Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics SOME ESTIMATES ON THE WEAKLY CONVERGENT SEQUENCE COEFFICIENT IN BANACH SPACES volume 7, issue 5, article 161, 2006. FENGHUI WANG AND HUANHUAN CUI Department of Mathematics Luoyang Normal University Luoyang 471022, China. Received 21 September, 2006; accepted 13 October, 2006. Communicated by: S.S. Dragomir EMail: Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 241-06 Quit Abstract In this paper, we study the weakly convergent sequence coefficient and obtain its estimates for some parameters in Banach spaces, which give some sufficient conditions for a Banach space to have normal structure. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20. Key words: Weakly convergent sequence coefficient; James constant; Neumann-Jordan constant; Modulus of smoothness. Von Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces The authors would like to thank the referee for his helpful suggestions. Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References Title Page 3 5 Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 1. Introduction A Banach space X said to have (weak) normal structure provided for every (weakly compact) closed bounded convex subset C of X with diam(C) > 0, contains a nondiametral point, i.e., there exists x0 ∈ C such that sup{kx − x0 k : x ∈ C} < diam(C). It is clear that normal structure and weak normal structure coincides when X is reflexive. The weakly convergent sequence coefficient W CS(X), a measure of weak normal structure, was introduced by Bynum in [3] as the following. Definition 1.1. The weakly convergent sequence coefficient of X is defined by Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui (1.1) W CS(X) = inf diama ({xn }) : {xn } is a weakly convergent sequence , ra ({xn }) Title Page Contents where diama ({xn }) = lim supk→∞ {kxn − xm k : n, m ≥ k} is the asymptotic diameter of {xn } and ra ({xn }) = inf{lim supn→∞ kxn − yk : y ∈ co({x ¯ n }) is the asymptotic radius of {xn }. One of the equivalent forms of W CS(X) is II I Go Back Close W CS(X) = inf JJ J lim n,m,n6=m w kxn − xm k : xn → 0, kxn k = 1 and lim n,m,n6=m kxn − xm k exists . Quit Page 3 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 Obviously, 1 ≤ W CS(X) ≤ 2, and it is well known that W CS(X) > 1 implies that X has a weak normal structure. The constant R(a, X), which is a generalized García-Falset coefficient [10], was introduced by Domínguez [7] as: For a given real number a > 0, n o (1.2) R(a, X) = sup lim inf kx + xn k , n→∞ where the supremum is taken over all x ∈ X with kxk ≤ a and all weakly null sequences {xn } ⊆ BX such that (1.3) lim n,m,n6=m kxn − xm k ≤ 1. We shall assume throughout this paper that BX and SX to denote the unit w ball and unit sphere of X, respectively. xn → x stands for weak convergence of sequence {xn } in X to a point x in X. Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 2. Main Results The James constant, or the nonsquare constant, was introduced by Gao and Lau in [8] as J(X) = sup{kx + yk ∧ kx − yk : x, y ∈ SX } = sup{kx + yk ∧ kx − yk : x, y ∈ BX }. A relation between the constant R(1, X) and the James constant J(X) can be found in [6, 12]: R(1, X) ≤ J(X). We now state an inequality between the James constant J(X) and the weakly convergent sequence coefficient W CS(X). Theorem 2.1. Let X be a Banach space with the James constant J(X). Then (2.1) W CS(X) ≥ J(X) + 1 . (J(X))2 