5109.34_20_full Page 1 of 76 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Supplement No.: 5109.34-2005-4 Effective Date: The Directive Manager completes this field. Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: ABIGAIL R. KIMBELL Regional Forester JAMES L. KELTON Chair, NRCG Date Approved: mm/dd/2005 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 5109.34-2005-3, to chapter 20 contents. New Document 5109.34_20 76 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 5109.34-2003-1 (5/2003) chapter 20 90 Pages Digest: 24.3-3 - Added Feller/Buncher Rates Added Weed Washer Specifications Updated Heavy Equipment, Engines, Tenders, Water Truck standard rates Updated Vehicle Rates to include Fully Operated Daily Rates Updated specifications for Heavy Equipment R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 2 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 20.01-1 - Delegations of Procurement Authority Ratification of unauthorized commitments is agency specific. Forest Service and BLM ratification authority is limited to the chief of the Contracting Office. Federal procurement officers who receive assignments to incidents may sign up and administer agreements under their own authority, as well as assist in administering the terms and conditions of Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERA), OF-294, signed by other procurement officials. Changes or modifications to EERA’s shall be made by the procurement official signing the original EERA. 24 - ACQUISITION METHODS 24.1 - Purchase Cards and Convenience Checks In accordance with agency procedures, direction should be given regarding use of purchase cards and convenience checks. Agencies are authorized to restrict or limit use. In cases where it is anticipated the primary payment process will be administrative payment teams (APT), the use of purchase cards and convenience checks should be reduced to limit the potential of duplicate payments. 24.2 - Land and Facility Rental Agreements The rental of bare land for fire purposes requires the same degree of good business judgment, including reasonable price determinations, as any other procurement action. In making the determinations, as to price fairness, consideration should be given, but not limited to, the following items: Fair market rental rates for land in the area; costs to the landowner, such as moving of stock, loss of rental fees from other sources, disruption; alterations needed and who will make them; impacts on the land, costs of restoration, and who will do the restoration work; duration of rental, (emphasis should be on weekly or monthly rates), with a limit on total costs. Real estate firms and/or the USDA Forest Service Regional office-leasing specialist may be able to assist in determining local rental rates. Other considerations require good judgment and the prudent exercise of negotiation techniques. Need to identify when the month begins and when it ends, such as, 7/15-8/13, or 30 days. A joint pre- and post-inspection shall be made of the premises. Such inspection shall note all improvements and their condition, including items such as fences, buildings, wells, crops, and road conditions. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 3 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-2 - General Guidelines for Equipment Hire 1. Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines a. Service Contract Act (SCA) Wage Determination. Federal agencies shall apply the SCA to all rentals wherein service employees are used, except for owner/operators. Contractors are responsible for paying these rates. The Procurement Unit Leader shall post copies of the applicable Wage Determination Service Contract Act and Fair Labor Standards Act posters in a public location at each fire camp. b. Operator Hour Limitations. Operator assignments should be on a scheduled rotation for each operational period if the equipment is working 24 hours per day. When equipment is used less than 24 hours per day and only one operator is provided, the operator's schedule shall be based on an operational period allowing a minimum of 8 hours off duty between operational periods. (All Work/Rest Guidelines in this handbook, Chapter 10, Section 12.7-1 and 12.7-1.a, shall apply). c. Licensing Requirements. All private sector operators shall have a valid license for the equipment operated. For equipment requiring a Commercial Drivers License (CDL), they are classified in two ways (1) by Class and (2) by Type. See Section 28, Exhibit 18, in this supplement. d. Department of Transportation (DOT) All commercial motor vehicles must be licensed for interstate travel. Commercial motor vehicles as described by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 390.5 below: Commercial motor vehicle means any self-propelled or towed motor vehicle used on a highway in interstate commerce to transport passengers or property when the vehicle(1) Has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating, or gross vehicle weight or gross combination weight, of 4,536 kg (10,001 pounds) or more, whichever is greater; or (2) Is designed or used to transport more than 8 passengers (including the driver) for compensation; or (3) Is designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, and is not used to transport passengers for compensation; or R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 4 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION (4) Is used in transporting material found by the Secretary of Transportation to be hazardous under 49 U.S.C. 5103 and transported in a quantity requiring placarding under regulations prescribed by the Secretary under 49 CFR, subtitle B, chapter I, Subchapter C. In addition all commercial motor vehicles must meet all DOT requirements found in 49 CFR 390 through 396. Please refer to website: www.fmcsa.dot.gov e. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). Equipment, which by law requires an operator to possess a driver’s license to operate on a public highway, shall be licensed. The GVW shall not exceed the weight of the manufacturer’s GVWR. Contractor shall abide by GVW/GVWR Requirements. All equipment shall be within the limits of the manufacturer's GVWR when fully loaded (including operators and accessory equipment). This includes balancing the load in a manner that all axle weights comply with the manufacturer's gross axle weight rating. Equipment shall be configured in a manner that the center of gravity, to the vehicle, is within the design limits of the equipment. The contractor may be responsible for providing certification from a professional mechanical engineer or other expert in the field of design engineering, establishing the fact the design limits of the equipment has not been compromised Preseason sign up for engines, water tenders and water trucks, require the unit to be fully loaded at the time of inspection, with the contractor providing loaded weight tickets from a certified scale. The government reserves the right to reweigh the vehicle at any time. f. Insurance Requirements. All Commercial vehicles must meet the insurance requirements found in 49 CFR 387.7 g. Work Rates. For equipment not shown in this supplement the rates shall be negotiated taking into consideration wages (if hired fully operated), depreciation, taxes, storage, insurance, overhead, and profit. Local customary rates shall also be considered. h. Daily Rates. See NRCG Supplemental Provisions to EERAs, Clause 7, (Exhibit 17). i. Fully Operated Rate. The fully operated rates are based on the following formula: 8 hours times the applicable SCA rate plus 6 hours times 1.5 times the SCA rate plus 8 hours times the fringe benefit rate, then times by an assumed 35% payroll burden. Equipment can be hired “wet” (contractor provides fuel and operating supplies) or R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 5 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION “dry”(government provides fuel and operating supplies) as defined in the General Clauses of the EERA. j. Unoperated Rate. The unoperated rates are based on a government –provided operator. If the Government provides operating supplies, downward adjustment to the daily rate needs to be made for the cost of the operating supplies. k. Operating Supplies. As noted on the agreement, operating supplies are provided either by the government or the contractor. When it is the government's responsibility to provide these supplies, but the contractor supplies them, reimbursement shall be made by the government. Use Block 27, Emergency Equipment Use Invoice, OF- 286 to make this reimbursement. When the reverse is true and the government provides supplies that should be furnished by the contractor, a deduction for the value of the supplies shall be taken in Block 26 of the invoice. Documentation of reimbursements and deductions shall be attached to the OF-286. l. Special Provisions. Due to laws, regulations or unique needs there are special provisions specified to be included in agreements, Section 28, Exhibit 17, sets forth all the NRCG required special provisions. Each agreement shall incorporate the special provisions by entering the following statement in Block 14 of the EERA: "NRCG Supplemental Terms and Conditions to the General Clauses of the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, OF-294 is attached and incorporated herein." As necessary, procurement officials may include additional special provisions in agreements. m. Repair Rates. Reference Item 5, General Provisions of the EERA. The rate to be assessed for government-provided repairs shall be $36 per hour plus parts. Repair times shall be computed to the nearest half hour. n. Work Rest Length of Assignment Guidelines. Chapter 10, Section 12.7-2 of this handbook shall apply. 24.3-3 - Preferred Hiring Methods The following describes requirements and summarizes the established rates for equipment rented within the Northern Rockies Geographic Area. The rates are fair and reasonable for equipment that is reasonably new and in good operating condition and meet all of the Chapter 20 requirements. The rates reflect the equipment will be engaged in fighting forest fires under adverse working conditions, driven on both improved and unimproved roads, and will probably require operators to work overtime. The rates are mandatory and may only be adjusted as follows: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 6 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Rates should be adjusted downward when equipment fails to provide the basic configuration required for each equipment type listed, or is excessively old and will not perform up to the standards of newer equipment in terms of quality operating time or production capability. The equipment shall meet the requirements of the OF-296 Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Safety Inspection Checklist. This equipment should only be used until Chapter 20 compliant equipment becomes available. Rates should be adjusted upwards to reflect the contractor's actual payroll cost, when a contractor demonstrates a long-term history of paying wages exceeding the established SCA wage determination for the period (example: payroll records for past 12 months). Rates may be exceeded (within agency authority) on a case-by-case basis to reflect equipment that is unique in operating capability or cannot be obtained without a higher rate. Rates were determined by using a standardized national formula. It is based on commercial rates, with variables in geographic areas and labor costs. Note: For Forest Service agreements, rates exceeding the established rates shall be negotiated by a GS-1102-11, Level 1C or higher. Standard Methods of Hire Dozers/Pumper Cats/Skidders/Skidgines/Graders/Excavator/Backhoes/Feller-Bunchers/Other Heavy Equipment Wet Daily Rate: with one operator with service vehicle Transports (Heavy Equipment) Wet Daily Rate: with 1 operator with pilot/flag vehicle, if required by law Lowboys, Enclosed Vans or Flatbeds Wet Daily Rate: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 7 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Transportation Vehicles, other than Buses Dry Daily rate + mileage Without operator (operator will be hired separately as a casual firefighter according to agency provisions) OR Fully Operated Buses Wet Mileage rate with guarantee based on 250 miles With one operator Unit initiating the EERA processes payment documents Water Truck, Potable Hired under Geographic Area contract Engine and Tenders Wet Daily Rate Must meet all the training and certification requirements listed with the equipment in this supplement Sawyer/Chainsaw Dry Daily rate Vehicle hired at flat daily rate of $32 per day, no mileage Sawyer and swamper will be hired separately as casual firefighters Teams - sawyer and swamper or two Sawyers Swamper is not compensated for chainsaw Each saw team would only be compensated for one chainsaw and one vehicle per day. Note: Check experience as a sawyer, that is, types of jobs Portable Pumps Dry Daily rate Without operator R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 8 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION All-Terrain Vehicle ATV’s Dry Daily rate Without operator Tie-downs and ramps are included in daily rate. Delivery and pick-up negotiated separately. No three-wheel vehicles. Anyone who operates one of these must meet agency certification. Commercial Vans (for example U-haul) Use commercial rates Refrigerated Truck (trailer) Dry Daily Rate Without operator Shop Trucks Wet Daily Rate With one mechanic when hired for a single operational period and two mechanics when hired for double operational period. Fuel Truck Wet Daily Rate With Operator Fuel trucks shall have multi fueling capability with two separate nozzles, one for gas and one for diesel Fuel will be paid at the pump price. Pump price will be established at the time of hire. Weed Washer Wet Daily Rate With Operator R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 9 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Dozers/Skidders/Skidgines/Pumper Cat/Graders/Excavators/Feller-Buncher. The following shall be provided on all equipment: Ax or Pulaski and Shovel Fire extinguisher (minimum rating 4BC) 5 Person First Aid Kit Headlights, backup lights, and backup alarms Safety equipment including approved spark arrester or exhaust system Roll Over Protection (ROPS) and Falling Object Protection (FOPS) are required on all heavy equipment with the exception of Excavators. All heavy equipment must meet all applicable federal and state safety standards and must have front window guarding in place with clean unbroken windows. Factory installed safety glass, such as Lexan, does not require external guarding. Skidders and skidgines are required to have tire chains All rubber-tired equipment shall have tire chains available, if needed. Chains must be produced at time of preseason inspection PPE as described under personnel requirements In addition to the above, dozers and skidders may be equipped with rear-mounted grapple for logging or towing winch with cable and one or two chokers (indicate on EERA if so equipped). Heavy equipment modified to transport water, such as skidgines and pumper cats, shall be configured in a manner that the center of gravity for the vehicle is within the design limits of the equipment. The contractor shall be responsible for providing certification from a professional mechanical engineer or other expert in the field of design engineering, establishing the fact the design limits of the equipment has not been compromised. Any and all additional modifications shall be re-certified. Water tanks shall also be certified as to actual size and having adequate baffles. Note: Cost for this certification has been figured into the daily rate. Skidgines and pumper cats will not be required to have rear-mounted grapples or logging or towing winches with cable and one or two chokers. This equipment may have been removed to accommodate the tank, pump, and reel. Grapples must be secured to prevent hazards to individuals working with the skidgine. Additional Information on Heavy Equipment can be found on the NRCG web page under Chapter 20 at: www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/Committees/business_committee.htm R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 10 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Class DOZERS Flywheel Fully Operated Horsepower Daily Rate Single Shift ($) NWCG Fully Operated Fireline Daily Rate Handbook Double Shift ($) Typing T3 III 60-69 1036 1920 T4 III 70-99 1092 2040 T5 II 100-124 1288 2424 T6 II 125-139 1372 2568 T7 II 140-169 1470 2784 T8 II 170-199 1596 3048 T9 I 200-249 2058 3960 T10 I 250-299 2240 4320 T11 I 300-369 2422 4680 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $880. SKIDDERS Fully Operated Fully Operated Flywheel Daily Rate Daily Rate Class Horsepower Single Shift ($) Double Shift ($) S1 69-82 1078 1920 S2 83-100 1120 2040 S3 101-135 1386 2616 S4 136-187 1694 3240 S5 188-200 1960 3792 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $880. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 11 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Component Pump Capacity* GPM @ PSI Tank** Capacity Gallons 1 inch I.D. hardline hose on reel 1 inch linen hose Personnel*** SKIDGINES Minimum Standards for Type SK-1 SK-2 SK-3 SK-4 SK-5 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 50 to 100 101 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 150 feet 150 feet 150 feet 150 feet 150 feet 200 feet 1 200 feet 1 200 feet 1 200 feet 1 300 feet 1 SK class shall meet the S class for skidders *All pumps shall have pressure gauges that meet the minimum pump pressure rating. **No fiberglass or plastic tanks will be accepted. All tanks must be certified and baffled in compliance with NFPA or American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards or other industry accepted engineering standards. Additional gallons are acceptable, but must meet all standards. ***Skidgine and operator must be accompanied at all times by agency personnel qualified at or above the Firefighter I Level. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 12 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION TDC3 Pump Capacity* GPM @ PSI Tank** Capacity Gallons 1 inch I.D. hardline hose on reel 1 inch linen hose Personnel*** PUMPER CATS Minimum Standards for Type TDC- TDC- TDC- TDC4 5 6 7 TDC8 TDC9 TDC10 TDC11 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 30 @ 70 50 to 100 1-1 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 350 351 to 400 401 to 450 451 to 500 501 to 550 551 to 600 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 150 ft 200 ft 1 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft 300 ft 300 ft 300 ft TDC class shall meet the same T class for Dozers *All pumps shall have pressure gauges that meet the minimum pump pressure rating. **No fiberglass tanks or plastic tanks will be accepted. Tanks must be baffled in compliance with NFPA or American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards or other industry accepted engineering standards. Additional gallons are acceptable but must meet all standards. ***Dozer and Operator must be accompanied at all times by agency personnel qualified at or above the firefighter I level. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 13 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION List of minimum required inventory for skidgine and pumper cats 2 each 1 inch NPSH nozzles—must do both fog and straight stream combination and shutoff (Plastic is acceptable) 1 Pulaski 1 shovel, size 0 1 first aid kit (5 person) 1 fire extinguisher (4BC or better) 1 spanner wrench, combination 1 inch to 1½ inches 1 each reducer 1½ inches NH female to 1 inch NPSH male 1 each reducer 1 inch NPSH female to ¾ of an inch garden hose male 1 each adapter 1 inch NF female to 1inch NPSH male 1 each adapter 1 inch NPSH female to 1 inch NH male 1 each 1 inch double male NPSH 1 each 1 inch double female NPSH 1 each hose clamp 5 gallons of fuel to operate pump for 12 hours 1 each pumps for filling tank with water or have drafting capabilities. If drafting, need 20 feet of hard line suction hose with strainer or screened foot valve. 1 each, ¼ turn adapter to 1 inch NPSH (1 female and 1 male each) Must have a 1 inch NPSH male tee for soft line attachment Must have pressure relief and bypass valve in plumbing system Tanks shall have 4-inch minimum fill pipe Tanks shall have a minimum 3-inch dump valve Hose – See matrix Personnel requirements for skidgines & pumper cats 1. Satisfactorily completed the NRCG-approved physical fitness test. 2. Standards for Survival Training or equivalent. 3. The following personal protective equipment is required: Boots-all leather, lace-up type, minimum 8 inches high with lug type sole in good condition (steel toe boots are unacceptable). Hardhat-plastic, class B, ANSI Z89.1, OSHA approved, with chinstrap. Note: Hardhat meeting NFPA Standard 1977, 1998 edition, is required. Gloves-One pair heavy-duty leather per person. Eye protection—one pair per person (meets standards ANSI 287, latest edition). Headlamp-One lamp per person with batteries and attachment for hardhat. Canteen-1-quart size, two per person required, and four per person recommended (filled prior to arrival at incident). R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 14 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION The following equipment is agency provided at the time of hire: Fire shelter—one serviceable shelter per person, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA approved) Flame resistant clothing—Shirt and trousers for routine fireline duties. Flame resistant clothing must: Self-extinguish upon removal from heat source. Act as effective thermal barrier by minimizing conductive heat transfer Not melt or shrink to any appreciable degree upon decomposition during exposure to a high heat source. Be manufactured from flame retardant treated (FRT) cotton, FRT rayon, FRT wool, aramid (Nomex), or other similar fabric. Class Flywheel Horsepower SK-1 SK-2 SK-3 SK-4 SK-5 69-82 83-100 101-135 136-187 188-200 SKIDGINES (Rubber Tired) Fully Operated Tank Size Daily Rate Single Shift ($) 50-100 1176 101-200 1260 201-300 1596 301-400 2030 401-500 2464 Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) 2016 2160 3048 3936 4800 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate two operational periods, by $880. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 15 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION PUMPER CATS (Hard Track) Fully Operated Fully Operated Flywheel Daily Rate Daily Rate Class Horsepower Tank Size Single Shift ($) Double Shift ($) TDC-3 60-69 50 –100 1106 2064 TDC-4 70-104 101 – 200 1204 2280 TDC-5 105-124 201 – 300 1470 3264 TDC-6 125-139 301 – 350 1610 3552 TDC-7 140-169 351 – 400 1750 3816 TDC-8 170-194 401 – 450 1918 4200 TDC-9 195-249 451 – 500 2604 5544 TDC-10 250-299 501 – 550 2828 6048 TDC-11 300-369 551 – 600 3178 6744 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods, by $880 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 16 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION CERTIFICATION FOR SKIDGINES & PUMPER CATS This certification is incorporated in and made part of Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement No. _____________________. The equipment listed herein meets all of the minimum requirements for the equipment type. EQUIPMENT TYPE SERIAL NO. ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION (attach Exhibit 21) The following individuals meet all the personnel and training requirements for the position listed. NAME POSITION The personnel listed above shall be provided with the equipment, in the numbers required by the agreement and equipment typing configurations. The personnel and equipment qualifications are in accordance with NRCG Supplement to Chapter 20 of the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook. A copy of the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, along with this certification, shall be provided to the Finance/Administration Section Chief or their designated representative immediately upon arrival at the incident. Failure to provide equipment meeting the typing configurations or the above named personnel shall void the payment schedule listed in Blocks 11, 12 and 13 of the agreement. I certify that the above listed equipment meets the minimum typing standards for the type listed. I also certify that the above listed personnel meet all of the qualification requirements for the position(s) listed. Government Representative (Signature) Contractor Representative (Signature) Name and Title (Printed) Contractor Name (Printed) Home Unit Address Phone No. City, State Date Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 17 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION CHECKLIST FOR SKIDGINES & PUMPER CATS Equipment Type Serial No. Engineering Certification 1. Pump Capacity (GPM/PSI) 2. Tank Capacity (Gallons) 3. Meets Personnel Standards 4. Complement Requirements 2 each, 1 inch NPSH nozzles—must do both fog and straight stream combination and shutoff (Plastic is acceptable) 1 Pulaski 1 shovel, size 0 1 First Aid Kit (5 person) 1 fire extinguisher (4BC or Better) 1 spanner wrench, combination 1 inch to 1 ½ inches 1 each reducer 1 ½ inches NH Female to 1 inches NPSH Male 1 each reducer 1 inch NPSH Female to ¾ inches garden hose male 1 each adapter 1 inch NH Female to 1 inches NPSH Male 1 each adapter 1 inch NPSH Female to 1 inch NH Male 1 each 1 inch double male NPSH 1 each 1 inch double female NPSH 1 each hose clamp 5 gallons of fuel to operate pump for 12 hours 1 each, pump for filling tank with water or have drafting capabilities. If drafting, need 20 ft of hard-line suction hose with strainer or screened foot valve. 1 each ¼ turn adaptor to 1 inch NPSH (1 female and 1 male each) Must have a 1 inch male NPSH tee for soft line attachment. Must have pressure relief and by pass valve in plumbing system. Tanks shall have a 4 inch minimum fill pipe Tank shall have a minimum 3-inch dump valve. Hose – Minimum Standard for Type – See Matrix Yes No NOTE: Equipment not required by this list is carried at the contractors’ own risk compensation will not be given for additional items. Please list additional items on the back of this form. Attach to OF 296 CONFIGURED AS ABOVE THIS UNIT IS CLASSIFIED A TYPE ________ SKIDGINE. Contractor’s Signature Date Inspector’s Signature Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 18 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION AGRICULTURE TRACTORS Rates for agricultural tractors, with gang plows, have not been developed. Use skidder rates and flywheel horsepower as a guide. Depending on ground conditions, additional compensation may be necessary for excessive wear and tear on gang plows. Class G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 GRADERS Fully Operated Fully Operated Daily Rate Single Daily Rate Double Flywheel Shift Shift Horsepower ($) ($) <100 994 1824 100-125 1106 2088 126-150 1204 2256 151-200 1344 2544 201+ 1470 2784 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $880. Chains not required on machine, but available at next operational period. Chains shall be inspected at pre-season sign-up. Class Nominal Digging Depth BH1 BH2 BH3 BH4 BH5 <14 ft. 14 +ft. 15 +ft. 16 +ft. 18+ ft. BACKHOES Flywheel Fully Operated Horsepower Daily Rate Single Shift ($) 0-55 784 56-62 882 63-70 966 71-90 1050 91+ 1302 Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) 1392 1608 1776 1994 2448 If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $880. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 19 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Class EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EX6 EX7 EX8 Weight Class in Pounds 14,000 18,400 25,400 35,000 44,000 50,000 60,000 85,000 EXCAVATORS W/THUMB Fully Operated Daily Rate Single Flywheel Shift Horsepower ($) 50-60 1036 61-75 1064 76-85 1162 86-110 1260 111-135 1428 136-160 1498 161-230 1694 231+ 2086 Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) 1920 1992 2208 2352 2688 2856 3216 4032 Only Excavators with a Hydraulic Thumb will be ordered. If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, by $513; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $880. FELLER BUNCHERS WITH BAR SAW OR ROTARY SAWS Class Flywheel Fully Operated Fully Operated Horsepower Daily Rate Daily Rate Single Shift Double Shift ($) ($) FB1 160 to 225 2296 4440 FB2 226 and up 2604 5088 The above rates are based on a machine equipped with a Bar Saw capable of cutting a 22 inch DBH tree and up with accumulator arm or Rotary (Hot) Saw capable of cutting 20 inch DBH trees and up with accumulator arm. Harvester heads will be negotiated under a separate agreement. Machines must meet State and Federal Safety regulations. Additional Information on Heavy Equipment can be found on the NRCG web page under Chapter 20 at: www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/Committees/business_committee.htm R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 20 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Sedans/Passenger Vans/Pickups/Utility Vehicles/Trucks. Consideration should be given to weekly or monthly rates when determined to be more economical. See IIBMH, Chapter 10, and Section 17.1-4, for more information on car rental. When dealing with national rental companies, ensure the vendor understands the vehicles will also be used off-road. For that reason, the preferred method of hiring vehicles is on the EERA form. The purchase card may also be used. If the purchase card is used the card holder shall consider: (1) how the vehicles will be closed out at the end of the card holder’s assignment, (2) use is for ALL Government Employees, and (3) a process for claim settlement that may result from the rental. Under the U.S. Government Car Rental