ABSTRACTS IVAN P. DIMITROV 1. ON THE EQUIVALENT WEAKLY MIDPOINT LOCALLY UNIFORMLY CONVEX RENORMING OF THE SPACE l∞ Geoge A. Alexandrov, Ivan P. Dimitrov Abstract In this paper is proved that the space l∞ has no equivalent weakly midpoint locally unuformly convex norm . MATHEMATICS AND EDUCATION IN MATHEMATICS, 1985, Proceedins of the Fourteenth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Sunny Beach, April 6-9, 1985, Sofia, BAC, 1985, p. 189-191 (in Russian). 2. SOME NON-METRIZIABLE SPACES OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS Balikov G.I. and I. P. Dimitrov Abstract Let D be the unit ball in R2 and F be an arbitrary subset of S2 .We denote by H(D ∪ F ) the space of all harmonic functionson D ∪ F , equipped with inductive limit topology. Let H̃(D ∪ F ) be the space of restrictions of the functions from H(D ∪ F ) equipped with it’s natural topology. In this paper we prove that H̃(D ∪ F ) is isomorphic to a sequence space. Transform Methods & Special Functions, Varna’96, Proceedings of Second International Workshop, 23-30 August 1996, p. 24-31. 3. ABOUT ZAHARIUTA - VOGT’S CONDIIONS Gurko. I. Balikov, Ivan. P. Dimitrov Abstract The subject of this paper is to show that for a class of Fréchet spaces there are simpler equivalent expressions for Zahariuta - Vogt’s topological invariants, in our opinion, more natural and suitable for applications. 25−th International Summer School ”‘Applications of mathematics in engineering and economics”’, Heron press, Sofia 1999, p.75-77. 4. SOME NOTES ON ZAHARIUTA-VOGT’S CONDITIONS Balikov G.I. and I. P. Dimitrov Abstract In this paper we present a non-trivial examples of functional spaces, satisfying conditions DN and DN ( Zahariuta-Vogt’s conditions ). Also we set an open problem, concerning basis existence in a functional space of special type. Fractional Calculus & and Applied Analysis, Vol.2, 5, (1999), p. 583-589. 5. SOME NOTES ON THE SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH COEFFICIENTS FROM A SPACE OF ULTRADIFFERENTIABLE FINCTIONS Balikov G.I. and I. P. Dimitrov Abstract As it is well-known the solution y(t) of the equation 0 y = f (t, y), y(0) = a, t ∈ [−1; 1], y ∈ [c; d] is also analytic ( respectively infinitely differentiable ) function in the neighbourhood of zero if the right side f is analytic (infinitely differentiable) function. We consider an ordinary differential equation of type s X 0 y = aj (t)y j , y(0) = a, j=o where aj (t), j = 1, 2, ..., s k belong to a space of ultradiffereniable functions, defined on [−1; 1]. We do not try to find conditions on functions aj (t) and constant a which guarantee an existing of solution on the whole segment [−1; 1]. Suppose that y(t) is defined on [−1; 1], we prove that it belongs to the space of coefficients. Proceedings of 28−th International Summer School on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, p. 75-79, Sofia 2002. 6. ABOUT SOME PROPERTIES OF A CLASS OPERATORS IN SPACES OF ULTRADIFFERENTIABLE FINCTIONS Balikov G.I. and I. P. Dimitrov Abstract In this work we consider operators of type L(y) = dy/dt − f (t, y), t ∈ [−1; 1], where the function f (t, y) is, generally speaking, non linear with respect to y. Suppose y(t) and f (t, y) are ultradifferentiable functions, defined on [−1; 1] and respectively on the rectangle [−1; 1] × [a; b], a, b ∈ R, we give a short description for some properties of L(y). Proceedings of 29−th International Summer School on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, p. 63-66, Sofia 2003. 7. SOME SPECIAL SPACES OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCE SPACES I.P. Dimitrov Abstract For each τ0 > 0 we denote by S(τ0 ) = {z ∈ C : | Im z| < τ0 } the strip parallel to the real b 0 ) we denote the Frèshet spaces of all analytic functions, defined in axes. By H(τ0 ) and H(τ S(τ0 ) and having representation there in series of Hermite polynomials, respectively in series of Hermite functions. We introduce the sequence spaces: b2 (τ0 ) := { b E a = {b an }∞ an ∈ C, |b a|τ < ∞, 0 < τ < τ0 } n=0 : b E2 (τ0 ) := { a = {an }∞ n=0 : an ∈ C, kakτ < ∞, 0 < τ < τ0 } , (1) where |b a|τ := kakτ := P∞ n=0 1/2 √ |b an |2 exp( 2τ 2n + 1 ) and 1/2 √ √ 2 , In = n!2n π. n=0 |an | In exp( 2τ 2n + 1 ) (2) P∞ b2 (τ0 ) and E2 (τ0 ) are nuclear Frèshet spaces, which are Here we prove that the spaces E isomorphic each other. Moreover, we show that the sequence b a = {b an }∞ n=0 belongs to the space P ∞ b b b2 (τ0 ) if and only if the function fb(z) = H (z) ∈ H(τ ) , respectively b a E 0 n=0 n n P∞ the sequence a = {an }∞ n=0 belongs to the space E2 (τ0 ) if and only if the function f (z) = n=0 an Hn (z) ∈ H(τ0 ) . Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, AIP Conf. Proc.1410, 221-229 (2011). Published by American Institute of Phisics. 8. AN AUTOMORPHISM OF THE SPACE OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS, HAVING EXPANSIONS IN HERMITE POLYNOMIALS I.P. Dimitrov Abstract For each fixed τ0 > 0 we denote by S(τ0 ) = {z ∈ C : | Im z| < τ0 } a strip parallel to the real axes. By H(τ0 ) we denote the Frèshet space of all analytic functions, defined in S(τ0 ) and having representation there in series of Hermite polynomials. Let α be a complex number such that −1/2 < Re α < 1/2. We consider the mapping P (α) : H(τ0 ) −→ H(τ0 ), (3) defined by the equality f (z) = P (α) (F )(z) = 1 Γ(α + 1/2) 1 Z (1 − t2 )α−1/2 F (zt) dt, F ∈ H(τ0 ), (4) 0 where Γ(.) is the Gamma-function. We prove that the operator P (α) is an automorphism of the space H(τ0 ). Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, AIP Conf. Proc.1497, 304-3011 (2012). Published by American Institute of Phisics.