Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 4, Issue 5, Article 103, 2003 SOME HARDY TYPE INEQUALITIES IN THE HEISENBERG GROUP YAZHOU HAN AND PENGCHENG NIU D EPARTMENT OF A PPLIED M ATHEMATICS , N ORTHWESTERN P OLYTECHNICAL U NIVERSITY, X I ’ AN , S HAANXI , 710072, P.R. C HINA Received 21 January, 2003; accepted 10 June, 2003 Communicated by L. Pick A BSTRACT. Some Hardy type inequalities on the domain in the Heisenberg group are established by using the Picone type identity and constructing suitable auxiliary functions. Key words and phrases: Hardy inequality, Picone identity, Heisenberg group. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35H20. 1. I NTRODUCTION The Hardy inequality in the Euclidean space (see [3], [4], [7]) has been established using many methods. In [1], Allegretto and Huang found a Picone’s identity for the p-Laplacian and pointed out that one can prove the Hardy inequality via the identity. Niu, Zhang and Wang in [6] obtained a Picone type identity for the p-sub-Laplacian in the Heisenberg group and then established a Hardy type inequality. When p = 2, the result of [6] coincides with the inequality in [2]. As stated in [1], the Picone type identity allows us to avoid postulating regularity conditions on the boundary of the domain under consideration. Since there is a presence of characteristic points in the sub-Laplacian Dirichlet problem in the Heisenberg group (see [2]), we understand that such an identity is especially useful. We recall that the Heisenberg group Hn of real dimension N = 2n + 1, n ∈ N , is the nilpotent Lie group of step two whose underlying manifold is R2n+1 . A basis for the Lie algebra of left invariant vector fields on Hn is given by Xj = ∂ ∂ + 2yj , ∂xj ∂t Yj = ∂ ∂ − 2xj , ∂yj ∂t j = 1, 2, . . . , n. ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2003 Victoria University. All rights reserved. The research supported in part by National Nature Science Foundation and Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, P.R. China. 009-03 2 YAZHOU H AN AND P ENGCHENG N IU The number Q = 2n + 2 is the homogeneous dimension of Hn . There exists a Heisenberg distance n o1 2 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 d ((z, t), (z , t )) = (x − x ) + (y − y ) + [t − t − 2(x · y − x · y)] between (z, t) and (z 0 , t0 ). We denote the Heisenberg gradient by ∇Hn = (X1 , . . . , Xn , Y1 , . . . , Yn ). In this note we give some Hardy type inequalities on the domain in the Heisenberg group by considering different auxiliary functions. 