ON QUASI β-POWER INCREASING SEQUENCES SANTOSH Kr. SAXENA H. N. 419, Jawaharpuri, Badaun Department of Mathematics Teerthanker Mahaveer University Moradabad, U.P., India EMail: ssumath@yahoo.co.in Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page Contents Received: 31 January, 2008 Accepted: 15 May, 2009 Communicated by: S.S. Dragomir 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: 40D05, 40F05. Key words: Absolute Summability, Summability Factors, Infinite Series. Abstract: In this paper we prove a general theorem on N̄ , pα ; δ summability, which n k generalizes a theorem of Özarslan [6] on N̄ , pn ; δ k summability, under weaker conditions and by using quasi β -power increasing sequences instead of almost increasing sequences. Acknowledgements: The author wishes to express his sincerest thanks to Dr. Rajiv Sinha and the referees for their valuable suggestions for the improvement of this paper. JJ II J I Page 1 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Main Result 6 Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 2 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction A positive sequence (γn ) is said to be a quasi β-power increasing sequence if there exists a constant K = K (β, γ) ≥ 1 such that Knβ γn ≥ mβ γm (1.1) holds for all n ≥ m ≥ 1. It should be noted that every almost increasing sequence is a quasi β-power increasing sequence for any non-negative β, but the converse need not be true as can be seen by taking the example, say γn = n−β for β > 0. So we are weakening the hypotheses of the theorem of Özarslan [6], replacing an almost increasing P sequence by a quasi β-power increasing sequence. Let an be a given infinite series with partial Pnsums (sn ) and let (pn ) be a sequence with p0 > 0, pn ≥ 0 for n > 0 and Pn = ν=0 pν . We define (1.2) pαn = n X Aα−1 n−ν pν , ν=0 Pnα = n X pαν , α = pα−i = 0, i ≥ 1 , P−i ν=0 where (1.3) Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 3 of 11 Aα0 = 1, Aαn = (α + 1) (α + 2) · · · (α + n) , (α > −1, n = 1, 2, 3, ...) n! Go Back Full Screen The sequence-to-sequence transformation (1.4) n 1 X α α p sν Un = α Pn ν=0 ν defines the sequence (Unα ) of the N̄ , pαn mean of the sequence (sn ), generated by the sequence of coefficients (pαn ) (see [7]). Close The series P an is said to be summable N̄ , pαn k , k ≥ 1, if (see [2]) ∞ α k−1 X α Pn α k Un − Un−1 (1.5) < ∞, pαn n=1 and it is said to be summable N̄ , pαn ; δ k , k ≥ 1 and δ ≥ 0, if (see [7]) (1.6) ∞ X n=1 Pnα pαn δk+k−1 α α k Un − Un−1 < ∞. case when δ = 0, α = 0 (respectively, pn = 1 for all values of n) In theα special N̄ , pn ; δ summability is the same as N̄ , pn (respectively |C, 1; δ| ) summability. k k k Mishra and Srivastava [4] proved the following theorem for |C, 1|k summability. Later on Bor [3] generalized the theorem of Mishra and Srivastava [4] for N̄ , pn k summability. Quite recently Özarslan [6] has generalized the theorem of Bor [3] under weaker conditions. For this, Özarslan [6] used the concept of almost increasing sequences. A positive sequence (bn ) is said to be almost increasing if there exists a positive increasing sequence (cn ) and two positive constants A and B such that Acn ≤ bn ≤ Bcn (see [1]). Obviously every increasing sequence is an almost increasing sequence n but the converse needs not be true as can be seen from the example bn = ne(−1) . Theorem 1.1. Let (Xn ) be an almost increasing sequence and the sequences (ρn ) and (λn ) such that the conditions (1.7) (1.8) (1.9) |∆λn | ≤ ρn , ρn → 0 as n → ∞, |λn | Xn = O (1) , as n → ∞, Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close ∞ X (1.10) n |∆ρn | Xn < ∞. n=1 are satisfied. If (pn ) is a sequence such that the condition Pn = O (npn ) , (1.11) as n → ∞, Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences is satisfied and δk−1 m X Pn (1.12) n=1 pn Santosh Kr. Saxena |sn |k = O (Xm ), as m → ∞, vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page ∞ X (1.13) n=ν+1 then the series P Pn pn δk−1 1 Pn−1 ( =O Pν pν δk ) 1 , Pν an λn is summable N̄ , pn ; δ k for k ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ δ < k1 . Contents JJ II J I Page 5 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close 2. Main Result The aim of this paper is to generalize Theorem 1.1 for N̄ , pαn ; δ k summability under weaker conditions by using quasi β-power increasing sequences instead of almost increasing sequences. Now, we will prove the following theorem. Theorem 2.1. Let (Xn ) be a quasi β-power increasing sequence for some 0 < β < 1 and the sequences (ρn )and (λn ) such that the conditions (1.7) – (1.10) of Theorem 1.1 are satisfied. If pαn is a sequence such that Pnα (2.1) = O (npαn ) , as n → ∞, Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 is satisfied and (2.2) m α δk−1 X P n=1 n α pn Title Page k |sn | = O (Xm ), as m → ∞, ( ) ∞ α δk−1 δk X Pn 1 Pνα 1 (2.3) =O , α α α α p P p P n−1 n ν ν n=ν+1 P then the series an λn is summable N̄ , pαn ; δ k for k ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ δ < k1 . Remark 1. It may be noted that, if we take (Xn ) as an almost increasing sequence and α = 0 in Theorem 2.1, then we get Theorem 1.1. In this case, conditions (2.1) and (2.2) reduce to conditions (1.11) and (1.12) respectively and condition (2.3) reduces to (1.13). If additionally δ = 0, relation (2.3) reduces to ∞ X pn 1 (2.4) =O , P P P n n−1 ν n=ν+1 which always holds. Contents JJ II J I Page 6 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close We need the following lemma for the proof of our theorem. Lemma 2.2 ([5]). Under the conditions on (Xn ), (βn ) and (λn ) as taken in the statement of the theorem, the following conditions hold nρn Xn = O (1) , (2.5) ∞ X (2.6) as n → ∞, Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences ρn Xn < ∞. Santosh Kr. Saxena n=1 Proof of Theorem 2.1. Let definition, we have (Tnα ) be the vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 N̄ , pαn mean of the series P an λn . Then by Title Page n ν n 1 X αX 1 X α α α Tn = α pν aw λ w = α Pn − Pν−1 aν λ ν . Pn ν=0 w=0 Pn ν=0 Then, for n ≥ 1, we get α Tnα − Tn−1 n pαn X α = α α P aν λ ν . Pn Pn−1 ν=1 ν−1 Applying Abel’s transformation, we have α Tnα − Tn−1 n−1 pαn X pα α = α α ∆ Pν−1 λν sν + nα sn λn Pn Pn−1 ν=1 Pn n−1 n−1 pαn X α pαn X α pα p ν sν λν + α α Pν sν ∆λν + nα sn λn =− α α Pn Pn−1 ν=1 Pn Pn−1 ν=1 Pn α α α = Tn,1 + Tn,2 + Tn,3 , say. Contents JJ II J I Page 7 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close Since α α k α k α α k α k Tn,1 + Tn,2 + Tn,3 , + Tn,3 ≤ 3k Tn,1 + Tn,2 to complete the proof of Theorem 2.1, it