PUBLICATIONS DE L’INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE Nouvelle série, tome 99(113) (2016), 211–216 DOI: 10.2298/PIM1613211Z HÖLDER’S REVERSE INEQUALITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Chang-Jian Zhao and Wing Sum Cheung Abstract. We establish a new reverse Hölder integral inequality and its discrete version. As applications, we prove Radon’s, Jensen’s reverse and weighted power mean inequalities and their discrete versions. 1. Introduction The well-known classical Hölder inequality can be stated as follows. Theorem 1.1. Let ai and bi (i = 1, . . . , n) be positive real sequences. If p > 1 1 1 p + q = 1, then X 1/p X 1/q X (1.1) api bqi > ai b i . P Pn Here and in what follows means i=1 . and The integral version of (1.1) is the following. Theorem 1.2. Let f (x) and g(x) be positive continuous functions on [a, b]. If p > 1 and 1p + 1q = 1, then Z b 1/p Z b 1/q Z b (1.2) f p (x) dx g q (x) dx > f (x) g(x) dx. a a a Hölder’s inequality plays an important role in different branches of modern mathematics such as classical real and complex analysis, numerical analysis, probability and statistics, differential equations and et al. In recent years some authors [1,2,6,7,9,10,16–19] have given considerable attention to Hölder’s inequality 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D15. Key words and phrases: Hölder’s inequality, Radon’s inequality, Jensen’s inequality, power mean inequality. The first author’s research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11371334). The second author’s research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11371334) and a HKU Seed Grant for Basic Research. Communicated by Gradimir Milovanović. 211 212 ZHAO AND CHEUNG together by its integral version and various generalizations. Some reverse versions were recent established [4, 13, 15, 18]. We establish a new reverse Hölder integral inequality and with its discrete form. As applications, we prove Radon’s, Jensen’s reverse and weighted power mean inequalities. 2. Hölder’s reverse inequalities Lemma 2.1. If a, b are positive real numbers and p1 + (see [14]) a a b a1/p b1/q > + , (2.1) S b p q where h1/(h−1) S(h) = , h 6= 1. e log h1/(h−1) 1 q = 1 and p > 1, then Theorem 2.1 (Hölder’s reverse inequality). Let 1p + q1 = 1 and p > 1. If f (x) and g(x) are non-negative continuous functions and f 1/p (x) g 1/q (x) is integrable on [a, b], then Z b 1/p Z b 1/q Z b Y f p (x) (2.2) f (x)p dx g(x)q dx 6 S · f (x)g(x) dx, Xg q (x) a a a where Z Z b b f p (x) dx, X= q q (x) dx, Y = a a and S(h) is as in Lemma 2.1. Proof. Let a= f p (x) , X b= g q (x) . Y By using Lemma 2.1, we have Y f p (x) f (x)g(x) 1 f p (x) 1 g p (x) S · > + . Xg q (x) p X q Y X 1/p Y 1/q Therefore R b Y f p (x) S Xgq (x) f (x)g(x)dx 1 kf (x)kpp 1 kg(x)kpp a + = 1. > p X q Y X 1/p Y 1/q This proof is completed. Remark 2.1. Obviously, inequality (2.2) is just an inverse of inequality (1.2). Moreover, let f (x) and g(x) reduce to positive real sequences ai and bi (i = 1, . . . , n), respectively and with appropriate changes in the proof of (2.1), we have X 1/p X 1/q X Y ′ ap i api bqi 6 S ai b i , X ′ bqi P P where X ′ = api , Y ′ = bqi . This is just an inverse of the well-known Hölder’s inequality (1.1). HÖLDER’S REVERSE INEQUALITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 213 3. Applications of Hölder’s reverse inequality Theorem 3.1 (Radon’s reverse integral inequality). Let f (x) and g(x) be positive and continuous functions. If m > 0, then R m+1 m+1 b Ỹ f (x) Z b m+1 S X̃g m+1 (x) f (x) dx f (x) a , dx 6 (3.1) Rb m g m (x) a g(x) dx a where X̃ = b Z a f m+1 (x) dx, g m (x) Ỹ = Z b g(x) dx. a Proof. Let p = m + 1, q = (m + 1)/m and