Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics A SAWYER DUALITY PRINCIPLE FOR RADIALLY MONOTONE FUNCTIONS IN Rn volume 6, issue 2, article 44, 2005. S. BARZA, M. JOHANSSON AND L.-E. PERSSON Department of Engineering Sciences Physics and Mathematics Karlstad University SE - 651 88 Karlstad Sweden EMail: Department of Mathematics Luleå University of Technology SE - 971 87 Luleå Sweden EMail: EMail: Received 09 February, 2004; accepted 14 February, 2005. Communicated by: C. Niculescu Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 035-05 Quit Abstract Let f be a non-negative function on Rn , which is radially monotone (0 < f ↓ r). For 1 < p < ∞, g ≥ 0 and v a weight function, an equivalent expression for R n fg sup R R 1 p p f↓r Rn f v is proved as a generalization of the usual Sawyer duality principle. Some applications involving boundedness of certain integral operators are also given. A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26D15, 47B38; Secondary 26B99, 46E30. Key words: Duality theorems, radially monotone functions, weighted inequalities. We thank Professor Javier Soria for some good advice connected to the second proof of Theorem 3.1. Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Preliminary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 The Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions . . . . 10 4 Further Results and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 References Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 1. Introduction An explicit duality principle for positive decreasing functions of one variable was proved by E. Sawyer in [8], and also some applications are well-known. Here we also refer to the useful proof and ideas concerning this principle presented by V. Stepanov in [9]. See also [6] and the proof and comments given there. Moreover, it is natural to look for extensions to functions of several variables. Such generalizations were recently obtained in [1], [2] and [3]. To be able to describe some of these generalizations we require some notations: We write Rn = {(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) : i = 1, 2, . . . , n} and R1 = R. If f : Rn → R is decreasing (increasing) separately in each variable we write 0 ≤ f ↓ (0 ≤ f ↑). A set D ⊂ Rn is said to be decreasing if its characteristic function χD is decreasing, and clearly if 0 ≤ h ↓ and t > 0, then the set Dh,t = {x ∈ Rn : h (x) > t} is decreasing. For 0 < q < p < ∞, 1 = 1q − p1 , it was shown in [3] that r R 1q u p1 + sup 0≤h↓ v Rn ≈ RR Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J 1 f qu q Rn sup R 1 pv p 0≤f ↓ f n R R (1.1) A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn n Z ∞ ! rq Z u 0 Dh,t !− pr p1 Z d v , Dh,t where u and v are weights, i.e. positive and locally integrable functions on Rn . For the case 0 < p ≤ q < ∞ c.f. [2]. II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 If q = 1 < p < ∞ and u = g ≥ 0, then (1.1) with n = 1 is a variant of the duality theorem given in [8] (c.f. also [9]). An explicit form of (1.1) for n ∈ Z+ was given in [1] for g = u, but only when v is of product type, that is weights of the form v (x) = v (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = v1 (x1 ) v2 (x2 ) · · · vn (xn ), vi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n. We say that f : Rn → R is a radially decreasing (increasing) function if f (x) = f (y) when |x| = |y| and f (x) ≥ f (y) (f (x) ≤ f (y)) when |x| < |y| and we write f ↓ r and f ↑ r , respectively (see also [7] for further explanations and applications of these notions). In this paper we prove a duality formula of the type (1.1) for radially decreasing functions and with general weights (see Theorem 2.1). We also state the corresponding result for radially increasing functions (see Theorem 3.1). In particular, these results imply that we can describe mapping properties of operators defined on the cone of such monotone functions between weighted Lebesgue spaces. Moreover, we point out that these results can also be used to describe mapping properties between some corresponding general weighted multidimensional Lebesgue spaces (see Theorem 3.3 and c.f. also [9] for the case n = 1). We illustrate this useful technique for the identity operator (see Corollary 4.2) and for the Hardy integral operator over the n-dimensional sphere (see Corollary 4.4). The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we present some known and easily derived results required in the proofs of our statements. The announced duality theorems are stated and proved in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4 the afore mentioned applications are given and also some further results and remarks. Notations and conventions: Throughout this paper all functions are assumed A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 to be measurable. Constants, denoted a, b, c, are always positive and may be p different at different places. Moreover n ∈ Z+ , 1 ≤ p < ∞, p0 = p−1 (p0 = ∞ if p = 1), v (x) and u (x) are weights (positive and measurable functions on Rn ) and Lpv = Lpv (Rn ) ( = f : Rn → R, measurable s.t. Z |f (x)|p v (x) dx p1 ) <∞ . Rn Inequalities such as (2.1) are interpreted to mean that if the right hand side is finite, then so is the left hand side and the inequality holds. The symbol ≈ (c.f. (1.1)) means that the quotient of the right and left hand sides is bounded from above and below by positive constants, while expressions such as 0 · ∞ = ∞ · 0 are taken as zero. Other notations will be introduced when required. A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 2. Preliminary Results Consider the Hardy integral operator H of the form Z (Hf ) (x) = f (y)dy, B(x) where B (x) is the ball in Rn centered at the origin and with radius |x|. We need the following well-known n-dimensional form of Hardy’s inequality (see [5]): A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Theorem 2.1. Let W and U be weights on Rn and 1 < p ≤ q < ∞. (i) The inequality Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Z W (x) (2.1) Rn 1q q Z f (y)dy Z ≤c dx p U (x)f (x)dx Rn B(x) a := sup α>0 1q Z W (x)dx |x|≥α Title Page Contents holds for f ≥ 0 if and only if Z p1 U 1−p0 10 p (x)dx <∞. JJ J II I |x|≤α Go Back Moreover, if c is the smallest constant for which (2.1) holds, then 0 p10 1 q a ≤ c ≤ ap p . Close Quit Page 6 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 (ii) The inequality Z W (x) (2.2) Rn 1q q Z dx f (y)dy Rn \B(x) Z p1 p ≤c U (x)f (x)dx Rn holds if and only if 1 q Z Z b := sup α>0 W (x)dx |x|≤α U 1−p0 (x)dx A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn 1 p0 <∞. |x|≥α Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Moreover, if c is the smallest constant for which (2.2) holds, then 0 1 1 b ≤ c ≤ bp p0 p q . In particular we need the following special case of Theorem 2.1 (ii): R Lemma 2.2. Let v be a weight function, V (x) = B(x) v(y)dy and 1 < p < ∞. Then for f ≥ 0 Z p Z Z (2.3) v(x) f (y)dy dx ≤ p f p (x)V p (x) v 1−p (x)dx Rn is satisfied. Rn \B(x) Rn Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 Proof. Apply Theorem 2.1 (ii) with W (x) = v(x), U (x) = v 1−p (x) and q = p. Denote Z (2.4) vn (s) = sn−1 v(sσ)dσ, R v(y)dy B(x) p Σn−1 where Σn−1 as usual denotes the unit sphere in Rn , s ∈ R. We note that p1 Z v(x)dx b = sup α>0 v(y)dy |x|≤α |x|≥α 1 p Z α>0 |x|≥α 1 p Z ∞ α 1 Z tn−1 Z ∞ Z ∞ Z α 1 p Z ∞ = sup V (α) α>0 v (x) dx vn (s) ds −p0 Z 0 Z α p Contents v (tδ) dtdδ −p0 t ! 