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Amendment No.: 6509.11g-2005-1
Effective Date: June 1, 2005
Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: JESSE KING
Associate Deputy Chief/CFO
Date Approved: 05/27/2005
Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and
calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this
amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to
this Handbook was 6509.11g-2004-6 to 6509.11g_80.
New Document
16 Pages
Superseded Document(s) by
Issuance Number and
Effective Date
!6509.11g,50 Contents
(Amendment 6509.11g-94-11, 09/29/1994)
2 Pages
(Amendment 6509.11g-94-12, 09/29/1994)
9 Pages
In addition to the following substantive changes highlighted by section, this amendment revises
the entire chapter to reflect budget restructuring and the Primary Purpose financing principle, and
makes editorial and technical changes throughout.
50 - Revises the chapter caption from “Fire Protection and Suppression” to “Wildland Fire
Management” to match the title of the appropriation.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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50.1 - Removes the authority formerly set forth as numbered paragraph 4, Department of Interior
and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for 1990 (Pub. L. 101-121), because it is obsolete.
Establishes a new authority in paragraph 4, Granger-Thye Act (16 U.S.C. 472). Removes the
authority formerly set forth as paragraph 5, Department of Interior and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act for 1992 (Pub. L. 102-154), because the change the Act made in the
appropriation is now permanent. Establishes a new authority in paragraph 5, Cooperative Funds
and Deposits Act (16 U.S.C. 565a-1 through a-3). Establishes the following new authorities in
paragraphs 6 through 8:
Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944, as amended (16 U.S.C. 579a).
Annual Department of Interior and Related Agencies’ Appropriation Act.
Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-148, December 3, 2003).
51 - Revises caption from “Forest Service Fire Protection (FFFF)” to “Wildland Fire
Management - Fund Code WFWF - Treasury Symbol 12X1115”. Removes obsolete direction
and sets forth revised direction.
51.1 - Revises caption from “Presuppression and Fuels Management (FFFP)” to “Wildland Fire
Preparedness - Program Code WFPR”. Removes the obsolete direction and sets forth revised
51.11 - Revises caption from “Presuppression Activities” to “Preparedness Activities”. Removes
obsolete direction and sets forth revised direction.
51.11a - Revises caption from “Firefighter Pay” to “Firefighter and Equipment Charges”.
Removes obsolete direction and sets forth revised direction.
51.11b - Revises caption from “Contract Aircraft” to “National Resource Crews”. Direction
pertaining to aircraft is now set forth in sec. 51.11c. Establishes new direction for National
Resource Crews.
51.11c - Establishes new code and caption for “National Resource Contract Aircraft - Program
Codes WFPR and WFSU” with related new direction. Formerly, direction on Contract Aircraft
was set forth in sec. 51.11b.
51.11d - Establishes new code and caption for “Casual (Administratively Determined)
Firefighters - Program Codes WFPR and WFSU” with related new direction.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.12 - Revises caption from “Budgeted Fire Personnel and Equipment” to “Preparedness
Personnel and Equipment”. Removes obsolete direction and sets forth revised direction.
51.13 - Revises program code and direction for charging Fire Planning.
51.14 - Revises program code and direction for charging Fire Investigations. Establishes new
direction for trespass claims.
51.15 - Revises program code and direction for charging Awards.
51.16 - Revises caption from “Analysis and Evaluations” to “Analysis, Evaluations, and
Reviews”. Removes obsolete direction and sets forth revised direction
51.17 - Establishes new code and caption for “Training” with related new direction for financing
fire training.
51.2 - Establishes new code and caption for “Fire Suppression and Fire Operations - Program
Code WFSU” with related revised direction, formerly set forth in sec. 52.
51.21 - Establishes new code and caption for “Personnel-Related Expenses” with related revised
direction, formerly set forth in sec. 52.12.
51.22 - Establishes new code for the caption “Equipment and Supplies” with related revised
direction, formerly set forth as 52.13.
51.23 - Establishes new code for the caption “Roads and Trails” with related revised direction,
formerly set forth as 52.14.
51.24 - Establishes new code for the caption “Property Damage Resulting from Fire Suppression
Activity” with related revised direction, formerly set forth as 52.15.
