August 17, 2015 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting of the EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND STUDENT SUCCESS COMMITTEE of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, Wisconsin, will be held in the BOARD ROOM (ROOM M210) of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Tuesday, August 18, 2015, beginning at 5:00 PM.* The agenda for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call 0B B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes – June 16, 2015 - Attachment 1 1B D. Comments from the Public E. Action Items 1. Tentative ESIR Meeting Schedule – Attachment 2 G. Discussion Items 1. 4th Quarter Advisory Committee Report – Attachment 3 2. Advisory Committee End-of-Year Equity Report – Attachment 4 3. FY2015-2016 Pathway Presentation Schedule – Attachment 5 H. Information Items 1. I. Enrollment Update Miscellaneous Items 3B 1. Information Items J. Old Business/New Business 1. Date of Next Meeting: September 22, 2015 Board Room (M210) Milwaukee Campus Committee Members: Isbister, Perez, Scheibel * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 2 Attachment ESSS - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND STUDENT SUCCESS June 16, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Education, Services, and Student Success Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, and called to order by Ms. Lauren Baker at 5:35 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A: ROLL CALL Present: Ms. Lauren Baker, Mr. Jose Perez, Ms. Mary Scheibel ITEM B: COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW The Education, Services, and Student Success Committee meeting was noticed in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C: APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 19, 2015 – Attachment 1 Motion: The minutes were approved without objection. ITEM D: COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Kevin Mulvenna, faculty and vice president, AFT Local 212 came to recognize Ms. Lauren Baker’s service and to express concerns about the current petitioning process and the lack of faculty engagement or use of the CDM process. Mr. Erwin Wuehr, faculty, Cardiovascular Technology and Anesthesia Technology Programs came to speak about the School of Health Sciences petitioning process and the lack of communication and collaboration. Mr. Paul Geibel, faculty, Radiography Program came to speak about the lack of communication, engagement, and decline of enrollments in the School of Health Sciences. ITEM E: ACTION ITEMS NONE Education, Services, and Student Success Minutes of June 16, 2015 Page 2 ITEM F: DISCUSSION ITEMS F-1 Pathway Update – Human Services – Attachment 2 Discussion: Dr. Mohammad Dakwar, provost, introduced Dr. Sadique Isahaku, dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Dr. Isahaku introduced Mr. Carl Morency, associate dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Mr. Morency introduced Ms. Vicki TroneNatwick, faculty, Human Services and Ms. Latrice Buck-Hogan, faculty, AODA. Mr. Morency briefly reviewed the Human Services Program. Ms. Trone-Natwick highlighted the competencies of the programs. Ms. Buck Hogan spoke about the AODA credentials available to students and the conversion of a new Technical Diploma. Ms. Gloria Pitchford-Nicholas, dean, School of Pre-College Education talked about the transitioning of Pre-College students into these programs. Mr. Jonathan Feld, director, Articulation and Transfer noted that this program does not have a direct connection to high schools and the potential development of some connections. F2 Funeral Services Update Discussion: Dr. Dakwar, provost, introduced Dr. Dessie Levy, dean, and Dr. Christine Olson, associate dean, School of Health Sciences. Dr. Olson gave a brief update of progress being made to remove the probation status of the Funeral Services program. F3 School of Health Sciences Petitioning Update Discussion: Dr. Levy gave an overview of how the petitioning process was started and has evolved to other programs. Dr. Levy explained for a model to address the huge waiting list and equity in allowing more diverse students back in 2007. She also stated that this model has been used as a best practice and has been praised by other WTCS colleges and Health Science accreditation agencies. Dr. Levy and her associate deans continue to meet with the faculty of all programs to better align the process to each program. An update to this will be brought to this committee early next fiscal year. Ms. Scheibel and Ms. Baker questioned the effectiveness of the petitioning process and recommended that management and faculty revisit the petition process and look into potential improvements. F4 International Student Initiative Update Discussion: Dr. Trevor Kubatzke, vice president, Student Services briefly highlighted initiatives in place to attract more international students. ITEM G: INFORMATION ITEMS G-1 Enrollment Update Dr. Kubatzke noted that Summer FTEs are slightly behind the same period last year. Education, Services, and Student Success Minutes of June 16, 2015 Page 3 ITEM H: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ITEM I: OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS – Date of Next Meeting – TBD ADJOURNMENT – The Committee adjourned at 7:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, `|v{xÄx `A VÉÇÜÉç Michele M. Conroy Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President & Provost Academic Affairs Attachment ESIR - 2 Tentative FY2015-2016 Education, Services, and Student Success Committee Meeting Schedule All meetings will begin at 5:00 p.m. ESIR Meeting Schedule Board Meeting Schedule Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Attachment ESSS - 3 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee APRIL - JUNE 2015 Advisory Committee Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt Accounting 14 7 7 0 2 9 5 1 Aesthetician 5 2 2 1 1 5 0 1 Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Technology 7 6 1 0 0 0 7 3 Anesthesia Technology 11 5 5 1 3 6 5 3 Animation 12 8 3 1 0 3 9 4 Appliance Technician 13 10 3 0 2 1 12 2 Architectural Technology 9 1 7 1 3 4 5 4 Auto Collision Repair And Finish Technician 16 10 5 1 2 4 12 4 Automotive Technology 13 9 2 2 1 1 12 2 Aviation Technician 10 6 3 1 0 0 10 4 Baking & Pastry Arts 11 5 6 0 2 5 6 5 Banking & Financial Services 9 7 2 0 3 5 4 0 Barber/cosmetologist 12 9 1 2 7 7 5 4 Biomedical Electronics Technology 13 2 9 2 4 3 10 5 Bricklaying And Masonry 6 4 2 0 0 0 6 3 Business Management 7 7 0 0 3 4 3 4 Cardiovascular Technology 10 1 8 1 1 7 3 5 Carpentry & Cabinetmaking 9 6 2 1 0 2 7 2 Chemical Technician 15 5 7 3 5 3 12 5 Civil Engineering Technology 10 4 6 0 1 1 9 4 Clinical Laboratory Technician/phlebotomy 9 3 5 1 1 6 3 2 Computer Electronics Technology 7 2 4 1 0 2 5 2 Computer Simulation And Gaming 8 6 1 1 0 1 7 1 Construction Electrician Apprenticeship 12 5 5 2 3 3 9 8 Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 8 4 2 2 2 1 7 3 Culinary Arts & Management 14 8 4 2 0 2 12 6 Dental Assistant 10 2 6 2 0 9 1 4 Dental Hygiene 7 3 3 1 3 3 4 2 Dental Technician 7 3 3 1 0 2 5 5 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing 15 11 3 1 2 3 12 3 Dietetic Technician/dietary Manager 11 6 3 2 1 8 3 5 Early Childhood Education 13 8 1 4 6 11 2 2 Ebusiness Technology Specialist 7 5 2 0 1 1 6 1 Educational Foundations 11 3 2 6 3 7 4 1 Electrical Power Distribution/line Mechanic 9 5 4 0 1 2 7 0 Electricity - Diploma 10 6 4 0 3 2 8 2 Electronic Engineering Technology 9 3 3 3 1 1 8 2 Electronic Technology Communication 10 3 6 1 0 2 8 5 Electronic Technology Controls Automation 13 4 9 0 3 1 12 4 * Category Information Incomplete Page 1 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee APRIL - JUNE 2015 Advisory Committee Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt Emergency Medical Services 7 2 4 1 0 1 6 1 Entrepreneurship 13 9 2 2 2 5 8 3 Environmental Health & Water Quality Tech 13 6 5 2 2 4 9 3 Environmental Service Technician 14 8 5 1 0 1 13 2 Fashion/retail Marketing 11 7 1 3 1 8 3 4 Fire Protection Technician 11 8 3 0 2 0 11 6 Food Science Technology 12 7 1 4 1 8 4 1 Funeral Service 14 13 1 0 3 4 10 9 Graphic Design 7 3 2 2 0 4 3 4 Health Unit Coordinator/services Management 7 1 6 0 1 6 1 2 Hotel/hospitality Management 11 10 1 0 0 2 9 1 Human Resources 5 5 0 0 1 3 2 0 Human Service Associate 10 7 2 1 7 7 3 1 Institutionalized Individual 14 11 2 1 5 5 9 0 Interactive Media 9 3 6 0 3 4 5 5 Interior Design 11 5 3 3 1 10 1 3 Interpreter Technician 10 3 2 5 1 6 4 3 It Computer Support Specialist 10 5 4 1 1 5 5 4 It Information Systems Security Specialist 14 5 8 1 0 3 11 4 It Network Specialist 11 4 7 0 2 2 9 4 It Programmer/analyst 10 5 3 2 2 4 6 3 Landscape Horticulture 10 10 0 0 1 5 5 5 Machine Tool/cnc - Tool & Die Making 11 3 7 1 1 1 10 2 Machine Trades Apprentice 5 3 1 1 0 0 5 0 Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice 8 2 4 2 0 3 5 2 Marketing Management 11 7 4 0 2 6 5 8 Mechanical Drafting & Design 11 6 5 0 0 3 8 6 Medical Assistant 10 5 3 2 5 9 1 4 Medical Coding 7 4 2 1 1 7 0 1 Medical Interpreter 7 6 1 0 4 5 2 1 Meeting And Event Management 10 10 0 0 2 7 3 2 Music Occupations 8 6 1 1 2 1 7 2 Nursing - Rn & Pn 8 3 4 1 2 7 1 2 Nursing Assistant 7 3 2 2 1 7 0 1 Occupational Therapy Assistant 9 1 7 1 2 8 1 6 Office Technology 10 3 6 1 5 9 1 3 Optician - Vision Care 10 5 4 1 2 5 5 6 Painting & Decorating Apprentice 8 3 4 1 1 2 6 0 Paralegal 10 2 8 0 3 8 2 4 * Category Information Incomplete Page 2 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee APRIL - JUNE 2015 Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Advisory Committee Total Mgt Pharmacy Technician 7 5 1 1 1 5 2 2 Photography 14 11 3 0 0 5 9 6 Physical Therapist Assistant 5 2 2 1 2 5 0 4 Power Engineering & Boiler Operator 7 4 3 0 1 0 7 3 Pre-college Education 16 7 6 3 10 8 8 1 Preparatory Plumbing 9 5 2 2 2 3 6 3 Quality Engineering Technology 8 5 2 1 0 3 5 2 Radiography 11 3 7 1 1 7 4 5 Real Estate 7 4 2 1 0 1 6 0 Renal Dialysis Technician 10 1 8 1 6 8 2 8 Renewable Energy 11 7 3 1 1 3 8 1 Respiratory Therapist 10 6 3 1 2 8 2 5 Roofer Apprentice 10 3 5 2 1 1 9 0 Sheet Metal Apprentice 13 4 7 2 1 2 11 2 Steamfitter & Refrigeration Apprentice 13 8 4 1 1 1 12 8 Supervisory Management 9 8 1 0 3 4 5 7 Supply Chain Management 8 7 1 0 0 1 7 4 Surgical Technology 8 1 5 2 1 5 3 3 Sustainable Facilities Operations 9 6 2 1 1 2 7 2 Television And Video Production 9 6 2 1 2 2 7 4 Truck Driving 9 8 0 1 0 2 7 0 Welding/weld Tech 12 9 3 0 0 0 12 5 * Category Information Incomplete Page 3 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Division Division Total Members Category Gender Consultants 9% 22 Grads School Of Business 254 School Of Health Sciences 195 82 42% 89 46% 24 12% 43 22% 137 70% 58 30% 85 44% School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences 59 26 44% 14 24% 19 32% 22 37% 34 58% 25 42% 12 20% School Of Media & Creative Arts 67 43 64% 18 27% 6 9% 7 10% 20 30% 47 70% 26 39% School Of Pre-college Education 30 18 60% 8 27% 4 13% 15 50% 13 43% 17 57% 1 3% School Of Technology & Applied Sciences 396 210 53% 147 37% 39 10% 42 11% 76 19% 320 81% 115 29% TOTAL 1001 533 53% 354 35% 114 11% 175 17% 398 40% 603 60% 316 32% * Category Information Incomplete Labor 31% 78 Minority Mgt 61% 154 46 Female Male 18% 118 46% 136 54% 77 30% Page 4 of 4 QUARTERLY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Text11: April, May, June 2015 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 4/1/2015 3:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN/PHLEBOTOMY 4/2/2015 8:30 AM HEC163 -- Milwaukee Campus MEDICAL ASSISTANT 4/14/2015 8:00 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS & AUTOMATION 4/14/2015 9:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 4/14/2015 5:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 4/15/2015 11:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus INTERACTIVE MEDIA 4/16/2015 11:00 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 4/16/2015 8:30 AM TVP -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 4/17/2015 1:00 PM 107 -- West Campus IT COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST 4/17/2015 8:00 AM 107 -- West Campus IT NETWORKING SPECIALIST 4/17/2015 8:30 AM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT 4/21/2015 8:30 AM A200E -- South Campus ACCOUNTING 4/21/2015 10:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus COMPUTER SIMULATION AND GAMING 4/21/2015 8:00 AM E114A -- South Campus POWER ENGINEERING & BOILER OPERATOR 4/21/2015 4:00 PM H230 -- Milwaukee Campus RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 4/22/2015 7:30 AM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL HYGIENE 4/22/2015 1:30 PM A202 -- North Campus IT PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 4/23/2015 8:00 AM E114A -- South Campus AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY 4/23/2015 3:00 PM 117 -- West Campus FUNERAL SERVICE 4/23/2015 1:30 PM C224 -- Milwaukee Campus INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 4/23/2015 11:30 AM 107 -- West Campus OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 4/24/2015 12:30 PM 451 -- MEC-South CARPENTERY & CABINETMAKING 4/24/2015 8:00 AM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL TECHNICIAN 4/24/2015 12:00 PM A202 -- North Campus ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION/LINE MECHANIC 4/24/2015 2:00 PM A202 -- North Campus IT INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEMS SPECIALIST Thursday, July 30, 2015 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 4/24/2015 8:00 AM HEC163 -- Milwaukee Campus NURSING ASSISTANT 4/24/2015 8:00 AM A200E -- South Campus SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 4/29/2015 11:30 AM M210 -- Milwaukee Campus PREPARATORY PLUMBING 4/30/2015 1:00 PM Off Campus AVIATION TECHNICIAN 4/30/2015 3:00 PM HEC163 -- Milwaukee Campu MEDICAL INTERPRETER 4/30/2015 1:00 PM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus RESPIRATORY THERAPIST 5/1/2015 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 5/1/2015 8:00 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus HUMAN RESOURCES 5/5/2015 8:00 AM 117 -- West Campus MACHINE TOOL/CNC - TOOL & DIE MAKING 5/5/2015 8:00 AM 117 -- West Campus MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 5/8/2015 2:30 PM 117 -- West Campus ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 5/12/2015 11:00 AM E114 -- South Campus ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN 5/12/2015 12:00 PM E114A -- South Campus SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 5/14/2015 4:00 PM Off Campus INTERIOR DESIGN 5/14/2015 8:30 AM M210 -- Milwaukee Campus MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 5/19/2015 8:00 AM E114A -- South Campus SUSTAINABLE FACILITIES OPERATIONS 6/19/2015 11:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUAL 6/24/2015 8:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE Thursday, July 30, 2015 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ACCOUNTING 14 members AESTHETICIAN 5 members 0 1 grad(s) 2 1 grad(s) Anastasia Barrientos originails Aesthetician / Massage Therapist (Labor/Nonminority) Brenda Schwab Quintessa Medical Spa Aesthetician (Labor/Nonminority) LaToya Stephens Femi Cosmetics Business Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Theresa Danzer Le Cocon Day Spa Spa owner, aesthetician, aesthetics instruc (Consult/Nonminority) Erin Clancy Blue Sky School of Professional Massage Aesthetician (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) BAKING & PASTRY ARTS 11 members 5 grad(s) BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES 9 members 0 0 0 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 1 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST 12 members 0 0 6 grad(s) eBUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST 7 members 0 4 grad(s) CULINARY ARTS & MANAGEMENT 14 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 4 grad(s) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 7 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 1 grad(s) Scott Isaacs TBD Consultant (Labor/Nonminority) Jason Evans GS Design Director, Interactive Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ENTREPRENEURSHIP 13 members 0 3 grad(s) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & WATER QUALITY TECH 13 members Claire Evers City of Milwaukee Health Department Consumer Environmental Health Supervis (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 0 Trent Wetterau Banana Republic District Merchandise Presentation Manag (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 3 grad(s) FASHION/RETAIL MARKETING 11 members 0 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 2 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 12 members 1 grad(s) 2 0 grad(s) IT COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST 10 members 0 4 grad(s) IT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY SPECIALIST 14 members Michael Hoffmann Johnson Controls Manager - IT Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 0 4 grad(s) IT NETWORK SPECIALIST 11 members 0 0 HUMAN RESOURCES 5 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 1 grad(s) HOTEL/HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT 11 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 4 grad(s) Troy Wyss Aurora Health Care SVP IT Infrastructure (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Bob Cole Fiserv Sr. Linux/VMware Engineer (Labor/Nonminority) IT PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 10 members MARKETING MANAGEMENT 11 members 0 3 grad(s) 0 8 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 3 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEETING AND EVENT MANAGEMENT 10 members 2 grad(s) 0 3 grad(s) PARALEGAL 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 0 grad(s) SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT 9 members 0 7 grad(s) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 8 members Lawanda Dotson Columbia St. Mary's HR Business Partner (Labor/Minority) 0 REAL ESTATE 7 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 10 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 4 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 11 members CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 10 members 0 5 grad(s) CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN/PHLEBOTOMY 9 members 0 0 2 grad(s) DENTAL TECHNICIAN 7 members Kaitlin Kunz Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Medical Technologist (Labor/Nonminority) 4 grad(s) DENTAL HYGIENE 7 members 0 2 grad(s) DENTAL ASSISTANT 10 members 0 3 grad(s) 0 5 grad(s) Keely Burmeister Pick N Save/Roundy's CSR (Labor/Nonminority) Richard W. Bong Layton Dental Lab, Inc. Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 5 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 11 members 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Michael Kopec Life Care Hospitals of Wisconsin Dietary Services Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 5 grad(s) Michelle Rybolt US Foods, Inc. Manager of National Accounts & Health (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Patti Cobb Froedtert Memorial Hospital Chief Clinical Dietitian (Labor/Nonminority) FUNERAL SERVICE 14 members 0 9 grad(s) HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR/SERVICES MANAGEMENT 7 members 0 4 grad(s) MEDICAL CODING 7 members 0 2 grad(s) MEDICAL ASSISTANT 10 members James Schutte Rozga-Schutte-Walloch Funeral Home Owner/Licensed Funeral Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Katie Kropp Elsevier Elsevier Educational Consultant (Consult/Nonminority) 0 1 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 6 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEDICAL INTERPRETER 7 members 1 grad(s) 0 2 grad(s) NURSING ASSISTANT 7 members 0 1 grad(s) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 9 members 0 6 grad(s) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 7 members 0 6 grad(s) OPTICIAN - VISION CARE 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 NURSING - RN & PN 8 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 2 grad(s) 0 Sally Fongaro Serve-You-RX Director, Mail Order Pharmacy Operatio (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Mike Gillard BCPS Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare – Frankl Pharmacy Supervisor (Nonminority) Julie R. Korb Surety Pro Pharmacy Director of Pharmacy Operations (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 7 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 5 members 2 4 grad(s) MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Nancy Brandon Community Memorial Hospital PTA (Labor/Nonminority) Rita Newton PT Physical Therapist (Consult/Nonminority) RADIOGRAPHY 11 members 0 5 grad(s) RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 10 members 8 grad(s) RESPIRATORY THERAPIST 10 members 0 0 5 grad(s) Virginia Berg St. Luke's Medical Center Education Coordinator (Labor/Nonminority) Mary Sylvester Froedtert Hospital Respiratory Therapy Education Coordin (Labor/Nonminority) SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 8 members 0 3 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 8 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 15 members 0 5 grad(s) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 13 members 2 grad(s) 0 1 grad(s) INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 10 members 0 1 grad(s) HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE 10 members Der Yang Lakeland College Associate Director (Consult/Minority) 0 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS 11 members John H. Engelman S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Scientist (Labor/Nonminority) 3 grad(s) 0 Donna Langwasser Caroline Ludka Waukesha County Technical College-PeOffice for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Lead Interpreter Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) (Consult/Nonminority) Susan Gallanis Wisconsin Registry of Interpreters for th President (Consult/Nonminority) Amber Mullet Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Sign Language Interpreter/ WMP Progra (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 9 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS ANIMATION 12 members 0 4 grad(s) Barbara Ferro Hanson Dodge Senior Producer (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Brad Krause Radiance Media Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) COMPUTER SIMULATION AND GAMING 8 members Wayman Harris Wayman Apps Founder / CEO (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) 0 Tom Stocki Tom Stocki LLC Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 1 grad(s) GRAPHIC DESIGN 7 members 0 4 grad(s) Jay Smith Draiochta Labs CEO (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Charlie Radtke Phoenix Marketing Group, Incorporated Vice President/ Creative Director (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 10 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC INTERACTIVE MEDIA 9 members 0 5 grad(s) MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Brad Manderscheid None Freelance Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Maurice Harshaw Direct Supply Interactive Designer (Labor/Minority) Meghan Miller C&H Front-End Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Gretchen Thomas Hanson Dodge Creative Director, User Experience (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 8 members 2 grad(s) 0 Brian Running Running, Brian E Atty at Law Attorney at Law (Labor/Nonminority) Martin Atkins Invisible Records Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 11 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC PHOTOGRAPHY 14 members 0 6 grad(s) MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED John Korom John Korom Photography Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Martin Peters Bon Ton Photographer (Labor/Nonminority) TELEVISION AND VIDEO PRODUCTION 9 members 4 grad(s) 0 Denise Roberts-McKee AboutFace Media President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 12 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUAL 14 members 0 0 grad(s) PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION 16 members 0 1 grad(s) Joy Fitzsimmons Milwaukee Day Reporting Center Program Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 13 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCES AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY 7 members 0 3 grad(s) APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN 13 members 0 2 grad(s) ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 9 members 0 4 grad(s) Nicolas Sanchez Eppstein Uhen Architects Project Specialist (Labor/Minority) Erin Ugowski Rightsize Facility Performance Designer (Labor/Nonminority) Wiliam Manley Zimmerman Architectural Studios Architectural Designer (Labor/Minority) AUTO COLLISION REPAIR AND FINISH TECHNICIAN 16 members 4 grad(s) AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 13 members 0 2 grad(s) AVIATION TECHNICIAN 10 members 0 0 4 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 14 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 13 members 0 4 grad(s) 0 8 grad(s) CRIMINAL JUSTICE - LAW ENFORCEMENT 8 members 0 2 grad(s) CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICESHIP 12 members Ronna Bromberg Pachefsly Plaster Gallery LLL Designer (Labor/Nonminority) 2 grad(s) COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 7 members 1 0 CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10 members 0 3 grad(s) CARPENTRY & CABINETMAKING 9 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 5 grad(s) BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY 6 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 3 grad(s) 0 Michael J. Marzion University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Chief of Police (Interim) (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Thomas Czaja Fox Point Police Dept Police Chief (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 15 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING 15 members 3 grad(s) 0 0 2 grad(s) ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 9 members 0 1 grad(s) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN 14 members 0 2 grad(s) FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN 11 members 0 4 grad(s) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 7 members 0 5 grad(s) ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION 13 members 0 2 grad(s) ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 10 members David Draper WE Energies Electric Operations Training Supervisor (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 0 grad(s) ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION/LINE MECHANIC 9 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT Carl Simons Madison Area Sheet Metal JATC Training Coordinator (Labor/Nonminority) 0 6 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 16 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC INTERIOR DESIGN 11 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 3 grad(s) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Genevieve Szeklinski Mount Mary University Interior Design Chair & Instructor (Consult/Nonminority) Paul Sherer Think Drawer, LLC Designer/Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) LANDSCAPE HORTICULTURE 10 members 5 grad(s) MACHINE TOOL/CNC - TOOL & DIE MAKING 11 members 2 0 grad(s) MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 8 members 0 0 6 grad(s) PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE 8 members Fred Nicora Carlson Tool & Manufacturing Corp. Employee Development Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 2 grad(s) MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 11 members 0 2 grad(s) MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 5 members 0 0 0 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 17 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP APRIL - JUNE 2015 COMMITTEE VAC POWER ENGINEERING & BOILER OPERATOR 7 members 3 grad(s) 0 2 grad(s) RENEWABLE ENERGY 11 members 0 1 grad(s) ROOFER APPRENTICE 10 members 0 0 grad(s) SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 13 members 0 0 0 grad(s) WELDING/WELD TECH 12 members 0 2 grad(s) TRUCK DRIVING 9 members Keith Kemper Sheet Metal workers' International Assn. Business Representative (Labor/Nonminority) 8 grad(s) SUSTAINABLE FACILITIES OPERATIONS 9 members 0 2 grad(s) STEAMFITTER & REFRIGERATION APPRENTICE 13 members 0 3 grad(s) QUALITY ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 8 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 PREPARATORY PLUMBING 9 members MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 5 grad(s) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 18 Attachment ESSS - 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Graduates Graduates% 7% 9% 2% 39 46 7 15% 117 46% 135 54% 18% 118 46% 136 54% 3% 1 0% 1 0% 80 77 -3 32% 30% -2% School of Health Sciences Jun'14 195 Jun'15 195 Change 0 78 82 4 40% 42% 2% 97 89 -8 50% 46% -4% 20 24 4 10% 12% 2% 37 43 6 19% 136 70% 22% 137 70% 3% 1 0% 59 58 -1 30% 30% 0% 89 85 -4 46% 44% -2% School of Liberal Arts & Sciences Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 58 59 1 25 26 1 43% 44% 1% 15 14 -1 26% 24% -2% 18 19 1 31% 32% 1% 21 22 1 36% 37% 1% 34 34 0 59% 58% -1% 24 25 1 41% 42% 1% 13 12 -1 22% 20% -2% School of Media & Creative Arts Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 75 67 -8 50 43 -7 67% 64% -3% 19 18 -1 25% 27% 2% 6 6 0 8% 9% 1% 9 7 -2 12% 10% -2% 20 20 0 27% 30% 3% 55 47 -8 73% 70% -3% 28 26 -2 37% 39% 2% School of Pre-College Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 28 30 2 16 18 2 57% 60% 3% 8 8 0 29% 27% -2% 4 4 0 14% 13% -1% 15 15 0 54% 50% -4% 12 13 1 43% 43% 0% 16 17 1 57% 57% 0% 0 1 1 0% 3% 3% School of Jun'14 366 192 Technology & Jun'15 396 210 Applied Sciences Change 30 18 52% 53% 1% 134 147 13 37% 37% 0% 40 39 -1 11% 10% -1% 32 42 10 9% 11% 2% 74 76 2 20% 292 80% 106 29% 19% 320 81% 115 29% -1% 28 1% 9 0% % District Total 52% 53% 1% 356 354 -2 37% 35% -2% 106 11% 153 16% 393 40% 581 60% 316 32% 114 11% 175 17% 398 40% 603 60% 316 32% 8 0% 22 1% 5 0% 22 0% 0 0% Division District Totals Jun'14 974 511 Jun'15 1001 533 Change 27 22 Male% 18 22 4 Male Minority 33% 31% -2% Female% Consultant% 83 78 -5 Female Consultant 60% 61% 1% Minority% Labor% Jun'14 252 150 Jun'15 254 154 Change 2 4 Year Management School of Business Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Labor Gender Management% Category 1 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Gender Total Members Category Accounting Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 14 2 4 7 3 33% 50% 17% 8 7 -1 67% 50% -17% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 8% 14% 6% 8 9 1 67% 64% -3% 4 5 1 33% 36% 3% 1 1 0 Aesthetician * New Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 5 2 40% 2 40% 1 20% 1 20% 5 100% 0 0% 1 Baking & Pastry Arts Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 11 -1 4 5 1 33% 45% 12% 8 6 -2 67% 55% -12% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 8% 18% 10% 6 5 -1 50% 45% -5% 6 6 0 50% 55% 5% 6 5 -1 Banking and Finance Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 9 0 6 7 1 67% 78% 11% 3 2 -1 33% 22% -11% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 3 1 22% 33% 11% 5 5 0 56% 56% 0% 4 4 0 44% 44% 0% 1 0 -1 Barber/ Cosmetologist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 12 -1 11 9 -2 85% 75% -10% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 1 2 1 8% 17% 9% 9 7 -2 69% 58% -11% 8 7 -1 62% 58% -4% 5 5 0 38% 42% 4% 7 4 -3 Business Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 7 0 6 7 1 86% 100% 14% 1 0 -1 14% 0% -14% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 43% 43% 0% 3 4 1 43% 57% 14% 4 3 -1 57% 43% -14% 4 4 0 Culinary Arts & Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 14 1 8 8 0 62% 57% -5% 3 4 1 23% 29% 6% 2 2 0 15% 14% -1% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 8% 14% 6% 12 12 0 92% 86% -6% 6 6 0 Ebusiness Techonology Specialist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 7 -3 7 5 -2 70% 71% 1% 3 2 -1 30% 29% -1% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 10% 14% 4% 1 1 0 10% 14% 4% 9 6 -3 90% 86% -4% 2 1 -1 Entrepreneurship Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 13 0 9 9 0 69% 69% 0% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% 4 5 1 31% 38% 7% 9 8 -1 69% 62% -7% 3 3 0 Environmental Health & Water Quality Tech Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 13 0 7 6 -1 54% 46% -8% 6 5 -1 46% 38% -8% 0 2 2 0% 15% 15% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% 3 4 1 23% 31% 8% 10 9 -1 77% 69% -8% 4 3 -1 Division /Advisory Committee Year School of Business 2 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Gender Total Members Category 11 11 0 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 2 1 -1 18% 9% -9% 2 3 1 18% 27% 9% 0 1 1 0% 9% 9% 8 8 0 73% 73% 0% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 2 4 2 Jun'14 11 Jun'15 12 Change 100% 6 7 1 55% 58% 3% 1 1 0 9% 8% -1% 3 4 1 27% 33% 6% 1 1 0 9% 8% -1% 8 8 0 73% 67% -6% 3 4 1 27% 33% 6% 1 1 0 Hotel/Hospitality Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 11 2 9 10 1 100% 91% -9% 0 1 1 0% 9% 9% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 -2 22% 0% -22% 4 2 -2 44% 18% -26% 5 9 4 56% 82% 26% 1 1 0 Human Resources Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 5 -2 6 5 -1 86% 100% 14% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 0 -1 14% 0% -14% 1 1 0 14% 20% 6% 4 3 -1 57% 60% 3% 3 2 -1 43% 40% -3% 0 0 0 IT Computer Support Specialist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 4 5 1 40% 50% 10% 5 4 -1 50% 40% -10% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 0 1 1 0% 10% 10% 4 5 1 40% 50% 10% 6 5 -1 60% 50% -10% 4 4 0 IT Information Systems Security Specialist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 14 14 0 6 5 -1 43% 36% -7% 7 8 1 50% 57% 7% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 21% 21% 0% 11 11 0 79% 79% 0% 4 4 0 IT Network Specialist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 11 3 3 4 1 38% 36% -2% 5 7 2 63% 64% 1% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 13% 18% 5% 2 2 0 25% 18% -7% 6 9 3 75% 82% 7% 3 4 1 IT Programmer Anaylst Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 10 2 4 5 1 50% 50% 0% 2 3 1 25% 30% 5% 2 2 0 25% 20% -5% 1 2 1 13% 20% 7% 3 4 1 38% 40% 2% 5 6 1 63% 60% -3% 2 3 1 Marketing Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 11 0 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 4 4 0 36% 36% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 18% 18% 0% 6 6 0 55% 55% 0% 5 5 0 45% 45% 0% 8 8 0 Meeting & Event Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 10 -1 7 10 3 64% 100% 36% 4 0 -4 36% 0% -36% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 9% 20% 11% 7 7 0 64% 70% 6% 4 3 -1 36% 30% -6% 3 2 -1 Division /Advisory Committee Year Fashion/Retail Marketing Jun'14 Jun'15 Change Food Science Technology 3 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Gender Total Members Category Office Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 10 3 3 3 0 43% 30% -13% 3 6 3 43% 60% 17% 1 1 0 14% 10% -4% 3 5 2 43% 50% 7% 7 9 2 100% 90% -10% 0 1 1 0% 10% 10% 1 3 2 Paralegal Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 10 1 1 2 1 11% 20% 9% 8 8 0 89% 80% -9% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 33% 30% -3% 7 8 1 78% 80% 2% 2 2 0 22% 20% -2% 4 4 0 Real Estate Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 6 7 1 4 4 0 67% 57% -10% 2 2 0 33% 29% -4% 0 1 1 0% 14% 14% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 14% -3% 5 6 1 83% 86% 3% 0 0 0 Supervisory Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 9 -2 9 8 -1 82% 89% 7% 2 1 -1 18% 11% -7% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 27% 33% 6% 5 4 -1 45% 44% -1% 6 5 -1 55% 56% 1% 8 7 -1 Supply Chain Management Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 6 8 2 5 7 2 83% 88% 5% 1 1 0 17% 13% -4% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 17% 13% -4% 5 7 2 83% 88% 5% 3 4 1 Business & Information Technology Jun'14 252 Jun'15 254 Change 2 150 154 4 60% 61% 1% 83 78 -5 33% 31% -2% 18 22 4 7% 9% 2% 39 46 7 15% 117 46% 135 54% 18% 118 46% 136 54% 3% 1 0% 1 0% 80 77 -3 Division /Advisory Committee 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Anesthesia Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 11 0 4 5 1 36% 45% 9% 6 5 -1 55% 45% -10% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 4 3 -1 36% 27% -9% 4 6 2 36% 55% 19% 7 5 -2 64% 45% -19% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% Cardiovascular Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% Clinical Laboratory Technician/ Phlebotomy Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 9 0 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 5 5 0 56% 56% 0% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 0 1 1 0% 11% 11% 6 6 0 67% 67% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% Dental Assistant Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 9 9 0 90% 90% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% Dental Hygiene Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 7 -1 3 3 0 38% 43% 5% 4 3 -1 50% 43% -7% 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 3 3 0 38% 43% 5% 4 3 -1 50% 43% -7% 4 4 0 50% 57% 7% 3 2 -1 38% 29% -9% Dental Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 5 7 2 2 3 1 40% 22% -18% 2 3 1 40% 43% 3% 1 1 0 20% 14% -6% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 20% 29% 9% 4 5 1 80% 71% -9% 4 5 1 80% 71% -9% Dietetic Technician/ Dietary Manager Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 11 -2 8 6 -2 62% 55% -7% 3 3 0 23% 27% 4% 2 2 0 15% 18% 3% 1 1 0 8% 9% 1% 10 8 -2 77% 73% -4% 3 3 0 23% 27% 4% 6 5 -1 46% 45% -1% Funeral Service Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 15 14 -1 14 