The Public Connection A Comprehensive View of Articulation between Iowa’s Community Colleges and the Regent Universities == A Report of the Liaison Advisory Committee on Transfer Students (LACTS) 2008 Articulation in the State of Iowa A Brief History....................................................................................................................................................................1 Beyond Agreements...........................................................................................................................................................1 Transfer Students at the Regents Universities...............................................................................................................1 Resources for Transfer Students.......................................................................................................................................2 Resources for Community College Advisers.................................................................................................................3 Articulation Agreements at the Regent Universities....................................................................................................3 Associate of Arts Articulation Agreements....................................................................................................................4 Individual Community College/Regent University Agreements..............................................................................4 Summary.............................................................................................................................................................................5 Appendices.........................................................................................................................................................................6 Appendix A—Associate of Arts Articulation Agreements............................................................................7 Appendix B—Individual Regent University Agreements by Community College................................10 Des Moines Area Community College.................................................................................................10 Eastern Iowa Community College........................................................................................................12 Hawkeye Community College...............................................................................................................14 Indian Hills Community College..........................................................................................................17 Iowa Central Community College.........................................................................................................19 Iowa Lakes Community College...........................................................................................................21 Iowa Valley Community College...........................................................................................................23 Iowa Western Community College.......................................................................................................25 Kirkwood Community College..............................................................................................................27 North Iowa Area Community College..................................................................................................30 Northeast Iowa Community College....................................................................................................32 Northwest Iowa Community College...................................................................................................34 Southeastern Community College.........................................................................................................36 Southwestern Community College.......................................................................................................38 Western Iowa Tech Community College..............................................................................................40 LACTS Members..............................................................................................................................................................42 Additional Information...................................................................................................................................................42 Permission to copy this material need not be sought. = = A Brief History of Articulation in Iowa Iowa has long been a national leader in articulation and transfer credit policy development. This has occurred through cooperative effort, communication, and mutual trust among faculty and staff in Iowa’s community colleges and Regent Universities. From the early development of the community college system in the mid/ late1960s to the present, voluntary articulation has provided a successful vehicle for the smooth transfer of students from one Iowa public institution to another. The Liaison Advisory Committee on Transfer Students (LACTS), formed in 1972, has been instrumental in fostering good relationships and forging the seven statewide agreements that serve as the foundation for the transfer of credit. These agreements are as follows: • Associate of Arts Articulation Agreement; • Associate of Science Articulation Agreement; • Vocational-Technical Credit Agreement; • Common Grading Symbols and Definitions Agreement; • Credit by Examination Agreement • Electronics/Electronics-Based Technology Agreement; • Military Credit Agreement; and • International Student Academic Credential Evaluation Agreement. For more information about LACTS, and copies of these agreements, please reference the companion piece, “The Public Connection: Statewide Articulation Agreements between Iowa’s Community Colleges and the Regent Universities. Beyond Agreements: Relationships and Resources This publication details the work that goes on at many levels across the public higher education system to ensure that the articulation agreements are working and that students have an opportunity to experience a smooth and seamless transition from Iowa’s community colleges to the Regent Universities. To make this happen, information is provided and exchanged on many fronts. You might think of the “transfer triangle” as the key to successful transition. This sets up direct communication between the student, the community college, and the Regent University. All of the information that follows will describe the many ways this exchange of information can happen. Transfer Students at the Regent Universities Each year, more than 4,500 students transfer from the Iowa community colleges to degree programs at the Regent Universities. Early planning by the student plays a large role in whether the transfer process goes smoothly or if problems are encountered along the way. Those students who have the most successful transfer experience know their intended major and the transfer institution they wish to enter after leaving their community college. Having this key information allows for careful planning early on in a student’s academic career, and courses can be selected that will not only transfer but will also apply toward the student’s intended degree. Completing the degree in four years is more difficult for those students who have not selected a discipline, have not yet chosen their transfer institution, or are unsure if they want to continue their studies beyond the community college. However, efforts are made to provide as much information as possible throughout the transfer process to assist students in making good decisions. This document outlines the various tools that are in place at the Regent Universities to assist community college students in the transfer process. = 1= Resources for Transfer Students As students start their academic career at the community college, there are many resources made available to them from the Regent Universities. The following is a list of the type of