A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: North Carolina State State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) 51.1 48.9 94.9 Percent with Disabilities State 1 13.3 Student Membership 1998 State 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 1,249,922 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 39.8 5.9 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) $2,166 State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 1 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 010 Alamance-Burlington The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 1.3 26.9 6.3 65.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 94.8 35.6 6.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 19,072 19,364 19,860 $1,080 $1,227 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 2 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 01A Lakeside Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 33.3 0.0 66.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 58.3 41.7 89.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 41.4 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 36 29 NA $3,625 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 3 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 01B River Mill Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.1 0.0 7.8 1.1 89.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.4 49.6 92.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 229 266 NA $941 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 4 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 020 Alexander County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 3.5 6.3 2.6 87.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.4 48.6 94.9 26.1 3.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,206 5,229 5,296 $734 $898 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 5 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 030 Alleghany County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.1 1.7 4 94.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 95.7 43.9 4.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,451 1,441 1,418 $0 $1,091 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 6 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 040 Anson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 1 63.7 0.37 34.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 95.2 63.4 3.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,424 4,419 4,468 $509 $912 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 7 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 050 Ashe County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.3 97.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 95.2 49.0 4.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,288 3,220 3,156 $150 $1,034 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 8 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 060 Avery County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.8 98.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.5 47.5 94.3 46.5 7.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 17.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,434 2,420 2,358 $1,043 $1,457 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 9 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 06A Grandfather Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 33.3 0.0 66.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.1 42.9 100.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 34.6 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 40 26 NA $4,269 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 10 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 06B Crossnore Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 19.6 1.8 78.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 69.6 30.4 96.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 37.7 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 53 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 11 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 070 Beaufort County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.2 43.1 2.5 54.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 94.3 51.8 9.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,363 7,310 7,324 $440 $1,183 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 12 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 080 Bertie County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.1 81.9 0.4 17.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.2 81.0 4.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,767 3,760 3,636 $1,156 $678 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 13 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 090 Bladen County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.9 0.1 51.4 2 45.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.6 49.4 94.7 60.9 6.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,626 5,678 5,642 $725 $955 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 14 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 100 Brunswick County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.7 0.2 25 2 72.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.4 49.6 94.6 44.4 9.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 9,568 9,737 9,980 $1,689 $1,567 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 15 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 110 Buncombe County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 0.7 7.1 2.2 89.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.3 48.8 94.9 29.5 4.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 24,409 24,543 24,540 $2,827 $1,416 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 16 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 111 Asheville City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.7 45.3 2.4 51.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 94.6 44.8 8.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,217 4,212 4,027 $2,848 $2,855 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 17 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 11A Evergreen Cmty Chtr American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.5 15.1 1 83.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 92.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 24.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 183 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 18 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 11K F Delany New Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 39 0.0 61 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.3 44.7 95.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 112 122 NA $1,282 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 19 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 120 Burke County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian System 0.1 9.6 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 8 2.9 79.5 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.7 49.3 95.0 38.4 6.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 13,748 14,034 14,149 $1,334 $948 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 20 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 130 Cabarrus County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.8 14 3.7 81.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.6 49.4 95.4 22.3 4.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 17,023 17,790 18,336 $1,697 $1,140 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 21 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 132 Kannapolis City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 1.6 31.3 6.3 60.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 95.4 50.2 4.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,876 3,909 4,128 $1,507 $1,186 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 22 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 140 Caldwell County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.6 8.3 1.4 89.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 95.4 34.3 7.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 11,879 12,093 12,372 $614 $987 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 23 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 150 Camden County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.6 19.2 0.3 79.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.4 48.6 95.0 26.9 4.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 8.9 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,203 1,268 1,287 $874 $736 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 24 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 160 Carteret County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 0.6 12.2 1.3 85.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.1 47.9 94.7 34.6 8.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 8,334 8,296 8,202 $1,340 $2,119 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 25 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 16A Cape Lookout High American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.9 11.6 1.8 85.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 44.6 55.4 89.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 23.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 88 107 NA $1,474 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 26 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 16B Tiller Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 98.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.7 44.3 94.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 21.6 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 74 88 NA $1,187 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 27 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 170 Caswell County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.1 44.6 1.1 54.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.6 49.4 94.8 42.5 7.