13 -1 93% 93% 0% 1 1 0 7% 7% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 20% 21% 1% 4 4 0 27% 29% 2% 11 10 -1 73% 71% -2% 10 9 -1 67% 64% -3% Division /Advisory Committee Year School of Health Sciences 5 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Health Unit Coordinator/Services Mgt Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 7 -1 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 7 6 -1 88% 86% -2% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 7 6 -1 88% 86% -2% 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 2 2 0 25% 29% 4% Medical Assistant Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 10 3 3 5 2 43% 50% 7% 4 3 -1 57% 30% -27% 0 2 2 0% 20% 20% 4 5 1 57% 50% -7% 7 9 2 100% 90% -10% 0 1 1 0% 10% 10% 4 4 0 57% 40% -17% Medical Coding Specialist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 7 -1 5 4 -1 63% 57% -6% 2 2 0 25% 29% 4% 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 1 1 0 13% 14% 1% 8 7 -1 100% 100% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 1 -1 25% 14% -11% Medical Interpreter Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 2 7 5 1 6 5 50% 86% 36% 1 1 0 50% 14% -36% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 4 4 0% 57% 57% 1 5 4 50% 71% 21% 1 2 1 50% 29% -21% 1 1 0 50% 14% -36% Nursing (RN + PN) Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 8 1 3 3 0 43% 38% -5% 4 4 0 57% 50% -7% 0 1 1 0% 13% 13% 2 2 0 29% 25% -4% 6 7 1 86% 88% 2% 1 1 0 14% 13% -1% 2 2 0 29% 25% -4% Nursing Assistant Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 7 0 2 3 1 29% 43% 14% 3 2 -1 43% 29% -14% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 0 1 1 0% 14% 14% 6 7 1 86% 100% 14% 1 0 -1 14% 0% -14% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% Occupational Therapy Assistant Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 9 -1 1 1 0 10% 11% 1% 8 7 -1 80% 78% -2% 1 1 0 10% 11% 1% 2 2 0 20% 22% 2% 9 8 -1 90% 89% -1% 1 1 0 10% 11% 1% 6 6 0 60% 67% 7% Optician - Vision Care Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% Pharmacy Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 7 -2 8 5 -3 89% 71% -18% 1 1 0 11% 14% 3% 0 1 1 0% 14% 14% 1 1 0 11% 14% 3% 7 5 -2 78% 71% -7% 2 2 0 22% 29% 7% 2 2 0 22% 29% 7% Division /Advisory Committee 6 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Physical Therapist Assistant Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 5 -2 3 2 -1 43% 40% -3% 3 2 -1 43% 40% -3% 1 1 0 14% 20% 6% 2 2 0 29% 40% 11% 7 5 -2 100% 100% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 5 4 -1 71% 80% 9% Radiography Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 11 0 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 4 4 0 36% 36% 0% 5 5 0 45% 45% 0% Renal Dialysis Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% Respiratory Therapist Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 4 6 2 40% 60% 20% 5 3 -2 50% 30% -20% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% Surgical Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 8 0 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% Health Occupations Division Jun'14 195 Jun'15 195 Change 0 78 82 4 40% 42% 2% 97 89 -8 50% 46% -4% 20 24 4 10% 12% 2% 37 43 6 19% 136 70% 22% 137 70% 3% 1 0% 59 58 -1 30% 30% 0% 89 85 -4 46% 44% -2% Division /Advisory Committee 7 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 14 15 1 5 5 0 36% 33% -3% 7 7 0 50% 47% -3% 2 3 1 14% 20% 6% 5 5 0 36% 33% -3% 2 3 1 14% 20% 6% 12 12 0 86% 80% -6% 4 5 1 29% 33% 4% Early Childhood Education Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 13 1 8 8 0 67% 62% -5% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 3 4 1 25% 31% 6% 5 6 1 42% 46% 4% 10 11 1 83% 85% 2% 2 2 0 17% 15% -2% 2 2 0 17% 15% -2% Educational Foundations (Teacher Ed Track) Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 11 1 0 3 3 0% 27% 27% 3 2 -1 30% 18% -12% 7 6 -1 70% 55% -15% 3 3 0 30% 27% -3% 7 7 0 70% 64% -6% 3 4 1 30% 36% 6% 1 1 0 10% 9% -1% Human Service Associate Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 7 7 0 70% 70% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% Interpreter Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 10 -2 5 3 -2 42% 30% -12% 2 2 0 17% 20% 3% 5 5 0 42% 50% 8% 1 1 0 8% 10% 2% 8 6 -2 67% 60% -7% 4 4 0 33% 40% 7% 5 3 -2 42% 30% -12% Liberal Arts & Sciences Division Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 58 59 1 25 26 1 43% 44% 1% 15 14 -1 26% 24% -2% 18 19 1 31% 32% 1% 21 22 1 36% 37% 1% 34 34 0 59% 58% -1% 24 25 1 41% 42% 1% 13 12 -1 22% 20% -2% Year Mgt Chemical Technician Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Labor Gender Mgt% Category School of Liberal Arts & Sciences 8 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Consultant% Minority Minority% Female 8 8 0 67% 67% 0% 3 3 0 25% 25% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 3 1 Computer Simulation and Gaming Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 8 -1 7 78% 6 75% -1 -3% 1 1 0 11% 13% 2% 1 1 0 11% 1 11% 2 22% 13% 0 0% 1 13% 2% -1 -11% -1 -9% Graphic Design Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 7 -1 4 50% 3 3% -1 -47% 2 2 0 25% 2% -23% 2 25% 0 2 2% 0 0 -23% 0 Interactive Media Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 9 -4 5 38% 3 33% -2 -5% 8 6 -2 62% 67% 5% 0 0 0 Music Occupations Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 8 -2 9 90% 6 75% -3 -15% 0 1 1 0% 13% 13% Photography Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 14 1 10 77% 11 3% 1 -74% 3 3 0 Television and Video Production Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 9 -1 7 70% 6 67% -1 -3% Media & Creative Arts Division Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 75 67 -8 50 67% 43 64% -7 -3% 3 4 1 25% 33% 8% 7 7 0 78% 88% 10% 2 1 -1 22% 13% -9% 3 38% 5 4 4% 3 1 -34% -2 63% 43% -20% 4 4 0 50% 57% 7% 0% 0% 0% 4 31% 5 38% 8 3 33% 4 44% 5 -1 2% -1 6% -3 62% 56% -6% 8 5 -3 62% 56% -6% 1 1 0 10% 13% 3% 2 2 0 20% 25% 5% 1 1 0 10% 9 13% 7 3% -2 90% 88% -2% 2 2 0 20% 25% 5% 23% 21% -2% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 4 5 1 31% 36% 5% 9 9 0 69% 64% -5% 6 6 0 46% 43% -3% 2 2 0 20% 22% 2% 1 1 0 10% 11% 1% 2 2 0 20% 3 30% 22% 2 22% 2% -1 -8% 7 7 0 70% 78% 8% 3 4 1 30% 44% 14% 19 18 -1 25% 27% 2% 6 6 0 8% 9% 1% 9 12% 20 27% 55 7 10% 20 30% 47 -2 -2% 0 3% -8 73% 70% -3% 28 37% 26 39% -2 2% Male 83% 75% -8% Female% Graduates% Consultant 12 12 0 Graduates Labor% Jun'14 Jun'15 Change Year Male% Labor Animation Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Mgt% Gender Mgt Category School of Media & Creative Arts 0% 0% 0% 17% 10 25% 9 8% -1 9 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% 2 2 0 15% 14% -1% 1 1 0 8% 7% -1% 5 5 0 38% 36% -2% 5 5 0 38% 36% -2% 8 9 1 62% 64% 2% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% Pre-College Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 15 16 1 6 7 1 40% 44% 4% 6 6 0 40% 38% -2% 3 3 0 20% 10 67% 19% 10 63% -1% 0 -4% 7 8 1 47% 50% 3% 8 8 0 53% 50% -3% 0 0% 1 6% 1 6% Pre-College Division Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 28 30 2 16 57% 18 60% 2 3% 8 8 0 29% 27% -2% 4 4 0 14% 15 54% 12 43% 16 57% 13% 15 50% 13 43% 17 57% -1% 0 -4% 1 0% 1 0% 0 0% 1 3% 1 3% Graduates% Consultant% 10 77% 11 79% 1 2% Graduates Consultant 13 14 1 Mgt% Jun'14 Jun'15 Change Year Mgt Instituitionalized Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Labor% Gender Labor Category School of Pre-College * Please note that the Pre-College Division - Instituitionalized Advisory Committee is a Specialized Advisory Committee. 10 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% 6 6 0 86% 86% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 7 7 0 100% 100% 0% 3 3 0 43% 43% 0% Appliance Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 13 3 9 90% 10 77% 1 -13% 1 3 2 10% 23% 13% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 2 2 0% 15% 15% 1 1 0 10% 8% -2% 9 12 3 90% 92% 2% 2 2 0 20% 15% -5% Architectural Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 6 9 3 1 1 0 17% 11% -6% 4 7 3 67% 78% 11% 1 1 0 17% 11% -6% 1 3 2 17% 33% 16% 2 4 2 33% 44% 11% 4 5 1 67% 56% -11% 1 4 3 17% 44% 27% Auto Collision Repair and Finish Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 16 3 7 10 3 54% 63% 9% 5 5 0 38% 31% -7% 1 1 0 8% 6% -2% 2 2 0 15% 13% -2% 3 4 1 23% 25% 2% 10 12 2 77% 75% -2% 4 4 0 31% 25% -6% Automotive Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 17 13 -4 13 9 -4 76% 69% -7% 2 2 0 12% 15% 3% 2 2 0 12% 15% 3% 2 1 -1 12% 8% -4% 1 1 0 6% 8% 2% 16 12 -4 94% 92% -2% 2 2 0 12% 15% 3% Aviation Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 10 10 0 100% 100% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% Biomedical Electronics Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 13 0 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 9 9 0 69% 69% 0% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% 4 4 0 31% 31% 0% 3 3 0 23% 23% 0% 10 10 0 77% 77% 0% 5 5 0 38% 38% 0% Bricklaying and Masonry Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 6 6 0 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% 2 2 0 33% 33% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 6 6 0 100% 100% 0% 3 3 0 50% 50% 0% Carpentry & Cabinetmaking Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 9 0 7 6 -1 78% 67% -11% 1 2 1 11% 22% 11% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 11% 22% 11% 8 7 -1 89% 78% -11% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% Labor 7 7 0 Mgt% Jun'14 Jun'15 Change Year Mgt Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Division /Advisory Committee Total Members Consultant Gender Labor% Category School of Technology & Applied Sciences 11 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Civil Engineering Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 9 9 0 90% 90% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% Computer Electronics Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 7 0 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% 5 5 0 71% 71% 0% 2 2 0 29% 29% 0% Construction Electrician Apprenticeship Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 12 5 3 5 2 43% 42% -1% 2 5 3 29% 42% 13% 2 2 0 29% 17% -12% 1 3 2 14% 25% 11% 2 3 1 29% 25% -4% 5 9 4 71% 75% 4% 6 8 2 86% 67% -19% Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 8 1 5 4 -1 1% 50% 49% 1 2 1 14% 25% 11% 1 2 1 14% 25% 11% 0 2 2 0% 25% 25% 1 1 0 14% 13% -1% 6 7 1 86% 88% 2% 2 3 1 29% 38% 9% Diesel & Powertrain Servicing Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 15 6 6 11 5 67% 73% 6% 2 3 1 22% 20% -2% 1 1 0 11% 7% -4% 2 2 0 22% 13% -9% 1 3 2 11% 20% 9% 8 12 4 89% 80% -9% 3 3 0 33% 20% -13% Electrical Power Distribution/ Line Mechanic Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 9 2 3 5 2 43% 56% 13% 4 4 0 57% 44% -13% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 1 1 0% 11% 11% 1 2 1 14% 22% 8% 6 7 1 86% 78% -8% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Electricity Diploma Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 4 4 0 40% 40% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% Electronic Engineering Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 9 0 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 0 1 1 0% 11% 11% 1 1 0 11% 11% 0% 8 8 0 89% 89% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% Electronic Technology Communication Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 10 0 3 3 0 30% 30% 0% 6 6 0 60% 60% 0% 1 1 0 10% 10% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 2 0 20% 20% 0% 8 8 0 80% 80% 0% 5 5 0 50% 50% 0% Division /Advisory Committee 12 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Electronic Technology Controls Automation Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 13 0 4 4 0 31% 31% 0% 9 9 0 69% 69% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 23% 23% 0% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 12 12 0 92% 92% 0% 4 4 0 31% 31% 0% Emergency Medical Services * Split from Fire Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 2 29% 4 57% 1 14% 0 0% 1 14% 6 86% 1 14% Environmental Service Technicain Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 14 3 7 8 1 64% 57% -7% 4 5 1 36% 36% 0% 0 1 1 0% 7% 7% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 9% 7% -2% 10 13 3 91% 93% 2% 1 2 1 9% 14% 5% Fire Protection Tech (EMT Split off) Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 11 -1 7 8 1 58% 73% 15% 4 3 -1 33% 27% -6% 1 0 -1 8% 0% -8% 3 2 -1 25% 18% -7% 3 0 -3 25% 9 0% 11 -25% 2 75% 100% 25% 8 6 -2 67% 55% -12% Interior Design Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 11 1 6 5 -1 60% 45% -15% 2 3 1 20% 27% 7% 2 3 1 20% 27% 7% 1 1 0 10% 9% -1% 9 10 1 90% 91% 1% 1 1 0 10% 9% -1% 3 3 0 30% 27% -3% Landscape Horticulture Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 10 1 8 89% 10 100% 2 11% 1 0 -1 11% 0% -11% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 11% 10% -1% 5 5 0 56% 50% -6% 4 5 1 44% 50% 6% 4 5 1 44% 50% 6% Machine Tool/CNC Tool & Die Making Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 16 11 -5 5 3 -2 31% 27% -4% 9 7 -2 56% 64% 8% 2 1 -1 13% 9% -4% 1 1 0 6% 9% 3% 1 1 0 6% 9% 3% 15 10 -5 94% 91% -3% 5 2 -3 31% 18% -13% Machine Trades Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 5 5 0 2 3 1 40% 60% 20% 1 1 0 20% 20% 0% 2 1 -1 40% 20% -20% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 2 0 -2 40% 0% -40% 3 5 2 60% 100% 40% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 8 0 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 4 4 0 50% 50% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% Division /Advisory Committee 13 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Mechanical Drafting & Design Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 11 0 5 6 1 45% 55% 10% 6 5 -1 55% 45% -10% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 8 8 0 73% 73% 0% 6 6 0 55% 55% 0% Painting & Decorating Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 8 0 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 3 4 1 38% 50% 12% 2 1 -1 25% 13% -12% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 6 6 0 75% 75% 0% 1 0 -1 13% 0% -13% Power Engineering & Boiler Operator Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 7 0 4 4 0 57% 57% 0% 3 3 0 43% 43% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 14% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 7 7 0 100% 100% 0% 3 3 0 43% 43% 0% Preparatory Plumbing Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 9 9 0 5 5 0 56% 56% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% 2 2 0 22% 22% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% 6 6 0 67% 67% 0% 3 3 0 33% 33% 0% Quality Engineering Technology Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 8 0 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% 1 1 0 13% 13% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 3 3 0 38% 38% 0% 5 5 0 63% 63% 0% 2 2 0 25% 25% 0% Renewable Energy Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 11 0 7 7 0 64% 64% 0% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% 1 1 0 3% 9% 6% 3 3 0 27% 27% 0% 8 8 0 73% 73% 0% 1 1 0 9% 9% 0% Roofer Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 8 10 2 4 3 -1 50% 30% -20% 3 5 2 38% 50% 12% 1 2 1 13% 20% 7% 0 1 1 0% 10% 10% 1 1 0 13% 10% -3% 7 9 2 88% 90% 2% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Sheet Metal Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 13 13 0 2 4 2 15% 31% 16% 8 7 -1 62% 54% -8% 3 2 -1 23% 15% -8% 1 1 0 8% 8% 0% 3 2 -1 23% 15% -8% 10 11 1 77% 85% 8% 2 2 0 15% 15% 0% Steamfitter & Refrigeration Apprentice Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 11 13 2 6 8 2 55% 62% 7% 4 4 0 36% 31% -5% 1 1 0 9% 8% -1% 0 1 1 0% 8% 8% 2 1 -1 18% 9 8% 12 -10% 3 82% 92% 10% 4 8 4 36% 62% 26% Division /Advisory Committee 14 Advisory Committee Data Summary Comparison of June 2014 to June 2015 Division and District Total Year Mgt Mgt% Labor Labor% Consultant Consultant% Minority Minority% Female Female% Male Male% Graduates Graduates% Gender Total Members Category Sustainable Facilities Operations Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 10 9 -1 6 6 0 60% 67% 7% 2 2 0 20% 22% 2% 2 1 -1 20% 11% -9% 1 1 0 10% 11% 1% 3 2 -1 30% 22% -8% 7 7 0 70% 78% 8% 1 2 1 10% 22% 12% Truck Driving Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 7 9 2 6 8 2 86% 89% 3% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 1 0 14% 11% -3% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 2 1 14% 22% 8% 6 7 1 86% 78% -8% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% Welding/ Weld Technician Jun'14 Jun'15 Change 12 12 0 8 9 1 67% 75% 8% 4 3 -1 33% 25% -8% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 1 0 -1 8% 0% -8% 11 12 1 92% 100% 8% 4 5 1 33% 42% 9% Technology & Applied Sciences Division Jun'14 366 192 52% 134 37% Jun'15 396 210 53% 147 37% Change 30 18 1% 13 0% 40 39 -1 11% 10% -1% 32 42 10 9% 11% 2% 74 76 2 20% 292 19% 320 -1% 28 80% 81% 1% Division /Advisory Committee 106 29% 115 29% 9 0% 15 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee JUNE 2015 Advisory Committee Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt Accounting 14 7 7 0 2 9 5 1 Aesthetician 5 2 2 1 1 5 0 1 Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Technology 7 6 1 0 0 0 7 3 Anesthesia Technology 11 5 5 1 3 6 5 3 Animation 12 8 3 1 0 3 9 4 Appliance Technician 13 10 3 0 2 1 12 2 Architectural Technology 9 1 7 1 3 4 5 4 Auto Collision Repair And Finish Technician 16 10 5 1 2 4 12 4 Automotive Technology 13 9 2 2 1 1 12 2 Aviation Technician 10 6 3 1 0 0 10 4 Baking & Pastry Arts 11 5 6 0 2 5 6 5 Banking & Financial Services 9 7 2 0 3 5 4 0 Barber/cosmetologist 12 9 1 2 7 7 5 4 Biomedical Electronics Technology 13 2 9 2 4 3 10 5 Bricklaying And Masonry 6 4 2 0 0 0 6 3 Business Management 7 7 0 0 3 4 3 4 Cardiovascular Technology 10 1 8 1 1 7 3 5 Carpentry & Cabinetmaking 9 6 2 1 0 2 7 2 Chemical Technician 15 5 7 3 5 3 12 5 Civil Engineering Technology 10 4 6 0 1 1 9 4 Clinical Laboratory Technician/phlebotomy 9 3 5 1 1 6 3 2 Computer Electronics Technology 7 2 4 1 0 2 5 2 Computer Simulation And Gaming 8 6 1 1 0 1 7 1 Construction Electrician Apprenticeship 12 5 5 2 3 3 9 8 Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 8 4 2 2 2 1 7 3 Culinary Arts & Management 14 8 4 2 0 2 12 6 Dental Assistant 10 2 6 2 0 9 1 4 Dental Hygiene 7 3 3 1 3 3 4 2 Dental Technician 7 3 3 1 0 2 5 5 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing 15 11 3 1 2 3 12 3 Dietetic Technician/dietary Manager 11 6 3 2 1 8 3 5 Early Childhood Education 13 8 1 4 6 11 2 2 Ebusiness Technology Specialist 7 5 2 0 1 1 6 1 Educational Foundations 11 3 2 6 3 7 4 1 Electrical Power Distribution/line Mechanic 9 5 4 0 1 2 7 0 Electricity - Diploma 10 6 4 0 3 2 8 2 Electronic Engineering Technology 9 3 3 3 1 1 8 2 Electronic Technology Communication 10 3 6 1 0 2 8 5 Electronic Technology Controls Automation 13 4 9 0 3 1 12 4 * Category Information Incomplete 16 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee APRIL - JUNE 2015 Advisory Committee Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt Emergency Medical Services 7 2 4 1 0 1 6 1 Entrepreneurship 13 9 2 2 2 5 8 3 Environmental Health & Water Quality Tech 13 6 5 2 2 4 9 3 Environmental Service Technician 14 8 5 1 0 1 13 2 Fashion/retail Marketing 11 7 1 3 1 8 3 4 Fire Protection Technician 11 8 3 0 2 0 11 6 Food Science Technology 12 7 1 4 1 8 4 1 Funeral Service 14 13 1 0 3 4 10 9 Graphic Design 7 3 2 2 0 4 3 4 Health Unit Coordinator/services Management 7 1 6 0 1 6 1 2 Hotel/hospitality Management 11 10 1 0 0 2 9 1 Human Resources 5 5 0 0 1 3 2 0 Human Service Associate 10 7 2 1 7 7 3 1 Institutionalized Individual 14 11 2 1 5 5 9 0 Interactive Media 9 3 6 0 3 4 5 5 Interior Design 11 5 3 3 1 10 1 3 Interpreter Technician 10 3 2 5 1 6 4 3 It Computer Support Specialist 10 5 4 1 1 5 5 4 It Information Systems Security Specialist 14 5 8 1 0 3 11 4 It Network Specialist 11 4 7 0 2 2 9 4 It Programmer/analyst 10 5 3 2 2 4 6 3 Landscape Horticulture 10 10 0 0 1 5 5 5 Machine Tool/cnc - Tool & Die Making 11 3 7 1 1 1 10 2 Machine Trades Apprentice 5 3 1 1 0 0 5 0 Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice 8 2 4 2 0 3 5 2 Marketing Management 11 7 4 0 2 6 5 8 Mechanical Drafting & Design 11 6 5 0 0 3 8 6 Medical Assistant 10 5 3 2 5 9 1 4 Medical Coding 7 4 2 1 1 7 0 1 Medical Interpreter 7 6 1 0 4 5 2 1 Meeting And Event Management 10 10 0 0 2 7 3 2 Music Occupations 8 6 1 1 2 1 7 2 Nursing - Rn & Pn 8 3 4 1 2 7 1 2 Nursing Assistant 7 3 2 2 1 7 0 1 Occupational Therapy Assistant 9 1 7 1 2 8 1 6 Office Technology 10 3 6 1 5 9 1 3 Optician - Vision Care 10 5 4 1 2 5 5 6 Painting & Decorating Apprentice 8 3 4 1 1 2 6 0 Paralegal 10 2 8 0 3 8 2 4 * Category Information Incomplete 17 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee APRIL - JUNE 2015 Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Advisory Committee Total Mgt Pharmacy Technician 7 5 1 1 1 5 2 2 Photography 14 11 3 0 0 5 9 6 Physical Therapist Assistant 5 2 2 1 2 5 0 4 Power Engineering & Boiler Operator 7 4 3 0 1 0 7 3 Pre-college Education 16 7 6 3 10 8 8 1 Preparatory Plumbing 9 5 2 2 2 3 6 3 Quality Engineering Technology 8 5 2 1 0 3 5 2 Radiography 11 3 7 1 1 7 4 5 Real Estate 7 4 2 1 0 1 6 0 Renal Dialysis Technician 10 1 8 1 6 8 2 8 Renewable Energy 11 7 3 1 1 3 8 1 Respiratory Therapist 10 6 3 1 2 8 2 5 Roofer Apprentice 10 3 5 2 1 1 9 0 Sheet Metal Apprentice 13 4 7 2 1 2 11 2 Steamfitter & Refrigeration Apprentice 13 8 4 1 1 1 12 8 Supervisory Management 9 8 1 0 3 4 5 7 Supply Chain Management 8 7 1 0 0 1 7 4 Surgical Technology 8 1 5 2 1 5 3 3 Sustainable Facilities Operations 9 6 2 1 1 2 7 2 Television And Video Production 9 6 2 1 2 2 7 4 Truck Driving 9 8 0 1 0 2 7 0 Welding/weld Tech 12 9 3 0 0 0 12 5 * Category Information Incomplete 18 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Division Division Total Members Category Labor 31% 78 Gender Consultants 9% 22 Minority Grads School Of Business 254 Mgt 61% 154 46 Female Male 18% 118 46% 136 54% 77 30% School Of Health Sciences 195 82 42% 89 46% 24 12% 43 22% 137 70% 58 30% 85 44% School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences 59 26 44% 14 24% 19 32% 22 37% 34 58% 25 42% 12 20% School Of Media & Creative Arts 67 43 64% 18 27% 6 9% 7 10% 20 30% 47 70% 26 39% School Of Pre-college Education 30 18 60% 8 27% 4 13% 15 50% 13 43% 17 57% 1 3% School Of Technology & Applied Sciences 396 210 53% 147 37% 39 10% 42 11% 76 19% 320 81% 115 29% TOTAL 1001 533 53% 354 35% 114 11% 175 17% 398 40% 603 60% 316 32% * Category Information Incomplete 19 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division ACCOUNTING: 14 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 7 Mgt; 9 Female; 5 Male; 2 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Fay Berry Chris Daniels Julie Evanoff Tim Harrison Susan Kilby Scott Larson Rebecca Le Nancy Lepic Olga Lesinski Jon Neal Joshua Roberts Barbara Sheedy Meshika Stewart Mary Strautmann JF & Associates Incorporated South Shore Suburban Consortium Advanced Pain Management AB Data LTD City Colleges of Chicago Emperic Group, Inc. Sourcepoint Staffing North Shore Bank CHAN Healthcare The Neal Group, LLC The Wisconsin Credit Union Leagure MP Systems Inc. Johnson Controls, Inc. IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) Owner Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator Assistant Controller Accounting Supervisor AVC Fiscal Policy & Controls Managing Director Senior Recruiter Controller Audit Senior Manager Owner Director of Development Controller Sr. Finance Compliance Manager Director Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Minority Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Female Female Male Male Grad Female Minority Female Female Aesthetician / Massage Therapist Aesthetician Labor Mgt Female Female Grad Spa owner, aesthetician, aesthetics instructor Aesthetician Business Owner Consultant Female AESTHETICIAN: 5 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 2 Mgt; 5 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Anastasia Barrientos Erin Clancy Theresa Danzer originails Blue Sky School of Professional Massage Le Cocon Day Spa Brenda Schwab LaToya Stephens Quintessa Medical Spa Femi Cosmetics Labor Mgt Female Minority Female Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Female Female Female Male Male Male Minority Male Minority Male Female Male Female BAKING & PASTRY ARTS: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 5 Mgt; 5 Female; 6 Male; 2 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Renee Crouse Angela Fenhouse Ann Green Ken Heil Nathan Hildenbrandt John Jablonowski Marivel Montejano David Piselli Kimberly Pollman David J Schmidt Judy Semrad Bakemark USA Pick'n Save Thymly Herbs Sweet Perfections Bake Shoppe King Arthur Flour Outpost Natural Foods City of Milwaukee Health Department St. John's Communities Maxie's Southern Comfort/Blue's Egg Wisconsin Bakers Association, Inc Mukego Marketplace Foods Sales Reprentative Cake Decorator Baker Owner/Operator Sales Manager - Midwest Baker Envirnomental Health Supervisory Baker/Pastry Chef Pastry Chef CEO Owner/Vice President School Of Business Division 20 Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 7 Mgt; 5 Female; 4 Male; 3 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Monica Baker Glenn Gratz Lynette Jarreau PyraMax Bank Hanover Insurance Group BMO Harris Bank Bob Kairis Rick Kula Gabrielle Rabon Donald Spoelhof Marquita Taylor MetLife Great Lakes Annex Wealth Management, LLC US Bank US Bank State of Wisconsin - Department of Financial Institutions MetLife Great Lakes Sarah Weseloh Senior Vice President Risk Consultant - Insurance Affordable Lending Mortgage Banker Agency Sales Director Financial Planner Bank Manager Vice President Financial Examiner Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Male Minority Female Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Minority Female Male Minority Female Talent Acquisition Director Mgt Female BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST: 12 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 9 Mgt; 7 Female; 5 Male; 7 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad BAS and DWD Tommy Arnez Agustin T. Garnica Elise Garrett John Kowalkowski Patrick Ludtke Joseph Amado Ortiz Gabriela Quist Julieta Ramirez Berrin Snyder Martha Watts Marie Arnez Salon LLC Tasos Hair Studio Concept Salon & Spa Les Ciseaux Salon Green Lady, LLC Jose's Barber Extraordinaire Mona's Hair Salon D'Matrixx Salon & Spa Great Clips Martha's More Hair Beauty Supply & Premiers Salon Sherrie Cheriels's Barbershop Sherrie Williams Apprenticeship Training Representative Manager/Owner Owner Owner stylist/Manager Stylist Master Barber Manager Owner/Stylist Manager Franchisee Owner Consultant Minority Female Owner/Manager Mgt Female Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Female Male Female Grad Minority Male Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Minority Male Minority Male Minority Female Grad Male Grad Male Minority Male Grad Minority Female Minority Female Female Female BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 7 Mgt; 4 Female; 3 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) David Armstrong Lois Bohannon Tennille Carter Michelle Dalton Mike Manna Mary Van Ackeren Derrick Wilson Armstrong Investments, LLC Youth Development for Change Milwaukee Public School District PDS Milwaukee Machine Works CNH Industrial UTI Owner CEO/President Transportation Supervisor Marketing/PM Director General Manager Machining Technical Lead Supervisor School Of Business Division 21 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division CULINARY ARTS & MANAGEMENT: 14 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 8 Mgt; 2 Female; 12 Male; 0 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Knut F Apitz Joseph Bartolotta Rachel Crouch Mike Engel Peter Gebauer Julie Hults Retiree - No Employer Bartolotta Restaurant Group Maxie's Suthern Comfort Pastiche Bistro & Wine Bar Potawatomi Hotel & Casino Milwaukee Health Department Jeff James David Jurena Alisa Malavenda Joseph Muench Bruce Parker Bob Scheldroup Horny Goat Brewing Company The Soup Market Modern Food Maxie's Southern Comfort/Blue's Egg Aurora System Food and Nutrition Services Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Jeff Slough Brian Ward Pike Lake House Inn Ward's House of Prime Consultant Owner, CEO Cook Owner Executive Chef Environmental Specialist Coordinator Director of Operations Co-Owner/Chef Owner/ Private Chef Executive Chef/Owner System Retail & Catering Manager Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Female Grad Male Male Female Grad Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Aprenticeship Training Representative Chef Owner Consultant Male Consultant Mgt Male Male Grad Grad Grad Grad eBUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 5 Mgt; 1 Female; 6 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Tim Demeter Christopher Graham Paul Gueller David McDonald Joe Mullen Adonica Randall Christopher Remington Potawatomi Hotel and Casino Potawatomi Hotel and Casino Aurora Health Care Brilliance Business Solutions Milwaukee Journal Abaxent Trivera Interactive Digital Media Manager Digital Media Specialist Manager, Interface Development Director of Development Digital Sales Manager President VP Client Strategy & Business Development Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Grad Minority Female Male ENTREPRENEURSHIP: 13 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 9 Mgt; 5 Female; 8 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Michael Artz, Sr. Robert Culver Ryan Daulton Jasmin Hernandez Kyle Jenkins Kristen Kangas Dr. Kathleen Kueht Deanna Nelson Carl Nilssen Steven Oulahan Carlton Reeves M. Lynne Robinson Kristopher Volkman Atos Medical, Inc. cdc Advertising Fade LLC n/a Pocket Image, LLC Halling & Cayo, S.C. Creation Global Consulting Sheboygan School District BIGMPG, Inc. Operation Craigslist/Ebay Reeves Technologies LLC. Reliable Water Services, LLC Ascedia District Sales Support Owner Application Developer Assistant Bank Manager President Legal Assistant Founder & President Technical Trainer President CEO President Executive/Minority Owner VP of Production Labor Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Minority Female Grad Mgt Male Labor Female Mgt Female Consultant Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad Consultant Minority Male Mgt Female Mgt Male School Of Business Division 22 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & WATER QUALITY TECH: 13 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 6 Mgt; 4 Female; 9 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Tariq Akmut Linda A. Czebotar Claire Evers Synergy Property Mgmt LLC Milwaukee Health Department City of Milwaukee Health Department David A. Flowers Kenneth G. Fries Natural Water Solutions Control Enviro-Safe Consulting, LLC Todd D. Guse Mary Kapelis RN Rs Tim Kennedy Veolia Greenfield Health Department Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Eurofins USA Business Development Manager Milwaukee Riverkeeper Riverkeeper Milwaukee Metropolitan & Sewerage Water Quality Senior Project District Manager American's Best Quality Coatings Corp. President City of Waukesha Maintenance Supervisor David Kliber Cheryl Nenn Christopher J. Schultz Brian Stoddard Nathaniel Tillis Facilities Manager Environmental Health Specialist Consumer Environmental Health Supervisory President Sr.Environmental Health & Safety Manager Environmental Specialist Environmental Health Specialist Chemist Consultant Minority Male Labor Female Grad Mgt Female Mgt Consultant Male Male Labor Labor Labor Male Grad Female Male Mgt Labor Mgt Male Female Male Mgt Mgt Male Minority Male Grad Store Operations/Recruiting Manager Instructor Manager of Corporate Training Employment Representative Chairperson Store Manager Store Manager Store Manager Recruiting Coordinator Director of Marketing Mgt Male Grad District Merchandise Presentation Manager Mgt FASHION/RETAIL MARKETING: 11 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 7 Mgt; 8 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) James Altenberger Old Navy Gail Champion Lisa Goljenboom Dan Iselin Sandi Keiser Heidi Kenner Lisa McFadden Tiffany Norman Kelly Rosenquist Megan Sajdak Franklin High School The Bon Ton Stores, Inc. Goodwill Industries Mt. Mary University Maurice's Crazy 8- Mayfair Torrid The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. Stan's Fit For Your Feet/New Balance Milwaukee Banana Republic Trent Wetterau Consultant Female Mgt Female Grad Labor Male Consultant Female Mgt Female Mgt Female Grad Mgt Female Consultant Minority Female Mgt Female Male School Of Business Division 23 Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY: 12 Members; 4 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 7 Mgt; 8 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Gina Balke Dan Depies Ocean Spray Goodwill Industries of SE WI Kevin Hach Susan Hough Shelley Jurewicz Angie Kasten Gail Kraus Paul Mech Vincent High School Mastern Co. FaB Wisconsin Palermo's Pizza UW-Madison - CALS Discovery World R. Scott Meuret Jeri Meyers Kristen Smith Gateway Technical College QPS Employment Discovery World Pat Werner CHR Hansen Human Resources VP Workforce & Program Development Teacher VP Technical Services Executive Director Sr. HR Generalist Agriculture Outreach Specialist Curricululm & Program Development Department Chair Hotel/Hospitality Regional VP External Partnership & Program Development Director Q&FS, Amer Mgt Mgt Female Male Labor Male Grad Mgt Female Mgt Female Mgt Minority Female Consultant Female Consultant Male Consultant Mgt Consultant Male Female Female Mgt Female Sr. Vice President of Sales Corporate Sales Manager Mgt Mgt Male Female General Manager Corporate Director Recruitment Corporate Director of Recruitment General Manager General Manager District Manager Director of Dining & Hospitality Environmental Services Manager Assistant Front Office Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Grad Mgt Female Mgt Male Mgt Female Mgt Mgt Female Minority Male HOTEL/HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 10 Mgt; 2 Female; 9 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Marco Bloemendaal Leslie Fabian Jeffrey Hess Matt Martin Matt Martin Rose Murack Rod Raschka Scott Richter Matthew Ricketts David Teske Jordan Yanow Visit Milwaukee Crowne Plaza & Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport Milwaukee Marriott Downtown Marcus Hotels and Resorts Marcus Hotels and Resorts Radisson Hotel Milwaukee-West Hampton Inn Milwaukee-Brookfield Wirtz Bevarage WI The Lutheran Home Lutheran Home & Harwood Place Hilton Garden Inn HUMAN RESOURCES: 5 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 2 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Heidi Brookes Harley-Davidson Motor Company Wayne Frangesch Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Mary Remondini We Energies Kristin Strunk Tony Wiedenheft Charter Manufacturing MillerCoors Human Resources - Organizational Development Sr. Vice President of Human Resources Manager of Workforce, Diversity & Employment Learning and Development Manager Human Resources School Of Business Division 24 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division IT COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 5 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Jennifer Anderson Lester Best Mario Cortez Michael Hoffmann Joseph W. Kmoch Lisa Livesey Beth Medina Linda Miller Diane Stasiewicz Jason Wischer Manpower Kohl's Department Store Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren S.C. Johnson Controls Milwaukee Public Schools Microsoft Goodwill of Southern Wisconsin Johnson Controls GE Healthcare Institute Thomson Reuters Director Client Support Service Delivery Problem Manager Technical Services Manager Manager - IT Services Educational Consultant Technical Account Manager Business Solutions Manager Manager IT Support Services Senior Leader Service Desk Manager Mgt Female Mgt Male Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Labor Female Labor Female Mgt Female Labor Female Mgt Male Grad Grad Grad Grad IT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY SPECIALIST: 14 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 11 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Laura Bearskin Todd Fitzgerald Harley-Davidson Michael Grobschmidt Jill Gruetzmacher Trenton Ivey Lee A. Kadel Jeffrey T. Kunz Nicholas Lehman William Lucas Chris Merkel Allan F. Montezon Kohl's Department Stores AE Business Solutions Fidelity Information Services Wheaton Franciscan Health Care Foley & Lardner, LLP Pro Health Care, Inc. WE Engergies Brunswick Corporation Northwestern Mutual (Formerly) Justin Opatrny Pierre Porter Mindy Sharbuno General Mills, Inc. Rockwell Automation State of Wisconsin DOA/DET SIEM Prgm Mgr/Sr. Security Analyst Information Security Executive Author Security Technical Analyst Account Mgr IT Security Analyst Senior Senior Information Security Analyst Security Engineer Senior Security Engineer Manager, IT Security Director, IS Security Retired Director of IT Infrastructure & Operations Network Planner Test Engineer Mgt Mgt Female Grad Male Labor Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Consultant Male Grad Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Labor Labor Labor Male Male Grad Female Grad Mgt Male Labor Labor Male Male Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Mgt Minority Male Male Female Female Grad Male Minority Male Grad Male Grad Male IT NETWORK SPECIALIST: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 4 Mgt; 2 Female; 9 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Robert Bett Childrens Hospital Bob Cole G. Allen Daily Fiserv CDW Aabhas Desai Ariel Donahue Jill Gruetzmacher Carol Lomonaco Jeff Nelson Ike O zurumba Steve Schindler Troy Wyss CDW Stamm Technologies AE Business Solutions Johnson Controls Inc. CDW CDW Stamm Technologies Aurora Health Care Network Project Manager - Tech Systems Sr. Linux/VMware Engineer Technical Lead - Unified Communications Technical Lead - Network Service Manager Account Mgr Project Manager Senior Network Engineer Network Engineer Network Engineer SVP IT Infrastructure School Of Business Division 25 Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division IT PROGRAMMER/ANALYST: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 5 Mgt; 4 Female; 6 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) John Bounyavong Eileen Crane Jerry Isaacs Joseph W. Kmoch LaTasha Langdon Christopher Otto Gershon Pevnick Laurel Schneider Shawn Spartz Richard Wagner Joy Global Kohls Department Store Carrol University Milwaukee Public Schools Marcus Hotels and Resorts JDA Software Ward Scientific Systems Senturius Busines Solutions Marcus Corporation Marcus Corporation Database Administrator Senior Account Manager Professor Educational Consultant IT Project Manager Intermediate Quality Engineer Software Developer CEO Interactive Services Manager Business Analyst Senior Leader Labor Minority Male Mgt Female Grad Consultant Male Consultant Male Mgt Minority Female Labor Male Grad Labor Male Grad Mgt Female Mgt Female Mgt Male MARKETING MANAGEMENT: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 7 Mgt; 6 Female; 5 Male; 2 Minority; 8 Graduate(s) Carolyn Bukiewicz Andre Bynum Cheryl Falk Rob Geissler Janis Geldon Rockwell Automation Bridgeman Companies, Inc. Dematic Trade Press Media Group Sony Computer Entertainment David Goodwillie Lori Highby Butch Liebscher Mary Jo Preston GMR Marketing Keystone Click Laughlin Constable Stream Creative Design Groupa Michael Quill Sandy Wysocki Affinity Strategic Marketing, Inc. The Business Journal Business Process Analyst Vice President of Marketing VP - Marketing Group Publisher Merchandising Account Representative Operations Account Supervisor President/Owner Digital Creative Director Senior Marketing and Digital Media Consultant President Audience Development Director Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Minority Female Grad Minority Male Grad Female Male Grad Female Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Male Female Male Female Mgt Mgt Male Female Grad Grad Grad Grad MEETING AND EVENT MANAGEMENT: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 10 Mgt; 7 Female; 3 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Tom Graybill Ellen Hayward Lisa Hoppe Susan Kainz David Larson Jennifer Mell Kelly Phelps Tri-Marq Communications Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens Lisa Hoppe Travel Meeting Matters VISIT Milwaukee Travel Leaders Journal Sentinel Karen Powell Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce S.C.O.P.E Events Marcus Hotels & Resorts Ciera Wallner Louis Williams Vice President - Sales President/CEO President/Owner owner Director of Convention Services Meeting Manager Manager Signature Events & Marketing Traffic Special Events Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Female Female Grad Female Male Female Female Mgt Female Owner Event Manager Mgt Mgt Minority Female Grad Minority Male School Of Business Division 26 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division OFFICE TECHNOLOGY: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 3 Mgt; 9 Female; 1 Male; 5 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Cheryl Blazekovic Katrina Ceasar Pat Delmenhorst Lawanda Dotson Lori Ehlke Tonya Jones Julieta Langarica Kaye Marty Jacqueline M. Moore Peter Ramirez The Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee Police Department Network 2 Work Columbia St. Mary's Children's Hospital of Wisconsin ABB Inc. Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center, Inc. Creative Marketing Resources von Briesen and Roper, s.c. Legal Collection Specialist/Paralegal Office Assistant IV Consultant HR Business Partner Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Accountant Mgt Female Labor Minority Female Grad Consultant Female Labor Minority Female Labor Female Grad Labor Minority Female Labor Female Executive Assistant Labor President & CEO Attorney Mgt Mgt Minority Female Minority Male Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Minority Male Female Female Male Minority Female Female Female Female Minority Female Female Female Grad PARALEGAL: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 2 Mgt; 8 Female; 2 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Charles Clevert, Jr. Lori Craig Jean Fredricks John C. Goudie Ana Maria M. Guzman Christine Jahncke Marie E. Koster Peggy Pechulis Yvonne Scott Melissa Weiss US District Court of Eastern WI PNC Wealth Management U.S. Attorney's Office Gimbel, Reilley, Guerin, & Brown, LLP State Public Defender Crivello Carlson, S.C. Foley & Lardner LLP Foley & Lardner LLP Legal Action of Wisconsin Hawks Quindel, S.C. US District Judge Banker Legal Assistant Litigation Paralegal Client Service Specialist Paralegal Manager Paralegal Paralegal Paralegal Paralegal REAL ESTATE: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 6 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Thomas Dempsey Robert Flanagan James Haertel Sean McCarthy Mark Pelzek Pete Picciolo Mary Beth Waite Shamrock Building Inspection Consultants LLC Flanagan Company dba Best Place At Pabst Wells Fargo Home Mortgage City of Milwaukee Shorewest Realty Metro Condo Connections, LLC Building Inspector Consultant Male President Owner Home Mortgage Consultant Building Inspector Real Estate Agent Broker/Owner Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Female School Of Business Division 27 Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Business Division SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 8 Mgt; 4 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 7 Graduate(s) Brian Chase Michael Gutierrez Ann Heidkamp Van Johnson Ralph Kraussel Whitefish Bay School District Milwaukee Public Schools Veolia Water Johnson Consulting Master Lock Company Debbie Leahy-Fisher Maurice Thompson Barbara Volp Angela Williamson Day & Zimmermann Archdiocese of Milwaukee Heiser Automotive Group US Postal Service Head Custodian/Energy Manager Manager of Business Operations Training Manager IT Project Manager Factory Manager - Key & Cylinder Operations Project Controls Specialist Office Manager Special Projects Manager Health & Resource Management Analyst Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Grad Minority Male Grad Female Male Male Grad Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Female Minority Male Female Minority Female Grad Grad Grad Grad SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: 8 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 7 Mgt; 1 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) James Fenzel Roundy's Supermarket's, Inc. Donald Scot Ferguson Mike Kotecki Matthew Malec Andrew Propsom Briggs & Stratton Corporation Dematic Sussex. IM Emerson Commerical and Residential Solutions Harley Davidson Motor, Co. Inpro Garden-Fresh Foods, Inc. Michelle Savard Michael Sekula Michael Walz Vice President of Distribution and Transportation Purchasing Manager Sr. Vice President Material Handling Mgr, Quality/Compliance Buyer Procurement Mgt Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Customer Compliance Analyst Vice President Supply Chain Mgt. VP - Operations Labor Mgt Mgt Female Grad Male Grad Male School Of Business Division 28 Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 5 Mgt; 6 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Robert Bade Barbara Berg Debbie Black Tia Gay Beth Harenda Andrew Holst Michelle Jacks Benjamin Magestro Anthony Maresca Kim Monheim John Rinzel Elmbrook Hospital Aurora Medical Center - Summit Froedtert-Community Memorial Hospital University of Chicago Medicine St. Francis Hospital Columbia St. Mary's CHW WFHC - Elmbrook Hospital Columbia-St. Mary's Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital GE Healthcare Anesthesia Technologist Anesthesia Technician OR Manager Anesthesia Support Manager Clinical Development Coordinator Anesthesia Technician Manager - OR Anesthesiologist Anesthesia Technologist Sales Representative Labor Male Labor Female Mgt Female Mgt Minority Female Grad Labor Female Labor Minority Male Grad Labor Female Mgt Male Consultant Minority Male Mgt Female Grad Mgt Male CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 1 Mgt; 7 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Theresa Briggs Brandice Harper Susan Jassak Richard Larson Thomas Mahn, MD Bob Matheus Jennifer Pampuch Ann Marie Russart Danielle Scott Megan Wantz Aurora - St. Luke's Medical Center Aurora Health Care Wheaton Franciscan Abbott Vascular Wheaton Franciscan Health Care Aurora-Grafton Aurora West Allis Memorial Center Froedtert Health - Community Memorial Hospital WFHC-Franklin Froedtert Clinical Educator Cardiac Sonographer Administrative Director CV Services Executive Clinical Specialist Cardiologist Cath Lab Manager Echocardiography Technician Cardiovascular Technologist 3 Mgt Female Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Female Labor Male Consultant Male Labor Male Labor Female Grad Labor Female Grad Cardiovascular Technologist Echo Technician Labor Labor Female Grad Female Grad CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN/PHLEBOTOMY: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 3 Mgt; 6 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Kenneth Allen Cindy Brown Columbia St. Mary's HospitalMilwaukee UW-Milwaukee Erica Carpenter Mary M. Ertl Dettmann Steve Gradus, PhD Kaitlin Kunz Stacy Meyer Dennis Schmidt Dynacare Laboratories ACL Laboratories City of Milwaukee Health Department Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Aurora Health Care/ACL Labs MATC- retired Laura M Schnell Columbia-St Mary's Hospital Medical Laboratory Technician Labor Minority Male Program Director/Education Coordinator Blood Bank Supervisor Laboratory Education Coordinator Laboratory Director Medical Technologist Oncology Lab Supervisor Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor Mgt Female Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Consultant Female Female Male Female Female Grad Male Labor Female School Of Health Sciences Division 29 Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division DENTAL ASSISTANT: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 2 Mgt; 9 Female; 1 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Tina Blomstrom Brenda Boyd Ann Marie Dorn Lark Hakenson Jessica Leitheim Carol Oeder Geri Travia RDH, BSM Vanessa Ulfig Bruce Winter DDS Brittany Zdero DentaQuest Manager, Utilization Management Dental Associates Senior Sales Executive St. Thomas More High School Foreign Language Dept. Chair Forward Dental Dental Assistant Trainer Forward Dental Practice Manager Dental Associates Corporate Clinical Trainer Columbia St. Mary's School-based-Oral Dental Hygienist/Public Health Health Program Smart Smiles Prog Dental Assistant Hampton Dental Associates Dentist/President The Dentist South Shore Certified Dental Assistant Consultant Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Consultant Labor Female Female Female Female Female Female Grad Female Grad Labor Labor Labor Female Grad Male Female Grad DENTAL HYGIENE: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 3 Female; 4 Male; 3 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Randy R. Ciepluch Matt Crespin, MPH, RDH Mary Louise Gagnon Estelle A. Keller Kathryn S. Leonard Chan D. Tran Christopher Visaya Family Dental Center Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin Popp Dental Supply, LLC Forward Dental Elmbrook General Dentistry, SC ForwardDental Dentist Associate Director Territory Manager Dental Hygienist Dentist Dentist Dentist Mgt Male Consultant Minority Male Mgt Female Grad Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Female Labor Minority Male Mgt Male DENTAL TECHNICIAN: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 2 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Daniel Balmer Richard W. Bong Keely Burmeister Paul Conrardy Megan Gardner Griff Gundersen Gordon Luedtke NU-ART Dental Lab Layton Dental Lab, Inc. Pick N Save/Roundy's RETIRED Gardner Dental Arts Saber Dental Studio Light House Dental Studio Assistant VP Owner CSR Prosthodontist Dental Technician Laboratory Manager Technician Mgt Mgt Labor Consultant Labor Mgt Labor Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Consultant Mgt Mgt Female Female Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER: 11 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 8 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Marilyn Bolton Cindy Buchholz CDM Rich Daehn Yvonne Greer Niki Grossi, MBA, RD, CD Cynde Lewandowski Cynthia Mangan, DTR Mary Maxey John Mueller Nick Tolkinen Lisa Topp DTR, CLC Division of Public Health/Milwaukee Consultant, Nutrition Waukesha County Mental Health Center Food Service Director Benedictine Health System Dir, BHS Nutritional Centers, Excellence Nutrition Consultant CSM Milwaukee Clinical Nutrition Manager Midwest Dialysis Center Clinical Dietician St. Luke's South Shore Director of food nurition services Community Care, Inc. Registered Dietician Milwaukee Center for Independence Nutrition & Wellness Support Manager US Foods, Inc. Account Executive Waukesha county Public Health Division WIC Nutritionist Consultant Minority Female Mgt Female Labor Female Grad Mgt Female Grad Labor Female Grad Mgt Male Grad Mgt Labor Male Female Grad School Of Health Sciences Division 30 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division FUNERAL SERVICE: 14 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 13 Mgt; 4 Female; 10 Male; 3 Minority; 9 Graduate( Cathy Brisk Camelia Clarke Mariah Dobbs J C Frazier Blane Goodman Mark Jelacic Jeff Kleczka Mark J Krause Steven Lazarczyk Gerald Lynch John G. Maher Mark McCool Paul A. Schaff Cassandra Winters Randle-Dable-Brisk Funeral Home Paradise Memorial Funeral Home Cesarz, Charapata & Zinnecker Funeral Home Northwest Funeral Chapel Blane Goodman Funeral Service Jelacic Funeral Home Prasser Kleczka Funeral Homes Krause Funeral Home & Cremation Services Bevsek-Verbick Funeral Home Whitcomb-Lynch Funeral Homes Brett Funeral Home Brown Wilbert Vault Company Schaff Funeral Home Leon L. Williamson Funeral Home, Inc. Owner Funeral Director Funeral Director Mgt Mgt Labor Female Grad Minority Female Female Grad Funeral Director Funeral Director President-Milw/Wauk County FDA/Funeral Director Owner-Funeral Director President/Owner Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Male Male Male Grad Grad Mgt Mgt Male Male Grad Funeral Director/Manager Funeral Director/Owner Funeral Director Senior Account Manager Funeral Director Funeral Director/Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Minority Female Health Unit Coordinator - ER Health Unit Coordinator Health Unit Coordinator Health Unit Coodinator Clinical System Analyst Associate Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Female Minority Female Grad Male Grad Female Female Health Unit Coordinator Health Unit Coordinator Labor Mgt Grad Grad Grad Grad HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR/SERVICES MANAGEMENT: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 1 Mgt; 6 Female; 1 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Judith Bottoni Earnestine Daugherty Mike Dupree Susan Grieshop Donna Kuhns Karen Nowak Candy Pasterski Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Froedtert Memorial Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital St. Luke's Medical Center Aurora Health Care-Nursing Operations/Integrations Dept Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital Froedtert Memorial Hospital Female Female MEDICAL ASSISTANT: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 5 Mgt; 9 Female; 1 Male; 5 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Michelle Bryant Susan Hunter-Davis Katie Kropp Virgil Lloyd Rosalyn McFarland Irmine Reitl Christina Roldan Kimberly Ryan Brandy Shelley Rosalind M. Turner Wisconsin State Senate Policy Director Progressive Community Health Centers Director of Human Resources Elsevier Elsevier Educational Consultant FA Davis Company Educational Sales Rep Milwaukee Center for Independence Director of Health Services City of Milwaukee Health Department; Communicable and Infectious Keenan Health Center Disease Program Mgr. Aurora Sinai Medical Assistant Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Manager of Education for Non Acute Settings Milwaukee Health Services Clinical Collaboratives Program Coordinator/CMA Milwaukee Health Services, Inc./Issac Nurse Coggs Heritage Mgt Minority Female Mgt Female Consultant Female Consultant Male Mgt Minority Female Grad Mgt Female Labor Mgt Female Grad Minority Female Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Minority Female Grad School Of Health Sciences Division 31 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division MEDICAL CODING: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 7 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Kathy Casey Sheryl Kruegger Dix Aurora Health Care Froedtert Health Debra Lewis Lisa Mahoney Pamela Roy Froedtert Health Community Hospital Division Medical College of Wisconsin Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Julie Scherr, RHIA Ulyssia Wilborn MBA, CPC Pyramid Health Care Medical College of Wisconsin Coding Educator Compliance Manager, Registered Nurse HIM Coding Manger Labor Mgt Female Female Grad Mgt Female Sr. Reimbursement Manager Coding and Revenue Integrity Manager Outpatient Coordinator Quality Review Analyst I Mgt Mgt Female Female Labor Female Consultant Minority Female MEDICAL INTERPRETER: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 5 Female; 2 Male; 4 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Olivia De Leon Neitzel Kristin Lydia Madrigal Ibzan Monteagudo Ragir Consulting Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Ragir Consulting Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Sonia M. Ramos-Lopez Christopher Rubach Monica Walker Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Wheaton Franciscan Adecco Vice-President Family Service Manager Owner Director of Language Access Services Supervisor Medical Interpreter Client Program Supervisor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Minority Female Female Minority Female Minority Male Mgt Labor Mgt Minority Female Male Grad Female NURSING - RN & PN: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 1 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Stephanie Christian-Lobley Brandon Condon Carol Hintz Susan Hughes Kim Litwack Medical College of Wisconsin SafetyTraining Professionals, LLC Aurora Health Care Aurora Health Care UW-Milwaukee Patricia McManus Linda Struhar Laure Zulkowski Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin Clement Manor Clement Manor Inc. Nurse Practitioner Owner Recruiter Academic Liaison Associate Dean, AcadAff- College of Nursing Executive Director Assistant Admininstrator/Nursing Dir ADON Labor