51.25 - Establishes new code and revises the caption from “Emergency Burn Rehabilitation” to
“Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER)” with related revised direction, formerly set
forth in sec. 52.17.
51.26 - Establishes new code for the caption “Other Ownership Lands” with related revised
direction, formerly set forth as 52.18.
51.27 - Establishes new code for the caption “Relations with Foreign Nations” with related
revised direction, formerly set forth as 52.19.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.3 - Establishes new code and caption for “Hazardous Fuels Reduction - Program Code
WFHF” with related new direction.
52 - Removes the code and caption “Emergency Forest Service Firefighting Fund (EFEF)”.
Revised direction is set forth in new code and caption 51.2 “Fire Suppression and Fire
Operations - Program Code WFSU”.
52.1 - Removes the code and caption “Emergency Suppression and Rehabilitation (EFFS)” with
related obsolete direction. Revised direction is set forth in sec. 51.2 with the new caption, “Fire
Suppression and Fire Operations - Program Code WFSU”.
52.11 - Removes the code and obsolete caption “Presuppression Activities Authorized from
Suppression Funds” with related obsolete direction. Revised direction is set forth in sec. 51
“Wildland Fire Management - Fund Code WFWF - Treasury Symbol 12X1115”, sec. 51.1
“Wildland Fire Preparedness - Program Code WFPR”, and sec. 51.11 “Preparedness Activities”.
52.12 - Removes the code and caption “Personnel Related Expenses” and sets forth revised
direction in sec. 51.21.
52.13 - Removes the code and caption “Equipment and Supplies” and sets forth revised direction
in sec. 51.22.
52.14 - Removes the code and caption “Roads and Trails” and sets forth revised direction in sec.
52.15 - Removes the code and caption “Property Damage Resulting from Fire Suppression
Activity” and sets forth revised direction in sec. 51.24.
52.16 - Removes the code and caption “Prescribed Fires” and sets forth revised direction in sec.
51.3 with the new caption “Hazardous Fuels Reduction - Program Code WFHF”.
52.17 - Removes the code and caption “Emergency Burn Rehabilitation” and sets forth revised
direction in sec. 51.25 with the new caption “Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation”
52.18 - Removes the code and caption “Other Ownership Lands” and sets forth revised direction
in sec. 51.26.
52.19 - Removes the code and caption “Relations With Foreign Nations” and sets forth revised
direction in sec. 51.27.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Table of Contents
50.1 - Authority........................................................................................................................... 6
12X1115 ............................................................................................................... 7
51.1 - Wildland Fire Preparedness - Program Code WFPR ....................................................... 7
51.11 - Preparedness Activities............................................................................................... 7
51.11a - Firefighter and Equipment Charges .......................................................................... 8
51.11b - National Resource Crews ......................................................................................... 8
51.11c - National Resource Contract Aircraft - Program Codes WFPR and WFSU.............. 8
51.11d - Casual (Administratively Determined) Firefighters - Program Codes WFPR and
WFSU ......................................................................................................................... 9
51.12 - Preparedness Personnel and Equipment ..................................................................... 9
51.13 - Fire Planning............................................................................................................. 10
51.14 - Fire Investigation ...................................................................................................... 10
51.15 - Awards ...................................................................................................................... 10
51.16 - Analysis, Evaluations, and Reviews ......................................................................... 10
51.17 - Training .................................................................................................................... 10
51.2 - Fire Suppression and Fire Operations - Program Code WFSU ...................................... 11
51.21 - Personnel Related Expenses ..................................................................................... 11
51.21a - Project and Program Personnel ............................................................................... 11
51.21b - Indirect Personnel ................................................................................................... 11
51.21c - Overtime ................................................................................................................. 11
51.21d - Cooperative Work Employees ................................................................................ 12
51.21e - Human Resource Program Enrollees ...................................................................... 12
51.21f - Law Enforcement .................................................................................................... 12
51.21g - Unemployment Compensation ............................................................................... 12
51.21h - Office of Worker's Compensation Program (OWCP) Expenses ............................ 12
51.22 - Equipment and Supplies ........................................................................................... 12
51.22a - Reconditioning and Restoring................................................................................. 12
51.22b - Replacement ........................................................................................................... 13
51.22c - Emergency Purchases ............................................................................................. 13
51.23 - Roads and Trails ....................................................................................................... 13
51.24 - Property Damage Resulting from Fire Suppression Activity ................................... 14
51.25 - Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER)..................................................... 15
51.26 - Other Ownership Lands ............................................................................................ 15
51.27 - Relations With Foreign Nations ............................................................................... 15
51.27a - Provision of Emergency Wildfire Protection Resources to Foreign Nations ......... 15
51.27b - Reimbursement to Foreign Nations for Firefighting Assistance ............................ 16
51.3 - Hazardous Fuels Reduction - Program Code WFHF ..................................................... 16
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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50.1 - Authority
1. Organic Administration Act of 1897, as amended (16 U.S.C. 551). This Act directs
the Secretary of Agriculture to protect National Forests against destruction by fire and
2. Fire Protection Agreements - Mutual Aid - Agencies (May 27, 1955 - 42 U.S.C. 1856
- 1856d). This Act authorizes agreements between agencies of the United States Government
and other domestic agencies, including State and local entities and instrumentalities for mutual
aid in fire protection.
