Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 5, Issue 2, Article 34, 2004 HILBERT–PACHPATTE TYPE MULTIDIMENSIONAL INTEGRAL INEQUALITIES G. D. HANDLEY, J. J. KOLIHA, AND J. PEČARIĆ D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS AND S TATISTICS U NIVERSITY OF M ELBOURNE M ELBOURNE , VIC 3010 AUSTRALIA . FACULTY OF T EXTILE E NGINEERING U NIVERSITY OF Z AGREB 10 000 Z AGREB C ROATIA . Received 24 September, 2003; accepted 01 March, 2004 Communicated by S.S. Dragomir A BSTRACT. In this paper we use a new approach to obtain a class of multivariable integral inequalities of Hilbert type from which we can recover as special cases integral inequalities obtained recently by Pachpatte and the present authors. Key words and phrases: Hilbert’s inequality, Hilbert-Pachpatte integral inequalities, Hölder’s inequality. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 26D15. 1. I NTRODUCTION The integral version of Hilbert’s inequality [7, Theorem 316] has been generalized in several directions (see [1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22]). Recently, inequalities similar to those of Hilbert were considered by Pachpatte in [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19]. The present authors in [5, 6] established a new class of related inequalities, which were further extended by Dragomir and Kim [2]. Two and higher dimensional variants were treated by Pachpatte in [17, 18]. In the present paper we use a new systematic approach to these inequalities based on Theorem 3.1, which serves as an abstract springboard to classes of concrete inequalities. To motivate our investigation, we give a typical result of [17]. In this theorem, H(I × J) denotes the class of functions u ∈ C (n−1,m−1) (I × J) such that D1i u(0, t) = 0, 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, t ∈ J, D2j u(s, 0) = 0, 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1, s ∈ I, and D1n D2m−1 u(s, t) and D1n−1 D2m u(s, t) are ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2004 Victoria University. All rights reserved. 129-03 2 G. D. H ANDLEY , J. J. KOLIHA , AND J. P E ČARI Ć absolutely continuous on I × J. Here I, J are intervals of the type Iξ = [0, ξ) for some real ξ > 0. Theorem 1.1 (Pachpatte [17, Theorem 1]). Let u(s, t) ∈ H(Ix × Iy ) and v(k, r) ∈ H(Iz × Iw ). Then, for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1, the following inequality holds: ! Z xZ y Z zZ w |D1i D2j u(s, t) D1i D2j v(k, r)| dk dr ds dt 2n−2i−1 t2m−2j−1 + k 2n−2i−1 r 2m−2j−1 0 0 0 0 s Z x Z y 21 1 2√ n m 2 ≤ [Ai,j Bi,j ] xyzw (x − s)(y − t)|D1 D2 u(s, t)| ds dt 2 0 0 Z z Z w 21 n m 2 × (z − k)(w − r)|D1 D2 v(k, r)| dk dr , 0 0 where Aij = 1 , (n − i − 1)!(m − j − 1)! Bij = 1 . (2n − 2i − 1)(2m − 2j − 1) The purpose of the present paper is to obtain a simultaneous generalization of Pachpatte’s multivariable results [17], and of the results [5, 6] of the present authors. The single variable results [14, 15, 16, 19] follow as special cases of our theorems. Our treatment is based on Theorem 3.1, in particular on the abstract inequality (3.1), which yields a variety of special cases when the functions Φi are specified. 