Minority Female Grad Mgt Male Grad Mgt Female Labor Female Consultant Female Mgt Labor Labor Minority Female Female Female NURSING ASSISTANT: 7 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 0 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Elizabeth Eiland Mary Hart Anmarie Kehoss Gina Kelley Terri Salzer Jane Wall Julie A. Williams North Division High School Villa & Bradley Estates Hales Corners Care Center Stowell Associates Milwaukee Public Schools Clement Manor Oak Creek Franklin Joint School District NAF Director Director of Nursing Director of Nursing Work Based Learning Coordinator Staff Development Coordinator Teacher Mgt Minority Female Mgt Female Mgt Female Grad Labor Female Consultant Female Labor Female Consultant Female School Of Health Sciences Division 32 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 1 Mgt; 8 Female; 1 Male; 2 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Stephanie Baumgartner Shane Frasher Ginny Gest Kari C. Inda Carol Lukaszewicz Dominica Stith Amy Tezak Mary Van Derven Dominiczak Therapy Associates, LLC. Aurora West Allis Medical Center Goodwill Industries Mount Mary University Jewish Home and Care Center Rehab and Clement Manor Rehab Care/KTCR Milwaukee Zablocki VA Medical Clinic Abby Wilson Medical College of Wisconsin Occupational Therapist COTA Community Integration Specialist Associate Professor OT Program Activity Director COTA OTR/Program Director OT Program Coordinator Neuro Rehab Clinic COTA Labor Female Labor Male Grad Labor Minority Female Consultant Female Grad Mgt Female Grad Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Female Labor Female Grad Labor Female Grad OPTICIAN - VISION CARE: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 5 Female; 5 Male; 2 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Brian Alfonsi Terez Fancher Glenn Fluegge Paul Geszvain Rebecca Jahn William Poetz Doris Ramos-Johnson Elizabeth Spleas John Topetzes Cheryl Verhelst Family Vision & Contact Lens Vision Works Fluegge Optical Herslof Contact Lens Services Shorewood Opticians Optical Consultants Herslof Wisconsin Vision Wisconsin Vision McGee Group Optical Coordinator Optician Owner Contact Lens Technician Optician/Technician Owner Optician Manager Manager Sales Rep Labor Male Labor Minority Female Mgt Male Labor Male Labor Female Mgt Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Female Mgt Male Consultant Female Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad PHARMACY TECHNICIAN: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 5 Mgt; 5 Female; 2 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Laura Alar Dean Arneson Rachele Balzer Jennifer Leitner Josefina Perez Chris Sanders Kim Schrank Columbia St. Mary's Concordia University - School of Pharmacy Zablocki VA Medical Center Aurora-St. Lukes Froedtert Hospital Froedtert Health Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Pharmacy Manager Dean Mgt Consultant Pharmacy Technician Supervisor Supervisor Pharmacy Research Assistant Pharmacy Operations Manager Retail Pharmacy Operations Director Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Female Male Female Female Grad Minority Female Grad Male Female PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT: 5 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 2 Mgt; 5 Female; 0 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Stefanie Acevedo Jazmin Brantley Sue Hastings Elizabeth Molling Laura Sims Aurora ASMI Mcw Village at Manor Park RehabCare Aurora West Allis Medical Center Physical Therapist Assistant PTA Health Reach Rehab Physical Therapist Assistant Manager of Rehab Service-WAMH Mgt Minority Female Grad Consultant Minority Female Grad Labor Female Grad Labor Female Grad Mgt Female School Of Health Sciences Division 33 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division RADIOGRAPHY: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Sandy Dobrogowski Angie Fraser Lynn Gilles Sonja Jackson Marlene James Kenneth Lachman Paul Minzlaff Sue Reiter Robert Weisbecker Trish Wittig Kevin Wojciechowski West Bend Clinic Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcar St Joseph's Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare St Joseph's Hospital Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare- St. Francis Hospital Aurora Sinai Medical Center Waukesha Memorial Hospital Fujifilm Medical Systems USA Inc Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, St. Joseph's Hospital WCTC Delta Medical Systems Radiographer Radiologic Tech Labor Labor Female Grad Female Grad Radiologist MD Labor Female Radiology Tech I Labor Director, Imaging Services Mgt Female Radiologic Technologist Radiology Manager Account Executive Director of Radiology Labor Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Grad Male Female Male Associate Dean Allied Health Account Representative Labor Labor Female Grad Male Minority Female Grad RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 8 Labor; 1 Mgt; 8 Female; 2 Male; 6 Minority; 8 Graduate(s) Alice Bradshaw RN Denice Gray Kenya Harris Michael Hazlett Chandra Jordan Mary Schopbach Melannie Sikorski Gailynn Thomas Shenese Wilder Cindy Huber Davita - Wisconsin Avenue Humboldt Ridge Dialysis Davita-Bayshore DaVita Inc Davita - Appleton Avenue Midwest Dialysis Davita Dialysis-River Center Fresenius Davita - River Center Dialysis National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin Nurse Manager Administrator CCHT BioMed Tech PCT RN Nurse Manager PCT PLN Chief Exectutive Office Labor Labor Labor Consultant Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Minority Male Male Grad Minority Female Grad Female Grad Female Grad Minority Female Grad Minority Female Grad Female RESPIRATORY THERAPIST: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 8 Female; 2 Male; 2 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Tiffany Caine Christina Gray ProHealth Care - Waukesha Memorial Hospital Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Andrea Gust Joe Hegge Jodi Jaeger Brian May Kristan Olson Donna Smith Janet Stephens Colombia St. Mary's Hamilton Medical Wheaton Franciscan North Market Respironics Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center Home Care Medical, Inc. Froedtert Hospital Cynthia Ziegler Aurora Health Care respiratory Therapy & Sleep Manager Education Coordinator - Respiratory Therapy Respiratory Therapist Clinical Account Manager Manager, Respiratory Care Diagnostic Sales Representative Respiratory Therapy Supervisor Manager, Respiratory Care Services Critical Care & Education Coordinator SleepTech Coordinator Mgt Mgt Female Minority Female Grad Labor Female Grad Consultant Male Grad Mgt Female Labor Male Mgt Female Mgt Minority Female Grad Mgt Female Labor Female Grad School Of Health Sciences Division 34 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Health Sciences Division SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY: 8 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 1 Mgt; 5 Female; 3 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Lee Bauer Michael Bowen Cindy Ebner St. Luke's Medical Center Aurora Medical Center (Grafton) Wheaton Franciscan Health Care Kelly Getschman Cecelia Guerrero Laura Jackson Daniel Ladwig Donald Valentino Columbia St. Mary's St. Luke's Medical Center Froedtert Memorial Hospital advanced aurora healthcare Retired Clinical Educator Perioperative Director-Perioperative Services Central Market Surgical Technologist Education Liason of Surgical Surgical Technologist orthopedic surgeon Retired Captain MPD Labor Labor Mgt Female Male Grad Female Labor Female Grad Labor Minority Female Labor Female Grad Consultant Male Consultant Male School Of Health Sciences Division 35 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences Division CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN: 15 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 12 Male; 5 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Anja Blecking University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Dan Casper Chris Dockendorff Philip Glass Tsebaot Hailemichael Adam Hammelman Brady Corporation Marquette University Campbell Soup Bostik Inc. GE Healthcare Eric Johnson Ernie Lee Craig Martin Michael McNello Dr. Marion Myers Sammy T. Storm kari Vincent Chae Yi Andrew Zrinsky Hydrite Chemical Co. A.O. Smith WE Energies Materion Pacific Sands GE Healthcare Cambridge Major Laboratories Marquette University Sigma-Aldrich Assistant ProfessorChemistry/Biochemisty Sr Development Chemist professor Lab Technician Product Development Chemist Advanced Manufacturing Technician- Chem Tech Chemist Principal Engineer Manager Laboratory Services Director of Operations Technical Director Quality Assurance Leader Recruiting Specialist Professor Supervisor Consultant Female Labor Male Consultant Male Labor Male Grad Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Male Grad Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Consultant Mgt Male Minority Male Male Male Minority Male Minority Male Grad Female Minority Male Male Grad EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: 13 Members; 4 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 8 Mgt; 11 Female; 2 Male; 6 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Martha Carter Laurel Degnitz Autumn Gehri Tamara Johnson Carol Keintz Christopher Mancheski Mt. Zion Child Development Center Division of Children & Family Services Wisconsin Early Childhood Association Mailaka Early Learning Center Next Door Foundation Lakeland College-Milwaukee Center Jack McCommon 4C - Community Coordintated Child Care, Inc. Children's Hospital & Health System Associate Professor Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin Division of Children & Family Services Milwaukee Public Schools Lakeland College Wanda J. Montgomery Jennifer Mueller Karen Ordinans Beatrice Riojas Ann Terrell Der Yang Director Licensing Specialist Program Director Early Education Director Executive Director Associate Director, School of Education Executive Director Mgt Minority Female Consultant Female Consultant Female Labor Minority Female Mgt Female Mgt Male Director of Community Partnerships UW-Milwaukee, School of Education Executive Director Licensing Supervisor Director Early Childhood Education Associate Director Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Male Minority Female Female Female Grad Minority Female Minority Female Grad Minority Female School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences Division 36 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences Division EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS: 11 Members; 6 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 7 Female; 4 Male; 3 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Tamara Badura Michelle M. Carter Patricia Colloton-Walsh UW-Milwaukee MPS - Golda Meir Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Gary C. Cooper Linda Gordy Gretchen Kroll Christopher Mancheski Tina McNamara University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Cardinal Stritch University Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Lakeland College - Milwaukee Center Marquette University - College of Education University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee UWM School of Education Carroll University Jeremy Page Felipe Rodriguez Jr. Linda Sklander Academic Advisor Principal Administrator, Teacher Certification Program Student Department Chair Special Project Director Director Director of Undergraduate Advising Consultant Female Mgt Minority Female Consultant Female Assistant Dean of Student Services Program Manager Associate Director of Admission Mgt Male Mgt Minority Male Consultant Female Labor Minority Male Grad Labor Female Consultant Female Consultant Male Consultant Female HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 7 Mgt; 7 Female; 3 Male; 7 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Lori A. Boesel Tedi Gentry Susan Jensen Florence Johnson Ana Kleppin Monte Mabra Geri McFadden DaRon Mosby Eileen Sperl Impact Wisconsin Community Services The Lutheran Home University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Independence First Voice of the Fatherless Child Nakoda Cognitive Behavioral Services, LLC Wisconsin Community Service Bridge Meta House, Inc. Scott Wilder Mt. Castle Corporation Intern/Volunteer Corrdinator Assistant Program Director Social Worker Academic Professor/Lecturer Volunteer Manager President/Founder President/Ceo Labor Mgt Labor Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Minority Female Female Minority Female Minority Female Minority Male Minority Female Assistant Director Director of Child and Family Services CEO Mgt Mgt Minority Male Grad Female Mgt Minority Male INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN: 10 Members; 5 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 6 Female; 4 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Caroline Ludka Eric Christon James Hagen Daniel Houlihan Julia Jourdan Megan Kenyon Jennifer Koehn Katy Schmidt Steve Smart Leia Sparks Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center for Communication, Hearing & Deafness WESP-DHH Outreach Freelance, VRS Milwaukee Sign Language School Office for the Deaf and hard of hearing Wisconsin Association of the Deaf Professional Interpreting Enterprise Sorenson Communications Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist Consultant Female Freelance Interpreter Labor Minority Male Grad Supervisor Mgt Male Grad Sign Communication Specialist Sign Language Interpreter School Social worker Deaf Benefits Specialist Secretary President Director of Interpreting Consultant Labor Consultant Consultant Consultant Mgt Mgt Male Female Grad Female Female Female Male Female School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences Division 37 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Media & Creative Arts Division ANIMATION: 12 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 8 Mgt; 3 Female; 9 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Ray Hanneman Scott Hill Keith Kamikawa Dangerbox Entertainment CI Design, Inc. Almon, Inc. Nate Kresse Katy McCool Deanne Monaghan John Roberts Denise Roberts McKee Michael Roth George Tzougros Matthew Wooten Rob Yeo Stamm Media The Prestwick Group Active Across America Independent Studios About Face Media, Inc. BVK Wisconsin Arts Board Milwaukee Public Museum University of Wisconsin Milwaukee President COO Technical Animator / Independent Game Developer Creative Director Lead 3D Artist Founder Lead Animator, Generalist CEO Director of Animation Executive Director Producer Chair, Associate Professor Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Consultant Labor Mgt Male Female Grad Female Male Female Male Grad Male Male Grad Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Consultant Mgt Mgt Male Grad Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Consultant Labor Consultant Female Female Male Female Female Male Male Grad Minority Male Male Female Male Minority Female Female Male Minority Female Male Grad Grad COMPUTER SIMULATION AND GAMING: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Ryan Behnke Jorian Clarke Michael Crowns John Grozik Dr. Jerry Isaacs Joseph W. Kmoch Scott Kohl Jay Smith Metamorphic Games, LLC Circle 1 Network Game Stable Q-Up Enterprises Inc. Carroll University Milwaukee Public Schools Ronin Studios & Consulting Draiochta Labs Owner CEO Owner CFO Professor Educational Consultant Founder / CEO CEO GRAPHIC DESIGN: 7 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 3 Mgt; 4 Female; 3 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Renee Berger Jodi Emery Gordon Gohr Kristine Jenson Michelle Quinn Mike Rohde Kevin Stohlmeyer Western States Envelope & Label Talk Media Gohr Creative Services, LLC Nelson Schmidt Inc. Gateway Technical College Gomoll Research + Design Stohlmeyer Consulting Marketing Manager Owner Creative Director Sr Art Director Graphic Designer / Instructor User Experience Designer Consultant Grad Grad Grad INTERACTIVE MEDIA: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 3 Mgt; 4 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Javier Centeno Derek Gebler Jessica Gleason Jim Jennings Lee Ann Meier Amanda Schmitz Tom Snyder Liz Tveten Matt Wooten McDill Design Broadcast Interactive Media Ascedia Keystone Click MSOE Brady Corp Trivera Interactive HY Connect Planetarium Producer Interactive Developer President, Publisher Applications Interface Developer Lead Developer Web Coordinator Web Content Specialist President/CEO Digital Production Artist Milwaukee Public Museum Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Labor Labor School Of Media & Creative Arts Division 38 Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Media & Creative Arts Division MUSIC OCCUPATIONS: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 1 Female; 7 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Keshena Armon Roy Elkins Donald Huenefeld Micah Olsan Chad Piechocki Bill Sargent Roy E. Schneider Christopher White Midwest Association for Independent Artists Broadjam Menomonee Falls High School Freelance Musician Present Music Bill Sargent Bands Showcase White House of Music Inc. Owner Labor Minority Female Grad Founder/CEO Music Coordinator Freelance Musician Managing Director President/Musician - Drummer Musical Contractor President/CEO Mgt Male Consultant Male Mgt Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad PHOTOGRAPHY: 14 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 11 Mgt; 5 Female; 9 Male; 0 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Mary M. Braunsdorf David Busch Thomas Davenport Jeffery Dobbs Tom Fritz Linda Gumieny-Smallpage Cate Hrobsky Lori Kenney Gerald Milton Michael Prokop Adam Ryan Morris James Schnepf Tricia Shay Ron Wimmer In-Focus Photography Quad Graphics RDImage, RDI Stages Mike Crivello's Cameras Tom Fritz Studios, Inc. Boutique Photographer Bon Ton Firefly Photography Moments and Memories Kohl's Photo Studio Milwaukee Magazine Schnepf Photo, Inc. Tricia Shay photography Ron Wimmer Photography Owner/ Photographer Sales Manager Co-owner / photographer Studio Equipment Sales Photographer Principal Photographer Photographer Owner/ Photographer Owner/ Photographer Photographer Staff Photographer Photographer/ Manager Owner Photographer Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad TELEVISION AND VIDEO PRODUCTION: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Andy Azinger Marina Hernandez Kristen Lambrecht Dennis Majewski Wells Fargo Abrazo Multicultural Marketing/Communications Khameleon Productions, LLC Exhibit Systems Dwight Moss Jon Pray WISN Television Marquette University David Ross Robert Schoonover Ned White The Wellness Network About Face Media AVI Systems Media Producer Creative Services Labor Labor Freelance Video Graphics Vice President, Business Development Director Associate VP Educational Technology President Production Supervisor VisCom System Sales Manager Mgt Mgt