Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics ČEBYŠEV’S INEQUALITY ON TIME SCALES CHEH-CHIH YEH, FU-HSIANG WONG AND HORNG-JAAN LI Department of Information Management Long-Hua University of Science and Technology KueiShan Taoyuan, 33306 Taiwan Republic of China. EMail: Department of Mathematics National Taipei Teacher’s College 134, Ho-Ping E. Rd. Sec. 2 Taipei 10659, Taiwan Republic of China. EMail: General Education Center Chien kuo Institute of Technology Chang-Hua, 50050 Taiwan Republic of China. EMail: volume 6, issue 1, article 7, 2005. Received 23 October, 2004; accepted 21 December, 2004. Communicated by: D. Hinton Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 204-04 Quit Abstract In this paper we establish some Čebyšev’s inequalities on time scales under suitable conditions. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26B25; Secondary 26D15. Key words: Time scales, Čebyšev’s Inequality, Delta differentiable. Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 More Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 References Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to establish the well-known Čebyšev’s inequality on time scales. To do this, we simply introduce the time scales calculus as follows: In 1988, Hilger [7] introduced the time scales theory to unify continuous and discrete analysis. A time scale T is a closed subset of the set R of the real numbers. We assume that any time scale has the topology that it inherits from the standard topology on R. Since a time scale may or may not be connected, we need the concept of jump operators. Definition 1.1. Let t ∈ T, where T is a time scale. Then the two mappings σ, ρ : T → R Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li satisfying Title Page σ(t) = inf{γ > t|γ ∈ T}, ρ(t) = sup{γ < t|γ ∈ T} are called the jump operators on T. These jump operators classify the points {t} of a time scale T as right-dense, right-scattered, left-dense and left-scattered according to whether σ(t) = t, σ(t) > t, ρ(t) = t or ρ(t) < t, respectively, for t ∈ T. Let t be the maximum element of a time scale T. If t is left-scattered, then t is called a generate point of T. Let Tk denote the set of all non-degenerate points of T. Throughout this paper, we suppose that (a) T is a time scale; Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 (b) an interval means the intersection of a real interval with the given time scale; (c) R = (−∞, ∞). Definition 1.2. Let T be a time scale. Then the mapping f : T → R is called rd-continuous if (a) f is continuous at each right-dense or maximal point of T; (b) lim− f (s) = f (t− ) exists for each left-dense point t ∈ T. s→t Let Crd [T, R] denote the set of all rd-continuous mappings from T to R. Definition 1.3. Let f : T → R, t ∈ Tk . Then we say that f has the (delta) derivative f ∆ (t) ∈ R at t if for each > 0 there exists a neighborhood U of t such that for all s ∈ U f (σ(t)) − f (s) − f ∆ (t)[σ(t) − s] ≤ |σ(t) − s| . In this case, we say that f is (delta) differentiable at t. Clearly, f ∆ is the usual derivative if T = R, and is the usual forward difference operator if T = Z (the set of all integers). Definition 1.4. A function F : T → R is an antiderivative of f : T → R if F ∆ (t) = f (t) for each t ∈ Tk . In this case, we define the (Cauchy) integral of f by Z Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit t f (γ) ∆γ = F (t) − F (s) Page 4 of 22 s for all s, t ∈ T. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 It follows from Theorem 1.74 of Bohner and Peterson [3] that every rdcontinuous function has an antiderivative. For further results on time scales calculus, we refer to [3, 9]. The purpose of this paper is to establish the well-known Čebyšev inequality [1, 5, 6, 8, 11] on time scales. For other related results, we refer to [4, 10, 12, 13]. Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 2. Main Results We first establish some Čebyšev inequalities which generalize some results of Audréief [1], Beesack and Pečarić [2], Dunkel [4], Fujimara [5, 6], Isayama [8], and Winckler [13]. For other related results, we refer to the book of Mitrinovič [10]. Theorem 2.1. Suppose that p ∈ Crd ([a, b]; [0, ∞)). Let f1 , f2 , k1 , k2 ∈ Crd ([a, b]; R) satisfy the following two conditions: Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales (C1 ) f2 (x)k2 (x) > 0 on [a, b]; (C2 ) ff12 (x) and kk12 (x) are similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered), that is, for all (x) (x) x, y ∈ [a, b], k1 (x) k1 (y) f1 (x) f1 (y) − − ≥ 0 (or ≤ 0), f2 (x) f2 (y) k2 (x) k2 (y) then (2.1) 1 2! Z bZ a a b f1 (x) f1 (y) p(x)p(y) f2 (x) f2 (y) Rb a p(x)f1 (x)k1 (x)∆x = R b p(x)f2 (x)k1 (x)∆x a k1 (x) k1 (y) k2 (x) k2 (y) ∆x∆y p(x)f (x)k (x)∆x 1 2 a ≥ 0 (or ≤ 0) Rb p(x)f2 (x)k2 (x)∆x Rb a Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 6 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 Proof. Let x, y ∈ [a, b]. Then it follows from (C1 ), (C2 ) and the identity f1 (x) f1 (y) k1 (x) k1 (y) p(x)p(y) f2 (x) f2 (y) k2 (x) k2 (y) = p(x)p(y)f2 (x)f2 (y)k2 (x)k2 (y) f1 (x) f1 (y) − f2 (x) f2 (y) k1 (x) k1 (y) − k2 (x) k2 (y) that (2.1) holds. Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Remark 1. Suppose that p, f, g ∈ Crd ([a, b]; R) with p(x) ≥ 0 on [a, b]. Let f and g be similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered). Taking f1 (x) = f (x), k1 (x) = g(x) and f2 (x) = k2 (x) = 1, (2.1) is reduced to the generalized Čebyšev inequality: Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Z b Z p(x)f (x)g(x)∆x (2.2) a b Contents p(x)∆x a Z ≥ (or ≤) b Z p(x)f (x)∆x a b p(x)g(x)∆x, a which generalizes a Winckler’s result in [13] if a = 0 and b = x. Let T = Z, if a = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) and b = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) are similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered), and if p = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) is a nonnegative sequence, then (2.2) is reduced to n X i=1 pi n X i=1 pi ai bi ≥ (or ≤) n X i=1 p i ai n X i=1 JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 22 p i bi . J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 If T = R, then (2.2) is reduced to Z b Z b Z b Z b p(x)f (x)g(x) dx p(x) dx ≥ (or ≤) p(x)f (x) dx p(x)g(x) dx. a a a f1 (x) , f2 (x) a g1 (x) g2 (x) Remark 2. Taking f (x) = g(x) = and p(x) = f2 (x)g2 (x), inequality (2.2) is reduced to Z b Z b (2.3) f1 (x)g1 (x)∆x f2 (x)g2 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) f1 (x)g2 ∆x f2 (x)g1 ∆x, a if f2 (x)g2 (x) ≥ 0 on [a, b], ff12 (x) and (x) f1 (x) ing (or one of the functions f2 (x) or g1 (x) g2 (x) g1 (x) g2 (x) a Theorem 2.2. Let f ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞)) be decreasing (or increasing) with Rb Rb xp(x)f (x)∆x > 0 and p(x)f (x)∆x > 0. Then a a Rb Rb 2 xp(x)f (x)∆x p(x)f 2 (x)∆x a a ≤ (≥) R b . Rb xp(x)f (x)∆x p(x)f (x)∆x a a Proof. Clearly, for any x, y ∈ [a, b], Z bZ b f (x)f (y)p(x)p(y)(y − x)(f (x) − f (y)∆x∆y ≥ (≤)0, a Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li are both increasing or both decreas- is nonincreasing and the other nondecreasing). Here f1 , f2 , g1 , g2 ∈ Crd ([a, b], R) with f2 (x)g2 (x) 6= 0 on [a, b]. Conversely, if f1 (x) = f (x)f2 (x), g1 (x) = g(x)g2 (x) and p(x) = f2 (x)g2 (x), then inequality (2.3) is reduced to inequality (2.2). a Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 which implies that the desired result holds. Remark 3. Let f ∈ Crd ([a, b], (0, ∞)) and n be a positive integer. If p and g are replaced by fp and f n respectively, then Čebyšev’s inequality (2.2) is reduced to Z b Z n b p(x)f (x)∆x a a p(x) ∆x ≥ f (x) b Z Z b p(x)[f (x)]n−1 ∆x, p(x)∆x a a which implies Z b a Z p(x) ∆x p(x)f n (x)∆x a f (x) Z b Z b Z n−1 ≥ p(x)∆x p(x)[f (x)] ∆x a a Z a 2 Z b ≥ Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales 2 b p(x) ∆x f (x) b p(x)[f (x)]n−2 ∆x. p(x)∆x a b Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Contents a provided f and f n are similarly ordered. Continuing in this way, we get Z a b p(x) ∆x f (x) n Z b n Z p(x)[f (x)] ∆x ≥ a n+1 b p(x)∆x Title Page , a which extends a result in Dunkel [4]. Remark 4. Let ν, p ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞)). If f and g are similarly ordered (or JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 oppositely ordered), then it follows from Remark 1 that Z b b Z p(t)f (ν(t))g(ν(t))∆t a p(t)∆t Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) p(t)f (ν(t))∆t p(t)g(ν(t))∆t, a a a which is a generalization