2. N OTATION AND P RELIMINARIES By Z (Z+ ) and R (R+ ) we denote the sets of all (nonnegative) integers and (nonnegative) real numbers. We will be working with functions of d variables, where d is a fixed positive integer, writing the variable as a vector s = (s1 , . . . , sd ) ∈ Rd . A multiindex m is an element m = (m1 , . . . , md ) of Zd+ . As usual, the factorial of a multiindex m is defined by m! = m1 ! · · · md !. An integer j may be regarded as the multiindex (j, . . . , j) depending on the context. For vectors in Rd and multiindices we use the usual operations of vector addition and multiplication of vectors by scalars. We write s ≤ τ (s < τ ) if sj ≤ τ j (sj < τ j ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ d. The same convention will apply to multiindices. In particular, s ≥ 0 (s > 0) will mean sj ≥ 0 (sj > 0) for 1 ≤ j ≤ d. If s = (s1 , . . . , sd ) ∈ Rd and s > 0, we define the cell Q(s) = [0, s1 ] × · · · × [0, sj ] × · · · × [0, sd ]; replacing the factor [0, sj ] by {0} in this product, we get the face ∂j Q(s) of Q(s). Let s = (s1 , . . . , sd ), τ = (τ 1 , . . . , τ d ) ∈ Rd , s, τ > 0, let k = (k 1 , . . . , k d ) be a multiindex and let and u : Q(s) → R. Write Dj = ∂s∂ j . We use the following notation: 1 d sτ = (s1 )τ · · · (sd )τ , 1 d Dk u(s) = D1k · · · Ddk u(s), Z s Z s1 Z sd u(τ ) dτ = ··· u(τ ) dτ 1 · · · dτ d . 0 0 0 An exponent α ∈ R in the expression sα , where s ∈ Rd , will be regarded as a multiexponent, that is, sα = s(α,...,α) . Another positive integer n will be fixed throughout. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 5(2) Art. 34, 2004 H ILBERT T YPE M ULTIDIMENSIONAL I NEQUALITIES 3 The following notation and hypotheses will be used throughout the paper: I = {1, . . . , n} n∈N mi , i ∈ I mi = (m1i , . . . mdi ) ∈ Zd+ xi , i ∈ I xi = (x1i , . . . , xdi ) ∈ Rd , xi > 0 pi , qi , i ∈ I pi , qi ∈ R+ , p1i + q1i = 1 P P 1 = ni=1 p1i , 1q = ni=1 q1i p p, q ai , b i , i ∈ I a i , b i ∈ R + , ai + b i = 1 P wi ∈ R, wi > 0, ni=1 wi = 1. wi , i ∈ I Throughout the paper, ui , vi , Φ will denote functions from [0, xi ] to R of sufficient smoothness. If m is a multiindex and x ∈ Rd , x > 0, then C m [0, x] will denote the set of all functions u : [0, x] → R which possess continuous derivatives Dk u, where 0 ≤ k ≤ m. The coefficients pi , qi are conjugate Hölder exponents used in applications of Hölder’s inequality, and the coefficients ai , bi are used in exponents to factorize integrands. The coefficients wi act as weights in applications of the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality; this enables us to pass from products to sums of terms. 3. T HE M AIN R ESULT First we present a theorem that can be regarded as a template for concrete inequalities obtained by selecting suitable functions Φi in (3.1). A special case of this theorem is given in [6, Theorem 3.1]. Theorem 3.1. Let vi , Φi ∈ C(Q(xi )) and let ci be multiindices for i ∈ I. If Z si (si − τi )ci Φi (τi ) dτi , si ∈ Q(xi ), i ∈ I, (3.1) |vi (si )| ≤ 0 then Z x1 Z xn 0 |vi (si )| (αi +1)/(qi wi ) i=1 wi si i=1 ... (3.2) Qn Pn 0 ds1 · · · dsn ≤U n Y 1/q xi i i=1 n Z Y i=1 xi (xi − si )βi +1 Φi (si )pi dsi p1 i , 0 where αi = (ai + bi qi )ci , βi = ai ci , and U = Qn i=1 [(αi 1 + 1)1/qi (βi + 1)1/pi ] . Remark 3.2. Remembering our conventions, we observe that, for example, 1/q xi i = (x1i )1/qi . . . (xdi )1/qi , n n Y d Y Y 1/qi (αi + 1) = (αij + 1)1/qi . i=1 i=1 j=1 Proof. Factorize the integrand on the right side of (3.1) as (si − τi )(ai /qi +bi )ci · (si − τi )(ai /pi )ci Φi (τi ) J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 5(2) Art. 34, 2004 4 G. D. H ANDLEY , J. J. KOLIHA , AND J. P E ČARI Ć and apply Hölder’s inequality [10, p. 106] and Fubini’s theorem. Then Z s i q1 i (ai +bi qi )ci |vi (si )| ≤ (si − τi ) dτi 0 Z p1 si a i ci × (si − τi ) pi Φi (τi ) dτi i 0 (α +1)/qi si i (αi + 1)1/qi = si Z (si − τi )βi Φi (τi )pi dτi p1 i . 