Male Grad Minority Female Female Grad Male Mgt Minority Male Consultant Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male School Of Media & Creative Arts Division 39 Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Pre-college Education Division INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUAL: 14 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 11 Mgt; 5 Female; 9 Male; 5 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Mary Behrendt Patrick Budziszek Arthur Byas Sara Carpenter Jacob Corr Aaron M Raap Deja Shapiro Paige Styler Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office House of Correction - Franklin, WI Justice Point/Focus Family Services WCS Court Service Division Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office Milwaukee County House of Correction House of Correction - Franklin MAWIB Wisconsin Communication Services Creative Corrections Education Foundation City of Milwaukee Police Department House of Correction - Franklin State of Wisconsin Holly Szablewski Milwaukee County Michael Hafemann Jose Hernandez Cavalier Johnson Clarence Johnson Marty Ordinans Officer GED Chief Examiner Recovery Coach Adminstrator Assistant District Attorney Labor Female Mgt Male Consultant Minority Male Mgt Female Mgt Male Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Contract Monitor Associate Executive Director Project manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Minority Male Minority Male Minority Male Male Captain of Police Correctional Officer Attorney Manager, State Public Defenders Office Judicial Review Coordinator Mgt Labor Mgt Male Minority Female Female Mgt Female PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION: 16 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 7 Mgt; 8 Female; 8 Male; 10 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Sheila Buchanan Michael Busateri Arthur Byas Maria Castillo-Uribe Joy Fitzsimmons Clarence Johnson Michael Kasbohm Sheila Knox Dawn Lauber Milwaukee County House of Correction Briggs & Stratton Justice Point Gregory Moon James Nelson Moon's Cycles Career Youth Development, Inc. Ken Schmidt Debra Schwid Hope House Next Door Foundation Regina O. Smith Denise Taylor Sam Williams UW-Milwaukee Milwaukee County House of Correction Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Milwaukee Day Reporting Center Wisconsin Community Services Potawatomi Milwaukee Public Library Correction Officer Research & Development DTC Recovery Coach Retired Principal Program Director Associate Executive Director Recruiter Retiree Literacy & Extension Services Coordinator Owner Unit Manager/Public Relations Director Executive Director Director, Family Literacy & Educational Support Associate Professor Correctional Officer Executive VP & Director Labor Labor Labor Consultant Mgt Mgt Labor Consultant Labor Minority Female Male Minority Male Minority Female Female Grad Minority Male Minority Male Minority Female Female Mgt Mgt Male Minority Male Mgt Mgt Male Female Consultant Minority Female Labor Minority Female Mgt Minority Male School Of Pre-college Education Division 40 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 6 Mgt; 0 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Harry Becker John Dietz William Herbst Stephen Niles Dwayne Schrank Marshall Shaver Gary Stramowski Ideal Mechanical Hyatt Regency Milwaukee Gustave A. Larson Company Johnson Controls Lennox Industries J.M. Brennan Vice President Director of Engineering Service Operations Manager Field Sales Manager Field Sales Manager Field Technical Consultant HVAC Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Minority Male Male Male Male Male Grad Minority Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Grad Male Grad Grad APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN: 13 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 10 Mgt; 1 Female; 12 Male; 2 Minority; 2 Graduate( Jim Andrews Dee Berghauer Mike Caldwell Chuck Campbell Kevin Cokain Timothy Eberhardt Scott Ehlert Les Leibsle Jeff Mackzum Clay Masters Nate Nixon Lacey Roemhild Michael Wilging Sierra, Inc Arctic Appliance Sears North Avenue Appliance Akrit Sales and Services Eberhardt Services Subzero Best Buy Whirlpool Appliance Masters Diamond Factory North Best Buy Sears Owner Manager Technical Manager Owner Service Manager Technician Field Service Manager Service and Installation Manager Technician Owner Technician Dual Technician Tech Manager ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 1 Mgt; 4 Female; 5 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Brenda J. Fritsch Lila Guizado Rose Hilbert Gary Kretchmer Wiliam Manley Nicolas Sanchez Peter J. Schwartz Thomas F. Tarkowski Erin Ugowski Fritsch Designs LLC Rinka Chung Architecture Direct Supply Management Suburban Construction Inc. Zimmerman Architectural Studios Eppstein Uhen Architects City of Milwaukee Write Word Ltd Rightsize Facility Performance Architectural Designer Design Professional CAD Team Leader President Architectural Designer Project Specialist Building Inspector Specifications Consultant Designer Labor Female Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Female Mgt Male Labor Minority Male Grad Labor Minority Male Labor Male Grad Consultant Male Labor Female Grad School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 41 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division AUTO COLLISION REPAIR AND FINISH TECHNICIAN: 16 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 10 Mgt; 4 Female; 12 Male; 2 Minority; 4 Graduate( Sandra Fifarek Scott Fisler John Fleming Juan Galvan Steve Herro Carrie Karvonen Daniel Kolasinski Ken Lehman Pete Loberg Thomas Menting Sarah Povlich Greg Robb Juan M. Roman Eric Sauer Charles Schweda Kim Wachs City of Milwaukee Don Jacobs Toyota American Family Insurance VCA Auto Body ADAMM Services Incorporated Don Jacobs Toyota Concours Mercedes-Benz Midas Don Jacobs Toyota South Milwaukee Car Care Center Affordable Auto Body Affordable Auto Body Carstar Milwaukee Fire Department Wisconsin Lift Truck Falls Auto Tech Wisconsin Lift Truck Fixed Operations Manager Parts Damage Senior Apraiser Painter/Body Man TRAC Manager Service Manager General Manager Fixed Operations Director President Parts Manager Owner Mechanic Technical Training Manager Service Manager HR Supervisor Labor Female Mgt Male Labor Male Labor Minority Male Consultant Male Mgt Female Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Female Mgt Male Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Female Grad Consultant Consultant Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Grad Grad Grad Grad AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY: 13 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 9 Mgt; 1 Female; 12 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Trevor Bahr Gary Beier Rob Benicke Jeff Buchkowski Mike Coisman Rick Elliott Chrysler Group LLC Foundation of WATDA Uptown MotorCars David Hobbs Honda Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company Rachel Falkowski Marty Figlinski John Jadro Tom Lally Jon Lebese Craig Manka David Moss Hiller Ford Bergstrom Automotive Russ Darrow Honda Rosen Nissan Amato Automotive Schlossmmann's Honda City Miller Motor Sales Instructor Development Director Service Manager Service Director Field Service Engineer Technical Service Manager Customer Service Technician Service Manager Parts Director Service Manager Service Director Fixed Operations Director Service Director Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Grad Male Male Male Minority Male Male Male AVIATION TECHNICIAN: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 6 Mgt; 0 Female; 10 Male; 0 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Lee Corneliuson Jon Haag Mark S. Jones Andrew Jurena Pete Lakich William Reeves Kevin Sorenson Paul Sweeney Robert Vuksanovic Jason Wiedoff Briggs & Stratton Corp. Executive Jet Management Inc. Cozzens & Cudahy Air Mesa Air Group, Incorporated Condor Aviation Cessna Citation Service Center Jett Pro FAA Global Flight Resource Derco Aerospace Pilot - Retired Lead Maitnenance Technician Director of Maintenance A/P Mechanic President Aircraft Maintenance Manager Manager Aviation Inspector Owner/TMC Inc., GFR Repair Director Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 42 Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY: 13 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 9 Labor; 2 Mgt; 3 Female; 10 Male; 4 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Jovo Acamovic Jeremy Behrendt Anthony Boyd The Medical College of Wisconsin GE OEC Healthcare Froedtert Health St. Joseph's Hospital Matthew Dummert Chad Matzen Ann Rovito Mark Rzeznik Pedro Sotelo Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Waukesha County Technical Colleg Pro Health Care - Waukesha Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Childrens Hospital of WI WCTC Wheaton Franciscan Rachel Vercauteren Etienne J. Williams GE HealthCare OEC WFHC-All Saints Beth Felch Michael Howell Jeremy Kingsbury Supervisor Sales GE OEC Healthcare Clinical Biomedical Engineering Technician Clinical Imaging Manager Mgt Labor Labor Academic Advisor Biomedical Technician Clinical Imaging Specialist II Consultant Female Labor Minority Male Grad Labor Male Senior Bio-medical Specialist Clinical Engineer Associate Dean Clinical Equipment Network system Specialist Product Sales Specialist Senior Imaging Specialist Labor Male Grad Labor Minority Female Consultant Male Grad Labor Male Mgt Male Male Minority Male Grad Male Labor Labor Female Minority Male Grad Bricklayer Labor Male Journeyman Bricklayer Owner Owner Owner Sales Representative Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Male Female Female Male Grad Male Male Grad Male Male Male BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY: 6 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 0 Female; 6 Male; 0 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) William Bonlender Duane Czaicki Dennis Dahlke John J. Donahue Paul Moscisker Richard Stevens BAC District Council of Wisconsin/Local 8 Consolidated Construction Dahlke Masonry LLC Donahue Masonry Inc. Cream City Masonry Quikrete/Specialty Mix Grad Grad Grad CARPENTRY & CABINETMAKING: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Ryan Beeck Ronna Bromberg Pachefsly Diane Krueger Stanley Kujawa Mark Meiling Chad Millard, CKBR Dan Schmidt Louis Weiher Joe Weisling Paul Davis Restoration Plaster Gallery LLL Carl Kureger Construction Inc. Craftsman Woodwork Foresight Home Performance Millard Construction Services LLC Bob Anderson Builders Carmel Builder's Incorporated Southeast WI Carpentry Training Center Project Manager Designer Marketing President Owner CEO Estimator/Supervisor Vice President Training Director School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 43 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Marcia Cornnell Rizal Iskandarsjach Ross Kroeger Brian R. Lehman Thomas Lipsky Russell Nicloy Steven Roncke Gregory J. Schmidt Daniel Talarczyk Richard K. Wagner City of Milwaukee Infrastructure Administration Manager JSD Professional Services Inc. Project Engineer City of Port Washington GIS Coordinator/Engineering Tech CH2M Hill Project Automation Lead Wisconsin Department of Transportation SE Region WisDOT Survey Coordinator MasterGraphics Civil Applications Engineer R.A. Smith National, Inc. Director, Engineering Tech Services Geo Test Incorporated President Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Survey Services Supervisor District JSD Professional Services, Inc. Vice President Labor Female Labor Labor Labor Labor Minority Male Male Male Male Grad Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Mgt Male Mgt Mgt Labor Consultant Labor Labor Labor Female Grad Male Male Female Male Male Grad Male Grad Grad Grad COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 2 Mgt; 2 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Carole Burns Anthony Farrell Kenneth Jaeger Janet Knotts Michael Luisa Patrick Matthews Keith Rocheck Marquette University Farrell Marketing Technology Milwaukee PC Tympani Marquette University Children's Hospital Marquette University Director - WTTC Owner Operations Manager Systems Engineer Av. Maint. Engineer Maintenance Engineer CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICESHIP: 12 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 9 Male; 3 Minority; 8 Graduate(s) John Bzdawka Brody Coates Kay Haishuk Henry Hurt Joseph Klein Dan Large Kirk Sakar Ellen Talavera Pamela Thiessenhusen Tony Tiedemann Dean Warsh David Washebek IBEW Local 494 Coates Electric Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Hurt Electric Inc. Dnesco Electric Inc. Milwaukee Electrical JATC Pieper IBEW Local 494 City of Milwaukee Staff Electric IBEW 494 Lemberg Electric Co., Inc Business Manager Owner Field Representative President President Training Director JW Electrician Business Representative Electrical Inspector Project Executive Business Reprsentative Electrician Labor Male Mgt Male Consultant Female Mgt Minority Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Labor Male Labor Female Labor Minority Female Mgt Minority Male Labor Male Mgt Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 44 Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division CRIMINAL JUSTICE - LAW ENFORCEMENT: 8 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 7 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Daniel Buntrock John Edwards Robert Halliburton Donald McInnes Stan Stojkovic Ann M. Wellens Louis Williams Lawrence Wise Mequon Police Department Oak Creek Police Dept Kohl's Corporation Stanley Security U W Milwaukee South Milwaukee Police Department House of Correction House of Correction Captain Acting Chief Chief of Security NA MGR - Government Programs Criminal Justice Coordinator Chief of Police Corrections Officer Lt. Training Coordinator / Officer Mgt Male Labor Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Grad Consultant Male Grad Mgt Female Grad Labor Minority Male Mgt Minority Male DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING: 15 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 11 Mgt; 3 Female; 12 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate( Al Atkinson Scott Bartlein Curtis Block Steve Copeland Jeff Dowd Robin Flanagan Joe Price Jason Riley Rodney Rowland Robert Schiek Stephanie Shay Barb Strasser Jeffrey Tews Mark Van Alstine Tom Zembruski Jet Repair Services Barry Fleet Services, LLc Jet Repair Services Master Fleet Foundation of the WATDA Lakeside International Milwaukee County Transit System Milwaukee County Transit System Lakeside International Lakeside International Go Riteway Transportation GO Riteway City of Milwaukee JX Peterbilt Milwaukee County Transit System Shop Operations Manager Fleet Manager Service Manager Service Center Manager Consultant Diesel Tech Training Instructor Safety and Training Instructor Body Shop Manager Service Director HR HR Generalist Fleet Operations Manager Service Manager Asst. Director of Maintenance Mgt Male Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Labor Minority Female Grad Labor Minority Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Male Labor Female Mgt Female Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION/LINE MECHANIC: 9 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 5 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Tricell Brown David Draper WE Energies WE Energies Robbie Foxen Emily Johnson Craig Lukasavitz Chris Norton Tyler Pinter Mark Schmoller Rob Schuh Missoury Valley Line Constructors WE Energies IBEW Local 2150 WE Energies IBEW Local 2150 WE Energies MJ Electric HR Consultant Electric Operations Training Supervisor Assistant Director Training Consultant Business Agent Operations Manager Business Agent Supervisor - Electric Operations Construction Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Minority Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 45 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 3 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Robert Engler Sylvia J. Habermehl Henry Hurt Joseph Jagmin Kyle Krueger Daniel Large Jose Negron Chuck Smith Pamela Thiessenhusen Rich Zakszewski Engler Electric Habermehl Electric, Inc. Hurt Electric Werner Electric Supply Milwaukee Electrical JATC Milwaukee Electrical JATC Graybar Electric Current Electric City of Milwaukee DNS Graybar Electric President President Owner Account Manager Continuing Education Coordinator Training Director Manager, Industrial Business Contractor Inspector Quates Dept Manager Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Labor Mgt Male Female Minority Male Male Grad Male Male Minority Male Male Minority Female Grad Male ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: 9 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 3 Mgt; 1 Female; 8 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Ed Chandler, PhD Gordon Durler Robert Jakubek Richard Lokken Christine Ozburn David Polka Randy Schultz MSOE Verizon Wireless U.S. Cellular Self-Employed Immucor Medical Laboratory ABB Incorporated Badger Meter, Incorporated Robert Strangeway Thong Vang MSOE Konescranes Nuclear EET-EE Program Advisor Manager - Network Wireless Engineering Counsultant Quality Assurance Technical Writer Principle Technical Instructor Supervisor/Senior Electronics Engineer Professor & Program Advisor Electrical Engineer Consultant Mgt Mgt Consultant Labor Labor Mgt Male Male Male Male Female Grad Male Male Consultant Male Labor Minority Male Grad Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Male Grad Grad Grad Consultant Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Male Female Female Male Grad Male Grad Male ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION: 10 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 6 Labor; 3 Mgt; 2 Female; 8 Male; 0 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Chris Dennison Jim Hall Steven Holz Kevin Kukowski Agilent Technologies Weigel Broadcasting Company Journal Broadcast Group WMVS/WMVT Michael Larsen Kelly Laughlin-Parker Cheryl Lenzo Matthew Staniszewski Daniel Szydel Michael Younger Agilent Technologies Badger Meter CBS 58, Weigel Broadcasting Dedicated Computing WITI Fox 6 Milwaukee G E Medical Systems Target Account Manager General Manager Broadcast Engineer Manager - Television Engineering & Operations Field Engineer Sr. Project Engineer - Electronics Operations Manager Technician Broadcast Engineer Electrical Engineer School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 46 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION: 13 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 9 Labor; 4 Mgt; 1 Female; 12 Male; 3 Minority; 4 Graduate(s) Josh Bartz Joe Finn Stefan Hochstatter Mark R. Krueger Kaonou Latham Mike Leinfelder John Liegeois Jim Lysaught Mark Medenwaldt Diven Randolph Thomas Shircel Rockwell Automation Wonderware Midwest Johnson Controls Incorporated Veolia Water Telsmith, Incorporated Rockwell Automation Siemens WEM Automation Catepillar Global Mining Aries Industry ABB, Incorporated Brian Wedward Carver Wynn Johnson Controls Incorporated Johnson Control Technical Analyst Director, Sales Lead Controls Technician Technology Manager Senior Engineer Applications Engineer Account Manager VP of Engineering & Service Engineering Project Team Leader Service Technician Senior HVAC Regional Application Engineer Systems Team Leader National Field Coordinator Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Male Grad Male Male Male Minority Female Male Grad Male Male Male Minority Male Male Grad Labor Labor Male Minority Male Grad EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES: 7 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 2 Mgt; 1 Female; 6 Male; 0 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Brandon Gregozeski Anne Johnson MD Mark Mitchell Mark Polentini Steven Riegg Kenneth J. Sternig Chris Walters Bell Ambulance Incorporated AMC / Sinai Hospital Port Washington Fire Dept. Mark Polenti, MD SC Milwaukee Fire Department Milwaukee County Paratech Ambulance Deputy Operations Director Physician Fire Chief Medical Director B/C EMS Educational Coordinator CCEMT-P Operations Manager Mgt Labor Labor Consultant Labor Labor Mgt Male Grad Female Male Male Male Male Male President Local 18 Worker Mgt Labor Male Male Business Representative Owner Account Manager/Service Sales Service Manager Business Representative Training Coordinator President/Business Manager Service Manager HVAC Service Technician Executive Director Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Grad Male Female Apprenticeship Training Representative Training Coordinator Consultant Male Labor Male ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN: 14 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 8 Mgt; 1 Female; 13 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) David Aldag Scott Bartz Brian L. Billman Don Brinkmeier Rich Everhart Jack Hall Keith Kemper Dennis Kopp Jr. Patrick C. Landgraf Mike Nank Fran O'Leary Lauri Rollings Bob Scheldroup Carl Simons Aldag Honold Mechanical, Inc. Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transportation Workers Local 18 Sheet Metal Workers Local # 18 A.D.S Mechanical LLC General Heating Tri-Core Mechanical Sheet Metal Workers Local # 18 Milwaukee Area JATC Sheet Metal Workers Local # 18 Total Mechanical, Inc. Illingworth-Kilgust Mechanical Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors' Association DWD-Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Madison Area Sheet Metal JATC School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 47 Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 8 Mgt; 0 Female; 11 Male; 2 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) James S. Chojnacki PPG Industries Randy Conrad Michael Jankowski Mark D. Mitchell Jim Perencevic Mason Pooler Gary Posda Mark A. Rohlfing Lee Schuster Richard Shircel Michael Wright JF Ahern Co. Hales Corners FD Port Washington Fire Department Paul Davis Restoration West Allis FD Cudahy FD Milwaukee Fire Department J.F. Ahern Co. Greenfield Fire Dept West Allis Fire Department Environmental Health & Safety Associate Account Executive Fire Chief Chief Emergency Recovery Coordinator Fire Lieutenant Fire Service Fire Chief Operations Manager Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Labor Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Minority Male Minority Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad INTERIOR DESIGN: 11 Members; 3 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 5 Mgt; 10 Female; 1 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Aga Artka Marjorie Bell Monica Birkholz Aga Artka Interior Design Concordia University Kahler Slater Inc. Lyn Falk Nancy Miller Jenny S. Schrank Paul Sherer Kelly Sullivan Jeanna Swiatkowski Carole Syse Genevieve Szeklinski Retailworks, Inc. Form & Function, Inc PushPoint Marketing Think Drawer, LLC Interior Investments Direct Supply Herman Miller Mount Mary University Interior Designer/Owner Associate Professor of Art Interior Designer/Senior Facilities Planner/Assoc President Interior Designer Principal Designer/Owner Education Account Manager Senior Interior Designer Territory Manager Interior Design Chair & Instructor Mgt Minority Female Grad Consultant Female Labor Female Grad Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Consultant Consultant Female Female Female Male Female Female Grad Female Female Plant Department Manager Wholesale Sales/Horticulturist Estate Gardener Mgt Mgt Mgt Female Grad Male Female Grad President Mgt CEO Landscape Architect Sales/Supervisor Office Manager - Landscape Division Support Owner Director Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Grad Female Grad Female Grad Mgt Mgt Male Female LANDSCAPE HORTICULTURE: 10 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 10 Mgt; 5 Female; 5 Male; 1 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Katie Becker Brent Gustason Valerie Kupczak-Rios Anthony Mayer Chris Miracle Judith Mumpy Cheryl Walsh Wisconsin Garden & Pet Supply Johnson's Nursery Villa Terrace Decorative & Renaissance Garden Gibraltar Landscape & Construction, LLC. Hanging Gardens LLC Landworks, INC Kanavas Landscape Management Otter Creek Landscape Jeff Wilson Shirley Walczak Wachtel Tree Science Boerner Botanical Gardens Steve D. Maria Minority Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 48 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division MACHINE TOOL/CNC - TOOL & DIE MAKING: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 3 Mgt; 1 Female; 10 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Erin Beyer Torben Christensen John Erickson John Holt Michael A. Mallwitz David Mather Wally Mulvaney Anthony Rainey A.J. Schweda Jim Wier Richard H. Yusten TRN Technical Wiscon Products Inc. The Master Lock Company HAAS Factory Outlet Busch Precision, Incorporated Johnson Wax Haas Factory Outlet Master Lock Premier Machine Tool Midwest PDQ Tooling Incorporated Eagle Technology Group Division Director President Tool & Die Maker Sales Engineer President/CEO Technologist Specialist Sales Manager International UAW General Manager Skilled Trades Recruiter Labor Female Mgt Male Grad Labor Male Labor Male Mgt Male Labor Male Grad Labor Male Labor Minority Male Labor Male Mgt Male Consultant Male MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE: 5 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 1 Labor; 3 Mgt; 0 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Todd Dunnam Art Laabs Jeff Martin Fred Nicora Bob Scheldroup Milwaukee Forge ATI Forge Walter USA LLC Carlson Tool & Manufacturing Corp. DWD - Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Human Resource Manager Cudahy Operation Sales Engineer Employee Development Manager Apprenticeship Training Representative Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Consultant Male Male Male Male Male Field Representative Consultant Female Facility Manager/Master Electrician Field Representative Human Resources Supervisor Employee Relations Electrical Services Op. Manager Electrician Power Plant Electrician Labor Consultant Mgt Male Female Female Mgt Labor Labor Labor Male Male Male Male Mgt Mgt Male Female Grad Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Labor Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE: 8 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 2 Mgt; 3 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Sandy Brietzman Paul Gloudemans Kay Haishuk Kimberly Kozlik Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards c/o Gateway Tech Northwestern Mutual Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards ATI Ladish Forging Thomas Pechacek Ryan Smith Robert Stone Mark Wieseke City of Milwaukee-DPW/ISD Harley-Davidson WE-Energies/Local 2150 Master Lock Grad Grad MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN: 11 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 6 Mgt; 3 Female; 8 Male; 0 Minority; 6 Graduate(s) Jack Boblick Donna Burbey Motive Equipment Joy Global Rick Correll Tom Furman Doug Gennrich Norm Kopp Christy Matuszewski Tom Servais Debra Smith Michael Stolz Michael Webb Caterpillar Incorporated ATI Ladish Forging ATI Ladish Forging Joy Global Briggs & Stratton Corporation Astronautics Corporation MSOE Caterpillar Incorporated Integreyt Data Solutions President Project Manager, Mechanical Engineer Group IT Analyst III VP Engineering & IT Facilities Mechanical Engineer Supervisor, Technical Design Product Validation Engineer Supervisor Mechanical Engineer Senior Staff Engineer Application Engineer School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 49 Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 3 Mgt; 2 Female; 6 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad Michelle Cartwright Jeffrey Hetzel Adam Holmes Joseph Jazdzewski Tony Neimiec Robert A Owsianowski Charles Schwiesow Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Common Links Construction Hetzel-SanFilippo IUPAT District Council #7 (DC7) Painters & Allied Trades District Council 7 State Painting Local 781 Porta-Painting, Inc District Representative Vice President Executive Project Manager Training Coordinator Business Manager/SecretaryTreasurer Painter Drywall Finisher President Consultant Minority Female Mgt Female Mgt Male Labor Male Labor Male Labor Labor Mgt Male Male Male Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Male Male Minority Male Male Male Male Male POWER ENGINEERING & BOILER OPERATOR: 7 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 4 Mgt; 0 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Brian Gates Joe Griffin Michael Gutierrez Richard Hecht Mark Maierle Mark Uhrman Lakoss Underwood Saint Veronica's Parish We Energies Milwaukee Public Schools Marcus Center Local 420 IUOE Milwaukee Repertory Theater Milwaukee Public Schools - Clement Avenue School Facilities Maintenance Specialist Manager Manager of Building Operations Vice President /COO Business Manager Chief Engineer Engineer 1 Grad Grad Grad PREPARATORY PLUMBING: 9 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 6 Male; 2 Minority; 3 Graduate(s) Hafeezah Ahmad Alaina Cartagena Julian Coleman Chris Horner Paul Price Jr. Scott Redman Charles Robinson Heather Thompson Dale Zahn Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards JM Brennan DPS Horner Plumbing Best Price Plumbing (Self Employed) Plumbers Local 75 Sprinklerfitters 183 Ferguson Enterprises Incorporated Alpine Plumbing Inc Apprenticeship Training Rep. Project Estimator Master Plumber Vice President Owner Journeyman Warehouse Manager Senior Project Manager Consultant Minority Female Labor Female Grad Mgt Minority Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Consultant Male Labor Male Mgt Female Mgt Male Grad QUALITY ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: 8 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 5 Mgt; 3 Female; 5 Male; 0 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Chris Chomicki Jodi Medley McMahon Michael Porfilio Dainna Rose Todd M. Trimboli Robert Watters Rossi Wittlinger Michael Woods Rockwell Automation MRA Anderson Laboratories Precision Metrology Cooper Power Systems American Society for Quality Adaptive Mind Huf North America Rockwell Automation Quality and Productivity Manager Director of Operations Quality Systems Manager Operations Power Manager Director, E&T Managing Director Quality Engineer Consultant Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Labor Male Grad Female Male Grad Female Male Male Female Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 50 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division RENEWABLE ENERGY: 11 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 7 Mgt; 3 Female; 8 Male; 1 Minority; 1 Graduate(s) Nancy Alberte Barb Basaj Jeremy Belot Matthew Giovanelli Matthew Gladen Michael S. Harper George Leutermann Walt Novash Ed Stoll Amy Taivalkoski Dean Wolff Sunspec, LLC Layton Boulevard West Neighborhood's Werner Electric Fesco Direct LLC/Prevailing Wind Group Harper & Associates/Urban Clean Energy Ventures Milwaukee Community Service Corps Johnson Controls, Inc. WiscoSolar ALT Energy Milwaukee Solar Site Assessor Owner Project Coordinator President Partner/Managing Member Mgt Mgt Labor Labor Mgt Mgt Female Grad Female Male Male Male Minority Male Executive Director Renewable Energy Consulatant Renewable Energy Consultant Owner Mgt Labor Consultant Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Female Male Labor Labor Labor Mgt Labor Consultant Minority Male Male Female Male Male Male Mgt Labor Mgt Male Male Male Consultant Male Project Manager Business Representative Mgt Labor Male Male Training Coordinator Business Representative President/Business Manager Executive Vice President Business Representative Business Agent Associate Director Owner/President Executive Director Apprenticeship Training Representative Owner/CEO Labor Labor Labor Mgt Labor Labor Consultant Mgt Mgt Consultant Male Grad Male Male Male Male Grad Male Male Male Female Male ROOFER APPRENTICE: 10 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 5 Labor; 3 Mgt; 1 Female; 9 Male; 1 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Alfred R. Bartowitz Joseph Beulen Lois Breitlow Chris Busalacchi Gerry Ferreira Joshua Johnson Schranz Roofing Incorporated Roofers Local 65 S.E. WI Roofing & Waterproofing JATC M.M. Schranz Roofing Incorporated Roofers Local #65 Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Mark Langer Dennis McNulty Fred Petersen Langer Roofing SE-WI Roofing & Waterproofing JATC CarLson Racine Roofing & Sheet Metal President Incorporated State of Wisconsin - Bureau of Apprenticeship Training Apprenticeship Standards Representative Robert Scheldroup Roofer Administrator President Apprenticeship Training Representative President SHEET METAL APPRENTICE: 13 Members; 2 Consultant(s); 7 Labor; 4 Mgt; 2 Female; 11 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) Ken Groeschei Jr. Keith Kemper Dennis R. Kopp Jr. Michael Krebsbach Patrick Landgraf Mike Mamayek Michael Mooney Earl Phillips Kevin Reed Dan Rogers Lauri Rollings Bob Scheldroup Jean Thiel Butters-Fetting Co Inc. Sheet Metal workers' International Assn. Local 18 Milwaukee Area JATC Local 18 Sheet Metal Workers Local Union #18 ILLingworth Kilgust Mechanical Sheet Metal Workers L.U. #18 Sheet Metal Union #18 SMACCA- Milwaukee Brendan Mechanical Systems SMACCA- Milwaukee DWD- Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Belonger Corporation Inc. Labor Minority Female School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 51 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division STEAMFITTER & REFRIGERATION APPRENTICE: 13 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 4 Labor; 8 Mgt; 1 Female; 12 Male; 1 Minority; 8 Graduate(s) David Ahler Jim Christensen Roger Clark Gary Cox Doug Edwards Allan Johnson Michael Polster Dale Poweleit Butters-Fetting Company H&H Industries Local 118 Steamfitters Local 601 Steamfitters Local 601 Local 118 General Heating & Air Conditioning Wisconsin Pipe Trades Lauri Rollings Plumbing & Mechanical Contractors Association DWD Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards JM Brennan Steamfitters Local 601 Steamfitters Local 601 Robert Sheldroup Gary Stramowski Brian Toutant Joel Zielke V.P. Service Service Manager Business Manager Union Rep Business Agent - Local 601 Training Director Labor Manager Marketing Representative/President Local 601 Executive Director Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Labor Mgt Labor Male Male Male Male Minority Male Male Male Male Mgt Female Apprenticeship Training Representative Manager Business Agent Financial Secretary Consultant Male Mgt Mgt Labor Male Male Male Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad SUSTAINABLE FACILITIES OPERATIONS: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 2 Labor; 6 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 1 Minority; 2 Graduate(s) John Berget Nina Johnson Sarah Kannass Kevin Key Paul Kling Harry H. Kohal Thomas Quasius Gerrit Reinders Paul Van de Sand Focus on Energy Guaranty Bank, FSB Grunau Company Hot Water Products, Inc. Rexnord Eagle Technology CB & I Energy Management & Sustainability Telkonet, Inc. Wisconsin Focus On Energy Program Energy Advisor Bank Director/SVP Project Manager Sales/Applications Corp. Energy Manager Vice President Managing Director, Environmental & Infrastructure Executive Vice President Senior Program Lead Consultant Male Mgt Minority Female Mgt Female Labor Male Grad Mgt Male Grad Mgt Male Mgt Male Mgt Labor Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Consultant Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female TRUCK DRIVING: 9 Members; 1 Consultant(s); 0 Labor; 8 Mgt; 2 Female; 7 Male; 0 Minority; 0 Graduate(s) Ben Anderson John Dermyer Brian Field Daniel Fraid Nuno Gomes Peggy Lang Richard W. Lindbeck Gregg Lindner Joni Sabich Jet Intermodal, Inc. Central Transport City of Milwaukee Con-Way Freight Schneider National Carriers Transport National State of Wisconsin Lindner Logistics Rock Transfer & Storage Safety Director Terminal Manager Driver Training Instructor Human Resources Division Manager HR Assist/Recruiter State Patrol Sgt. Retired Owner President School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 52 June 2015 Advisory Committee Membership Lists School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division WELDING/WELD TECH: 12 Members; 0 Consultant(s); 3 Labor; 9 Mgt; 0 Female; 12 Male; 0 Minority; 5 Graduate(s) Tim Echan Jim Giordano Bryan Hackbarth Richard Hanson Eric Isbister Larry Kienau Mark Kowalski Tom Kullinger Lincoln Electric GenMet Joy Global Surface Mining Local 8 Iron Workers GenMet Airgas USA Airgas USA LLC Logeman Brothers Company Jeff Noruk Michael Porfilio Adam Thomas Servo Robot Corporation Anderson Laboratories Caterpillar Global Mining Scott Wallermann Broad Wind Towers and Heavy Industries Technical Sales Representative Journeyman Fabricator Manager - Weld Engineering Apprentice Coordinator CEO District Manager Weld Process Specialist Manufacturing Engineering Supervisor President Director of Sales and Operations Manufacturing Engineering Mangager Welding Specialist/CWI Labor Labor Mgt Labor Mgt Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Mgt Mgt Mgt Male Male Male Mgt Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Division 53 Grad Grad Grad Grad Grad Attachment ESSS - 5 PATHWAY PRESENTATION SCHEDULE FY 2015‐2016 MONTH PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR AUGUST Pathway Schedule J. Feld SEPTEMBER Television/eProduction B. Carlson, AD OCTOBER Photography B. Carlson, AD NOVEMBER Audio Production B. Carlson, AD DECEMBER Computer Simulation & Gaming B. Carlson, AD JANUARY , AD FEBRUARY Chemical Technology/BioTechnology A. Lerch‐Gaggle, AD MARCH Creative Advertising Strategist B. Carlson, AD APRIL EMT/Paramedic R. Spahn, AD MAY Hotel/Hospitality Management R. Busalacchi, AD JUNE Horticulture B. Alsup, AD 08-6-14