www.studyguide.pk www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Contents Section A: Obedience 1.1 Obedience 3 1.2 Milgram’s Study of Obedience (1963) 4 1.3 Evaluation of Milgram’s Study of Obedience 6 1.4 Variations of the Milgram Experiment 8 1.5 Meeus and Raaijmakers (1986) 9 1.6 Agency Theory 12 1.7 Hofling et al. (1966) 14 Questions: Obedience 17 Section B: Prejudice 1.8 Social Identity Theory as an Explanation of Prejudice 21 1.9 Tajfel et al. (1970, 1971) 23 1.10 Sherif et al. (1954) 25 1.11 Reicher and Haslam (2006) 28 1.12 Asch (1951, 1952, 1956) 31 Questions: Prejudice 23 Unit 1 Key Issues 37 Unit 1 Revision Notes 39 www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk An introduction to the themes of the cognitive approach to psychology THE COGNITIVE APPROACH Cognition refers to all those processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used The Cognitive Approach is the study of how we take in information from our world, organise it, and use it to help us function successfully. It is conerned with the interal operation of the mind, and seeks to understand the role of mental processes in determining human behaviour. Research into cognitive psychology can have many benefits to society. The cognitive approach’s research has helped to improve educational methods, and has also discovered ways to improve the reliability of eye-witness testimonies, and other things such as police interviews. The diagram to the right outlines a mere minority of the mental processes which operate inside out minds. Psychologists who study cognition may be particularly interested in perception, looking at why we pick up on certain things but not others; or language, using the tools of our thoughts and communicating them to others; or even memory, the encoding, storing and retrieval of information from within the brain. Other areas might include attention, thinking, problem-solving and reasoning, all cognitive processes. ProblemSolving Attention Memory Mental Processes Perception Thoughts Language A lot of psychologists in the area argue that cognition involves absolutely everything a human being does. KEY TERMS AND ASSUMPTIONS OF THE APPROACH information processing: involves the input, manipulation and output of information memory: the ability to retain and reproduce mental or sensory impressions; it involves encoding, storing and retrieving information forgetting: losing of putting information away from the memory storing: the way in which information is retained within the brain after it has been registered retrieving: the act of locating and extracting stored information from the brain There are two key assumptions to the cognitive approach; the first one is information processing (above). The focus of the approach is on information processing and how this might affect behaviour. The flow of information is described as: INPUT → PROCESS → OUTPUT The approach assumes information processing to be linear. This means that information flows through the brain in a logical way, which is a straight forward staged process like above. One example of this is the multi-store model (Atkinson and Shriffin, 1968). The second key assumption of the approach is the computer analogy (see 2.2 The Computer Analogy). www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Strengths and weaknesses of the comparison of our brains to a computer In the cognitive approach, there are two main assumptions. The first is information processing. This involved the pattern of encoding, storing and retrieving data being linear. The second is the computer analogy. This assumes that the brain functions similarly to a computer. As with ICT, with the Input > Process > Output system, human information processing assumes a similar system: INPUT PROCESSING OUTPUT STORAGE SENSES COGNITION BEHAVIOUR MEMORY However, there are limitations to the assumption. Here are some of the differences between the two: Computer A computer receives all input (e.g. via a keyboard) A computer can do the same calculations repeatedly A computer cannot lose information (unless data becomes corrupt or there is damaged loss of data) You can choose to delete certain information from a computer permanently A computer is emotionless A computer only knows as much as the information which has been input Human brain The brain only pays attention to a very small amount of information input The brain can only perform certain calculations at different times and speeds The brain can easily misplace information and experience difficulty recalling information You cannot push something unpleasant deliberately from your mind Emotions have a strong impact on the way our minds function The brain can try to piece together memories and fill in the gaps www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) One of the key assumptions of the cognitive approach is information processing, and part of this assumption is that processing of information is linear. One example of a model which is based on this idea is the multi-store model of memory. The multi-store model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). Researchers for the model looked into three areas: capacity – the size of the store duration – how long information remains in the store mode of representation – the form in which information is stored The researchers chose to investigate: encoding – how memories are encoded (which means how they are registered as memories) storage – how memories are stored (which means how they remain memories after being registered) retrieval – how we retrieve memories when the output is needed The model is shown below: Sensory register information comes in Shortterm memory information is rehearsed or lost Longterm memory information is stored as it comes from shortterm memory Sensory register: this can last up to around 2 seconds. Information is taken in (input) by our senses. If the information is not attended to, it will be permanently lost Short-term memory: (e.g. looking up a phone number and remembering it for the short time it takes to dial it) this lasts only temporarily, and it is common to rehearse the information. For example, if you are looking up a phone number, you will say to yourself “01294…” to yourself several times as you walk to the phone to dial it. This type of memory is mainly auditory and has a limited capacity Long-term memory: this can last for years and supposedly has an unlimited storage timeframe. It is mainly encoded in terms of meaning (semantically-encoded memory). Procedural long-term memory is often the most difficult to fathom. It is associated with highly-automated processes, such as tying a shoe lace Procedural Long-Term Memory the memory used to remember highlyautomated tasks which are done procedurally rather than thoughtfully, such as walking or tying a shoe lace EVALUATION Strengths: There have been many lab experiments which support the model, such as Glanzer and Cunitz (see right) because the primacy and recency effects are explained by it Case studies, such as that of Clive Wearing, who noted an area of the brain (the hippocampus) which, when damaged, prevents new memories from being laid down – this provides physiological support Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) Glanzer and Cunitz carried out a scientifically-based study using word lists. They found that the first words in a list were remembered well, as were the last, but the words in the middle of the list weren’t remembered quite so well. They said that the first words were well-rehearsed, and in the long-term memory (primary effect); the last words were still in the consciousness of the memory (recency effect), whereas the middle words were in neither www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Weaknesses: Even though case studies like Clive Wearing have suggested an area of the brain for short-term memory, another case study (Shallice and Warrington, 1970) showed that a victim of a motorbike accident was able to add long-term memories even though his short-term was damaged. This goes against the multi-store model The experiments that give evidence for the model use artificial tasks, which means that the results might not be valid Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed their levels-of-processing framework, which they said better explained primary and recency effects, as their model was designed as an improvement of the multi-store model www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Craik and Lockhart (1972) Craik and Lockhart (1972) put forward the levels of processing framework for memory because of problems which they found with the multi-store model. They suggested that memory was actually dependent upon the level of processing of the information, rather than being in different stores with different features. Their framework suggests that information is more readily transferred to the long-term memory if it is considered, understood and related to past memories to gain meaning (than if it is merely repeated). The degree of consideration of information was given the term depth of processing, where the deeper the information is processed, the longer the memory trace would last. Craik and Lockhart gave three examples of levels which verbal information can be processed: structural – this is shallow processing, looking at what the words only look like phonetic - processing the sound of the word semantic – this is deep processing, considering the meaning of the word MODIFICATIONS TO THE FRAMEWORK Many researchers became interested in exactly what produced deep processing: elaboration: Craik and Tulving (1975) found complex semantic processing produced better recall e.g. “The great bird swooped down and carried off the struggling ___” produced better recall than “She cooked the ___” distinctiveness: Eysenck and Eysenck (1980) found that words processed phonetically even were better remembered when they were distinctive or unusual effort: Tyler et al. (1979) found there was better recall with difficult anagrams than simple anagrams e.g. “ORTODC” had better recall than “DOCTRO” The table below shows a summary of the framework: Feature Memory trace Deeper analysis Rehearsal in primary memory When attention is diverted