10 tn−1 v (tσ) dσ dt Σn−1 p JJ J II I Go Back ! 10 p vn (s) ds vn (t) dt t −p0 +1 ! Close Quit 0 d dt Title Page ! 10 −p0 t 0 t = sup V p (α) α>0 Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson p vn (s) ds α 1 Z Σn−1 = sup V p (α) α>0 10 0 = sup V (α) α>0 A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn v(x)dx !−p0 vn (s) ds = sup V (α) p B(x) |x| Z ! 10 −p0 Z Z Z vn (s) ds 0 ! 10 1 dt 1 − p0 p Page 8 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 ≤ sup α>0 = sup α>0 1 1 (p0 − 1) p0 1 (p0 − 1) 1 p0 1 p Z V (α) α −p00+1 p vn (t) dt 0 1 V p (α) V 1 −1 p0 (α) = 1 1 < ∞. (p0 − 1) p0 Therefore, by Theorem 2.1 (ii), (2.3) holds with a constant c ≤ (p0 −1) p and the proof is complete. 1 1 1 p0 1 (p0 ) p0 p p = A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 3. The Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions R In the sequel we sometimes delete the integration variable and write e.g. fg Rn R instead of Rn f (x) g (x) dx when it cannot be misinterpreted. Moreover, as R usual, kgk1 = kgkL1 = Rn |g (x)| dx. Our main result in this section reads: Theorem 3.1. Suppose that v is a weight on Rn and 1 < p < ∞. If f is a positive radially decreasing function on Rn and g a positive measurable function on Rn , then R n fg (3.1) C (g) := sup R R 1 ≈ I1 + I2 , pv p f ↓r f Rn where I1 = kvk1 kgk1 and I2 = p0 −p0 G (t) V (t) 10 p v (t) dt Rn with V (t) = R v (x) dx and G (t) = B(t) Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page −1 p Z A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn R B(t) g (x) dx. Remark 1. Theorem 2.1 for the case n = 1 is simply Theorem 1 in [8]. However, our proof below is based on the technique in [9] and our investigation in Section 3. Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 Proof. If f ≡ c > 0, then R C (g) ≥ sup f =c R fg kgk1 1 = I1 . p1 = p kvk1 f pv Rn + Rn + R Moreover, we use the test function f (x) = |t|>|x| h(t)dt, where h (t) ≥ 0 (note that f is radially decreasing), Lemma 2.2 and the usual duality in Lpv -spaces to find that R n f (x) g (x) dx C (g) = sup R R 1 p (x) v (x) dx p 0≤f ↓ f n R R R h (t) dt g (x) dx Rn |x|<|t| ≥ sup R p p1 h≥0 R h (t) dt v (x) dx Rn |x|<|t| R R h (t) g (x) dxdt n R |x|<|t| = sup p p1 R h≥0 R h (t) dt v (x) dx Rn |x|<|t| R R h |x|<|t| g 1 Rn ≥ sup R 1 p h≥0 p V p v 1−p p h n R R Z p0 ! p10 hV G v 1 1 G n = sup R R v V 1 = v = I2 . p h≥0 p V hV p Rn v p Rn A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 31 v J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 To prove the upper bound of C (g) we use the monotonicity of f . Since f is radially decreasing we have Z Z 1 gf = gf V V n Rn Z ZR∞ Z 1 = v(t)dt dx f (x) g (x) V (x) B(x) 0 Σn−1 Z Z 1 f (x) g (x) = v (t) dx dt V (x) Rn |x|>|t| Z Z 1 (3.2) ≤ v (t) f (t) g (x) dx dt. V (x) Rn |x|>|t| To estimate the inner integral we define gn (s) and vn (s) analogously to (2.4), note that V (x) = V (|x|) and find that Z 1 g (x) dx V (x) |x|>|t| Z ∞ Z 1 n−1 = s g (sσ) dsdσ V (sσ) |t| Σn−1 Z ∞ Z 1 n−1 = s g (sσ) dσ ds V (s) |t| Σn−1 Z ∞ 1 = gn (s) ds V (s) |t| A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 12 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 ∞ Z s 1 = gn (z) dz V (s) 0 |t| Z s Z Z ∞ 1 n−1 + s v (sσ) dσ gn (z) dz ds 2 |t| V (s) Σn−1 0 Z s Z ∞ Z ∞ 1 1 ≤ gn (z) dz + vn (s) gn (z) dz ds. 2 V (∞) 0 0 |t| V (s) | {z } | {z } K1 K2 Hence the inner integral can be estimated by K1 + K2 and by substituting this into (3.2) and applying Hölder’s and Minkowski’s inequalities we get Z Z fg ≤ f v (K1 + K2 ) Z p1 Z p ≤ Title Page p (K1 + K2 ) v Contents Rn Rn f pv ≤ 10 p0 f v Z p1 Z Rn 0 Rn K1p v 10 Z p + Rn 0 K2p v 10 ! p . Moreover, Rn p0 K1 v Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Rn Rn Z A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn JJ J II I Go Back 10 Z p = Rn 1 V (∞) Z gn (z) dz 0 ! 