information and programs available to prospective transfer students: • Web sites (;;; • Print publications which provide information on academic programs, admission requirements, applying for admission, transfer credit policies, financial aid, and scholarships; • Community college visits by Regent representatives; • Transfer fairs at community colleges hosted by community college advising staff where admissions representatives are available to answer questions from prospective students; • Transfer open house programs on Regent campuses where students explore academic and student life opportunities; • Individual campus visits for transfer students; • Group visits to Regent institutions provided by the student’s community college; • Course equivalency guides developed by Regent institutions which assist students in planning their course work at the community college to ensure course transferability to a specific Regent University; • Transfer plans and articulation agreements developed cooperatively between community colleges and Regent Universities; • Joint admission/advising programs; • Four-Year Graduation program for students who are “on track” when they transfer. The Regent Universities also cooperate with each other in their outreach to prospective community college transfer students through the following means: •The Public Connection brochure which was completed to outline transfer admission requirements at each of the Regent Universities and provide students with an overview of the current statewide articulation agreements; •Joint community college visits in both the fall and spring semesters. Each year Regent representatives visit approximately 8-10 community colleges together to provide students the chance to gather information from each one of the Regent Universities at the same time. During these visits, Regent representatives also meet with the advising staff at the community college to provide updated information and discuss transfer issues. Once students are offered admission to a Regent University they receive an evaluation of transfer credit and other pertinent information about enrolling at the Regent University of their choice. Transfer students are also invited to attend early transfer registration/orientation programs where they meet with an adviser and register for classes at the same time as their currently enrolled classmates. = 2= Resources for Community College Advisers If students are to be successful in the transfer process, it is important that they work with their community college adviser in defining career goals, gathering information about four-year colleges and universities, and selecting transferable courses. Community college advisers have a great deal of knowledge about transfer credit issues and policies, and the Regent representatives continue to build relationships with them to keep them well informed. This is done in a number of ways, and examples are listed below. •Regent universities newsletters sent to community college advisers two to four times per year; •Listserv for community college advisers where periodic updates on events, policy and program changes are given by the Regent Universities representatives; •Periodic Telnet meetings to address current issues and to answer questions that have recently arisen in their advising sessions with prospective transfer students; •Statewide face-to-face meetings once per semester to distribute new recruitment and advising materials, help train and orient new community college staff, and provide ongoing staff development for experienced advisers; •Articulation conferences are held once a year and focus on a selected academic discipline. This is also a program for community college faculty and Regent faculty to discuss course content and issues in the chosen discipline; •Joint meetings with advisers after community college visits to address questions that might be unique to that particular campus, discuss trends in that college’s transfer majors and patterns, and to review important policies, deadlines, and program updates; •Community college update programs where community college advisers are invited to campus to learn more about advising for selected university majors. They may meet with university faculty and staff to hear specific advising tips and program facts, tour campus facilities, and may receive comprehensive advising materials to take back to their campus to share with their colleagues; •Advisory Boards to work with the University’s Office of Admissions to revise and improve transfer publications, discuss new consortiums, and strategize new methods of increasing the academic and social transition of transfer students. It should also be noted that it is important for students to work with advisers or representatives at their transfer institution to ensure that students are maximizing their course selection at the community college. Articulation Agreements at the Regent Universities Articulation agreements have been developed between community colleges and Regent Universities to assist students in the transfer process. An articulation agreement can generally be defined as “a written or verbal agreement between two institutions regarding the acceptance of transfer credit from one school and how it will be used to meet degree requirements at another school.” Within that definition, institutions articulate in a variety of ways, such as: •The acceptance of a full two-year degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at a four-year institution. An example of this would be the statewide Associate of Arts Articulation Agreement; •Program-to-program articulation: The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the four-year institution. Examples include: Turf and Greenhouse Management Diploma/AA option to Horticulture (Iowa State University); RN to BSN (The University of Iowa); Health Care Administration Applied Science degree to Gerontology (University of Northern Iowa); = 3= •Course Equivalencies: The acceptance of courses taken at a community college as meeting the degree requirements at a Regent University. These equivalencies are available to students and community college advisers on the Web and in printed form; •The articulation of a course or group of courses identified at the community college as vocationaltechnical being accepted in a four-year bachelor’s program to meet degree requirements. Examples include Fashion Merchandising courses to Apparel Merchandising, Design and Production (Iowa State University); Radiation Technology courses to Radiation Sciences (The University of Iowa’s Carver College of Medicine), and Robotics Automation Technology courses to Technology Management (University of Northern Iowa). In addition to articulation agreements, two other forms of guidance are very helpful in the transfer process: •Transfer Plans: Typically, a printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. Some of these are available on the Web for easy reference; •Transfer Guides: Transfer advisers or other University faculty/staff at Regent institutions assist students in drawing up an individual transfer “plan.” In other words, they will work individually with a student to help him/her choose classes at the community college that will transfer and help the student have a smooth transition to the four-year program. Associate of Arts Articulation Agreement The “Associate of Arts Articulation Agreement” exists between the three Regent Universities and 15 Iowa community college districts for students transferring with an associate of arts (A.A.) degree from an Iowa community college to Iowa State University, The University of Iowa, or the University of Northern Iowa. Students transferring with an A.A. degree to a Regent University who have fulfilled the requirements outlined in the agreement will have met all freshman- and sophomore-level general education requirements. They will be enrolled at junior level status in any major within the participating colleges at the Regent Universities as listed below: •Iowa State University—College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Business •The University of Iowa—College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Henry B. Tippie College of Business, and the College of Education •The University of Northern Iowa—All undergraduate programs (common general education program across the university) For a complete list of the majors participating in the Associate of Arts Articulation Agreement at each Regent University, see Appendix A. Individual Community College/Regent University Agreements In addition to all of the programs that accept the A.A. degree as a package to satisfy general education core, there is an ever-growing (and constantly changing) number of individual institutional articulation programs to help students satisfy specific major requirements at each university. Some are full program agreements, some are block core agreements or individual course transfer plans, while others still are additional institutional partnerships designed to facilitate effective transfer. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Admissions for specific and updated information on each program. For a complete summary of the more comprehensive individual agreements between each community college and each Regent University, see Appendix B. = 4= Summary The cooperative environment in which Iowa community colleges and Regent institutions work provides the foundation for voluntary articulation across the state. Without this cooperation and shared purpose, smooth articulation would not exist. Not only do the advisers and admissions personnel work closely together, there are also several statewide groups who provide direction and expertise. The Liaison Advisory Committee on Transfer Students (LACTS), formed in 1972, is composed of six members: three representatives each from the community colleges and Regent institutions. LACTS serves as an advisory board to facilitate and review articulation. It was the driving force in the development and implementation of the original statewide agreements, and remains active today in the annual review process and discussion of transfer processes. The parent groups of LACTS are the Iowa Community College Presidents, and the Regents Committee on Educational Relations (RCER), which is composed of 12 Regent representatives, one community college president, one Department of Education representative, and two Board of Regent representatives. RCER works to establish closer relations with post-high school institutions and to facilitate articulation by developing procedures for validation and acceptance of credit, and by recommending modifications to the general policy concerning admission of undergraduate students. The Association of Iowa Community College Arts and Science Administrators (AICCASA) meets several times each semester. Also attending these meetings are the Assistant Directors for Transfer Relations at the Regent institutions. These meetings provide a forum for discussion about current articulation issues which may lead to committee review and additional statewide agreements, or modifications to existing agreements. The Annual Articulation Conference is also a product of this group. The purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for Iowa community college and Regent faculty to discuss and review curricula, teaching methodologies, intended course outcomes, and assessment techniques. These content experts appreciate this opportunity to network, and to strengthen relationships between two- and four-year counterparts. Recent conference disciplines include: computer science, diversity requirements, math, history, elementary education, chemistry, art, biology, and foreign languages. With the many resources available to both students and staff, it is evident that voluntary articulation in the state of Iowa not only exists, but is flourishing. Students who take advantage of the staff resources and the expertise they provide, as well as the full gamut of printed information and campus visit opportunities, will find the transfer from Iowa community college to Regent University seamless. = 5= Appendices Appendix A—Associate of Arts Degree Articulation Programs.................................................................................7 Appendix B—Individual Regent University Agreements by Community College...............................................10 Des Moines Area Community College...........................................................................................................10 Eastern Iowa Community College..................................................................................................................12 Hawkeye Community College........................................................................................................................14 Indian Hills Community College....................................................................................................................17 Iowa Central Community College..................................................................................................................19 Iowa Lakes Community College.....................................................................................................................21 Iowa Valley Community College....................................................................................................................23 Iowa Western Community College.................................................................................................................25 Kirkwood Community College.......................................................................................................................27 North Iowa Area Community College...........................................................................................................30 Northeast Iowa Community College..............................................................................................................32 Northwest Iowa Community College............................................................................................................34 Southeastern Community College..................................................................................................................35 Southwestern Community College.................................................................................................................38 Western Iowa Tech Community College........................................................................................................40 = 6= Appendix A: AA Degree Programs The following codes are used in the grid below: X = AA degree satisfies general education requirements REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR/DEGREE Accounting—BA Accounting—BBA Accounting—BS Actuarial Science—BS Advertising—BA African American Studies—BA American Studies—BA Ancient Civilization—BA Anthropology—BA Anthropology—BA Teaching Anthropology—BS Applied Physics/Engineering Dual Degree—BS Applied Physics—BS Art History—BA Art: Art History Emphasis—BA Art: Studio Emphasis—BA Art—BA, BFA Art—BA Teaching Asian Languages and Literature—BA Asian Studies—BA Astronomy—BA, BS Athletic Training—BA Athletic Training—BS Biochemistry—BA Biochemistry—BS Bioinformatics—BS Biology—BA Biology—BA Teaching Biology: Biomedical Emphasis—BA Biology: Ecology & Systematics Emphasis—BA Biology: Microbiology Emphasis—BA Biology: Plant Bioscience—BA Biology—BS Biophysics—BS Biotechnology—BA Business Education—BA Teaching Chemistry—BA Chemistry— BA Teaching Chemistry—BS Chemistry: Biochemistry Emphasis—BS Chemistry: Environ Chem Emphasis—BS Chemistry Marketing—BA Cinema—BA Classical Languages—BA Communication—BA Communication: Community and Comm—BA Communication: Culture and Communication—BA Communication/Electronic Media—BA Communication: Interpersonal Comm—BA Communication: Organizational Comm—BA Communication/Public Relations—BA Communication Studies—BA Communication—Theatre—BA Teaching Shaded Box = Major not available ISU SUI X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X* X** X