Proof. If J(X) = 2, it suffices to note that W CS(X) ≥ 1. Thus our estimate is a trivial one. If J(X) < 2, then X is reflexive. Let {xn } be a weakly null sequence in SX . Assume that d = limn,m,n6=m kxn − xm k exists and consider a normalized functional sequence {x∗n } such that x∗n (xn ) = 1. Note that the reflexivity of X guarantees, by passing through the subsequence, that there exists x∗ ∈ X ∗ such w that x∗n → x∗ . Let 0 < < 1 and choose N large enough so that |x∗ (xN )| < /2 and d − < kxN − xm k < d + Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 for all m > N. Note that xn − xm ≤1 lim n,m,n6=m d + and xN d + ≤ 1. Then by the definition of R(1, X), we can choose M > N large enough such that xN + xM |(x∗M − x∗ )(xN )| < /2, d + ≤ R(1, X) + ≤ J(X) + , and |x∗N (xM )| < . Hence Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui |x∗M (xN )| ≤ |(x∗M − x∗ )(xN ))| + |x∗ (xN )| < . Title Page Put α = J(X), xN − xM , x= d+ and xN + xM y= . (d + )(α + ) It follows that kxk ≤ 1, kyk ≤ 1, and also that 1 (α + 1 + )xN − (α − 1 + )xM kx + yk = (d + )(α + ) 1 ≥ (α + 1 + )x∗N (xN ) − (α − 1 + )x∗N (xM ) (d + )(α + ) α+1− ≥ , (d + )(α + ) Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 6 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 1 (α + 1 + )xM − (α − 1 + )xN (d + )(α + ) 1 ≥ (α + 1 + )x∗M (xM ) − (α − 1 + )x∗M (xN ) (d + )(α + ) α+1− ≥ . (d + )(α + ) kx − yk = Thus, from the definition of the James constant, α+1− J(X) + 1 − J(X) ≥ = . (d + )(α + ) (d + )(J(X) + ) Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Letting → 0, we get d≥ J(X) + 1 . (J(X))2 Since the sequence {xn } is arbitrary, we get the inequality (2.1). As an application of Theorem 2.1, we can obtain a sufficient condition for X to have normal structure in terms of the James constant. Corollary 2.2 ([4, Theorem 2.1]). Let X be a Banach space with J(X) < √ (1 + 5)/2. Then X has normal structure. The modulus of smoothness [14] of X is the function ρX (τ ) defined by kx + τ yk + kx − τ yk − 1 : x, y ∈ SX . ρX (τ ) = sup 2 Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 It is readily seen that for any x, y ∈ SX , kx ± yk ≤ kx ± τ yk + (1 − τ ) (0 < τ ≤ 1), which implies that J(X) ≤ ρX (τ ) + 2 − τ. In [2], Baronti et al. introduced a constant A2 (X), which is defined by kx + yk + kx − yk A2 (X) = ρX (1) + 1 = sup : x, y ∈ SX . 2 It is worth noting that A2 (X) = A2 (X ∗ ). We now state an inequality between the modulus of smoothness ρX (τ ) and the weakly convergent sequence coefficient W CS(X). Theorem 2.3. Let X be a Banach space with the modulus of smoothness ρX (τ ). Then for any 0 < τ ≤ 1, (2.2) W CS(X) ≥ ρX (τ ) + 2 . (ρX (τ ) + 1)(ρX (τ ) − τ + 2) Proof. Let 0 < τ ≤ 1. If ρX (τ ) = τ , it suffices to note that Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back ρX (τ ) + 2 τ +2 = ≤ 1. (ρX (τ ) + 1)(ρX (τ ) − τ + 2) 2(τ + 1) Close Thus our estimate is a trivial one. If ρX (τ ) < τ , then X is reflexive. Let {xn } be a weakly null sequence in SX . Assume that d = lim n, m, n 6= mkxn − xm k exists and consider a normalized Page 8 of 14 Quit J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 functional sequence {x∗n } such that x∗n (xn ) = 1. Note that the reflexivity of w X guarantees that there exists x∗ ∈ X ∗ such that x∗n → x∗ . Let > 0 and xM , xN , x and y selected as in Theorem 2.1. Similarly, we get kx ± τ yk ≥ α(τ ) + τ − , (d + )(α(τ ) + ) where α(τ ) = ρX (τ ) + 2 − τ. Then by