Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 1, Issue 2, Article 14, 2000 REGULARITY RESULTS FOR VECTOR FIELDS OF BOUNDED DISTORTION AND APPLICATIONS ALBERTO FIORENZA AND FLAVIA GIANNETTI D IPARTIMENTO DI C OSTRUZIONI E M ETODI M ATEMATICI IN A RCHITETTURA , -80134 NAPOLI , I TALY URL: VIA M ONTEOLIVETO , 3 D IPARTIMENTO DI M ATEMATICA E A PPLICAZIONI “R. C ACCIOPPOLI ”, VIA C INTIA , 80126 NAPOLI , I TALY Received 17 January, 2000; accepted 4 April, 2000 Communicated by S. Saitoh A BSTRACT. In this paper we prove higher integrability results for vector fields B, E, (B, E) ∈ L2− (Ω, Rn ) × L2−ε (Ω, Rn ), ε small, such that div B = 0, curl E = 0 satisfying a “reverse” inequality of the type 1 2 2 |B| + |E| ≤ K + hB, Ei + |F |2 K with K ≥ 1 and F ∈ Lr (Ω, Rn ), r > 2 − ε. Applications to the theory of quasiconformal mappings and partial differential equations are given. In particular, we prove regularity results for very weak solutions of equations of the type div a(x, ∇u) = div F. 2 2 If |a(x, z)| + |z| ≤ (K + 1/K) ha(x, z), zi, in the homogeneous case, our method provides a new proof of the regularity result 1,2−ε 1,2+ε u ∈ Wloc (Ω) ⇒ u ∈ Wloc (Ω) where ε is sufficiently small. A result of higher integrability for functions verifying a reverse integral inequality is used, and its optimality is proved. Key words and phrases: Reverse Inequalities, Finite Distortion Vector Fields, Div-Curl Vector Fields, Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J60, 26D15. ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2000 Victoria University. All rights reserved. We wish to thank Prof. T. Iwaniec for stimulating discussions on this subject. This work has been performed as a part of a National Research Project supported by M.U.R.S.T.. 022-99 2 A LBERTO F IORENZA AND F LAVIA G IANNETTI 1. I NTRODUCTION 1,2+ε 1,2 The usual way to establish the Wloc (Ω), ε > 0, regularity of solutions u ∈ Wloc (Ω) of equations of the type div a(x, ∇u) = div F in Ω, where |a(x, z)|2 + |z|2 ≤ (K + 1/K) ha(x, z), zi, is to combine the Caccioppoli inequality # "Z 2 Z Z u − u 2R |∇u|2 dx ≤ c |F |2 dx , 2R dx + 2Q Q 2Q where R is the sidelength of the cube Q ⊂ 2Q ⊂ Ω, with the Poincaré-Sobolev inequality ! 12 Z n+2 Z 2n u − uR 2 2n dx n+2 |∇u| dx , ≤ R Q Q to obtain the nonhomogeneous reverse Hölder inequality (Z n+2 Z (|∇u|2 ) |∇u|2 dx ≤ c (1.1) Q n n+2 Z n dx + ) |F |2 dx . 2Q 2Q The higher integrability result then arises by using the well-known Giaquinta-Modica technique [3, 2]. The aim of this paper is to provide a different way to get regularity results, based on inequalities for div-curl vector fields (see Theorem 2.1, [5, 10]). Starting from these inequalities, under the assumption of bounded distortion, we get directly a family of reverse type inequalities, namely Z (1.2) (|∇u|2 )1−ε dx Q Z n+1 Z Z n n 2 1−ε 2 (1−ε) n+1 ≤ c1 ε (|∇u| ) dx + c2 dx + c3 (|F |2 )(1−ε) dx. (|∇u| ) 2Q 2Q 