[ f ] ( f ) 2 f Proof: Look first at the LHS of the above formula: f z f y f x f z f y f x [ f ] , , y z z x x y Taking the 2nd yields: x-component: 2 f y 2 fx xy y 2 y-component: 2 fx 2 fz 2 xz x z-component: 2 fz 2 f y 2 f y 2 fx zy z 2 x 2 xy 3/24/2016 2 fx 2 fz 2 z x z 2 2 fz f y 2 zy y [ f ] ( f ) 2 f Proof (cont’d): Now, look at the RHS: ( f ) 2 f f x f y f z ( f ) ( ) x y z 2 2 2 fx f y 2 fz 2 fx f y 2 fz ( 2 , 2 , x xy xz xy y yz 2 2 fx f y 2 fz 2 ) xz zy z 2 2 2 2 2 2 f f fy f f f y y 2 x x x f ( 2 2 2 , 2 2 2 , x y z x y z 3/24/2016 2 fz 2 fz 2 fz 2 2 2 ) x y z (I) Gauss’ Law In CGS unit, integrating perpendicular component of E-field over closed surface gives total charge within surface. E (r ) dS qtot / E / Consider tot(r) = total charge density qtot tot (r ) dV V E (r ) dS E dV V Simple check from a “known” formula Coulomb force field: 3/24/2016 E q 4r 2 r (II) Gauss’ Law for B field Following Gauss’ Law Br ds qm 0 Bdv s v B 0 There are no magnetic charges or “monopoles” 3/24/2016 (III) Faraday Law The interplay between B and E You may know steady current generates magnetic field (or flux B) I B B I But also: increasing B generates counter-current because of a ‘rotating’ E field Or in formula form : 3/24/2016 C E dl t S B dS E dS S B E t (IV) Ampere Law For an entirely free current (quite rare, but possible - see sketch) the magnetic flux is related to the current through B d l I B d s total c s Note last part is after applying Stoke’s theorem. Defining the total current density Jtot (current per unit area): I free J free ds s We have B J tot Is this enough? No. Similar to the way a material influences E due to induced polarization, materials can also affect B due to induced magnetization current 3/24/2016 (IV) Ampere Law – Continued The time varying part is missing for the E field E dt This leads to the final result D B J free dt Displacement current D E E B dt 3/24/2016 Maxwell’s Equations in Vacuum E / B 0 B E t E B t where E is the electric field, B is the magnetic field, is the charge density, is the permittivity, and is the permeability of the medium. 2 E 2 E 2 0 t 3/24/2016 2 B 2 B 2 0 dt Derivation of the Wave Equation Take of: B E t [ E ] [ B ] t E / B 0 B E t E B t Change the order of differentiation on the RHS: [ E ] [ B] t [ E ] [ B] t 3/24/2016 E [ E ] [ ] t t 2 E [ E ] 2 t assuming that and are constant in time. The Wave Equations in Vacuum 2 E [ E ] 2 t becomes: 2 E 2 ( E ) E 2 t If we now assume zero charge density: = 0, then E 0 and we’re left with the Wave Equation in vacuum 3/24/2016 2 E 2 E 2 t The Wave Equations in Vacuum E E 2 0 t 2E 2E 2E 2E 2 2 0 2 2 x y z t 2 2 i (t k r ) E (r , t ) E 0e 3/24/2016 This is really just three independent wave equations, one each for the x-, y-, and zcomponents of E. Light is an EM wave 1 E 2 E 2 2 0 c dt 2 Why is light a transverse wave? The strength of E field vs B field? Why do they perpendicular to each other? 3/24/2016 Light is an EM wave 1 E 2 E 2 2 0 c dt 2 E / B 0 Why is light a transverse wave? The strength of E field vs B field? Why do they perpendicular to each other? 3/24/2016 B E t E B t Why light waves are transverse? Suppose a wave propagates in the x-direction. Then it’s a function of x and t (and not y or z), so all y- and z-derivatives are zero: E y Ez By Bz 0 y z y z Now, in a charge-free medium, E 0 B 0 that is, Ex E y Ez 0 x y z Substituting, we have: 3/24/2016 Ex 0 x Bx By Bz 0 x y z and Bx 0 x Correlation between E and B Suppose a wave propagates in the x-direction and has its electric field along the y-direction, how to determine the magnetic field? Ex = Ez= 0, and Ey = Ey(x,t). What is the direction of the magnetic field? Use: Ez E y Ex Ez E y Ex B E , , t y z z x x y So: In other words: E y B 0, 0, t x Bz E y t x And the magnetic field points in the z-direction. 3/24/2016 The Magnetic Field in a Light Wave Suppose a wave propagates in the x-direction and has its electric field in the y-direction. What is the strength of the magnetic field? Start with: Bz E y t x and E y (r , t ) E0ei ( kxt ) t We can integrate: Bz ( x, t ) Bz ( x, 0) Take Bz(x,0) = 0 ik Bz ( x, t ) E0 exp i (kx t ) i 1 Bz ( x, t ) E y ( x, t ) c 0 E y x dt E (r , t ) i k E (r , t ) E (r , t ) i k E (r , t ) E (r , t ) i E (r , t ) t 3/24/2016The electric and magnetic fields are in phase with equal amplitude. Why we neglect the magnetic field? The force on a charge, q, is: Felectrical Fmagnetic F qE q v B so: Fmagnetic Felectrical Since B = E/c: Fmagnetic Felectrical where v is the charge velocity qvB qE v c So as long as a charge’s velocity is much less than the speed of light, we can neglect the light’s magnetic force compared to its electric force. 3/24/2016 Metamaterials: new waves? 3/24/2016 Light is an Electromagnetic Wave Electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields are in phase. The electric field, the magnetic field, and the propagation direction are all perpendicular. 1 E 2 E 2 2 0 c dt 2 3/24/2016 EB k The Energy Density of a Light Wave 1 2 The energy density of an electric field is: U E E 2 11 2 The energy density of a magnetic field is: U B B 2 1 c Using B = E/c, and , which together imply that B E we have: 11 2 1 2 UB E E U E 2 2 Total energy density: U UE UB E2 So the electrical and magnetic energy densities in light are equal. 3/24/2016 The Poynting Vector for the Energy Transfer Rate S c 2 E B k The power per unit area in a beam. Justification (but not a proof): Energy passing through area A in time Dt: = U V = U A c Dt So the energy per unit time per unit area: = U V / ( A Dt ) = U A c Dt / ( A Dt ) = U c = c E2 = c2 E B And the direction E B k is reasonable. 3/24/2016 The Light Intensity (Irradiance) A light wave’s average power per unit area is the “irradiance.” S (r , t ) T 1 T t T / 2 S (r , t ') dt ' t T / 2 Substituting a light wave into the expression for the Poynting vector, S c 2 E B, yields: real amplitudes S (r , t ) c 2 E0 B0 cos 2 (k r t ) I (r , t ) S (r , t ) T c E0 B0 (1/ 2) 2 3/24/2016 The Light Intensity (Irradiance) Since the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular and B0 = E0 / c, I 1 2 c 2 E0 B0 becomes: I 1 c E0 2 ~ 2 where 2 E0 E0 x E E0 y E E0 z E 3/24/2016 * 0x * 0y * 0z Light is an Electromagnetic Wave 1. The electric field, the magnetic field, and the k-vector are all perpendicular: EB k 2. The electric and magnetic fields are in phase. 3. The light density an EM field: So the electrical and magnetic energy densities in light are equal. 3/24/2016