Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics ESTIMATES FOR THE ∂−NEUMANN OPERATOR ON STRONGLY PSEUDO-CONVEX DOMAIN WITH LIPSCHITZ BOUNDARY volume 5, issue 3, article 70, 2004. O. ABDELKADER AND S. SABER Mathematics Department Faculty of Science Minia University El-Minia, Egypt. Mathematics Department Faculty of Science Cairo University Beni-Swef Branch, Egypt. EMail: Received 29 February, 2004; accepted 19 April, 2004. Communicated by: J. Sándor Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 101-04 Quit Abstract On a bounded strongly pseudo-convex domain X in Cn with a Lipschitz bound¯ ary, we prove that the ∂−Neumann operator N can be extended as a bounded operator from Sobolev (−1/2)−spaces to the Sobolev (1/2)−spaces. In particular, N is compact operator on Sobolev (−1/2)−spaces. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35N15; Secondary 32W05. Key words: Sobolev estimate, Neumann problem, Lipschitz domains. Contents Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ¯ 2 Notations and the ∂−Neumann Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Proof of the Main Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 References Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 1. Introduction Let X be a bounded pseudo-convex domain in Cn with the standard Hermi¯ tian metric. The ∂−Neumann operator N is the (bounded) inverse of the (un¯ bounded) Laplace-Beltrami operator . The ∂−Neumann problem has been studied extensively when the domain X has smooth boundaries (see [12], [1], [3], [18], [19], [21], and [22]). Dahlberg [6] and Jerison and Kenig [17] established the work on the Dirichlet and classical Neumann problem on Lipschitz domains. The compactness of N on Lipschitz pseudo-convex domains s (X) be the Hilbert spaces of is studied in Henkin and Iordan [14]. Let W(p,q) s (p, q)−forms with W (X)−coefficients. Henkin, Iordan, and Kohn in [15] and 1/2 Michel and Shaw in [23] showed that N is bounded from L2(p,q) (X) to W(p,q) (X) on domains with piecewise smooth strongly pseudo-convex boundary by two different methods. Also Michel and Shaw in [24] proved that N is bounded 1/2 on W(p,q) (X) when the domain is only bounded pseudo-convex Lipschitz with a plurisubharmonic defining function. Other results in this direction belong to Bonami and Charpentier [4], Straube [26], Engliš [10], and Ehsani [7], [8], and [9]. In fact, the main aim of this work is to establish the following: Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary Theorem 1.1. Let X ⊂⊂ Cn be a bounded strongly pseudo-convex domain ¯ with Lipschitz boundary. For each 0 ≤ p ≤ n, 1 ≤ q ≤ n − 1, the ∂−Neumann operator N : L2(p,q) (X) −→ L2(p,q) (X) Go Back satisfies the following estimate: for any ϕ ∈ L2(p,q) (X), there exists a constant c > 0 such that (1.1) kN ϕk1/2(X) ≤ ckϕk−1/2(X) , O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Close Quit Page 3 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 where c = c(X) is independent of ϕ; i.e., N can be extended as a bounded op−1/2 1/2 erator from W(p,q) (X) into W(p,q) (X). In particular, N is a compact operator −1/2 on L2(p,q) (X) and W(p,q) (X). Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 2. ¯ Notations and the ∂−Neumann Problem We will use the standard notation of Hörmander [16] for differential forms. Let X be a bounded domain of Cn . We express a (p, q)−form ϕ on X as follows: X ϕ= ϕIJ dz I ∧ dz J , I,J where I and J are strictly increasing multi-indices with lengths p and q, respectively. We denote by Λ(p,q) (X) the space of differential forms of class C ∞ and of type (p, q) on X. Let Λ(p,q) (X̄) = {ϕ|X̄ ; ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (Cn )}, O. Abdelkader and S. Saber be the subspace of Λ(p,q) (X) whose elements can be extended smoothly up to the boundary ∂X of X. For ϕ, ψ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄), the inner product and norm are defined as usual by Z XZ 2 |ϕ|2 dv, hϕ, ψi = ϕIJ ψ IJ dv, and kϕk = I,J X X where dv is the Lebesgue measure. Let Λ0,(p,q) (X) be the subspace of Λ(p,q) (X̄) whose elements have compact support disjoint from ∂X. The operator ∂¯ : Λ(p,q−1) (X) −→ Λ(p,q) (X) is defined by ¯ = ∂ϕ X X ∂ϕIJ k IJ ∂ z̄ k dz̄ k ∧ dz I ∧ dz̄ J . Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 The formal adjoint operator δ of ∂¯ is defined by : ¯ hδϕ, ψi = ϕ, ∂ψ for any ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X) and ψ ∈ Λ0,(p,q−1) (X). It is easily seen that ∂¯ is a closed, linear, densely defined operator, and ∂¯ forms a complex, i.e., ∂¯2 = 0. We denote by L2(p,q) (X) the Hilbert space of all (p, q) forms with square integrable coefficients. We denote again by ∂¯ : L2(p,q−1) (X) −→ L2(p,q) (X) ¯ Then ∂¯ is a closed, linear, densely the maximal extension of the original ∂. defined operator, and forms a complex, i.e., ∂¯2 = 0. Therefore, the adjoint operator ∂¯? : L2(p,q) (X) −→ L2(p,q−1) (X) of ∂¯ is also a closed, linear, defined ¯ operator. We denote the domain and the range of ∂¯ in L2(p,q) (X) by Dom(p,q) (∂) ¯ respectively. and Range(p,q) (∂) We define the Laplace-Beltrami operator O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page = ∂¯∂¯∗ + ∂¯∗ ∂¯ : L2(p,q) (X) −→ L2(p,q) (X) Contents on ¯ ∩ Dom(p,q) (∂¯? ); ∂ϕ ¯ ∈ Dom(p,q+1) (∂¯? ) Dom(p,q) () = {ϕ ∈ Dom(p,q) (∂) ¯ and ∂¯? ϕ ∈ Dom(p,q−1) (∂)}. Let ¯ Dom(p,q) (∂¯? ); Ker(p,q) () = {ϕ ∈ Dom(p,q) (∂)∩ Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary JJ J II I Go Back ¯ = 0 and ∂ϕ ∂¯? ϕ = 0}. Definition 2.1. A domain X ⊂⊂ Cn is said to be strongly pseudo-convex with C ∞ −boundary if there exist an open neighborhood U of the boundary ∂X of X and a C ∞ function λ : U −→ < having the following properties: Close Quit Page 6 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 (i) X ∩ U = {z ∈ U ; λ(z) < 0}. (ii) ∂ 2 λ(z) α β α,β=1 ∂z α ∂ z̄ β η η̄ Pn ≥ L(z)|η|2 ; z ∈ U , η = (η 1 , . . . , η n ) ∈ Cn and L(z) > 0. (iii) The gradient ∇λ(z) = ∂λ(z) ∂λ(z) , ∂y1 , . . . , ∂λ(z) , ∂λ(z) ∂x1 ∂xn ∂y n 6= 0 for z = (z 1 , . . . , z n ) ∈ U ; z α = xα + iy α . Let