3. Temporary Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act, as Amended (42 U.S.C. 1856m-p).
This Act authorizes reciprocal agreements with foreign fire organizations for mutual aid in
wildfire protection through December 31, 1988. The Wildfire Suppression Assistance Act
(Public Law 101-11) repealed the termination date of this Act, thus making the authority
4. Granger-Thye Act, (16 U.S.C. 472). This Act authorizes assistance to perform work
on other jurisdictions.
5. Cooperative Funds and Deposits Act (16 U.S.C. 565a-1 through a-3). This Act
authorizes cooperation for fire protection where public interest benefits, and there is mutual
benefit other than monetary consideration.
6. Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944, as amended (16 U.S.C. 579a). This
Act authorizes the Forest Service, by contract or otherwise, to provide for procurement and
operation of aerial facilities and services for the protection and management of the national
forests and other lands administered by the agency.
7. Annual Department of Interior and Related Agencies’ Appropriation Act. This Act
establishes a no-year appropriation for necessary expenses of firefighting, preparedness, fuels
management, support to Federal emergency responses authorized by the Stafford Act (Public
Law 100-707) and emergency rehabilitation of burned over National Forest System lands.
8. Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-148, December 3, 2003). This
Act improves the capacity of the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct hazardous fuels reduction
projects on National Forest System lands aimed at protecting communities, watersheds, and
certain other at-risk lands from catastrophic wildfire, to enhance efforts to protect watersheds and
address threats to forest and rangeland health, including catastrophic wildfire.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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The Wildland Fire Management appropriation finances necessary expenses of the following
1. Wildland fire preparedness activities on National Forest System lands,
2. Wildland fire suppression on or adjacent to such lands under a fire protection
3. Support to Federal emergencies declared by the President and managed by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and support to emergencies declared by the Secretary
of Agriculture and managed under the terms of an interagency agreement,
4. Emergency rehabilitation of burned-over National Forest System lands,
5. Fire severity, including specific actions and staffing in excess of the planned and
budgeted program to improve initial attack response capabilities and wildfire prevention
activities due to seasonal variations in regional weather or fire occurrence which increase fire
severity significantly above the level normally expected (FSM 5192.2), and
6. Hazardous fuels reduction.
51.1 - Wildland Fire Preparedness - Program Code WFPR
Use WFPR funds for necessary expenses incurred for wildland fire preparedness activities before
wildland fires occur. Preparedness funds are allocated to each region along with guidance
pertaining to levels of local personnel and equipment such as engines, bulldozers, and
firefighters (the “Firefighter Production Capability” (FFPC) targets).
