Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 4, Issue 4, Article 64, 2003 NEIGHBOURHOODS AND PARTIAL SUMS OF STARLIKE FUNCTIONS BASED ON RUSCHEWEYH DERIVATIVES THOMAS ROSY, K.G. SUBRAMANIAN, AND G. MURUGUSUNDARAMOORTHY D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS , M ADRAS C HRISTIAN C OLLEGE , TAMBARAM , C HENNAI , I NDIA D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS , V ELLORE I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY, D EEMED U NIVERSITY, V ELLORE , TN-632 014, I NDIA Received 14 November, 2002; accepted 26 March, 2003 Communicated by A. LupasĖ§ A BSTRACT. In this paper a new class Spλ (α, β) of starlike functions is introduced. A subclass T Spλ (α, β) of Spλ (α, β) with negative coefficients is also considered. These classes are based on Ruscheweyh derivatives. Certain neighbourhood results are obtained. Partial sums fn (z) of functions f (z) in these classes are considered and sharp lower bounds for the ratios of real part of f (z) to fn (z) and f 0 (z) to fn0 (z) are determined. Key words and phrases: Univalent , Starlike , Convex. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 30C45. 1. I NTRODUCTION Let S denote the family of functions of the form (1.1) f (z) = z + ∞ X ak z k k=2 which are analytic in the open unit disk U = {z : |z| < 1}. Also denote by T , the subclass of S consisting of functions of the form (1.2) f (z) = z − ∞ X k=2 which are univalent and normalized in U . ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2003 Victoria University. All rights reserved. 123-02 |ak | z k 2 T HOMAS ROSY , K.G. S UBRAMANIAN , AND G. M URUGUSUNDARAMOORTHY For f ∈ S, and of the form (1.1) and g(z) ∈ S given by g (z) = z + the Hadamard product (or convolution) f ∗ g of f and g by ∞ X ak b k z k . (1.3) (f ∗ g) (z) = z + P∞ k=2 bk z k , we define k=2 Spλ For −1 ≤ α < 1 and β ≥ 0, we let (α, β) be the subclass of S consisting of functions of the form (1.1) and satisfying the analytic criterion ) ( z Dλ f (z)0 z Dλ f (z)0 (1.4) Re − α > β − 1 , Dλ f (z) Dλ f (z) where Dλ is the Ruscheweyh derivative [6] defined by λ D f (z) = f (z) ∗ 1 (1 − z)λ+1 =z+ ∞ X Bk (λ) ak z k k=2 and (1.5) Bk (λ) = (λ + 1)k−1 (λ + 1) (λ + 1) · · · (λ + k − 1) = , λ ≥ 0. (k − 1)! (k − 1)! We also let T Spλ (α, β) = Spλ (α, β) ∩ T. It can be seen that, by specializing on the parameters α, β, λ the class T Spλ (α, β) reduces to the classes introduced and studied by various authors [1, 9, 11, 12]. The main aim of this work is to study coefficient bounds and extreme points of the general class T Spλ (α, β). Furthermore, we obtain certain neighbourhoods results for functions in T Spλ (α, β) . Partial sums fn (z) of functions f (z) in the class Spλ (α, β) are considered. 2. T HE C LASSES Spλ (α, β) AND T Spλ (α, β) In this section we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition and extreme points for functions f (z) in the class T Spλ (α, β). Theorem 2.1. A sufficient condition for a function f (z) of the form (1.1) to be in Spλ (α, β) is that ∞ X [(1 + β) k − (α + β)] (2.1) Bk (λ) |ak | ≤ 1, 1 − α k=2 −1 ≤ α < 1, β ≥ 0, λ ≥ 0 and Bk (λ) is as defined in (1.5). Proof. It suffices to show that ( ) 0 z Dλ f (z)0 λ z D f (z) β − 1 − Re − 1 ≤ 1 − α. Dλ f (z) Dλ f (z) We have ( ) 0 z Dλ f (z)0 z Dλ f (z)0 λ z D f (z) β − 1 − Re − 1 ≤ (1 + β) − 1 Dλ f (z) Dλ f (z) Dλ f (z) P k−1 (1 + β) ∞ k=2 (k − 1) Bk (λ) |ak | |z| ≤ P k−1 1− ∞ k=2 Bk (λ) |ak | |z| P (1 + β) ∞ k=2 (k − 1) Bk (λ) |ak | P ≤ . 