2. H ARDY I NEQUALITIES First we state two lemmas given in [6] which will be needed in the sequel. Lemma 2.1. Let Ω be a domain in Hn , v > 0, u ≥ 0 be differentiable in Ω. Then (2.1) L(u, v) = R(u, v) ≥ 0, where up−1 up L(u, v) = |∇Hn u|p + (p − 1) p |∇Hn v|p − p p−2 ∇Hn · |∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v, v vp u R(u, v) = |∇Hn u|p − ∇Hn · |∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v. p−1 v Denote the p-sub-Laplacian by ∆Hn ,p v = ∇Hn · (|∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v). Lemma 2.2. Assume that the differentiable function v > 0 satisfies the condition −∆Hn ,p v ≥ λgv p−1 , for some λ > 0 and nonnegative function g. Then for every u ∈ C0∞ (Ω), u ≥ 0, Z Z p (2.2) |∇Hn u| ≥ λ g|u|p . Ω Ω Let BR = { (z, t) ∈ Hn | d ((z, t), (0, 0)) < R} be the Heisenberg group and δ(z, t) = dist ((z, t), ∂BR ) , (z, t) ∈ BR , in the sense of distance functions on the Heisenberg group. Theorem 2.3. Let Ω = BR \{(0, 0}, p > 1. Then for every u ∈ C0∞ (Ω), p Z Z p−1 |z|p |u|p p (2.3) |∇Hn u| ≥ , p δp p Ω Ω d p where |z| = x2 + y 2 , d = d ((z, t), (0, 0)) . Proof. We first consider u ≥ 0. The following equations are evident: Xj d = d−3 (|z|2 xj + yj t) , Yj d = d−3 (|z|2 yj − xj t) , 2 Xj2 d = −3d−7 (|z|2 xj + yj t) + d−3 |z|2 + 2x2j + 2yj2 , (2.4) 2 2 Yj d = −3d−7 (|z|2 yj − xj t) + d−3 |z|2 + 2x2j + 2yj2 , j = 1, . . . , n and (2.5) |∇Hn d| = |z|d−1 , ∆Hn d = (Q − 1)d−3 |z|2 . Choose v(z, t) = δ(z, t)β = (R − d)β , in which β = p−1 , p one has Xj v = −βδ β−1 Xj d, Yj v = −βδ β−1 Yj d, j = 1, . . . , n, ∇Hn v = −βδ β−1 ∇Hn d, |∇Hn v| = |β|δ β−1 |z|d−1 , J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(5) Art. 103, 2003 S OME H ARDY T YPE I NEQUALITIES IN THE H EISENBERG GROUP 3 and −∆Hn v = −∇Hn · |∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v = −∇Hn · −β|β|p−2 δ (β−1)(p−1) |z|p−2 d2−p ∇Hn d p−2 = β|β| − (β − 1)(p − 1)δ (β−1)(p−1)−1 |z|p−2 d2−p |∇Hn d|2 + δ (β−1)(p−1) d2−p ∇Hn |z|p−2 · ∇Hn d + (2 − p)δ (β−1)(p−1) |z|p−2 d1−p |∇Hn d|2 (β−1)(p−1) p−2 2−p +δ |z| d 4Hn d . From the fact ∇Hn (|z|p−2 ) · ∇Hn d = (p − 2)|z|p−4 d−3 |z|4 = (p − 2)|z|p d−3 and (2.5), it follows that p−2 −∆Hn v = β|β| − (β − 1)(p − 1)δ (β−1)(p−1)−1 |z|p d−p + (p − 2)δ (β−1)(p−1) |z|p d−1−p − (p − 2)δ (β−1)(p−1) |z|p d−1−p + (Q − 1)δ (β−1)(p−1) p −1−p |z| d δ |z|p v p−1 = β|β| −(β − 1)(p − 1) + (Q − 1) d dp δ p p−1 p−1 p−1 δ |z|p v p−1 = + (Q − 1) p p d dp δ p p p p−1 p−1 |z| v ≥ . p dp δ p p−2 The desired inequality (2.3) is obtained by Lemma 2.2. For general u, by letting u = u+ − u− , we directly obtain (2.3). Theorem 2.4. Let Ω = Hn \{BHn ,R }, Q > p > 1. Then for every u ∈ C0∞ (Ω), there exists a constant C > 0, such that Z Z p |∇Hn u| ≥ C (2.6) Ω Proof. Suppose that u ≥ 0. Take v = log Using (2.4) and (2.5) show that Ω d α R |z|p |u|p . dp d2p , R < d = d ((z, t), (0, 0)) < +∞, α < 