Microscopic Nuclear Theory RIA Summer School August 1-6, 2005 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lectures by James P. Vary ISU, LLNL, SLAC “No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) Applications” Overview of the previous 2 lectures and plan for lecture 3 Phenomenology - Extreme Single Particle Shell Model (ESPSM) Theory of Effective Operators Ab-initio No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) Applications with realistic NN interactions Applications with realistic NN + NNN interactions Reactions and Scattering with extensions of the NCSM Conclusions and Outlook 1 Cluster Approximation Assume the model-space A-body effective Hamiltonian is a superposition of a-body cluster effective Hamiltonians H "H (1) = H (1) +H (a) # HCM "$ A % ' # 2& + "$ A % "$ a% ' ' # a & # 2& Sa V˜123...a = e " S a H # " a,A e A ( V˜i1 i2 i3 ... ia ) H CM i1 <i 2 <i 3 <... ia a $h i i Ab-initio no-core shell model (NCSM) results a = 2 for 2 < A < 16, 47, 48, 49 a = 3 for 3 < A < 16 Results in a harmonic oscillator basis space PA characterized by: Nm = $ (2n i + li ) % N min + N max controls momentum scale limit i"# P h! controls length scale of basis functions (“box”) Results compare well with VMC and GFMC results Special thanks to Petr Navratil and Andrey Shirokov for many results shown below 2 NN Interactions featured here with NCSM Traditional meson-exchange theory (Nijmegen X, CD Bonn X, AVX, etc.,) Effective field theory with roots in QCD (EFT X, Idaho X, NXLO, etc.,) Renormalization group reduced bare NN interactions (V-lowk X) Off-shell variations of bare NN interactions (INOY-X, etc.,) Inverse scattering theory (ISTP, JISPX, etc.,) NNN Interactions featured here with NCSM Tucson-Melbourne prime (TM’) EFT at order N2LO (N2LO) Development of high precision nuclear Hamiltonian Nuclear Stand ard Model Major role for RIA experiments and theory Climb the walls of the valley of stability! Test of convergence and comparison with other methods All other methods give same result Egs = -6.91 MeV Nmax 3 Nmax=2 Nmax=14 Nmax=0 Nmax=14 Egs= -28.3 MeV Nmax=2 Egs= -28.3 MeV Nmax=2 4 Theory Experiment 5 NCSM calculations with the EFT N3LO NN interaction Accurate NN potential at fourth order of chiral-perturbation theory (N3LO) D. R. Entem and R. Machleidt, Phys. Rev. C 68, 041001(R ) (2003) N3LO 7.85 MeV 4He 25.35(5) MeV 6Li 28.5(5) MeV 3H Exp 8.48 MeV 28.30 MeV 31.99 MeV Converged 6Li excitation energies Correct level ordering, level spacing not right NCSM calculations with the EFT N3LO NN interaction: 6Li binding energy convergence 6 NCSM calculations with the EFT N3LO NN interaction: Convergence of 6Li excitation energies Difficult convergence of the binding energy Good convergence of the excitation energies 6Li quadrupole moment EFT N3LO NN potential Exp -0.08 e fm2 Theory extraploted NCSM: Good convergence with Nmax 7 p-shell nuclei with realistic NN forces • Correct level ordering for light p-shell nuclei Old evaluation NPA490,1(1988) No 1/2-2 and 3/2-2, 7/2-2 reversed New evaluation NPA708,3(2002) introduces 1/2-2 and orders the states as in calculation Binding energy 35.5(5) MeV Convergence of excitation energies Realistic NN interactions provide reasonable description of nuclear structure 10B • • using N3LO NN potential Clearly, ground state is incorrectly predicted In EFT, three-nucleon interaction appears already at N 2LO – Should be included in the Hamiltonian – c1,c3,c4 parameters of the two-pion term should be the same as those used in the N3LO NN potential • c1=-0.81, c3=-3.2, c4= 5.4 Binding energy: 56.3(2.0) MeV from Theory 64.75 MeV from Experiment 8 16O ground and excited 0+ 0 and 3- 0 states •Ground state changes structure •0hΩ less than 50%, large 2hΩ and 4hΩ components •Energy consistent with the UM OA result •Excited 3- 0 state dominated by 1hΩ; follows the ground state •Excited 0+ 0 state 2hΩ dominated; stable •The 4hΩ dominated state still higher in the 8hΩ model space 9 Binding Energy of 16O (MeV) Experiment 127.619 +/- 0.001 CD-Bonn 2000 117.4 +/- 3 AV8’ 115.5 +/- 5 N3LO 110.9 +/- 5 INOY-3 138.3 +/- 3 Again - see role for NNN interactions Convergence for 3H with a real three-body interaction Needed to reproduce experimental binding energy Tucson-Melbourne force E [MeV] ] V e M [ E -7.0 -7.2 -7.4 -7.6 -7.8 -8.0 -8.2 -8.4 -8.6 -8.8 -9.0 3 H AV18 AV18 +TM'(81) AV18 exact NCSM Faddeev calculation AV18+TM'(81) exact 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Nmax Paves the way for including the V3b in the NCSM p-shell calculations 10 Neutrino scattering on 12C • • Exclusive 0+ 0 → 1+ 1 cross section & transistions Extremely sensitive to the spin-orbit interaction strength – B(GT) (B(M1)) - στ, • No spin-orbit 0+ 0 and 1+ 1 in different SU(4) irreps – • 12C – Transition underestimated by a factor of six N.B. V2b+V3b up to 4hΩ – Different processes dominated by different Q • • 2 Underestimates by a factor of 2-3 – Exp AV8'+TM'(99) V2b up to 6hΩ - saturation • + 2.5 NCSM - no fit, no free parameters – + C B(M1; 0 0 -> 1 1) 3 B(M1) • 12 no transition ground state 8 nucleons in p 3/2 CD-Bonn AV8' 1.5 1 Significant improvement 0.5 0 Correlation with M1 transverse form factor -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Nmax AV8' AV8'+TM’(99) Exp B(GT) 0.26 0.67 0.88 CD-Bonn AV8'+TM’(99) Exp (<νe,e-) 3.69 6.8 8.9±0.3±0.9 (<ν!,!-) 0.312 0.537 0.56±0.08±0.1 !-capture 2.38 4.43 6.0±0.4 V3b increases the strength of the spin-orbit force EFT N2LO three-nucleon interaction • Two-pion exchange term – Used in standard Three Nucleon Interaction (TNI) models • • • • Fujita-Miyazawa Tucson-Melbourne Urbana Illinois – Low-energy constants c1, c3, c4 • Determined by the corresponding EFT NN interaction – • Consistent NN & TNI One-pion exchange plus contact term – Low-energy constant cD • Must be determined from experiment • Contact term – Low-energy constant cE • Must be determined from experiment • A regulator appears in all terms – Depends on cutoff parameter Λ exp["(Q2 /#2 ) 2 ] • Taken consistently from that used in the corresponding EFT NN interaction ! 11 Determination of the cD and cE low-energy constants • • Fit the 3H and 4He binding energies – Suggested and done by A. Nogga – Two solutions • 3NF-A – cD=-1.11 – cE=-0.66 • 3NF-B – cD=8.14 ! – cE=-2.02 – Regulator depending on Jacobi coordinates Present work: Two-pion term local in coordinate space – Change regulator: depending on momentum transfer – Need to re-fit cD and cE • A=3 done • 4He under way • Presented results – “3NFA”: cD=-1.11, cE=-0.25 – “3NFB”: cD=8.14, cE=-1.15 3NFA and 3NFB dominated by different terms – 3NFA two-pion term dominant – 3NFB one-pion term dominant – Contact term repulsive in both cases Important for saturation properties 10B • exp["(( p 2 + q 2 ) /#2 ) 2 ] exp["(Q2 /#2 ) 2 ] ! cE • cD = "1.09 = "0.07 = 0.25 = "0.69 = "0.88 = 0.37 ! ! ! ! ! ! using N3LO NN plus consistent N2LO TNI N2LO TNI 3NF-A dominated by twopion exchange term – Results close to the TM’ – Smaller radius – Larger binding energy • EB=68.36 MeV • N2LO TNI 3NF-B dominated by onepion exchange plus contact term – Visible difference in particular for higher-lying states – Reasonable radius – No overbinding Both cure the gs spin problem! • EB=63.14 MeV • • 6hΩ needed to check convergence of spectra Calculation to be re-done after proper fitting to 4He Both 3NF-A and 3NF-B resolve the 10B ground state spin problem Similarly like TM’ TM’ , Illinois 3NF, but unlike Urbana IX 12 ab initio