Review – The Wave Equation 2 y M2 1 T y x, t M1 T δx x x+δx x 2 2 y T 2 y y 2 c 2 2 t x x 2 3/22/2016 1 Review – Boundary Condition y A yB y A y B x x y1 t x vA y3 t x vB apply continuity conditions for separate components y2 t x v A y 3/22/2016 A combine forward and reflected waves to give total fields for each region B x hence derive fractional transmission and reflection 2 Review – Fourier Transform We desire a measure of the frequencies present in a wave. This will lead to a definition of the term, the "spectrum.“ Plane waves have only one frequency, w. This light wave has many frequencies – wave group. The frequency increases in time (from red to blue). It will be nice if our measure also tells us when each frequency occurs. 3/22/2016 Review – Wave Group When two waves of different frequency interfere, they produce "beats" Individual Waves Sum Envelope Irradiance: 3/22/2016 Spring 2016 Ch6. Electromagnetic Waves 1. A Brief History of Electromagnetism 2. The Wave Equation for Light 3. The Electromagnetic Spectrum 4. Vector Field Representation and Operators 5. The Maxwell's Equations 3/22/2016 Light is an Electromagnetic Wave Electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields are in phase. The electric field, the magnetic field, and the propagation direction are all perpendicular. 2 E 2 E 2 0 t 3/22/2016 2 B 2 B 2 0 dt The 1D wave equation for EM waves 2E 2E 2 0 2 x t where E is the light electric field w is the permittivity is the permeability of the medium k v E(x,t) = A cos[( w t- k x + q ] A = Amplitude q = Absolute phase (or initial phase) 3/22/2016 1 A Brief History of Electromagnetism 17th-century Kepler, Huygens …. 18th-century 19th-century Newton… Total internal reflection, Telescope, geometrical optics, the wave theory, prism dispersion, the particle theory of light Fresnel, Young… 20th-century Maxwell Michelson… Interference, diffraction, expressions for reflected and transmitted waves, unified electricity and magnetism Einstein Louis de Broglie … Light is (1) “a phenomenon of empty space” (2) both a wave and a particle “Light is, in short, the most 3/22/2016 refined form of matter.” More Definitions Spatial quantities: Temporal quantities: 3/22/2016 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 3/22/2016 The Electromagnetic Spectrum gamma-ray microwave 2 10 1 106 10 visible radio infrared 0 10 105 -1 4 10 10 3 10 UV 2 10 wavelength (nm) The transition wavelengths are a bit arbitrary… 3/22/2016 X-ray 1 10 0 10 -1 10 The Electromagnetic Waves GPS: ~1.5 GHz Microwave antenna The solar corona THz gap 3/22/2016 Photonics IR for night vision Electronics Why Study Electromagnetic Waves? One reason: fiber optics have replaced or will soon replace most wires. 3/22/2016 Infrared Lie-Detection 3/22/2016 Vector Fields EM waves are a 3D vector field. A 3D vector field f (r ) assigns a 3D vector (i.e., an arrow having both direction and length) to each point in 3D space. 3/22/2016 Vector Derivatives The “Del” operator: , , x y z The “Gradient” of a scalar function f : f f f f , , x y z The gradient points in the direction of steepest ascent. The “Divergence” of a vector function: f x f y f z f x y z 3/22/2016 Vector Derivatives The “Laplacian” of a scalar function : 2 f f f f f , , x y z 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 2 x y z 2 The “Laplacian” of a vector function is the same, but for each component of : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 f f f f f f f f fz y y y 2 x x x z z f 2 2 , , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x y z x y z x y z The Laplacian tells us the curvature of a function. 3/22/2016 The Wave Equations in Vacuum E E 2 0 t 2E 2E 2E 2E 2 2 0 2 2 x y z t 2 2 i (wt k r q ) E (r , t ) E 0e 3/22/2016 This is really just three independent wave equations, one each for the x-, y-, and zcomponents of E. The Equations of EM Waves Are Maxwell’s Equations E r / B 0 B E t E B t where E is the electric field, B is the magnetic field, r is the charge density, is the permittivity, and is the permeability of the medium. 3/22/2016 Divergence of Vector Fields Divergence is a number indicating the ‘outwardness’ of the vector field 1 Div F lim F dS V 0 V The divergence of a vector field is done through differentiation operator The change in a vector field in the direction of pointing 1 F lim F dS V 0 V F Fx Fy Fz x y z Tip: you can view divergence as a ‘source density’ 3/22/2016 Curl of Vector Fields The curl of a field defines the ‘amount of rotation’ in the field F x f x fx 3/22/2016 y y fy z z fz Curl of Vector Fields The "Curl" of a vector function f : f f z f y f x f z f y f x , , y dz z dx x dy The curl can be treated as a matrix determinant : x f x f x y y fy z z f z Functions that tend to "curl around" have large curls 3/22/2016 Quiz f ( x, y, z ) ( y, x, 0) f (1, 0, 0) (0,1, 0) f (0,1, 0) (1, 0, 0) f (1, 0, 0) (0, 1, 0) f (0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0) f y f x f z f y f x f z f , , y z z x x y 0 0, 0 0, 1 (1) Calculate , curl 2 of this function 0 , 0 the So this function has a curl of 2z 3/22/2016 (I) Gauss’ Law In CGS unit, integrating perpendicular component of E-field over closed surface gives total charge within surface. E (r ) dS qtot / E r / Consider rtot(r) = total charge density qtot r tot (r ) dV V E (r ) dS E dV V Simple check from a “known” formula Coulomb force field: 3/22/2016 E q 4r 2 r (II) Gauss’ Law for B field Following Gauss’ Law Br ds qm 0 Bdv s v B 0 There are no magnetic charges or “monopoles” 3/22/2016 (III) Faraday Law The interplay between B and E You may know steady current generates magnetic field (or flux B) I B B I But also: increasing B generates counter-current because of a ‘rotating’ E field Or in formula form : 3/22/2016 C E dl t S B dS E dS S B E t (IV) Ampere Law For an entirely free current (quite rare, but possible - see sketch) the magnetic flux is related to the current through B d l I B d s total c s Note last part is after applying Stoke’s theorem. Defining the total current density Jtot (current per unit area): I free J free ds s We have B J tot Is this enough? No. Similar to the way a material influences E due to induced polarization, materials can also affect B due to induced magnetization current 3/22/2016 (IV) Ampere Law – Continued The time varying part is missing for the E field E dt This leads to the final result D B J free dt Displacement current D E E B dt 3/22/2016 Maxwell’s Equations in Vacuum E r / B 0 B E t E B t where E is the electric field, B is the magnetic field, r is the charge density, is the permittivity, and is the permeability of the medium. 2 E 2 E 2 0 t 3/22/2016 2 B 2 B 2 0 dt