An Fabry-Perot Interferometer (Etalon) Ei Er R Er Ei Et 2 2 T Et Ei 2 2 A Fabry-Perot interferometer is a pair of parallel surfaces that reflect beams back and forth. An etalon is a piece of glass with parallel sides. 4/15/2016 Multiple-beam interference: The FabryPerot Interferometer or Etalon The transmitted wave is an infinite series of multiply reflected beams. r, t = reflection, transmission coefficients from glass to air Transmitted wave: E0t Incident wave: E0 Reflected wave: E0r Transmitted wave: n=1 n n=1 d = round-trip phase delay inside medium t 2 E0 t 2 r 2 e id E0 t 2 (r 2 e id ) 2 E0 t 2 (r 2 e id )3 E0 E0t t 2 E0 t 2 r 2e id E0 t 2 (r 2e id ) 2 E0 t 2 (r 2e id )3 E0 ... 4/15/2016 The Etalon (continued) The transmitted wave field is: E0t t 2 E0 t 2 r 2e id E0 t 2 (r 2e id ) 2 E0 t 2 (r 2e id )3 E0 ... t 2 E0 1 (r 2 e id ) (r 2 e id ) 2 ... E0t t 2 E0 / 1 r 2eid E The transmittance is: T 0t E0 2 2 t 1 r 2e id 2 t4 2 id 2 id (1 r e )(1 r e ) t4 (1 r 2 ) 2 (1 r 2 ) 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 {1 r 2 cos(d )} {1 r 2r [1 2sin (d / 2)]} {1 2r r 4r sin (d / 2)]} 2 2 Dividing numerator and denominator by (1 r ) 4/15/2016 1 T 2 1 F sin d / 2 where: 2r F 2 1 r 2 Etalon Transmittance vs. Thickness, Wavelength, or Angle Transmission maxima occur when: 2pL/l = 2mp or: l L/m The transmittance varies significantly with thickness or wavelength. We can also vary the incidence angle, which also affects d. As the reflectance of each surface (r2) approaches 1, the widths of the high-transmission regions become very narrow. 4/15/2016 The Etalon Free Spectral Range The Free Spectral Range is the wavelength range between transmission maxima. lFSR = Free Spectral Range lFSR 2p L 2p L 2p l l lFSR 2p L l 2p L[1 lFSR / l ] 4/15/2016 l 2p 2p L 2p L 2p l l[1 lFSR / l ] 1 1 lFSR / l 1 l2 lFSR l l L L Etalon Linewidth and Finesse The Linewidth dLW is a transmittance peak's full-width-half-max (FWHM). 1 T 1 F sin 2 d / 2 Setting d equal to dLW/2 should yield T = 1/2: 1 F sin 2 d LW / 2 / 2 2 or sin 2 d LW / 4 1/ F For d << 1, we can make the small argument approx: d LW / 4 2 1/ F d LW 4 / F The Finesse, F, is the ratio of the Free Spectral Range and the Linewidth: 2 2r we have: Substituting F 2 1 r d = 2p corresponds to one FSR 2p p F I 2 4/ F I p /[1 r 2 ] taking r 1 The Finesse is the number of wavelengths the interferometer can resolve. 4/15/2016 Simplest Laser Cavity is a Fabry-Perot! LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Required: gain medium + pump source + cavity (reflectors or recirculating loop) Example: Fabry-Perot cavity (two mirrors) 4/15/2016 The Amazing Wave – Laser Optical Communication Laser Machining Bar code scanner Cosmic MW background 4/15/2016 Laser lithography Medical Imaging Laser wake field particle accelerator An Fabry-Perot cavity (Etalon) with an inverted medium Ei Er R Er Ei Et 4/15/2016 2 2 T Et Ei Oscillation from photon noise? 2 2 An Passive Fabry-Perot Etalon E(1) Ei r E(2) Two parallel mirrors r E0t T E0 2 t2 1 r 2e id 2 t4 2 id 2 id (1 r e )(1 r e ) l T (tt ' ) 2 1 (1 rr ' ) 4rr ' sin ( d ) 2 2 E(1)t E(2)t d 4/15/2016 2pn l 2l cos 2 An FP with an Inverted Medium Then the propagation vector is k k c c c c Passive n with no gain medium (n dn(k )) i / 2 i dn Gain 2 Loss (tt ' e ( )l ) 2 T 1 R (1 rr ' e 4/15/2016 d ( ) l 2 2p (n dn) l ) 4rr ' e 2l cos ( ) l 1 sin ( d ) 2 2 An FP with an Inverted Medium An optical gain over certain spectral region (tt ' ) 2 e ( )l T 1 R (1 rr ' e ( ) l 2 ) 4rr ' e Oscillation from photon noise? what is the condition for 4/15/2016 ( ) l 1 sin ( d ) 2 2 Here comes laser! T An FP Etalon with an Inverted Medium An optical gain over certain spectral region k T 1 R 1 (1 rr ' e ( )l ) 2 4rr ' e ( )l sin 2 ( d ) 2 c ( 2) p p lp 2nc l cos 4/15/2016 l (tt ' ) 2 e ( )l 1 1 (1) ln 2l R1 R2 c d 2p (n dn) Gain threshold Cavity L modes 2l cos Ch7. Interference and Diffraction 1. Interference and fringes 2. Fabry–Perot interferometer 3. Division of amplitude & wavefront division 4. Diffraction (I) 4/15/2016 Interference & Diffraction Division of amplitude 4/15/2016 Division of wavefront Matter of scale Fraunhofer Diffraction Fraunhofer Diffraction from a slit is simply the Fourier Transform of a rect function, which is a sinc function. The irradiance is then sinc2 . 4/15/2016 Example: the Fourier Transform of a rectangle function: rect(t) 1/ 2 1 F ( ) exp( i t )dt [exp( i t )]1/1/2 2 i 1/ 2 1 [exp(i / 2) exp(i i exp(i / 2) exp(i sin( 2i F ( sinc( Imaginary Component = 0 4/15/2016 More About Sinc(x) Sinc(x/2) transform function. is of the Fourier a rectangle Sinc2(x/2) transform function. is of the a Fourier triangle Sinc2(ax) is the diffraction pattern from a slit. 4/15/2016 Fraunhofer Diffraction Fraunhofer Diffraction from a slit is simply the Fourier Transform of a rect function, which is a sinc function. The irradiance is then sinc2 . 4/15/2016 Diffraction and Fourier Transform 4/15/2016 Interference from Two Equal Sources of Separation f 4/15/2016 Young’s Double Slit Experiment The distance on the screen between two bright fringes 4/15/2016