X X X X X* X* X X* X X X* X X X* X X X UNi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Blank Box = Major offered but AA degree doesn’t apply REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR/DEGREE Communicative Disorders—BA Comparative Literature—BA Computer Information Systems—BA Computer Science—BA Computer Science—BS Construction Management—BS Criminology—BA Dance—BA, BFA Early Childhood Education—BA Teaching Earth Sci: Interpretive Naturalist Emphasis—BA Earth Science—BA Earth Science—BA Teaching Earth Science—BS Economics—BA Economics—BBA Economics—BS Economics: Business Analysis—BA Economics: Community Economic Devel—BA Economics: General Economics—BA Economics: Quantitative Techniques—BA Electrical Info & Engineering Tech (EIET)—BS Elementary Education—BA Elementary Education—BA Teaching Elementary Education—BS English— BS English—BA English—BA Teaching Environmental Science—BS European Studies—BA Family Services—BA Finance—BA Finance—BBA Finance—BS French—BA French—BA Teaching General Studies—Nurses—BA General Studies—BA Genetics—BS Geography—BA Geography—BA Teaching Geography—BS Geography: Environmental Emphasis—BA Geography: Geographic Information Science—BA Geology—BA Geology—BS Geology: Environmental Sci Emphasis—BA Geoscience—BA, BS German—BA German—BA Teaching Gerontology: Long Term Care—BA Gerontology: Social Sciences—BA Global Studies—BA Graphic Communication—BA = 7= ISU SUI X X X X X X X X X X* X X* X X* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X* X X X* X X X UNi X X* X X X X X X X X X X X X Appendix A: AA Degree Programs—continued The following codes are used in the grid below: X = AA degree satisfies general education requirements Shaded Box = Major not available REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR/DEGREE ISU Health and Sport Studies—BA Health Education—BA Teaching Health and Human Performance—BS Health Promotion: General—BA Health Promotion: Gerontology—BA Health Promotion: Wellness—BA Health Promotion: Worksite—BA History—BA X History—BA Teaching History—BS X Humanities—BA Individual Studies—BA Informatics—BA, BS Integrative Physiology—BS Inter-American Studies: Business & Econ—BA Inter-Amer Studies: Humanities & Fine Arts—BA Inter-American Studies: Social Sciences—BA Interdepartmental Studies—BA Interdisciplinary Studies—BA, BS X International Studies—BA Interior Design—BA Intra Amer Studies: Cross Cult/Global Health—BA Intra Amer Studies: Environmental Awareness—BA Italian—BA Journalism and Mass Communication—BA X Journalism and Mass Communication—BS X Latin—BA Leisure Studies—BS Leisure, Youth, & Human Serv: Outdoor Rec—BA Leisure, Youth, & Human Serv: Tourism—BA Leisure, Youth, & Human Serv: Youth Serv—BA Lei, Youth, & Hum Serv: Nonprofit Youth Adm—BA Lei, Youth, & Hum Serv: Programm Serv Adm—BA Leisure, Youth, & Human Serv: Therapeu Rec—BA Liberal Studies—BLS X Linguistics—BA X Management—BA Management—BBA Management—BS Management: Business Administration—BA Management: Human Resources—BA Management Information Systems—BA Management Information Systems—BBA Management Information Systems—BS Management: Supply, Chain, & Operation—BA Manufacturing Technology: Design—BA; BS Manufacturing Technology: Metal Casting—BS Manufacturing Tech: Automation & Production—BS Marketing—BBA Marketing—BS Marketing: General—BA Marketing: Management—BA Marketing: Sales & Advertising—BA SUI X X X X X X X X* X X X* X X X X X X UNi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Blank Box = Major offered but AA degree doesn’t apply REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR/DEGREE Marketing: Services Marketing—BA Mathematics: Applied—BA Mathematics: Statistics & Actuarial Science—BA Mathematics—BA Mathematics—BA Teaching Mathematics—BS Meteorology—BS Microbiology—BS Middle Level Education—BA Teaching Modern Lang Dual Major—BA, BA Teaching Music—BA Music—BMus Music Composition and Theory—BM Music Education: Choral/General—BA Music Education: Instrumental—BA Music Education: Jazz—BA Music Performance—BMus Networking & System Administration—BS Performing Arts—BA Performing Arts Entrepreneurship—BA Philosophy—BA Physical Education—BA Teaching Physical Education: Dance Education—BA Physical Education: Exercise Science—BA Physical Education (Health & Human Perf)—BS Physical Education: Sport Psychology—BA Physics—BA Physics—BA Teaching Physics—BS Political Communication—BA Political Science—BA Political Science—BA Teaching Political Science—BS Portuguese—BA Psychology—BA Psychology—BA Teaching Psychology—BS Public Admin: Community & Regional Devel—BA Public Administration: Economics & Finance—BA Public Administration: Human Resources—BA Real Estate—BA Religion—BA Religious Studies—BA Russian & East European Studies—BA Russian Studies—BA Russian—BA Science Education—BS Science: All Sciences (Plan B)—BA Teaching Science: Middle HS—BA Teaching Social Science—BA Teaching (Plan A) Social Sciences: Teaching Plan B—BA Social Work—BA Sociology—BA = 8= ISU X* X X X* X X SUI X X X* X X X* X X X* X* X* X X X X X* X X X X* X X X X X X* X† X X UNi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Appendix A: AA Degree Programs—continued The following codes are used in the grid below: X = AA degree satisfies general education requirements REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR/DEGREE Sociology—BA Teaching Sociology—BS Spanish—BA Spanish—BA Teaching Speech and Hearing Science—BA Speech Communication—BA, BS Statistics—BS Technical Communication—BS Technology Education and Training—BA Teaching Technology, Education, & Training—BA Technology Management—BA TESOL/Modern Language—BA Teaching TESOL—BA, BA Teaching Textile and Apparel (TAPP)—BA Theatre Arts—BA Theatre—BA Theatre: Design & Production—BA Theatre: Drama & Theatre Youth—BA Theatre: Performance-Acting—BA Women’s Studies—BA Women’s Studies—BS Shaded Box = Major not available ISU SUI UNi X X X X X* X X X X X X X X X X X X X Blank Box = Major offered but AA degree doesn’t apply X X X X X X X X X X X *Secondary education certification available in this academic area. **Secondary education certification available in Chinese and Japanese only. Science teaching endorsements available in physical science, biological sciences, chemistry, general science, physics, earth science, and 9-12 all science. † = 9= Appendix B: Individual Regent University Agreements by Community College DES MOINES AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business (General) Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Mangement and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Gerontology, Long Term Care Track Health and Human Performance (Athletic Training) Health and Human Performance (Community/Public Health) Health and Human Performance (Exercise Science Option) Health and Human Performance (PE Licensure) REMHotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and Near Environment Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Oral Health Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T P T T T T P A/T A T T T T P T T T P T A T T T T T T T T T P P T T P T T P T T T T T T T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Agri-Business Fashion Merchandising T T T Early Childhood Education A/T T A/T A A A/T A P A Health Care Administration Fitness and Sports Management Health Care Administration T A/T A/T A/T A A A T T P Nursing P T A/T 10 Manufacturing Technology Dental Hygiene A P P Architectural Technologies ASEP General Motors DES MOINES AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Admissions Partnership Program Cross Enrollment Program Program Assisting College Transfer (Business & FCS) Elementary Ed Degree (Boone, Carroll, & Ankeny Campus) Tech Mgmt Major (Carroll and Boone Campus) Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Bachelor of Liberal Studies Degree ISU SUI UNI T X X X X X T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ASSET—Ford Motor Company Auto Collision Technology Auto Mechcanics Technology CAP—Chrysler Automotive Program Caterpiller Technology Civil Engineering Technology Computer-Aided Design