f : <2n−1 −→ < be a function that satisfies the Lipschitz condition |f (x) − f (x0 )| ≤ T |x − x0 | for all (2.1) x, x0 ∈ <2n−1 . The smallest T in which (2.1) holds is called the bound of the Lipschitz constant. By choosing finitely many balls {Vj } covering ∂X, the Lipschitz constant for a Lipschitz domain is the smallest T such that the Lipschitz constant is bounded in every ball {Vj }. Definition 2.2. A bounded domain X in Cn is called a strongly pseudo-convex domain with Lipschitz boundary ∂X if there exists a Lipschitz defining function % in a neighborhood of X̄ such that the following condition holds: (i) Locally near every point of the boundary ∂X, after a smooth change of coordinates, ∂X is the graph of a Lipschitz function. (ii) There exists a constant c1 > 0 such that, (2.2) n X α,β ∂2% α β η η̄ ≥ c1 |η|2 , ∂z α ∂ z̄ β Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit η = (η 1 , . . . , η n ) ∈ Cn , Page 7 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 where (2.2) is defined in the distribution sense. Let W s (X), s ≥ 0, be defined as the space of all u|X such that u ∈ W s (Cn ). We define the norm of W s (X) by kuks(X) = inf{kvks(Cn ) , v ∈ W s (Cn ), v|X = u}. s We use W(p,q) (X) to denote Hilbert spaces of (p, q)−forms with W s (X) coefficients and their norms are denoted by k ks(X) . Let W0s (X) be the completion of C0∞ (X)−functions under the W s (X)−norm. Restricting to a small neighborhood U near a boundary point, we shall choose special boundary coordinates t1 , . . . , t2n−1 , λ such that t1 , . . . , t2n−1 restricted to ∂X are coordinates for ∂X. Let Dtj = ∂/∂tj , j = 1, . . . , 2n − 1, and Dλ = ∂/∂λ. Thus Dtj ’s are the tangential derivatives on ∂X, and Dλ is the normal derivative. For a multi-index β = (β1 , . . . , β2n−1 ), where each βj is a nonnegative integer, Dtβ denotes the β2n−1 product of Dtj ’s with order |β| = β1 + · · · + β2n−1 , i.e., Dtβ = Dtβ11 · · · Dt2n−1 . For any φ ∈ C0∞ (X̄) with compact support in U , we define the tangential Fourier transform for φ in a special boundary chart by Z e φ(ν, λ) = e−iht,νi φ(t, λ)dt, R2n−1 where ν = (ν1 , . . . , ν2n−1 ) and ht, νi = t1 ν1 + · · · + t2n−1 ν2n−1 . We define the tangential Sobolev norms k|·|ks by Z Z 0 k|φk|s = R2n−1 −∞ e λ)|dλdν. (1 + |ν|2 )s |φ(ν, Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 ¯ We recall the L2 existence theorem for the ∂−Neumann operator on any bounded n pseudo-convex domain X ⊂ C . Following Hörmander L2 − estimates for ∂¯ on any bounded pseudoconvex domains, one can prove that has closed range and ¯ Ker(p,q) () = {0}. The ∂−Neumann operator N is the inverse of . In fact, one can prove Proposition 2.1 (Hörmander [16]). Let X be a bounded pseudo-convex domain in Cn , n ≥ 2. For each 0 ≤ p ≤ n and 1 ≤ q ≤ n, there exists a bounded linear operator N : L2(p,q) (X) −→ L2(p,q) (X) such that we have the following: (i) Range(p,q) (N ) ⊂Dom(p,q) () and N = N = I on Dom(p,q) (). ¯ ϕ. (ii) For any ϕ ∈ L2(p,q) (X), ϕ = ∂¯∂¯? N ϕ + ∂¯? ∂N (iii) If δ is the diameter of X,we have the following estimates: eδ 2 kN ϕk ≤ kϕk q s 2 ¯ ϕk ≤ eδ kϕk k∂N q s eδ 2 k∂¯? N ϕk ≤ kϕk q for any ϕ ∈ L2(p,q) (X). Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 For a detailed proof of this proposition see Shaw [25], Proposition 2.3, and Chen and Shaw [5], Theorem 4.4.1. Theorem 2.2 (Rellich Lemma). Let X be a bounded domain in Cn with Lipschitz boundary. If s > t ≥ 0, the inclusion W s (X) ,→ W t (X) is compact. Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 3. Proof of the Main Theorem To prove the main theorem we first obtain the following estimates on each smooth subdomain. As Lemma 2.1 in Michel and Shaw [23], we prove the following lemma: Lemma 3.1. Let X ⊂⊂ Cn be a bounded strongly pseudo-convex domain with Lipschitz boundary. Then, there exists an exhaustion {Xµ } of X with the following conditions: (i) {Xµ } is an increasing sequence of relatively compact subsets of X and ∪µ Xµ = X. (ii) Each {Xµ } has a C ∞ plurisubharmonic defining Lipschitz function λµ such that n X ∂ 2 λµ (z) α β η η̄ ≥ c1 |η|2 α ∂ z̄ β ∂z α,β=1 for z ∈ ∂Xµ and η ∈ Cn , where c1 > 0 is a constant independent of µ. (iii) There exist positive constants c2 , c3 such that c2 ≤ |∇λµ | ≤ c3 on ∂Xµ , where c2 , c3 are independent of µ. Proof. Let ℵ = {z ∈ X| − δ0 < %(z) < 0}, where δ0 > 0 is sufficiently small. Thus, there exists a constant c1 > 0 such that the function σ0 (z) = %(z) − c1 |z|2 is a plurisubharmonic on ℵ. Let δµ be a decreasing sequence such that δµ & 0, and we define Xδµ = {z ∈ X|%(z) < −δµ }. Then {Xδµ } is a sequence of relatively compact subsets of X with union equal to X. Let Ψ ∈ C0∞ (Cn ) be a function depending only on |z1 |, . . . , |zn | and such that Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 (i) Ψ ≥ 0. (ii) Ψ = 0 when |z| > 1. R (iii) Ψdλ = 1, where dλ is the Lebesgue measure. 1 We define Ψε (z) = ε2n Ψ( zε ) for ε > 0. For each z ∈ Xδµ ,, 0 < ε < δµ , we define Z %ε (z) = % ? Ψε (z) = %(z − εζ)Ψ(ζ)dλ(ζ). Then %ε ∈ C ∞ (Xδµ ) and %ε & % on Xδµ when ε & 0. Since ∂ 2 %ε (z) ∂2 = α β {(σ0 (z) + c1 |z|2 ) ? Ψε (z)} α β ∂z ∂ z̄ ∂z ∂ z̄ ∂2 = α β {σ0 (z) ? Ψε (z) + c1 |z|2 ? Ψε (z)} ∂z ∂ z̄ ∂ 2 σ0 (z) ∂ 2 |z|2 = α β ? Ψε (z) + c1 α β ? Ψε (z) ∂z ∂ z̄ ∂z ∂ z̄ n for z ∈ Xδµ ∩ ℵ, and η ∈ C it follows that n X ∂ 2 %ε (z) α β η η̄ α ∂ z̄ β ∂z α,β=1 = n X 2 Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close n X 2 2 ∂ σ0 (z) α β ∂ |z| α β η η̄ ? Ψ (z) + c η η̄ ? Ψε (z) ε 1 α ∂ z̄ β α ∂ z̄ β ∂z ∂z α,β=1 α,β=1 Quit Page 12 of 22 ≥ c1 |η|2 . J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 Each %εµ is well defined if 0 < εµ < δµ+1 for z ∈ Xδµ+1 . Let c3 = supX̄ |∇%|, then for εµ sufficiently small, we have %(z) < %εµ (z) < %(z) + c3 εµ on Xδµ+1 . For each µ, we choose εµ = 2c13 (δµ−1 − δµ ) and ζµ ∈ (δµ+1 , δµ ). We define Xµ = {z ∈ Cn | %εµ < −ζµ }. Since %(z) < %εµ (z) < −ζµ < −δµ+1 , we have that Xµ ⊂ Xδµ+1 . Also, if z ∈ Xδµ−1 , then %εµ (z) < %(z) + c3 εµ < −δµ < −ζµ . Thus we have Xδµ+1 ⊃ Xµ ⊃ Xδµ−1 and (i) is satisfied. Then the function λµ = %εµ +ζµ satisfies (ii). Now, we prove (iii). First, since a Lipschitz function is almost everywhere differentiable (see Evans and Gariepy [11] for a proof of this fact), the gradient of a Lipschitz function exists almost everywhere and we have |∇%| ≤ c3 a.e. in X̄ and |∇λµ | ≤ c3 on ∂Xµ . Secondly, we show that |∇λµ | is uniformly bounded from below. To do that, since ∂X is Lipschitz from our assumption, then there exists a finite covering {Vj }1≤j≤m of ∂X such that V̄j ⊂ Ūj for 1 ≤ j ≤ m, a finite set of unit vectors {χj }1≤j≤m and c2 > 0 such that the inner product (∇%, χj ) ≥ c2 > 0 a.e. for z ∈ Vj , 1 ≤ j ≤ m. Since this is preserved by convolution, (iii) is proved. Moreover, we have ∇λµ 6= 0 in a small neighborhood of ∂Xµ . Thus ∂Xµ is smooth. Then, the proof is complete. We use a subscript µ to indicate operators on Xµ . Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Proposition 3.2. Let {Xµ } be the same as in Lemma 3.1. There exists a constant c4 > 0, such that for any ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩Dom(p,q) (∂¯µ? ), 0 ≤ p ≤ n, 1 ≤ q ≤ n − 1, ¯ 2 + ∂¯? ϕ2 , (3.1) kϕk21/2(Xµ ) ≤ c4 ∂ϕ µ Xµ X Close Quit Page 13 of 22 µ J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 where c4 is independent of ϕ and µ. If ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩ Dom(p,q) (µ ), then kϕk21/2(Xµ ) ≤ c4 kµ ϕk2Xµ , (3.2) where c4 is independent of ϕ and µ. Proof. Since |∇λµ | = 6 0 on a neighborhood W of ∂Xµ , then the function ηµ = λµ /|∇λµ | is defined on W . We extend ηµ to be negative smoothly inside Xµ . Then ηµ is a defining function in a neighborhood of X̄µ such that ηµ < 0 on Xµ , ηµ = 0 on ∂Xµ and |∇ηµ | = 1 on W . Then, by simple calculation as in Lemma 2.2 in Michel and Shaw [23] and by using the identity of MorreyKohn-Hörmander which was proved in Chen and Shaw [5], Proposition 4.3.1, and from (ii)and (iii) in Lemma 3.1, it follows that there exists a constant c5 > 0 such that for any ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩ Dom(p,q) (∂¯µ? ), Z X X ∂ϕIJ 2 2 2 ? 2 ¯ ¯ (3.3) |ϕ| dsµ ≤ c5 k∂ϕkXµ + k∂µ ϕkXµ . ∂ z̄ k + I,J k ∂Xµ Let z ∈ ∂Xµ and U be a special boundary chart containing z. From Kohn [20], Proposition 3.10 and Chen and Shaw [5], Lemma 5.2.2, the tangential Sobolev P norm nj=1 |||Dj ϕ|||−1 , and the ordinary Sobolev norm ||ϕ|| are equivalent for ¯ Dom(∂¯? ) where the support of ϕ lies in U ∩ X̄µ , Dj ϕ = ∂ϕ/∂xj , ϕ ∈ Dom(∂)∩ (j = 1, 2, . . . , 2n), and > 0. Then, from Folland and Kohn [12], Theorems 2.4.4 and 2.4.5, it follows that there exists a neighborhood V ⊂ U of z and a positive constant c6 such that ! Z X X ∂ϕIJ 2 2 (3.4) kϕk21/2(Xµ ) ≤ c6 |ϕ|2 dsµ , ∂ z̄ k + kϕkXµ + ∂Xµ I,J k Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 14 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 for ϕ ∈ Λ0,(p,q) (V ∩ X̄µ ). Since Xµ is a Lipschitz domain, then c6 depends only on the Lipschitz constant. Also from Lemma 3.1, if {Xµ }∞ µ=1 is uniformly Lipschitz, then the constant c6 can be chosen to depend only on the Lipschitz