51.11 - Preparedness Activities
Use WFPR funds for necessary expenses for preparedness, such as, planning, prevention,
detection, information and education, pre-incident training, and equipment and supply purchase
and replacement. These expenses include salaries, contracts, and services. When a wildland fire
occurs, each preparedness activity has its own transition point at which the funding changes from
preparedness program WFPR, to suppression program WFSU. Each transition point is identified
in the following descriptions.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.11a - Firefighter and Equipment Charges
Use WFSU funds for necessary expenses of the base hours, non-base hours and all other pay for
personnel and equipment planned and budgeted with WFPR when assigned to a specific
wildland fire. Use WFSU funds for all pay, including base hours, for personnel not planned and
budgeted out of WFPR when assigned to a specific wildland fire.
Charge the daily availability and guarantees for contracted aircraft to WFPR unless otherwise
approved by the Washington Office Director of the Fire and Aviation Management Staff.
Continue to charge the daily availability and guarantees for contracted aircraft to the contract’s
approved funds when it is assigned to a specific wildland fire. Charge equipment fixed
ownership rates to WFPR when it is assigned to a specific wildland fire (sec. 51.22). Charge all
other support costs for aircraft and equipment to WFSU starting when the aircraft and equipment
are assigned to a specific wildland fire.
Do not spend in excess of the planned and budgeted WFPR account for replacement personnel
and their support. Replacement of personnel and equipment assigned to emergency incidents is
authorized only when local fire danger justifies the replacements.
Ordered stand-by, pre-positioning, and move-up-and-cover are charged as follows:
1. Use WFPR if the order is based on a perceived threat (high fire danger).
2. Use WFSU if the order is based on actual starts in the immediate initial attack area
and the order is for time outside normal work hours or work week.
51.11b - National Resource Crews
National Resources, as defined in the National Interagency Mobilization Guide (NFES 2092), are
financed from WFPR funds for an expected length of time as published in the annual Planning
and Budget Advice. When replacements are needed for Smokejumpers and Interagency Hotshot
Crews that are assigned to wildland fires, replacements shall be selected from the list of National
Resources in the Mobilization Guide (NFES 2092).
When WFPR funds are designated for National Resources, local managers shall not spend those
designated funds for anything that does not directly benefit the welfare or support of the National
51.11c - National Resource Contract Aircraft - Program Codes WFPR and WFSU
Continue to charge daily availability or guaranteed payments (the fixed costs) for contracted
aircraft to the same program code whether assigned to a specific wildland fire or not
(sec. 51.11a). Use WFSU funds for personnel overtime and all other support expenses (the
variable costs) for the aircraft, starting when the aircraft is assigned to a specific wildland fire.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Use procedures listed in the National Interagency Mobilization Guide (NFES 2092) to request
replacement aircraft if fire danger or other rationale warrant replacement aircraft. Use WFSU
funds for the availability or guarantee cost of replacement aircraft, as well as the additional
personnel (including overtime) and equipment costs to support replacement aircraft operations.
51.11d - Casual (Administratively Determined) Firefighters - Program Codes
1. Training. Use WFSU for fire training and associated travel, per diem and support for
casual (Administratively Determined (AD)) firefighters up to the limit authorized in the AD Pay
Plan (FSH 5109.34). Use WFPR for the costs of agency or contract instructor salaries, travel,
per diem, supplies, facility rental and equipment (51.17).
2. Testing. Use WFSU for the salary costs of casual (AD) firefighters during fitness
testing. Use WFPR for the costs of all personnel providing fitness testing for casual (AD)
3. Equipping. Use WFPR for equipping casual (AD) firefighters. Use WFSU for the
replacement of casual (AD) firefighter equipment lost, damaged, or destroyed on an incident.
51.12 - Preparedness Personnel and Equipment
For the purpose of this section, planned program work is defined as a project or task in the
annual program of work approved by the line officer including mid-year adjustments.
Use WFPR funds for necessary expenses for planned and budgeted preparedness resources
engaged in preparedness activities. Use WFSU funds for base time and for costs beyond the
planned period when those preparedness resources are assigned to a wildland fire. Preparedness
resources that are being funded by other than WFPR funds at the time of assignment to an
incident will charge WFSU immediately upon assignment.
During the locally established fire season, when conditions permit, it is acceptable to deploy
preparedness resources to other Forest Service non-fire activities as long as the preparedness
resources are always able to respond to emergencies within an acceptable time limit. Assign
work to crews and equipment in the following order of priority:
1. Wildland Fire Protection. Protection activities include fuel treatment, fire equipment
maintenance, prevention, and pre-attack planning.
