Math 165: Differential and Integral Calculus Summer 2013 Course Syllabus


Math 165: Differential and Integral Calculus

Summer 2013 Course Syllabus

INSTRUCTOR: Jos´ us Mart´ınez

Office: 468 Carver Hall

Office hours: MWF 10:00am - 11:30am or by appointment.



LECTURES: 209 Marston Hall, MTWRF 8:40am - 10:00am – Section B

TEXTBOOK: Calculus, 9th Edition, by Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell and Steve Rigdon

HOMEWORK: Every Monday I will post homework assignments on our website. Expect the homework to be turned in one week from the day it was assigned. For each homework set, I expect you to complete around 20 to 25 problems. On our website, I will post ”suggested problems” along with the 20 or 25 problems which are to be graded. Working these problems in a careful and timely manner is the most important way you have to learn the material. Feel free to discuss any of these problems with your friends, neighbors or family, but the solutions you turn in to be graded must be written independently. In other words, your solutions should not be identical to any other student’s solutions in order to receive full credit. If you want to request that a certain problem be discussed during class, let me know ahead of time at least one hour before the start of class by email.

EXAMS: There will be two exams of an hours and twenty minutes and one final exam. Calculators will not be allowed unless otherwise specified. There will be no make-up exams! I advice that you complete your homework assignments without the use of a calculator in order to be prepared for the exam questions.

PROJECT: At the end of each chapter I will assign a small project. The average of the four projects will be counted as one master project grade and it will be weighted as our first two exams.

GRADES: Scores for assignments and exams will be averaged as follows:

35% Homework assignments

15% Midterm exam ( × 2)

15% Project

20% Final exam

Scores will be averaged as described below:

≥ 89% grade is at least A-

≥ 78% grade is at least B-

≥ 67% grade is at least C-

≥ 56% grade is at least D-

≤ 55% grade is likely F

EXPECTATION: Foremost I expect everyone to be respectful at all times. Cell phones and other communication devices should be turned off during class time. In the event that a student needs to keep his/her cell phone on for an emergency, please notify the instructor before class. Even though attendance is not required, it is highly encouraged. Keeping up with your homework and suggested problems is very important, for I will use those problems as a guide when writing the midterm and final exams.

HELP: The Math Help Room is a Math Department run facility for students who have questions about material in calculus and pre-calculus. The Help Room is located in 385 Carver Hall.

It is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

DISABILITY: If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact me early in the semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation of your disability to the Student Disability Resources (SDR) office, located on the main floor of the Student Services Building, Room 1076, 515-294-6624.

CHEATING: Cheating is a serious offense against our institution, your instructor and your fellow classmates. The student caught cheating will be reported. If you are unsure of the university’s policy regarding cheating, please refer to the Iowa State University Catalog. Note that plagiarism (i.e. copying another student’s homework) is covered under the university’s policy.

Please don’t cheat.

OBJECTIVES: We will attempt to cover the following topics:


• Use graphical and numerical evidence to estimate limits and identify situations where limits fail to exist.

• Apply rules to calculate limits.

• Use the limit concept to determine where a function is continuous.


• Use the limit definition to calculate a derivative, or to determine when a derivative fails to exist. (1.1,

• Calculate derivatives (of first and higher orders) with pencil and paper, without calculator or computer algebra software, using:

◦ Linearity of the derivative;

◦ Rules for products and quotients and the Chain Rule;

◦ Rules for constants, powers, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, and for logarithms and exponentials.

• Use the derivative to find tangent lines to curves.

• Calculate derivatives of functions defined implicitly.

• Interpret the derivative as a rate of change.

• Solve problems involving rates of change of variables subject to a functional relationship

Applications of the Derivative:

• Find critical points, and use them to locate maxima and minima.

• Use critical points and signs of first and second derivatives to sketch graphs of functions:

◦ Use the first derivative to find intervals where a function is increasing or decreasing.

◦ Use the second derivative to determine concavity and find inflection points.

◦ Apply the first and second derivative tests to classify critical points.

• Use Differential Calculus to solve optimization problems.

The Integral:

• Find antiderivatives of functions; apply antiderivatives to solve separable first-order differential equations.

• Use the definition to calculate a definite integral as a limit of approximating sums.

• Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate definite integrals and to differentiate functions defined as integrals.

• Calculate elementary integrals with pencil and paper, without calculator or computer algebra software, using:

• Linearity of the integral;

• Rules for powers (including exponent -1) and exponentials, the six trigonometric functions and the inverse sine, tangent and secant;

• Simple substitution.

Transcendental Functions:

• Use the relation between the derivative of a one to one function and the derivative of its inverse.

• Calculate with exponentials and logarithms to any base.

• Calculate derivatives of logarithmic, exponential and inverse trigonometric functions. Use logarithmic differentiation.

• Use models describing exponential growth and decay.

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