Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics SOME CONVERGENCE RESULTS ON SINC INTERPOLATION 1 MOHAMAD S. SABABHEH, 1 ABDUL-MAJID NASAYR AND 1,2 KAMEL AL-KHALED 1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid 22110, JORDAN E-Mail: volume 4, issue 2, article 32, 2003. Received 26 February, 2003; accepted 08 May, 2003. Communicated by: T.M. Mills 2 Department of Mathematics, United Arab Emirates University Al-Ain, P.O. Box 17551, U.A.E. E-Mail: Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 023-03 Quit Abstract This paper is devoted to the investigation of sinc interpolation properties corresponding to a sequence of functions having the sinc function as a basis, the interpolation is taken over the dyadic partition of the interval [0, 2π]. In particular, a new class of functions for which the interpolation converge is introduced. The convergence of our interpolation processes is studied and answered in quite a comprehensive way. In fact, the paper aims to provide a guideline towards a large number of problems of interest in applied sciences. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 39A10, 30B10, 15A45, 15A24, 11B37. Key words: Recurrence, Restricted Coefficients, Power Series, Triangular Matrices. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Interpolation Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Functional Properties Of Sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Special Classes Of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Some Convergence Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 1. Introduction The sinc approximation method is a very promising method for function approximation, for approximation of derivatives, for approximate definite and indefinite integration, for solving initial value problems, for approximation and inversion of Fourier and Laplace transforms. The sinc method is an attractive alternative for numerical solutions to those problems which have no closed form. The theory of sinc series on the whole real line is developed in [8]. There are several reasons to approximate by sinc functions. Firstly, they are easily implemented and give good accuracy for problems with singularities; approximations by sinc function are typified by errors of the form O(exp(−c/h)) where c > 0 is a constant and h is a step size. Secondly, approximation by sinc functions handles singularities in the problem. The effect of any such singularities will appear in some form in any scheme of numerical solution, and it is well known that polynomial methods do not perform well near singularities. Finally, these kinds of approximation yield both an effective and rapidly convergent scheme for solving the problem, and so circumvents the instability problems that one typically encounters in some difference methods. Numerical processes of interpolation on the real line, with the help of adroitly selected conformal maps is adapted to handle these same processes on finite intervals, or in general on other subsets of the real line. For more details see, [3, 4, 5]. Also, it is worthy to mention the work by Stenger [9], where he presents practically useful constructive linear methods of approximation of analytic functions by polynomials, sinc functions and rational functions. In [6], the author proves some convergence results on finite intervals,using the linear combination of the basis functions 1 −1 −1 Bn,k = S(k, h) ◦ sin h cos h where k = −n, . . . , n, h = log n/n, |x| Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 and S(k, h) is the sinc translated function, to be defined later. Although there is no unique choice for the conformal map, and so one will not guarantee an exponential decay of the convergence rate using the sinc method. It