ACM KDD Cup A Survey: 1997-2011 Qiang Yang (partly based on Xinyue Liu’s slides @SFU, and Nathan Liu’s slides @hkust) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 1 About ACM KDDCUP ACM KDD: Premiere Conference in knowledge discovery and data mining ACM KDDCUP: Worldwide competition in conjunction with ACM KDD conferences. It aims at: showcase the best methods for discovering higher-level knowledge from data. Helping to close the gap between research and industry Stimulating further KDD research and development 2 Statistics Participation in KDD Cup grew steadily Average person-hours per submission: 204 Max person-hours per submission: 910 Year Submissions 97 98 16 21 99 24 2000 2005 2011 30 32 1000+ 3 KDD Cup 97 A classification task – to predict financial services industry (direct mail response) Winners Charles Elkan, a Prof from UC-San Diego with his Boosted Naive Bayesian (BNB) Silicon Graphics, Inc with their software MineSet Urban Science Applications, Inc. with their software gain, Direct Marketing Selection System 4 MineSet (Silicon Graphics Inc.) A KDD tool that combines data access, transformation, classification, and visualization. 5 KDD Cup 98: CRM Benchmark URL: d98/kdd-cup-98.html A classification task – to analyze fund raising mail responses to a non-profit organization Winners Urban Science Applications, Inc. with their software GainSmarts. SAS Institute, Inc. with their software SAS Enterprise Miner ™ Quadstone Limited with their software Decisionhouse ™ 6 KDDCUP 1998 Results $70,000 $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $- Maximum Possible Profit Line ($72,776 in profits with 4,873 mailed) 100% 90% 80% Mail to Everyone Solution ($10,560 in profits with 96,367 mailed) 70% 60% 50% GainSmarts SAS/Enterprise Miner Quadstone/Decisionhouse 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ACM KDD Cup 1999 URL: kdresults.html Problem To detect network intrusion and protect a computer network from unauthorized users, including perhaps insiders Data: from DoD Winners SAS Institute Inc. with their software Enterprise Miner. Amdocs with their Information Analysis Environment 8 KDDCUP 2000: Data Set and Goal: Data collected from, a legwear and legcare Web retailer Pre-processed Training set: 2 months Test sets: one month Data collected includes: Click streams Order information The goal – to design models to support website personalization and to improve the profitability of the site by increasing customer response. Questions - When given a set of page views, characterize heavy spenders characterize killer pages characterize which product brand a visitor will view in the remainder of the session? 9 KDD Cup 2001 3 Bioinformatics Tasks Dataset 1: Prediction of Molecular Bioactivity for Drug Design half a gigabyte when uncompressed Dataset 2: Prediction of Gene/Protein Function (task 2) and Localization (task 3) Dataset 2 is smaller and easier to understand 7 megabytes uncompressed A total of 136 groups participated to produce a total of 200 submitted predictions over the 3 tasks: 114 for Thrombin, 41 for Function, and 45 for Localization. 10 2001 Winners Task 1, Thrombin: Jie Cheng (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce). Bayesian network learner and classifier Task 2, Function: Mark-A. Krogel (University of Magdeburg). Task 2: the genes of one particular type of organism A gene/protein can have more than one function, but only one localization. Inductive Logic programming Task 3, Localization: Hisashi Hayashi, Jun Sese, and Shinichi Morishita (University of Tokyo). K nearest neighbor 11 molecular biology : Two tasks Task 1: Document extraction from biological articles Task 2: Classification of proteins based on gene deletion experiments Winners: Task 1: ClearForest and Celera, USA Yizhar Regev and Michal Finkelstein Task 2: Telstra Research Laboratories , Australia Adam Kowalczyk and Bhavani Raskutti 12 2003 KDDCUP Information Retrieval/Citation Mining of Scientific research papers based on a very large archive of research papers First Task: predict how many citations each paper will receive during the three months leading up to the KDD 2003 conference Second Task: a citation graph of a large subset of the archive from only the LaTex sources Third Task: each paper's popularity will be estimated based on partial download logs Last Task: devise their own questions 13 2004 Tasks and Results 粒子物理学和同调蛋白 质预测(Particle physics; plus protein homology prediction) 两个子任务的冠军分别 为:David S. Vogel, Eric Gottschalk, and Morgan C. Wang以及 Bernhard Pfahringer, Yan Fu (付岩), RuiXiang Sun, Qiang Yang (杨强), Simin He, Chunli Wang, Haipeng Wang, Shiguang Shan, Junfa Liu, Wen Gao. 14 Past KDDCUP Overview: 2005-2010 Year Host Task Technique Winner 2005 Microsoft Web query categorization Feature Engineering, Ensemble HKUST (沈抖, 杨强,等) 2006 Siemens Pulmonary emboli detection Multi-instance, Non-IID sample, Cost sensitive, Class Imbalance, Noisy data AT&T, Budapest University of Technology & Economics 2007 Netflix Consumer recommendation Collaborative Filtering, Time series, Ensemble IBM Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2008 Siemens Breast cancer detection from medical images Ensemble, Class imbalance, Score calibration IBM Research, National Taiwan University 2009 Orange Customer relationship prediction in telecom Feature selection, Ensemble IBM Research, University of Melbourne 2010 PSLC Data Shop Student performance prediction in ELearning Feature engineering, Ensemble, Collaborative filtering National Taiwan University (CJ Lin, S. Lin, etc.) KDDCUP’11 Dataset 11 years of data Rated items are Tracks Albums Artists Genres Items arranges in a taxonomy Two tasks Track 1 Track 2 #ratings 263M 63M #items 625K 296K #users 1M 249K Items in a Taxonomy Track 1 Details Track 1 Highlights Largest publicly available dataset Large number of items (50 times more than Netflix) Extreme rating sparsity (20 times more sparse than Netflix) Taxonomy can help in combating sparsely rated items. Fine time stamps with both date and time allow sophisticated temporal modeling. Track 2 Details Track 2 Highlights Performance metric focus on ranking/ classification, which differs from traditional collaborative filtering. No validation data provided, need to selfconstruct binary labeled data from rating data. Unlike track 1, track 2 removed time stamps to focus more than long term preference rather than short term behaviors. Submission Stats Winners Track 1 Track 2 1st place National Taiwan University National Taiwan University 2nd place Commendo (Netflix Prize Winnder) Chinese Academy of Science, Hulu Labs 3rd place Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University Commendo (Netflix Prize Winnder) Chinese Teams at KDDCUP (NTU, CAS, HKUST) Nathan Liu: HKUST CSE PhD student Key Techniques Track 1: Blending of multiple techniques Matrix factorization models Nearest neighbor models Restricted Bolzmann machines Temporal modelings Track 2: Importance sampling of negative instances Taxonomical modelings Use of pairwise ranking objective functions Summary To place on top of KDDCUP requires Team work Expertise in domain knowledge as well as mathematical tools Often done by world famous institutes and companies Recent trends: Dataset increasingly more realistic Participants increasingly more professional Tasks are increasingly more difficult 26 Summary KDD Cup is an excellent source to learn the state-of-art KDD techniques KDDCUP dataset often becomes the standard benchmark for future research, development and teaching Top winners are highly regarded and respected References: 27