Explanation Comes with depth of processing or degree of elaboration: no depth of processing means no memory trace Leaves a more persistent memory trace Holds information but leaves no memory trace Information is lost at a rate that depends on the level of analysis EVALUATION OF THE FRAMEWORK Strengths: There is evidence for the framework, such as Craik and Tulving (see 2.5 Craik and Tulving (1975)) It links research into memory with research into perception and selective attention; it focuses on information processing and the whole process; this means it is a stronger explanation than the multi-store model, because more studies can be explained by it Weaknesses: Depth of processing also tends to mean more time spent processing; it might be that it is the length of time spent processing which affects the memory trace, not the depth of processing There may be more effort involved in “deeper” processing and the greater effort might account for the better recall; the term “deep” is not well defined by Craik and Lockhart, it could be time spent processing, effort involved or using past experiences and adding meaning www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Aim: To test the levels of processing framework by looking at trace durability The levels of processing framework suggests that material which has been processed semantically (deeply and for meaning) is that which will be best recalled. Craik and Tulving (1975) carried out a study to test the framework, by testing to see if the durability of a trace was affected by the depth of processing. Durability the durability of a trace is how long it lasts Forgetting occurs when the memory trace has gone. The aim of the study was to see whether material which had been more deeply processed would be recalled better. This would mean a greater degree of semantic processing, involving meaningful processing. PROCEDURE [THE BASIC STUDY] 1 The participants were put into situations where they used different depths of processing: - shallow processing involved asking questions about the words themselves (structural processing) - intermediate processing involved questions about rhyming words (phonemic processing) - deep processing involved whether a word fit into a particular semantic category (semantic processing) 2 After this encoding phase, there was an unexpected recognition or recall task 3 All ten experiments used the same basic procedure. Participants were tested individually, and were told that the experiments were about perception and reaction time. A tachistoscope was used, which flashed words onto a screen 4 Different words were shown, one at a time, for 0.2 seconds. Before the word was shown, participants were asked a question about the word, which would lead to different levels of processing, from the list above 5 After being asked the question, the participant looks into the tachistoscope and the word is flashed 6 They give a “yes” response with one hand and a “no” response with the other The questions were designed to have half of them answered “yes” and half “no” 7 After all the words have been completed, the participants had an unexpected recognition assessment: their hypothesis, that ‘memory performance would vary systematically with depth of processing’ EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS In Experiment 1, structural, phonemic and semantic processing was measured, as well as whether or not a particular word was present. Words were presented at 2-second intervals over the tachistoscope. There were 40 words and 10 conditions. Five questions were asked Do the words rhyme? Is the word in capitals? Does the word fit into this category? Does the word fit into this sentence? Is there a word present or not? Tachistoscope a device which allows an image to be displayed upon a screen, used here by the experimenter to flash letters or other stimuli onto the screen for a short time in sequence Each question had “yes” and “no” responses, making ten conditions overall. The results are shown below 2 Response Type Yes No Level of Processing from Least Deep (1) to Deepest (5) 1 Is there a 2 Is the word in 3 Does the word word? capitals? rhyme? Proportion of words recognised correctly 0.22 0.18 0.78 N/A 0.14 0.36 www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com 4 Does the word fit into this category? 5 Does the word fit into this sentence? 0.93 0.63 0.96 0.83 www.studyguide.pk CONCLUSIONS Deeper encoding (when the participants had to consider whether a word fitted into a particular category or sentence) took longer and gave higher levels of performance. Questions where the response was “Yes” also produced higher recall rates than those which were responded with “No”. It was concluded that the enhanced performance was because of qualitatively different processing, not just because of extra time studying. Craik and Tulving say “manipulation of levels of processing at the time of input is an extremely powerful determinant of retention of word events”. It is interesting that “Yes” and “No” answers took the same amount of processing time, but “Yes” answers led to better recognition rates. This does not seem to be just about levels of processing and so needs further investigation. EVALUATION The experiments were designed carefully with clear controls and operationalisation of variables. The study can therefore be replicated and the findings are likely to be reliable. In fact, by carrying out so many experiments, Craik and Tulving (1975) have replicated their own work The framework is clear and the study takes the ideas and tests them directly, subsequently feeding back to the framework: for example, the researchers recognised that deep processing being measured as meaningful processing is a circular argument, so they focused on depth of processing needing longer processing – focusing on a criticism of the framework strengthened their study One weakness is how to test “depth” – it can be very vague (there is a circular argument of “deep” meaning “meaningfully processed” and “meaningfully processed” means “deep”) The tasks are artificial. They involve processing words in artificial ways and then trying to recognise them. This is not something that would be done in real life, so the study could be said to lack validity www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Baddeley and Hitch (1974, 2000) Baddeley and Hitch used the multi-store model of memory as the basis for the working memory model. They were dissatisfied with the multi-store model, but used the idea of the short-term memory and long-term store. This model is an improvement on the short-term memory of the multi-store model. Central executive Articulatory loop (inner voice) Visuo-spatial scratch pad (inner eye) The original model is shown here. It consists of three elements: the central executive (which supervises the system and controls the flow of information), the phonological loop (consisting of the articulatory loop and the primary acoustic store) and the visuo-spatial scratch pad (which deals with visual and spatial information). Spatial Information Primary acoustic store (inner ear) information about where things are physically located Visual Information The central executive takes information from several sources and puts it into one episode. The main function of the central executive is to also control the other components of the working memory. information about the shapes, sizes, colours and details of objects and images The phonological loop consists of two separate components which work together. These are called the primary acoustic store (the “inner ear”) and the articulatory loop (the “inner voice”). The primary acoustic store (also sometimes known as the short-term phonological store) holds auditory memory traces, which decay very rapidly – they last for around two seconds. The articulatory loop revives memory traces by rehearsing them. The visuospatial scratchpad holds the information we see and manipulates spatial information (such as shapes, colours and positioning of objects). Anything which uses spatial awareness, such as finding your way through a building, uses the visuospatial scratchpad. The scratchpad is sometimes said to be divided into visual, spatial and kinaesthetic (movement) parts, and is located in the right hemisphere of the brain. The purpose of having a separate visuospatial and phonological system in the working memory model, is because it is difficult to perform two tasks from the same component simultaneously, but separately they can work together. This means that two auditory tasks cannot be carried out 100% successfully together (such as listening to two different people speak at the same time); and similarly two visual tasks cannot (you cannot watch two different videos at the same time and see every detail) – however, you can perform one visual and one phonological task simultaneously, such as watching someone speak and hearing them. In 2000, Baddeley returned to the model, unsatisfied it was completed. He added an episodic buffer which provides time sequencing for visual, spatial and verbal information (for example, the chronological ordering of words or pictures in a film). It is often considered that the buffer brings in information from the long-term store. Evidence for the episodic buffer existing comes from people with amnesia, who cannot lay down new memories in the long-term store, but can recall stories in the short-term store that contained a lot of information. This information was more than could be retained in the phonological loop. www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk The diagram to the right shows the improved model of the working memory with the addition of the episodic buffer by Baddeley in 2000. The model remains as before in that it shows the visual and phonological systems are separated and that these two systems cannot have two similar tasks carried out together at the same time. A test which requires an individual to perform two tasks simultaneously is called a dualtask paradigm. Central executive Phonological loop Articulatory loop Episodic buffer Visuo-spatial scratch pad (inner eye) Primary acoustic store Language Episodic LTM Visual semantics EVIDENCE FOR THE WORKING MEMORY MODEL Evidence