Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics A q-ANALOGUE OF AN INEQUALITY DUE TO KONRAD KNOPP MEHMET ZEKI SARIKAYA AND HÜSEYIN YILDIRIM Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Arts Kocatepe University Afyon-TURKEY volume 7, issue 5, article 178, 2006. Received 25 January, 2006; accepted 22 March, 2006. Communicated by: L. Pick EMail: EMail: Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 085-06 Quit Abstract In this note, we obtain some new generalizations of the Hardy’s integral inequality by using a fairly elementary analysis. These inequalities generalize some known results and simplify the proofs of some existing results. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10 and 26D15. Key words: Hardy integral inequalities and Hölder’s inequality. Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References 3 5 Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 1. Introduction In [4], Hardy proved the following inequality. If p > 1, f ≥ 0 and Z x F (x) = f (t)dt, 0 then Z (1.1) 0 ∞ p Z ∞ F p dx < q f p (x)dx x 0 −1 unless f ≡ 0. The constant q = p (p − 1) is the best possible. This inequality plays an important role in analysis and its applications. It is obvious that, for parameters a and b such that 0 < a < b < ∞, the following inequality is also valid Z b Z b p F p dx < q f p (x)dx, (1.2) x a a R∞ p where 0 < 0 f (x)dx < ∞. The classical Hardy inequality asserts that if p > 1 and f is a nonnegative measurable function on (a, b), then (1.2) is true unless f ≡ 0 a.e. in (a, b), where the constant here is best possible. This inequality remains true provided that 0 < a < b < ∞. In particular, Hardy [3] in 1928 gave a generalized form of the inequality (1.1) when he showed that for any m 6= 1, p > 1 and any integrable function f (x) ≥ 0 on (0, ∞) for which ( Rx f (t)dt for m > 1, 0 F (x) = R ∞ f (t)dt for m < 1, x Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 then Z ∞ x (1.3) 0 −m p F (x)dx < p |m − 1| p Z ∞ x−m [xf (x)]p dx 0 unless f ≡ 0, where the constant is also best possible. Because of their fundamental importance in the discipline over the years much effort and time has been devoted to the improvement and generalization of Hardy’s inequalities (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3). These include, among others, the works in [1] – [9]. The objective of this paper is to obtain further generalizations of the classical Hardy integral inequality which will be useful in applications by using some elementary methods of analysis. Throughout this paper, the left-hand sides of the inequalities exist if the right-hand sides exist. Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 2. Main Results The following theorems are the main results of the present paper. Theorem 2.1. Let p > 1, m > 1 be constants. Let f (x) be a nonnegative and integrable function on (0, ∞) and let z(x) be differentiable in (0, ∞) with z 0 (x) > 0 and z(0+ ) > 0. Let w(x) and r(x) be positive and absolutely continuous functions on (0, ∞). Let 1− p z(x) r0 (x) 1 1 z(x) w0 (x) + ≥ > 0. m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) λ Let a ∈ (0, ∞) be fixed and set Z x 1 r(t)z 0 (t)f (t) F (x) := dt, r(x) a z(t) Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim x ∈ (0, ∞). Then the inequality p Z b Z b z 0 (x) p λp z 0 (x) p (2.1) w(x) m f (x) dx w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ z (x) m−1 z (x) a a holds for all b ≥ a. Proof. Integrating the left-hand side of inequality (2.1) by parts gives Z b w(x) a Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities z 0 (x) p F (x) dx z m (x) Z b 1 [z(b)]−m+1 p = w(b) F (b) + z −m+1 w0 F p dx −m + 1 m−1 a Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 p − m−1 Z b z a −m+1 r0 (x) p p F dx + w r(x) m−1 Z b w a z 0 (x) p−1 F f dx. z m (x) Since m > 1 and F (b) ≥ 0, we have Z b z 0 (x) p 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) + dx w(x) m F (x) 1 − z (x) m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) a Z b p z 0 (x) [z(b)]−m+1 p = w(b) F (b) + w m F p−1 f dx −m + 1 m − 1 a z (x) Z b 0 p z (x) ≤ w m F p−1 f dx. m − 1 a z (x) Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Here, using the assumption on λ, we have Z b 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m F p (x) dx z (x) λ a Z b 0 z (x) p 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) ≤ w(x) m F (x) 1 − + dx z (x) m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) a Z b p z 0 (x) ≤ w m F p−1 f dx. m − 1 a z (x) Title Page Contents JJ J Go Back Close By Hölder’s inequality, Z a b z 0 (x) λp w(x) m F p (x) dx ≤ z (x) m−1 II I Quit Z a b z 0 (x) w m F p dx z (x) 1q Z a b z 0 (x) w m f p dx z (x) p1 Page 6 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 and thus on simplification, we have p Z b Z b λp z 0 (x) p z 0 (x) w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ w m f p dx. z (x) m−1 z (x) a a This proves the theorem. Theorem 2.2. Let p, m, f, z, z 0 , w and r be as in Theorem 2.1. Let 1− 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) 1 − ≥ > 0. 