0 Using the inequality of means [10, p. 15] n Y (αi +1)/qi si n X ≤ i=1 (αi +1)/(qi wi ) wi si , i=1 we get n Y |vi (si )| ≤ W i=1 n X (α +1)/(qi wi ) wi si i i=1 n Z Y p1 si βi pi i (si − τi ) Φi (τi ) dτi , 0 i=1 where 1 . 1/qi i=1 (αi + 1) In the following estimate we apply Hölder’s inequality, Fubini’s theorem, and, at the end, change the order of integration: Qn Z x1 Z xn i=1 |vi (si )| ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn (αi +1)/(qi wi ) 0 0 i=1 wi si " Z Z # p1 n xi si Y i ≤W (si − τi )βi Φi (τi )pi dτi dsi W = Qn i=1 ≤W n Y 0 1/q xi i 0 Z xi βi W = Qn 1/pi i=1 (βi + 1) p1 pi (si − τi ) Φi (τi ) dτi 0 i=1 si Z dsi i 0 n Y 1/q xi i i=1 n Z Y i=1 xi βi +1 (xi − τi ) pi Φi (τi ) dτi p1 i . 0 This proves the theorem. (k) If d = 1 and vi are replaced by the derivatives ui , the preceding theorem reduces to [6, Theorem 3.1]. Corollary 3.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, Qn Z x1 Z xn i=1 |vi (si )| (3.3) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn (αi +1)/(qi wi ) w s 0 0 i i i=1 ≤ p1/p U n Y i=1 1/qi xi ! p1 Z n X 1 xi (xi − si )βi +1 Φ(τi )pi dsi , p i 0 i=1 where U is given by (3.2). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 5(2) Art. 34, 2004 H ILBERT T YPE M ULTIDIMENSIONAL I NEQUALITIES 5 Proof. By the inequality of means, for any Ai ≥ 0, n Y 1/p Ai i ≤ p1/p i=1 n X 1 Ai p i=1 i ! p1 . The corollary then follows from the preceding theorem. The preceding corollary reduces to [6, Corollary 3.2] in the special case when d = 1 and vi (k) are replaced by ui . 4. A PPLICATIONS TO D ERIVATIVES Convention 1. In this section we shall assume that mi , ki are multiindices satisfying 0 ≤ ki ≤ mi − 1, and write (4.1) αi = (ai + bi qi )(mi − ki − 1), βi = ai (mi − ki − 1). Recall that according to our conventions, mi − ki − 1 = (m1i − ki1 − 1, . . . , md1 − kid − 1). Theorem 4.1. Let ui ∈ C mi (Q(xi )) be such that Djr ui (si ) = 0 for si ∈ ∂j Q(xi ), 0 ≤ r ≤ mji − 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ d, i ∈ I. Then Z x1 Z xn Q n ki i=1 |D ui (si )| ds1 · · · dsn (4.2) ... Pn (αi +1)/(qi wi ) w s 0 0 i i i=1 p1 n n Z xi Y Y pi i 1/qi βi +1 mi ≤ U1 xi (xi − si ) D ui (si ) dsi , i=1 i=1 0 where (4.3) 1 . 1/qi (β + 1)1/pi ] i i=1 [(mi − ki − 1)!(αi + 1) U1 = Qn Proof. Under the hypotheses of the theorem we have the following multivariable identities established in [11], Z si 1 ki D ui (s) = (si − τi )mi −ki −1 Dmi ui (τi ) dτi , i ∈ I. (mi − ki − 1)! 0 Inequality (4.2) is proved when we set vi (si ) = Dki ui (si ), ci = mi − ki − 1, and Φi (si ) = (4.4) |Dmi ui (si )| (mi − ki − 1)! in Theorem 3.1. Corollary 4.2. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1, Z x1 Z xn Q n ki i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.5) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn (αi +1)/(qi wi ) 0 0 i=1 wi si ≤ p1/p U1 n Y i=1 1/qi xi ! p1 Z xi n X 1 p (xi − si )βi +1 Dmi ui (si ) i dsi , p i=1 i 0 where U1 is given by (4.3). Proof. The result follows by applying the inequality of means to the preceding theorem. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 5(2) Art. 34, 2004 6 G. D. H ANDLEY , J. J. KOLIHA , AND J. P E ČARI Ć Single variable analogues of the preceding two results were obtained in [6, Theorem 4.1] and [6, Corollary 4.2]. We discuss a number of special cases of Theorem 4.1 with similar examples applying also to Corollary 4.2. Example 4.1. If ai = 0 and bi = 1 for i ∈ I, then (4.2) becomes Qn Z x1 Z xn ki i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.6) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn (qi mi −qi ki −qi +1)/(qi wi ) 0 0 i=1 wi si p1 n n Z xi Y Y m pi i 1/qi ≤ U1 xi (xi − si )D i ui (si ) dsi , i=1 0 i=1 where (4.7) 1 . 