for the phonological loop is that word lists are better remembered when the words sound nothing alike than when they all sound the same. If participants are asked to learn a list of words, and at the same time, to say something aloud, then they will find learning difficult. This is said to be because they are already using the phonological loop. In this case, the articulatory loop (inner voice) is being used to say something aloud, and is therefore not available to rehearse the else information. Visual Cache one part of the visuospatial scratch pad which stores information about form and colour Inner Scribe one part of the visuospatial scratch pad which deals with spatial information and movement, but also rehearses all visuospatial information to be transferred to the central executive Evidence for the visuospatial scratchpad (separated into two parts: the visual cache, and the inner scribe) is that when someone tries to perform two spatial tasks simultaneously, it becomes difficult, but undertaking one visual task and one spatial task together is possible. Evidence which supports the idea that the inner scribe and visual cache are separated within the scratchpad is also present in the form of neurophysiological brain scans have shown that visual objects activate an area in the left hemisphere of the brain, and spatial tasks the right. Further evidence for the model as a whole, and that the visuospatial scratchpad and phonological loop are separate systems comes from patients who suffer from agnosia. This causes a loss of the ability to recognise objects (the visual cache), persons, sounds, shapes and even smells. This is often associated with brain injury or neurological illness. Sufferers will be unable to recognise an object they are presented with, but can still copy a drawing of that object (for example, if presented with a toy car, they cannot name it as a “car” but can look at it and draw it). This proves that the spatial component remains there and intact. EVALUATION OF THE MODEL Strengths The model is an expansion on the multi-store model, it shows why some dual tasks are different, and why you cannot undertake two different visual or verbal tasks simultaneously successfully There is much research supporting the model, including psychological lab experiments and neurophysiological research, such as brain scans showing the differences in brain activity Patients with agnosia support the model’s separation of visuospatial components www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk De Groot (2006) looked at expert chess players, who were no better at recalling where chess pieces had been randomly placed on the chess board than non-players. However, when the pieces were placed in their correct positions, the chess players had a (predictably) outstanding memory of where they should be. This supports the idea of the long-term store being used to help interpret information in the working memory (short-term). Weaknesses Because the episodic buffer was added 26 years after the original model was published, it suggests that the original model was incomplete, therefore the model may not serve as an explanation of the working memory The model doesn’t account for all senses (it only relies on sound and sight), and much of the lab support for the model uses artificial tasks which lack validity: because the tasks are not true-to-life, you cannot guarantee that the other senses might have been used in real life www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Bartlett (1932) The key idea which Bartlett proposed this theory upon was that memory is not like a tape recorder. Bartlett, and many other psychologists, have suggested that a memory is not perfectly formed, perfectly encoded and perfectly retrieved. This is somewhat supported by the levels of processing framework which states that coding and retrieval depend on how well an event is processed. Schema an idea or script about the world (for example an “attending a lesson” or “going to the cinema” script) which paint a certain expectation of the event and outline rules of what to do Bartlett started by thinking that past and current experiences of the individual reflect how an event is remembered. He notes that there would be input, which is the perception of the event. This is followed by the processing, which includes the perception and interpretation of the event; this involves previous experiences and schemata. The memory of an event derives from information from specific memory traces which were encoded at the time of the event, and ideas that a person has from knowledge, expectations, beliefs and attitudes. Remembering involves retrieving knowledge that has been altered to fit with knowledge that the person already has. War of the Ghosts The origins of Bartlett’s theory came from a game of Chinese whispers. He decided to construct his own experiment, which was based around the idea of the game. He used a Native American folk story called War of the Ghosts. He used such a story because it was very unfamiliar to them, being in a different style and from a different culture, therefore not slotting into their usual schemata. First of all, Bartlett would read the participants the story, and then ask them to repeat the story back to him, which prompted several different accounts. There were several more occasions where Bartlett met with the participants to hear what they could remember of the folk tale. They were able to recall less and less each time as time went on, so the story became shorter. However, it tended to make more sense, compared to the original story, which to them made no sense whatsoever. After about six recall sessions, the participants’ average stories had shortened from 330 words to 180 words. Bartlett noticed that people had rationalised the story in parts that made no sense to them, and filled in their memories so that what they were recalling seemed sensible to them. This means that the participants had reconstructed their memories of the story. Bartlett hereby concluded that memory is reconstructive, not reproductive. Elizabeth Loftus A leading psychologist and expert on human memory, Loftus has done a lot of work in the area of reconstructive memory. She agrees with Bartlett and has taken his ideas one stage further in her work. Loftus’ work includes looking into the reliability of eyewitness testimonies. As a leading expert into criminology and psychology, eyewitness testimonies were a particular interest, and her work has influenced cognitive processes behind law practices today, such as guiding the police not to use leading questions. You will see more about eyewitness testimonies in the Key Issue for Cognitive www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com Rationalisation altering something to make it make sense to you Confabulation making up certain parts to fill in a memory to make it make sense www.studyguide.pk THE EVENT Default Optional THE SCHEMA SLOT The diagram to the right shows a picnic PICNIC schema as given by Cohen (1993). Cohen pointed out PLACE FOOD PEOPLE ACTIVITIES five ways in which schemata can help influence memory – by providing or Woods Sandwiches Family Games aiding selection and storage, abstraction, Park Sue & John Walk integration and interpretation, normalisation and retrieval. This means that there are going to be both advantages and disadvantages of schemata in memory. One of the main advantages is that they enable us to store the central meaning or gist of new information without necessarily remembering the precise details (abstraction, selection and storage), unless perhaps the details were particularly unusual: this saves memory resources. Schemata also help us to understand new information more readily (integration and interpretation, normalisation), or fill in or guess missing parts of it using default values (retrieval). This makes the world more coherent and predictable. However, some of the drawbacks arise with information that does not fit in well with our normal schemata may be forgotten or ignored, especially the minor details (selection and storage), or distorted (normalisation), so as to make better sense to us. This links back to Bartlett’s War of the Ghosts. This may cause inaccurate, stereotyped and prejudiced remembering. RECONSTRUCTIVE MEMORY THEORY: AN EVALUATION The theory is backed by much support, including Bartlett’s War of the Ghosts Chinese whisper-style experiment, as well as the work of Elizabeth Loftus, who has studied the unreliability of eyewitness testimonies It can be tested by experimental method because the independent variable can be operationalised and measured: a story can have features that can be counted each time it is recalled and the changes recorded, so up to a point, the theory can be scientifically tested The study which used War of the Ghosts had a Native American folk story which made no sense to the participants, therefore it might be argued that they altered the story to make it make sense because they were being asked to retell the story There could have also been demand characteristics for the study, where the participants anticipate what is the indented answer and try to give that: this would make the findings unreliable It does not explain how memory is reconstructive: this is a theory of description, not an explanation www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Questions on Units 2.1 – 2.7 on Models of Memory 1 (a) Complete the table below to outline the definitions of the following cognitive terms. information processing involves the input, manipulation and output of information memory storing encoding retrieving forgetting (5 marks) (b) Explain the computer analogy. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (6 marks) Total: 11 marks www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk 2 Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed the Levels of Processing Framework. (a) Outline the main idea of the framework. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (3 marks) (b) Choose one study which tests the framework and outline it. Name of study: ………………………………………………………………………………… Outline of study: ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (8 marks) www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk There are a number of other memory models which have been based around the multi-store model of memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968) and the Levels of Processing Framework (Craik and Lockhart, 1972). (c) Choose one of the memory models below and outline the model and evaluate it. The working memory model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974) Reconstructive memory (Bartlett, 1932) The spreading-activation theory of semantic processing (Collins and Quillian, 1969) Name of model: ………………………………………………………………………………... Outline of model: ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (8 marks) Total: 19 marks www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk The cue-dependent theory of forgetting (Tulving, 1975) This theory of forgetting applies to long-term memory, not the short-term store. It states that forgetting occurs when the right cues are not available for memory retrieval. Tulving put forward this theory in 1975, stating that memory is dependent on the right cues being available, and forgetting occurs when they are absent. Tulving’s theory states that there are two events necessary for recall: a memory trace (information is laid down and retained in a store as a result of the original perception of an event) a retrieval cue (information present in the individual’s cognitive environment at the time of retrieval that matches the environment at the time of recall) For Tulving, forgetting is about the memory trace being intact, but memory failing because the cognitive environment has changed. There is no appropriate cue to activate the trace. The most noticeable experience of this cue-dependent forgetting is the Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon (Brown and McNeill, 1966). This refers to knowing a memory exists but being temporarily unable to recall it. Cues have been differentiated into: context-dependent cues – the situation or context state-dependent cues – the person’s state or mood Below are some brief outlines of studies which support the cue-dependency theory… CONTEXT-DEPENDENCY FORGETTING Smith (1985) Baker et al. (2004) Smith gave 54 participants a list of words to learn and immediately recall in quiet, or with Mozart, or jazz playing in the background. Two days later, they were asked to recall the words again, either in quiet, with Mozart or with jazz playing. This made nine different conditions, as shown in the table, for the participants. Forgetting occurred when the background music was not the same, demonstrating that, without the same music as a context cue, recall is impaired. This study looked at whether chewing gum when learning and recalling material produces a similar context effect. 83 students aged 18-46 took part, being randomly assigned to one of four conditions. In all conditions they were given two minutes to learn fifteen words. They were asked to recall the words immediately and 24 hours later. The four conditions were: gum-gum (chew gum when learning and recalling) gum-no gum (chew gum when learning but not recalling) no gum-gum (don’t chew gum learning, do when recalling) no gum-no gum (don’t chew gum when learning or recalling) Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Learning Quiet Quiet Quiet Mozart Mozart Mozart Jazz Jazz Jazz Recalling Quiet Mozart Jazz Quiet Mozart Jazz Quiet Mozart Jazz In the immediate recall, there were only small differences between the average numbers of words correctly recalled, however, 24 hours later the differences were significant, with an average of 11 words recalled in the gum-gum situation, and only 7 in the gum-no gum condition. In both conditions where the gum was present or absent at both learning and recall, more words were recalled than when the gum was present at only learning or recall. This suggests that chewing gum when learning and recalling information significantly aids memory due to context-dependency effects www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk STATE-DEPENDENCY FORGETTING Lang et al. (2001) This investigated the role of emotion as a state cue by inducing fear. 54 students who were fearful of snakes and spiders had their fear induced again whilst learning a list of words. They found that when the fear was induced for recall, the scared students were able to recall more learnt words than when they were in a relaxed state. Experimental research seems to support anecdotal evidence that places, objects, smells and emotions can all be triggers to aid recall, but without these cues present we are liable to experience difficulty remembering Miles and Hardman (1998) Miles and Hardman used aerobic exercise to produce a physiological state in order to test state-dependent recall. 24 undergraduates were required to learn a list of three syllable words whilst on an exercise bicycle. All participants repeated four combinations of learning and recall whilst pedalling or resting. They concluded that aerobic exercise did have a significant positive effect on recall when used as a state cue EVALUATION OF CUE-DEPENDENCY THEORY The theory is supported by much anecdotal evidence (personal experiences – most people have experienced the “Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon” where you cannot quite recall what you know exists). There is also a great deal of experimental evidence (provided by studies) which support the theory. A further strength is that the theory has practical applications, which are related to cognition and improving memory and ability to recall information. Also, the theory can be tested, unlike theories such as trace-decay theory. Experiments can test the importance of cues as they are tangible and measurable, unlike memory traces. However, one major weakness is that the tasks from all studies supporting the theory are artificial: most often learning words lists. Also, it is only an explanation for forgetting from long-term memory, it does not include anything about the short-term store. The theory may not be a complete explanation either, as it cannot explain why emotionally-charged memories can be really vivid – even without a cue (such as posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD). It is also hard to prove whether a memory has been revived from the cue or from the memory trace simply being activated, therefore it makes the theory hard to refute. www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Aim: To investigate cue-dependency theory using divers in wet and dry recall conditions Godden and Baddeley wanted to test cue-dependency theory by investigating the effect of environment on recall. This was looking at context cues because it was to do with external environment, not the individual. PROCEDURE Divers were asked to learn words both on land and underwater. The words were then recalled both on land (dry) and underwater (wet). This made four conditions: “dry” learning and “dry” recall “dry” learning and “wet” recall “wet” learning and “dry” recall “wet” learning and “wet” recall There were 18 divers from a diving club, and the lists had 36 unrelated words of two or three syllables chosen at random from a word book. The word lists were recorded on tape. There was equipment to play the word lists under the water. There was also a practice session to teach the divers how to breathe properly with good timing, so as not to cloud their hearing of the words being read out. Each list was read twice, the second time was followed by fifteen numbers which had to be written down by the divers to remove the words from their short-term memory Each diver did all four conditions, making it a repeated measures design. There was 24 hours in between each condition. Every condition was carried out in the evening, at the end of a diving day. When on land, the divers had to still wear their diving gear CONCLUSIONS AND EVALUATION RESULTS As predicted, words learned underwater were best recalled underwater, and words learned best on land were best recalled on land. The results are shown in the table below, the figures are the mean number of words remembered in each condition: Recall environment Study environment Dry Wet Dry 13.5 8.6 Wet 8.5 11.4 The mean numbers of words remembered for conditions with the same environment for learning and recall (13.5 out of 36 for dry/dry and 11.4 for wet/wet) were much higher than those with dissimilar locations As the hypothesis stated: more words were remembered when recall took place in the same environment as learning: this is to do with the contextdependent cues Godden and Baddeley identified some problems with the study, including that the divers were volunteers on a diving holiday, so the setting could not be controlled as the condition on each day was in a different place A further difficulty is that there could have been cheating underwater (because the researchers were unable to observe the participants), however, the researchers thought that there was no cheating going on because that would have always produced better results underwater, which you can see is not the case Also, when the location of learning and recalling the words was different, the divers had to move from one situation to the other: whereas when the locations were the same, this did not happen – it is possible that this led to the poorer recall. Godden and Baddeley chose to investigate this factor further, by running a second study with two separate groups. There were 18 divers, who each did the disrupted and non-disrupted conditions. The disrupted condition involved going in and out of/out and in the water in between learning and recall when the situations were the same. The study produced results of 8.44 words for the non-disrupted condition and 8.69 words for the disrupted condition. Because these numbers were so similar, it was concluded that this factor did not cause the difference in results of the primary study Saying these weaknesses, the study did however have strong controls, which makes it replicable so reliability can be tested. Also, even though the task was artificial, the participants were all divers who had experience with performing tasks under the water, and so the environment they were in was not unfamiliar, therefore a there was a