2Q Notice that, even if inequality (1.2) contains an extra term, by using our method we are able to obtain a higher integrability result also for very weak solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations by just assuming an integrability on the gradient below the natural exponent (see [8]). Let us observe also that if ε = 0 the exponent n/(n + 1) in inequality (1.2) is larger than the exponent n/(n + 2) in inequality (1.1). Actually, inequality (1.2) follows from a more general argument about vector fields of bounded distortion, which includes an analogous result of the theory of quasiregular mappings (with the same exponent we get in (1.2), see [7]). After recalling known results in Section 2, we prove a higher integrability result for functions verifying a reverse-type inequality (Theorem 3.1) in Section 3. In Section 4 we give a counterexample showing that generally the assumptions in Theorem 3.1 cannot be weakened. In Section 5 we prove a higher integrability result for finite distortion vector fields (see Proposition 5.1), and we give some applications to the theory of quasiconformal mappings and to the theory of regularity for very weak solutions of homogeneous nonlinear elliptic equations in divergence form. Finally, in Section 6, we extend our method to the case of more general vector fields in order to study the case of nonhomogeneous equations (see Theorem 6.1). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 R EGULARITY R ESULTS F OR V ECTOR F IELDS 3 2. P RELIMINARY R ESULTS In the following we will consider div-curl vector fields B = (B1 , . . . , Bn ) ∈ Lq (Rn , Rn ), E = (E1 , . . . , En ) ∈ Lp (Rn , Rn ), 1 < p, q < ∞, p1 + 1q = 1, i.e. ∂Ei ∂Ej curl E = − =0 ∂xj ∂xi i,j=1,...,n (2.1) n X ∂Bi div B = =0 ∂x i i=1 in the sense of distributions. The following basic estimates are established in [5] (see also [10] for the present formulation). We denote by Q0 , Q open cubes in Rn with sides parallel to the coordinate axis, and by 2Q the cube with the same center of Q and double side-length. Theorem 2.1. Let 1 < p, q < ∞ be a Hölder conjugate pair, p1 + 1q = 1, and let 1 < r, s < ∞ be a Sobolev conjugate pair, 1r + 1s = 1 + n1 . Then there exists a constant cn = cn (p, s) such that for each cube Q such that 2Q ⊂ Q0 ⊂ Rn we have (2.2) Z p1 Z Z 1q hB, Ei (1−ε)q (1−ε)p |B| dx |E| dx |B|ε |E|ε dx ≤ cn ε 2Q 2Q Q 1sZ Z (1−ε)s |E| dx + cn 2Q (1−ε)r |B| r1 dx , 2Q p−1 q−1 r−1 s−1 whenever 0 ≤ 2ε ≤ min , , , and div B = 0, curl E = 0. p q r s The following proposition by Giaquinta-Modica [3, 2] will be useful in the sequel. Proposition 2.2. Let g ∈ Lα (Q0 ), α > 1 and f ∈ Lr (Q0 ), r > α be two non-negative functions and suppose that for every cube Q such that 2Q ⊂ Q0 the following estimate holds Z α Z Z Z α α (2.3) g dx ≤ b gdx + f dx + θ g α dx Q 2Q 2Q 2Q with b > 1. There exist constants θ0 = θ0 (α, n), σ0 = σ0 (b, θ, α, r, n) such that if θ < θ0 , then