Agreement, use of vehicles off-road (paved surfaces) must be agreed to, in writing, beforehand with the company. A copy of the U.S. Government Car Rental Agreement may be obtained from the following new website: www.mtmc.army.mil/frontdoor Vehicles should be rented at rates not to exceed those charged the public and should show both daily and weekly rates. It is recommended the procurement officer to determine ownership review the vehicle registration. Equipment shall be equipped with spare tire, wheel wrench, jack, reflectors and fire extinguisher. Vehicles shall be in good condition and meet all state and local laws for operation on public roads. Vehicle cleanup after use should be addressed at the time of sign-up. The government has the option of cleaning the vehicles before final inspection, or providing compensation to the vendor for cleanup. The preferred method of cleanup is for the government to provide this service allowing for a better inspection process. There are two standard method of hire: Unoperated, daily rate plus mileage rate. The government provides operating supplies Fully Operated, daily rate plus mileage rate. The government provides operating supplies R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 21 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION SEDANS Class A1 Unoperated Daily Rate Fully Operated Daily ($) Rate ($) Sedans, midsize or larger 45.00 220.00 Class A2 Mini, 7 pass ½ ton, 8 pass ¾ ton, 12 pass PASSENGER VANS Unoperated Daily Fully Operated Daily Rate Rate ($) ($) 52.00 228.00 57.00 235.00 64.00 240.00 Mileage Rate ($) .15 Mileage Rate ($) .23 .26 .30 NOTE: Faller vehicles will be paid at a flat daily rate of $32 (no mileage), one vehicle per falling team. PICKUPS, 4X2 Class TR1 Unoperated Daily Fully Operated Daily Mileage Rate ($) Rate ($) Rate ($) Compact 35.00 210.00 .14 ½ ton 41.00 216.00 .18 ¾ ton 46.00 225.00 .21 1 ton 57.00 235.00 .29 Class TR2 Compact ½ ton ¾ ton 1 ton PICKUPS, 4X4 Unoperated Daily Fully Operated Daily Rate ($) Rate ($) 41.00 216.00 46.00 225.00 52.00 230.00 64.00 240.00 Mileage Rate($) .18 .21 .23 .33 UTILITY (BRONCO/BLAZER/SUBURBANS/EXPLORER) Class TR3 Unoperated Daily Fully Operated Daily Mileage Rate ($) Rate ($) Rate ($) Compact 52 228.00 .23 ½ ton 57 235.00 .29 ¾ ton+ 64 240.00 .33 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 22 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Class TR% TRUCKS, STAKESIDE/STOCK Size Unoperated Fully Operated Daily Rate ($) Daily Rate ($) 9-foot platform and up 63.00 346.00 12-foot platform and up 74.00 358.00 8,500-12,000 GVW 12,001-14,5000 GVW 14,501-21,000 GVW 12-foot platform and up 21,000-25,000 GVW 12-foot platform and up 25,001+GVW 12-foot platform and up 86.00 98.00 103.00 370.00 380.00 386.00 Mileage Rate ($) .35 .57 .69 .80 .86 Buses. a. Buses for Hire. For buses hired under an EERA, the office (hiring unit) initiating and approving the EERA shall be responsible for processing the payments. The procurement officer is responsible for instructing the contractor on proper procedures and signatures to be maintained and sending to the appropriate Agency payment center. Ordering of all buses in the Northern Rockies shall be through the dispatch/resource ordering process to initiate a tracking system and facilitate the payment process. Ordering offices shall not go directly to bus contractors except when the ordering office and hiring office are the same. Contractors/operators shall not exceed duty limitation hours set forth in Chapter 10, Section 12.7-1, 2 of the IIBMH. The government may provide lodging and meals in cases when the operator cannot return to a government facility. Meals and lodging shall not exceed the government per diem rate. b. School-Type Buses, Class B1. Buses may be rented several different ways including fully operated or unoperated and with or without government-furnished items. The elements of cost, liability, and bus availability may vary depending on the method used. The rental method chosen should be selected that will best meet agency needs at the lowest overall cost. The preferred method of procuring buses is fully operated. Because of vendor limitations, it may be necessary to hire the bus unoperated with the government providing the operator. When the bus is hired fully operated the contractor is responsible for meeting all state laws for the state(s) in which the bus will operate, including insurance coverage. All buses shall meet the insurance requirements of Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulation CFR 49 Part 387.33, which specifies a minimum $5,000,000 insurance coverage. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 23 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION c. Contracting for School-Type Bus Services. (1) All buses will have a date of manufacture January 1, 1977, or later. (2) The DOT and state law governs operator licensing. Each operator will have the appropriate Commercial Drivers License (CDL). (3) All buses shall have proof of current safety inspection. You can check on the internet to see if a contractor has a current safety rating. You can find the information on the following website: http://www.safersys.org and then click on "SAFER Database Queries" (4) All buses shall have the capability to safely transport personnel, packs and hand tools either internally or externally and shall have a minimum of 120 Cubic Feet of storage space. The internal or external transport space must meet Federal Motor Carrier – Safety Regulations 392.62 (c) 1,2 ,3 Safe Operations. If the contractor chooses to provide a “chase vehicle” to transport packs/tools, it shall be at no cost or liability to the government. If the government is required to provide a “chase vehicle” to carry packs/tools because the bus cannot transport them, $150/day will be deducted from the contractor’s invoice. Buses shall not transport flammable/combustible liquids, such as chainsaw gas, internally or externally, a chase vehicle for these items will be provided by the Government. Please see Northern Rockies Mobilization Guide for number of hours Personnel may be transported in a School Bus. d. Basis and Amount of Payment. Payment is based on mileage rate or guarantee, whichever is greater. The contracting unit initiating the EERA is designated as the payment office to process all payments to the contractor. e. Standard Method of Hire. Mileage rate with guarantee (based on 250 miles), fully operated, one operator, no second operator will be allowed Class B1 Capacity 16 or greater Class B2 Coach BUSES, SCHOOL-TYPE Fully Operated Unoperated Operated Mileage Rate Mileage Rate Guarantee $3.10 $1.93 $775 BUSES, COACH Fully Operated Mileage Rate $3.20 Unoperated Guarantee $482 Guarantee $800 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 24 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Transports. The term "transport" includes a truck tractor with trailer(s). Trailers may be an enclosed van, flatbed, or lowboy-type for hauling heavy equipment. When transporting between tariff locations by a licensed common carrier, shipments and payment should be according to the appropriate established tariff. Federal agencies should use a Commercial Bill of Lading (CBL) for shipments of this type. When required by state law, the government upon presentation of invoice or receipt will reimburse the cost for pilot vehicles and overload permits. Contractors are responsible for meeting all state requirements, such as weight restrictions and hauling permits. Class TR7 TR8 TR9 LOWBOYS, ENCLOSED VANS OR FLATBEDS (Transports) Fully Operated Daily Fully Operated Daily Rate Rate Ton Single Shift Double Shift $ $ 10-25 672 1248 26-40 756 1368 41+ 896 1656 When a transport and another piece of heavy equipment, such as a dozer, are provided with a single operator to operate BOTH pieces of equipment, adjustments to the payment amount will be made as follows: Dozer will be paid at the daily rate, and the transport rate will be reduced by $447 for a One Operational Period, and by $766 for a Two Operational Periods. Water Tenders and Water Trucks. Private Sector Water Tenders. (1) Personnel Requirements for Water Tenders (a) Satisfactorily complete a NWCG-approved physical fitness test. (b) Complete S-130 and S-190 per Exhibit 20 of this supplement (only required for water tenders). This position does not require a NWCG 310-1 qualified supervisor while on fireline duty. (c) Fireline Safety Training Refresher or equivalent. (d) The following Personal Protective Equipment is required and must be provided by the contractor: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 25 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Boots-All leather, lace-up type, minimum 8 inches high with lug type sole in good condition (steel toe boots are unacceptable). Hardhat-Plastic, Class B. ANSI Z89.1, 1986, OSHA approved, with chinstrap. NOTE: Hardhat meeting NFPA Standard 1977, 1998 Edition, is required. Gloves-One pair heavy duty leather per person Eye Protection-One pair per person (meets standards ANSI 287, latest edition) Head Lamp-One lamp per person with batteries and attachment for hardhat. Canteen-one-quart size, two per person required, four per person recommended (filled prior to arrival at Incident). Fire Shelter-One serviceable shelter per person. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA approved) Flame Resistant Clothing - Shirt and trousers for routine fireline duties, flame resistant clothing must: Self-extinguished upon removal from heat source Act as effective thermal barrier by minimizing conductive heat transfer Not melt or shrink to any appreciable degree upon decomposition during exposure to a high heat source Be manufactured from flame retardant (FR) cotton, FR rayon, FR wool, aramid (Nomex), or other similar fabric (2) Foam Units. If a water tender is ordered with the following type foam capabilities it shall be paid additional compensation. If a water tender has the following type foam capabilities, and incident personnel use it on an incident, it shall be paid additional compensation. The use of the foam capabilities used by incident personnel must be documented on an equipment time shift ticket daily. The government shall provide the foam or make reimbursement only for approved chemicals when provided by the contractor. A list of approved chemicals can be found at: www.fs.fed.us/fire/tools_tech/index.html R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 26 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) – Plumbed into the system, increase the rate by 10 percent of the specified unoperated rate. Metering Systems (Automatic Regulating Proportioning System) – Systematic metering units increase the rate by 5 percent of the specified unoperated rate. Any other foam capabilities, such as educator units which siphon foam into the hose system, or when the foam is dumped directly into the tank, will not receive additional compensation. (3) Water Tank Baffles. The water tanks must be equipped with partitions that reduce the shifting of the water load. Water tenders shall have the water tank baffled in a manner that conforms to the NFPA Standards for Mobile Water Supply Apparatus, or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards or other industry-accepted engineering standard. (4) All cargo and equipment not permanently attached to the vehicle shall be secured in accordance with requirements found in 49 CFR 393. Synthetic strapping will not be accepted. (5). When classifying water trucks, all of the requirements for both equipment and personnel must be met to be acceptable. In addition, a government fire expert must certify the equipment and personnel that both meet the minimum requirements. Equipment lacking this certification shall not be signed up. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to obtain the certification prior to dispatch. (6) Standard Method of Hire. Fully operated daily rate. (7) Inventory. At the time of hire, the contractor shall provide a complete inventory of the firefighting complements on the vehicle. A copy of the inventory shall be provided to the government fire expert and the procurement unit each time the vehicle is hired or reassigned to an incident. (8) For purposes of clarification, the water tender is intended for use in the support of fireline activities. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 27 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION PRIVATE SECTOR WATER TENDERS Class Fully Operated Fully Operated Number of Daily Rate Daily Rate Operators Single Shift ($) Double Shift ($) WT1 Water Tender 1834 3144 1 WT2 Water Tender 1582 2712 1 WT3 Water Tender 1218 2088 1 See the section at the end of the "Private Sector Water Tenders” for water tender typing, minimum complements, certification form and checklist. If the equipment is ordered without operator, reduce the fully operated daily rate, one operational period, $438; reduce fully operated, daily rate, two operational periods by $750. Private Sector Water Trucks. (1) Personnel Requirements for Water Trucks. (a) There are no physical requirements. (b) Fireline Safety Refresher or equivalent. This position must be accompanied by a NWCG 310-1 qualified supervisor while on any fireline duty. (c) The following Personal Protective Equipment is required and must be provided by the Contractor: Boots-All leather, lace-up type, minimum 8 inches high with lug type sole in good condition (steel toe boots are unacceptable) Hardhat-Plastic, Class B, ANSI Z89.1, 1986, OSHA approved, with chinstrap. NOTE: Hardhat meeting NFPA Standard 1977, 1998 Edition, is required Gloves-One pair heavy-duty leather per person Eye Protection-One pair per person (meets standards ANSI 287, latest edition) Head Lamp-One lamp per person with batteries and attachment for hardhat. Canteen-One-quart size, two per person required, four per person recommended (filled prior to arrival at Incident). Fire Shelter-One serviceable shelter per person. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA approved) R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 28 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Flame Resistant Clothing-Shirt and trousers for routine fireline duties, flame resistant clothing must: Self-extinguish upon removal from heat source. Act as effective thermal barrier by minimizing conductive heat transfer. Not melt or shrink to any appreciable degree upon decomposition during exposure to a high heat source. Be manufactured from flame retardant treated (FRT) cotton, FRT rayon, FRT wool, aramid (Nomex), or other similar fabric. (2) Water Trucks shall have a spreader bar or equal capability, that is capable of broadcasting an even spray (Demonstrate at inspection). (3) Water Tank Baffles. The water tanks must be equipped with partitions that reduce the shifting of the water load. Water trucks shall have the water tank baffled in a manner that conforms to the NFPA Standards for Mobile Water Supply Apparatus, or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards or other industry-accepted engineering standards. (4) All cargo and equipment not permanently attached to the vehicle shall be secured in accordance with requirements found in 49 CFR 393. (5) When classifying water trucks, all of the requirements for both equipment and personnel must be met to be acceptable. In addition, a government fire expert must certify the equipment and personnel that both meet the minimum requirements. Equipment lacking this certification shall not be signed up. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to obtain the certification prior to dispatch. (6) Standard method of hire: Fully operated, daily rate. (7) Inventory. At the time of hire, the contractor shall provide a complete inventory of the firefighting complements on the vehicle. A copy of the inventory shall be provided to the government fire expert and the procurement unit each time the vehicle is hired or reassigned to an incident. (8) For purposes of clarification, the water truck is intended for use in the following operations: dust abatement, water transfer, and hauling including unloading into a port-a-tank. Water trucks will not be used in direct support of suppression activities. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 29 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION PRIVATE SECTOR WATER TRUCKS Class Fully Operated Fully Operated Operators Daily Rate Daily Rate (per shift) Single Shift Double Shift ($) ($) WTR1 1232 2112 1 WTR2 1036 1752 1 WTR3 798 1368 1 See the following section for water truck typing, certification form, and checklist. For unoperated daily rate, single shift deduct $438; for unoperated daily rate, two operational periods, deduct $750. WATER TENDER AND WATER TRUCK CLASSIFICATION MINIMUM STANDARDS TYPE COMPONENTS 1 2 3 Pump Capacity (GPM) 300 200 200 Tank Capacity (Gallons) 5,000 + 2500 1,000 Off Load Capacity (GPM) 300 200 200 Maximum Refill Time (minutes) 30 20 15 Personnel (minimum number) 1 1 1 Drafting Capability yes yes yes Additional Requirements for Water Tenders and Water Trucks (1) Fully loaded tenders and trucks (including operators and accessory equipment) conform to manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). This includes balancing the load in a manner that all axle weights comply with the manufacturer’s gross axle weight rating. The contractor may be responsible for providing certification from a professional mechanical engineer or other expert in the field of design engineering, establishing the fact the design limits of the equipment has not been compromised. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 30 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Preseason sign up will require the unit to be fully loaded, with the contractor providing weight tickets for the load from a certified scale. The weight tickets will be by individual axle weight. (2) Vehicles shall be licensed to carry the loaded GVW of the unit. Vehicles which require a CDL operator when operating on public highways, shall be furnished with and operated by a licensed CDL operator at all times. (3) Vehicles shall be configured in a manner that the vehicle meets the axle weights. (4) Modifications of Tanks to meet GVWR must be permanent, over flow devices and water displacement devices are not allowed. (5) At the time of hire, the contractor or cooperator shall provide a complete inventory of the firefighting accessories on the vehicle. A copy of the inventory shall be provided to the inspector and the procurement unit each time the vehicle is hired or reassigned to an incident. (6) Also see 24.3-2 General Guidelines and equipment hire. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 31 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 01 NRCG MINIMUM REQUIRED COMPLEMENTS FOR WATER TENDERS 1½ inch nozzle, NH– combination; fog/straight stream (Plastic is acceptable) 1½ inch NH female to 1 inch NPSH male reducer 20 feet suction hose (minimum) with strainer or screened foot valve Shovel, size 0 Pulaski Spanner wrench, combination, 1½- 2½ Adjustable hydrant wrench 2 adapters, 1½ inches NPSH female to 1½ inches NH male 2 adapters, ¼ turn to 1½ inches NH (1 female and 1 male each) 2 adapters, 1½ inches NH female to 1½ inches NPSH male 2 reducers, 2½ inches NH female to 1½ inches NH male 1 double male, 1½ inches NH 1 double female, 1½ inches NH 1 gated wye, 1½ inches NH 1 Forestry hose clamp - 2½ inches 1 first aid kit (5 person) Reflectors (1 set of 3) Fire extinguisher (5 BC or better) Wheel chocks (meets industry, standards for wheel chocks) Fuel to operate pump and engine for 12 hours. (minimum 5 gallons) 2 each, portable hand lights 1 each, 1,500 gallon minimum portable collapsible tank 100 feet of 1½ inches, cotton/synthetic hose, NH thread 200 feet of 2½ inches cotton/synthetic hose, NH thread Discharge outlets: 2 each 1½ inches NH thread Discharge outlet, 1 each 2½ inches NH thread R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 32 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 – Exhibit 02 CERTIFICATION FOR WATER TENDERS This certification is incorporated in and made part of Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement No. ______________. The equipment listed herein meets all of the minimum requirements for the equipment type. EQUIPMENT TYPE SERIAL NO. LICENSE NO. The following individuals meet all the personnel and training requirements for the position listed. NAME POSITION The personnel listed above shall be provided with the equipment, in the numbers required by the agreement and equipment typing configurations. The personnel and equipment qualifications are in accordance with NRCG Supplement to Chapter 20 of the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook. A copy of the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, along with this certification, shall be provided to the Finance/Administration Section Chief or their designated representative immediately upon arrival at the incident. Failure to provide equipment meeting the typing configurations or the above named personnel shall void the payment schedule listed in Blocks 11, 12 and 13 of the agreement. I certify that the above listed equipment meets the minimum typing standards for the type listed. I also certify that the above listed personnel meet all of the qualification requirements for the position(s) listed. Government Representative (Signature) Contractor Representative (Signature) Name and Title (Printed) Contractor Name (Printed) Home Unit Address Phone No. City, State Date Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 33 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 03 CHECKLIST FOR WATER TENDERS Equipment Type Serial No. 1. Pump Capacity (GPM) 2. Tank Capacity (Gallons) 3. Off Load Capacity (GPM) 4. Maximum Refill Time (Minutes) 5. Meets Personnel Standards 6. Baffled Tank 7. Back up Alarm 8. Complement Requirements: 1½ inch nozzle NH – combination; fog/straight stream (Plastic or metal) 1½ ” NH female to 1 inch NPSH male reducer 20 feet suction hose (minimum) with strainer or screened foot valve Shovel, size 0 Pulaski Spanner wrench, combination 1½ to 2½ Adjustable hydrant wrench 2 adapters, 1½ inches NPSH female to 1½ inches NH male 2 adapters, ¼ turn to 1 ½ inches NH (1 female and 1 male ea.) 2 adapters, 1½ inches NH female to 1½ inches NPSH male 2 reducers, 2½ inches NH female to 1½ inches NH male 1 double male, 1½ inches NH 1 double female, 1½ inches NH 1 gated wye, 1½ inches NH 1 Forestry Hose Clamp - 2½ inches 1 first aid kit (5 person) Reflectors (1 set of 3) Fire extinguisher (5BC or better) Wheel chocks (meets industry, standards for wheel chocks) Fuel to operate pump and engine for 12 hours. (minimum 5 gallons) 2 each, portable hand lights 1 each, 1,500 gallon minimum portable collapsible tank 100 feet of 1½ inches cotton/synthetic hose, NH thread 200 feet of 2½ inches cotton/synthetic hose, NH thread Discharge outlets: 2 each 1½ inches NH thread Discharge outlet, 1 each 2½ NH thread Tire Tread Depth equal to 6/32 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 34 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 03—Continued GVWR FRONT AXLE REAR AXLE 9. Chassis Manufacturer’s GVWR 10. Loaded Actual Weight (from certified scale) NOTE: Equipment not required by this list is carried at the contractors’ own risk, compensation will not be given for additional items. Please list additional items on the back of this form. Attach to OF-296 CONFIGURED AS ABOVE, THIS UNIT IS CLASSIFIED A TYPE ___________________ WILDLAND WATER TENDER. Contractor’s Signature Date Inspector’s Signature Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 35 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 04 CERTIFICATION FOR WATER TRUCKS This certification is incorporated in and made part of Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement No. ___________________. The equipment listed herein meets all of the minimum requirements for the equipment type. EQUIPMENT TYPE SERIAL NO. LICENSE NO. A copy of the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, along with this certification shall be provided to the Finance/Administration Section Chief or their designated representative immediately upon arrival at the incident. Failure to provide equipment meeting the typing configurations shall void the agreement. I certify that the above listed equipment meets the minimum typing standards for the type listed. Government Representative (Signature) Contractor Representative (Signature) Name and Title (Printed) Contractor Name (Printed) Home Unit Address Phone No. City, State Date Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 36 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 05 CHECKLIST FOR WATER TRUCK Equipment Type Serial No. 1. Pump Capacity (GPM) 2. Tank Capacity (Gallons) 3. Off Load Capacity (GPM) 4. Maximum Refill Time (Minutes) 5. Spreader Bar or equivalent 6. Baffled Tank 7. Meets Personnel Standards 8. Wheel Chocks (Meet Industry Std) 9. Fire Extinguisher (5BC or better) 10. Drafting Hose (20 ft w/strainer) 11. First Aid Kit (5 person) 12. Tire Tread Depth equal to 6/32 13. Back-up Alarm GVWR Front Axle Rear Axle 14. Chassis Manufacturer's GVWR 15. Loaded Actual Weight (from certified scale) NOTE: Equipment not required by this list is carried at the contractors’ own risk. Compensation will not be given for additional items. Please list additional items on the back of this form. Attach to OF-296 CONFIGURED AS ABOVE THIS UNIT IS CLASSIFIED A TYPE _______________ WATER TRUCK Contractor’s Signature Date Inspector’s Signature Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 37 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Potable Water Trucks. The 2004 Agreement for Potable Water Trucks will end June 15, 2005 There will NOT be a competitive solicitation for Potable Water Truck Service within the Northern Rockies Geographic Area in 2005. Individual units will be responsible for sign up of this resource within their local geographic area. Current vendors and specifications can be found at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/Committees/business_committee.htm Gray Water Trucks. Contractor is responsible for proper removal and disposal of wastewater. Contractor is responsible for all permits. Disposal Fees will be reimbursed based on actual receipts. GRAY WATER TRUCKS Size Fully Operated Daily Rate 500 - 999 gallons $560 + $1.25/mile 1,000 + gallons $835 + $1.25/mile Must be equipped with partitions that reduce the shifting of the water load, must meet GVWR when fully loaded. Gray water trucks will not be used for a Tender or a Water Truck Engines a. Personnel Requirements for Engines. (1) Satisfactorily completed an NWCG-approved physical fitness test. (2) All engines are required to have a NWCG 310-1 qualified single resource bossengines and a Firefighter II. (See Exhibit 20 for training requirements) (3) Fireline Safety Refresher Training or equivalent. (4) The following Personal Protective Equipment is required and is provided by the Contractor: Boots-All leather, lace-up type, minimum 8 inches high with lug type sole in good condition (steel toe boots are unacceptable). Hard Hat--Plastic, Class B, ANSI Z89.1, 1986, OSHA approved, with chinstrap. Note: Hardhat meeting NFPA Standard 1977, 1998 Edition, is required. Gloves-One pair of heavy-duty leather per person. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 38 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Eye Protection-One pair per person (meets standards ANSI 287, latest edition) Head Lamp-One lamp per person with batteries and attachment for hardhat. Canteen-One-quart size, two per person required, four per person recommended (filled prior to arrival at Incident). Fire Shelter-One serviceable shelter per person. Flame Resistant Clothing-Shirt and trousers for routine fireline duties, flame resistant clothing must: Self-extinguish upon removal from heat source. Act as effective thermal barrier by minimizing conductive heat transfer. Not melt or shrink to any appreciable degree upon decomposition during exposure to a high heat source. Be manufactured from flame retardant treated (FRT) cotton, FRT rayon, FRT wool, aramid (Nomex), or other similar fabric. (5) In addition structural engine personnel shall have attended Firefighter 1 (NFPA Standard 1001 Professional Structural Firefighter Qualification) or equivalent, or be certified by the chief or their fire department as being able to perform at the Firefighter 1 level. b. Tank Baffling. The water tanks must be equipped with partitions that reduce the shifting of the water load. Engines shall have the water tank baffled in a manner that conforms to the NFPA Standards for Mobile Water Supply Apparatus, or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards or other industry-accepted engineering standards. c. Inventory. At the time of hire, the contractor shall provide a complete inventory of the fire fighting accessories on the vehicle. A copy of the inventory shall be provided to the inspector and the procurement unit each time the vehicle is hired or re-assigned to an incident. d. Classifying. When classifying engines, all of the requirements for both equipment and personnel must be met to be acceptable and must be certified by a government fire expert stating that both meet the minimum requirements. Equipment lacking this certification shall not be signed up. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to obtain the certification prior to dispatch. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 39 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION When classifying Type 1 and 2 Structural Engines (E1 and E2) an agency government fire expert will certify the equipment meets the minimum requirements specified in NFPA 1901. The government fire expert is defined as a government employee (local, state, or Federal) who through their regular employment, works with and is knowledgeable regarding this type of equipment. e. Foam Units. Any engine with the following type foam capabilities shall be paid additional compensation. The government shall provide the foam or make reimbursement only for approved chemicals when provided by the contractor. A list of approved chemicals can be found at: www.fs.fed.us/fire/tools_tech/index.html (1) Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) - Plumbed into the system, increase the rate by 10 percent of the specified unoperated rate. (2) Metering Systems (Automatic Regulating Proportioning System) - Systematic metering units increase the rate by 5 percent of the specified unoperated rate. (3) Any other foam capabilities, such as eductor units, which siphon foam into the hose system, or when the foam is dumped directly into the tank, will not receive any additional compensation. f. Standard Method of Hire. Fully operated, daily rate. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 40 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION PRIVATE SECTOR ENGINES Class E1 E2 WE3 WE4 WE5 WE6 WE7 Structural Engine I Structural Engine II Wildland Engine III Wildland Engine IV Wildland Engine V Wildland Engine VI Wildland Engine VII Fully Operated Daily Rate Single Shift ($) Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) Unoperated Daily Rate Single Shift ($) Unoperated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) Number of Personnel Per Shift 2548 4368 1484 2544 4 2142 3672 1288 2208 3 1974 3384 1134 1944 3 1582 2712 952 1632 2 1526 2616 896 1536 2 1456 2496 826 1416 2 1008 1728 378 648 2 See the following section for engine classification/requirements and engine certification and checklist. Engine rate is to be used only when the equipment and personnel meet all requirements. Number of personnel is the minimum required per operational period (shift). Extra Engine Personnel $250.00 per day, must be ordered through the resource process. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 41 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION CLASSIFICATION FOR ENGINES MINIMUM STANDARDS - The following guide is to aid in the classification of engines. When typing equipment all of the standards must be met to qualify the equipment. Failure to meet any standard places the equipment in a lower type or disqualifies the equipment in its entirety. COMPONENTS Pump Capacity ** gpm @ psi Tank Capacity (Gallons) Minimum Maximum Hose, 2½ inches (feet) Hose, 1½ inch (feet) Hose, 1 inch (feet) Ladder (feet) Master Stream (GPM) Personnel (minimum number) MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TYPE 1* 2* 3 4 5 6 7 1000+ @ 150 500 @ 150 150 @ 250 50 @ 100 50 @ 100 50 @ 100 10 @ 100 400 None 400 None 500 None 750 None 400 750 150 400 50 200 1,200 1,000 400 500 500 300 300 300 -0- -0- 500 300 300 300 200 ***48' ***48' 3 2 2 2 2 500 4 3 *Type 1 and 2 Structural Engines must also meet minimum Specifications of NFPA 1901. **All pumps shall have pressure gauges that meet the minimum pump pressure rating. ***This includes 24’ extension ladder, 14’ roof ladder and 10’ attic ladder for a total of 48’. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 42 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENGINES 1. When fully loaded (including operators and accessory equipment) will conform to manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). This includes balancing the load in a manner that all axle weights comply with the manufacturer's gross axle weight rating. The contractor may be responsible for providing certification from a professional mechanical engineer or other expert in the field of design engineering, establishing the fact the design limits of the equipment has not been compromised. Preseason sign up will require the unit to be fully loaded, with the contractor providing weight tickets for the load from a certified scale. The weight tickets will be by individual axle weight. 2. Private sector vehicles shall be licensed to carry the GVW of the loaded unit. Private sector vehicles that require a CDL operator when operating on public highways shall be furnished with a licensed CDL operator at all times. 3. Vehicles shall be configured in a manner that vehicle meets the axle weights. 4. At the time of hire, the contractor or cooperator shall provide a complete inventory of the firefighting accessories on the vehicle. A copy of the inventory shall be provided to the inspector and the procurement unit each time the vehicle is hired or reassigned to an incident. 5. All cargo and equipment not permanently attached to the vehicle shall be secured in accordance with requirements found in 49 CFR 393. 6. Also see 24.3-2 general guidelines and equipment hire. Listed below is the minimum required engine inventory: 2 nozzles, combination fog/straight stream, 1 inch NPSH female 2 nozzles, combination fog/straight stream, 1½” NH female 20 feet, suction hose with strainer or screened foot valve 2 shovels, size 0 2 pulaski’s 1 spanner wrench, combination 1 inch to 1½ inches 2 gated wyes, 1½ inches National Hose (NH) threads 4 reducers, 1½ inches NH female to 1 inch National Pipe Straight Hose (NPSH) male 2 adapters 1½ inches NH female to 1½ inches NPSH male 2 adapters 1½ inches NPSH female to 1½ inches NH male 2 increasers 1 inch NPSH female to 1½ inches NH male 2 adapters ¼ turn to 1 inch NPSH (1 female/1 male) 1 double male 1 inch NPSH threads 1 double female 1 inch NPSH threads R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 43 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 1 double male 1½ inches NH threads 1 double female 1½ inches NH threads 1 fire hose clamp 1 5-gallon container for drinking water 1 first aid kit (5 person) 1 set of 3 reflectors 1 fire extinguisher (5BC or better) 1 set of wheel chocks (Meet industry standards) 5 gallons (minimum), fuel to operate pump and engine for 12 hours 1 pump for water fill or have drafting capabilities 2 adapters ¼ turn to 1½ inch NH (1 female/1 male) 300 feet of ¾ inch synthetic garden hose – 50 foot sections 1 reducer 1 inch NPSH to ¾ inch GH 2 Adjustable nozzles ¾ inch 1 Mop up wand ¾ inch receptor for hose 1 Gated wye ¾ inch 5 Inline ball valves ¾ inch R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 44 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 – Exhibit 06 CERTIFICATION FOR ENGINES This certification is incorporated in and made part of Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement No. __________. The equipment listed herein meets all of the minimum requirements for the equipment type. EQUIPMENT TYPE LICENSE NO. SERIAL NO. The following individuals meet all the personnel and training requirements for the position listed. NAME POSITION The personnel listed above shall be provided with the equipment, in the numbers required by the agreement and equipment typing configurations. The personnel and equipment qualifications are in accordance with NRCG Supplement to Chapter 20 of the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook. A copy of the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, along with this certification, shall be provided to the Finance/Administration Section Chief or their designated representative immediately upon arrival at the incident. Failure to provide equipment meeting the equipment type above shall result in a down grade of typing and a reduction in rate to the type level the equipment meets as set forth in the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook, Chapter 20, NRCG Supplement. Failure of the equipment to meet a typing configuration, or to provide the personnel, shall be considered as withdrawing the equipment. Withdrawal shall be handled as set forth in the General Clause to the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, Clause 8, and Paragraph b. I certify that the above listed equipment meets the minimum typing standards for the type listed. I also certify that the above listed personnel meet all of the qualification requirements for the position(s) listed. Government Representative (Signature) Contractor Representative (Signature) Name and Title (Printed) Contractor Name (Printed) Home Unit Address Phone No. City, State Date Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 45 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 24.3-3 - Exhibit 07 CHECKLIST FOR ENGINES Equipment Type Vin. No. 1. Pump Capacity (gpm at psi) 2. Tank Capacity (Gallons) 3. Hose, 2 ½ Inches (Feet) (Type 1 and 2) 4. Hose, 1 ½ Inches (Feet) 5. Hose, 1 Inches (Feet) 6. Ladder (48 feet) (Type 1 and 2) 7. Master Stream (GPM) (Type 1 and 2) 8. Meets Personnel Standards 9. Tank Baffled 10. Back-up Alarm 11. Minimum Complements: 2 nozzles, combination fog/straight stream, 1” NPSH female 2 nozzles, combination fog/straight stream, 1 ½” NH female 20 feet minimum suction hose with strainer or screened foot valve 2 shovels, size 0 2 pulaski's 1 spanner wrench, combination 1” to 1-1/2” 2 gated wyes, 1-1/2” NH threads 4 reducers, 1-1/2” NH female to 1” NPSH male 2 adapters, 1-1/2” NH female to 1-1/2” NPSH male 2 adapters, 1-1/2” NPSH female to 1-1/2” NH male 2 increasers, 1” NPSH female to 1-1/2” NH male 2 adapter ¼ turn to 1 inch NPSH (1 female/1 male) 1 double male, 1" NPSH threads 1 double female, 1" NPSH threads 1 double male, 1-1/2" NH threads 1 double female, 1-1/2" NH threads 1 fire hose clamp 1 ea. required 5 gallon container for drinking water 1 ea. required first aid kit (5 person) 1 ea. required set of 3 reflectors 1 ea. required fire extinguisher (5BC or better) R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 46 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 1 ea. set required wheel chocks (meet industry standard) 5-gallon min. fuel to operate pump and engine for 12 hours 1 ea. required pump for water fill or have drafting capabilities Tire Tread Depth to Equal 6/32 300 feet of ¾ inch synthetic garden hose – 50 foot sections 1 reducer 1 inch NPSH to ¾ inch GH 2 adjustable nozzles ¾ inch 1 mop up wand ¾ inch receptor for hose 1 gated wye ¾ inch 5 Inline ball valves ¾ inch GVWR Front Axle 12. Chassis Manufacturer’s GVWR 13. Loaded Actual Weight (from certified scale) Rear Axle NOTE: Equipment not required by this list is carried at the contractors’ own risk compensation will not be given for additional items. Please list additional items on the back of this form. Attach to OF-296 CONFIGURED AS ABOVE THIS UNIT IS CLASSIFIED AS A TYPE _______ ENGINE. Compressed Air Foam System__________ Metered Foam System__________ None____________ Length of Engine ________________________Width of Engine_______________________ Contractor’s Signature Date Inspector’s Signature Date R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 47 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Shop Trucks. The rates are based on commercial heavy equipment shop trucks that include field repair and maintenance as a major part of their normal business. The trucks are to be fully equipped with welder, cutting torch, compressor, and tools. TR 11, heavy equipment service trucks normally carry an auto crane with a capacity between 500 and 4,000 lbs., with more assorted mechanical tools, tool boxes, welder, cutting torch, air compressor that is around 180 psi at 20 CFM, and specialized tools. TR 12, light service trucks normally carry limited mechanical tools, 10-ton lift jack, small portable air compressor, limited specialized equipment, for minor field repairs or maintenance. The contractor shall be responsible for keeping records (using Incident Equipment Repair Order form) of services and supplies used in repairing vehicles. Repair order forms will be turned in to Finance after each operational period. Note: These records are required by the government to charge contractors for governmentprovided services ($36/hr, rounded to nearest ½ hr) and supplies (actual costs charged by Shop Truck). Class Fully Operated Daily Rate ($) SHOP TRUCKS Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) TR 11 784 1,344 TR 12 574 984 Heavy equipment, diesel mechanic with full service truck Automotive, light truck, small engine or chainsaw mechanic with service truck For additional mechanic, if ordered, increase daily rate by $434 (one operational period) and $744 (two operational periods). Shop truck contractor is compensated at the daily rate only, and not through the repair rate charged by the government to individual contractors. All supplies for repairs will be charged to the contractor receiving the repair work. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 48 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Fuel Trucks Instruct fuel truck operator to complete Emergency Equipment Fuel and Oil Issue, OF 304. The contractor shall reconcile Emergency Fuel and Oil Issue (OF 304) tickets with the Finance Section on a daily basis. When the Contractor provides the fuel to government and contract vehicles the agreement should state the basis of payment for the dispensed fuel, oil and miscellaneous products. When the cost of fuel products are to be charged back to other contractors, all tax paid on the fuel should be included in the price except when the government receives, or will receive a tax rebate, then the price should not include the tax. Tax rebates are agency-specific. No separate payment will be made for nursing trucks or required spill containment kits. Spreadsheet for the tracking of fuel issues may be found at: www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg (click on Business and go to Miscellaneous) Class TR13 TR14 TR15 TR16 Size 500-2499 gal 2,500-3,499 gal 3,500-4,999 gal 5,000 gal and over FUEL TRUCKS Fully Operated Daily Rate Single Shift ($) 840 1050 1190 1232 Fully Operated Daily Rate Double Shift ($) 1440 1800 2040 2112 Fuel trucks shall have multi fueling capability with two separate nozzles, 1 for gas and 1 for diesel. Fuel will be paid at the pump price. Pump price will be established at the time of hire. Ambulances Use daily rate, and provide for reimbursement for the expendable supplies. Operators may be hired at the appropriate agency rate. Ambulances and operators shall meet state rules, regulations and licensing requirements where such exist. The age, condition, and configuration of ambulances vary significantly and directly impact the operational costs. The Medical Unit Leader should ensure all individuals are qualified to do the work requested. Use Commercial Rates. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 49 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Chainsaws. Operating supplies beyond fuel, oil, and filters are the responsibility of the contractor. Any saw rented shall be a minimum 3.75 cubic inch displacement. Fallers are to be hired separately at the appropriate agency rate set forth in Chapter 10, Pay Plan for Emergency Workers. The operator will normally furnish a vehicle, capable of traversing mountainous terrain, hired at a flat daily rate ($32) for transportation to, from, and around the worksite. The purpose of the vehicle is primarily to provide the sawyer with access to tools and equipment. Class CS1 CHAINSAWS Unoperated Daily Rate Unoperated Daily Rate for Saw ($) Sawyer Vehicle ($) 3.75+cubic inch 42 32 Sawyer hired at appropriate personnel rates, first operational period fuel and operating supplies provided by contractor. Each sawyer will only be compensated for one chainsaw. No compensation for backup saws. Minimum saw size 3.75 cubic inches A saw team is two people, a sawyer and a swamper, with one saw. Swampers must be Class A qualified fallers (or equivalent). Note: Two sawyers may also be ordered, with two saws, Class B or Class C qualified, or equivalent. Must be specified on the resource order. Additional Information on Chainsaws can be found on the NRCG web page under Chapter 20 at: www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/Committees/business_committee.htm Refrigerator Trailers On-site pickup and delivery rates may be in addition to the unoperated daily rate. Rates for truck-mounted refrigerator units will be significantly higher than trailer units and must be negotiated. Use Commercial rates when available. REFRIGERATOR TRAILERS Class Trailer Length Unoperated Daily Rate ($) R1 36+ feet 150 R2 28 - 35 feet 122 R3 Up to 27 feet 88 Pickup and delivery rates may be in addition to the unooperated daily rate. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 50 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Portable Pumps. PORTABLE PUMPS Class Unoperated Daily Rate ($) P1 130.00 P2 60.00 P3 35.00 Remarks Trailer-mounted low-pressure/high-volume pump producing a minimum volume of 500 GPM. Contractor provides intake and discharge hose. Small low-volume/high-pressure portable pumps with intake hose, capable of being transported by one or two people. Pumps in this category are the Mark 26, Mark III and Gorman Rupp, or similar type pumps. Small low-pressure/high-volume portable pump that can be transported by one or two people. These pumps are similar to a Homelite or Honda trash pump. Self-Standing Portable Water Storage Tanks. SELF-STANDING PORTABLE WATER STORAGE TANKS Capacity Unoperated Daily Rate 1,000-1,999 gallons $30.00 2,000-3,000 gallons 36.00 Pack and Saddle Stock Fully equipped pack and saddle stock may be signed up separately from the packer(s). Packers may be hired at the applicable rate in accordance with the Pay Plan For Emergency Workers, or at commercial rates that include livestock. Costs of transporting stock to designated locations may be paid as a separate item. Contractor is responsible to provide feed and veterinary expenses. (Note: Provide only weed-free hay.) Class PS Daily Rate Per Head $45.00 PACK AND SADDLE STOCK Remarks Wrangler hired through Pay Plan for Emergency Workers or at commercial rates. Use Commercial Rates if Available. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 51 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Mobile Offices. MOBILE OFFICES Class Remarks OFFI Daily, weekly or monthly commercial rates. Note: Full service mobile offices (includes FAX, copy machines, operators, and so forth.) should be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Office Machines. Class Various COPY/FAX MACHINES Remarks Use commercial rates when available. Rentals shall not exceed acquisition cost, not including service, delivery/pickup and supplies. Toilets. PT1 TOILET Standard method of hire: Daily rate, which includes delivery, pickup, servicing, plus mileage. All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV). Class ATV ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES Rate Remarks $80.00 per day Tie-downs and ramps are included in daily rate. Delivery and pick-up negotiated separately. Incident must provide operators, which meet agency certification. No 3-wheel vehicles. Use Commercial Rates if Available. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 52 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION Weed Washer/Pressure Washer. WW/PW WEED WASHER/PRESSURE WASHER Standard method of hire: Daily rates, which includes delivery, pickup, servicing, plus mileage and fully operated. The washing system must be designed to clean the underbody of vehicles and equipment as well as all other surfaces. The system must have nozzles that can be directed upward to within 45 degrees of vertical. The spray from these nozzles must be able to cover 100% of the underbody surfaces that face downward. Two supplemental, manually-aimed nozzles must also be provided to remove debris from wheel wells, running boards, and other surfaces. The wash system must comply with all applicable OSHA regulations related to operator safety and all segments of the washer must be in operating condition with no missing parts. Run-off containment is mandatory for vehicle wash stations. Run-off must be disposed of in accordance with all wastewater requirements of the authority having jurisdiction, or recycled. If wash water is recycled, all particles greater than 150 micron must be removed from the wastewater before reuse. Process time to wash a single Wildland fire engine shall not exceed 10 minutes on the average for any 10 engines. Contractor shall have a water source or tank with adequate capacity to operate the wash system continuously for 2 hours. Contractor shall provide at least one skilled operator who is knowledgeable in operation, maintenance and repair of the wash system to be present at all times while the system is in use. Contractor is responsible for the maintenance and repair of wash station, pumps and equipment. Due to the nature of the work, Commercial quality equipment is required. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 53 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 25 - UNIQUE ITEMS 1. Procurement from Government Employees. The procurement of goods or services from government employees is agency-specific. For those agencies authorized to rent livestock or equipment from government employees, this alternative should be considered a last source of supply. 25.2 - Government Telephone Systems Purchase, rental or lease of any ADP or telecommunications services or equipment is agency specific. For federal agencies, all required technical approvals should be acquired prior to ordering. Cell Phones Refer to Host Agency Operating Guidelines on specific guidance on use of all cell phones. All Cell phones and Satellite phones should be procured through the incident agency. Use of personal or home unit Cell phones and Satellite phones will not be reimbursed. Prepaid Calling Cards NOTE: Regular USDA/FS Employees should obtain and use the standard MCI Federal Calling Card while on Official Travel/Business (10 minutes for personal use/day is allowed). Prepaid calling cards are primarily for Temporary Employees only. They can only be ordered off the FTS-2001 Contract thru the Regional Office/Telecommunications Staff. Your Forest/Districts need to go thru your Telecom Personnel. Accountability is required for these cards. State of Idaho and State of Montana cannot purchase prepaid calling cards. For BLM – State/Center or benefiting activity funds may be used to procure a limited amount of non-FTS2001 prepaid calling cards on an as-needed basis. These cards will be of the smallest practical number of minutes and their distribution will be controlled and monitored by the requesting Incident Commander or Manager. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 54 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 26 - EERA ADMINISTRATION 26.3 - Documentation 4. Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Inspection Checklist, OF-296. At the time of hire, pre-use inspections will be done by the hiring or using agency. The using agency will do a post-use inspection on all equipment at the time of release. All commercial motor vehicles shall have a current periodic (annual) vehicle inspection, which meets the requirements of 49 CFR 396.17. A Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) sticker dated within the past year may be substituted. 26.6 - Contract Claims Claims settlement is agency specific, and remains the responsibility of the incident agency. Procurement personnel shall receive direction for claims resolution from the incident agency upon assignment. 4. Federal Government Claims. Unless limited by agency policy or the Agency Administrator, any federal agency claim may be settled by a Level I or higher GS-1102 Contract Specialist, and minor claims may be settled by GS-1105 Purchasing Agents. Minor claims are interpreted to include claims that are evident as to existence, responsibility, and reasonable in claimed amount. Claims settlements by a GS-1105 Purchasing Agent exceeding $2,500 per claim shall be reviewed by a GS-1102 Contract Specialist, Finance/Administration Section Chief, or staff level position at the incident or in the incident agency office. 5. State of Montana Claims. Claims arising on incidents are the responsibility of the incident agency. Claims arising under the jurisdiction of the State of Montana are negotiated by the responsible Line officer or agency Administrator. These individuals may delegate this authority to other DNRC employees or to the Incident management Team. When possible, claims should be settled at the incident. For comprehensive information on handling claims against MT DNRC, see the DNRC 300 Incident business management manual, or contact the Business management Bureau, Forestry Division, Department of Natural Resources and conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana, 59804, Office phone (406) 542-4300. 6. State of Idaho Claims. Settlements arising under the jurisdiction of the State of Idaho can be negotiated by the incident Agency Administrator (Area Supervisor) up to $2,500. Settlements exceeding $2,500 must be referred to the Idaho Department of Lands Bureau of Fire Management, Idaho, 3780 Industrial Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815, (208) 769-1522. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 55 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 7. State of North Dakota Claims. Claims against the State must be made in writing to the Director of Office of Management and Budget. The claim must be filed within 180 days of when the alleged injury was discovered or reasonably should have been discovered. Claim forms may be requested from the Office of Management and Budget, 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Department 110, Bismarck, ND 58505-0400, telephone (701) 328-4904. 28 - EXHIBITS Exhibits 01 through 14 are contained in the parent text. Chapter 20 Exhibits contained herein are (copies of full size forms are available at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg) Exhibit 15 – Emergency equipment rental agreement (available on the World Wide Web) Exhibit 16 – NRCG supplemental terms and conditions to general clauses to emergency equipment rental agreement, form OF-294 Exhibit 17 – Classification for commercial driver’s license Exhibit 18 – Land Use Agreement Exhibit 19 – Northern Rockies Personnel Requirements for Technical Specialists and Contract Equipment Exhibit 20 – Aftermarket equipment certification Exhibit 21 – Incident Equipment Repair Order R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 56 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 - Exhibit 15 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGREEMENT OPTIONAL FORM 294 (REV.8-90) This form is available on the World Wide Web. To retrieve this form by going to the following site: http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/ Then open the Business section under Committees. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 57 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 - Exhibit 16 The following clauses shall be applied to the administration and enforcement of EERA’s issues within the Northern Rockies Geographical Area. GENERAL CLAUSES TO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGREEMENT FORM OF-294 (11-30-2004) Since the equipment needs of the Government and availability of Contractor's equipment during an emergency cannot be determined in advance, it is mutually agreed that, upon request of the Government, the Contractor shall furnish the equipment listed herein to the extent the Contractor is willing and able at the time of order. The following personnel are authorized to place orders against this agreement, Dispatchers, Buying Team Members, Finance Section Chiefs, Procurement Unit Leaders, Contracting Officers and Purchasing Agents. At time of dispatch, a resource order number will be assigned. The Contractor shall furnish the assigned resource order number upon arrival and check in at the incident. The Incident Commander or responsible Government Representative is authorized to administer the technical aspects of this agreement. Equipment furnished under this agreement may be operated and subjected to extreme environmental and/or strenuous operating conditions which could include but are not limited to unimproved roads, steep, rocky, hilly terrain, dust, heat, and smokey conditions. As a result, by entering into this agreement, the contractor agrees that what is considered wear and tear under this agreement is in excess of what the equipment is subjected to under normal operations and is reflected in the rates paid for the equipment. When such equipment is furnished to the Government, the following clauses shall apply: CLAUSE 1. Condition of Equipment - All equipment furnished under this agreement shall be in acceptable condition. The Government reserves the right to reject equipment that is not in safe and operable condition. The Government may allow the Contractor to correct deficiencies within 24 hours. No payment for travel to an Incident or point of inspection, or return to the point of hire, will be made for equipment that does not pass inspection. No payment will be made for time that the equipment was not available. CLAUSE 2. The time under hire shall start at the time the equipment begins traveling to the incident after being ordered by the Government, and end at the estimated time of arrival back to the point of hire after being released, except as provided in Clause 7 of these General Clauses. CLAUSE 3. Operating Supplies - As identified in Block 7, operating supplies include fuel, oil, filters, lube/oil changes. Even though Block 7 may specify that all operating supplies are to be furnished by the Contractor (wet), the Government may, at its option, elect to furnish such supplies when necessary to keep the equipment operating. The cost of such supplies will be determined by the Government and deducted from payment to the Contractor. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 58 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION CLAUSE 4. Repairs - Repairs to equipment shall be made and paid for by the Contractor. The Government may, at its option, elect to make such repairs when necessary to keep the equipment operating. The cost of such repairs will be determined by the Government and deducted from payment to the contractor. CLAUSE 5. Timekeeping - Time will be verified and approved by the Government Agent responsible for ordering and/or directing use of each piece of equipment. Time will be recorded to the nearest quarter hour worked for daily/hourly rate, or whole mile for mileage. CLAUSE 6. Payments a. Rates of Payments - Rates for equipment hired with Contractor Furnished operator(s) shall include all operator(s) expenses. Payment will be at rates specified and, except as provided in Clause 7, shall be in accordance with the following: 1. Work Rates (column 11) (hourly or mileage) shall apply when equipment is under hire as ordered by the Government and on shift, including relocation of equipment under its own power. ON-SHIFT: Includes time worked, time that equipment is held or directed to be in a state of readiness, and compassable travel (equipment traveling under its own power) that has a specific start and ending time. 2. Special Rates (column 12) shall apply when specified. 3. Guarantee. For each calendar day that equipment is under hire for at least 8 hours, the Government will pay not less than the amount shown in column 13. If equipment is under hire for less than 8 hours during a calendar day, the amount earned for that day will be not less than one-half the amount specified in column 13. The guarantee is not applicable to equipment hired under the Daily rate. Equipment under transport is time under hire and compensated through the Guarantee. If equipment is transported under its own power, it is compensated under the Work rate. 4. Daily Rate (column 11) - Payment will be made on basis of calendar days (0001 – 2400). For fractional days at the beginning and ending of time under hire, payment will be based on 50 percent of the Daily Rate for periods less than 8 hours. Under the daily rate equipment may be staffed with or without operator. (a) Shift Basis (Portion of calendar day) 1) Single Shift - (SS) is staffed with one operator or one crew 2) Double Shift - (DS) is staffed with two operators or two crews (one per shift). The DS rate will apply any calendar day the DS was under hire, including travel. There will be no compensation for a double shift unless a separate operator(s) and or crew(s) is/are ordered in writing for the second shift. 3) Agency personnel at the Section Chief Level may, by resource order, authorize a second operator or crew (Double Shift), if needed during the assignment. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 59 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION b. Method of Payment. Lump-sum payment will normally be processed at the end of the emergency assignment. However, partial payment may be authorized as approved by the incident agency. Payment for each calendar day will be made for (1) actual units ordered and performed under Work or Daily, shift basis and/or Special rates or (2) the guarantee earned, whichever is the greater amount. CLAUSE 7. Exceptions a. Daily Rate or Guarantee - No further payment under Clause 6 will accrue during any period that equipment under hire is not in a safe or operable condition or when Contractor furnished operator(s) is not available for the assigned shift or portions of the assigned shift. Payment will be based on the hours the equipment was operational during the assigned shift, as documented on the shift ticket versus the designated shift, as shown on the Incident Action Plan. b. If the Contractor withdraws equipment and/or operator(s) prior to being released by the Government, no further payment under Clause 6 shall accrue and the Contractor shall bear all costs of returning equipment and/or operator(s) to the point of hire. c. After inspection and acceptance for use, equipment and/or furnished operator(s) that cannot be replaced or equipment that cannot be repaired at the site of work by the Contractor or by the Government in accordance with Clause 4, within 24 hours, may be considered as being withdrawn by the Contractor in accordance with Paragraph B above, except that the Government will bear all costs of returning equipment and/or operator(s) to the point of hire as promptly as emergency conditions will allow. d. No payment will accrue under Clause 6 when the contractor is off shift in compliance with the mandatory “Work/Rest” and “Length of Commitment” provisions. As an option to rotating personnel, or taking a mandatory day off, without pay, the contractor may be released from the incident. CLAUSE 8. When Government subsistence incident camps are available, meals and bedding for Contractor's operator(s) will be furnished without charge. Government will furnish meals and lodging without cost if hotel/restaurant subsistence is the approved camp for incident personnel. Double occupancy of hotel rooms may be required. Contractors are not paid per diem or lodging expenses to and from incidents. CLAUSE 9. Loss, Damage, or Destruction (a) For equipment furnished under this EERA without operator, the Government will assume liability for any loss, damage or destruction of such equipment, except that no reimbursement will be made for loss, damage or destruction due to (1) ordinary wear or tear, (2) mechanical failure, or (3) the fault or negligence of the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or employees or Government employee owned and operated equipment. (b) For equipment furnished under this EERA with operator, the Government shall not be liable for any loss, damage or destruction of such equipment, except for loss, damage or destruction resulting from the negligence, or wrongful act(s) of Government employee(s) while acting within R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 60 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION the scope of their employment. The operator is responsible for operating the equipment within its operating limits and responsible for safety of the equipment. CLAUSE 10. Contractor's Responsibility for Property and Personal Damages - Except as provided in Clause 9, the Contractor will be responsible for all damages to property and to persons, including third parties, that occur as a result of Contractor or Contractor's agents or employee fault or negligence. The term "third parties" is construed to include employees of the Government. CLAUSE 11. Deductions - Unless specifically stated elsewhere in this agreement the cost of any supplies, materials, or services, including commissary, provided for the Contractor by the Government will be deducted from the payment to the Contractor. CLAUSE 12. Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment – The Government considers operators as fireline personnel who will use and wear specified articles of personal protective equipment. a. The following mandatory items will be issued by the Government, when not required to be furnished by the Contractor, to operators performing within the scope of this agreement: 1. Clothing: (a) Flame resistant pants and shirts; (b) Gloves (Either Nomex or chrome tanned leather; (c) Hard hat; (d) Goggles or safety glasses. 2. Equipment: (a) Fire shelter; (b) Headlamp; (c) Individual First-Aid Kit; 3. Other items may be issued by the Government. b. Operators shall wear the items of clothing issued and maintain the issued equipment in a usable and readily available condition. Upon completion of the contract assignment, all issued items of clothing or equipment shall be returned to the Government. Deductions will be made for all Government furnished protective clothing and equipment not returned by the Contractor. CLAUSE 13. COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES: All commercial motor vehicles must meet all DOT requirements. The regulations can be found at the following website: www.fmcsa.dot.gov CLAUSE 14. CLAIM SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY–For the purpose of settling claims, the successor contracting officer is any contracting officer acting within their delegated warrant authority, under the clauses of this agreement, and limits set by the incident agency. CLAUSE 15. CHANGES TO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT RENTAL AGREEMENTS Changes to Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERA’s), OF294 may only be made by the original signing procurement official. If the original signing procurement official is not available and adjustments are deemed appropriate, a new EERA shall be executed at the incident and shall be applicable only for the duration of that incident. The agreement will include name and location of the incident. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 61 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION CLAUSE 16. FIREARM – WEAPON PROHIBITION - The possession of firearms or other dangerous weapon (18 USC 930 (f)(2) are prohibited at all times while on Government Property and during performance of services, under this agreement. The term dangerous weapon does not include a pocket knifes with a blade less than 2 ½ inches in length or a multi purpose tools such as a leatherman. CLAUSE 17. WORK REST and LENGTH OF ASSIGNMENT: The Contractor is required to follow the work rest guidelines as established by the NWCG. Refer to website for the guidelines: www.nwcg.gov CLAUSE 18. HARRASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE - Contractors shall abide by "U.S. Code, Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order EO-93-05, Secretary's Memorandum 4430-2 Workplace Violence Policy, and Harassment Free Workplace (29 CFR Part 1614)". Regulations can be found at www.gpoaccess.gov/ CLAUSE 19. Definitions - The following definitions for Block 8 of the EERA are added: Information about business size is collected for tracking purposes only. a. SMALL BUSINESS is one that is independently owned and operated and is not dominate in the field for which it is being signed up, subject to the following size standards: (1) Motorcar and Truck Rental Without Operator - average annual receipts for its preceding 3 fiscal years do not exceed 12.5 million, (2) Equipment Rental With Operator - average annual receipts for its preceding 3 fiscal years do not exceed 3.5 million. b. SMALL DISADVANTAGED OWNED BUSINESS is a small business concern that is at least 51 percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged, or a publicly owned business that has at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. c. WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS is one that is at least 51 percent owned, controlled, and operated by a woman or women. d. HUBZone Small Business concern means a small business concern that appears on the List of Qualified HUBZone Small Business Concerns maintained by the Small Business Administration. e. SERVICE DISABLED VETERAN OWNED SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE is a small business concern--(i) Not less than 51 percent of which is owned by one or more servicedisabled veterans or, in the case of any publicly owned business, not less than 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans; and (ii) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of a veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran. Service-disabled veteran means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(16). R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 62 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION NOTE: THE APPLICABLE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CLAUSES AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS WILL BE INCORPORTATED AS AN ATTACHMENT AND WILL BE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. Clauses incorporated by reference in the General Clauses to Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement Form OF-294, are deleted and replaced with the Update for Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement (EERA) Form OF-294. This update includes clause 52-213-4 Terms and Conditions – Simplified Acquisition (Other Than Commercial Items) (Jan 2005). The clauses that are referenced in the “ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE IF EQUIPMENT UNDER AGREEMENT CONFORMS WITH DEFINITIONS PROVIDED BELOW.” remain in full force and effect. They include: (a) The Contractor shall comply with the following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses that are incorporated by reference: (1) The clauses listed below implement provisions of law or Executive order: (i) 52.222-3, Convict Labor (June 2003) (E.O. 11755). (ii) 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Feb 1999) (E.O. 11246). (iii) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Apr 2002) (E.O. 11246). (iv) 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (Dec 2003) (E.o.s, proclamations, and statutes administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Treasury). (v) 52.233-3, Protest After Award (Aug 1996) (31 U.S.C. 3553). (vi) 52.233-4, Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (OCT 2004) (Pub. L. 108-77, 108-78). (2) Listed below are additional clauses that apply: (i) 52.232-1, Payments (Apr 1984). (ii) 52.232-8, Discounts for Prompt Payment (Feb 2002). (iii) 52.232-11, Extras (Apr 1984). (iv) 52.232-25, Prompt Payment (Oct 2003). (v) 52.233-1, Disputes (July 2002). (vi) 52.244-6, Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Dec 2004). (vii) 52.253-1, Computer Generated Forms (Jan 1991). (b) The Contractor shall comply with the following FAR clauses, incorporated by reference, unless the circumstances do not apply: (1) The clauses listed below implement provisions of law or Executive order: (i) 52.222-19, Child Labor—Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (June 2004) (E.O. 13126). (Applies to contracts for supplies exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.) R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 63 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION (ii) 52.222-20, Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (Dec 1996) (41 U.S.C. 35-45) (Applies to supply contracts over $10,000 in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands). (iii) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Dec 2001) (38 U.S.C. 4212) (Applies to contracts of $25,000 or more). (iv) 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (June 1998) (29 U.S.C. 793). (Applies to contracts over $10,000, unless the work is to be performed outside the United States by employees recruited outside the United States.) (For purposes of this clause, United States includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Wake Island.) (v) 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans (Dec 2001) (38 U.S.C. 4212) (Applies to contracts of $25,000 or more). (vi) 52.222-41, Service Contract Act of 1965, As Amended (May 1989) (41 U.S.C. 351, et seq.) (Applies to service contracts over $2,500 that are subject to the Service Contract Act and will be performed in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Johnston Island, Wake Island, or the outer continental shelf lands). (vii) 52.223-5, Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information (Aug 2003) (E.O. 13148) (Applies to services performed on Federal facilities). (viii) 52.225-1, Buy American Act—Supplies (June 2003) (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) (Applies to contracts for supplies, and to contracts for services involving the furnishing of supplies, for use in the United States or its outlying areas, if the value of the supply contract or supply portion of a service contract exceeds the micro-purchase threshold and the acquisition— (A) Is set aside for small business concerns; or (B) Cannot be set aside for small business concerns (see 19.502-2), and does not exceed $25,000). (ix) 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer—Central Contractor Registration (Oct 2003). (Applies when the payment will be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) and the payment office uses the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database as its source of EFT information.) (x) 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer—Other than Central Contractor Registration (May 1999). (Applies when the payment will be made by EFT and the payment office does not use the CCR database as its source of EFT information.) R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 64 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION (xi) 52.247-64, Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (Apr 2003) (46 U.S.C. App. 1241). (Applies to supplies transported by ocean vessels (except for the types of subcontracts listed at 47.504(d).) (2) Listed below are additional clauses that may apply: (i) 52.209-6, Protecting the Government’s Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Jan 2005) (Applies to contracts over $25,000). (ii) 52.211-17, Delivery of Excess Quantities (Sept 1989) (Applies to fixed-price supplies). (iii) 52.247-29, F.o.b. Origin (June 1988) (Applies to supplies if delivery is f.o.b. origin). (iv) 52.247-34, F.o.b. Destination (Nov 1991) (Applies to supplies if delivery is f.o.b. destination). 