2. Non-fire Planned Program Work. Program work such as recreation maintenance,
reforestation, timber stand improvement, and brush disposal will finance all costs, including
salaries, supplies, materials, travel, and equipment use included in the project plan. Do not
charge WFPR funds for any costs incurred as a result of using preparedness personnel or
equipment on non-fire planned projects.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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3. Non-fire Unplanned Program Work. Work projects that protect or maintain National
Forest System resources and facilities. Give high priority to maintenance of preparednessrelated improvements. Use WFPR for base salaries of preparedness resources. Pay all other
costs, such as overtime, flight time, supplies, and materials from the program funds identified by
applying the Primary Purpose principle.
51.13 - Fire Planning
Use WFPR funds for necessary expenses for preparing fire management plans and fire planning.
Charge all planned non-fire resource management activities involving support from fire
management personnel to program funds identified by applying the Primary Purpose principle.
51.14 - Fire Investigation
Use WFSU funds for fire origin investigation work performed by qualified investigators. Use
NFLE funds when it has been determined that the fire cause is criminal in nature. Charge the
costs of non-criminal trespass investigation, preparation of claims case reports and assessments
to WFPR funds.
Use WFSU funds for investigations of motor vehicle accidents and injuries related to incident
51.15 - Awards
Use WFPR funds for the cost of cash awards or nonmonetary awards for superior performance in
emergency firefighting activities.
51.16 - Analysis, Evaluations, and Reviews
Use WFPR funds for post-fire analysis and reports, including critiques and individual fire
evaluations. Use WFSU funds for analyses, evaluations and reviews conducted during the
51.17 - Training
Use WFPR funds to train Forest Service personnel when they receive National Wildfire
Coordinating Group fire training or Forest Service-recognized equivalent courses.
Use WFPR funds to pay for instructors, whether agency personnel, contractors, rehired
annuitants, or hired casual (AD) firefighters used to provide casual (AD) firefighter fire training.
For casual (AD) firefighter hires, see section 51.11d.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.2 - Fire Suppression and Fire Operations - Program Code WFSU
Use WFSU funds for the following necessary expenses:
1. Wildland fire suppression, except as set forth in sec. 51.11a and sec. 51.11b,
2. Emergency stabilization of National Forest System lands that have been damaged by
wildland fire,
3. Approved severity authorizations (FSM 5192.2), and
4. Support to Federal emergency response through Forest Service participation in the
Federal Response Plan and other activities authorized by the Stafford Act (P.L. 100-707).
Except as noted in sec. 51.22a and sec. 51.25, discontinue using WFSU for specific incidents
when the fire is declared out by the assigned line officer (FSM 5130.42-3).
51.21 - Personnel Related Expenses
51.21a - Project and Program Personnel
Use WFSU funds for salary costs including base time, overtime, hazard pay, and so forth, of all
project and program personnel assigned to emergency fire suppression duties, and emergency
stabilization activities . See sec. 51.11 and sec. 51.11a for funding rules related to WFPR
preparedness personnel.
51.21b - Indirect Personnel
Use WFSU funds for salary costs of indirect personnel that are performing work in support of an
incident when the work is readily identifiable to the incident. Apply this principle whether or not
the work is performed while in overtime status. Use the appropriate indirect cost pool to finance
work performed by indirect employees when the work is not directly identifiable to an incident.
51.21c - Overtime
Use WFSU funds for all time worked over regular tour hours during a specific wildland fire
assignment. Use WFSU funds for the regular tour base hours of personnel regularly assigned
and budgeted from WFPR, when they are performing duties associated with a specific wildland
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.21d - Cooperative Work Employees
Use Cooperative Work-Other funds (program code CWFS) for salaries of employees financed
from CWFS, when they are reassigned to wildland fire duties that are within the intent of the
appropriate fire protection agreement. When assigned to fire suppression beyond the scope of
the agreement, charge all costs to WFSU. Charge the basic salaries of personnel assigned to
replace and perform the duties of the employees reassigned to fire duties outside the agreement
area to CWFS funds.