1− ∞ k=2 Bk (λ) |ak | J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 S TARLIKE F UNCTIONS 3 This last expression is bounded above by 1 − α if ∞ X [(1 + β) k − (α + β)] Bk (λ) |ak | ≤ 1 − α, k=2 and the proof is complete. Now we prove that the above condition is also necessary for f ∈ T . Theorem P 2.2.k A necessary and sufficient λcondition for f of the form (1.2) namely f (z) = z− ∞ k=2 bk z , ak ≥ 0, z ∈ U to be in T Sp (α, β) , −1 ≤ α < 1, β ≥ 0, λ ≥ 0 is that (2.2) ∞ X [(1 + β) k − (α + β)] Bk (λ) ak ≤ 1 − α. k=2 Proof. In view of Theorem 2.1, we need only to prove the necessity. If f ∈ T Spλ (α, β) and z is real then P P 1− ∞ (k − 1) ak Bk (λ) z k−1 1− ∞ kak Bk (λ) z k−1 k=2 k=2 P∞ P − α ≥ . k−1 1 − k=2 ak Bk (λ) z k−1 1− ∞ k=2 ak Bk (λ) z Letting z → 1 along the real axis, we obtain the desired inequality ∞ X [(1 + β) k − (α + β)] Bk (λ) ak ≤ 1 − α. k=2 Theorem 2.3. The extreme points of T Spλ (α, β), −1 ≤ α < 1, β ≥ 0 are the functions given by 1−α (2.3) f1 (z) = 1 and fk (z) = z − zk , [(1 + β) k − (α + β)] Bk (λ) k = 2, 3, . . . where λ > −1 and Bk (λ) is as defined in (1.5). P Corollary 2.4. P A function f ∈ T Spλ (α, β) if and only if f may be expressed as ∞ k=1 µk fk (z) ∞ where µk ≥ 0, k=1 µk = 1 and f1 , f2 , . . . are as defined in (2.3). 3. N EIGHBOURHOOD R ESULTS The concept of neighbourhoods of analytic functions was first introduced by Goodman [4] and then generalized by Ruscheweyh [5]. In this section we study neighbourhoods of functions in the family T Spλ (α, β). Definition 3.1. For f ∈ S of the form (1.1) and δ ≥ 0, we define η − δ- neighbourhood of f by ( ) ∞ ∞ X X η Mδ (f ) = g ∈ S : g (z) = z + bk z k and k η+1 |ak − bk | ≤ δ , k=2 k=2 where η is a fixed positive integer. We may write Mδη (f ) = Nδ (f ) and Mδ1 (f ) = Mδ (f ) [5]. We also notice that Mδ (f ) was defined and studied by Silverman [7] and also by others [2, 3]. We need the following two lemmas to study the η − δ- neighbourhood of functions in T Spλ (α, β). P∞ µ+1 k P k b ≤ Lemma 3.1. Let m ≥ 0 and −1 ≤ γ < 1. If g(z) = z + ∞ k=2 k k=2 bk z satisfies 1−γ µ then g ∈ Sp (γ, β). The result is sharp. 1+β J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 4 T HOMAS ROSY , K.G. S UBRAMANIAN , AND G. M URUGUSUNDARAMOORTHY Proof. In view of the first part of Theorem 2.1, it is sufficient to show that k (1 + β) − (γ + β) k µ+1 Bk (µ) = (1 + β) . 1−γ (1 − γ) But k (1 + β) − (γ + β) (k (1 + β) − (γ + β)) (µ + 1) · · · (µ + k − 1) Bk (µ) = 1−γ (1 − γ) (k − 1)! k (1 + β) (µ + 1) (µ + 2) · · · (µ + k − 1) ≤ . (1 − γ) (k − 1)! Therefore we need to prove that H(k, µ) = (µ + 1) (µ + 2) · · · (µ + k − 1) ≤ 1. k µ (k − 1)! SinceH(k, µ) = [(µ + 1)/2µ ] ≤ 1, we need only to show that H(k, µ) is a decreasing function of k. But H(k + 1, µ) ≤ H(k, µ) is equivalent to (1 + µ/k) ≤ (1 + 1/k)µ . The result follows because the last inequality holds for all k ≥ 2. P f (z)+εz k Lemma 3.2. Let f (z) = z − ∞ ∈ k=2 ak z ∈ T, −1 ≤ α < 1, β ≥ 0 and ε ≥ 0. If 1+ε λ T Sp (α, β) then ∞ X 2η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) k µ+1 ak ≤ , (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) k=2 where either η = 0 and λ ≥ 0 or η = 1 and 1 ≤ λ ≤ 2. The result is sharp with the extremal function (1 − α) (1 + ε) f (z) = z − z 2 , z ∈ U. (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) P ak k Proof. Letting g (z) = f (z)+εz we have g (z) = z − ∞ z ∈ U. k=2 1+ε z , P 1+ε ∞ In view of Corollary 2.4 g(z), may be written as g (z) = k=1 µk gk (z), where µk ≥ P 0, ∞ µ = 1, k=1 k g1 (z) = z and gk (z) = z − (1 − α) (1 + ε) k z , (k − α + β) Bk (λ) k = 2, 3, . . . . Therefore we obtain ∞ X (1 − α) (1 + ε) k g (z) = µ1 z + µk z − z (k − α + β) Bk (λ) k=2 ∞ X (1 − α) (1 + ε) =z− µk zk . (k − α + β) Bk (λ) k=2 Since µk ≥ 0 and P∞ k=1 µk ≤ 1, it follows that ∞ X k η+1 ak ≤ sup k k≥2 k=2 η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) (k − α + β) Bk (λ) The result will follow if we can show that A (k, η, α, ε, λ) = Bk (λ) the inequality function of k. In view of Bk+1 (λ) = λ+k k . kη+1 (1−α)(1+ε) (k−α+β)Bk (λ) is a decreasing A (k + 1, η, α, ε, λ) ≤ A (k, η, α, ε, λ) J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 S TARLIKE F UNCTIONS 5 is equivalent to (k + 1)η+1 (k − α + β) ≤ k η (k + 1 − α + β) (λ + k) . This yields λ (k − α + β) + λ + α − β ≥ 0 (3.1) whenever η = 0 and λ ≥ 0 and k [(k + 1) (λ − 1) + (2 − λ) (α − β)] + α − β ≥ 0, (3.2) whenever η = 1 and 1 ≤ λ ≤ 2. Since (3.1) and (3.2) holds for all k ≥ 2, the proof is complete. Theorem 3.3. Suppose either η = 0 and λ ≥ 0 or η = 1 and 1 ≤ λ ≤ 2. Let −1 ≤ α < 1, and (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) − 2η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) (1 + β) −1 ≤ γ < . (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) (1 + β) Let f ∈ T and for all real numbers 0 ≤ ε < δ, assume f (z)+εz ∈ T Spλ (α, β) . 1+ε Then the η-δ - neighbourhood of f , namely Mδη (f ) ⊂ Spη (γ, β) where δ= (1 − γ) (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) − 2η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) (1 + β) . (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) (1 + β) The result is sharp, with the extremal function f (z) = (1−α)(1+ε) z2. (2−α+β)(1+λ) P η k Proof. For a function f of the form (1.2), let g(z) = z + ∞ k=2 bk z be in Mδ (f ). In view of Lemma 3.2, we have ∞ ∞ X X k η+1 |ak − bk − ak | k η+1 |bk | = k=2 k=2 ≤δ+ 2η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) . (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) Applying Lemma 3.1, it follows that g ∈ Spη (γ, β) if δ + 2η+1 (1−α)(1+ε) (2−α+β)(1+λ) ≤ 1−γ . 1+β That is, if (1 − γ) (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) − 2η+1 (1 − α) (1 + ε) (1 + β) . (2 − α + β) (1 + λ) (1 + β) This completes the proof. δ≤ Remark 3.4. By taking β = 0 and letting λ = 0, λ = 1 and η = 0 = ε, we note that Theorems 1,2,4 in [8] follow immediately from Theorem 3.3. 4. PARTIAL S UMS Following the earlier works by Silverman [8] and Silvia [10] on partial sums of analytic functions. We consider in this section partial sums of functions in the class Spλ (α, β) and obtain sharp lower bounds for the ratios of real part of f (z) to fn (z) and f 0 (z) to fn0 (z). Theorem 4.1. Let f (z) ∈ Spλ (α, β) be given by (1.1) and define the partial sums f1 (z) and fn (z), by ∞ X (4.1) f1 (z) = z; and fn (z) = z + ak z k , (n ∈ N/ {1}) k=2 J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 6 T HOMAS ROSY , K.G. S UBRAMANIAN , AND G. M URUGUSUNDARAMOORTHY Suppose also that ∞ X (4.2) ck |ak | ≤ 1, k=2 where ck := [(1+β)k−(α+β)]Bk (λ) 1−α (4.3) . Then f ∈ Spλ (α, β). Furthermore, f (z) 1 Re >1− z ∈ U, n ∈ N fn (z) cn+1 and Re (4.4) fn (z) f (z) > cn+1 . 