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,517 3,474 3,561 $789 $983 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 28 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 180 Catawba County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 5.9 7.7 3.2 83.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.9 25.5 6.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 14,783 15,303 15,673 $2,428 $1,292 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 29 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 181 Hickory City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 9.6 28.9 5.6 55.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.8 50.2 95.5 43.4 6.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,313 4,278 4,388 $2,395 $1,288 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 30 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 182 Newton-Conover The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 6.5 19.7 7.6 66.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 95.3 34.9 11.1 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,728 2,725 2,726 $2,403 $1,390 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 31 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 18B Engelmann Art/Sci American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.6 0.0 37.1 0.6 61.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 56.5 43.5 95.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 167 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 32 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 190 Chatham County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 0.3 0.4 25.7 10.3 63.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 95.4 33.4 5.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,657 6,724 6,869 $1,349 $1,697 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 33 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 19A Chatham Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.9 2.5 13.9 1.3 80.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.6 42.4 95.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 142 156 NA $1,062 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 34 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 19B Woods Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 25.5 1.8 72.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 40.9 59.1 88.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 96 110 NA $1,734 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 35 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 200 Cherokee County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.6 0.4 2.6 1.1 94.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.8 52.3 5.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,443 3,420 3,476 $0 $833 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 36 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 20A The Learning Ctr American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 2.3 6.9 1.1 89.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.0 46.0 94.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 20.2 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 78 89 NA $0 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 37 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 210 Edenton/Chowan The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.3 50.8 0.6 48.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.8 50.2 95.1 56.4 1.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,549 2,541 2,508 $609 $1,067 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 38 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 220 Clay County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.2 1.2 0.3 98 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.1 47.9 96.0 38.0 7.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,259 1,254 1,246 $0 $911 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 39 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 230 Cleveland County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.1 23.2 1.1 75.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 95.3 32.9 8.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 8,894 9,109 9,292 $611 $991 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 40 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 231 Kings Mountain The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 2.3 24 0.8 72.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.9 38.3 4.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,252 4,322 4,436 $1,047 $1,319 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 41 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 232 Shelby City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.8 57.2 0.9 41.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 95.1 45.5 0.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,326 3,288 3,192 $810 $1,449 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 42 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 240 Columbus County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 5.5 .04 42.8 1.9 49.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 95.0 71.8 2.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,336 7,284 7,185 $326 $757 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 43 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 241 Whiteville City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian System State Asian Black Hispanic White 1 0.4 45.5 1 52 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.8 50.2 94.5 58.7 5.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,778 2,738 2,742 $525 $824 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 44 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 250 Craven County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.8 36.6 2.5 59.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.7 49.3 94.6 44.3 7.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 14,655 14,541 14,503 $1,000 $1,029 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 45 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 260 Cumberland County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.7 1.6 47.7 5.2 43.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.6 51.6 7.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 50,064 50,335 50,487 $2,978 $1,014 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 46 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 26A Oma's Inc Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.2 0.6 57.7 2.5 38 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 53.4 46.6 88.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 141 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 47 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 270 Currituck County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.4 11.6 1.2 86.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 94.5 32.4 7.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,988 3,087 3,106 $1,325 $1,917 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 48 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 280 Dare County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.4 5.1 1.8 92.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.6 47.4 94.3 23.7 9.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,448 4,479 4,582 $2,216 $1,941 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 49 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 290 Davidson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.6 2.4 0.8 96 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 95.3 19.9 2.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 18,156 18,332 18,609 $1,202 $989 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 50 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 291 Lexington City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 0.3 6.8 48.6 11.2 33.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.1 49.9 94.0 62.3 12.3 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,057 3,139 3,162 $1,738 $1,695 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 51 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 292 Thomasville City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 1.2 51 7.4 40.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 94.6 59.1 2.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,271 2,311 2,313 $1,469 $1,616 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 52 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 300 Davie County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.3 10.1 2.9 86.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.7 48.3 95.3 22.4 7.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,189 5,312 5,528 $1,284 $1,270 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 53 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 310 Duplin County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 0.1 0.1 37.2 13.7 48.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 95.1 55.6 4.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 8,311 8,389 8,459 $350 $689 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 54 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 320 Durham County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 2.1 58.9 4.6 34.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 94.3 41.2 7.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 28,684 28,494 28,675 $4,009 $2,355 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 55 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32A Maureen Joy Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 98.8 0.0 1.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 53.2 46.8 94.6 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 128 167 NA $2,209 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 56 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32B Healthy Start Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 99.8 0.0 0.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.7 44.3 92.