51.21e - Human Resource Program Enrollees
Use WFSU funds for salaries, per diem, and transportation costs for the following Senior, Youth,
and Volunteer Program enrollees when they are hired as casual (AD) firefighters and paid at the
appropriate AD rate (FSH 5109.34, chapter 10):
1. Job Corps,
2. Youth Conservation Corps,
3. Volunteers.
51.21f - Law Enforcement
Use WFSU funds for additional cooperative law enforcement assistance necessary to protect
forest visitors and their property during a wildfire emergency.
51.21g - Unemployment Compensation
Prorate unemployment expenses for all personnel between time spent on wildland fire
assignments and time spent on the employee’s non-fire work duties.
51.21h - Office of Worker's Compensation Program (OWCP) Expenses
Use WFSU funds for OWCP claims arising from injuries sustained during a specific wildland
fire assignment.
51.22 - Equipment and Supplies
51.22a - Reconditioning and Restoring
Use WFSU funds to recondition and restore equipment to its former condition only if done
promptly after use on a specific wildland fire and before the fire is declared out (FSM 5130.42
-3). National fire caches listed in the National Mobilization Guide (NFES 2092) may charge
WFSU until equipment refurbishment is complete.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.22b - Replacement
Use WFSU funds to replace supplies used during a specific wildland fire assignment that were
consumed, lost, or damaged beyond repair. Personnel must submit an approved form AD-112,
Report of Unserviceable, Lost, Stolen, Damaged or Destroyed Property, before WFSU funds can
be used for reimbursement. When Working Capital Fund equipment is involved, use WFSU for
only the loss in value (cost less depreciation and salvage value). Do not use WFSU to repair or
replace equipment or supplies lost, stolen, or broken during project work.
51.22c - Emergency Purchases
Install temporary telephone lines, only as needed to provide reliable communications to an
incident, using Fire Operations (WFSU) funds.
Use WFSU funds for emergency purchases of additional equipment or supplies when fully
justified, as follows:
1. When fire cache items are reduced to a critically low level. Do not make purchases
that exceed the minimum stocking level needed to meet existing fire emergencies. Determine
needs only after analyzing all factors involved, including stocks available from other sources.
2. When the required equipment or supplies are essential for the safety and welfare of
firefighting personnel, and all of the following conditions apply. The required equipment or
a. Are unavailable from Forest Service warehouses, caches, or from other programs
within the time limits necessary to suppress the fire(s).
b. May positively affect control of the fire(s).
c. May increase firefighter and public safety, reduce overall suppression costs, or
significantly reduce net resource or property losses.
d. Can be delivered in time to be effective.
51.23 - Roads and Trails
Use WFSU funds for the following activities:
1. For the minimum amount of work necessary to provide safe access to the wildland fire
when there are no roads and trails and for the obliteration of the road or trail immediately after
the wildfire is declared out.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Charge the roads or trails capital improvements and maintenance funds (CMRD or CMTL) for
any additional improvements needed to conform a road or trail to prescribed construction
standards, if it is decided to add the road or trail to the forest development transportation system.
Ensure that expenditures meeting the capitalization threshold are accounted for in accordance
with property management direction. Use the Primary Purpose principle to determine the
program funds to finance road obliteration costs if the road or trail is kept open temporarily to
facilitate other work.
2. For removing downed timber and other obstructions from existing roads and trails for
access to a specific wildland fire to the extent necessary to permit safe passage. Use CMRD or
CMTL funds for additional work to meet the prescribed standards for forest development roads
and trails. Restore maintenance level-one roads to their original condition immediately after the
wildfire is declared out.
3. For repairing damage caused to transportation system roads as a result of wildland fire
suppression activities. Normal maintenance of system roads and trails used for fire suppression
activities is charged to CMRD or CMTL.
4. For dust abatement on a system road during a specific wildland fire suppression
project when needed to provide for the health and safety of personnel in vehicles or in incident
51.24 - Property Damage Resulting from Fire Suppression Activity
Use WFSU funds for the following activities:
1. Repair or minimize damage to soil, water, and other resources directly attributable to
the fire suppression activity on National Forest System lands. This is based on the premise that
Forest Service programs must include known, proven, and reasonable precautions necessary to
prevent operations from causing damage to forest resources. Do this work before incident
demobilization or as soon thereafter as possible. Usually, work should be completed before the
fire is declared out. Activities that extend beyond that point must be documented and approved
in advance by the Regional Forester.
