Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 7, Issue 5, Article 191, 2006 INCLUSION AND NEIGHBORHOOD PROPERTIES OF CERTAIN SUBCLASSES OF ANALYTIC AND MULTIVALENT FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER H.M. SRIVASTAVA, K. SUCHITHRA, B. ADOLF STEPHEN, AND S. SIVASUBRAMANIAN D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS AND S TATISTICS U NIVERSITY OF V ICTORIA V ICTORIA , B RITISH C OLUMBIA V8W 3P4, C ANADA D EPARTMENT OF A PPLIED M ATHEMATICS S RI V ENKATESWARA C OLLEGE OF E NGINEERING S RIPERUMBUDUR 602 105 TAMIL NADU , I NDIA D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS M ADRAS C HRISTIAN C OLLEGE E AST TAMBARAM 600 059 TAMIL NADU , I NDIA D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS E ASWARI E NGINEERING C OLLEGE R AMAPURAM , C HENNAI 600 089 TAMIL NADU , I NDIA Received 08 July, 2006; accepted 11 July, 2006 Communicated by Th.M. Rassias A BSTRACT. In the present paper, the authors prove several inclusion relations associated with the (n, δ)-neighborhoods of certain subclasses of p-valently analytic functions of complex order, which are introduced here by means of a family of extended multiplier transformations. Special cases of some of these inclusion relations are shown to yield known results. Key words and phrases: Analytic functions, p-valent functions, Coefficient bounds, Multiplier transformations, Neighborhood of analytic functions, Inclusion relations. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30C45. ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2006 Victoria University. All rights reserved. The present investigation was supported, in part, by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant OGP0007353. 187-06 2 H.M. S RIVASTAVA , K. S UCHITHRA , B. A DOLF S TEPHEN , AND S. S IVASUBRAMANIAN 1. I NTRODUCTION , D EFINITIONS AND P RELIMINARIES Let Ap (n) denote the class of functions f (z) normalized by p f (z) = z − (1.1) ∞ X aτ z τ τ =n+p (aτ = 0; n, p ∈ N := {1, 2, 3, . . . }), which are analytic and p-valent in the open unit disk U := {z : z ∈ C and |z| < 1}. Analogous to the multiplier transformation on A, the operator Ip (r, µ), given on Ap (1) by r ∞ X τ +µ p Ip (r, µ)f (z) := z − aτ z τ p + µ τ =p+1 µ = 0; r ∈ Z; f ∈ Ap (1) , was studied by Kumar et al. [6]. It is easily verified that (p + µ)Ip (r + 1, µ)f (z) = z[Ip (r, µ)f (z)]0 + µIp (r, µ)f (z). The operator Ip (r, µ) is closely related to the Sǎlǎgean derivative operator [11]. The operator Iµr := I1 (r, µ) was studied by Cho and Srivastava [4] and Cho and Kim [3]. Moreover, the operator Ir := I1 (r, 1) was studied earlier by Uraleggadi and Somanatha [13]. Here, in our present investigation, we define the operator Ip (r, µ) on Ap (n) by r ∞ X τ +µ p (1.2) Ip (r, µ)f (z) := z − aτ z τ p + µ τ =n+p (µ = 0; p ∈ N; r ∈ Z). p By using the operator Ip (r, µ)f (z) given by (1.2), we introduce a subclass Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) of the p-valently analytic function class Ap (n), which consists of functions f (z) satisfying the following inequality: (m+1) 2 (m+2) 1 z[I (r, µ)f (z)] + λz [I (r, µ)f (z)] p p <1 (1.3) − (p − m) b λz[Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m+1) + (1 − λ)[Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m) z ∈ U; p ∈ N; m ∈ N0 ; r ∈ Z; µ = 0; λ = 0; p > max(m, −µ); b ∈ C \ {0} . Next, following the earlier investigations by Goodman [5], Ruscheweyh [10] and Altintas et al. [2] (see also [1], [7] and [12]), we define the (n, δ)-neighborhood of a function f (z) ∈ Ap (n) by (see, for details, [2, p. 1668]) ( ) ∞ ∞ X X (1.4) Nn,δ (f ) := g ∈ Ap (n) : g(z) = z p − bτ z τ and τ |aτ − bτ | 5 δ . τ =n+p τ =n+p It follows from (1.4) that, if (1.5) J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 