replacing f (x) and g(x) by u(x) and v(x) in (2.2), respectively, we have Z b 1/(m+1) Z b m/(m+1) m+1 (m+1)/m (3.2) u(x) dx v(x) dx a a 6 Z b S Ŷ u m+1 u(x)v(x) dx, (x) X̂v (m+1)/m (x) Rb Rb where X̂ = a um+1 (x) dx, Ŷ = a v (m+1)/m (x) dx. Taking u(x) = a f (x) 1/(m+1) , g(x) v(x) = f m/(m+1) (x) g 1/(m+1) (x) in (3.2), we obtain Z b Ȳ f (x) dx S X̄g (m+1)/m (x) a Z b 1/(m+1) Z b m/(m+1) f (x) 1/m > dx f (x) g (x) dx , a g(x) a where X̄ = Z b f (x) dx, g(x) a Ȳ = Z b f (x) g 1/m (x) dx. a Hence Z b a f (x) dx 6 g(x) R b a S m+1 Ȳ f (x)dx X̄g(m+1)/m (x) Rb m f (x)g 1/m (x) dx a . Replacing f (x) and g(x) by u(x) and v(x), respectively, and leting u(x) = f (x) m and v(x) = fg(x) , we get (x) Z a b f m+1 (x) dx 6 g m (x) R b a S where X̃ = Z a b f m+1 (x) dx, g m (x) m+1 Ỹ f m+1 (x) f (x) dx X̃gm+1 (x) Rb m a g(x) dx Ỹ = Z , b g(x) dx. a 214 ZHAO AND CHEUNG Remark 3.1. Let f (x) and g(x) reduce to positive real sequences ai and bi (i = 1, . . . , n), respectively and with appropriate changes in the proof of (3.1), we have P ′ m+1 m+1 Ỹ ai S X̃ ′ bm+1 ai X am+1 i 6 , Pi m m bi bi P P ′ where X̃ ′ = am+1 /bm bi . i , and Ỹ = i This is just an inverse of following well-known the Radon inequality [5] P m+1 X am+1 ai i > P m . m bi bi Theorem 3.2 (Jensen’s reverse integral inequality). Let f (x) and p(x) be posRb itive continuous functions and a p(x) dx = 1. If 0 < s < t, then 1/s Z b 1/t Z b f t (x) f s (x)p(x) dx > p(x)f t (x) dx , (3.3) S X̌ a a where Z X̌ = b p(x)f t (x)t dx. a Proof. From the hypotheses, we have Z b (3.4) Z b (3.5) f t (x) f s (x)p(x) dx X̌ a Z b Y̌ [ps/t (x)f s (x)]t/s s/t = S p (x)f s (x) · p1−s/t (x) dx, X̌[p1−s/t (x)]t/(t−s) a Rb Rb t where X̌ = a p(x)f t (x) dx and Y̌ = a p(x) dx. In view if p = st and then q = t−s , and by using (2.2) on the right-hand side of (3.4), we have S S a Y̌ [ps/t (x)f s (x)]t/s X̌[p1−s/t (x)]t/(t−s) > Z b a ps/t (x)f s (x) · p1−s/t (x) dx s/t Z b (t−s)/t (ps/t (x)f s (x))t/s dx [(p(x))1−s/t ]t/(t−s) dx . a Rb From (3.4), (3.5) and in view of a p(x) dx = 1, we obtain Z b t Z b s/t f (x) s S f (x) p(x) dx > p(x)f t (x) dx . X̌ a a Hence Z a b S f t (x) X̌ 1/s Z f (x) p(x) dx > s a b 1/t p(x)f t (x) dx . HÖLDER’S REVERSE INEQUALITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 215 Remark 3.2. If f (x) and p(x) reduce to positive real sequences ai and λi (i = 1, . . . , n), respectively and with appropriate changes in (3.3), we have 1/s X 1/t X at > λi ati , S i asi λi X̌ ′ P where X̌ ′ = λi ati . This is just an inverse of the following well-known Jensen’s inequality [3] X 1/s X 1/t asi λi 6 λi ati , Theorem 3.3 (Reverse weighted power mean integral inequality). Let f (x) Rb and p(x) be positive and continuous functions. If r > 0 and a p(x) dx = 1, then Z b R b p(x)f 2r (x) dx 1/r Z b 1/2r r 2r a (3.6) S p(x)f (x) dx > p(x)f (x) dx . f 2r (x) a a Proof. From the hypotheses, we have Z b R b p(x)f 2r (x) dx p(x)f r (x) dx (3.7) S a 2r (x) f a Rb Z b p(x) a p(x)f 2r (x) dx 1/2 = S p (x) · p1/2 (x)f r (x) dx. Rb a p(x)f 2r (x) a p(x) dx From (2.2), we obtain Z b 1/2 Z 2 (3.8) f (x) dx a b a 1/2 Z g(x) dx 6 2 b S a Y̆ f 2 (x) X̆g 2 (x) f (x) g(x) dx, Rb Rb where X̆ = a f 2 (x) dx, Y̆ = a g 2 (x) dx. By using (3.8) on the right-hand side of (3.7), we have Z b S a R b p(x)f 2r (x) dx a f 2r (x) 2 p(x)f r (x) dx > Z b p(x) dx · a Hence Z a b S R b p(x)f 2r (x) dx a f 2r (x) Z b 2r p(x)f (x) dx = a Z b p(x)f 2r (x) dx. a 1/r Z p(x)f (x) dx > r a b 1/2r p(x)f 2r (x) dx . Remark 3.3. 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Department of Mathematics, China Jiliang University Hangzhou, P. R. China, (Received 24 04 2013) (Revised 11 01 2016) Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong