Spring 2016 Ch4. Coupled Oscillations 6. Wave Motion as Coupled Oscillations 3/3/2016 The Wave Equation of a String 2 y M2 1 T y x, t M1 T δx x x+δx x 2 2 y T 2 y y 2 c 2 2 t x x 2 3/3/2016 2 Wave Motion as Coupled Oscillations Oscillation of infinite no. of coupled particles (lattice/medium): 2 2 y y 2 c 2 t x 2 y ( x, t ) f ( x ct ) yn An cos(nt kx) 3/3/2016 Analyzing a Wave • The amplitude is the maximum displacement of the medium from its equilibrium position. • The wavelength () is the minimum distance between two points which are in phase. • The frequency (ƒ) is the number of complete oscillations made in one second. Unit : Hz • The period (T) is the time taken for one complete oscillation. It is related to frequency by T=1/f Unit : s 3/3/2016 Types of Waves Mechanical waves in string (transverse wave) y y ( x, t ) 2 2 y 2 y c 2 t x 2 Sound waves in air (longitudinal wave) Gas displacement due to disturbance ( x, t ) 3/3/2016 2 2 2 c 2 t x 2 c: sound speed Types of Waves W A V E S M e c h a n ic a lw a ves T ra n sve rsew a ve s 3/3/2016 E le c tro m a gn e ticw a ves L o n g itu d in a lw a ve s T ra n sve rsew a ve s Waves by Simple Harmonic Motions 3/3/2016 Plane Wave Representation Amplitude Phase Angular frequency 3/3/2016 Wave Number Fix time 3/3/2016 Phase Velocity Follow 3/3/2016 @ Wave Propagation 3/3/2016 Spring 2016 Ch6 Continuous Wave Systems and Fourier Analysis 3/3/2016 Coupled Oscillations of a Loaded String y T a x 3/3/2016 A Complete Spectrum of Normal Modes It is possible to take any form of profile of the string, described by a function of x between x=0 and x=L and analyze It into an infinite series of sine functions. 3/3/2016 What Can We Learn? We desire a measure of the frequencies present in a wave. This will lead to a definition of the term, the "spectrum.“ Plane waves have only one frequency, . This light wave has many frequencies – wave group. The frequency increases in time (from red to blue). It will be nice if our measure also tells us when each frequency occurs. 3/3/2016 Sums of Sinusoids Consider the sum of two sine waves (i.e., harmonic waves) of different frequencies: The resulting wave is periodic, but not harmonic. Most waves are anharmonic. 3/3/2016 Fourier Decomposing Functions Here, we write a square wave as a sum of sine waves. 3/3/2016 Any Function Can Be Written as the Sum of an Even and an Odd Function E ( x) [ f ( x) f ( x)] / 2 O( x) [ f ( x) f ( x)] / 2 f ( x) E ( x) O( x) 3/3/2016 Even Function – Fourier Cosine Series Because cos(mt) is an even function (for all m), we can write an even function, f(t), as: f(t) F 1 m cos(mt) m 0 where the set {Fm; m=0, 1, … } is a set of coefficients that define the series. And where we’ll only worry about the function f(t) over the interval (–π,π). 3/3/2016 The Kronecker Delta Function m,n 3/3/2016 1 if m n 0 if m n Finding the coefficients in a Fourier Cosine Series Fourier Cosine Series: f (t ) 1 Fm cos(mt ) m0 To find Fm, multiply each side by cos(m’t), where m’ is another integer, and integrate: m0 1 Fm m ,m ' only the m’ = m term contributes m0 Dropping the ‘ from the m: Fm 3/3/2016 f (t ) cos(m ' t ) dt Fm cos(mt) cos(m' t) dt if m m ' m,m ' 0 if m m ' cos(mt ) cos(m ' t ) dt So: 1 f (t) cos(m' t) dt But: f (t ) cos(mt ) dt yields the coefficients for any f(t)! Fourier Sine Series Because sin(mt) is an odd function (for all m), we can write any odd function, f(t), as: f (t) 1 Fmsin(mt) m 0 where the set {F’m; m=0, 1, … } is a set of coefficients that define the series. where we’ll only worry about the function f(t) over the interval (–π,π). 3/3/2016 Finding the coefficients in a Fourier Sine Series 1 f (t) Fourier Sine Series: Fmsin(mt) m 0 To find Fm, multiply each side by sin(m’t), where m’ is another integer, and integrate: 1 f (t ) sin(m ' t ) dt Fm sin(mt ) sin(m ' t ) dt But: So: m0 if m m' sin(mt) sin(m' t) dt 0 if m m' m ,m' f (t) sin(m' t) dt Dropping the ‘ from the m: 1 Fm m ,m' only the m’ = m term contributes m 0 Fm 3/3/2016 f (t) sin(mt) dt yields the coefficients for any f(t)! Fourier Series f (t) 1 Fm cos(mt) 1 Fmsin(mt) m 0 m 0 even component odd component where Fm 3/3/2016 f (t) cos(mt) dt and Fm f (t) sin(mt) dt The Coefficients of a Fourier Series Fm vs. m We really need two such plots, one for the cosine series and another for the sine series. 3/3/2016 Discrete Fourier Series vs. Continuous Fourier Transform 3/3/2016 The Fourier Transform Consider the Fourier coefficients. Let’s define a function F(m) that incorporates both the cosine and sine series coefficients, with the sine series coefficients distinguished by making them the imaginary component: F(m) Fm – i F’m = f (t) cos(mt) dt i f (t) sin(mt) dt Let’s now allow f(t) to range from – to , so we’ll have to integrate from – to , and let’s redefine m to be the “frequency,” which we’ll now call w: F ( ) f (t ) exp(i t ) dt The Fourier Transform F(w) is called the Fourier Transform of f(t). It contains equivalent information to that in f(t). We say that f(t) lives in the “time domain,” and F(w) lives in the “frequency domain.” F(w) is just another way of looking at a function or wave. 3/3/2016 What Can We Learn? We desire a measure of the frequencies present in a wave. This will lead to a definition of the term, the "spectrum.“ Plane waves have only one frequency, . This light wave has many frequencies – wave group. The frequency increases in time (from red to blue). It will be nice if our measure also tells us when each frequency occurs. 3/3/2016 The Inverse Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform takes us from f(t) to F(). How about going back? Recall our formula for the Fourier Series of f(t): f(t) 1 F m m 0 cos(mt) 1 F' m sin(mt) m 0 Now transform the sums to integrals from – to , and again replace with F(). Remembering the fact that we introduced a factor of i (and including a factor of 2 that just crops up), we have: 1 f (t ) 2 3/3/2016 F ( ) exp(i t ) d Inverse Fourier Transform The Fourier Transform and its Inverse The Fourier Transform and its Inverse: F ( ) f (t ) exp(it ) dt FourierTransform f (t ) 1 2 F ( ) exp(it )d Inverse Fourier Transform So we can transform to the frequency domain and back. Interestingly, these functions are very similar. There are different definitions of these transforms. The 2π can occur in several places, and is generally written in the above form. 3/3/2016 Fourier Transform Notation There are several ways to denote the Fourier transform of a function. If the function is labeled by a lower-case letter, such as f, we can write: f(t) F() If the function is labeled by an upper-case letter, such as E, we can write: E (t ) {E (t )} or: 3/3/2016 E (t ) E ( ) Fourier Transform Symmetry Properties Expanding the Fourier transform of a function, f(t): F ( ) [Re{ f (t )} i Im{ f (t )}] [cos( t ) i sin( t )] dt Expanding further: = 0 if Re or Im{f(t)} is odd F ( ) Re{ f (t )} cos( t ) dt = 0 if Re or Im{f(t)} is even Im{ f (t )} sin( t) dt i Im{ f (t )} cos( t ) dt i Re{ f (t )} sin( t) dt Even functions of 3/3/2016 Re{F()} Odd functions of Im{F()} The Spectrum We define the spectrum of a wave E(t) to be: {E (t )} 3/3/2016 2 Example: the Fourier Transform of a decaying exponential: exp(-at) (t > 0) F ( exp( at ) exp( it ) dt 0 0 0 exp(at it )dt exp( [ a i t ) dt 1 1 exp([ a i t ) 0 [exp() exp(0)] a i a i 1 [0 1] a i 1 a i 1 F ( i ia A complex Lorentzian! 3/3/2016 Complex Lorentzian: Intensity and Phase a Real component 0 0 Imaginary component Real part Imag part 1 1 a i a L( ) 2 2 i 2 2 a i a i a i a a Intensity ( ) 1 2 2 a Im[L( )] Phase( ) arctan arctan( / a) Re[L( )] 3/3/2016 The Meaning of Fourier Transform Ex: pulse-driven dipole oscillators “Ringing forks” E(t) P(t) pulse excitation 3/3/2016 t t Projection between the conjugate quantities Example: the Fourier Transform of a rectangle function: rect(t) 1/ 2 1 F ( ) exp( i t )dt [exp( i t )]1/1/2 2 i 1/ 2 1 [exp(i / 2) exp(i i exp(i / 2) exp(i sin( 2i F ( sinc( Imaginary Component = 0 3/3/2016 More About Sinc(x) Sinc(x/2) transform function. is of the Fourier a rectangle Sinc2(x/2) transform function. is of the a Fourier triangle Sinc2(ax) is the diffraction pattern from a slit. 3/3/2016 The Fourier Transform of the Triangle function, L(t), is sinc2(w/2) 3/3/2016 The Convolution The convolution allows one function to smear or broaden another. f (t ) g (t ) f ( x) g (t x) dx 3/3/2016 f (t – x) g ( x) dx changing variables: x t-x rect(x) * rect(x) = L(x) We can perform convolution visually. 3/3/2016 The Fourier Transform of the Triangle function, L(t), is sinc2(w/2) 3/3/2016 Example 3/3/2016 The Convolution Theorem The Convolution Theorem turns a convolution into the inverse FT of the product of the Fourier Transforms: {f (t ) g (t )} = F ( w ) G ( ) { f (t ) * g (t )} f ( x) g (t – x) dx exp( i t ) dt Proof: f ( x) g (t x) exp(– i t ) dt dx f ( x){G ( exp(–i x)} dx 3/3/2016 f ( x) exp(–i x) dxG ( F ( G ( The Autocorrelation The autoconvolution of a function f(x) is given by: f f f (u ) f ( x u )du Suppose, however, that prior to multiplication and integration we do not reverse one of the two component factors; then we have the integral: f (u ) f (u x)du which may be denoted by f f. A single value of f f is represented by: 3/3/2016 f (u ) f * (u x)du The Fourier Transform of the Triangle function, L(t), is sinc2(w/2) 3/3/2016 The Fourier Transform of the autocorrelation 2 f (u ) f *(u x) du f ( x) f (u ) f *(u x) du exp(ikx) f (u ) f *(u x) du dx * f (u ) exp(ikx) f (u x)dx du * f (u ) exp(iky ) f (u y )dy du 3/3/2016 f (u ) exp(iku ) du F *(k ) F (k ) F *(k ) F (k ) 2 Examples The Autocorrelation Theorem can be applied to a light wave field, yielding important result: 2 E (t ) E *(t dt {E (t )} E ( 2 = the spectrum! Remarkably, the Fourier transform of a light-wave field’s autocorrelation is its spectrum! This relation yields an alternative technique for measuring a light wave’s spectrum. 3/3/2016 The Dirac Delta Function Unlike the Kronecker delta-function, which is a function of two integers, the Dirac delta function is a function of a real variable, t. if t 0 (t ) 0 if t 0 3/3/2016 Convolution with a Delta Function f (t ) t a ) f (t u ) (u – a) du f (t a ) Convolution with a delta function simply centers the function on the delta-function. 3/3/2016 Dirac -function Properties (t ) dt 1 (t a) f (t ) dt f (a ) exp(it ) dt 2 ( exp[i( ')t ] 3/3/2016 dt 2 ( ' The Fourier transform of exp(i0t) F{exp(i0t)} = exp( i 0 t) exp( i t ) dt = exp( i [ 0 ]t) dt = 2π ( 0 ) F{exp(i0t)} 0 0 The function exp(i0t) is the essential component of Fourier analysis. It is a pure frequency. 3/3/2016 The Fourier transform of cos(0t) F{cos(0t)} 1 2 = 1 2 = = = cos( 0 t ) exp(i t ) dt exp(i 0 t ) exp(i 0 t ) exp(i t ) dt 1 2 exp(i [ 0 ] t ) dt exp(i [ 0 ] t ) dt ( 0 ) ( 0 ) {cos( 0 t)} 3/3/2016 -0 0 +0 Some Fourier Transform Theorems The Fourier transform of a scaled function { f (at )} F ( /a) / a The Fourier Transform of a sum of two functions { f (t ) g (t )} { f (t )} {g (t )} 3/3/2016 Shift Theorem f (t a) exp(i a) F ( ) Intensity & Phase of Fourier Transform A laser pulse has the time-domain electric field: E (t) = Re { I(t)1/ 2 exp [ i t – i (t) ] } Intensity 0 Phase (neglecting the negative-frequency component) Equivalently, vs. frequency: ~ E ( ) = Re { S(0)1/ 2 Spectrum exp [- i j ( – 0) ] } Spectral Phase Knowledge of the intensity and phase or the spectrum and spectral phase is sufficient to determine the light wave. 3/3/2016