g ∈ Lα+σ loc (Q0 ) for all 0 < σ < σ0 and (Z ) 1 1 Z α+σ α1 Z α+σ (2.4) ≤c g α+σ dx + g α dx , f α+σ dx Q 2Q 2Q where c is a positive constant depending on b, θ, α, r, n. 3. R EVERSE H ÖLDER I NEQUALITIES AND H IGHER I NTEGRABILITY This section is concerned with a variant of the result established in Proposition 2.2. We remark that in our assumption (3.1) we will consider a family of inequalities of the type (2.3) in which both the exponent of integrability of the function g and a coefficient in the right hand side depend on ε. Nevertheless, even if Proposition 2.2 cannot be applied a priori, in the theorem we will prove that we can obtain a higher integrability result for g and an estimate of the type (2.4). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 4 A LBERTO F IORENZA AND F LAVIA G IANNETTI Theorem 3.1. Let g ∈ L2(1−ε) (Q0 ) and f ∈ Lr (Q0 ), 0 ≤ ε < 12 , r > 2(1 − ε), be nonnegative functions such that (Z ) n+1 Z Z Z n n g 2(1−ε) dx + c2 g 2(1−ε) dx ≤ c1 ε (3.1) f 2(1−ε) dx g 2(1−ε) n+1 dx + 2Q Q 2Q 2Q for every cube Q ⊂ 2Q ⊂ Q0 , for some constants c1 ≥ 0, c2 > 0. Then there exist ε̄ = ε̄(c1 , n) and η̄ = η̄(c1 , c2 , r, ε, n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ε̄, then g ∈ 2(1−ε)+η Lloc (Q0 ), ∀ 0 ≤ η < η̄ and ) (Z 1 1 1 2(1−ε)+η Z 2(1−ε)+η 2(1−ε) Z 2(1−ε)+η 2(1−ε) 2(1−ε)+η g dx ≤c f dx , g dx + Q 2Q 2Q where c is a positive constant depending on c2 , r, ε, n. n n Proof. Since the functions gε = g 2(1−ε) n+1 , fε = f 2(1−ε) n+1 verify the inequality (Z n+1 Z ) Z Z n+1 n n+1 n+1 n n fε dx gε dx + gε dx ≤ c2 (3.2) gε n dx + c1 ε 2Q 2Q Q 2Q we can apply Proposition 2.2 with α = n+1 and b = c2 . We get θ0 = θ0 (n) and σ0 = n σ0 (c2 , r, ε, n) such that, if (3.2) holds with c1 ε < θ20 , then gε ∈ Lα+σ loc (Q0 ) for every 0 < σ < σ0 , i.e. h i n+1 n +σ n g 2(1−ε) n+1 ∈ L1loc (Q0 ) ∀ 0 < σ < σ0 and Z n+1 +σ n gε (3.3) n+11 dx n +σ (Z n+1 n ≤c gε n n+1 dx Z fε + with c depending on c2 , r, ε, n. Set θ0 0 < ε̄ < , 2c1 If 0 ≤ ε < ε̄ and 0 ≤ η < η̄, we have 0 < η̄ < (1 − ε̄) ε < ε̄ < 1 − η̄ ) n n+1 +σ dx 2Q 2Q Q n+1 +σ n 2nσ0 . n+1 n+1 n+1 <1−η 2nσ0 2nσ0 or, equivalently, n n+1 2(1 − ε) + η < 2(1 − ε) + σ0 . n+1 n Therefore we get 2(1−ε)+η g ∈ Lloc and inequality (3.3) becomes (Z 1 Z 2(1−ε)+η ≤c g 2(1−ε)+η dx Q 2Q g 2(1−ε) dx (Q0 ) 1 2(1−ε) Z + f 2(1−ε)+η dx ) 1 2(1−ε)+η . 2Q Let us observe that upon closer inspection of the proof of Theorem 3.1, one can note that r the gain of integrability given by σ0 = σ0 (c2 , r, ε, n) is actually dependent only on c2 , 2(1−ε) , n. Nevertheless, if f ≡ 0 a.e. in Q0 , the number σ0 , and therefore also η̄ and c, do not depend on ε. This remark is crucial to prove the following. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 R EGULARITY R ESULTS F OR V ECTOR F IELDS 5 1 2 and g ∈ L2(1−ε) (Q0 ), Q0 ⊂ Rn , be such that Z n+1 Z Z n n g 2(1−ε) dx ≤ c1 ε g 2(1−ε) dx + c2 g 2(1−ε) n+1 dx Corollary 3.2. Let 0 ≤ ε < Q 2Q 2Q for every cube Q ⊂ 2Q ⊂ Q0 . Then there exists ε̄ = ε̄(c1 , n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ε̄, then g ∈ L2+2ε loc (Q0 ) and 1 1 2(1−ε) 2(1+ε) Z Z 2(1−ε) 2(1+ε) g dx g dx ≤c (3.4) 2Q Q where c is a positive constant depending on c2 , n. Proof. Let us apply Theorem 3.1 with f ≡ 0 a.e. in Q0 . If ε < min(ε̄, η̄4 ), choosing η = 4ε, from inequality (3.1) we get g ∈ L2+2ε loc (Q0 ) and inequality (3.4) holds. 4. A C OUNTEREXAMPLE Let us consider f, g non-negative functions on a cube Q0 satisfying assumptions of the type of Theorem 3.1 with c1 = 0, namely, f, g are such that g ∈ Lα (Q0 ), f ∈ Lλα (Q0 ) for some α > 1, λ > 1 and α1 Z α1 Z Z f α dx ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 . gdx + b g α dx ≤a (4.1) 2Q 2Q Q In this case it is known, [6], that if λ is sufficiently close to 1, g ∈ Lλα loc (Q0 ) and 1 1 λα λ1 Z λα Z Z λα λ λα f dx , g dx + bλ g dx ≤ aλ (4.2) 2Q 2Q Q where aλ and bλ are constants depending only on n, α, a, b. In the following we show that, even if it is still true that g ∈ Lλα loc (Q0 ) for any λ < 1 (sufficiently small), one cannot find any λ < 1, aλ > 0, bλ > 0 such that estimate for any T (4.2) holds α α p g ∈ L (Q0 ), f ∈ L (Q0 ) verifying (4.1). If we consider a function f ∈ 1≤p<α L (Q0 ) such R that Q f α dx = +∞ ∀Q ⊂ Q0 , of course we have f ∈ Lλα (Q0 ) for λ < 1, and it is possible to show immediately that there are no aλ , bλ > 0 such that (4.2) holds for any g ∈ Lα (Q0 ), for any f ∈ Lλα (Q0 ) verifying (4.1). We will proceed as follows: by a contradiction argument, we will be able to prove that there exists λ < 1 such that any function g0 ∈ Lλα (Q0 ), g0 > 0, satisfies a certain reverse inequality, which is generally false. Let g ∈ C(Q0 ), g > 0. Then there exists δ > 0 such that Z α1 Z α ≤2 g dx gdx ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 , diam 2Q < δ. 2Q 2Q In fact, sup g(x) ≤ sup |g(x) − g(y)| + g(y) ∀y ∈ 2Q x∈2Q x,y∈2Q and then, because of the uniform continuity of g, we have sup g ≤ 2 inf g. 2Q J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 2Q 6 A LBERTO F IORENZA AND F LAVIA G IANNETTI Let us divide Q0 into a finite number of disjoint cubes Q0 = N [ Qj j=1 such that 2Q ⊂ Q0 , diam 2Q ≥ δ ⇒ ∃Qj : Qj ⊂ 2Q. Now let us point out that if f is any function in Lr (Q0 ) for every 1 ≤ r < α, but Z f α dx = +∞ ∀j = 1, . . . , N Qj then there exist k min{f, k} fk = max j=1,...,N 1 ! 2α Z (min{f, k})α dx Qj such that Z 2Q 1 fk k α α1 Z α ≥ max g ≥ Q0 α1 ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 , diam 2Q ≥ δ. g dx 2Q Therefore Z α1 α g dx Z Z ≤2 1 fk k gdx + 2Q 2Q 2Q α α1 ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 , i.e. g, k1 fk satisfy inequality (4.1). Let us suppose to the contrary that for some λ < 1 Z g λα dx 1 λα Z ≤ aλ g λ dx λ1 Z + bλ 2Q Q 2Q Letting k tend to infinity, we have the inequality 1 Z λα Z λ1 λα λ ≤ aλ g dx g dx Q 1 fk k 1 λα ! λα ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 . ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0 2Q for every continuous function g. This inequality, by an approximation argument, extends to every function g0 ∈ Lλα (Q0 ), g0 > 0 1 Z λα Z λ1 λα λ ≤ aλ g0 dx ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Q0, g0 dx Q 2Q which is absurd, since this inequality implies a higher integrability for g0 . 5. H IGHER I NTEGRABILITY R ESULTS AND A PPLICATIONS We start with the following regularity result for vector fields of bounded distortion Proposition 5.1. Let Ω ⊂ Rn , 0 < < 1 and Φ = (E, B) ∈ L2− (Ω, Rn ) × L2−ε (Ω, Rn ) be such that div B = 0, curl E = 0 and 1 2 2 (5.1) |B(x)| + |E(x)| ≤ K + hB(x), E(x)i a.e. in Ω, K J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 R EGULARITY R ESULTS F OR V ECTOR F IELDS 7 2+ε n n where K ≥ 1. Then there exists ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) such that Φ ∈ L2+ε loc (Ω, R ) × Lloc (Ω, R ) for all 0 < ε < ε̄ and 1 1 2−ε 2+ε Z Z 2−ε 2+ε |Φ| dx ∀Q, 2Q ⊂ Ω, |Φ| dx ≤c 2Q Q where c is a positive constant depending on K, n. Proof. Let us fix the cube Q such that 2Q ⊂ Ω. Applying Theorem 2.1 with p = q = 2 and 2n r = s = n+1 , from inequality (5.1) we get Z 2 2 1−ε (|B| +|E| ) n+1 Z Z n n 2 2 (1−ε) n+1 2 2 1−ε dx ≤ cn,K ε (|B| +|E| ) dx+cn,K (|B| + |E| ) dx Q 2Q 2Q for ε sufficiently small. Substituting g 2 for |B|2 + |E|2 in the last inequality gives n+1 Z Z Z n n (2−2ε) n+1 2−2ε 2−2ε g dx . g dx + cn,K g dx ≤ cn,K ε 2Q 2Q Q By Corollary 3.2 there exists ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ε̄, then g ∈ L2+2ε loc (Ω) and 1 1 2−2ε 2+2ε Z Z g 2−2ε dx g 2+2ε dx ≤c 2Q Q and then the assertion. Now we consider the equation on a bounded open set Ω ⊂ Rn , Au = 0 in Ω ⊂ Rn , where A is a differential operator defined by Au = div a(x, ∇u). Here a : Ω × Rn → Rn is a mapping such that x → a(x, z) is measurable for all z ∈ Rn and z → a(x, z) is continuous for almost every x ∈ Ω. Furthermore, we assume that there exists K ≥ 1 such that for almost every x ∈ Ω we have 1 2 2 (5.2) |a(x, z)| + |z| ≤ K + ha(x, z), zi, K where x, z are arbitrary vectors in Rn . Let us prove the following result (originally proved in [9], in the linear case, by using a duality technique). Corollary 5.2. Let 0 < < 1 2 1,2−2ε and u ∈ Wloc (Ω) be a very weak solution of div a(x, ∇u) = 0. 1,2+2ε Then there exists ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) such that u ∈ Wloc (Ω) for all 0 < ε < ε̄ and 1 1 Z 2+2ε Z 2−2ε 2+2ε 2−2ε ≤c |∇u| dx , |∇u| dx Q 2Q where c is a positive constant depending on K, n. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 8 A LBERTO F IORENZA AND F LAVIA G IANNETTI Proof. Setting E = ∇u, B = a(x, ∇u) we have div B = 0, curl E = 0 and, by (5.2), 2 2 2 2 |E| + |B| = |∇u| + |a(x, ∇u)| ≤ 1 K+ K ha(x, ∇u), ∇ui so that E, B are div-curl fields of bounded distortion. Applying Proposition 5.1 we get the assertion. Another interesting case to which Proposition 5.1 applies is when one considers a homeomorphism f = (f 1 , f 2 ) : Ω ⊂ R2 → R2 , f i ∈ W 1,2−ε (Ω) f K-quasiregular, i = 1, 2, K ≥ 1, i.e. 2 |Df (x)| ≤ 1 K+ K J(x, f ), where |Df (x)| denotes the norm of the distributional differential Df (x) and J(x, f ) is the Jacobian determinant J(x, f ) = det Df (x). Then, writing the Jacobian J(x, f ) as hB, Ei, where E = ∇f 1 = (fx1 , fy1 ) and B = (fy2 , −fx2 ) we have div B = 0, curl E = 0 and that (5.1) holds. It follows that for ε sufficiently small f ∈ W 1,2+ε (Ω, R2 ), giving back in this way the celebrated theorem by Bojarski [1]. Significant results about the Jacobian determinant are in [7]. 6. R EGULARITY R ESULTS FOR N ONHOMOGENEOUS E QUATIONS In this section we consider Φ = (E, B) ∈ L2−2 (Ω, Rn ) × L2−2ε (Ω, Rn ) such that div B = 0, curl E = 0, 1 2 2 |B(x)| + |E(x)| ≤ K + hB(x), E(x)i + |F |2 , K (6.1) (6.2) where F is a function in Lr (Ω, Rn ), r > 2 − 2ε, for ε sufficiently small. Theorem 6.1. Let 0 ≤ ε < 12 and E, B vector fields as in (6.1),(6.2). Then there exist ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) and η̄ = η̄(K, r, ε, n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ε̄, then Φ = (E, B) ∈ L2−2+η (Ω, Rn ) × loc 2−2ε+η Lloc (Ω, Rn ) for all 0 ≤ η < η̄ and (6.3) (Z ) 1 1 1 Z 2−2ε+η 2−2ε Z 2−2ε+η 2−2ε+η ≤c |Φ|2−2ε+η dx + |Φ|2−2ε dx , (|F |2 ) 2 dx Q 2Q 2Q where c is a positive constant depending on K, r, ε, n. Proof. Let us fix Q a cube such that 2Q ⊂ Ω and set Q+ = {x ∈ Q | hB, Ei ≥ 0 a.e.} Q− = {x ∈ Q | hB, Ei ≤ 0 a.e.} J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 R EGULARITY R ESULTS F OR V ECTOR F IELDS 9 Let us observe that by (6.2), replacing |F | with f , we have Z Z −hB, Ei dx ≤ (|B||E|)1−ε dx ε |E|ε |B| − − Q Q Z ≤ (|B|2 + |E|2 )1−ε dx Q− 1−ε 1 2 K+ ≤ hB, Ei + f dx K Q− Z Z 2−2ε ≤ f dx ≤ f 2−2ε dx Z Q− Q and therefore Z Q hB, Ei dx = |B|ε |E|ε Z Q+ Z ≥ Q+ Z hB, Ei hB, Ei dx + dx ε ε ε ε |B| |E| Q− |B| |E| Z hB, Ei dx − f 2−2ε dx (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )ε Q Applying Theorem 2.1 with p = q = 2 and r = s = Z Q 2n , n+1 for ε sufficiently small, we get Z hB, Ei dx ≤ cn ε (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )1−ε dx (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )ε 2Q n+1 Z Z n n (1−ε) 2 2 2 n+1 (|B| + |E| + f ) dx + + cn f 2−2ε dx. 2Q 2Q By (6.2) hB, Ei ≥ cK (|B|2 + |E|2 − f 2 ) = cK (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 ) − 2cK f 2 and therefore Z (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )1−ε dx Q Z n+1 Z n n (1−ε) n+1 dx ≤ cn,K ε (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )1−ε dx + cn,K (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 ) 2Q Z + cK 2Q 2Q 2 f dx + (|B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 )ε Z f 2−2ε dx 2Q Z n+1 Z n n 2 2 2 1−ε 2 2 2 (1−ε) n+1 ≤ cn,K ε (|B| + |E| + f ) dx + cn,K (|B| + |E| + f ) dx 2Q 2Q Z + (cK + 1) f 2−2ε dx. 2Q Setting g 2 = |B|2 + |E|2 + f 2 , the last inequality implies Z g Q 2−2ε Z dx ≤ cn,K ε g 2−2ε Z dx + cn,K 2Q J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 g 2Q n (2−2ε) n+1 n+1 n dx Z + (cK + 1) f 2−2ε dx. 2Q 10 A LBERTO F IORENZA AND F LAVIA G IANNETTI By Theorem 3.1 there exist ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) and η̄ = η̄(K, r, ε, n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ε̄, then 2−2ε+η g ∈ Lloc (Ω) for all 0 ≤ η < η̄ and ) (Z 1 1 1 2−2ε+η 2−2ε Z 2−2ε+η Z 2−2ε+η (f 2 ) 2 dx g 2−2ε dx + g 2−2ε+η dx ≤c 2Q 2Q Q and then the assertion. Let us consider now the following equation on a bounded open set Ω ⊂ Rn div a(x, ∇u) = div F, (6.4) where F ∈ Lr (Ω), r > 2 − 2ε, for ε sufficiently small and a : Ω × Rn → Rn is a mapping satisfying the assumptions of Section 5. 1,2−2ε Corollary 6.2. Let 0 ≤ ε < 21 and u ∈ Wloc (Ω) be a very weak solution of the equation (6.4). Then there exist ε̄ = ε̄(K, n) and η̄ = η̄(K, r, ε, n) such that if 0 ≤ ε < ¯, then 1,2−2ε+η u ∈ Wloc (Ω) for all 0 ≤ η < η̄ and ) (Z 1 1 1 2−2ε+η 2−2ε Z 2−2ε+η Z |F |2−2ε+η dx |∇u|2−2ε dx + |∇u|2−2ε+η dx ≤c 2Q 2Q Q for all cubes Q such that 2Q ⊂ Ω and where c is a positive constant depending on K, r, ε, n. Proof. Setting E = ∇u, B = a(x, ∇u) − F, we have |E|2 + |B|2 ≤ |∇u|2 + (|a(x, ∇u)| + |F |)2 ≤ 2(|a(x, ∇u)|2 + |∇u|2 ) + 2|F |2 1 ≤2 K+ ha(x, ∇u), ∇ui + 2|F |2 K 1 1 ha(x, ∇u) − F, ∇ui + 2 K + hF, ∇ui + 2|F |2 . =2 K+ K K Since by Young’s inequality 1 1 |∇u|2 − hF, ∇ui hF, ∇ui = 2hF, ∇ui − hF, ∇ui ≤ 2 · 2 K + |F |2 + 2 K 2 K + K1 1 1 2 2 ≤4 K+ |F |2 + 1 (|a(x, ∇u)| + |∇u| ) − hF, ∇ui K K+K 1 ≤4 K+ |F |2 + ha(x, ∇u), ∇ui − hF, ∇ui K 1 =4 K+ |F |2 + ha(x, ∇u) − F, ∇ui K we get " # 2 1 1 |E|2 + |B|2 ≤ 4 K + hB, Ei + 8 K + + 2 |F |2 , K K i.e. E, B are vector fields satisfying (6.1) and (6.2). From Theorem 6.1 we get the higher integrability for |E|2 + |B|2 and then for |∇u|; the estimate follows directly from (6.3). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 1(2) Art. 14, 2000 R EGULARITY R ESULTS F OR V ECTOR F IELDS 11 1,2 Remark 6.3. Let u ∈ Wloc (Ω) be a solution of the equation (6.4). Corollary 6.2 asserts that the function g = |∇u| verifies inequality (4.1) and, surprisingly, satisfies also inequality (4.2) with λ < 1 sufficiently small. Remark 6.4. We note that, arguing as in the end of Section 5, our result of higher integrability applies also to (K, K 0 )-quasiregular mappings (see [4]), i.e. functions f verifying f = (f 1 , f 2 ) : Ω ⊂ R2 → R2 , f i ∈ W 1,2−ε (Ω) i = 1, 2, 1 J(x, f ) + K 0 . |Df (x)|2 ≤ K + K R EFERENCES [1] B. BOJARSKI, Homeomorphic solutions of Beltrami system, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 102 (1955), 661–664. [2] E. GIUSTI, Metodi Diretti nel Calcolo delle Variazioni, Unione Matematica Italiana (1994). [3] M. GIAQUINTA AND G. 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