Technology Diesel Technology Electronic Systems Servicing Technology Fire Science Technology Graphic Design Heating, AC Refrigeration Technology Electronics, Robotics, & Automation Industrial Electro Mechanical Technology Information Technology* Information Technology Network Administrator Integrated Manufacturing Technology* Land Surveying Manufacturing Technology Quality Technician* Safety Science* Telecommunications Technology Tool and Die Making X X AA Degree AA Degree Completion site (DMACC-Ankeny) *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. DEFINITIONS AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 11 = EASTERN IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI UNI Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Ecology Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Art Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering T T P P T T T T T T A/T A/T A/T Civil Engineering (Environmental) Communication/Media Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Criminology Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Environmental Science Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Forestry Graphic Communication Graphic Communication Graphic Communication Health and Human Performance (Athletic Training) Health and Human Performance (Community Health Ed) Health and Human Performance (PE Licensure) Health and Human Performance (Sport Management) Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Music Nursing—Basic BSN Program T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Farm Management Feed and Fertilizer Marketing A/T A/T T T A/T A/T T A/T P T T T T A/T T T = Transfer Plan A/T A/T T A/T A/T P A/T A/T A/T P P P A T A/T A/T A/T A/T A A/T T A/T T A = 12 = Electronic Engineering Technology (Stop 2006) Graphic Arts & Print, Press/Post Press Emph Graphic Arts & Printing, Multi-Media Emphasis Graphic Arts & Printing, Pre-Press Emphasis EASTERN IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Radiation Sciences Secondary Education Social Work Sociology Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Manufacturing Technology Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Theatre Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Articulation of Honors Courses Bachelor of Applied Studies/Distance Ed Bachelor of Liberal Studies/Distance Ed Clinical Experience for CC Dental Assisting Students Joint Admission Program Articulation of Honors Courses ISU T T T A/T T X SUI UNI P T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Nursing T A/T P A/T A/T A/T A T A A/T A/T P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A/T X X X X X X Radiologic Technology Auto Collision Repair Technology Automotive Technology Construction Management (Stop 2004) Diesel Technology Electromechanical Studies (2007) Electronic Engineering Technology* (Stop 2006) Health, Safety, and Environmental Technology Graphic Arts & Print, Press/Post Press Emph Graphic Arts & Printing, Multi-Media Emphasis Graphic Arts & Printing, Pre-Press Emphasis Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Indust Engr Tech—ProEngineer/CAD Specialty Indust EngrTech/CNC Machining Specialty Industrial Safety and Health* Manufacturing Maintenance Manufacturing Technology Manufacturing Technology (2007) Mechatronics Technology (2007) Information Tech/Networking Info Tech/Software Develop Tech Drafting and Computer Aided Design** Technical Studies (2005) Welding Concentration (2005) Articulation of AA and AS: 2006 Articulation of AA: 2006 College of Dentistry: 2004 *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. DEFINITIONS AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 13 = HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI UNI Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Studies Agricultural Studies Agricultural Studies Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Agronomy (Soil & Environmental Science Option) Animal Science Art Art T T P T T T P P T T/P P P T A/T A/T Art Athletic Training Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Communications Communications/Public Relations Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Computer Information Systems Computer Science Construction Engineering Construction Management Criminal Justice Criminology Early Childhood Education Earth Science Earth Science: Interpretive Naturalist Economics Electrical and Information Engineering Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education English Engineering (General) Exercise Science Family Services Finance General Studies General Studies Geology Graphic Communication Graphic Communication Graphic Communications A/T T A T T P T A T A/T A/T A T T A T T T A P P A/T A/T A/T ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM A/T A/T A A/T T T T A/T A/T A/T Agriculture Business Management Animal Science AS Degree AS Degree/Natural Resources Management Ag Business Management Natural Resources Management AS Degree Commercial Art* Professional Photography A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T T T Shaded Box = Major not offered Agriculture Business Management AS Degree AS Degree A/T T T = Transfer Plan A/T A/T A/T P A/T A/T Natural Resources Management P P A/T A/T Electronics Engineering Technology Elect Serv Technology* A/T A/T P P A/T P P A/T = 14 = Assoc General Studies-Business Police Science Graphic Communications Professional Photography HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Health Promotion History Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Industrial Engineering Inter-American Studies International Studies Leisure Studies Leisure, Youth, & Human Services Management Management Information Systems Manufacturing Technology Manufacturing Technology Manufacturing Technology Manufacturing Technology Marketing Materials Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Oral Health Science Pharmacy—PharmD Philosophy Physics Physics Political Science Pre-Prof Health (Medicine, Dentistry, PT, Physician’s Asst) Pre-Veterinary Medicine Production/Operations Management Psychology Real Estate Secondary Education Social Work Sociology Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics ISU SUI T T T T A/T A/T T T A/T A/T T T A T A/T A T T P P T A A A T T A/T A/T A/T A T UNI A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM AS Degree A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T P P P A/T CNC Machining Drafting and Design Technology* Tool and Die Making A/T Nursing Dental Hygiene A/T P A/T A/T A A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P = 15 = Electronics Engineering Technology AS Degree Ag Power Technology Architectural and Construction Technology Automotive Electronic Technology Automotive Technology Aviation Maintenance Technician* Civil & Construction Engineering Technology CNC Machining Technician Collision Repair and Refinishing Diesel Truck Technology Drafting and Design Technology* Electronics Engineering Technology Graphic Communications Automated Systems Technology Machinist* Mechanical Engineering Technology* Professional Photography Tool and Die Making HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Residence Hall Consortium Agreement ISU SUI UNI T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM X X *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 16 = INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI UNI Accounting Advertising Aerospace Engineering Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Agricultural Biochemistry Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Studies Agricultural Systems and Technology Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business) Agronomy (Plant Breeding & Biotechnology) American Studies Animal Ecology Animal Science A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T P P A/T A Anthropology Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Applied Studies Art Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Biological/Pre-medical Illustration Biology Biomedical Engineering Biophysics Botany Business Business