limited presence of ecological validity for the experiment www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk The theory of displacement affecting forgetting within the short-term memory Displacement is based on the idea that the short-term memory has a limited capacity for information. Miller (1956) argued that the short-term memory capacity is approximately 7±2 items of information. These can be “chunked” together to increase capacity, but there is a fixed number of slots. The red blocks below represent pieces of information within our short-term memory If the short-term memory is full and new information is registered, then some information is going to be pushed out. There are two options in this case: information can either be forgotten, or moved into the long-term memory where it is encoded and stored. The information pushed out in either way is then overwritten with this new data. The key idea is that information will be lost unless rehearsed enough to be moved into the long-term memory. The diagram shows that as the new piece of information enters the short-term memory, the one on the end is forced out: this will either go into the long-term memory (if rehearsed enough) or will be forgotten There is much evidence for the theory of displacement. The multi-store model of memory supports the theory with primary and recency effects. A primary effect derives from information which is learnt first, and so is quite wellremembered, so the information is most likely moved into the long-term memory. Whereas recency effects come from information which is learnt last (most recently), therefore it will still be in the rehearsal loop of the short-term memory, and so also remembered well. Information which is taken in from a list displays a good example of these effects. The blocks below represent pieces of information from a list of seven items which have been presented to a participant. The ones on the left were the items at the top of the list, and the ones on the right on the bottom. When the list is taken away from the participant and they are asked to recall as many items as they can remember, it is not uncommon to only remember those which are highlighted green (primary effect), as these were first taken in, and those in blue (recency effect), as those will still be in the short-term memory. Those shown as red from the middle will be forgotten. This is because, due to primary and recency effects, information in the middle of the list is not so well-remembered because it has neither been processed into the long-term memory nor remains in the rehearsal loop: it is forgotten. www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk WAUGH AND NORMAN (1965) Waugh and Norman decided to test this idea. They read to participants a list of sixteen digits, like below: 7 0 8 4 1 6 0 9 5 5 3 7 2 4 7 8 The participants are then given a number and have to state the number which proceeds the number they are given. For example, if the probe (digit given to the participant) is 6, the recall should be 0. However, between the probe and the final digit (the second 8), there is a time gap and more digits have been called out to the participant, making it unlikely that they will remember the recall. Primary and recency effects are displayed in this experiment: 7 0 8 4 1 6 0 9 5 5 3 7 2 4 7 8 The results of the study found what was expected: it was easier for participants to recall numbers which proceeded digits from earlier on (primary) and the most recent (recency). Those in the middle were forgotten, as the information had been lost. Waugh and Norman tested to see if it was indeed displacement, or decay that was causing forgetting. They did this by altering the experiment slightly. They did it again, this time with two variations. In one variation, the numbers were read slowly (one digit per second), and the other variation fast (four digits per second): Displacement theory suggests that information is lost as new information is taken in because it is replaced therefore displacement theory would say that the speed of reading would not affect participants’ recall Decay theory suggests that information is lost as the memory trace fades over time therefore decay theory would say that when the digits are all read out more quickly, recall would improve as there is less time for the information to decay from the short-term memory They ran each of these conditions three times, placing the probe in a different place along the number line each time. Both decay and displacement theories suggest that recall will improve as the probe moves closer to the final digit. What Waugh and Norman found from these variations was that there was a slight, but not very huge, improvement on recall when the digits were read out fast. This suggests that perhaps the conclusions of the original experiment were wrong, as it might have been decay causing the forgetting: but because the difference was so insignificant, this is unlikely. However, there was a clear improvement in recall when the probe was closer to the end of the number line: which both theories suggest. This supports both theories. EVALUATION OF THE DISPLACEMENT THEORY OF FORGETTING The theory has been tested by scientific experiments with good controls, which have shown cause-and-effect relationships (for example, Waugh and Norman) These controls mean that the experiments could be replicated, the findings appear to be reliable The theory fits with the multi-store model of memory and working model memory, both of which are supported with a great deal of evidence, so this helps to support the model It is difficult to operationalise the theory and measure displacement: what is taken as displacement could simply be decay (loss of information due to lack of rehearsal over time) or interference (when something already learned interferes with current learning or when something learned later gets in the way of what was learned previously) Tasks used in the experiments are artificial so the findings may lack experimental validity (for example, the Waugh and Norman studies were not real-life tasks) www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk Questions on Units 2.8 – 2.10 on Theories of Forgetting 1 (a) Brown and Neill (1966) popularised the Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon. (i) Explain the Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (2 marks) (ii) The phenomenon fits into the cue-dependency theory of forgetting, Tulving (1975). Explain this theory of forgetting, using psychological terms. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (6 marks) www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk (b) Explain the two different types of cue-dependency forgetfulness. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (3 marks) (c) Below are four studies which support the cue-dependency theory of forgetting. Choose one study from the list, and outline the study. Smith (1985) Baker et al. (2004) Lang et al. (2001) Miles and Hardman (1998) Name of study: ………………………………………………………………………………… Outline of study: ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5 marks) Total: 16 marks www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk 2 Godden and Baddeley (1975) wanted to test the cue-dependency theory. They used divers to recall word lists underwater and on land to test context-dependent cues. (a) In the table below, write either T (true) or F (false) in each empty box. True or false The study used an independent groups design There were four conditions used in the study The study took place in the same place everyday The study took place at the same time everyday There was 24 hours in between each condition (5 marks) (b) Complete the table below to show the results of Godden and Baddeley’s main study. Recall environment (mean number of words remembered out of 36) Dry Study environment (mean number of words remembered out of 36) Wet Dry Wet 8.5 (3 marks) (c) Godden and Baddeley noticed some problems with their initial study. (i) State and explain one issue they found with their study. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (2 marks) (ii) Explain how they overcame this problem. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (2 marks) Total: 12 marks www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk 3 The displacement theory of forgetting suggests that the short-term memory has a limited capacity. (a) How many “chunks” of information did Miller (1956) suggest it could capacitate? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark) (b) What happens when the capacity of the short-term memory is full, and new information is taken in, according to the theory? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5 marks) (c) Waugh and Norman (1965) tested the theory of displacement, to see if it was displacement or decay which causes forgetting in the short-term memory. Their original study (to test only displacement theory) used participants who had to remember a list of digits and give the researcher a digit which proceeded one which was read out. (i) Explain how they decided to test which of the two theories caused forgetting. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (3 marks) www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk (ii) State the results of this experiment, and explain what they meant. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… (3 marks) Total: 12 marks www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk You have to study at least one key issue for each approach to psychology This is an important issue because of the number of cases where people are found guilty of crimes with no other evidence except for eyewitness testimonies. An eyewitness is a witness to a crime, who must give their account of the event, and possibly identify the criminal from an identity parade or appear in court. This can lead to a conviction, so if the eyewitness testimony is wrong, someone has been wrongly convicted of a crime they did not commit. Elizabeth Loftus is a leading expert in the area and has done a lot of research into the reliability of eyewitness testimonies. She has identified many useful factors. For example, eyewitnesses can be swayed by identity parades (this is likely to be because they want to help so feel they must answer, or might assume that the criminal has to be in the line-up). They will be looking to find the nearest match to the person they saw, not the actual person: this can lead to wrongful convictions. For example, if the eyewitness saw a black person commit a crime, and the line-up consisted of five white men and one black man, the black man may be chosen as guilty. A real-life example is that of Bobby Joe Leaster. In 1970, he was picked up by the police for murdering a shop-owner and was taken to the shop, where the deceased’s wife identified him as the murderer from the back of the police car. He was sentenced to life in prison. In 1986, after Leaster has spent sixteen years in imprisonment, the bullet of the victim was matched to a gun linked to two robbers of the time of the murder. Leaster was released, after spending 16 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. After an analysis of 69 cases of wrongful conviction, it was found that 29 of them (42%) were due to mistaken identity from eyewitnesses. Application of concepts and ideas: Bartlett (1932) discussed the idea that memory is not like a tape recorder, how schemata affect remembering Loftus and Ketcham (1991) found that innocent individuals were wrongly convicted 45% of the time by eyewitness testimonies from the police cases they studied Chartier (1977) suggests that an eyewitness’ memory of the events will be vague, and so will try to fill in the gaps to make it make more sense to them, which goes with the theory of memory being reconstructive The term flashbulb memory refers to when the memory of an event is so powerful, it is as though the memory is a photograph which the person can relive to such detail long after the event has taken place. Researchers use the phrase “now print” to explain these memories, because it was as if the whole episode was a snapshot and imprinted in memory as such. Features of flashbulb memories are that they are vivid and can potentially last for the person’s entire lifetime. They tend to be about events which bare emotional significance, for example, Diana’s crash or 9/11 would be remembered as flashbulb memories. Researchers would like to explain how flashbulb memories are stored, partly because this is of interest, but also partly to see if this helps to explain how we remember. This issue is what leads to “flashbulb” memories and how they can be explained. Application of concepts and ideas: Brown and Kulik (1977) described the idea of flashbulb memory and pointed out that such memories are special and long-lasting; they also found that 75% of black people who were asked about the assassination of Martin Luther King could recall it, compared to only 33% of white people Colgrove (1899) found that most people could remember precisely what they were doing when Lincoln was assassinated www.aspsychology101.wordpress.com www.studyguide.pk 2.1 Cognitive Psychology The cognitive approach is all about how we take in information from our world, organise it, and use it to help us function successfully. It is conerned with the interal operation of the mind, and seeks to understand the role of mental processes in determining human behaviour. Psychologists argue that cognition involves everything human beings do. There are five key terms to the approach: information processing: involves the input, manipulation and output of information memory: the ability to retain and reproduce mental impressions; it involves encoding, storing and retrieving information forgetting: losing of putting information away from the memory storing: the way in which information is retained within the brain after it has been registered retrieving: the act of locating and extracting stored information from the brain There are two key assumptions to the cognitive approach; the first one is information processing (above). The focus of the approach is on information processing and how this might affect behaviour. The flow of information is described as: INPUT → PROCESS → OUTPUT 2.2 The Computer Analogy The second key assumption is the computer analogy, which assumes the brain functions similarly to a computer. The flow of information for a computer The flow of information in the human brain However, there are some limitations to the assumption. There are a number of ways in which our brains differ from a PC: Computer A computer cannot lose information (unless data becomes corrupt or there is damaged loss of data) You can choose to delete certain information from a computer permanently Human brain The brain only pays attention to a very small amount of information input The brain can easily misplace information and experience difficulty recalling information You cannot push something unpleasant deliberately from your mind A computer is emotionless Emotions have a strong impact on the way our minds function A computer only knows as much as the information which has been input The brain can try to piece together memories and fill in the gaps A computer receives all input 2.3 The Multi-Store Model of Memory The multi-store model is based upon the linear idea of information processing. Its researchers, Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) chose to investigate capacity of storage, duration of the storage, and the representation method. Sensory register information comes in Shortterm memory information is rehearsed or lost Longterm memory information is stored as it comes from shortterm memory www.studyguide.pk Sensory register: this can last up to around 2 seconds. Information is taken in by our senses. If the information is not attended to, it will be permanently lost Short-term memory: (e.g. looking up a phone number and remembering it for the short time it takes to dial it) this lasts only temporarily, and it is common to rehearse the information. For example, if you are looking up a phone number, you will say to yourself “01294…” to yourself several times as you walk to the phone to dial it. This type of memory is mainly auditory and has a limited capacity Long-term memory: this can last for years and supposedly has an unlimited storage timeframe. It is mainly encoded in terms of meaning (semantically-encoded memory). There have been many lab experiments which support the model, such as Glanzer and Cunitz (see right) because the primacy and recency effects are explained by it Case studies, such as that of Clive Wearing, who noted an area of the brain (the hippocampus) which, when damaged, prevents new memories from being laid down – this provides physiological support Even though case studies like Clive Wearing have suggested an area of the brain for short-term memory, another case study (Shallice and Warrington, 1970) showed that a victim of a motorbike accident was able to add long-term memories even though his short-term was damaged. This goes against the multi-store model The experiments that give evidence for the model use artificial tasks, which means that the results might not be valid 2.4 Levels of Processing Framework This model was put forward by Craik and Lockhart (1972) as an improvement on the multi-store model. They suggested that memory actually depended on the depth of processing, not being in different stores. Their levels of processing framework suggests that information is more readily transferred into the long-term memory (LTM) is it is processed semantically (deep processing, involving considering, understanding and relating to past memories to gain meaning). If it is merely repeated, they said it is less likely to go into the LTM. Craik and Lockhart suggested three levels of processing: - shallow processing when remembering words, this involves structural processing, looking at what they look like - intermediate processing this is phonemic (or phonetic) processing – looking at the sound of the word - deep processing this is semantic processing (considering the meaning of the word) The table below outlines a summary of their framework: Feature Memory trace Deeper analysis Rehearsal in primary memory When attention is diverted Explanation Comes with depth of processing or degree of elaboration: no depth of processing means no memory trace Leaves a more persistent memory trace Holds information but leaves no memory trace Information is lost at a rate that depends on the level of analysis There is much evidence for the framework, including many studies (see that of Craik and Tulving below) It links research into memory with research into perception and selective attention; it focuses on information processing and the whole process; this means it is a stronger explanation than the multi-store model, because more studies can be explained by it It is unclear whether it is really the depth of processing which affects the strength of the memory trace: it may be time spent processing, since deeper processing also involves spending more time processing There may be more effort involved in deeper processing, which means that the greater effort may be what produces better recall (better memory) 2.5 Craik and Tulving (1975) KEY STUDY Aim: To test the levels of processing framework by looking at trace durability The levels of processing framework suggests that material which has been processed deeply (semantically) will be recalled the best. Craik and Tulving tested this in 1975 by looking at trace durability (how long the trace lasts) and how it is affected by the depth of processing. When the memory trace has gone, forgetting occurs. The study used participants remembering material which had been processed at each of the different levels to see how it affected their recall performance www.studyguide.pk PROCEDURE 1 The participants were put into situations where they used different depths of processing: - shallow processing involved asking questions about the words themselves (structural processing) - intermediate processing involved questions about rhyming words (phonemic processing) - deep processing involved whether a word fit into a particular semantic category (semantic processing) 2 All ten experiments used the same basic procedure. Participants were tested individually, and were told that the experiments were about perception and reaction time. A tachistoscope was used, which flashed words onto a screen 3 Different words were shown, one at a time, for 0.2 seconds. Before the word was shown, participants were asked a question about the word, which would lead to different levels of processing, from the list above 4 They give a “yes” response with one hand and a “no” response with the other The questions were designed to have half of them answered “yes” and half “no” 5 After all the words have been completed, the participants had an unexpected recognition assessment In Experiment 1, structural, phonemic and semantic processing was measured, as well as whether or not a particular word was present. Words were presented at 2-second intervals over the tachistoscope. There were 40 words and 10 conditions. Five questions were asked: Do the words rhyme? Is the word in capitals? Does the word fit into this category? Does the word fit into this sentence? Is there a word present or not? Each question had “yes” and “no” responses, making ten conditions overall FINDINGS and CONCLUSIONS Response Type Yes No Level of Processing from Least Deep (1) to Deepest (5) 1 Is there a 2 Is the word in 3 Does the word word? capitals? rhyme? Proportion of words recognised correctly 0.22 0.18 0.78 N/A 0.14 0.36 4 Does the word fit into this category? 