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 294 416 NA $1,772 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 57 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32C Carter Community American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 95.4 0.0 4.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.0 46.0 90.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 22.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 90 168 NA $2,063 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 58 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32D Kestrel Heights Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 55.2 0.0 44.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.6 42.4 96.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 139 156 NA $1,742 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 59 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32E Turning Point Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 97.3 0.0 2.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 40.8 59.2 97.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 125 137 NA $1,299 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 60 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32G Omuteko Gwamaziima American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.1 45.9 95.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.8 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 64 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 61 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32H Research Tri Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 86 0.0 14 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.0 43.0 93.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 81 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 62 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 32I Success Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 80.0 20.0 100.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 60.0 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 10 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 63 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 330 Edgecombe County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.1 58.8 3.1 38 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.2 63.0 5.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,699 7,681 7,517 $1,364 $1,009 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 64 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 340 Forsyth County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 1 38.1 5.6 55 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.5 35.2 7.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 41,399 42,105 42,972 $2,809 $1,875 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 65 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34A Lift Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 98.4 0.5 1.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 61.1 38.9 76.9 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 2.3 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 134 130 NA $1,823 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 66 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34B Quality Educ Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 73.4 26.6 94.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 66 54 NA $1,699 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 67 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34C Downtown Mid American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 1 46.8 1 51.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 529 417 NA $1,702 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 68 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34D Woodson Sch of Chal American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.5 0.0 96.4 3.1 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 62.4 37.6 95.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 173 177 NA $1,612 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 69 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34E East Winston Pri American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 59.0 41.0 91.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 96 142 NA $3,676 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 70 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 34F Forsyth Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.7 1.7 50.2 1.7 45.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 96.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 303 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 71 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 350 Franklin County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.4 41.9 3.7 53.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.9 48.1 94.3 44.8 8.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,965 7,213 7,425 $1,000 $1,037 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 72 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 360 Gaston County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 1.4 20.2 1.8 76.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 94.6 34.8 4.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 29,039 29,524 29,745 $1,900 $1,161 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 73 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 36A Highland Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 95.5 0.0 4.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 58.2 41.8 95.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 60 62 NA $1,743 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 74 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 370 Gates County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.4 45.2 0.1 54.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 94.6 55.2 11.0 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,675 2,027 2,020 $550 $1,113 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 75 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 380 Graham County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. System State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 12.3 0.1 0.5 0.2 86.9 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.6 49.4 95.0 47.8 2.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,180 1,186 1,187 $0 $843 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 76 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 390 Granville County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.4 39.7 3.3 56.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 94.2 41.5 4.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,574 7,732 7,836 $1,980 $1,128 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 77 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 400 Greene County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.1 53.2 9 37.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 53.7 46.3 94.2 68.2 13.8 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,879 2,868 2,864 $600 $705 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 78 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 410 Guilford County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.7 3.8 41.2 2.6 51.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.3 38.8 5.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 59,120 60,322 61,190 $3,001 $1,871 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 79 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 41A Imani Institute American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 91.7 2.6 8.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.5 45.5 91.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 20.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 87 112 NA $1,750 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 80 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 41B Greensboro Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.9 2.4 10.5 1.5 84.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 46.7 53.3 95.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 346 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 81 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 420 Halifax County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 6.2 0.0 87.3 0.6 5.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 94.6 82.6 1.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,240 6,084 6,083 $450 $764 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 82 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 421 Roanoke Rapids City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.6 1.4 19.4 0.8 77.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.7 37.7 5.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,398 3,114 3,026 $1,132 $1,465 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 83 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 422 Weldon City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.3 94.1 1 5.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 48.8 51.2 94.6 85.8 3.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,118 1,134 1,156 $314 $1,469 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 84 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 430 Harnett County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian System State Asian Black Hispanic White 1 0.4 32 5.1 61.5 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.7 46.8 2.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 15,046 15,350 15,799 $1,270 $782 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 85 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 43A Harnett Early Child American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 96.6 1.1 2.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 65.9 34.1 95.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 43.5 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 64 92 NA $1,742 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 86 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 440 Haywood County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 0.3 2.1 1.5 95.