should be pointed out that it might be possible that the selection of the conformal mapping does not lead to a symmetric discrete system. While a symmetric approximation system is not necessary for a good approximation, it is computationally efficient and analytically advantageous for solving the discrete system. As a final note on selection availability of the conformal mapping. In problems where two (or more) maps are applicable, the use of either of the maps leads to a smaller size of the discrete system, for example, in the case of the domain (0, ∞) there are available the selections ln(x) and ln(sinh(x)). The map ln(x) often leads to a smaller discrete system that does the map ln(sinh(x)) for equivalent accuracy. To avoid these difficulties and as an alternative for the extension (using conformal maps) made by Stenger [8], this paper is devoted to the investigation of sinc interpolation on the interval [0, 2π] (see, [7]). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we define our interpolation processes Sn (f ; x), where the nodes are taken to be the diadic partition of the interval [0, 2π]. We then study some basic properties of the interpolating function Sn (f ; x). In Section 3 we take up the functional properties of Sn (f ; x). Section 4 deals with new classes of functions for which the interpolation processes converges. In the last section of this chapter, we give the most important convergence results in this paper. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 2. The Interpolation Processes Let E1 = {0, π, 2π}, and E2 = {0, π/2, π, 3π/2, 2π}. In general let 2kπ n (2.1) En = , 0≤k≤2 . 2n In the following Lemma we state, without proof, some properties of the partition En Lemma 2.1. For the sets En the following holds true 1. The sequence {En } is an increasing sequence, i.e, E1 ⊂ E2 ⊂ . . . . 2. E = ∪∞ n=1 En is dense subset of [0, 2π]. Definition 2.1. Let f : [0, 2π] → R be any function. For each natural number n we define, X (2.2) Sn (f, x) = f (xk )Ln,k (x), xk ∈En where Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back sin[2(n−1) (x − xk )] , x 6= xk Ln,k (x) = 2(n−1) (x − xk ) 1, x = xk (2.3) and xk = Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation 2kπ 2n Close Quit Page 5 of 34 for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n . J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 In the following sequence of lemmas we will give the basic properties of Sn (f, x) as an interpolating function. Lemma 2.2. For any natural numbers n, k and j where 0 ≤ k, j ≤ 2n we have Ln,k (xj ) = δj,k . Proof. If j = k then Ln,k (xj ) = 1 by the definition of Ln,k (x). Now if j 6= k, we have sin[2n−1 (xj − xk )] Ln,k (xj ) = 2n−1 (xj − xk ) sin 2n−1 2jπ − 2kπ 2n 2n = 2n−1 (xj − xk ) sin[(j − k)π] = n−1 = 0. 2 (xj − xk ) This completes the proof. Proof. Title Page JJ J II I Go Back n Sn (f, xk ) = Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Contents Lemma 2.3. Sn (f, x) interpolates f on En for any function f defined on [0, 2π]. i.e., Sn (f, xk ) = f (xk ) for all xk ∈ En . 2 X Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation f (xj )Ln,j (xk ) Close j=0 = f (xk )Ln,k (xk ) + X f (xj )Ln,j (xk ) = f (xk ). xj 6=xk Since xk is an arbitrary element of En , the result follows. Quit Page 6 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 We have shown that Sn (f, x) interpolates f on the set En , the following lemma is a generalization: Lemma 2.4. For any real valued function f on [0, 2π], if limn→∞ Sn (f, x) = g(x) then g(x) = f (x) for all x ∈ E. Proof. Let x be arbitrary element of E. Since E is the union of the sets En0 s there must be n0 such that x ∈ En for all n ≥ n0 . Now for n ≥ n0 we have Sn (f, x) = f (x) therefore limn→∞ Sn (f, x) = f (x), thus g(x) = f (x). Since x is an arbitrary element of E the result follows. Lemma 2.5. Sn (f, x) = Sm (f, x) for all x in Ek , where k = min(n, m). Proof. Let n and m be any two natural numbers, and k = min(m, n). Let x` ∈ Ek for some `, then x` ∈ En because k ≤ n. But Sn interpolates f on En , so that Sn (f, x` ) = f (x` ). By the same argument, we can show that Sm (f, x` ) = f (x` ). The following sequence of lemmas give some result on the derivative of the basis of the interpolation, from which one can approximate the solution for some differential equations. Lemma 2.6. For any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n we have L0n,k (xk ) = 0. (2.4) Proof. For x = xk , we have Ln,k (x) − Ln,k (xk ) L0n,k (xk ) = lim x→xk x − xk Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 sin[2n−1 (x − xk )] − 2n−1 (x − xk ) x→xk 2n−1 (x − xk )2 2n−1 cos[2n−1 (x − xk )] − 2n−1 = lim x→xk 22n−1 (x − xk ) −2n−1 2n−1 sin[2n−1 (x − xk )] =0 = lim x→xk 22n−1 (1) = lim and the lemma is proved. Lemma 2.7. For any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n we have (2.5) L0n,k (xj ) 2n × (−1)j−k = . 2π(j − k) Proof. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Ln,k (x) − Ln,k (xj ) x→xj x − xk sin[2n−1 (x − xk )] = lim n−1 x→xj 2 (x − xk )(x − xj ) n−1 2 cos[2n−1 (x − xj )] 1 = lim lim n−1 x→xj x→xj x − xk 2 j−k n j−k (−1) 2 × (−1) = = . xj − xk 2π(j − k) L0n,k (xj ) = lim Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 34 Now the proof is complete. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 For the second derivative, we have Lemma 2.8. For any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n we have (2.6) L00n,k (xk ) = −22n−2 . 3 Proof. L00n,k (xk ) L0n,k (x) − L0n,k (xk ) = lim x→xk x − xk 2n−1 (x − xk ) cos[2n−1 (x − xk )] − sin[2n−1 (x − xk )] = lim x→xk 2n−1 (x − xk )3 −2n−1 2n−1 (x − xk ) sin[2n−1 (x − xk )] = lim x→xj 3.2n−1 (x − xk )2 −2n−1 .2n−1 = 3 −22n−2 = . 3 Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back The following is a connection between our interpolation and the Lagrange interpolation. Close Lemma 2.9. Let f be a real-valued function on [0, 2π] and let Hn denote the Lagrange interpolation function on En , then Sn (f, x) = Sn (Hn , x). Page 9 of 34 Quit J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Proof. We recall that Hn (xk ) = f (xk ) for all xk ∈ En . Now, X Sn (f, x) = f (xk )Ln,k (x) xk ∈En = X Hn (xk )Ln,k (x) xk ∈En = Sn (Hn , x). Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation In fact the previous lemma is a particular case of the following lemma. Lemma 2.10. Let f and g be two real-valued functions defined on [0, 2π] such that g(xk ) = f (xk ) for all xk ∈ En for some natural number n, then Sn (f, x) = Sn (g, x) for all x ∈ [0, 2π]. Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 3. The Functional Properties Of Sn Notice that Sn can be considered as an operator on the space of all real-valued functions on [0, 2π]. So that, it is convenient to study the functional properties of Sn as an operator on the dual space of [0, 2π]. Note that Sn (f, x) is a linear operator on the space of all functions defined on [0, 2π]. Lemma 3.1. For each natural number n, the operator Sn is a bounded linear operator. Proof. In order to show the boundedness of Sn , we find a real number cn such that kSn (f )k ≤ cn kf k. This is an immediate result. Corollary 3.2. For each natural number n, Sn is a continuous linear operator. We have shown that Sn is a continuous function on [0, 2π] and is a continuous linear operator on the dual space of [0, 2π]. Therefore, Sn is a continuous maping in both its components, i.e., if we consider Sn : X × [0, 2π] −→ R, then Sn is continuous on X × [0, 2π], where X is the dual space of [0, 2π]. The following few results give us some fixed points for Sn . Lemma 3.3. For any natural numbers n and k where 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n we have Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit (3.1) Sn (Ln,k , x) = Ln,k (x). Page 11 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Proof. Sn (Ln,k , x) = X Ln,k (xj )Ln,j (x) xj ∈En = Ln,k (xk )Ln,k (x) + X Ln,k (xj )Ln,j (x) xj 6=xk = Ln,k (x). Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Lemma 3.4. For any natural number n and for any function f on [0, 2π] we have Sn (Sn (f ), x) = Sn (f, x). Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Proof. Sn (Sn (f ), x) = X Sn (f, xk )Ln,k (x) xk ∈En = X X f (xj )Ln,j (xk )Ln,k (x) xk ∈En xj ∈En = X X f (xk )δk,j Ln,k (x) xk ∈En xj ∈En = X xk ∈En f (xk )Ln,k (x) = Sn (f, x). Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 12 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Thus Sn as a linear operator on the class of all real valued functions defined on [0, 2π] has at least 2n + 2 fixed points. Talking about fixed points of a linear operator leads to talking about the contraction which is considered in the following corollary. Theorem 3.5. For any function f on [0, 2π], the operator Sn (f, x) is not a contraction. Proof. We firstly recall that the space of all real valued functions on [0, 2π] is a complete metric space with respect to the metric (3.2) d(f, g) = sup{f (x) − g(x) : x ∈ [0, 2π]}. Now, if we assume on the contrary that Sn (f, x) is a contraction, then Sn will satisfy the requirments of the “Banach fixed point theorem”, and, hence, Sn has a unique fixed point. The last statement is a contradiction because Sn has at least 2n + 2 fixed points. Thus, we conclude that Sn is not a contraction. Since Sn is not a contraction, one may ask about the relation between d(f, g) and d(Sn (f ), Sn (g)). The following theorem answers this question. Theorem 3.6. Let f and g be any two functions on [0, 2π]. For each natural number n, we have (3.3) d(Sn (f ), Sn (g)) ≤ (2n + 1)d(f, g). Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Proof. Page 13 of 34 d(Sn (f ), Sn (g)) = sup |Sn (f, x) − Sn (g, x)| [0,2π] J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 = sup |Sn (f − g)| [0,2π] n = sup | [0,2π] ≤ sup 2 X [f (xk − g(xk )] Ln,k (x)| k=0 n 2 X [0,2π] k=0 2n X ≤ sup [0,2π] k=0 2n X ≤ sup |f (xk ) − g(xk )||Ln,k (x)| Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation |f (xk ) − g(xk )| n |f (x) − g(x)| = (2 + 1)d(f, g). Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled [0,2π] k=0 Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 14 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 4. Special Classes Of Functions Since the nodes of the interpolation are of the form 2kπ , one can think about 2n P2n 2kπ the limit; limn→∞ k=0 f 2n . In fact this idea introduces the following definition. Definition 4.1. Let U [0, 2π] be the class of all real valued-functions f on [0, 2π] and for which 2n X 2kπ lim f < ∞. n n→∞ 2 k=0 Lemma 4.1. The condition in the last lemma is equivalent to the condition X |f (xk )| < ∞. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled xk ∈E Proof. We show that Title Page 2n lim n→∞ X k=0 f 2kπ 2n = X Contents |f (xk )| xk ∈E in order to prove the lemma. For, numerate the countable set E as following: The elements of E1 are x0 , x1 and x2 . The elements of E2 − E1 are x3 , x4 . The elements of E3 − E2 are x5 , ..., x9 . In general, the elements of En+1 − En are x2n +1 , ..., x2n+1 . Now, 2n 2n X X X 2kπ |f (xk )| = lim |f (xk )| = lim f n→∞ n→∞ 2n x ∈E k=0 k=0 k JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 15 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 the last equation is valid