5 Does the word fit into this sentence? 0.93 0.63 0.96 0.83 Deeper encoding (when the participants had to consider whether a word fitted into a particular category or sentence) took longer and gave higher levels of performance. Questions where the response was “Yes” also produced higher recall rates than those which were responded with “No”. It is interesting that “Yes” and “No” answers took the same amount of processing time, but “Yes” answers led to better recognition rates It was concluded that the enhanced performance was because of qualitatively different processing, not just because of extra time studying. Craik and Tulving say “manipulation of levels of processing at the time of input is an extremely powerful determinant of retention of word events” EVALUATION The experiments were designed carefully with clear controls and operationalisation of variables. The study can therefore be replicated and the findings are likely to be reliable The framework is clear and the study takes the ideas and tests them directly, subsequently feeding back to the framework One weakness is how to test “depth” – it can be very vague – it could be effort or time spent processing which affected the recall performance The tasks are artificial. They involve processing words in artificial ways and then trying to recognise them. This is not something that would be done in real life, so the study could be said to lack validity 2.6 Working Memory Model Baddeley and Hitch (1974) used the multi-store model of memory as the basis for the working memory model. They were dissatisfied with the multi-store model, but used the idea of the short-term memory and long-term store. This model is an improvement on the short-term memory of the multi-store model www.studyguide.pk The original model is shown here. The central executive controls the other components of the working memory, and combines information from those sources into one episode The phonological loop consists of the articulatory loop (or inner voice) and the primary acoustic store (or inner ear). The inner ear receives auditory memory traces which decay very rapidly. The inner voice revives these traces by rehearsing them Central executive Articulatory loop (inner voice) Visuo-spatial scratch pad (inner eye) The visuospatial scratchpad manipulates spatial information, such as Primary acoustic store shapes, colours and the positioning of objects. It is divided into two (inner ear) parts: the visual cache and the inner scribe. The cache stores information about form and colour, and the scribe deals with spatial information and movement, and also rehearses the information held in the scratchpad to be transferred to the executive The reason the model highlights the phonological loop and visuospatial scratchpad being two separate elements is because it is difficult to perform two similar tasks simultaneously successfully. For example, you cannot perform two visual tasks together well, nor two auditory, but you can do one visual and one auditory together Further evidence supports the idea of the two systems being separated, for example, patients with agnosia. This causes a loss of the ability to recognise objects (the visual cache), persons, sounds, shapes and even smells. This is often associated with brain injury or neurological illness. Sufferers will be unable to recognise an object they are presented with, but can still copy a drawing of that object (for example, if presented with a toy car, they cannot name it as a “car” but can look at it and draw it). This proves that the spatial component remains there and intact De Groot (2006) looked at expert chess players, who were no better at recalling where chess pieces had been randomly placed on the chess board than non-players. However, when the pieces were placed in their correct positions, the chess players had a (predictably) outstanding memory of where they should be. This supports the idea of the long-term store being used to help interpret information in the working memory (short-term). The model is an expansion on the multi-store model, it shows why some dual tasks are different, and why you cannot undertake two different visual or verbal tasks simultaneously successfully There is much research supporting the model, including psychological lab experiments and neurophysiological research, such as brain scans showing the differences in brain activity Patients with agnosia support the model’s separation of visuospatial components Because the episodic buffer was added 26 years after the original model was published, it suggests that the original model was incomplete, therefore the model may not serve as an explanation of the working memory The model doesn’t account for all senses (it only relies on sound and sight), and much of the lab support for the model uses artificial tasks which lack validity: because the tasks are not true-to-life, you cannot guarantee that the other senses might have been used in real life 2.7 Reconstructive Memory The key idea which Bartlett proposed this theory upon was that memory is not like a tape recorder. Bartlett, and many other psychologists, have suggested that a memory is not perfectly formed, perfectly encoded and perfectly retrieved Bartlett started by thinking that past and current experiences of the individual reflect how an event is remembered. He notes that there would be input, which is the perception of the event. This is followed by the processing, which includes the perception and interpretation of the event; this involves previous experiences and schemata (ideas or scripts about the world, for example an “attending a lesson” or “going to the cinema” script, which paint a certain expectation of the event and outline rules of what to do) War of the Ghosts The origins of Bartlett’s theory came from a game of Chinese whispers. He decided to construct his own experiment, which was based around the idea of the game. He used a Native American folk story called War of the Ghosts. He used such a story www.studyguide.pk because it was very unfamiliar to them, being in a different style and from a different culture, therefore not slotting into their usual schemata. First of all, Bartlett would read the participants the story, and then ask them to repeat the story back to him, which prompted several different accounts. There were several more occasions where Bartlett met with the participants to hear what they could remember of the folk tale. They were able to recall less and less each time as time went on, so the story became shorter. However, it tended to make more sense, compared to the original story, which to them made no sense whatsoever After about six recall sessions, the participants’ average stories had shortened from 330 words to 180 words. Bartlett noticed that people had rationalised the story in parts that made no sense to them, and filled in their memories so that what they were recalling seemed sensible to them Rationalisation: altering something so it makes sense to you Confabulation: making up certain parts to fill in a memory so it makes sense The theory is backed by much support, including Bartlett’s War of the Ghosts Chinese whisper-style experiment, as well as the work of Elizabeth Loftus, who has studied the unreliability of eyewitness testimonies It can be tested by experimental method because the independent variable can be operationalised and measured: a story can have features that can be counted each time it is recalled and the changes recorded, so up to a point, the theory can be scientifically tested The study used War of the Ghosts, which made no sense to the participants, therefore it might be argued that they altered the story to make it make sense because they were being asked to retell the story There could have also been demand characteristics for the study, where the participants anticipate what is the indented answer and try to give that: this would make the findings unreliable It does not explain how memory is reconstructive: this is a theory of description, not an explanation 2.8 Cue-Dependent Theory of Forgetting Tulving (1975) proposed this theory of forgetting for the long-term memory. He suggests that memory is dependent upon there being the right cues available. Forgetting occurs when they are not. Two materials are required for recall: a memory trace (information stored as a result of the original perception of the event), and a retrieval cue (information present in the individual’s cognitive environment at the time of retrieval that matches the environment at the time of recall) Everyone has experienced the Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon (proposed by Brown and McNeill, 1966). This refers to knowing a memory exists, but not having the right cues to access it. This is an example of cue-dependent forgetting Retrieval cues have been separated into two groups: context cues (the situation or context) and state cues (the individual’s state or mood at the time). Below is an example of a study exemplary of each Baker et al. (2004) Lang et al. (2001) This study looked at whether chewing gum when learning and recalling material produces a similar context effect. 