Economics Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemistry Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Classical Studies Communication Studies Community and Regional Planning Community Health Education Computer Science Criminal Justice Criminology Dairy Science Diet and Exercise Dietetics Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education Earth Science Economics Electrical and Computer Engineering Elementary Education English Entomology Environmental Science Environmental Studies A/T A/T A/T A/T A A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T P A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T T = Transfer Plan ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM A A A A A A A Biology Focus Area Biology Focus Area A A A A A/T A A A A/T A A A/T A/T A A A/T A A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A A A A A/T A A = 17 = A Shaded Box = Major not offered Child Development INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Family and Consumer Sciences, Education, and Studies Family Financing, Housing, and Policy Finance Food Service Forestry French Genetics Geology German History Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology Interdisciplinary Studies International Studies Journalism and Mass Communication Kinesiology Leisure, Youth, and Human Services/Tourism Liberal Studies Linguistics Logistics and Supply Chain Management Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Science and Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Meteorology Microbiology Music Nursing—ADN to BSN Progression Program Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nutritional Science Operations and Supply Chain Management Peforming Arts Pharmacy—PharmD Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Public Service Administration in Agriculture Radiation Sciences Religious Studies Russian Studies Secondary Education Sociology Software Engineering Spanish Speech Communication Statistics Technical Communication ISU A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T A/T SUI UNI A A/T A A A A A/T A A A T = Transfer Plan ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Turfgrass Management A/T A A A A A A A/T A/T A/T A/T A A A A A/T A A A A P T A A T A/T A A/T A/T A A A A P A A A A/T A A A A A A A = 18 = Nursing A A Shaded Box = Major not offered Radiologic Technology INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI Technical Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Women’s Studies SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS ADN to BSN Completion Site Joint Admission Program T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered UNI ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM A/T P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Automotive Collision Technology Automotive Technology Aviation MaintenanceTechnology Aviation Pilot Training Computer Forensics Computer Network and Security Computer Programmer Analyst Construction Management Technology Diesel Power Systems Technology Drafting/Virtual Reality Technology Electronics/Telecommunications Technology Ethanol Plant Technician Laser/Electro—Optics Technology Machine Technology A/T A P A X X X X Robotics/Automation Technology Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 19 = IOWA CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Studies Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Manufacturing Technology Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Microbiology Nursing-Basic BSN Program Nursing-RN to BSN Progression (completion site) Nutritional Science Pharmacy-PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Radiation Sciences Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T T T T T T P T A/T A Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Agricultural Business T T T T T T P T T T T T A T A/T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A A/T P A A/T A T A/T A/T T T T T A/T T A/T Electro Engineering Technology A A P A T A T P T A T = Transfer Plan Nursing T A/T = 20 = A P P P P P Radiologic Technology Automotive Technology Computer Networking Technology Industrial Electronics Maintenance Electrician Manufacturing Technology IOWA CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS RN to BSN Completion Site ISU SUI UNI P P T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Electronics Technology Web Technology X Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 21 = IOWA LAKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Studies Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Geography Graphic Communication Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T T T T T T P T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Ag Transfer Program T T T T T T P T T T P T A T T Early Childhood Education T T T T T T T T T T T A/T T A/T A A/T A A P P T A/T T T T T A/T A/T A A A A T T P T T A/T A Info Systems Tech Graphic Design and Technology Nursing T A = 22 = A P P P P P P Agribusiness Technology Auto Collision Technology Automotive Technology Carpentry Computer Aided Drafting and Design Farm Equipment Diesel Technology IOWA LAKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS RN to BSN Completion Site ISU SUI UNI P P P T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Graphic Design and Technology Marine and Small Engines Mechanics Motorcycle and Small Engine Technology X Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 IOWA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Agronomy (Agroecology Option) Agronomy (management & Business option) Agronomy (Research & Development Option) Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Radiation Sciences (Marshalltown Campus) Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T T T T P P P P T A/T A Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Sustainable Agriculture Ag Science Transfer Program Biotechnology Fashion Merchandising T T T P T T P T T T T A T T A/T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A A P A A/T A T A/T T A/T A Nursing T P A/T Electronic Technology A A T T P T AA Degree A A/T A/T A/T T T T A T = Transfer Plan A P P P P P P = 23 = Radiation Technology* Broadcast Technology Carpentry Construction Technology Drafting and Design Technology Fisher Controls Process Mgmt Tech (3 tracks) Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning IOWA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Elementary Education and ESL Endorsement ISU SUI UNI T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM P P P Industrial Maintenance Technology Machine Trades—Tool and Die Option Mechanical Design/CAD Technology X AA Degree *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 24 = IOWA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Studies Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Construction Mgmt Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Graphic Communication Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Microbiology Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Oral Health Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T T T T T T P P P T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Ag Transfer Program Agribusiness Management GIS/Agronomy Technician T T T T T T T P T T A P T T A T T T T T T T A/T T A A/T A A/T A P T T T T T T T T T T T A/T A/T A/T T A/T A Nursing P T A/T = 25 = Graphic Communications A A A T A T P T Civil Engineering Technology/Construction Technology Dental Hygiene A P P Advanced Building Trades Applied Electronic Media Studies IOWA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement ISU SUI UNI P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Architectural Engineering Technology Automotive Technology Aviation Maintenance Technology Civil Engineering Tech/Construction Tech Network Support Admin Computer Programmer Diesel Technology Electronic Engineering Technology Graphic Communications Electromechanical Technology* Fire Science Technology Industrial Operation Management Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mechanical Design & Production Technology* Mechanical Drafting & Design Technology* Mechanical Technology* Technical Support Aviation, Flight, and Admin Pre-Engineering Radio Broadcasting (Applied Electronic Media Studies) Safety Engineering Technology* Tool & Die Technology* *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 26 = KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Agronomy (Management & Business Option) Agronomy (Management & Businees Option) Agricultural Studies American Studies Animal Ecology Anthropology Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Enviromental) Communication Studies Communication Public Relations Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Computer Science Construction Engineering Criminology Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Economics (non-business) Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Environmental Science Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Forestry Geoscience Graphic Communication ISU SUI UNI T T P P T T T P P T A/T A/T T A P P T P T T A/T T T T A T T T T A/T T T A A T T T T P T T T T T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Agricultural—Marketing Technologies* AS Degree Ag Transfer Program Ag Business A A A A A T T A A T A T T A Communication Media/Public Relations Law Enforcement/Corrections A/T P P P A/T AA Degree A A A A A/T A T Apparel Design Apparel Merchandising Communications Electronics Technology* Electronics Engineering Technology Industrial Maintenance & HVAC Technology A/T A AA Degree A/T A A/T P = 27 = Graphic Communication Technology KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI UNI History A/T A A Horticulture T Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management T Housing and the Near Environment T Industrial Engineering T T Industrial Technology T Journalism/Mass Communication T A Management T A/T A/T Management Information Systems T A/T/P A/T Manufacturing Technology P Manufacturing Technology P Marketing T A/T A/T Materials Engineering T Mathematics T T T Mechanical Engineering T T Microbiology Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Oral Health Science Pharmacy—PharmD Philosophy Physics Political Science Production/Operations Management Psychology Psychology Religious Studies Secondary Education Social Work Sociology Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics T T P T A T A T A/T A A A A Communication Media/Public Relations Computer Information Systems CNC Machining Technology CAD/Mechanical Engineering Technology Nursing P T A T A A A A A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Dental Hygiene A T A A A A/T A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P T = 28 = Human and/or Disability Studies Human Services Architectural Technology Automotive Technology CAD/Mech Engineering Technology CNC Machining Technology Communications Electronics Technology* Construction Management Construction Technology* Diesel Power Technology Diesel Truck Technology Electronics Engineering Technology Fire Science Career Option Graphic Communication Technology Industrial Health & Safety* Industrial Maintenance & HVAC Technology LAN Management Telecommunications Technology Water Environmental Technology Welding Technologies Computer Support Specialist KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR ISU SUI UNI SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Library Consortium Agreement Joint Admission Program X X X T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. Kirkwood offers Associate of Arts Degrees in the following programs. It is understood that each of these degrees—as AAs—would be honored as such upon transfer to each of the Regent Universities: • Communications Media/Public Relations • Disability Services Careers • Education Careers • Corrections • Law Enforcement • Early Childhood Education • Sign Language Interpreting Training • Legal Assistant/Paralegal • Management Development • Human Services = 29 = April 2008 NORTH IOWA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Administration Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Health and Human Performance Health and Human Performance (Athletic Training) Health and Human Perfoatrmance (Community Health Ed) Health and Human Performance (PE Licensure) Health and Human Performance (Sport Management) Horticulture Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering ISU SUI UNI T T P P P T T T T A/T A P P P P P T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Agriculture Marketing and Finance Agriculture Operations Management Agriculture Sales and Service T E-Commerce—E—Business Option E-Commerce—E—Entrepreneurship Option E-Commerce—Web Application Dev Option E-Commerce—Web Graphic Design Option IST—Desktop Systems Option P P P T T T T P T T T T A T T = Transfer Plan P T IST—Management Information System Option IST—Network Administration Option IST—Web Systems Support Option Information Systems Technology A T AA Degree A/T T A/T A A P P A/T A A/T Electromechanical Systems Technology Mechanical Design Technology A A T A/T A/T A/T T = 30 = A A A NORTH IOWA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression (completion site) Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS RN to BSN Completion Site ISU SUI UNI T P T T A/T A/T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Nursing T T A/T T A A/T P P P P P Automotive Service Technology Climate Control Technology Electromechanical Systems Technology Mechanical Design Technology* Tool and Die Technology X *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 31 = NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Education Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Studies Agronomy Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community & Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family & Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Program Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Radiation Sciences (Peosta Campus) Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T P P T P P T A/T A Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM AS Degree (Agriculture) AS Degree (Agriculture) AS Degree (Agriculture) AS Degree (Agriculture) T T T T T T P T T T T T A T A/T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A A A/T P A A/T A T A/T A/T A/T A A A T T P T T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Electronic Engineering Technology Nursing T A P A/T Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management A A P P P P P P P P P = 32 = Radiation Technology Automotive Technology Computer Technology Computer Technology—Network Admin Special Opt* Computer Technology—Computer Elect Engr Option* Computer Technology—Geographic Info Systems Opt* Construction Technology—Commercial—Resident—Elect Opt Construction Technology—Carpentry Option Construction Technology—Carpentry Option Construction Technology—HVAC Option NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Joint Admission Program RN to BSN Completion Site ISU SUI UNI P P P P P P P P P P T X X T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Construction Technology—Industrial Electrician Opt Construction Technology—Plumbing Option Electro Engineering Tech (ASCO)* Electronic Engineering Technology* Electronic Technology Industrial Electrician Industrial Maintenance* Integrated Manufacturing Technician* Mechanical Engineering Technology* Nondestructive Testing Technology* Dairy Science *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 33 = NORTHWEST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Engineering Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Family and Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) General Engineering Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Mechanical Engineering Materials Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS RN to BSN Completion Site (Orange City) ISU SUI UNI T T T T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM T T T T T P T T T T A A/T A A/T P P P A A/T A T A/T A/T A/T T A A A T T T T T T T T T T T T T A T P T T A/T A Electrical Technology Electro Tech: Automated