52.208-4 Vehicle Lease Payments (APR 1984) 52.208-5 Conditions of Lease Vehicles (APR 1984) 52.208-6 Marking of Lease Vehicles (APR 1984) The applicable Service Contract Act Wage Determination No. 1995 – 0221, Rev. 14 Dated 6/24/04 is incorporated herein. (See Clause 52.222-41 above) R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 65 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 - Exhibit 17 CLASSIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSES CLASSIFICATION DEFINITION Class D This is the license that most people will carry. It covers any single vehicle under 26,000 GVWR - Trailers under 10,000 GTWR - Vehicles that carry 15 passengers or less including the driver. It is a regular noncommercial license. Class C All vehicles UNDER 26,000 lbs. that haul hazardous materials which require placarding, or haul 16 or more passengers including the driver. Trailers not more than 10,000 lbs. GTWR. Class B All single vehicles OVER 26,000 GVWR - Trailers not more than 10,000 GTWR - All vehicles that will carry 16 or more passengers including the driver. Includes all vehicles under Class C or D. Class A Any combination of two or more vehicles, including trailer(s) in excess of 10,000 lbs., articulated buses over 26,000 lbs., and all vehicles authorized under Class B, C, and/or D. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 66 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION DEFINITIONS OF STATE LICENSE TYPE ENDORSEMENTS ENDORSEMENT DEFINITION Type 1 Allows the driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle in any state (interstate). Must be 21 years of age or older. Type 2 Limits the driver to operating a commercial vehicle in a single state (intrastate). Must be 18 years of age or older. M When added to a Class A, B, C or D license, allows the driver to operate a motorcycle or ATV on public roads. H When added to a Class A, B, or C license, allows the driver to haul hazardous materials that require placarding per DOT regulations. Allows the driver to operate a passenger vehicle carrying 16 passengers or P more including the driver. N When added to a Class A, B, or C license, allows the driver to operate a tank vehicle transporting bulk liquid. Not required for "portable" tanks less than 1,000-gallon capacity. X Allows the driver to haul hazardous material and operate a tank vehicle. T When added to a Class A license, allows the driver to operate any commercial vehicle combination with two or more trailers. A Air Brake Restriction - placed on the commercial license of those who ARE NOT qualified to operate air brake equipment vehicles. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 67 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 18 LAND USE AGREEMENT NORTHERN ROCKIES COORDINATING GROUP AGREEMENT FOR RENTAL OF TEMPORARY, EMERGENCY FACILITIES DEPARTMENT/AGENCY:___________________________________ INCIDENT NAME:_________________________INCIDENT REQUEST NUMBER________ INCIDENT ORDER NUMBER:_______________AGREEMENT NUMBER_______________ The owner of the property described herein, or the duly appointed representative of the owner, agrees to furnish the facilities for use as __________________________________________________________________________________ This agreement shall remain in effect from _____________ to _________________. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES: Address of specific location. If street or highway address is unavailable, use distance from nearest city, crossroads, or other significant landmark. The local description of how to get to the facilities is also acceptable. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ County Range State Section Approximate Area of facilities under agreement Township R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 68 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 18 Continued Fill in the following drawing showing the facilities under agreement. Include buildings, roads, paved areas, utility lines, fences, ditches, landscaping and any other physical features, which help describe the area. RATE: For each month or portion thereof that the facilities are used, the Government will pay the sum of $__________ per month Rent for a lesser period shall be prorated based on a month being 30 days and rounded to the nearest dollar. Payment shall be in accordance with the Incident Agency payment procedures. For Federal Agencies, payment will be made in accordance with the Prompt Pay Act Utilities: (check only one) The above sum includes all utility charges. The above sum excludes utility charges. The Government will pay to the owner the sum determined due by the Contracting Officer based on __________________________________ R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 69 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 18 Continued Restoration: (check only one) The above sum includes Government restoration of facilities. The Government shall restore the owner’s facilities to their condition immediately prior to Government occupancy. Restoration shall be performed to the extent reasonably practical. Restoration work includes: ______________________________________________________________________________ The above sum excludes restoration of facilities. Claims for reasonable costs incurred by the owner in restoring facilities to their prior condition shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer. Other - describe in detail: _________________________________________________________ ALTERATIONS: The Government may make alterations, attach fixtures or signs, erect temporary structures in or upon the facilities, all of which shall be the property of the Government. Alterations will be removed by the Government after the termination of the emergency use. ORAL STATEMENTS: Oral statements or commitments supplementary or contrary to, any provisions of this Agreement shall not be considered as modifying or affecting the provisions of this Agreement. CONDITION REPORTS: A joint pre and post-use physical inspection report of the facilities shall be made and signed by the parties; the purpose of the inspections shall be to reflect the site conditions existing at those times. LOSS, DAMAGE, OR DESTRUCTION: The Government will assume liability for the loss, damage, or destruction of facilities furnished under this Agreement, provided that no reimbursement will be made for loss, damage, or destruction when due to (1) ordinary wear and tear, or (2) the fault or negligence of the owner or the owner's agent(s). TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Federal Agencies, this Agreement is subject to the Prompt Payment Act (31 USC 1801) and to Office of Management and R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 70 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 - Exhibit 18 Continued Budget Circular A-125. The following Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference to 41 CFR: Convict Labor (FAR 52.222-3)(AUG 1996) Payments (FAR 52.232-1)(APR 1984) Extras (FAR 52.232-11)(APR 1984) Interest (FAR 52.232-17)(JUNE 1996) Availability of Funds (FAR 52.232-18)(APR 1984) Prompt Payment (FAR 52.232-25)(JUN 1997) Disputes (FAR 53-233-1)(DEC 1998) ALT I (DEC 1991) Changes--Fixed Price (FAR 52.243-1)(AUG 1987)ALT I(APR 1984) Termination for the Convenience of the Government (Services)(Short Form)(FAR 52.249-4)(APR 1984) Termination for Default (Fixed-Price Supply and Service)(FAR 52.249-8)(APR 1984) Owner or Owner’s Agent Department/Agency By: (signature) By: (signature) Printed name and title: Printed name and title: Date: Date: Address: Address: Tax ID: Local contact: (Incident Agency Procurement Contact) Telephone: Telephone: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 71 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 18 Continued TEMPORARY FACILITIES, PRE AND POST INSPECTION (Use additional pages if necessary) PRE-USE INSPECTION: Owner/Agent: (print name) Government: (print name) Signature: Title: Date: Signature Title: Date: POST-USE INSPECTION: Owner/Agent: (print name) Government: (print name) Signature: Title: Date: Signature Title: Date: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 72 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 19 Classification Dozers, skidders, skidgines, fellerbunchers, graders, excavators (1) Drivers of pickups, SUVs, sedans, cargo Buses Transports Water truck (1) Watertenders (6) Engines Types 1 and 2 (1) (4) Engines Type 3-7 (3) Shop Trucks Fuel Trucks Ambulances Fallers/Swampers Gray water Potable water tender Fire Crew Member (7) Camp Crew/Support Positions Physical Fitness Test Fireline Safety Refresher (5) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Light Yes Yes No Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) No No No Light Light Arduous No No No Light No No Arduous No Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes/No (2) Yes Yes Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) Yes Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes/No (2) Yes/No (2) Yes Yes/No (2) Training providers: www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcg/training_mou/training_providers.htm (1) An agency FFT1 must accompany Position(s). (2) On a case-by-case basis, some situations may require PPE and the annual refresher. If not staying in camp, refer to Host Agency Operating Guidelines for requirements. (3) Engines are required to have a NWCG 310-1 Qualified Single Resource Boss (Engine) and one FFT2 (4) Need to meet the requirements of NFPA 1051, Wildland Firefighter Professional Qualifications. (5) Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training is required for all personnel participating in fire suppression activities who may be subject to assignments on the fireline, for example, technical specialists, bus drivers and ground support personnel delivering resources to the fireline. The minimum requirement is four (4) hours for Contract Resources and up to eight (8) hours depending on the hiring agency for Casual employees. Refresher training shall minimally consist of fire shelter purpose and use, practice deployments, and any pertinent fire safety related topics, such as: Fire Orders and Watch-Out Situations; Look-outs, Communications, Escape Routes, and Safety Zones(LCES); Look Up, Look Down, and Look Around: and SAFENET at www.nifc.gov (6) Must complete NWCG 310-1 required training for FF2, Physical Fitness Test is Light. (7) NWCG 310-1 qualified and meet any additional agency specific required training for FFT2 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 73 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 20 AFTERMARKET EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT Description: Serial Number: Owner-Name: Address: Phone Number: Operating Limitations: AFTERMARKET EQUIPMENT Owner-Name Address Phone Number: Description: Serial Number: (Owner shall assign Serial Number if none is available – stamped on metal) Tank Capacity Gallons Baffles: Inlet: yes no (4” minimum) yes no (3” minimum) Dump Value If Yes, Size: yes no ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Engineer: If yes, information on file located at: CERTIFICATION OF AFTERMARKET EQUIPMENT COMBINED WITH ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT AS TO COMPATABILITY (Does Not Exceed Operational Limitations) I certify that the addition of the prescribed aftermarket equipment will not exceed the equipment operating limitations. Engineer: Date: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 74 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 21 Incident Equipment Repair Order 1. Contractor’s Name 3. Incident Name: 2. Date: 4. Incident Number: 5. “E” Number 6. Equipment Description (include year, make, model, serial number): 7. Description of Work Performed 8. Labor: Inclusive hours (rounded to the nearest ½ hour) work was performed: Total Labor Hours: __________X _________ = $__________ Hourly Rate Total Labor 9. Odometer Reading: R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 75 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 21 Continued Incident Equipment Repair Order 10. Parts and Accessories (Use reverse for additional Parts and Accessories if necessary): Parts Used Quantity Unit Price Total $ $ $ $ TOTAL PARTS: $ TOTAL LABOR (FROM BLOCK 8): $ TOTAL OF EQUIPMENT REPAIR ORDER: $ 11. Signatures (must be legible): Contractor’s Signature Mechanic’s Signature: Printed Name and Title: Printed Name and Title: Date: Date: Original = Finance Copy = Contractor Copy in Contractor’s OF-304 Posted to OF-286 R1 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2005-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: xx/xx/2005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34_20_full Page 76 of 76 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – ACQUISITION 28 – Exhibit 21 Continued Incident Equipment Repair Order 10. Parts and Accessories (continued) Parts Used Quantity Unit Price Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $