How do I know who my advisor is?
Log in to EagleNet and view “My Profile” to see your advisor’s name.
When should I see my advisor?
You should meet with your advisor before registration begins – not in April! Meet with your advisor
BEFORE Priority Registration.
Why should I see my advisor?
To be cleared for registration! First year Liberal Arts students will be prevented from registering for
classes until cleared by an Academic Advisor. You also want to meet with your advisor to make sure
you are taking the appropriate classes to fulfill your degree and/or transfer requirements.
When can I register for classes?
Summer & Fall 2016 Priority Registration is April 4th through April 8th. The day and time you are
eligible to register is dependent upon the amount of credits you have earned. Watch for an email
from Enrollment Services that tells you your priority date, as well as whether or not you have any
holds that will prevent you from registering.
When will I know the summer/fall class offerings?
They are available on EagleNet and K-Reg now.
Enrolling at a four year university or college next semester?
Application deadlines are important to know – as a rule we encourage you to have all admission
materials submitted by March1st to be eligible for early orientation. You should check with each
institution for deadlines they may have in place. If you would like help in that process, stop in the
Advising & Transfer Center in 108 Iowa Hall.
Close to graduation?
If you expect to graduate – confirm that you have met the requirements with your advisor. If you are
not graduating with a degree but plan to transfer to a four-year college and would like help in that
process, stop in the Advising & Transfer Center in 108 of Iowa Hall.
Do you have questions about counseling and/or career services?
Stop in 108 Iowa Hall or phone us at 398-5540.
Important Dates:
March 13-20
April 4-8
May 4-10
May 14
Spring Break
Priority Registration
Final Exams