10 p0 ∞ p v (x) dx Close Quit Page 13 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 1 = V (∞) ∞ Z Z s 0 −1+ p10 n−1 10 Z p g (sσ) dσds v (x) dx Rn Σn−1 − p1 = kvk1 kgk1 = kvk1 kgk1 = I1 , and, according to Lemma 2.2, Z 10 p p0 K2 v Rn Z Z ∞ = Rn |t| Z Z ∞ 1 vn (s) 2 V (s) Z s = Rn |t| Σn−1 Z Z = Rn ≤ p0 Z Rn Rn \B(t) 0 V (t)−p s Z A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn 0 n−1 v (sσ) V (s) 2 v (x) V 2 (x) Z ! 10 p0 p gn (z) dz ds v (t) dt p0 ! p10 z n−1 g (zδ) dzdδ dσds v Z s Z 0 Σn−1 ! 10 p0 Z g (y) dy Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page p v (t) dt B(x) 10 p g v (t) dt = p0 I2 . B(|x|) The upper bound of C (g) follows by combining the last estimates and the proof is complete. Remark 2. According to our proof we see that the duality constant C (g) in (3.1) can in fact be estimated in the following more precise way: Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 14 of 31 max (I1 , I2 ) ≤ C (g) ≤ I1 + p0 I2 . J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 In particular we have the following useful information: Corollary 3.2. Let the assumptions in Theorem 3.1 be satisfied and Then R n fg 0 (3.3) I2 ≤ sup R R p1 ≤ p I2 . p f ↓r f v Rn R Rn v = ∞. The proof above is self-contained and does not depend directly on the onedimensional result (only on our investigations in Section 2 and similar arguments as V.D. Stepanov used when he proved the case n = 1). Here we give another shorter proof where we directly use the (Sawyer) one-dimensional result. A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Proof. Make the following changes of variables Title Page t = sσ and x = yτ, P where s, y ∈ (0, ∞) and σ, τ ∈ n−1 . By using the fact that f (sσ) = f (s) since f is radial, we get: R∞R R P f (sσ) g (sσ) sn−1 dσds f g 0 n n−1 R 1 = R R p1 R pv p ∞ f p (sσ) v (sσ) sn−1 dσds P f Rn 0 n−1 R∞ e (s) ds f (s) G = 0 p1 , R∞ p e f (s) V (s) ds 0 (3.4) Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 and hence, by using the (Sawyer) one-dimensional result we find that R (3.5) fg 1 ≈ R pv p f n R Rn Z − p1 Z ∞ ∞ Ve (s) ds 0 e G (s) ds 0 Z + ∞ R R 0 s 0 e (y) dy G s 0 Ve (y) dy p10 p0 p0 Ve (s) ds := I. A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Moreover, Z ∞Z I= v (sσ) s 0 Z + n−1 !− p1 Z dσ ds g (sσ) s P 0 n−1 R R s dτ dy 0 n−1 R R p0 s 0 n−1 dτ dy P v (yτ ) y 0 n−1 Z − p1 Z v (t) dt = g (t) dt ∞ g (yτ ) y P Rn (3.6) Rn R p0 B(t) g (x) dx B(t) v (x) dx R p10 Z P v (sσ) sn−1 dσds n−1 Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back p10 p0 v (t) dt . The proof follows by combining (3.5) and (3.6). dσds n−1 Rn Z + n−1 P p0 n−1 Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson ! ∞Z Close Quit Page 16 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 For completeness and later use in our applications we also state the corresponding result for radially increasing functions in Rn : Theorem 3.3. Suppose that v is a weight on Rn and 1 < p < ∞. If f is a positive radially increasing function on Rn and g a positive measurable function on Rn , then R n fg D (g) := sup R R p1 ≈ I1 + I3 , p f ↑r f v Rn where A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn −1 p I1 = kvk1 kgk1 , and Z p0 −p0 G1 (t) V1 (t) I3 = 10 p v (t) dt , Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Rn with G1 (t) = R Rn \B(t) g (x) dx and V1 (t) = R Rn \B(t) v (x) dx. Proof. We now use Theorem 2.1 (i) (instead of (ii) as in the proof of Lemma 2.2) and obtain as in the proof of (2.3): Z p Z Z v(x) f (y)dy dx ≤ p f p (x)V1p (x) v 1−p (x)dx. Rn B(x) Rn By using this estimate the proof follows similarly as the proof of Theorem 3.1 so we leave out the details. Remark 3. In fact, similar to Remark 2 and Corollary 3.2, we find that max (I1 , I3 ) ≤ D (g) ≤ I1 + p0 I3 Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 17 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 R and if, in addition to the assumptions in Theorem 3.3, Rn v = ∞, then R n fg 0 I3 ≤ sup R R p1 ≤ p I3 . p f ↑r f v Rn A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 18 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 4. Further Results and Applications Let T be an integral operator defined on the cone of functions f : Rn → R, which are radially decreasing (0 < f ↓ r) and let T ∗ be the adjoint operator. Then our results imply the following useful duality result: R Theorem 4.1. Let 1 < p, q < ∞, u, v be weights on Rn with Rn v (x) dx = ∞. Then the inequality Z 1q q p1 p ≤c (T f (x)) u (x) dx (4.1) Z A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn f (x)v (x) dx Rn Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson holds for all f ↓ r if and only if Z Z ∗ T g (y) dy (4.2) Rn ! 10 p0 p V −p0 Title Page (x) v (x) dx B(x) Contents Z ≤c 0 0 g q (x)u1−q (x) dx 10 q Rn holds for every positive measurable function g. Proof. Assume first that (4.1) holds for all 0 < f ↓ r. Then, by using Corollary 3.2, duality and Hölder’s inequality, we find that Z Rn Z T ∗ g (y) dy p0 0 V −p (x) v (x) dx JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 19 of 31 B(x) J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 ∗ n f (x) T g (x) dx ≤ sup RR 1 f ↓r f p (x) v (x) dx p Rn R n T f (x) g (x) dx = sup R R 1 f ↓r f p (x) v (x) dx p Rn R q R Rn (T f (x)) u (x) dx 1q q0 R Rn g (x) u ≤ sup R f p (x) v (x) dx 10 q q0 1−q 0 g (x) u (x) dx . f ↓r −q 0 q 10 q (x) dx p1 A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Rn Z =c Rn On the contrary assume that (4.2) holds for all g ≥ 0. Then, by using Corollary 3.2 again, we have Z 10 p 0 0 q 1−q p0 c (g (x)) (u (x)) dx Rn ≥ p0 Z Rn Z ! 10 p0 p 0 ∗ −p T g (t) dt V (x) v (x) dx B(x) R T f (x) g (x) dx f (x) T ∗ g (x) dx Rn ≥ R p1 = R 1 f p (x) v (x) dx f p (x) v (x) dx p Rn Rn R Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Rn for each fixed 0 < f ↓ r. Therefore we have Z Z 1 0 (4.3) h (x) T f (x) u q (x) dx ≤ p c Rn Rn p f (x) v (x) dx Close Quit Page 20 of 31 p1 , J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 where 1 g (x) u− q (x) h (x) = . q0 q10 R − 1q g (x) u (x) dx Rn Since khkLq0 = 1 we obtain (4.1) by taking the supremum in (4.3) and usual duality in Lp -spaces. Remark 4. By modifying the proof above we see that a similar duality result also holds for positive R radially R increasing functions. In fact, R in this case we just need to replace B(x) by Rn \B(x) and V (x) by V1 (x) = Rn \B(x) v (x) dx in (4.2). For example when T is the identity operator we obtain the following: Corollary 4.2. Let 1 < p ≤ qR < ∞ and suppose that u, v are weights on Rn R with Rn v = ∞ and V (x) = B(x) v (y) dy. a) The following conditions are equivalent: q f u (4.4) Rn is satisfied for all 0 ≤ f ↓ r. 1q Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J i) The inequality Z A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Z ≤c p f v Rn p1 II I Go Back Close Quit Page 21 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 ii) The inequality g (y) dy (4.5) Rn ! 