) f (z) f (z) ∈ U CV , then f (z) ∈ SP [7] which means that 0 0 f (z) f (z) Re z − z − 1 ≥ 0. f (z) f (z) Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 19 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 Then 00 w (z) w00 (z) Re 1 + z 0 − z 0 − (p − 1) ≥ 0. w (z) w (z) The following diagram shows the extermal function k(z) of the class U CV when (k(z))p , p = 2: Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry Title Page The following diagram shows the extermal function K(z) of the class U CVp when p = 2: Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 20 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(1) Art. 20, 2006 And the following diagram shows that (k(z))p ≺ K(z): Subordination Results for the Family of Uniformly Convex p−valent Functions H.A. Al-Kharsani and S.S. Al-Hajiry 5.1. Remarks Title Page Taking p = 1 in Theorem 3.1, we obtain the corresponding Theorem 1 of [7]. Taking p = 1 in Theorem 4.1, we obtain the corresponding Theorem 3 of [3]. Taking p = 1 in inequality (4.3), we obtain Theorem 6 of [7], and in inequalities (4.5), (4.6), we obtain Theorem 5 of [7]. 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