constant of ∂Xµ , which is independent of µ. Now cover ∂Xµ by finitely many charts {Vi }m i=1 such that this conclusion holds on each chart, and choose V0 so that Xµ − ∪m 1 Vi ⊂ V0 ⊂ V̄0 ⊂ Xµ . Then, the estimate (3.4) holds for all ϕ ∈ Λ0,(p,q) (V0 ). Using a partition of unity subordinate to {Vi }m 0 , the estimate (3.4) now reads ! Z X X ∂ϕIJ 2 2 (3.5) kϕk21/2(Xµ ) ≤ c6 |ϕ|2 dsµ , ∂ z̄ k + kϕkXµ + ∂Xµ I,J k for any ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩ Dom(p,q) (∂¯µ? ). It follows from Proposition 2.1 that eδ 2 ¯ 2 k∂ϕkXµ + k∂¯? ϕk2Xµ . q 2 Therefore, by taking c4 = c6 eδq + c5 , and by using (3.3) and (3.5) inequality (3.1) is proved. Also, since kϕk2Xµ ≤ ¯ 2 + k∂¯? ϕk2 ≤ kµ ϕkXµ kϕkXµ , k∂ϕk Xµ µ Xµ when ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩Dom(p,q) (µ ). Then, (3.2) is proved also. Proof of Theorem 1.1. We shall apply the Michel and Shaw technique in [23] with the suitable modifications required. Let {Xµ } be the same as in Lemma 3.1 ¯ and Nµ denote the ∂−Neumann operator on L2(p,q) (Xµ ). Since X is a strongly Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 pseudo-convex domain with Lipschitz boundary, then by using Lemma 3.1, it can be approximated by domains with smooth boundary which are uniformly Lipschitz. Then, Xµ is a Lipschitz domain, and so C ∞ (X̄µ ) is dense in W s (Xµ ) in the W s (Xµ )−norm. Then, to prove this theorem, it suffices to prove (1.1) for any ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄). By using the boundary regularity for Nµ which was established by Kohn [19], we have Nµ ϕ ∈ Λ(p,q) (X̄µ )∩ Dom(p,q) (µ ). The ¯ ∂−Neumann operator N is the inverse of the operator . By using (iii) in Proposition 2.1, we have kNµ ϕkXµ ≤ and eδ 2 eδ 2 kϕkXµ ≤ kϕkX , q q s ¯ µ ϕkXµ + k∂¯? Nµ ϕkXµ ≤ 2 k∂N µ s eδ 2 eδ 2 kϕkX . kϕkXµ ≤ 2 q q Then, there is no loss of generality if we assume that Nµ ϕ = 0 in X\Xµ . Then there is a subsequence of Nµ ϕ, still denoted by Nµ ϕ, converging weakly ¯ ∈ L2 to some element ψ ∈ L2(p,q) (X) and ∂ψ (p,q+1) (X). This implies that ψ ∈ ¯ Dom(p,q) (∂). Now, we show that ψ ∈ Dom(p,q) (∂¯µ? ) as follows: for any u ∈ ¯ ∩ L2 Dom(p,q−1) (∂) (p,q−1) (X), ¯ ¯ ψ, ∂u = lim | Nµ ϕ, ∂u | X Xµ µ−→∞ = lim ∂¯µ? Nµ ϕ, u X µ µ−→∞ Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 16 of 22 ≤ kϕkX kukX . J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 ¯ ∈ Dom(p,q+1) (∂¯? ) and ∂¯? ψ ∈ Thus ψ ∈ Dom(p,q) (∂¯µ? ). Also, we show that ∂ψ µ µ ¯ as follows: by using (ii) in Proposition 2.1, we have Dom(p,q−1) (∂) (3.6) ? ¯ µ ϕ2 = kϕk2 ≤ kϕk2 . ∂¯∂¯µ Nµ ϕ2 + ∂¯µ? ∂N Xµ X X X µ µ Thus ∂¯∂¯µ? ψ is the L2 weak limit of some subsequence of ∂¯∂¯µ? Nµ ϕ and ∂¯µ? ψ ∈ ¯ By using (3.6), we have, for any v ∈ Dom(p,q) (∂) ¯ ∩ L2 (X), Dom(p,q−1) (∂). (p,q) ¯ ∂v ¯ ¯ µ ϕ, ∂v ¯ ∂ψ, = lim ∂N X Xµ µ−→∞ ¯ µ ϕ, v = lim ∂¯µ? ∂N X µ−→∞ Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary µ ≤ kϕkX kvkX . ¯ ∈ Dom(p,q+1) (∂¯? ) and ∂¯? ∂ψ ¯ is the weak limit of a subsequence of Thus ∂ψ µ µ ?