because of our choice of the numeration. The reader must realize that any rearrangement of the above sums is not important because we are dealing with absolute sums. Example 4.1. Here we give an example of a function that belongs to the class U [0, 2π], i.e, we show that U [0, 2π] 6= ∅. For, let f : [0, 2π] −→ R be defined by ( 1 , x = xk , k2 f (x) = 1, x 6= xk . Here we consider some numeration for the countable set E. It is clear that n lim n→∞ 2 X f k=0 2kπ 2n = ∞ X 1 π2 |f (xk )| = = . k2 6 ∈E k=1 xk an = k=0 f Title Page Contents Example 4.2. In this example we show that the class U [0, 2π] doesn’t contain any polynomial of the form f (x) = axm . For, consider n Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled X Therefore, f ∈ U [0, 2π] 2 X Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation 2kπ 2n n = 2 X k=0 JJ J II I n 2 (2kπ)m 2m π m X m a nm = |a| nm k . 2 2 k=0 Although the exact formula for the last sum needs more complicated computations, we know that this sum will be a polynomial in 2n of degree m + 1. Thus, (2π)m an = |a| 2nm × g(m + 1), where g(m + 1) is the indicated polynomial. Now it is clear that, limn→∞ an = ∞. Therefore f 6= U [0, 2π]. Go Back Close Quit Page 16 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Lemma 4.2. If f is any real valued function on [0, R 2π2π] such that |f | is integrable in the sense of Reimann and f ∈ U [0, 2π] then 0 |f (x)|dx = 0. Proof. For each natural number n, En = 2kπ , 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n is a partition for 2n [0, 2π]. The subintervals of this partition are n 2π 2π 4π 2(2 − 1)π , 2π . 0, n , n , n , . . . , 2 2 2 2n Now consider the Riemann sum of f over this partition, n 2 2π X Rn (f ) = n |f (x∗k )|, 2 k=1 where x∗k is any point of the k−th interval of the partition. Since |f | is integrable (in the sense of Riemann) we can take x∗k to be xk = 2kπ and, hence, 2n 2n 2π X 2π X 2kπ Rn (|f |) = n |f (xk )| = n f . 2 k=1 2 k=1 2n Now write the integral of f as the limit of a Riemann sum to get Z 2π 2n 2π X 2kπ |f (x)|dx = lim Rn (|f |) = lim n f . n n→∞ n→∞ 2 2 0 k=1 P2n 2kπ But since f ∈ U [0, 2π] we have limn→∞ k=1 f 2n is finite. Thus, Z 2π 2π |f (x)|dx = lim n × (finite value) = 0. n→∞ 2 0 Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 17 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Lemma 4.3. If f ∈ U [0, 2π] and |f | is integrable in the sense of Riemann, then [0, 2π] does not contain any interval I such that f (x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ I. Proof. Assume that there is an interval I ⊂ [0, 2π] such that f (x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ I, then Z 2π Z Z |f (x)|dx = |f (x)dx + |f (x)|dx 0 I [0,2π]−I Z ≥ |f (x)|dx I >0 but this contradicts the last lemma, and the lemma is proved. Lemma 4.4. The only continuous function in U [0, 2π] is the zero function. Proof. Let f be a non-zero continuous function on [0, 2π], then there is at least one x ∈ [0, 2π] such that f (x) 6= 0. Since f is continuous at x, there must be an interval I containing x for which f (x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ I. But m(I) > 0 and this contradicts the last lemma. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 18 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 5. Some Convergence Results Lemma 5.1. For any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n , we have Z 2n−1 1 2πkit −ixt (5.1) Ln,k (x) = n exp e dt. 2 −2n−1 2n Proof. Z 2n−1 2πkit 1 e 2n −ixt dt n 2 −2n−1 Z 2n−1 2kπ 1 = n ei( 2n −x)t dt 2 −2n−1 i2n−1 h 2kπ 1 1 i( 2n −x)t e = n 2πk 2 i 2n − x −2n−1 h 2kπ i 2kπ 1 1 n−1 n−1 ei( 2n −x)2 − e−i( 2n −x)2 = n 2πk 2 i 2n − x 1 1 2kπ n−1 cos[2 = n 2πk −x ] 2 i 2n − x 2n 1 1 2kπ 2kπ n−1 n−1 i sin 2 + n 2πk − x − cos 2 −x 2 i 2n − x 2n 2n 1 1 2kπ n−1 i sin 2 + n 2πk −x 2 i 2n − x 2n sin 2n−1 x − 2kπ n 2 = = Ln,k (x). 