of a result given in Stein [12]. Remark 5. Let p, fi ∈ Crd ([a, b], R) for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Suppose that f1 , f2 , . . . , fn are similarly ordered and p(x) ≥ 0 on [a, b], then it follows from Remark 1 that Z b n−1 Z b p(x)∆x p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x a a n−2 Z b b Z = p(x)∆x a n−2 Z b ≥ a b p(x)∆x a Z ≥ a Z Z b p(x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x p(x)f1 (x)∆x a b p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x p(x)∆x a Z b Z a b n−3 p(x)f1 (x)∆x p(x)∆x a Z b Z b × p(x)f2 (x)∆x p(x)f3 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x a a Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 22 ≥ ··· J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 b Z ≥ b Z Z p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)f1 (x)∆x p(x)fn (x)∆x , a a b a which is a generalization of a result in Dunkel [4]. In particular, if f1 (x) = f2 (x) = · · · = fn (x) = f (x), then Z b n−1 Z b Z b n n p(x)∆x p(x)f (x)∆x ≥ p(x)f (x)∆x . a a a Theorem 2.3. If p(x), f (x) ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞)) with f (x) > 0 on [a, b] and n is a positive integer, then Z b n Z b Z b n p(x) n ∆x p(x)f (x)∆x ≥ p(x)∆x . a f (x) a a 1 Proof. It follows from f (x) > 0 on [a, b] that f n (x) and f (x) are oppositely ordered on [a, b]. Hence by (2.2), Z b n Z b p(x) n p(x)f (x)∆x ∆x a a f (x) Z b n−1 Z b Z b p(x) ≥ p(x)∆x ∆x p(x)f n−1 (x)∆x f (x) a a a Z b 2 Z b n−2 Z b p(x) ≥ p(x)∆x ∆x p(x)f n−2 (x)∆x f (x) a a a Z b n ≥ ··· ≥ p(x)∆x . Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 22 a J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 Theorem 2.4. Let g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ∈ Crd ([a, b], <) and p, h1 , h2 , . . . , hn−1 ∈ Crd ([a, b], (0, ∞)) with gn (x) > 0 on [a, b]. If g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn−1 (x) h1 (x)h2 (x) · · · hn−1 (x) and hn−1 (x) gn (x) are similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered), then Z (2.4) a b b p(x)g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn−1 (x) p(x)gn (x)∆x ∆x h1 (x)h2 (x) · · · hn−2 (x) a Z b Z b p(x)g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn (x) ≥ (or ≤) p(x)hn−1 (x)∆x ∆x. a a h1 (x)h2 (x) · · · hn−1 (x) Z Proof. Taking f1 (x) = Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn−1 (x) , k1 (x) = hn−1 (x), h1 (x)h2 (x) · · · hn−1 (x) f2 (x) = 1 and k2 (x) = gn (x) in Theorem 2.1, (2.1) is reduced to our desired result (2.4). The following theorem is a time scales version of Theorem 1 in Beesack and Pečarić [2]. Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Theorem 2.5. Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fn ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞) and Page 12 of 22 g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ∈ Crd ([a, b], (0, ∞)). J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 fn fk If the functions f1 , fg12 , . . . , gn−1 are similarly ordered and for each pair gk−1 , gk−1 is oppositely ordered for k = 2, 3, . . . , n, then Z b f2 (x)f3 (x) · · · fn (x) ∆x g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn−1(x) Rb Rb Rb p(x)f (x)∆x p(x)f (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn (x)∆x 1 2 ≥ R ba . R ba R ba p(x)g (x)∆x p(x)g (x)∆x · · · p(x)g (x)∆x 1 2 n−1 a a a p(x)f1 (x) (2.5) a fn in Remark 5, we obtain Proof. Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fn be replaced by f1 , fg12 , . . . , gn−1 Z n−1 Z b p(x)∆x (2.6) a Also, since Z a fk gk−1 b b f2 (x)f3 (x) · · · fn (x) p(x)f1 (x) ∆x g1 (x)g2 (x) · · · gn−1 (x) Z b n Z b Y fk (x) ≥ p(x)f1 (x)∆x p(x) ∆x. g k−1 (x) a a k=2 and gk−1 are oppositely ordered, it follows from Remark 1 that b Z b Z p(x)fk (x)∆x ≤ p(x)∆x a Z p(x)gk−1 (x)∆x a a b Rb b p(x) a fk (x) ∆x. gk−1 (x) Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Thus Z a p(x)fk (x) ∆x ≥ gk−1 (x) a Rb p(x)∆x a p(x)fk (x)∆x . Rb p(x)g (x)∆x k−1 a Quit Page 13 of 22 This and (2.6) imply (2.5) holds. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 3. More Results In this section, we generalize some results in Isayama [8]. Theorem 3.1. Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fn ∈ Crd ([a, b], (0, ∞)), k1 , k2 , . . . , kn−1 ∈ Crd ([a, b], R) and p(x) ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞)). If f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fi−1 (x) k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · ki−1 (x) and ki−1 (x) fi (x) Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales are similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered) for i = 2, . . . , n, then Z b Z b Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn (x)∆x a Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x)k2 (x)∆x · · · a a Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x) ∆x. ··· p(x)kn−1 (x)∆x p(x) k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−1 (x) a a p(x)f1 (x)∆x (3.1) a Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li a Proof. If f1 (x), k1 (x), f2 (x) and k2 (x) are replaced by f1 (x), 1, k1 (x) and in Theorem 2.1, then we obtain f2 (x) k1 (x) Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Z b Z p(x)f1 (x)∆x a a b p(x)f2 (x)∆x Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) ≥ (or ≤) p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x) ∆x. k1 (x) a a Quit Page 14 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 Thus the theorem holds for n = 2. Suppose that the theorem holds for n − 1, that is Z b Z b Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn−1 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x)k2 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn−1 (x) p(x)kn−2 (x)∆x p(x) ··· ∆x k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−2 (x) a a p(x)f1 (x)∆x (3.2) a if f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fi−1 (x) k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · ki−1 (x) and Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li ki−1 (x) fi (x) are similarly ordered (or oppositely ordered) for i = 2, 3, . . . , n−1. Multiplying Rb the both sides of (3.2) by a p(x)fn (x)∆x, we see that Z b Z b Z b Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn−1 (x)∆x p(x)fn (x)∆x a a Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x)k2 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn−1 (x) ∆x p(x)fn (x)∆x. · · · p(x)kn−2 (x)∆x p(x) k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−2 (x) a a a p(x)f1 (x)∆x (3.3) a a Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 It follows from Theorem 2.5 that Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn−1 (x) p(x) ∆x p(x)fn (x)∆x k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−2 (x) a a Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x) ≥ (or ≤) p(x) ∆x p(x)kn−1 (x)∆x. k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−1 (x) a a This and (3.3) imply Z b Z b Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn (x)∆x a a Z b Z b ≥ (or ≤) p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x)k2 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x) ··· p(x)kn−1 (x)∆x p(x) ∆x. k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−1 (x) a a p(x)f1 (x)∆x a By induction, we complete the proof. Remark 6. Let kn ∈ Crd ([a, b], R). If f1 (x), f2 (x), . . . , fn (x), k1 (x), k2 (x), . . . , kn−1 (x) are replaced by f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x), k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x), ..., k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x), f1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x), k1 (x)f2 (x)k3 (x) · · · kn (x), ..., k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−2 (x)fn−1 (x)kn (x) Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 16 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 in Theorem 3.1, respectively, then Z b p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x (3.4) a Z × a n−1 b p(x)k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x)∆x Z b ≥ p(x)f1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x)∆x a Z b × p(x)k1 (x)f2 (x)k3 (x) · · · kn (x)∆x a Z b ··· p(x)k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−1 (x)fn (x)∆x a if fi (x) ki (x) Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page > 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n and k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn (x) > 0 on [a, b]. Contents Remark 7. Letting f1 (x) = f2 (x) = · · · = fn (x) = f (x) and k1 (x) = k2 (x) = 1 · · · = kn (x) = k n−1 (x) in (3.4) with k(x) > 0 on [a, b], we obtain the Hölder inequality: JJ J II I Go Back Z (3.5) a b p(x)f n (x)∆x Z b n n−1 Close p(x)k n−1 (x)∆x a Z ≥ Quit n b p(x)f (x)k(x)∆x . Page 17 of 22 a J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 Remark 8. Let p, f, g ∈ Crd ([a, b], [0, ∞)). Taking f1 (x) = f n (x)g(x), f2 (x) = f3 (x) = · · · = fn (x) = g(x) and k1 (x) = k2 (x) = · · · = kn−1 (x) = f (x)g(x), (3.1) is reduced to Jensen’s inequality: Z b Z n p(x)f (x)g(x)∆x (3.6) a n−1 b Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales p(x)g(x)∆x a Z ≥ n b p(x)f (x)g(x)∆x Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li . a 1 Remark 9. Taking k1 (x) = k2 (x) = · · · = kn−1 (x) = (f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)) n , (3.1) is reduced to Z b Z p(x)f1 (x)∆x (3.7) a a b Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)fn (x)∆x a Z b n 1 n ≥ p(x) (f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)) ∆x a if fi (x) > 0 on [a, b] for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n and (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are similarly ordered. Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close 1 1 [f (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)] n fi (x) 1 Quit Page 18 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 Remark 10 (see also Remark 5). Taking k1 (x) = k2 (x) = · · · = kn−1 (x) = 1, (3.1) is reduced to Čebyšev’s inequality: b Z Z b p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)f1 (x)∆x (3.8) Z a p(x)fn (x)∆x a Z ≤ n−1 Z b b a b p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x p(x)∆x a a if fi (x) (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are similarly ordered and fi (x) ≥ 0 (i = 1, 2, . . . , n). Remark 11. Taking f1 (x) = f2 (x) = · · · = fn (x) = 1, then (3.1) is reduced to Z n b Z ≤ p(x)∆x a b Z Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li b p(x)k1 (x)∆x p(x)k2 (x)∆x a a Z b Z b p(x) ∆x ··· p(x)kn−1 (x)∆x a a k1 (x)k2 (x) · · · kn−1 (x) if ki (x) > 0 are similarly ordered for i = 1, 2, . . . , n−1. Thus, if f1 (x), . . . , fn (x) are similarly ordered and fi (x) > 0 on [a, b] (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), then Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back R (3.9) R b b a p(x)∆x n+1 p(x) ∆x a f1 (x)f2 (x)···fn (x) Z b ≤ Close Quit Z Z p(x)f2 (x)∆x · · · p(x)f1 (x)∆x a b a Page 19 of 22 b p(x)fn (x)∆x. a J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 It follows from (3.8) and (3.9) that R n+1 b Z b n−1 Z b p(x)∆x a ≤ p(x)∆x p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)∆x Rb p(x) ∆x a a a f1 (x)f2 (x)···fn (x) if f1 (x), . . . , fn (x) are similarly ordered. Remark 12. Let k1 (x) = k2 (x) = · · · = kn (x) = 1. If fi (x) is replaced by 1 [f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x)] n , fi (x) n = 1, 2, . . . , n, then (3.1) is reduced to p Z b n n Z b n Y f1 (x)f2 (x) · · · fn (x) p(x) ∆x ≤ p(x)∆x fi (x) a i=1 a √ n f1 (x)f2 (x)···fn (x) if (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) are similarly ordered. fi (x) Remark 13. Let f1 , f2 , . . . , fn ; k1 , k2 , . . . , kn−1 be replaced by f1 f2 , f3 f4 , . . . , f2n−1 f2n ; f2 f3 , f4 f5 , . . . , f2n−2 f2n−1 , respectively. Then (3.1) is reduced to Z b Z b Z b p(x)f1 (x)f2 (x)∆x p(x)f3 (x)f4 (x)∆x · · · p(x)f2n−1 (x)f2n (x)∆x a a a Z b Z b Z b ≥ p(x)f2 (x)f3 (x)∆x p(x)f4 (x)f5 (x)∆x · · · p(x)f2n−2 (x)f2n−1 (x)∆x a if fi (x) fi+1 (x) a a Čebyšev’s Inequality on Time Scales Cheh-Chih Yeh, Fu-Hsiang Wong, and Horng-Jaan Li Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 20 of 22 (i = 1, 2, . . . , 2n − 1) are similarly ordered. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 6(1) Art. 7, 2005 References [1] K.A. ANDRÉIEF, N’skol’ko slov’ po povodu teorem’ P. L. Čebyševa i V. G. Imšeneckogo ob’ opred’lennyh’ integralah’ ot’ proizvedenyja funkciǐ, Soobščeuija i Protokoly Zasedanii Matematičeskogo Obščestva Pri Imperatorskom Har’kovskom Universitete, 1883, 110–123. [2] P.R. BEESACK AND J.E. PEČARIĆ, Integral inequalities of Čebyšev type, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 111 (1985), 643–695. [3] M. BOHNER AND A. PETERSON, “Dynamic Equations on Time Scales", Birkhäuser, Boston/Basel/Berlin, 2001. [4] O. 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