NCSM wave functions NN only at a=2 level + corrections for long range tails currently being used to investigate problems relevant to nucleosynthesis by Livermore group: 7Be(p,γ Be(p,γ)8 B S-factor 3He(α,γ He(α,γ))7 Be S-factor S-factor n + 4He elastic scattering phase shifts 10Be(n,γ Be(n,γ)11Be cross section Light ion reactions are important for astrophysics Understanding our Sun p-p chain Solar neutrinos Eν < 15 MeV Observed at SNO, Super K - neutrino oscillations 13 7Be(p,γ Be(p,γ)8B S-factor from ab initio wave functions • Sensitivity to NN interaction – CD-Bonn 2000 vs. INOY Conclusions and outlook from lecture 3 • Ab initio no-core shell model – Method for solving the nuclear structure problem for light nuclei – Apart from the GFMC the only working method for A>4 at present – Advantages • applicable for any NN potential • Presently the only method capable to apply the QCD χPT NN+NNN interactions to p-shell nuclei • Easily extendable to heavier nuclei • Calculation of complete spectra at the same time – Success - importance of three-nucleon forces for nuclear structure Work in progress - examples shown • • • Better NN interactions whose off-shell properties tuned to nuclei Calculations with realistic three-body forces in the p-shell – Better determination of the three-body force itself Coupling of the NCSM to nuclear reactions theories – Direct reactions • Density from NCSM plus folding approaches – Low-energy resonant and nonresonant reactions • RGM-like approach – – -161 MeV -147 MeV Exotic nuclei: RIA T hermonuclear reaction rates: Astrophysics 14 Overall Conclusions Phenomenological shell models, such as the Extreme Single Particle Shell Model (ESPM of Lecture 1) provide physical insight and guide our choices of theoretical paths Ab-initio NCSM is founded on this established physical intuition (Lecture 2) High precision comparisons between theory and experiment are emerging Applications up through A = 16 tell us that NNN interactions are needed with realistic local NN interactions New era of interplay between theory and experiment has emerged Outstanding Problems/Challenges (Sample) Role of NNN interactions with non-local NN interactions Converged saturation properties in better agreement with experiment RMS radius of 6-He not understood (discrepancy ~ 9%) Applications with NN + NNN potentials to reactions and scattering Applications to unstable light nuclei and to heavier (stable and unstable) nuclei Acknowledgment of material from many collaborations With thanks to many collaborators K. Joseph Abraham, Oleksiy Atramentov, Peter Peroncik, Bassam Shehadeh, Richard Lloyd, John R. Spence, James P. Vary, Thomas A. Weber, Iowa State University Petr Navratil, W. Erich Ormand, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Bruce R. Barrett, U. van Kolck, Hu Zhan, Ionel Stetcu, University of Arizona Andreas Nogga, Institute of Physics, Juelich, Germany E. Caurier, Institute Reserche Subatomique, Strasbourg, France Anna Hayes, Los Alamos National Laboratory M. Slim Fayache, S. Aroua, University of Tunis, Tunisia Cesar Viazminsky, University of Aleppo, Syria Mahmoud A. Hasan, University of Jordan, Jordan Andrey Shirokov, Moscow State University, Russia Alexander Mazur, Sergei Zaytsev, Khabarovsk State Technical University, Russia Alina Negoita, Sorina Popescu, Sabin Stoica, Institute of Atomic Physics, Romania Avaroth Harindranath, Dipankar Chakrabarty, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India Grigorii Pivovarov, Victor Matveev, Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia Lubo Martinovic, Institute of Physics Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia Kris Heyde, N. Smirnova, University of Gent, Belgium Larry Zamick, Rutgers University 15