Systems/Robotics* Electro Tech: Indust Instrumentation/Control Nursing T A/T A P P P P P P P P T Automotive Service Tech Electrical Tech Computer Networking Tech Industrial & Commercial Wiring Industrial Instrumentation & Control Manufacturing Engineering Tech Powerline Tech—Business Mgmt Emphasis Powerline Tech—Tech Emphasis X *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. = 34 = NORTHweST IOWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 35 = SOUTHEASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community & Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Construction Management Construction Management Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family & Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing—Basic BSN Program Nursing—RN to BSN Progression Nutritional Science Pharmacy—PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Radiation Sciences Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T P P T T T A/T A T T T T T T T T T A T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Agriculture Production Management Agriculture Supplies and Services T T T A P P A/T T Construction Technology—Carpentry Opt Construction Tech—Construction Mgmt Opt A A/T P P A A A T A/T A/T A/T A A A T T P Automated Manufacturing Technology Electronics Technology Nursing T P A/T = 36 = A P P P P P P P Radiation Technolgy Tech Specialization Construction Technology Construction Tech-Construction Mgmt Option Design Engineering Technology Design Engineering Tech-Civil/Construct Opt Drafting Tech-Arch Construct Specialization* Drafting Tech-Drafting Tech Specialization SOUTHEASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation & Logistics P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement ISU SUI UNI P P P P P P P T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Graphic Communications Technology Drafting Tech-Manufactur Tech Specialization Electronics Technology Electronics Tech-Biomedical Specialization Electro Tech-Computer Hardware & Network Electro Tech-Electromech Tech Specialization Precision Machining Technology *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 37 = SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Business Agricultural Engineering Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family & Consumer Sciences (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing-Basic BSN Program Nursing-RN to BSN Progression Nutritional Science Pharmacy-PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics ISU SUI UNI T T P P T T T A/T A T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM AA Degree Agricultural Business T T T T T T P T T T T T A T A/T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A A A/T P A A/T A T A/T A/T A/T A A A T T P T T A/T A Electronic Tech Video and Audio* Nursing T A/T A P P P P P P P P T AS/400 Programming/Operator* Automotive Collision Repair Technology Business Systems Networking Computer Programming* Electro Engineering Tech-Computer Emph* Electro Engineering Tech-Indust Emphasis* Electromech Technology* Structural Drafting/Structural Engineer Tech *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. = 38 = SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. = 39 = April 2008 WESTERN IOWA TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Accounting Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Engineering Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Child, Adult, and Family Services Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Environmental) Community and Regional Planning Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Dietetics Early Childhood Education (FCS) Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Electrical Information and Engineering Technology Elementary Education Engineering (General) Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies Family Resource Management and Consumer Sciences Finance Food Science (FCS) Graphic Communication Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management Housing and the Near Environment Industrial Engineering Management Management Information Systems Marketing Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nursing-Basic BSN Program Nursing-RN to BSN Progression Nutritional Science Pharmacy-PharmD Production/Operations Management Psychology Secondary Education Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management ISU SUI UNI T T T T A/T A T T T T P T T T T A T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T A T T T A A/T P P P P P A A/T A P T A/T A/T A/T Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM A A/T T T = Transfer Plan Electronic Systems Technology Graphic Design A A A T T P Nursing T A/T A P P P P P P P P P P = 40 = Architectural Construction Engineering Tech Auto Collision Repair Tech Automotive Technology Band Instrument Repair Technology Computer Programming Graphic Design Electronic Systems Technology WESTERN IOWA TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE—continued The following codes indicate the type of agreement in the grid below: A = AA Agreement applies REGENT UNIVERSITY MAJOR Technology Management Technology Management Technology Management Transportation and Logistics P = Program to Program Articulation Agreement ISU SUI UNI P P P T T = Transfer Plan Shaded Box = Major not offered ARTICULATED CC PROGRAM Mechanical Engineering Technology Technical Business Management *Program no longer offered but the articulation agreement is still valid for students transferring with this degree program completed. Definitions AA Agreement applies (A): The acceptance of the Associate in Arts degree in meeting some or all of the general education requirements at the Regent University. Program to Program Articulation Agreement (P): The acceptance of courses taken in a specific two-year degree program at a community college toward meeting course requirements for a bachelor’s degree in the same or closely related program at the Regent University. Transfer Plan (T): A printed outline of courses that students can take at the community college that will transfer into a specific bachelor’s degree program at the designated Regent University. April 2008 = 41 = LACTS Members Michael Barron Assistant Provost for Enrollment Services & Director, Office of Admissions The University of Iowa 107 Calvin Hall Iowa City, IA 52242 319-335-1548 800-553-IOWA (4692) FAX: 319-335-1535 Laura J. Doering (Chair) Senior Associate Registrar & Director, Transfer Relations Iowa State University 314 Alumni Hall Ames, IA 50011-2010 515-294-0760 800-262-3810 FAX: 515-294-6106 Diana Gonzalez (Ex Officio) Policy & Operations Officer Board of Regents, State of Iowa Urbandale, IA 50322 515-281-3934 FAX: 515-281-6420 Christie M. Kangas Director of Admissions University of Northern Iowa Gilchrist Hall Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0018 319-273-2281 FAX: 319-273-2885 2008-2009 Robin Shaffer Lilienthal (Secretary) Vice Provost Iowa Valley Community College 123 Sixth Ave W Grinnell, IA 50112 641-236-0513, ext 2202 FAX: 641-236-0036 Roger Utman (Ex Officio) Chief, Bureau of Community Colleges & Career and Technical Education Iowa Department of Education Des Moines, Iowa 50319 515-281-3542 FAX: 515-281-6544 Kathleen Van Steenhuyse Dean, Social Science & Career Option Programs Kirkwood Community College 6301 Kirkwood Blvd, SW—Box 2068 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 319-398-4969 800-332-2055 FAX: 319-398-1021 Laurie A. Wolf Executive Dean, Student Services Des Moines Area Community College 2006 S Ankeny Blvd Ankeny, IA 50023 515-964-6437 FAX: 515-965-7154 Additional Information Iowa State University Office of Admissions 100 Alumni Hall Ames, IA 50011-2010 800-262-3810 FAX: 515-294-2592 The University of Iowa Office of Admissions Admission Visitors Center Iowa City, IA 52242-1396 800-553-IOWA FAX: 319-335-3637 University of Northern Iowa Office of Admissions 120 Gilchrist Hall Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0018 800-772-2037 FAX: 319-273-2885 The University of Iowa Office of Admissions—April 2008—jva = 42 =