Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics ON HARMONIC FUNCTIONS BY THE HADAMARD PRODUCT M. ÖZTÜRK, S. YALÇIN AND M. YAMANKARADENIZ Uludag University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics 16059 Bursa/Turkey. EMail: volume 3, issue 1, article 9, 2002. Received 11 May, 2001; accepted 11 October, 2001. Communicated by: S.S. Dragomir Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 School of Communications and Informatics,Victoria University of Technology ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 040-01 Quit Abstract A function f = u + iv defined in the domain D ⊂ C is harmonic in D if u, v are real harmonic. Such functions can be represented as f = h + ḡ where h, g are analytic in D. In this paper the class of harmonic functions constructed by the Hadamard product in the unit disk, and properties of some of its subclasses are examined. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45, 31A05. Key words: Harmonic functions, Hadamard product and extremal problems. On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 The Class PeH0 (α) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 The Class PH (β, α) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 References Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 1. Introduction Let U denote the open unit disk in C and let f = u + iv be a complex valued harmonic function on U . Since u and v are real parts of analytic functions, f admits a representation f = h + g for two functions h and g, analytic on U . The Jacobian of f is given by Jf (z) = |h0 (z)|2 − |g 0 (z)|2 . The necessary and sufficient conditions for f to be local univalent and sense-preserving is Jf (z) > 0, z ∈ U [1]. Many mathematicians studied the class of harmonic univalent and sensepreserving functions on U and its subclasses [2, 5]. Here we discuss two classes obtained by the Hadamard product. On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 2. The Class PeH0 (α) Let PH denote the class of all functions f = h+ḡ so that Re f > 0 and f (0) = 1 where h and g are analytic on U. If the function fz +fz = h0 +g 0 belongs to PH for the analytic and normalized functions ∞ ∞ X X (2.1) h(z) = z + an z n and g(z) = bn z n , n=2 n=2 then the class of functions f = h + g is denoted by PeH0 [5]. The function 1 1 (2.2) tα (z) = z + z2 + · · · + zn + · · · 1+α 1 + (n − 1)α is analytic on U when α is a complex number different from −1, − 21 , − 13 , . . . . For f ∈ PeH0 , we denote, by PeH0 (α), the class of functions defined by F = f ∗ (tα + tα ). (2.3) Here f ∗ (tα + tα ) is the Hadamard product of the functions f and tα + tα . Therefore (2.4) F (z) = H(z) + G(z) ∞ ∞ X X an bn n = z+ z + zn 1 + (n − 1)α 1 + (n − 1)α n=2 n=2 = z+ ∞ X n=2 An z n + ∞ X n=2 Bn z n , z∈U On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 is in PeH0 (α). Conversely, if F is in the form (2.4), with an , bn being the coefficients of f ∈ PeH0 , then F ∈ PeH0 (α). Furthermore, if α = 0, then as F = f , we have PeH0 (0) = PeH0 . Moreover PeH0 (∞) = {I : I(z) ≡ z, z ∈ U } and since I ∈ PeH0 , PeH0 ∩ PeH0 (α) 6= φ. Theorem 2.1. If F ∈ PeH0 (α) then there exists f ∈ PeH0 so that On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product α[zFz (z) + zFz (z)] + (1 − α)F (z) = f (z). (2.5) Conversely, for any function f ∈ PeH0 , there exists F ∈ PeH0 (α) satisfying (2.5). Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Proof. Let F ∈ PeH0 (α). If f ∈ PeH0 , then since Title Page 0 αztα (z) + (1 − α)tα (z) = t0 (z), Contents as F = f ∗ (tα + tα ) we obtain that JJ J 0 f (z) = α[f (z) ∗ (ztα (z) + zt0α (z))] + (1 − α)[f (z) ∗ (tα (z) + tα (z))]. Go Back Therefore, f (z) = α[zFz (z) + zFz (z)] + (1 − α)F (z). Close Conversely, for f ∈ PeH0 , from (2.1), (2.2) and (2.5), z+ ∞ X n=2 II I n an z + ∞ X n=2 bn zn = z+ ∞ X n=2 n [1+(n−1)α]An z + Quit ∞ X n=2 Page 5 of 18 [1 + (n − 1)α]Bn zn. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 From these one obtains An = (2.6) an 1 + (n − 1)α and Bn = bn . 1 + (n − 1)α Therefore, F (z) = z + ∞ X n=2 ∞ X an bn n z + zn 1 + (n − 1)α 1 + (n − 1)α n=2 = f (z) ∗ [tα (z) + tα (z)]. On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Corollary 2.2. A function F = H + G of the form (2.4) belongs to PeH0 (α), if and only if (2.7) Re{z(αH 00 (z) + αG00 (z)) + H 0 (z) + G0 (z)} > 0, z ∈ U. Proof. If F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α), then from Theorem 2.1 α[zH 0 (z) + zG0 (z)] + (1 − α)[H(z) + G(z)] = h(z) + g(z) ∈ PeH0 and h0 + g 0 ∈ PH . Hence 0 < Re{h0 (z) + g 0 (z)} = Re{αzH 00 (z) + αH 0 (z) + (1 − α)H 0 (z) +αzG00 (z) + αG0 (z) + (1 − α)G0 (z)} = Re{z(αH 00 (z) + αG00 (z)) + H 0 (z) + G0 (z)}. Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 6 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Conversely, if the function F = H + G of the form (2.4) satisfies (2.7), then by Theorem 2.1, h0 + g 0 ∈ PH and the function f (z) = h(z) + g(z) = α[zH 0 (z) + zG0 (z)] + (1 − α)(H(z) + G(z)) is from the class PeH0 . Hence by Theorem 2.1, F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α). Proposition 2.3. PeH0 (α) is convex and compact. Proof. Let F1 = H1 + G1 , F2 = H2 + G2 ∈ PeH0 (α) and let λ ∈ [0, 1]. Then Re{z[α(λH100 (z) + (1 − λ)H200 (z)ᾱ(λG001 (z) + (1 − λ)G002 (z))] + λ[H10 (z) + G01 (z)] + (1 − λ)[H20 (z) + G02 (z)]} = λ Re{z[αH100 (z) + ᾱG001 (z)] + H10 (z) + G01 (z)} + (1 − λ) Re{z[αH200 (z) + ᾱG002 (z)] + H20 (z) + G02 (z)} > 0. Hence, from Corollary 2.2, λ F1 + (1 − λ)F2 ∈ PeH0 (α). Therefore, PeH0 (α) is convex. On the other hand, let Fn = Hn + Gn ∈ PeH0 (α) and let Fn → F = H + G. By Corollary 2.2, 0 α[zHn (z) + zGn (z)] + (1 − α)[Hn (z) + Gn (z)] ∈ PeH0 . Since PeH0 On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back 0 is compact, [5], 0 α[zH (z) + zG0 (z)] + (1 − α)[H(z) + G(z)] ∈ PeH0 . Hence, by Theorem 2.1, F = H + Ḡ ∈ PeH0 (α). Therefore, PeH0 (α) is compact. Close Quit Page 7 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Proposition 2.4. If F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α) and |z| = r < 1 then −r + 2 ln(1 + r) ≤ Re{α[zH 0 (z) + zG0 (z)] + (1 − α)[H(z) + G(z)]} ≤ −r − 2 ln(1 − r). Equality is obtained for the function (2.3) where f (z) = 2z + ln(1 − z) − 3z − 3 ln(1 − z), z ∈ U. Proof. From Theorem 2.1, if F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α), then there exists f = h + ḡ ∈ PeH0 so that 0 0 α[zH (z) + zG (z)] + (1 − α)[H(z) + G(z)] = f (z). Since by [5, Proposition 2.2] Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page −r + 2 ln(1 + r) ≤ Re f (z) ≤ −r − 2 ln(1 − r), the proof is complete. Proposition 2.5. If F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α) and Re α > 0, then there exists an f ∈ PeH0 so that Z 1 1 1 −2 (2.8) F (z) = ζ α f (zζ) dζ, z ∈ U. α 0 Proof. Since 1 tα (z) = α On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 18 Z 0 1 1 ζ α −1 z dζ, 1 − zζ |ζ| ≤ 1, Re α > 0, J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 and for f = h + g ∈ PeH0 h(z) ∗ z h(zζ) = , 1 − zζ ζ g(z) ∗ we have 1 H(z) = h(z) ∗ tα (z) = α Z 1 α Z 1 ζ α −2 h(zζ) dζ 0 and G(z) = g(z) ∗ tα (z) = 1 z g(zζ) = , 1 − zζ ζ 1 1 ζ α −2 g(zζ) dζ. 0 Hence F is type (2.8). Theorem 2.6. If Re α > 0, then PeH0 (α) ⊂ PeH0 . Further, for any 0 < Re α1 ≤ Re α2 , PeH0 (α2 ) ⊂ PeH0 (α1 ). Proof. Let F ∈ PeH0 (α) and Re α > 0. Then there exists f ∈ PeH0 so that F = H + G = f ∗ (tα + tα ) = (h ∗ tα ) + (g ∗ tα ). Hence, 0 < Re{h0 + g 0 } = Re{h0 + g 0 } and since Re α > 0, Re{H 0 + G0 } > 0, and H(0) = 0, H 0 (0) = 1, G(0) = G0 (0) = 0 and hence F = H + G ∈ PeH0 . For 0 < Re α1 ≤ Re α2 , if F ∈ PeH0 (α2 ), from Corollary 2.2 0 < Re{z(α2 H 00 (z) + α2 G00 (z)) + H 0 (z) + G0 (z)} ≤ Re{z(α1 H 00 (z) + α1 G00 (z)) + H 0 (z) + G0 (z)} we get F ∈ PeH0 (α1 ). On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Remark 2.1. For some values of α, PeH0 (α) ⊂ PeH0 is not true. It is known [5, Corollary 2.5] that the sharp inequalities |an | ≤ (2.9) 2n − 1 n |bn | ≤ and 2n − 3 n are true. Hence, for example, the function f (z) = z + ∞ X 2n − 1 n=2 n n z + ∞ X 2n − 3 n=2 n zn Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz belongs to PeH0 . In this case F (z) = z + ∞ X n=2 ∞ X 2n − 1 2n − 3 n z + zn n[1 + (n − 1)α] n[1 + (n − 1)α] n=2 belongs tothe class PeH0 (α) for α ∈ C, α 6= −1/n, n ∈ N. However, for Re α ∈ 2 − |α|3 , 0 , α 6= −1, − 12 , . . . as the coefficient conditions of PeH0 given in (2.9) 2 are not satisfied, F ∈ / PeH0 . Hence for each α ∈ C with Re α ∈ − |α|3 , 0 , α 6= −1, − 1 , . . . , Pe0 (α) − Pe0 6= φ. 2 H H Theorem 2.7. Let F = H + G ∈ PeH0 (α). Then (i) ||An | − |Bn || ≤ On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product 2 , n|1 + (n − 1)α| Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 18 n≥1 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 (ii) If F is sense-preserving, then |An | ≤ 1 2n − 1 , n |1 + (n − 1)α| n = 1, 2, . . . |Bn | ≤ 2n − 3 1 , n |1 + (n − 1)α| n = 2, 3, . . . and On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Equality occurs for the functions of type (2.3) where f (z) = 2z 3z̄ − z̄ 2 + ln(1 − z) − − 3 ln(1 − z̄), 1−z 1 − z̄ z ∈ U. Proof. By (2.6), Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page ||An | − |Bn || = 1 ||an | − |bn || . |1 + (n − 1)α| Also by [5, Theorem 2.3], we have ||an | − |bn || ≤ 2 n the required results are obtained. On the other hand, from (2.6) and from the coefficient relations in PeH0 given in (2.9), we obtain the coefficient inequalities for PeH0 (α). Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 3. The Class PH (β, α) Let f = h + g for analytic functions h(z) = 1 + ∞ X an z n and g(z) = n=1 ∞ X bn z n n=1 on U. The class PH (β) of all functions with Re f (z) > β, 0 ≤ β < 1 and f (0) = 1 is studied in [5]. Let us consider the function (3.1) kα (z) = 1 + 1 1 1 z +···+ z n + · · · , α ∈ C, α 6= −1, − , . . . 1+α 1 + nα 2 which is analytic on U. For f ∈ PH (β), let us denote the class of functions (3.2) Contents F = f ∗ (kα + kα ) = (h ∗ kα ) + (g ∗ kα ) = H + G, F (z) = H(z) + G(z) ∞ ∞ X X an bn n = 1+ z + zn 1 + nα 1 + nα n=1 n=1 = 1+ ∞ X n=1 An z n + ∞ X n=1 Bn z n , Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page by PH (β, α). If α = 0, then since F = f , PH (β, 0) = PH (β). Therefore, (3.3) On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product z∈U JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 12 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Theorem 3.1. If F ∈ PH (β, α) then there exists an f ∈ PH (β), so that (3.4) α[zFz (z) + zFz (z)] + F (z) = f (z). Conversely, for f ∈ PH (β), there is a solution of (3.4) belonging to PH (β, α). Proof. Since k0 (z) = αzkα0 (z) + kα (z), for f ∈ PH (β), using the fact that, f = f ∗ (k0 + k0 ), f (z) = α[f (z) ∗ (zkα0 (z) + zkα0 (z))] + [f (z) ∗ (kα (z) + kα (z))] is obtained. Hence, for F ∈ PH (β, α) On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz f (z) = α[zFz (z) + zFz (z)] + F (z). Title Page Conversely, let f = h + g ∈ PH (β) be given by (3.4). Hence, we can write (3.5) 0 h(z) = αzH (z) + H(z), 0 g(z) = αzG (z) + G(z). From the system (3.5) the analytic functions H and G are in the form H(z) = 1 + ∞ X n=1 G(z) = ∞ X n=1 an z n = h(z) ∗ kα (z), 1 + nα Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit bn z n = g(z) ∗ kα (z). 1 + nα Hence the function F = H + G belongs to the class PH (β, α). Page 13 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Corollary 3.2. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a function F of form (3.3) to belong to PH (β, α) are (3.6) Re{z(αH 0 (z) + αG0 (z)) + H(z) + G(z)} > β, z ∈ U. Proof. If F ∈ PH (β, α) then by Theorem 3.1, β < Re{f (z)} = Re{α[zFz (z) + zFz (z)] + F (z)} = Re{z(αH 0 (z) + αG0 (z)) + H(z) + G(z)}, z ∈ U. Conversely, if a function F = H + G of form (3.3) satisfies (3.6), then zαH 0 (z) + H(z) + αzG0 (z) + G(z) ∈ PH (β). Hence, from Theorem 3.1, we have F = H + Ḡ ∈ PH (β, α). Proposition 3.3. If F ∈ PH (β, α), Re α > 0 then there exists an f ∈ PH (β) so that Z 1 1 1 −1 (3.7) F (z) = t α f (zt)dt, z ∈ U. α 0 The converse is also true. On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 14 of 18 Proof. Since kα (z) = 1 α Z 0 1 1 t α −1 1 dt, 1 − zt Re α > 