10 p0 Z Z p V −p0 (x) v (x) dx B(x) Z q0 ≤c g (x)u 1−q 0 10 q (x) dx Rn holds for all g ≥ 0. A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn iii) sup v(x)dx α>0 b) If V1 (x) = Z R Rn \B(x) Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson <∞. u(x)dx B(α) B(α) v (t) dt, then for 0 ≤ f ↑ r (4.4) is equivalent to p0 Z g (y) dy Rn 1q − p1 Z Z Rn \B(x) Title Page Contents ! 10 p 0 V1−p (x) v (x) dx Z q0 ≤c g (x)u 1−q 0 10 q (x) dx Rn JJ J II I Go Back Close which in turn is equivalent to Quit − p1 Z Z sup α>0 v(x)dx Rn \B(α) 1q u(x)dx < ∞. Page 22 of 31 Rn \B(α) J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 Proof. a) The equivalence of i) and ii) is just a special case of Theorem 4.1. Moreover, the fact that ii) and iii) are equivalent follows from Theorem 2.1 (i) 0 0 with f replaced by g, q by p0 , p by q 0 , W by vV −p and U by u1−q . In fact, then (4.5) is equivalent to (note that (1 − q) (1 − q 0 ) = 1) R − p1 Z 1q 10 Z Z 1q v p |x|<α 0 sup vV −p u = sup u < ∞. 1 α>0 α>0 (p0 − 1) p0 |x|>α |x|<α |x|<α The proof of b) follows similarly by just using Remark 4 and Theorem 2.1 (ii). A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Remark 5. The equivalence of i) and iii) can also be proved using the technique from [2]. For the case q < p cf. also [3]. Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson The next result concerns the multidimensional Hardy operator, defined on the cone of radially decreasing functions in Rn . Title Page Proposition R4.3. Let 1 < p ≤ q < ∞ and R suppose that u and v are weights n on R with Rn v = ∞ and V (x) = B(x) v (x) dx. If 0 ≤ f is a radially decreasing function in Rn , then Z Z q 1q p1 Z p (4.6) f (y) dy u (x) dx ≤c f (x)v (x) dx Rn Rn B(x) is satisfied if and only if the following conditions hold: Z − p1 Z 1q q v(x)dx (4.7) sup u(x) |B (x)| dx <∞ α>0 B(α) B(α) Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 23 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 and Z |B (x)| V (4.8) sup α>0 p0 −p0 10 Z p (x) v (x) dx 1q u(x)dx < ∞. Rn \B(α) B(α) Here, as usual, |B (x)| denotes the Lebesgue measure of the ball with center at 0 and with radius |x|. Remark 6. For the case n = 1 this result is due to V. Stepanov (see [9], Theorem 2). Proposition 4.3 can be proved by using the method of reduction to the onedimensional case but here we present an independent proof: R Proof. Since T f (x) = B(x) f (t) dt its conjugate T ∗ is defined by T ∗ g (x) = R g (t) dt. Assume first that (4.7) and (4.8) hold. We note that, according Rn \B(x) to Theorem 4.1, (4.6) for 0 < f ↓ r is equivalent to (4.2) for arbitrary g ≥ 0. Moreover, to be able to characterize weights for which (4.2) is satisfied, we first compute: Z Z Z ∗ T g= g (y) dy dz B(x) B(x) |y|>|z| Z ∞ Z Z n−1 = t g (tδ) dδdt dz B(x) |z| Σn−1 Z ∞ Z = gn (t) dt dz B(x) A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 24 of 31 |z| J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 |x| Z Z = s 0 n−1 Σn−1 Z |x| |x| sn−1 = |Σn−1 | ∞ gn (t) dt dσds s ! Z Z |x| s 0 |x| Z ds gn (t) dt + |Σn−1 | t dσ Σn−1 |x| s n−1 0 Z + Z ds !Z n−1 Z gn (t) dt |x| A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn tn−1 g (tδ) dδdt Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Σn−1 ∞ Z |x| Σn−1 ∞ ds g (tδ) dδ dt t dσds 0 |x| Z 0 Z = Z 0 Z 0 n−1 ! ∞ |x| 0 t = |Σn−1 | Z gn (t) dtds s Z |x| gn (t) dt ds + 0 Z Z Z Σn−1 Z = B(x) | |B (y)| g (y) dy + |B (x)| {z } | Rn \|B(x)| {z I1 I2 g (y) dy } Title Page Contents = I1 (x) + I2 (x) . JJ J This means that (4.6) holds if and only if Z p0 (I1 (x) + I2 (x)) V (4.9) −p0 Go Back 10 p (x) v (x) dx Close Rn Z ≤c II I q0 g (x) U 1−q 0 10 Quit q (x) dx . Rn Moreover, by Theorem 2.1 (i) with q replaced by p0 and p replaced by q 0 , we Page 25 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 have Z p0 −p0 (I1 (x)) V (4.10) 10 p (x) v (x) dx Rn |B (y)| g (y) dy = Rn ! 