D. Simulation Study To test our theory, we performed a limited simulation study. In the simulation, two finite populations of size N = 10, 000 were generated. In population A, the population values were generated by Xi ∼ χ2 (1) Yi = 2 + 0.5Xi + ei where ei are independently generated by the standard normal distribution. In population B, we have the same Xi values but the Yi values are generated by Yi = 1 + 0.3(Xi − 0.5)2 + ei and ei are independently generated by the standard normal distribution. From each of the finite populations, two sets of B = 10, 000 Monte Carlo samples of size n = 100 and n = 400 were independently generated by simple random sampling. From each sample, we also generated a response indicator variable Ri from a Bernoulli distribution with the response rate p = 0.65. The Yi is observed if and only if Ri = 1. The Xi are observed on the entire sample. We used a nearest neighbor imputation where the Euclidian distance based on the value of Xi ’s was used to identify the nearest neighbor. For each nonrespondent, we used two nearest neighbor imputation (NNI) methods. The first NNI method used M1 = 1 for point estimation and the second NNI method used M2 = 2 donors for point estimation. Both methods used M2 = 2 donors for variance estimation. The parameters are θ1 = mean of Y and θ2 = proportion of Y ≤ 2.0. 1 < Table D.1 around here > Table D.1 contains the means and variances of the point estimators based on the Monte Carlo samples. The simulation results show that the point estimators based on the NNI method have modest bias and the bias is significant for population B. The bias of the NNI point estimator can be explained by the “end effect” where the nearest neighbor associated with the largest x-value will be imputed from the donor with smaller x-value and so the expected value of the imputed value is smaller than the expected value of the original. The bias is larger for M1 = 2 than for M1 = 1 because the end effect is more serious if we use more donors since the donors with smaller x-values will be used. However, the NNI method with M1 = 2 is more efficient than the NNI method with M1 = 1 because it reduces the variance due to imputation by using two donors instead of one donor. < Table D.2 around here > For variance estimation, we used M = 2 nearest neighbors to create the replication weights. Table D.2 shows the relative biases and t-statistics of the variance estimator. The t-statistics are the statistics used to test the hypothesis of zero bias for the variance estimators. The simulation results in Table D.2 show that the variance estimators are approximately unbiased for both parameters in both the case with M1 = 1 and the case with M2 = 2. 2 Table D.1: Monte Carlo means and variances of the complete sample estimators and the imputed estimators, based on 10,000 samples n Model Parameter Method Mean Variance Complete sample 2.501 0.01478 θ1 Imputed (M1 = 1) 2.500 0.02384 A Imputed (M1 = 2) 2.500 0.02184 Complete sample 0.350 0.002274 100 θ2 Imputed (M1 = 1) 0.350 0.004097 Imputed (M1 = 2) 0.350 0.00375 Complete sample 1.678 0.07846 B θ1 Imputed (M1 = 1) 1.661 0.09548 Imputed (M1 = 2) 1.654 0.09104 Complete sample 0.725 0.001975 θ2 Imputed (M1 = 1) 0.724 0.003272 Imputed (M1 = 2) 0.725 0.003002 Complete sample 2.500 0.007646 θ1 Imputed (M1 = 1) 2.498 0.011861 A Imputed (M1 = 2) 2.497 0.011115 Complete sample 0.351 0.001156 200 θ2 Imputed (M1 = 1) 0.351 0.002027 Imputed (M1 = 2) 0.351 0.001864 Complete sample 1.675 0.03936 θ1 Imputed (M1 = 1) 1.663 0.04514 B Imputed (M1 = 2) 1.658 0.04386 Complete sample 0.725 0.001003 θ2 Imputed (M1 = 1) 0.725 0.001630 Imputed (M1 = 2) 0.725 0.001508 3 Table D.2: Monte Carlo relative biases and t-statistics of the variance estimators, based on 10,000 samples n Model Parameter Imputation Relative t-statistic Method Bias (%) θ1 M1 = 1 1.82 1.29 A M1 = 2 2.52 1.78 θ2 M1 = 1 0.43 0.29 100 M1 = 2 0.33 0.23 θ1 M1 = 1 1.44 0.96 B M1 = 2 -1.46 -0.95 θ2 M1 = 1 1.39 0.98 M1 = 2 2.13 1.51 θ1 M1 = 1 1.95 1.37 A M1 = 2 0.54 0.38 200 θ2 M1 = 1 1.66 1.14 M1 = 2 1.16 0.80 θ1 M1 = 1 1.82 1.32 B M1 = 2 -1.99 -1.44 θ2 M1 = 1 1.19 0.82 M1 = 2 1.02 0.72 4