Volume 8 (2007), Issue 1, Article 1, 6 pp. FREE AND CLASSICAL ENTROPY OVER THE CIRCLE GORDON BLOWER D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS AND S TATISTICS L ANCASTER U NIVERSITY L ANCASTER LA1 4FY E NGLAND UK. g.blower@lancaster.ac.uk Received 12 September, 2006; accepted 17 February, 2007 Communicated by F. Hansen A BSTRACT. Relative entropy with respect to normalized arclength on the circle is greater than or equal to the negative logarithmic energy (Voiculescu’s negative free entropy) and is greater than or equal to the modified relative free entropy. This note contains proofs of these inequalities and related consequences of the first Lebedev–Milin inequality. Key words and phrases: Transportation inequality; Free probability; Random matrices. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60E15; 46L54. 1. I NTRODUCTION AND D EFINITIONS In this note we consider inequalities between various notions of relative entropy and related metrics for probability measures on the circle. The introduction contains definitions and brief statements of results which are made precise in subsequent sections. Definition 1.1. For µ and ν probability measures on T with ν absolutely continuous with respect to µ, let dν/dµ be the Radon–Nikodym derivative. The (classical) relative entropy of ν with respect to µ is Z dν (1.1) Ent(ν | µ) = log dν; dµ T note that 0 ≤ Ent(ν | µ) ≤ ∞ by Jensen’s inequality; we take Ent(ν | µ) = ∞ when ν is not absolutely continuous with respect to µ. Definition 1.2. Let ρ be a probability measure on R that has no atoms. If the integral ZZ (1.2) Σ(ρ) = log |x − y| ρ(dx)ρ(dy) R2 converges absolutely, then ρ has free entropy Σ(ρ), that is, the logarithmic energy. I am grateful to Profs. Hiai and Ueda for helpful communications and to Prof Ledoux for pointing out some references. The research was partially supported by the project ‘Phenomena in High Dimensions MRTN-CT-2004-511953’. 249-06 2 G ORDON B LOWER Voiculescu [14] introduced this along with other concepts of free probability; see also [3], [5], [6], [8], where various notations and constants are employed. In Theorem 2.1 we compare free with relative entropy with respect to arclength measure dθ/2π on T and show that ρ(dθ) = p(eiθ )dθ/2π satisfies (1.3) −Σ(ρ) ≤ Ent(ρ | dθ/2π). The proof involves the sharp Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality. Definition 1.3. Suppose that f and g are probability density functions with respect to dθ/2π, and let ZZ dθ dφ 1 iθ iθ iφ iφ (1.4) Σ(f, g) = log iθ f (e ) − g(e ) f (e ) − g(e ) |e − eiφ | 2π 2π T2 be the modified relative free entropy as in [5], [6], [7], [8]. For notational convenience, we identify an absolutely continuous probability measure with its probability density function and write I for the constant function 1. In Theorem 2.2 we show that Σ(f, I) ≤ Ent(f | I). The proof uses the first Lebedev–Milin inequality for functions in the Dirichlet space over unit disc D. Let u : D → R be a harmonic function such that k∇u(z)k2 is integrable with respect to area measure, let v be its harmonic conjugate with v(0) = 0 and g = (u + iv)/2. Then by [10], u satisfies Z ZZ Z dθ 1 dθ iθ iθ 2 (1.5) log exp u(e ) ≤ k∇u(re )k rdrdθ + u(eiθ ) ; 2π 4π 2π T D T thus exp g belongs to the Hardy space H2 (D). One can interpret this inequality as showing that H2 (D) is the symmetric Fock space of Dirichlet space, which is reflected by the reproducing kernels, as in [12]. Definition 1.4. Let µ and ν be probability measures on T. Then the Wasserstein p metric for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and the cost function |eiθ − eiφ |p /p is ( Z Z p1 ) 1 (1.6) Wp (µ, ν) = inf |eiθ − eiφ |p ω(dθdφ) , ω p T2 where ω is a probability measure on T2 that has marginals µ and ν. See [13]. Let u : T → R be a 1-Lipschitz function sense that |u(eiθ ) − u(eiφ )| ≤ |eiθ − eiφ | for R in the iθ iφ iθ all e , e ∈ T, and suppose further that T u(e )dθ/2π = 0. Then by (1.6), as reformulated in (3.2) below, we have 2 Z dθ t iθ (1.7) exp tu(e ) ≤ exp (t ∈ R). 2π 2 T Bobkov and Götze have shown that the dual form of this concentration inequality is the transportation inequality W1 (ρ, dθ/2π)2 ≤ 2Ent(ρ | dθ/2π) for all probability measures ρ of finite relative entropy with respect to dθ/2π, as in [13], 9.3. In Section 3 we provide a free transportation inequality W1 (ρ, ν)2 ≤ 2Σ(ρ, ν) which generalizes and strengthens this dual inequality. 2. F REE V ERSUS C LASSICAL E NTROPY WITH R ESPECT TO A RCLENGTH For completeness, we recall the following result of Beckner and Lieb [2]. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(1) (2007), Art. 1, 6 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ F REE AND C LASSICAL E NTROPY 3 Theorem 2.1. Suppose that f is a probability density function on R such that f log f is integrable. Then f has finite free entropy and Z ZZ 1 (2.1) log f (x)f (y) dxdy ≤ log 2π + f (x) log f (x) dx. |x − y| R R2 Proof. The sharp form of the Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality, due to Lieb [2], gives Z p2 ZZ f (x)f (y) 3/2−2/p Γ(1/p − 1/2) p (2.2) dxdy ≤ π |f (x)| dx , λ Γ(1/p) R2 |x − y| R for λ = 2(1 − 1/p) with 1 ≤ p < 2, and with equality when p = 1. Hence the derivative at p = 1+ of the left-hand side is less than or equal to the derivative of the right-hand side. By differentiating Legendre’s duplication formula Γ(2x)Γ(1/2) = 22x−1 Γ(x)Γ(x + 1/2) at x = 1/2, we obtain 1 1 0 0 (2.3) Γ (1)/Γ(1) = 2 log 2 + Γ Γ , 2 2 and hence we obtain the derivative of the numerical factor in (2.2). This gives (2.1); to deduce (1.3), we take f (θ) = p(eiθ )I[0,2π] (θ)/2π where ρ(dθ) = p(eiθ )dθ/2π. In [7] the authors assert that the relative and free entropies with respect to arclength are incomparable, contrary to Theorem 2.2 below and (1.3). Whereas the values of the entropies of their attempted counterexample are correct on [7, p. 220] and [5, p. 204], the limit on [7, p. 220, line 7] should be 1 and not 0; so the calculation fails. The calculation on [7, p. 219] does show that (1.3) has no reverse inequality. R Definition 2.1. With real α and Fourier coefficients fˆ(n) = T f (eiθ )e−inθ dθ/2π, let H α (T) be the subspace of L2 (T) consisting of those f such that ! 21 X (2.4) kf kH α (T) = (1 + |n|2α )|fˆ(n)|2 n∈Z is finite, and let Ḣ α (T) be the completion of the subspace {f ∈ H α (T) : fˆ(0) = 0} for the norm 12 X (2.5) kf kḢ α (T) = |n|2α |fˆ(n)|2 ; n∈Z\{0} we use the notation kf kḢ α (T) to indicate the semi-norm defined by this sum for typical elements of H α (T). P inθ There is a natural pairing of Ḣ α (T) with Ḣ −α (T) whereby g(eiθ ) ∼ in n∈Z\{0} bn e −α α Ḣ (T) defines a bounded linear functional on Ḣ (T) by X X (2.6) an einθ 7→ an b̄n . n∈Z\{0} n∈Z\{0} When p and q are probability density functions of finite relative free entropy, their difference f = p − q belongs to Ḣ −1/2 (T) and is real; so when we take the Taylor expansion of the kernel J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(1) (2007), Art. 1, 6 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 4 G ORDON B LOWER in (1.4) we deduce that (2.7) kp − qk2Ḣ −1/2 (T) ∞ X fˆ(n)fˆ(−n) X |fˆ(n)|2 = =2 = 2Σ(p, q), |n| n n=1 n∈Z\{0} as in [8, p. 716]. Theorem 2.2. Let f be a probability density function on T that has finite relative entropy with respect to dθ/2π. Then (2.8) Σ(f, I) ≤ Ent(f | I). Proof. We considerRharmonic extensions of L2 (T) to the unit disc. Let uφ (eiθ ) = u(eiθ−iφ ) and let u(reiθ ) = T Pr (eiφ )uφ (eiθ )dφ/2π be the Poisson extension of u, where Pr (eiθ ) = P |n| inθ . The dual space of Ḣ −1/2 (T) under the pairing of (2.6) is Ḣ 1/2 n∈Z r e R (T),iθwhich we identify with the Dirichlet space G of harmonic functions u : D → R such that T u(e )dθ/2π = 0 and ZZ (2.9) k∇uk2 dxdy/π < ∞. D By the joint convexity of relative entropy [4], any pair of probability density functions of finite relative entropy satisfies Z dφ (2.10) Ent(f | u) = Pr (eiφ )Ent(fφ | uφ ) ≥ Ent(Pr f | Pr u); 2π T so, in particular, (2.11) Ent(f | I) ≥ Ent(Pr f | I) (0 ≤ r < 1). Hence it suffices to prove the theorem for Pr f instead of f , and then take limits as r → 1−. For notational simplicity, we shall assume that f has a rapidly convergent Fourier series so that various integrals converge absolutely. R Suppose that u is a real function in H 1/2 (T) that has T u(eiθ )dθ/2π = −t and kukḢ 1/2 (T) = s; by adding a constant to u if necessary, we can assume that s2 /2 = t. Then by (1.5) we have 2 Z s iθ dθ (2.12) exp u(e ) ≤ exp − t = 1, 2π 2 T and consequently by the dual formula for relative entropy Z Z Z iθ iθ dθ iθ iθ dθ iθ dθ (2.13) f (e ) log f (e ) = sup h(e )f (e ) : exp h(e ) ≤1 2π 2π 2π T T T Z dθ ≥ f (eiθ )u(eiθ ) . 2π T Recalling the dual pairing of Ḣ −1/2 (T) with Ḣ 1/2 (T), we write Z Z Z dθ iθ iθ dθ iθ dθ (2.14) hf, ui = f (e )u(e ) − f (e ) u(eiθ ) , 2π 2π T 2π T T so that by (2.13) Z dθ (2.15) hf, ui ≤ t + f (eiθ ) log f (eiθ ) . 2π T We choose the û(n) for n 6= 0 to optimize the left-hand side, and deduce that Z dθ 2 (2.16) kf kḢ −1/2 (T) kukḢ 1/2 (T) = skf kḢ −1/2 (T) ≤ s /2 + f (eiθ ) log f (eiθ ) , 2π T J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(1) (2007), Art. 1, 6 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ F REE AND C LASSICAL E NTROPY 5 so by choosing s we can obtain the desired result (2.17) 2Σ(f, I) = kf k2Ḣ −1/2 (T) Z ≤2 f (eiθ ) log f (eiθ ) T dθ . 2π The quantity Ent(I | w) also appears in free probability, and the appearance of the formula (1.5) likewise becomes unsurprising when we recall the strong Szegö limit theorem. Let w : T → R+ be a probability density with respect to dθ/2π such that u(eiθ ) = log w(eiθ ) belongs to H 1/2 (T), let Dn = det[ŵ(j − k)]0≤j,k≤n−1 be the determinants of the n × n Toeplitz matrices associated with the symbol w, and let Z ZZ 1 iθ dθ 2 (2.18) αn = exp (n + 1) u(e ) + k∇u(z)k dxdy (n = 0, 1, . . . ). 2π 4π T D R Then by (1.5), we have α0 ≥ 1 since w(eiθ )dθ/2π = 1; further Z 1/n iθ dθ (2.19) Dn → exp u(e ) = exp −Ent(I | w) (n → ∞) 2π T by [11, p. 169] and by Ibragimov’s Theorem [11, p. 342], (2.20) Dn /αn → 1 (n → ∞). One can refine the proof given in [1] and prove the following result on the asymptotic distribution of linear statistics. Let f be a real function in H 1/2 (T) and let Xn : (U (n), µU (n) ) → R be the random variable Z dθ (γ ∈ U (n)), (2.21) Xn (γ) = trace(f (γ)) − n f (eiθ ) 2π T where µU (n) is the Haar measure on the group U (n) of n × n unitary matrices. Then (Xn ) converges in distribution as n → ∞ to a Gaussian random variable with mean zero and variance kf k2Ḣ 1/2 (T) . 3. A S IMPLE F REE T RANSPORTATION I NEQUALITY Theorem 3.1. Suppose that p and q are probability density functions with respect to dθ/2π such that their relative free entropy is finite. Then (3.1) W1 (p, q)2 ≤ 2Σ(p, q). Proof. By the Kantorovich–Rubinstein theorem, as in [13, p. 34], Z dθ iθ iθ iθ iθ iφ iθ iφ (3.2) W1 (p, q) = sup u(e ) p(e ) − q(e ) : |u(e ) − u(e )| ≤ |e − e | . 2π u T Any such 1–Lipschitz function u belongs to H 1/2 (T), since we have Z Z iθ X u(e ) − u(eiφ ) 2 dθ dφ 2 (3.3) |n||û(n)| = eiθ − eiφ 2π 2π ≤ 1, 2 T n∈Z by [11, 6.1.58]. Hence by the duality between Ḣ 1/2 (T) and Ḣ −1/2 (T), we have Z dθ iθ iθ iθ (3.4) W1 (p, q) ≤ sup u(e ) p(e ) − q(e ) : kukḢ 1/2 (T) ≤ 1 2π u T = kp − qkḢ −1/2 (T) . J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 8(1) (2007), Art. 1, 6 pp. http://jipam.vu.edu.au/ 6 G ORDON B LOWER In [6] and [7], Hiai, Petz and Ueda prove a transportation inequality for W2 by means of a difficult matrix approximation argument. Whereas transportation inequalities involving W2 generally imply transportation inequalities for W1 by the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, Theorem 3.1 has the merit that it applies to a wide class of p and q and involves the uniform constant 2. 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