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.2 33.9 4.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,465 7,542 7,578 $596 $1,358 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 87 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 450 Henderson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.8 6.2 6.6 86 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 94.9 32.5 5.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 11,206 11,251 11,337 $1,796 $1,319 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 88 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 45A Mountain Cmty Sch American Indian Asian System 0.0 1.7 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 6 2.6 89.7 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 47.9 52.1 94.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 17.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 117 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 89 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 460 Hertford County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.9 0.2 79.5 0.3 19.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.0 50.0 94.3 73.3 7.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,186 4,079 4,007 $1,073 $835 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 90 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 470 Hoke County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. System State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 13.9 0.8 49.4 3.8 32.1 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.4 49.6 94.2 63.7 7.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,873 6,057 6,084 $397 $528 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 91 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 480 Hyde County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 45.8 1.7 52.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.0 51.0 95.0 59.2 6.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 772 748 713 $628 $1,416 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 92 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 490 Iredell-Statesville The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 2.2 20 2.9 74.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 95.0 32.2 5.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 15,293 15,986 16,590 $1,836 $1,311 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 93 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 491 Mooresville City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 2.3 19.2 1.1 77.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 95.1 26.3 10.9 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,539 3,763 3,834 $1,599 $1,211 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 94 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 49A Am Renaissance American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.6 9.6 1.1 88.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 48.6 51.4 95.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 4.3 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 115 163 NA $2,259 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 95 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 49B Am Renaissance Mid American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 15.3 0.0 84.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 48.3 51.7 95.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 1.9 13.3 Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 108 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 96 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 49C Developmental Day American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 14.3 0.0 85.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 64.3 35.7 86.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 100.0 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 15 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 97 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 500 Jackson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 9.9 0.5 1.7 0.9 86.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 95.0 39.3 2.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,512 3,512 3,490 $0 $1,236 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 98 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 50A Summit Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 98.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 44.4 55.6 95.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 161 151 NA $1,643 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 99 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 510 Johnston County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.4 22.2 7.1 70 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.6 36.8 8.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 18,252 19,150 20,188 $1,798 $1,195 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 100 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 520 Jones County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.2 55 1.9 42.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.7 75.9 5.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,513 1,550 1,498 $200 $697 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 101 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 530 Lee County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 0.5 0.7 27.9 13.6 57.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.7 48.3 95.7 38.3 4.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,262 8,618 8,593 $1,756 $1,135 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 102 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 53A Provisions Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 88.6 0.0 11.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 56.1 43.9 91.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 104 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 103 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 540 Lenoir County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.4 51.1 3 45.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 95.5 50.9 5.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 10,163 10,181 10,083 $912 $973 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 104 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 54A Children's Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 99.3 0.0 0.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.7 48.3 95.9 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 44.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 123 146 NA $1,436 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 105 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 550 Lincoln County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.5 9.8 5.9 83.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.0 48.0 95.2 29.0 6.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 9,963 10,124 10,419 $1,063 $885 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 106 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 55A Lincoln Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.7 5.3 3.2 90.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 47.7 52.3 98.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 2.5 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 145 280 NA $149 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 107 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 560 Macon County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.7 1.3 0.9 96.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.4 39.2 5.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,964 3,933 4,015 $0 $1,240 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 108 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 570 Madison County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 99.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 53.7 46.3 94.3 47.2 1.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,530 2,525 2,503 $0 $803 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 109 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 580 Martin County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.2 57 1.4 41.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.7 49.3 95.2 57.4 4.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,926 4,934 4,862 $400 $1,128 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 110 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 590 McDowell County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 2.2 4.9 1.8 90.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.4 48.6 94.9 33.7 2.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,190 6,306 6,340 $700 $882 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 111 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 600 Charlotte/Mecklenburg The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.5 4.4 42.5 4.4 48.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.7 39.0 7.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 94,284 97,231 99,098 $4,458 $2,191 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 112 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 60A Community Charter Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 3.3 0.0 63 2.2 31.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 92.6 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.8 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 90 95 NA $1,674 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 113 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 60B Sugar Creek Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.2 95.4 0.6 3.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.0 46.0 90.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 437 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 114 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 60C Kennedy Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 3.8 69.2 0.0 26.