Kirkwood Community College Learner Success Agenda August 2013 Update Our Vision Kirkwood’s Learner Success Agenda (LSA) was launched in June, 2011 with these two over-arching goals: CREDENTIAL ATTAINMENT: We will significantly increase the number of learners who achieve their postsecondary education or training goals, complete a degree or certificate, transfer to a university, and/or complete non-credit workforce education courses or programs. COMMITMENT: Every faculty and staff member shares the responsibility for achieving the Learner Success Agenda through their daily work. Kirkwood’s credit and noncredit instructional programs play a central role in carrying out the agenda, but our success depends on the efforts of people in non-academic as well as academic services. Two years later, the Learner Success Agenda is clearly situated within Kirkwood’s culture. Individual and departmental goals set by every Kirkwood employee and department are linked to this vision. At every level, Kirkwood is focused on increasing learner success through institutional and departmental professional development. Why This Agenda Remains Important Kirkwood Community College has endorsed the Learner Success Agenda as a framework for improving the economic strength and quality of life for our region. We believe: 1) education leads to greater economic prosperity for the region; 2) all citizens will benefit as more become educated; and 3) Iowa’s workforce will benefit from greater numbers of educated and skilled workers. Over the past few years, a wide variety of organizations nationally have developed a “college completion agenda.” Spurred by President Obama and funded by major foundations, they have taken on the common goal of significantly increasing the number of American adults who have earned a post-secondary credential. Kirkwood’s Learner Success s Agenda is part of th his moveme ent, applying strategiess specific to o Kirkwood and the regio on we serve e to achieve e the comm mon goal. As a ressult of the first two yea ars of work on o the Learrner Succe ess Agenda, the colle ege is betterr positioned d to serve our studentss. Kirkwood d’s faculty and a staff arre talented, entrepre eneurial, an nd collabora ative, and have h shown n remarkable commitm ment and foccus to advan nce these efforts. e The progress summarized s d below hass resulted frrom the dedicatio on of hundrreds of individuals worrking in dozzens of crosss-departm mental LSA teams since June, 2011. During these two years, Kirkw wood Comm munity Colle ege’s accreditation was reviewed. hout the rev view processs, the Learrner Succe ess Agenda provided the structu ure Through that servved to orga anize all elements. Kirkkwood’s Accademic Qu uality Improvvement Pla an (AQIP) accreditatio a on was re-a affirmed by the t Higher Learning Commission C n in December, 2012. To see the t Learner Success Agenda fu ull plan, go to http://ww nersuccessagenda Strateg gic Initia atives August 2013 Upd date Instructtional Inno ovation (Bill Lamb) To imprrove learne er success s through integrated services and a collabo orative instructtional imprrovement. Several tactic team ms focused on strength hening stud dent service es have recommended d gistration, new studentt orientation n, academicc advising, and course e changess in late reg prerequiisite identifiication. So ome of these changes have been implementted; a few are a still in prrocess. Ch hanges to th he orientatio on process for new facculty have also a been impleme ented through the Masster Teache er program. Pathway models for students enrolled in non-credit and/or credit c caree er programss are in devvelopment. Multiple es are unde erway to ad dvance a team-based faculty f proffessional de evelopmentt strategie approacch, including g sharing successful te eaching pra actices, settting standa ards for classroo om technolo ogy, and facculty mento oring recom mmendation ns. Program m Effectiv veness (Al Rowe) R Implement an imp proved eva aluation pro ocess for aligning a ex xisting credit/non-cre edit ms to address workfo orce needs s, new opp portunities, and resource program allocatio on. Develop ped by a cro oss-function nal tactic te eam, a Prog gram Effecttiveness/Effficiency Review policy was w approve ed resulting in the desiign of Effecctiveness Profiles P to an nnually asssess all educa ational offe erings in the e College’s Program of Studies. As A of Fall 20 013, facultyy, administtrators, and d stakeholders will use e profile datta/evidence e to inform curriculu um/program m design an nd resource e allocation decisions and a to ensu ure program m/subject off fferings are high qualitty, relevant,, accessible