2n−1 x − 2kπ 2n Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 19 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 The last proof is valid whenever x 6= xk ; the case where x = xk is easy to seen. Corollary 5.2. The Fourier transform of Ln,k (x) is ( (5.2) F (t) = 2π 2n exp( 2kiπt ), |t| < 2n−1 2n 0, |t| > 2n−1 Proof. Let F be the Fourier transform of f , then F must satisfy the equation Z 1 Ln,k (t) = e−ixt F (x)dx. 2π R By the last lemma we find that the function defined in equation (5.2) satisfies this condition, and since the Fourier transform is unique, the result follows. n Corollary 5.3. For any natural numbers n, k and j where 0 ≤ k, j ≤ 2 we have Z 2π (5.3) Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx = n δk,j . 2 R Proof. Let F and G denote the Fourier transforms of Ln,k and Ln,j respectively, then by Parseval’s theorem, Z Z 1 Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx = F (t)G(t)dt. 2π R R Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 20 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Firstly, if k = j, then Z Z 2n−1 1 4π 2 2π 2π Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx = dt = n = n δk,k . 2n 2π −2n−1 2 2 2 R Secondly, if k = 6 j then Z 2n−1 Z 4π 2 2πit( k−j 1 2n ) dt Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx = e 2π −2n−1 22n R h i2n−1 k−j 2n 2π = 2n e2πit( 2n ) 2 2iπ(k − j) −2n−1 1 = n 2i sin[(k − j)π] 2 i(k − j) = 0. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Corollary 5.4. Let f : [0, 2π] −→ R. For each natural nuber n we define 2n 2kπ 2kπix 2π X f exp , |x| < 2n−1 , (5.4) Fn (x) = 2n k=0 2n 2n 0, |x| > 2n−1 , then for any natural number n, we have Z 2n−1 1 (5.5) Sn (f, t) = Fn (x)e−ixt dx. 2π −2n−1 In fact, Fn is the Fourier transform of Sn . Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 21 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Proof. 1 2π Z 2n−1 2n 2kπix 2kπ 2π X f e 2n e−itx dx n n 2 −2n−1 2 k=0 Z 2n−1 2n X 2kπix 2kπ = f e 2n e−itx dx n 2 −2n−1 k=0 2n X 2kπ = f Ln,k (t) n 2 k=0 1 Fn (x)e−itx dx = 2π −2n−1 Z 2n−1 = Sn (f, t). Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Corollary 5.5. Let f be a real-valued function such that both f and |f | are integrable in the sense of Riemann, and such that f = 0 outside [0, 2π], also let F be the Fourier transform of f , then (5.6) lim Fn (x) = F (x), n→∞ where Fn is defined in Corollary 5.4. Moreover Fn −→ F uniformly. Proof. For fix x ∈ [−2n−1 , 2n−1 ], let (5.7) g(t) = f (t) exp(itx), Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back t ∈ [0, 2π] and consider the n-th Reimann sum of g over [0, 2π]; 2n 2π X 2kπ 2kπix f exp (5.8) Rn (g) = n 2 k=1 2n 2n Close Quit Page 22 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 therefore, n 2 2kπ 2kπix 2π X f exp lim Rn (g) = lim n n n→∞ n→∞ 2 2 2n k=1 = lim Fn (x), n→∞ which implies Z 2π f (t) exp(itx)dt = lim Fn (x) Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation n→∞ 0 thus, Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled F (x) = lim Fn (x) n→∞ The uniformly convergence fact follows because n (5.9) n 2 2 X X 2π 2π 2kπ 2kπix 2kπ lim ≤ lim f exp f n→∞ n→∞ 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n k=0 k=0 and the last series converges to a real number because |f | is integrable. By the M −test we have the result. And the corollary is proved. Corollary 5.6. For any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n , we have (5.10) f 2kπ 2n = 1 2π Z 2n−1 Fn (x) exp −2n−1 −2kπix 2n dx, Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 23 of 34 where {Fn } as defined in corollary 5.4. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Proof. Consider the Fourier series representation for Fn in (−2n−1 , 2n−1 ); ∞ X Fn (x) = ck exp k=−∞ 2kπix 2n , |x| < 2n−1 . Compare this withthe definition of Fn (x) to get ck = 0 for k < 0 and k > 2n and ck = 2π f 2kπ for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n . Also we know that 2n 2n 1 ck = n 2 Z 2n−1 F (x) exp −2n−1 −2kπix 2n Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation dx, Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled and hence f 2kπ 2n 1 = 2π Z 2n−1 F (x) exp −2n−1 −2kπix 2n dx. Title Page Contents The last corollary gives rise to the following new class of functions. Definition 5.1. Let J[0, 2π] be the class of all real-valued functions, f on [0, 2π] and 0 outside this interval) for which there is a function Fn satisfying the following conditions: • Fn (x) = 0 for all x outside (−2n−1 , 2n−1 ) for some natural number n R 2n−1 1 • f (t) = 2π F (x)e−ixt for all t ∈ [0, 2π]. −2n−1 n JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 24 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Although the class J[0, 2π] seems to be very complicated, it has many nice properties. In the following sequence of theorems we give the most important properties for this class. Theorem 5.7. For any function f ∈ J[0, 2π] we have the series representation f (x) = Sn (f, x), where n is as in the definition of J[0, 2π] and Sn (f, x) = (5.11) 2n X f k=0 2kπ 2n Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Ln,k (x). Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Proof. Since f ∈ J[0, 2π], there exists n0 such that 1 f (t) = 2π Z Title Page 2n−1 −ixt e Fn (x)dx Contents −2n−1 for all n ≥ n0 . The function F in the last equation can be represented on the interval (−2n−1 , 2n−1 ) by its Fourier series representation, i.e. Fn (x) = ∞ X ck exp k=−∞ 2kπix 2n JJ J II I Go Back , −2n−1 < x < 2n−1 Close Quit with 1 ck = n 2 Z 2n−1 2kπix Fn (x) exp − n 2 −2n−1 Page 25 of 34 dx. J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 By our choice of Fn we have, ck = 2π f 2kπ . 2n 2n Substitute this value in the Fourier series of F to get ∞ X 2kπ 2kiπx 2π f exp , |x| < 2n−1 , 2n k=−∞ 2n 2n Fn (x) = 0, |x| > 2n−1 . Now, 1 f (t) = 2π Z Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation 2n−1 e−ixt F (x)dx −2n−1 Z 2n−1 ∞ X 2π 2kπ 2kiπx −ixt f exp e dx n n 2 2n −2n−1 2 k=−∞ Z 2n−1 ∞ 2kπ 2kiπx 1 X = n f exp − ixt dx 2 k=−∞ 2n 2n −2n−1 ∞ 2n X X 2kπ 2kπ Ln,k (t) = f Ln,k (t) = Sn (f, t). = f n n 2 2 k=0 k=−∞ = 1 2π Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Theorem 5.8. If f ∈ J[0, 2π] then for n as in Definition 5.1, Close Quit Z 0 2n 2π |f (x)|2 dx = 2π X f 2n k=0 2kπ 2n 2 . Page 26 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Proof. Since f ∈ J[0, 2π] we have 2n X 2kπ f (x) = f Ln,k (x) n 2 k=0 for n as in Definition 5.1 . Now, Z |f (x)|2 dx R #2 Z "X 2n 2kπ = f Ln,k (x) dx 2n R k=0 # 2 Z "X 2n X 2kπ 2jπ 2kπ L2n,k (x) + f = f f Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x) dx n n n 2 2 2 R k=0 k6=j n Z 2 2 X X 2kπ 2jπ Z 2kπ 2 Ln,k (x)dx + f Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx = f 2n 2n 2n R R k=0 k6=j 2 2n 2π X 2kπ = n f . 2 k=0 2n Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close The following theorem tells us some type of convergence of our interpolation. Quit Page 27 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 Theorem 5.9. Let f : [0, 2π] −→ R such that f 2 is integrable in the sense of Riemann, then Z 2π Z ∞ 2 (5.12) |f (x)| dx = lim Sn2 (f, x)dx n→∞ 0 −∞ Proof. Firstly, we notice that !2 2n X 2kπ Sn2 (f, x) = f Ln,k (x) 2n k=0 2 2n X X 2kπ 2jπ 2kπ 2 = f f Ln,k (x) + f Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x). n n n 2 2 2 k6=j k=0 Now integrate both sides of the last equation on R, to get Z Sn2 (f, x)dx R 2n X ! X 2kπ 2kπ 2jπ = f L2n,k (x) + f f Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x) dx n n 2 2 2n R k=0 k6=j 2Z 2n X X 2kπ 2jπ Z 2kπ 2 = f Ln,k dx + f f Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx n n n 2 2 2 R R k=0 k6=j n 2 2 2π X 2kπ = n f . 