0, J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 and for f = h + g ∈ PH (β), h(z) ∗ 1 1 = h(zt) and g(z) ∗ = g(zt), 1 − zt 1 − zt we obtain 1 H(z) = h(z) ∗ kα (z) = α Z 1 α Z 1 t α −1 h(zt)dt 0 and G(z) = g(z) ∗ kα (z) = 1 1 1 t α −1 g(zt)dt. 0 Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Therefore, F = H + G is of type (3.7). Theorem 3.4. Let F ∈ PH (β, α). Then (i) ||An | − |Bn || ≤ 2(1 − β) , |1 + nα| Title Page Contents n≥1 JJ J (ii) If F is sense- preserving, then for n = 1, 2, . . . |An | ≤ (1 − β)(n + 1) |1 + nα| On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product and |Bn | ≤ (1 − β)(n − 1) . |1 + nα| Equality is valid for the functions of type (3.2) where 1+z 1 + (1 − 2β)z + i Im . (3.8) f (z) = Re 1−z 1−z II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Proof. Let F ∈ PH (β, α). Then from (3.3), as the coefficient relation for PH (β) is ||an | − |bn || ≤ 2(1 − β) [5, Proposition 3.4], the required inequalities are obtained. On the other hand, from (3.3), as the coefficient relations for PH (β) are |an | ≤ (1 − β)(n + 1) and |bn | ≤ (1 − β)(n − 1) On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product the required inequalities are obtained. Proposition 3.5. If F = H + G ∈ PH (β, α), then for X = {η : |η| = 1} and z ∈ U, Z H(z) + G(z) = 2(1 − β) Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz kα (ηz) dµ(η). |η|=1 Title Page Here µ is the probability measure defined on the Borel sets on X. Contents Proof. From [5, Corollary 3.3] there exists a probability measure µ defined on the Borel sets on X so that Z 1 + (1 − 2β) zη h(z) + g(z) = dµ(η). 1 − zη |η|=1 JJ J II I Go Back Close Taking the Hadamard product of both sides by kα (z), we get H(z) + G(z) Z = kα (z) ∗ |η |=1 Quit Page 16 of 18 1 1 − zη + (1 − 2β)η kα (z) ∗ z 1 − zη dµ(η) J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(1) Art. 9, 2002 Z = |η|=1 kα (ηz) kα (ηz) + (1 − 2β)η η dµ(η). Theorem 3.6. If Re α ≥ 0, then PH (β, α) ⊂ PH (β). Further if 0 ≤ Re α1 ≤ Re α2 , then PH (β, α2 ) ⊂ PH (β, α1 ). Proof. Let F ∈ PH (β, α) and Re α ≥ 0. Then as Re{h0 + g 0 } > β, we have Re{H 0 + G0 } > β and F (0) = 1. Hence F ∈ PH (β). Further as 0 ≤ Re α1 ≤ Re α2 , for F ∈ PH (β, α2 ) β < Re{z(α2 H 0 (z) + α2 G0 (z)) + H(z) + G(z)} < Re{z(α1 H 0 (z) + α1 G0 (z)) + H(z) + G(z)}. On Harmonic Functions Constructed by the Hadamard Product Metin Öztürk, Sibel Yalçin and Mümin Yamankaradeniz Title Page Therefore, by Corollary 3.2, F ∈ PH (β, α1 ). For f ∈ PH , the class BH (α) consisting of the functions F = f ∗ (kα + kα ) is studied in [2]. The relation between the classes PH (β, α) and BH (α) is given as follows. Proposition 3.7. For Re α ≥ 0, PH (β, α) ⊂ BH (α). Proof. If F ∈ PH (β, α) then there exists an f ∈ PH (β) so that F = f ∗ (kα + kα ). Since Re f (z) > β, f (0) = 1 and 0 ≤ β < 1, Re f (z) > 0. Hence, f ∈ PH . By the definition of BH (α), F ∈ BH (α). Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 17 of 18 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. 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