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 65.4 34.6 95.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.7 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 30 24 NA $9,276 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 115 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 60D Lake Norman Charter American Indian Asian System 0.0 0.9 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 3 1.2 94.9 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.1 47.9 96.6 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 6.2 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 258 417 NA $333 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 116 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 610 Mitchell County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.3 0.7 2.4 96.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.0 48.0 95.1 49.4 2.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,350 2,390 2,351 $100 $609 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 117 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 620 Montgomery County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 0.1 3.8 29.4 12.9 53.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 95.9 49.7 4.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,297 4,312 4,442 $600 $1,065 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 118 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 630 Moore County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.8 0.5 25.7 4.1 68.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 94.9 37.1 4.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 10,513 10,768 10,875 $1,765 $1,420 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 119 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 63A MAST American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 27.4 0.0 72.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.5 42.5 92.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 103 106 NA $2,500 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 120 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 63B STARS Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.3 1.3 38.8 0.0 58.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 35.0 65.0 92.9 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 21.4 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 70 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 121 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 640 Nash/Rocky Mount The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 1.1 53.8 3.3 41.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.2 51.1 3.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 16,714 17,442 17,473 $1,564 $1,233 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 122 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 64A Rocky Mount Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.9 1.2 68.8 1.3 27.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.4 48.6 95.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 9.0 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 668 724 NA $355 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 123 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 650 New Hanover County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.4 1 29.8 1.2 67.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 94.4 36.0 8.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 21,211 21,101 21,137 $2,535 $1,848 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 124 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 660 Northampton County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.0 80.4 0.6 19 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.7 77.8 5.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,789 3,774 3,721 $949 $816 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 125 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 670 Onslow County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.2 1.6 27.6 4.1 65.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.3 95.3 39.6 3.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 20,109 20,866 20,661 $978 $890 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 126 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 67A PHASE Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 2.4 0.0 86.6 3 7.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 43.3 56.7 91.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 175 181 NA $106 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 127 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 680 Orange County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.5 24 2.9 72.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.9 48.1 94.8 26.3 6.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,993 6,024 6,148 $3,872 $2,453 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 128 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 681 Chapel Hill/Carrboro The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 7.6 18.7 4.2 69.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 95.4 16.3 4.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 8,181 8,516 8,984 $4,418 $3,187 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 129 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 68A Orange Co Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.6 9.1 0.6 89.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.7 50.3 94.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 136 162 NA $1,827 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 130 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 68B New Century Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 1.5 4.6 1.5 92.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 63.1 36.9 94.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.4 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 67 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 131 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 68K Village Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 3.1 45.9 2.5 48.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 63.5 36.5 93.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 114 144 NA $2,501 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 132 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 690 Pamlico County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.6 0.2 35.2 0.8 63.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.7 48.3 94.6 48.9 6.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,818 1,817 1,808 $600 $846 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 133 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 69A Arapahoe Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.6 13.6 1.9 83.5 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 96.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 278 313 NA $1,235 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 134 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 700 Pasquotank County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.8 50.2 0.7 48.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 94.8 57.0 3.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,176 6,092 5,924 $1,064 $1,087 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 135 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 710 Pender County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.1 32.6 2.9 64.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.8 48.2 93.9 48.4 10.0 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,085 6,309 6,380 $2,121 $1,107 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 136 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 720 Perquimans County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.1 39.5 0.4 59.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.8 47.2 95.2 61.5 3.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,918 1,854 1,783 $687 $914 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 137 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 730 Person County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.5 0.1 37.4 1.7 60.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.6 49.4 95.9 40.2 2.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,607 5,736 5,797 $2,097 $1,135 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 138 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 740 Pitt County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 1.2 50.7 2.2 45.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.5 49.5 95.4 NA 8.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 19,213 19,531 19,542 $1,361 $1,095 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 139 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 74A Right Step Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic System 0.0 0.0 98 0.0 2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.6 44.4 89.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 135 147 NA $453 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 140 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 750 Polk County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.5 10.3 3.6 85.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.6 48.4 95.6 33.7 15.6 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,177 2,253 2,289 $1,345 $1,625 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 141 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 760 Randolph County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.5 0.5 5.8 4.2 89 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 95.1 27.9 11.9 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 15,866 16,141 16,489 $499 $925 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 142 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 761 Asheboro City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 2 16.9 16 64.