7(5) Art. 191, 2006 h(z) = z p (p ∈ N), I NCLUSION AND N EIGHBORHOOD P ROPERTIES 3 then ( (1.6) Nn,δ (h) := g ∈ Ap (n) : g(z) = z p − ∞ X bτ z τ and τ =n+p ∞ X ) τ |bτ | 5 δ . τ =n+p Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) the subclass of Ap (n) consisting of functions f (z) Finally, we denote by which satisfy the inequality (1.7) below: 1 (m+1) (m+2) (1.7) + λz[Ip (r, µ)f (z)] − (p − m) b [1 − λ(p − m − 1)][Ip (r, µ)f (z)] <p−m z ∈ U; p ∈ N; m ∈ N0 ; r ∈ Z; µ = 0; λ = 0; p > max(m, −µ); b ∈ C \ {0} . The object of the present paper is to investigate the various properties and characteristics of analytic p-valent functions belonging to the subclasses p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b), which we have defined here. Apart from deriving a set of coefficient bounds for each of these function classes, we establish several inclusion relationships involving the (n, δ)-neighborhoods of analytic p-valent functions (with negative and missing coefficients) belonging to these subclasses. Our definitions of the function classes p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) are motivated essentially by the earlier investigations of Orhan and Kamali [8], and of Raina and Srivastava [9], in each of which further details and closely-related subclasses can be found. In particular, in our definition of the function classes p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) involving the inequalities (1.3) and (1.7), we have relaxed the parametric constraint 0 5 λ 5 1, which was imposed earlier by Orhan and Kamali [8, p. 57, Equations (1.10) and (1.11)] (see also Remark 3 below). 2. A S ET OF C OEFFICIENT B OUNDS In this section, we prove the following results which yield the coefficient inequalities for functions in the subclasses p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b). p (µ, r, λ, b) if and only if Theorem 1. Let f (z) ∈ Ap (n) be given by (1.1). Then f (z) ∈ Sn,m r ∞ X τ +µ τ (2.1) [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)](τ − p + |b|)aτ p+µ m τ =n+p p 5 |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] , m where τ τ (τ − 1) · · · (τ − m + 1) = . m m! J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 7(5) Art. 191, 2006 4 H.M. S RIVASTAVA , K. S UCHITHRA , B. A DOLF S TEPHEN , AND S. S IVASUBRAMANIAN p Proof. Let a function f (z) of the form (1.1) belong to the class Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b). Then, in view of (1.2) and (1.3), we have the following inequality: (2.2) R − r ∞ P τ +µ τ =n+p p m p+µ τ m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)]z p−m − (τ − p)[1 + λ(τ − m − 1)]aτ z τ −m r ∞ P τ +µ τ =n+p p+µ τ m [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)]aτ z τ −m > −|b| (z ∈ U). Putting z = r1 (0 5 r1 < 1) in (2.2), we observe that the expression in the denominator on the left-hand side of (2.2) is positive for r1 = 0 and also for all r1 (0 < r1 < 1). Thus, by letting r1 → 1− through real values, (2.2) leads us to the desired assertion (2.1) of Theorem 1. Conversely, by applying (2.1) and setting |z| = 1, we find by using (1.2) that z[Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m+1) + λz 2 [Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m+2) λz[Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m+1) + (1 − λ)[Ip (r, µ)f (z)](m) − (p − m) r ∞ P τ τ +µ [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)](τ − p)a τ p+µ m τ =n+p = ∞ r τ p [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] − P τ +µ [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)]a τ m p+µ m τ =n+p r ∞ P p τ τ +µ |b| m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] − [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)]aτ p+µ m τ =n+p 5 r ∞ P p τ τ +µ [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] − [1 + λ(τ − m − 1)]aτ m p+µ m τ =n+p = |b|. p Hence, by the maximum modulus principle, we infer that f (z) ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b), which completes the proof of Theorem 1. Remark 1. In the special case when (2.3) m = 0, p = 1, b = βγ (0 < β 5 1; γ ∈ C \ {0}), r = Ω (Ω ∈ N0 := N ∪ {0}), τ = k + 1, and µ = 0, Theorem 1 corresponds to a result given earlier by Orhan and Kamali [8, p. 57, Lemma 1]. By using the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 1, we can establish Theorem 2 below. Theorem 2. Let f (z) ∈ Ap (n) be given by (1.1). Then f (z) ∈ Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) if and only if (2.4) r ∞ X τ |b| − 1 p τ +µ (τ − m)[1 + λ(τ − p)]aτ 5 (p − m) + . p + µ m m! m τ =n+p Remark 2. Making use of the same parametric substitutions as mentioned above in (2.3), Theorem 2 yields another known result due to Orhan and Kamali [8, p. 58, Lemma 2]. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 7(5) Art. 191, 2006 I NCLUSION AND N EIGHBORHOOD P ROPERTIES 5 3. I NCLUSION R ELATIONSHIPS I NVOLVING THE (n, δ)-N EIGHBORHOODS In this section, we establish several inclusion relationships for the function classes p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) involving the (n, δ)-neighborhood defined by (1.6). Theorem 3. If |b|(n + p) mp [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] r δ := n+p (n + |b|) n+p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] p+µ m (3.1) (p > |b|), then p Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) ⊂ Nn,δ (h). (3.2) p Proof. Let f (z) ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b). Then, in view of the assertion (2.1) of Theorem 1, we have (n + |b|) n+p+µ p+µ r ∞ X n+p [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] aτ m τ =n+p p 5 |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)], m which yields ∞ X (3.3) τ =n+p aτ 5 |b| p m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] r . n+p (n + |b|) n+p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] p+µ m Applying the assertion (2.1) of Theorem 1 again, in conjunction with (3.3), we obtain r ∞ X n+p+µ n+p [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] τ aτ p+µ m τ =n+p r p n+p+µ 5 |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] + (p − |b|) m p+µ ∞ X n+p · [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] aτ m τ =n+p r p n+p+µ 5 |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] + (p − |b|) m p+µ |b| mp [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] n+p r · [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] n+p m (n + |b|) n+p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] p+µ m p n+p = |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] . m n + |b| Hence |b|(n + p) mp [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] r (3.4) τ aτ 5 =: δ n+p+µ n+p τ =n+p (n + |b|) [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] m p+µ X which, by virtue of (1.6), establishes the inclusion relation (3.2) of Theorem 3. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 7(5) Art. 191, 2006 (p > |b|), 6 H.M. S RIVASTAVA , K. S UCHITHRA , B. A DOLF S TEPHEN , AND S. S IVASUBRAMANIAN Analogously, by applying the assertion (2.4) of Theorem 2 instead of the assertion (2.1) of Theorem 1 to functions in the class Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b), we can prove the following inclusion relationship. Theorem 4. If (p − m) r δ= (3.5) n+p+µ p+µ h |b|−1 m! i p m + n+p−1 (1 + λn) m 1 λ> p , then Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) ⊂ Nn,δ (h). (3.6) Remark 3. Applying the parametric substitutions listed in (2.3), Theorem 3 and Theorem 4 would yield the known results due to Orhan and Kamali [8, p. 58, Theorem 1; p. 59, Theorem 2]. Incidentally, just as we indicated in Section 1 above, the condition λ > 1 is needed in the proof of one of these known results [8, p. 59, Theorem 2]. This implies that the constraint 0 5 λ 5 1 in [8, p. 57, Equations (1.10) and (1.11)] should be replaced by the less stringent constraint λ = 0. 