1/qi ] i=1 [(mi − ki − 1)!(qi mi − qi ki − qi + 1) U 1 = Qn n Example 4.2. If ai = 0, bi = 1, qi = n, wi = n1 , pi = n−1 , mi = m and ki = k for i ∈ I, then Z x1 Z xn Q n |Dk ui (si )| (4.8) ... Pni=1 nm−nk−n+1 ds1 · · · dsn 0 0 i=1 si √ n x1 · · · xn 1 ≤ n [(m − k − 1)!]n (n(m − k − 1) + 1) n−1 n Z xi Y n m n × (xi − si )D ui (si ) n−1 dsi . 0 i=1 For d = 2 and q = p = n = 2 this is Pachpatte’s theorem [17, Theorem 1] cited in the Introduction; if d = 1 and q = p = n = 2, we obtain [14, Theorem 1]. Example 4.3. Let ai = 1 and bi = 0 for i ∈ I. Then (4.2) becomes Z x1 Z xn Q n ki i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.9) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn (mi −ki )/(qi wi ) w s 0 0 i i i=1 p1 n n Z xi Y Y pi i 1/qi mi −ki mi e ≤ U1 xi (xi − si ) D ui (si ) dsi , i=1 i=1 0 where (4.10) 1 . i=1 [(mi − ki − 1)!(mi − ki )] e1 = Qn U n Example 4.4. Set ai = 0, bi = 1, qi = n, wi = n1 , pi = n−1 , mi = m and ki = k for i ∈ I. Then (4.2) becomes Z x1 Z xn Q n k i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.11) ... Pn m−k ds1 · · · dsn 0 0 i=1 si (n−1)/n √ n Z xi n Y n/(n−1) x1 · · · xn 1 m−k m ≤ (xi − si ) D ui (si ) dsi . n [(m − k − 1)!]n (m − k)n i=1 0 In the following theorem we establish another inequality similar to the integral analogue of Hilbert’s inequality. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 5(2) Art. 34, 2004 H ILBERT T YPE M ULTIDIMENSIONAL I NEQUALITIES 7 Theorem 4.3. Let ui ∈ C mi +1 (Q(xi )) be such that Dmi ui (si ) = 0 for si ∈ ∂j Q(si ), 1 ≤ j ≤ d, i ∈ I. Then Z x1 Z xn Q n mi i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.12) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn 1/(qi wi ) 0 0 i=1 wi si p1 n n Z xi Y Y m +1 pi i 1/qi xi ≤ (xi − si )D i ui (si ) dsi . i=1 i=1 0 Proof. Under the hypotheses of the theorem we have the following multivariable identities established in [11] for mi = (0, . . . , 0): Z si mi (4.13) D ui (si ) = Dmi +1 ui (τi ) dτi , i ∈ I. 0 mi In Theorem 3.1 set vi (si ) = D ui (si ), ci = 0, Φi (si ) = |Dmi +1 ui (si )|, and the result follows. In the special case that d = 2, mi = (0, 0), p = q = n = 2, and wi = 21 , the preceding theorem reduces to [17, Theorem 2]. When we apply the inequality of means to the preceding theorem, we get the following corollary which generalizes the inequality obtained in [17, Remark 3]. Corollary 4.4. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 4.3, Z x1 Z xn Q n mi i=1 |D ui (si )| (4.14) ... ds1 · · · dsn Pn 1/(qi wi ) w s 0 0 i=1 i i ≤ p1/p n Y 1/qi xi i=1 ! p1 Z n X m +1 pi 1 xi (xi − si )D i ui (si ) dsi . p i 0 i=1 R EFERENCES [1] Y.C. CHOW, On inequalities of Hilbert and Widder, J. London Math. Soc., 14 (1939), 151–154. [2] S.S. DRAGOMIR AND YOUNG-HO KIM, Hilbert–Pachpatte type integral inequalities and their improvement, J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math., 4(1) (2003), Article 16, (electronic) [ONLINE: http: //]. [3] M. GAO, An improvement of Hardy–Riesz’s extension of the Hilbert inequality, J. Math. Res. Exp., 14 (1994), 255–259. [4] M. GAO, On Hilbert’s inequality and its applications, J. Math. 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