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 95.9 37.9 11.3 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,148 4,209 4,174 $1,421 $1,382 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 143 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 770 Richmond County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.7 0.8 41.6 2.2 53.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.3 48.7 95.0 59.3 3.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 8,164 8,209 8,222 $644 $719 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 144 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 780 Robeson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. System State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 43.2 0.3 32 2.2 22.3 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 94.3 73.3 6.6 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 23,201 23,394 23,483 $1,250 $540 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 145 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 78A CIS Acad System State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 62.5 0.0 18.8 0.0 18.8 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 71.9 28.1 92.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 20.2 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 90 89 NA $103 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 146 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 790 Rockingham County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.4 26.3 2.6 70.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.3 48.7 95.2 37.0 6.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.1 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 14,247 14,249 14,362 $1,570 $1,150 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 147 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 800 Rowan-Salisbury The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 1.1 22.6 3.2 72.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.9 37.2 5.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 19,459 19,643 19,821 $1,913 $1,156 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 148 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 80A Rowan Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 90.6 0.0 9.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.2 44.8 92.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 5.0 13.3 Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 100 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 149 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 810 Rutherford County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.3 17.3 1.6 80.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.8 49.2 95.1 40.9 7.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 9,487 9,993 9,954 $541 $1,054 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 150 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 81A Thomas Jefferson American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 12.7 0.0 87.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 47.3 52.7 93.4 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 122 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 151 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 820 Sampson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black System 1.2 0.2 33.2 11.6 53.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Hispanic White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.4 59.9 7.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,364 7,497 7,687 $690 $777 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 152 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 821 Clinton City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian System State Asian Black Hispanic White 4 0.5 50.3 4.2 41 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.3 49.7 95.0 54.5 4.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 9.4 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,477 2,519 2,523 $1,903 $1,057 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 153 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 830 Scotland County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. System State American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White 10.8 0.5 46.8 0.5 41.5 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.6 57.4 6.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,959 6,872 6,852 $875 $1,232 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 154 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 83A Laurinburg Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 67.9 32.1 78.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 2.7 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 82 73 NA $0 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 155 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 83B Laurinburg Homework American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 4.7 0.0 63.5 0.0 31.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 44.7 55.3 85.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 67 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 156 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 840 Stanly County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 4.4 16.1 2 77.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 95.9 33.6 7.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 9,768 10,016 10,031 $1,803 $984 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 157 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 84A Stanly Cmty Outreach American Indian Asian Black Hispanic System 0.0 0.0 97 0.0 3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 White Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.5 48.5 95.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 9.5 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 63 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 158 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 850 Stokes County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian System 0.1 0.1 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 6 1.6 92.2 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.7 47.3 94.7 26.8 7.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 6,898 6,961 7,103 $1,018 $1,262 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 159 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 860 Surry County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.9 4.5 7.6 86.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.0 48.0 95.9 34.4 6.5 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,929 8,037 8,145 $1,068 $1,170 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 160 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 861 Elkin City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.2 7.6 6.4 85.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 48.4 51.6 96.4 19.3 0.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,045 1,071 1,065 $1,230 $1,772 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 161 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 862 Mount Airy City The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 7.8 12.9 3.8 75.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 95.5 37.8 2.0 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,950 2,040 1,984 $1,373 $1,686 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 162 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 870 Swain County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 21 0.2 0.8 1 77 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.6 45.4 95.8 57.9 1.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 1,641 1,662 1,705 $0 $478 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 163 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 880 Transylvania County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.4 7.6 0.7 91 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.4 48.6 96.2 30.8 8.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,948 3,867 3,848 $1,378 $1,340 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 164 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 88A Brevard Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.2 0.6 8.5 0.6 89 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 96.9 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 5.0 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 145 160 NA $941 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 165 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 890 Tyrrell County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.5 46 2.2 51.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.6 47.4 94.5 66.2 3.9 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 17.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 779 784 768 $700 $946 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 166 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 900 Union County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 0.6 18.4 4.5 76.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 95.9 29.0 9.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.4 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 19,646 20,504 21,608 $1,369 $1,196 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 167 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 910 Vance County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.4 64.6 3.1 31.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.3 48.7 93.4 68.3 7.2 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 7,509 7,749 7,724 $2,000 $1,166 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 168 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 91A Vance Charter Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.5 26 0.0 73.4 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 43.8 56.3 95.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 7.3 13.3 Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 192 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 169 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 920 Wake County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.3 3.8 27.5 3.8 64.