2. Repair damage to Forest Service improvements caused by fire suppression activities
such as a fence that is broken to provide access to the incident or to build a fireline. Do not use
WFSU funds to repair damage to Forest Service improvements caused by the fire itself.
3. Repair Forest Service-owned airfields damaged by fire suppression activities.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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4. Pay for damage to State, County, and private lands and improvements caused by
wildland fire suppression activities only to the minimum extent needed to immediately correct
the damage to prevent further loss or injury. Examples are: patching a wire fence around a
water development, placing a temporary fence to keep cattle from roaming into dangerous areas
during suppression activities, or building a water bar across a fire line. Pay for other damage
only through established claims procedures (FSM 6570).
51.25 - Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER)
Use WFSU funds for emergency actions to prevent or stabilize unacceptable degradation to
natural and cultural resources; to minimize threats to life and property resulting from the effects
of a fire; or to repair, replace, or construct physical improvements necessary to prevent shortterm degradation of land or resources. Use WFSU funds for salaries and expenses of personnel
assigned to interdisciplinary burned area emergency response assessment and implementation
teams. Use WFSU funds for approved emergency stabilization of watersheds following a
wildfire (FSM 2523).
51.26 - Other Ownership Lands
Use WFSU funds to suppress wildland fire on non-National Forest System lands only when:
1. There is a clear threat to National Forest System lands, no fire protection agreement
exists, and other wildland fire suppression forces cannot contain the fire.
2. A clear threat to National Forest System lands exists and resources planned under a
fire protection agreement cannot take suppression action on the wildland fire; or,
3. The terms of a specific reciprocal fire protection agreement, regardless of
reimbursement provisions, provide for this specific suppression action.
51.27 - Relations With Foreign Nations
51.27a - Provision of Emergency Wildfire Protection Resources to Foreign
Use WFSU funds for necessary expenses of furnishing emergency firefighting resources to any
foreign fire organization as authorized by the Temporary Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act,
as amended (sec. 50.1). Deposit any reimbursements received to miscellaneous receipts
(program code 3220).
WO AMENDMENT 6509.11g-2005-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2005
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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51.27b - Reimbursement to Foreign Nations for Firefighting Assistance
Use WFSU funds to reimburse foreign fire organizations for costs incurred in furnishing
emergency firefighting resources to the Forest Service as authorized by the Temporary
Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act, as amended (sec. 50.1).
51.3 - Hazardous Fuels Reduction - Program Code WFHF
Use WFHF funds for necessary expenses to plan, implement, and provide support to fuel
reduction activities including the inventory of hazardous fuel, analysis of treatment alternatives,
determination and application of appropriate fuel treatment methods, and monitoring and
evaluation of fuel treatment accomplishments. Treatment methods for fuel reduction include:
prescribed fire, wildland fire management, and mechanical and chemical treatment. When the
primary purpose of fuel treatments is the accomplishment of resource objectives, and not fuel
reduction, finance the treatment work with program funds determined by applying the Primary
Purpose principle.
Use WFSU funds for suppression action on a prescribed fire that has exceeded the prescription
and has been declared a wildland fire. Pay personnel the same as for any wildland fire. After all
costs and accomplishments have been ascertained, determine and adjust financing responsibility
in accordance with the following:
1. If the resource objectives for the prescribed fire were accomplished, use the program
funds identified by applying the Primary Purpose principle, for the prescribed burn, but do not
exceed the total planned costs. For example, if the total fire cost was $10,000 and the planned
cost of the prescribed burn was $4,000, then charge project funds $4,000 and WFSU $6,000.
2. When less than the full resource objective is accomplished, charge the resource
program for the cost of the work, based on the accomplishment obtained, and reduce the costs
charged to WFSU. For example, if 60 percent of the original resource objectives are
accomplished, then charge 60 percent of the budgeted cost of the prescribed burn to project funds
and the remainder to WFSU.