83 students aged 18-46 took part, being randomly assigned to one of four conditions. In all conditions they were given two minutes to learn fifteen words. They were asked to recall the words immediately and 24 hours later. The conditions were: gum-gum (chew gum when learning and recalling) gum-no gum (chew gum when learning but not recalling) no gum-gum (don’t chew gum learning, do when recalling) no gum-no gum (don’t chew gum when learning or recalling) In both conditions where the gum was present or absent at both learning and recall, more words were recalled than when the gum was present at only learning or recall. This suggests that chewing gum when learning and recalling information significantly aids memory due to context-dependency effects This investigated the role of emotion as a state cue by inducing fear. 54 students who were fearful of snakes and spiders had their fear induced again whilst learning a list of words. They found that when the fear was induced for recall, the scared students were able to recall more learnt words than when they were in a relaxed state. Experimental research seems to support anecdotal evidence that places, objects, smells and emotions can all be triggers to aid recall, but without these cues present we are liable to experience difficulty remembering www.studyguide.pk The theory is supported by much anecdotal evidence (personal experiences – most people have experienced the “Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon” where you cannot quite recall what you know exists). There is also a great deal of experimental evidence (provided by studies) which support the theory. A further strength is that the theory has practical applications, which are related to cognition and improving memory and ability to recall information. Also, the theory can be tested, unlike theories such as trace-decay theory However, one major weakness is that the tasks from all studies supporting the theory are artificial: most often learning words lists. Also, it is only an explanation for forgetting from long-term memory, it does not include anything about the short-term store. The theory may not be a complete explanation either, as it cannot explain why emotionally-charged memories can be really vivid – even without a cue (such as posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD). It is also hard to prove whether a memory has been revived from the cue or from the memory trace simply being activated, therefore it makes the theory hard to refute 2.9 Godden and Baddeley (1975) KEY STUDY Aim: To investigate cue-dependency theory using divers in wet and dry recall conditions PROCEDURE FINDINGS and CONCLUSIONS Divers were asked to learn words both on land and underwater. The words were then recalled both on land (dry) and underwater (wet). This made four conditions: “dry” learning and “dry” recall; “dry” learning and “wet” recall; “wet” learning and “dry” recall and “wet” learning and “wet” recall There were 18 divers from a diving club, and the lists had 36 unrelated words of two or three syllables chosen at random from a word book. The word lists were recorded on tape. There was equipment to play the word lists under the water. There was also a practice session to teach the divers how to breathe properly with good timing, so as not to cloud their hearing of the words being read out. Each list was read twice, the second time was followed by fifteen numbers which had to be written down by the divers to remove the words from their short-term memory. Each diver did all four conditions. There was 24 hours in between each condition. When on land, the divers had to still wear their diving gear As predicted, words learned underwater were best recalled underwater, and words learned best on land were best recalled on land. The results are shown in the table below, the figures are the mean number of words remembered in each condition: Recall environment Study environment Dry Wet Dry 13.5 8.6 Wet 8.5 11.4 The mean numbers of words remembered for conditions with the same environment for learning and recall (13.5 out of 36 for dry/dry and 11.4 for wet/wet) were much higher than those with dissimilar locations EVALUATION There were strong controls present, which makes the study replicable, so its findings are likely to be reliable Even though the tasks were artificial, all of the participants were divers who had experience performing tasks under the water, and so the environment they were in was not unfamiliar – this means that there was a limited presence of ecological validity The divers were all volunteers on a diving holiday, so the setting was not controlled, it changed location each day There could have been cheating underwater, as the researchers could not observe the participants (although it was assumed cheating did not happen as if it had, there would have been higher recall underwater, which there wasn’t) There was a longer amount of time between study and recall when the conditions were different, because they had to get in/out of the water to swap – this could have led to the lower recall produced 2.10 Displacement Theory of Forgetting Displacement is based on the idea that the short-term memory has a limited capacity for information. Miller (1956) argued that the short-term memory capacity is approximately 7±2 items of information. These can be “chunked” together to increase capacity, but there is a fixed number of slots www.studyguide.pk If the short-term memory is full and new information is registered, then some information is going to be pushed out. There are two options in this case: information can either be forgotten, or moved into the long-term memory where it is encoded and stored. The information pushed out in either way is then overwritten with this new data. The key idea is that information will be lost unless rehearsed enough to be moved into the long-term memory There is much evidence for the theory of displacement. The multi-store model of memory supports the theory with primary and recency effects. A primary effect derives from information which is learnt first, and so is quite well-remembered, so the information is most likely moved into the long-term memory. Whereas recency effects come from information which is learnt last (most recently), therefore it will still be in the rehearsal loop of the short-term memory, and so also remembered well The ones on the left were the items at the top of the list, and the ones on the right on the bottom. When the list is taken away from the participant and they are asked to recall as many items as they can remember, it is not uncommon to only remember those which are highlighted green (primary effect), as these were first taken in, and those in blue (recency effect), as those will still be in the short-term memory. Those shown as red from the middle will be forgotten. This is because, due to primary and recency effects, information in the middle of the list is not so well-remembered because it has neither been processed into the long-term memory nor remains in the rehearsal loop: it is forgotten Waugh and Norman decided to test this idea. They read to participants a list of sixteen digits. The participants are then given a number and have to state the number which proceeds the number they are given. For example, if the probe (digit given to the participant) is 6, the recall should be 0. However, between the probe and the final digit (the second 8), there is a time gap and more digits have been called out to the participant, making it unlikely that they will remember the recall. Primary and recency effects are displayed in this experiment: 7 0 8 4 1 6 0 9 5 5 3 7 2 4 7 8 The results of the study found what was expected: it was easier for participants to recall numbers which proceeded digits from earlier on (primary) and the most recent (recency). Those in the middle were forgotten, as the information had been lost Waugh and Norman tested to see if it was indeed displacement, or decay that was causing forgetting. They did this by altering the experiment slightly. They did it again, this time with two variations. In one variation, the numbers were read slowly (one digit per second), and the other variation fast (four digits per second): Displacement theory suggests that information is lost as new information is taken in because it is replaced therefore displacement theory would say that the speed of reading would not affect participants’ recall Decay theory suggests that information is lost as the memory trace fades over time therefore decay theory would say that when the digits are all read out more quickly, recall would improve as there is less time for the information to decay from the short-term memory They ran each of these conditions three times, placing the probe in a different place along the number line each time. Both decay and displacement theories suggest that recall will improve as the probe moves closer to the final digit What Waugh and Norman found from these variations was that there was a slight, but not very huge, improvement on recall when the digits were read out fast. This suggests that perhaps the conclusions of the original experiment were wrong, as it might have been decay causing the forgetting: but because the difference was so insignificant, this is unlikely. However, there was a clear improvement in recall when the probe was closer to the end of the number line: which both theories suggest. This supports both theories The theory has been tested by scientific experiments leading to cause-and-effect conclusions The experiments have strong controls – so the experiments are replicable and their findings are likely to be reliable The theory fits nicely with both the multi-store model and the working memory model, both of which are individually supported with their own evidence It is difficult to operationalised the theory and measure displacement (what could be displacement might actually be decay) Tasks used in the experiments to test the theory are artificial and not everyday tasks, therefore they lack validity