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.0 49.0 95.2 21.7 7.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 88,511 91,121 94,295 $4,485 $1,724 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 170 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92B Exploris American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 16.7 4.2 79.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.0 50.0 97.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 18.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 112 167 NA $3,047 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 171 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92C Baker Charter High American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 93.8 3.1 3.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 System 100 0.0 86.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 34 30 NA $0 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 172 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92D Magellan Charter American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 5.7 10.1 2.5 81.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 45.0 55.0 97.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.6 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 313 316 NA $844 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 173 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92E Sterling Montessori American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 1.9 10.3 11.5 2.7 73.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.7 48.3 93.9 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 178 244 NA $1,258 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 174 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92F Franklin Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.3 4.5 0.0 95.1 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 49.7 50.3 95.3 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.7 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 164 299 NA $5,881 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 175 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92G East Wake Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.7 17 2.7 79.6 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.2 47.8 94.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 10.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 419 371 NA $950 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 176 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92H Sankore Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 94.7 0.0 5.3 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 44.7 55.3 91.8 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 66 49 NA $1,070 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 177 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92I SPARC Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.4 99.6 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.4 45.6 99.2 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 9.0 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 159 244 NA $641 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 178 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92K Raleigh Charter Hs American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.6 11.6 0.0 87.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 53.5 46.5 95.1 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 11.0 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 163 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 179 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92L NE Raleigh Chtr Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 1.3 80 0.0 18.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 57.5 42.5 93.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 71 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 180 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 92N Quest Acad American Indian Asian System 0.0 0.0 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 4 0.0 96 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 35.0 65.0 95.7 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 7.6 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 92 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 181 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 930 Warren County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 5.2 0.0 74.2 0.8 19.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.0 48.0 94.2 70.5 5.1 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 3,179 3,187 3,219 $1,000 $1,011 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 182 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 940 Washington County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.2 70.7 1.2 27.9 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.2 48.8 94.1 66.1 2.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 16.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,567 2,475 2,375 $446 $841 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 183 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 950 Watauga County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.4 2.1 0.7 96.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 52.0 48.0 95.4 25.6 5.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 4,804 4,793 4,841 $925 $1,263 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 184 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 960 Wayne County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.2 0.9 45 4 50 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.6 48.6 4.7 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 18,965 18,896 19,110 $1,154 $789 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 185 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 96C Dillard Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 99.2 0.0 0.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 55.3 44.7 90.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 7.8 13.3 Student Membership 1998 System State 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 128 116 NA $1,561 System 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 186 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 96D Wayne Tech Acad American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 93.3 0.0 6.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 40.4 59.6 88.6 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities System State 1 NA 13.3 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Student Membership 1998 1999 System State 1,198,994 1,229,907 2000 Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 88 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 187 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 970 Wilkes County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.4 5.8 3 90.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.9 49.1 95.2 36.4 5.8 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 13.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 9,708 9,761 9,904 $1,534 $1,170 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 188 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 97D Bridges Charter Sch American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 92.7 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 60.0 40.0 99.0 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 48.5 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 1,229,907 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 103 NA NA 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 189 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 980 Wilson County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.1 0.6 53.6 4.9 40.8 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.8 54.5 3.4 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 12.8 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 10,877 11,747 11,977 $1,765 $1,286 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 190 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 98A Sallie B Howard American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White System 0.0 0.0 88.8 10 1.2 State 1.5 1.8 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 54.3 45.7 95.5 NA NA System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.2 System State 13.3 State 1 1,198,994 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 302 330 NA $889 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 191 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 990 Yadkin County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian System 0.3 0.1 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 5 7.5 87.1 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 50.7 49.3 95.7 27.0 2.3 System State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 State Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 15.9 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 5,528 5,633 5,784 $1,051 $1,084 System 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 192 of 193 10/25/2000 A Report Card for the ABCs of Public Education Volume II 1999–2000 1 Supplemental Data by School System (in percent unless otherwise noted) School System: 995 Yancey County The school system is accredited by the State Board of Education through 2001. American Indian Asian System 0.1 .1 State 1.5 1.8 Black Hispanic White 1 2.4 96.5 31.0 3.7 62.0 Percent Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch (March) 1998-99 Number Violent Incidents per 1000 1998-99 Male Female Attendance (9th month: ADA/ADM) System 51.1 48.9 94.0 39.2 12.9 State 51.1 48.9 94.9 39.8 5.9 Percent with Disabilities Student Membership 1998 System 14.3 System State 13.3 State 1 1999 2000 Avg. Teacher Supplement Local ($) System State Per Student Expenditure Local ($) 1998-99 2,448 2,499 2,477 $0 $917 1,198,994 1,229,907 1,249,922 $2,166 $1,366 System State Percents may not total 100% across subgroups due to rounding. Supplemental Data Page 193 of 193 10/25/2000