¯ ¯ ∂µ ∂Nµ ϕ. This implies that ψ ∈ Dom(p,q) (µ ) and µ ψ = ϕ. Since N is one to one on L2(p,q) (X), then we conclude that ψ = N ϕ. Since Xµ is a Lipschitz domain. Hence Λ(X̄) are dense in W s (X) in W s (X)−norm. If s ≤ 1/2, we can show that Λ0 (X̄) are dense in W s (X) as in Theorem in Grisvard [13]. Thus 1/2 W 1/2 (X) = W0 (X). It follows from the Generalized Schwartz inequality (see Proposition (A.1.1) in Folland and Kohn [12]) that hh, f iXµ ≤ khk1/2(Xµ ) kf k−1/2(Xµ ) , O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 17 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 1/2 −1/2 for any h ∈ W(p,q) (Xµ ) and f ∈ W(p,q) (Xµ ). By using (3.1), there exists a constant c4 > 0 such that for any ϕ ∈ L2(p,q) (X̄µ )∩ Dom(p,q) (µ ), 0 ≤ p ≤ n and 1 ≤ q ≤ n, ¯ 2 + k∂¯? ϕk2 ) kϕk21/2(Xµ ) ≤ c4 (k∂ϕk Xµ µ Xµ = c4 hϕ, µ ϕiXµ (3.7) ≤ c4 kϕk1/2(Xµ ) kµ ϕk−1/2(Xµ ) , where c4 is independent of ϕ and µ. Substituting Nµ ϕ into (3.7), we have (3.8) kNµ ϕk1/2(Xµ ) ≤ c4 kµ Nµ ϕk−1/2(Xµ ) = c4 kϕk−1/2(Xµ ) , Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary where c4 is independent of ϕ and µ. By using the extension operator on Euclidean space (see Theorem in Grisvard [13]), it follows that for any Lipschitz domain Xµ ⊂ Cn , O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Rµ : W 1/2 (Xµ ) −→ W 1/2 (Cn ) Contents such that for each ϕ ∈ W 1/2 (Xµ ), Rµ ϕ = ϕ on Xµ and (3.9) kRµ ϕk1/2(Cn ) ≤ c5 kϕk1/2(Xµ ) , Title Page JJ J II I Go Back for some positive constant c5 . The constant c5 in (3.9) can be chosen independent of µ since extension exists for any Lipschitz domain (see Theorem in Grisvard [13]). By applying Rµ to Nµ ϕ component-wise, we have, by using (3.8) and (3.9), that Page 18 of 22 kRµ Nµ ϕk1/2(X) ≤ kRµ Nµ ϕk1/2(Cn ) ≤ c5 kNµ ϕk1/2(Xµ ) ≤ ckϕk−1/2(Xµ ) , J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 Close Quit 1/2 where c > 0 is independent of µ. Since W(p,q) (X) is a Hilbert space, then from the weak compactness for Hilbert spaces, there exists a subsequence of Rµ Nµ ϕ 1/2 which converges weakly in W(p,q) (X). Since Rµ Nµ ϕ converges weakly to N ϕ 1/2 in L2(p,q) (X), we conclude that N ϕ ∈ W(p,q) (X) and kN ϕk1/2(X) ≤ lim kRµ Nµ ϕk1/2(Xµ ) ≤ ckϕk−1/2(X) . µ−→∞ −1/2 1/2 Thus, N can be extended as a bounded operator from W(p,q) (X) to W(p,q) (X). To prove that N is compact, we note that for any bounded domain X with Lipschitz boundary there exists a continuous linear operator R : W 1/2 (X) −→ W 1/2 (Cn ) such that Rφ|X = φ. Also, we note that the inclusion map W 1/2 (X) −→ L2 (X) = W 0 (X) is compact. Thus, by using the Rellich Lemma for Cn , we conclude that W 1/2 (X) ,→ W −1/2 (X) −1/2 is compact and this proves that N is compact on W(p,q) (X) and L2(p,q) (X). Estimates for the ∂−Neumann Operator On Strongly Pseudo-Convex Domain With Lipschitz Boundary O. Abdelkader and S. Saber Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 19 of 22 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 5(3) Art. 70, 2004 References [1] H.P. BOAS AND E.J. 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