0. α α−1 R d 1 α ∇Hn v = α ∇Hn d = ∇Hn d, d R R d −2 |∇Hn v| = |α||z|d , J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(5) Art. 103, 2003 4 YAZHOU H AN AND P ENGCHENG N IU −4Hn v = −∇Hn · |∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v = −α|α|p−2 ∇Hn · |z|p−2 d−2(p−2)−1 ∇Hn d p−2 = −α|α| (p − 2)|z|p−3 d2(2−p)−1 ∇Hn (|z|) · ∇Hn d + (2(2 − p) − 1) |z|p−2 d2(1−p) |∇Hn d|2 p−2 2(2−p)−1 + |z| d 4Hn d . Since ∇Hn (|z|) · ∇Hn d = |z|3 d−3 , the last equation above becomes p−2 −4Hn v = −α|α| (p − 2)|z|p−3 d2(2−p)−1 |z|3 d−3 + (3 − 2p)|z|p−2 d2(1−p) |z|2 d−2 p−2 3−2p 2 −3 + (Q − 1)|z| d |z| d = −α|α|p−2 |z|p d−2p (p − 2 + 3 − 2p + Q − 1) = −α|α|p−2 (Q − p)|z|p d−2p . (2.7) Noting v p−1 = 0, d→+∞ dp lim p−1 p−1 there exists a positive number M ≥ R, such that v dp < 1, for d > M . Since v dp is continuous p−1 on the interval [R, M ], we find a constant C 0 > 0, such that v dp < C 0 . Pick out C 00 = max{C 0 , 1} and one has v p−1 < C 00 dp in Ω. This leads to the following −∆Hn v ≥ C |z|p v p−1 , d2p dp p−2 where C = −α|α| C 00 (Q−p) , and to (2.6) by Lemma 2.2. A similar treatment for general u completes the proof. In particular, α = p − Q (1 < p < Q) satisfies the assumption in the proof above. Theorem 2.5. Let Ω be as defined in Theorem 2.4 and p ≥ Q. Then there exists a constant C > 0, such that for every u ∈ C0∞ (Ω), Z Z |u|p |z|p p . (2.8) |∇Hn u| ≥ C p p log d dp Ω Ω d R Proof. It is sufficient to show that (2.8) holds for u ≥ 0. Choose v = φα , φ = log Rd , where R < d < +∞, 0 < α < 1. We know that from (2.4) and (2.5), ∇Hn φ = d−1 ∇Hn d, |∇Hn φ| = d−2 |z|, ∆Hn φ = d−1 4Hn d − d−2 |∇Hn d|2 = (Q − 2)|z|2 d−4 . J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(5) Art. 103, 2003 S OME H ARDY T YPE I NEQUALITIES IN THE H EISENBERG GROUP 5 This allows us to obtain −∆Hn v = −∇Hn · |∇Hn v|p−2 ∇Hn v = −∇Hn · |αφα−1 ∇Hn φ|p−2 αφα−1 ∇Hn φ = −α|α|p−2 ∇Hn · φ(α−1)(p−1) |z|p−2 d2(2−p) ∇Hn φ p−2 = −α|α| (α − 1)(p − 1)φ(α−1)(p−1)−1 |z|p−2 d2(2−p) |∇Hn φ|2 + (p − 2)φ(α−1)(p−1) |z|p−3 d2(2−p) ∇Hn (|z|) · ∇Hn φ + 2(2 − p)φ(α−1)(p−1) |z|p−2 d2(2−p)−1 ∇Hn d · ∇Hn φ (α−1)(p−1) p−2 2(2−p) +φ |z| d 4Hn φ p−2 = −α|α| (α − 1)(p − 1)φ(α−1)(p−1)−1 |z|p−2 d2(2−p) |z|2 d−4 + (p − 2)φ(α−1)(p−1) |z|p−3 d2(2−p) |z|3 d−4 + 2(2 − p)φ(α−1)(p−1) |z|p−2 d2(2−p)−1 |z|2 d−3 (α−1)(p−1) p−2 2(2−p) 2 −4 +φ |z| d (Q − 2)|z| d v p−1 |z|p {(α − 1)(p − 1) + (p − 2)φ + 2(2 − p)φ + (Q − 2)φ} φp d2p v p−1 |z|p = −α|α|p−2 p 2p {(α − 1)(p − 1) + (Q − p)φ} , φ d Taking into account that 0 < α < 1 and p ≥ Q, we have = −α|α|p−2 −α|α|p−2 (Q − p)φ ≥ 0, and therefore v p−1 |z|p v p−1 |z|p = C , φp d2p φp d2p where C = −α|α|p−2 (α − 1)(p − 1). 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