is sufficient to show that ∞ α δk+k−1 X α k Pn Tn,w < ∞, for w = 1, 2, 3. α p n n=1 Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences 1 1 0 Now, when k > 1, applying Hölder’s inequality with indices k and k , where k + k0 = 1, and using |λn | = O m+1 X n=2 Pnα pαn δk+k−1 1 Xn = O (1), by (1.9), we have X α k m+1 Tn,1 = n=2 ≤ m+1 X n=2 = O (1) Pnα pαn Pnα pαn m X k δk+k−1 n−1 α X p n α p s λ α α ν ν Pn Pn−1 ν=1 ν δk−1 pαν ν=1 = O (1) = O (1) m X ν=1 m X ν=1 = O (1) pαν 1 pαν k Pνα pαν δk−1 ν pαν |sν |k |λν |k |sν |k |λν | |λν |k−1 Contents n−1 X α Pn−1 ν=1 vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 Title Page 1 k |sν | |λν | α Pn−1 ν=1 m+1 X P α δk−1 k k n |sν | |λν | α p n n=ν+1 α δk Pν 1 |sν |k |λν |k α pν Pνα m α δk−1 X P ν=1 n−1 X Santosh Kr. Saxena 1 α Pn−1 !k−1 pαν JJ II J I Page 8 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close = O (1) = O (1) = O(1) = O (1) m α δk−1 X P ν=1 m−1 X ν=1 m−1 X ν pαν ∆ |λν | |sν |k |λν | ν α δk−1 X P u=1 u pαu k |su | + O (1) |λm | m α δk−1 X P ν ν=1 pαν |sν |k |∆λν | Xν + O (1) |λm | Xm ν=1 m−1 X Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 ρν Xν + O (1) |λm | Xm ν=1 = O (1) , as m → ∞, by virtue of the hypotheses of Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 2.2. Since νρν = O X1ν = O (1) , by (2.5), using the fact that |∆λn | ≤ ρn by (1.7) and Pnα = O (npαn ) by (2.1) and after applying the Hölder’s inequality again, we obtain m+1 X P α δk+k−1 n α k Tn,2 pαn n=2 ( n−1 )k m+1 X P α δk−1 1 k X n ≤ Pνα |∆λν | |sν | α α p P n−1 n n=2 ν=1 ( n−1 )( )k−1 n−1 m+1 X P α δk−1 1 X X 1 n ≤ pαν (νρν )k |sν |k pαν α α α p P P n−1 n−1 ν=1 n n=2 ν=1 m m+1 δk−1 X X Pα 1 n = O (1) pαν (νρν )k |sν |k α α pn Pn−1 ν=1 n=ν+1 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 9 of 11 Go Back Full Screen Close = O (1) = O (1) = O (1) = O (1) m α δk−1 X P ν ν=1 m−1 X ν=1 m−1 X ν=1 m−1 X pαν ∆ (νρν ) ν α δk−1 X P w=1 w α pw k |sw | + O (1) mρm m α δk−1 X P ν=1 ν α pν |sν |k |∆ (νρν )| Xν + O (1) mρm Xm ν |∆ρν | Xν + O (1) ν=1 = O (1) , (νρν )k |sν |k m−1 X Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena ρν+1 Xν+1 + O (1) mρm Xm vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 ν=1 as m → ∞, Title Page by the virtue of the hypotheses of Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 2.2. Finally, using the α fact that Pnα = O (npαn ) , by (2.1) as in Tn,1 , we have m α δk−1 m α δk+k−1 X X α k Pn Pn Tn,3 = O (1) |sn |k |λn | α α pn pn n=1 n=1 = O (1) , as m → ∞. Contents JJ II J I Page 10 of 11 Go Back Therefore, we get ∞ α δk+k−1 X α k Pn Tn,w = O (1) , α p n n=1 Full Screen as m → ∞, for w = 1, 2, 3. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. If we take pn = 1 and α = 0 for all values of n in Theorem 2.1, then we obtain a result concerning the |C, 1, δ|k summability. Close References [1] S. ALJANČIĆ AND D. ARANDELOVIĆ, O-regular varying functions, Publ. Inst. Math., 22(36) (1977), 5–22. [2] H. BOR, A note on some absolute summability methods, J. Nigerian Math. Soc., 6 (1987), 41–46. [3] H. BOR, A note on absolute summability factors, Internet J. Math. and Math. Sci., 17(3) (1994), 479–482. Quasi β-Power Increasing Sequences Santosh Kr. Saxena vol. 10, iss. 2, art. 56, 2009 [4] K.N. MISHRA AND R.S.L. 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