1 + cn+1 Proof. It is easily seen that z ∈ Spλ (α, β). Thus from Theorem 3.3 and by hypothesis (4.2), we have N1 (z) ⊂ Spλ (α, β) , (4.5) which shows that f ∈ Spλ (α, β) as asserted by Theorem 4.1. Next, for the coefficients ck given by (4.2) it is not difficult to verify that ck+1 > ck > 1. (4.6) Therefore we have (4.7) n X |ak | + cn+1 k=2 ∞ X |ak | ≤ k=n+1 ∞ X ck |ak | ≤ 1 k=2 by using the hypothesis (4.2). By setting (4.8) 1 f (z) − 1− g1 (z) = cn+1 fn (z) cn+1 P∞ cn+1 k=n+1 ak z k−1 P =1+ 1 + nk=2 ak z k−1 and applying (4.7), we find that P g1 (z) − 1 cn+1 ∞ k=n+1 |ak | (4.9) g1 (z) + 1 ≤ 2 − 2 Pn |ak | − cn+1 P∞ k=2 k=n+1 |ak | ≤ 1, z ∈ U, which readily yields the assertion (4.3) of Theorem 4.1. In order to see that (4.10) f (z) = z + z n+1 cn+1 n z gives sharp result, we observe that for z = reiπ/n that ffn(z) = 1 + cn+1 →1− (z) Similarly, if we take fn (z) cn+1 (4.11) g2 (z) = (1 + cn+1 ) − f (z) 1 + cn+1 P∞ (1 + cn+1 ) k=n+1 ak z k−1 P =1− k−1 1+ ∞ k=2 ak z J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 1 cn+1 as z → 1− . S TARLIKE F UNCTIONS 7 and making use of (4.7), we can deduce that P g2 (z) − 1 (1 + cn+1 ) ∞ k=n+1 |ak | (4.12) g2 (z) + 1 ≤ 2 − 2 Pn |ak | − (1 + cn+1 ) P∞ k=2 ≤ 1, k=n+1 |ak | z ∈ U, which leads us immediately to the assertion (4.4) of Theorem 4.1. The bound in (4.4) is sharp for each n ∈ N with the extremal function f (z) given by (4.10). The proof of Theorem 4.1. is thus complete. Theorem 4.2. If f (z) of the form (1.1) satisfies the condition (2.1). Then 0 f (z) n+1 (4.13) Re ≥1− . 0 fn (z) cn+1 Proof. By setting f 0 (z) n+1 g (z) = cn+1 − 1− fn0 (z) cn+1 P cn+1 P∞ k−1 1 + n+1 k=n+1 kak z k−1 + ∞ k=2 kak z Pn = 1 + k=2 kak z k−1 P ∞ cn+1 kak z k−1 n+1 Pk=n+1 =1+ , 1 + nk=2 kak z k−1 cn+1 P∞ g (z) − 1 k=n+1 k |ak | n+1 ≤ . g (z) + 1 2 − 2 Pn k |ak | − cn+1 P∞ k=2 k=n+1 k |ak | n+1 (4.14) g(z)−1 Now g(z)+1 ≤ 1 if ∞ cn+1 X k |ak | ≤ 1 n + 1 k=2 k=n+1 P since the left hand side of (4.15) is bounded above by nk=2 ck |ak | if ∞ n X X cn+1 (4.16) (ck − k) |ak | + ck − k |ak | ≥ 0, n + 1 k=2 k=n+1 (4.15) n X k |ak | + and the proof is complete. The result is sharp for the extremal function f (z) = z + z n+1 . cn+1 Theorem 4.3. If f (z) of the form (1.1) satisfies the condition (2.1) then 0 fn (z) cn+1 Re ≥ . 0 f (z) n + 1 + cn+1 Proof. By setting fn0 (z) cn+1 g (z) = [(n + 1) + cn+1 ] − f 0 (z) n + 1 + cn+1 P∞ n+1 k−1 1 + cn+1 k=n+1 kak z P =1− 1 + nk=2 kak z k−1 and making use of (4.16), we can deduce that P∞ n+1 g (z) − 1 1 + cn+1 k=n+1 k |ak | ≤ 1, g (z) + 1 ≤ 2 − 2 Pn k |a | − 1 + cn+1 P∞ k k=2 k=n+1 k |ak | n+1 J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(4) Art. 64, 2003 8 T HOMAS ROSY , K.G. S UBRAMANIAN , AND G. M URUGUSUNDARAMOORTHY which leads us immediately to the assertion of the Theorem 4.3. Remark 4.4. We note that β = 1, and choosing λ = 0, λ = 1 these results coincide with the results obtained in [13]. R EFERENCES [1] O.P. AHUJA, Hadamard product of analytic functions defined by Ruscheweyh derivatives, in Current Topics in Analytic Function Theory, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, N.J. (1992), 13–28. [2] O.P. AHUJA AND M. NUNOKAWA, Neighborhoods of analytic functions defined by Ruscheweyh derivatives, Math. J., 51(3) (2000), 487–492. [3] O. ALTINTAS AND S. 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