the definition of ρX (τ ), we obtain ρX (τ ) ≥ α(τ ) + τ − − 1. (d + )(α(τ ) + ) Letting → 0, ρX (τ ) + 1 ≥ α(τ ) + τ ρX (τ ) + 2 = , dα(τ ) d(ρX (τ ) − τ + 2) Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page which gives that ρX (τ ) + 2 . (ρX (τ ) + 1)(ρX (τ ) − τ + 2) Since the sequence {xn } is arbitrary, we get the inequality (2.2). d≥ It is known that if ρX (τ ) < τ /2 for some τ > 0, then X has normal structure (see [9]). Using Theorem 2.3, We can improve this result in the following form: Corollary 2.4. Let X be a Banach space with √ τ − 2 + τ2 + 4 ρX (τ ) < 2 for some √ τ ∈ (0, 1]. Then X has normal structure. In particular, if A2 (X) < (1 + 5)/2, then X and its dual X ∗ have normal structure. Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 In connection with a famous work of Jordan-von Neumann concerning inner products, the Jordan-von Neumann constant CNJ (X) of X was introduced by Clarkson (cf. [1, 11]) as kx + yk2 + kx − yk2 CNJ (X) = sup : x, y ∈ X and not both zero . 2(kxk2 + kyk2 ) A relationship between J(X) and CNJ (X) is found in ([11] Theorem 3): J(X) ≤ p 2CNJ (X). In [5], Dhompongsa et al. proved the following inequality (2.3). We now restate this inequality without the ultra product technique and the fact CNJ (X) = CNJ (X ∗ ). Theorem 2.5 ([5] Theorem 3.8). Let X be a Banach space with the von NeumannJordan constant CNJ (X). Then (2.3) (W CS(X))2 ≥ 2CNJ (X) + 1 . 2(CNJ (X))2 Proof. If CNJ (X) = 2, it suffices to note that W CS(X) ≥ 1. Thus our estimates is a trivial one. If CNJ (X) < 2, then X is reflexive. Let {xn } be a weakly null sequence in SX . Assume that d = limn,m,n6=m kxn − xm k exists and consider a normalized functional sequence {x∗n } such that x∗n (xn ) = 1. Note that the reflexivity of X w gurantees that there esists x∗ ∈ X ∗ such that x∗n → x∗ . Let > 0 and choose N large enough so that |x∗ (xN )| < /2 and d − < kxN − xm k < d + Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 for all m > N. Note that xn − xm ≤1 lim n,m,n6=m d + and xN d + ≤ 1. Then by the definition of R(1, X), we can choose M > N large enough such that p xN − xM ≤ R(1, X) + ≤ 2CNJ (X) + , |(x∗M − x∗ )(xN )| < /2, d+ and |x∗N (xM )| < . Hence |x∗M (xN )| < |(x∗M ∗ ∗ − x )(xN ))| + |x (xN )| < . p Put α = 2CNJ (X), x = α2 (xN − xM ), y = xN + xM . It follows that kxk ≤ α2 (d + ), kyk ≤ (α + )(d + ), and also that kx + yk = k(α2 + 1)xN − (α2 − 1)xM k ≥ (α2 + 1)x∗N (xN ) − (α2 − 1)x∗N (xM ) ≥ α2 + 1 − 3, kx − yk = k(α2 + 1)xM − (α2 − 1)xN k ≥ (α2 + 1)x∗M (xM ) − (α2 − 1)x∗M (xN ) ≥ α2 + 1 − 3. Thus, from the definition of the von Neumann-Jordan constant, 2(α2 + 1 − 3)2 CNJ (X) ≥ 2(α4 (d + )2 + (α + )2 (d + )2 ) 1 (α2 + 1 − 3)2 = · . (d + )2 α4 + (α + )2 Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 161, 2006 Since is arbitrary and α = p 2CNJ (X), we get 1 2CNJ (X) + 1 1 CNJ (X) ≥ 2 1 + 2 = 2 , d α d · 2CNJ (X) which implies that d2 ≥ 2CNJ (X) + 1 . 2(CNJ (X))2 Since the sequence {xn } is arbitrary, we obtain the inequality (2.3). Some Estimates on the Weakly Convergent Sequence Coefficient in Banach Spaces Using Theorem 2.5, we can get a sufficient condition for X to have normal structure in terms of the von Neumann-Jordan constant. Fenghui Wang and Huanhuan Cui Corollary 2.6 ([6, Theorem 3.16], [13, Theorem 2]). Let X be a Banach space √ with CNJ (X) < (1 + 3)/2. Then X and its dual X ∗ have normal structure. 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