0 0 m − 1 z (x) w(x) m − 1 z (x) r(x) λ Let a ∈ (0, ∞) be fixed and set Z F (x) := r(x) a Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim x z 0 (t)f (t) dt, z(t)r(t) x ∈ (0, ∞). Then the inequality p Z b Z b λp z 0 (x) z 0 (x) p w(x) m f p (x) dx (2.2) w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ z (x) m−1 z (x) a a holds for all b ≥ a. Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Proof. This is similar to the proof of the Theorem 2.1. Theorem 2.3. Let p, m, f, z, z 0 , w and r be as in Theorem 2.1. Let 1− p z(x) r0 (x) 1 1 z(x) w0 (x) + ≥ > 0. 0 0 m − 1 z (x) w(x) m − 1 z (x) r(x) λ Quit Page 7 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 Let a ∈ (0, ∞) be fixed and set Z x 1 r(t)z 0 (t)f (t) F (x) := dt, r(x) x2 z(t) x ∈ (0, ∞). Then the inequality p Z b Z b λp z 0 (x) p [z(x)]p−m (2.3) w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ w(x) |g(x)|p dx p 0 z (x) m−1 [z (x)] q 0 0 Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities holds where g(x) = 1 r(x) 0 r(x)z (x)f (x) − z(x) 1 r( x2 )z 0 ( x2 )f ( x2 ) . 2 z( x2 ) Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Proof. Upon integrating by parts we have Z b Contents z 0 (x) p F (x) dx z m (x) Z b 1 [z(b)]−m+1 p = w(b) F (b) + z −m+1 w0 F p dx −m + 1 m−1 0 Z b Z b 0 p p −m+1 r (x) p − z w F dx + z −m+1 wF p−1 |g(x)| dx, m−1 0 r(x) m−1 0 w(x) 0 JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 12 where g(x) = 1 r(x) 0 r(x)z (x)f (x) − z(x) 1 r( x2 )z 0 ( x2 )f ( x2 ) . 2 z( x2 ) J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 Since m > 1 and F (b) ≥ 0 we have Z b z 0 (x) p 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) w(x) m F (x) 1 − + dx z (x) m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) 0 Z b [z(b)]−m+1 p p z 0 (x) = w(b) F (b) + w m F p−1 f dx −m + 1 m − 1 0 z (x) Z b p ≤ z −m+1 wF p−1 |g(x)| dx. m−1 0 By the assumption on λ, we have Z b z 0 (x) 1 w(x) m F p (x) dx z (x) λ 0 Z b z 0 (x) p 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) ≤ w(x) m F (x) 1 − + dx z (x) m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) 0 Z b p z(x) z 0 (x) p−1 ≤ w F |g(x)| dx. m − 1 0 z 0 (x) z m (x) By Hölder’s inequality Z b w(x) 0 z 0 (x) p F (x) dx z m (x) Z b 1q z 0 (x) p λp w m F dx ≤ m−1 z (x) 0 Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Z b w 0 z p−m (x) p [z 0 (x)] q ! p1 p Page 9 of 12 |g(x)| dx J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 and thus on simplification, we have p Z b Z b z 0 (x) p λp z p−m (x) p w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ w p |g(x)| dx. 0 z (x) m−1 [z (x)] q 0 0 This proves the theorem. Theorem 2.4. Let p, m, f, z, z 0 , w and r be as in Theorem 2.1. Let 1− 1 z(x) w0 (x) p z(x) r0 (x) 1 + ≥ > 0. 0 0 m − 1 z (x) w(x) m − 1 z (x) r(x) λ Let a ∈ (0, ∞) be fixed and set Z F (x) := r(x) Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim x x 2 z 0 (t)f (t) dt, z(t)r(t) x ∈ (0, ∞). Title Page Contents Then the inequality p Z b Z b z 0 (x) p λp [z(x)]p−m (2.4) w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ w(x) |g(x)|p dx p z (x) m−1 [z 0 (x)] q 0 0 holds where JJ J II I Go Back Close g(x) = r(x) r(x)z 0 (x)f (x) 1 r( x2 )z 0 ( x2 )f ( x2 ) − z(x) 2 z( x2 ) Proof. This is similar to the proof of the Theorem 2.3. Quit . Page 10 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 Theorem 2.5. Let p > q > 0, p1 + 1q = 1, and m < 1 be real numbers. Let z(x) be differentiable in (0, ∞) with z 0 (x) > 0 and z(0+ ) > 0, let w(x) and r(x) be positive and absolutely continuous functions on (0, ∞), n and let f : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) be integrable so that 1+ 1 1 z(x) w0 (x) p 1 z(x) r0 (x) − ≥ >0 m − 1 z 0 (x) w(x) q m − 1 z 0 (x) r(x) λ a.e. for some λ > 0. Let b ∈ (0, ∞) be fixed and set F (x) := 1 r(x) Z x b r(t)z 0 (t)f (t) dt, z(t) Some Hardy Type Integral Inequalities x ∈ (0, ∞). Then the following inequality p Z b Z b λp z 0 (x) pq z 0 (x) p (2.5) w(x) m F (x) dx ≤ w(x) m f q (x)dx z (x) m−1 z (x) a a holds for all 0 ≤ a ≤ b. Proof. This is similar to the proof of the Theorem 2.1. Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya and Hüseyin Yildirim Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 12 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(5) Art. 178, 2006 References [1] W.S. CHEUNG, Z. HANJS AND J. PEČARIĆ, Some Hardy-type inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 250(2) (2000), 621–634. [2] G.H. HARDY, J.E. LITTLEWOOD bridge University Press, (1952). AND G. 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