10 p0 Z Z p V −p0 (x) v (x) dx B(x) Z q0 ≤c (|B (x)| g (x)) Rn Z =c ! 1q 1−q 0 u (x) |B (x)|q 10 q q0 1−q 0 g (x) u (x) dx , 0 dx A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Rn which holds because, according to (4.7), sup α>0 −p0 Z Z v (x) Rn \B(α) Title Page v (y) dy ! 1 p0 Contents dx JJ J B(x) Z × 1−q 0 u (y) !1−q 0 |B (y)|q R − p1 Z v (y) dy B(α) 1q dy II I Go Back B(α) ≤ sup α>0 1 (p0 − 1) p0 B(α) Close q u (y) |B (y)| dy 1q Quit < ∞. Page 26 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 Similarly, according to Theorem 2.1 (ii), Z p0 (I2 (x)) V (4.11) −p0 10 p (x) v (x) dx Rn Z |B (x)| = ≤c g (y) dy p V −p0 (x) v (x) dx Rn \B(x) Rn \B(α) Z ! 10 −p0 Z q0 g (x) u 1−q 0 10 q (x) dx A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Rn because Z 0 α>0 0 |B (x)|p V −p (x) v (x) dx sup 10 Z Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson 1q p u (x) dx <∞ Rn \B(α) B(α) Title Page which holds by (4.8). Thus by using (4.9), Minkowski’s inequality and (4.10) – (4.11) we see that (4.6) holds. Now assume that (4.6) holds, i.e., that (4.9) holds. Then, in particular, Z p0 (I1 (x)) V (4.12) Rn −p0 10 Z p (x) v (x) dx ≤c q0 g (x) u 1−q 0 10 q (x) dx Rn and by using Theorem 2.1 (i) and arguing as above, we find that (4.7) holds. Moreover, (4.12) holds also with I1 replaced by I2 so that, by using Theorem 2.1 (ii) and again arguing as in the sufficiency part, we see that (4.8) holds. The proof is complete. Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 27 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 Remark 7. For the case when the weights are also radially decreasing or increasing some of our results can be written in a more suitable form. Here we only state the following consequence of Proposition 4.3: Corollary 4.4. Let 1 < p ≤ q < ∞ and let f (x) be positive and radially decreasing in Rn . Then the Hardy inequality Z Rn 1 |B (x)| q Z f (y) dy b 1q Z |B (x)| dx a p ≤c p1 f (x) |B (x)| dx Rn B(x) A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn holds if and only if −1 < a < p − 1, −1 < b < q − 1 and a+1 b+1 = . p q Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Proof. Apply Proposition 4.3 with v (x) = |B (x)|a and u (x) = |B (x)|b . We note that some straightforward calculations give Title Page (4.13) − p1 Z Z 1q v (x) dx (4.14) u (x) dx B(α) ≈α −(a+1)n (b+1)n + q p B(α) Contents JJ J II I Go Back whenever a > −1, b > −1 and Close Z (4.15) 0 0 |B (x)|p V −p (x) v (x) dx 10 Z 1q p u(x)dx Rn \B(α) B(α) ≈α an−anp0 +n + bn−nq+n q p0 + b+1 − a+1 p q = αn( Quit Page 28 of 31 ) J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005 whenever a < p − 1 and b < q − 1. Moreover, according to the estimates (4.14) and (4.15) the condition (4.13) (and only this) gives a finite supremum. The proof is complete. Remark 8. It is easy to see that Theorem 2.1 also holds if Rn is replaced by Rn+ or even some more general cone in Rn . Therefore, by modifying our proofs, we see that all our results in this chapter indeed hold also when Rn is replaced by Rn+ or even general cones in Rn as defined in [4]. 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A Sawyer Duality Principle for Radially Monotone Functions in Rn Sorina Barza, Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 31 of 31 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(2) Art. 44, 2005