2 k=0 2n Z 2 Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 28 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 The validity of the last equation arises from corollary 5.3. Now take the limit of the last equation as n −→ ∞ to get 2 Z 2n 2kπ 2π X 2 lim Sn (f, x)dx = lim n f n→∞ R n→∞ 2 2n k=0 but n 2 2kπ 2π X lim f n→∞ 2n 2n k=0 2 Z 2π = |f (x)|2 dx 0 because it is the limit of the Riemann sum for f 2 on [0, 2π], this completes the proof of the theorem. Lemma 5.10. Let f be any real-valued function on [0, 2π], then for any natural numbers n and k with 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n , we have Z 2kπ 2π (5.13) Sn (f, x)Ln,k (x)dx = n f . 2 2n R Proof. We recall that 2n X 2jπ Sn (f, x) = f Ln,j (x), 2n j=0 multiply both sides by Ln,k (x) and integrate on R to get: Z Sn (f, x)Ln,k (x)dx R Z X 2n 2jπ = f Ln,j (x)Ln,k (x)dx 2n R j=0 Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 29 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 =f 2kπ 2n Z L2n,k (x)dx R X 2jπ Z f + Ln,k (x)Ln,j (x)dx 2n R j6=k 2kπ 2π +0 2n 2n 2π 2kπ = nf . 2 2n =f Theorem 5.11. Let f be a real-valued function such that f and |f | are integrable in the sense of Riemann on [0, 2π], then (5.14) lim Sn (f, x) = f (x) a.e. Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled n→∞ Title Page on [0, 2π]. Proof. We saw in Corollary 5.4 that Fn is the Fourier transform of Sn , and that in Corollary 5.5, lim Fn = F n→∞ uniformly, where F is the Fourier transform of f . Therefore, lim F(Sn ) = F(f ) n→∞ but by our conditions on f and, F is a continuous linear operator, we have, Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 30 of 34 F( lim Sn ) = F(f ) n→∞ J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 So, we conclude that lim Sn = f a.e. n→∞ As a notation, Let Pn (x) denote the Lagrange interpolating function of Sn (f, x) with the nodes of En , and let Hn (x) denote the Lagrange interpolating function of f (x) with the nodes of En . Lemma 5.12. Let f be any real-valued function on [0, 2π], then Pn (x) = Hn (x). Proof. By the definition of the Lagrange interpolation we have, X Pn (x) = Sn (f, xk )Jn,k (x), Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled xk ∈En x−xj j6=k xk −xj where Jn,k (x) = and j ranges over the integers between 0 and 2n , included. But since Sn (f, xk ) = f (xk ) for all xk ∈ En , we would have X Pn (x) = f (xk )Jn,k (x) Q j6=k = Hn (x). Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Theorem 5.13. Let f ∈ C 2 x ∈ [0, 2π] we have (f (x)−Sn (f, x)) = n +1 Close [0, 2π] for any natural number n then for each Y n 1 n (x−xk ) Sn(2 +1) (ζ(x)) + f (2 +1) (ξ(x)) , n (2 + 1)! x ∈E k n Quit Page 31 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 4(2) Art. 32, 2003 where ζ(x) and ξ(x) are two numbers in the interval (0, 2π) and depend on x only. Proof. Let Hn and Pn as in the last lemma, then (f (x) − Sn (f, x)) = (f (x) − Hn (x) + Hn (x) − Pn (x) + Pn (x) − Sn (f, x)) = (f (x) − Hn (x)) + (Hn (x) − Pn (x)) + (Pn (x) − Sn (f, x)) Y 1 n = n (x − xk ) f (2 +1) (ξ(x)) (2 + 1)! x ∈E n k Y 1 n + n (x − xk ) Sn(2 +1) (ζ(x)) (2 + 1)! x ∈E n k Y n 1 n = n (x − xk ) Sn(2 +1) (ζ(x)) + f (2 +1) (ξ(x)) (2 + 1)! x ∈E k which completes the proof. n Some Convergence Results on Sinc Interpolation Mohamad S. Sababheh, Abdul-Majid Nasayr and Kamel Al-Khaled Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 32 of 34 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. 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