4. F URTHER N EIGHBORHOOD P ROPERTIES In this last section, we determine the neighborhood properties for each of the following (slightly modified) function classes: p,α Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) and Rp,α n,m (µ, r, λ, b). p,α Here the class Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) consists of functions f (z) ∈ Ap (n) for which there exists p another function g(z) ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) such that f (z) (z ∈ U; 0 5 α < p) (4.1) g(z) − 1 < p − α Analogously, the class Rp,α n,m (µ, r, λ, b) consists of functions f (z) ∈ Ap (n) for which there exists another function g(z) ∈ Rpn,m (µ, r, λ, b) satisfying the inequality (4.1). p Theorem 5. Let g(z) ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b). Suppose also that δ (4.2) α = p − n+p r n+p [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] (n + |b|) n+p+µ p+µ m . r · n+p p n+p+µ (n + |b|) p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] − |b| m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] m Then (4.3) p,α Nn,δ (g) ⊂ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b). Proof. Suppose that f (z) ∈ Nn,δ (g). We then find from (1.4) that ∞ X (4.4) τ |aτ − bτ | 5 δ, τ =n+p which readily implies the following coefficient inequality: ∞ X δ (4.5) |aτ − bτ | 5 (n ∈ N). n+p τ =n+p J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 7(5) Art. 191, 2006 I NCLUSION AND N EIGHBORHOOD P ROPERTIES 7 p Next, since g ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b), we have (4.6) ∞ X τ =n+p bτ 5 |b| p m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] r , n+p n+p+µ (n + |b|) p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] m so that P∞ f (z) |aτ − bτ | < τ =n+p P∞ − 1 g(z) 1 − τ =n+p bτ −1 p |b| m [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] δ r 5 1− n+p n+p+µ n+p [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] (n + |b|) p+µ m r n+p n+p+µ (n + |b|) [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] p+µ m δ r = n+p p n + p (n + |b|) n+p+µ [1 + λ(n + p − m − 1)] − |b| [1 + λ(p − m − 1)] p+µ m m = p − α, p,α provided that α is given precisely by (4.2). Thus, by definition, f ∈ Sn,m (µ, r, λ, b) for α given by (4.2). This evidently completes the proof of Theorem 5. The proof of Theorem 6 below is much similar to that of Theorem 5; hence the proof of Theorem 6 is being omitted. Theorem 6. Let g(z) ∈ Rp,α n,m (µ, r, λ, b). Suppose also that r n+p n+p+µ (n + p − m)(1 + λn) p+µ m δ h (4.7) α = p − r n+p n+p+µ n+p (n + p − m)(1 + λn) − (p − m) |b|−1 + p+µ m m! i . p m Then (4.8) Nn,δ (g) ⊂ Rp,α n,m (µ, r, λ, b). Remark 4. Applying the parametric substitutions listed in (2.3), Theorem 5 and Theorem 6 would yield the known results due to Orhan and Kamali [8, p. 60, Theorem 3; p. 61, Theorem 4]. R EFERENCES [1] O. ALTINTAŞ, Ö. ÖZKAN AND H.M. SRIVASTAVA, Neighborhoods of a class of analytic functions with negative coefficients, Appl. Math. Lett., 13(3) (2000), 63–67. [2] O. ALTINTAŞ, Ö. ÖZKAN AND H.M. SRIVASTAVA, Neighborhoods of a certain family of multivalent functions with negative coefficients, Comput. Math. Appl., 47 (2004), 1667–1672. [3] N.E. CHO AND T.H. KIM, Multiplier transformations and strongly close-to-convex functions, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 40 (2003), 399–410. [4] N.E. CHO AND H.M. 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