e, and cost effective. Educational Deliv very (Jon Neff) N To stren ngthen stra ategic and d flexible ed ducationall delivery capabilities c s. Three diiversely-res sourced tacctic teams made m up of faculty and d staff have e been workking on: 1) developing d ways w to help our learn ners navigate the many offerings and deliverry methodss Kirkwood makes ava ailable; 2) designing d ne ew flexible scheduling g options to help fill community c demand fo or workers with w particu ular skills; and 3) creating a betterr way for students, fa aculty and staff s to access their ap pplications and data anywhere, anytime and on any y device. Regional Leaders ship (Kim Johnson) J To stren ngthen lea adership in regional workforce w developme ent. Partnersships are att the founda ation of Kirkkwood’s success. Demonstrating g the streng gth of these partnerships, the Kirkkwood Foun ndation’s Real R World Success S ca ampaign raiised over $18 8.9 million in the past two t years to t support le earner succcess throug gh scholarsships and othe er gifts. To promote a systematicc approach to t developing transforrmational partnersships, a tacttic team cre eated a mechanism to o document and evalua ate Kirkwoo od’s partnersships and co ommunity involvemen nt throughou ut the Creative Corrido or. Through h the workk of anotherr tactic team m, Kirkwood d will be in a position to t measure e the institutio on’s regiona al impact an nd better co ommunicate e the multip ple ways in which academic and profe essional prrograms benefit the reg gion’s econ nomic and workforce w position. Market Intelligence (Kristie Fisher) To imprrove marke et planning g and competitive inttelligence. Five tacttic teams comprised of o staff and faculty ded dicated the last two yea ars to bette er understa anding the communityy and students we servve, as well as a the competitive forcces in our marketplace m . The gradu uate follow--up tactic te eam designed and imp plemented an a improved process for f learning g about our graduates. To improvve instructio on, anotherr team de eveloped a roster r to prrovide critica al informatiion to facultty about the e students in their classes. Operatiional Exce ellence (Jim m Choate) To create transpa arent susta ainable org ganizationa al systems and structures to supportt strategic initiatives. Kirkwood must ope erate efficie ently and efffectively to achieve itss goals. To that end, over o the last two t years several s hum man resourcce systemss have been n automated and other businesss processes have bee en improved d. A new co ompensatio on and bene efits structu ure has been implemen nted. New budget rep porting softw ware is in use u that will make it possible e for Kirkwo ood to foreccast long-range scenarrios. An asssessment of o cultural attitudess on diversity has been n completed, and a pa artnership with w Diversity Focus ha as been established fo or the deve elopment an nd impleme entation of cultural c com mpetence training modules. Informa ation Exce ellence (Mick Starceviich) Increase access, understanding and use u of time ely and rele evant inforrmation, arch. reports and resea Per a Da ata Resource Policy, data d diction nary and security workk, users can n better iden ntify data inconsistencie es, docume ent data cap pture and managemen m nt processe es. Externa ally, federal/sstate reportt data is sub bmitted earrlier and mo ore thoroug ghly vetted. Internally, Effective eness Profile data marrt work is underway to o support prrogram imp provement and a future re esearch on College effforts to stre engthen student learnin ng. Going g Forwa ard The besst plans are living docu uments, ablle to adapt to constanttly changing g circumsttances. As s several of the origina al Learner Success S A Agenda tacttics are drawing to a close, new needss have been identified d, and three e new tacticcs have bee en usion in the LSA. Theyy are: developed for inclu At-risk student support and completion. An enhanced student success model that supports at-risk learners by addressing both academic and life barriers will impact the institution’s completion rate, the community’s productivity, and the economic health and well-being of these students. This tactic will focus on developing and institutionalizing streamlined programs, services, and practices to connect at-risk students to the array of community college services, public benefits and pathway programs that exist. This work will be done in partnership with the United Way of East Central Iowa, and it supports the regional community goal to increase the number of financially stable households by 15 percent. This tactic builds from the KPACE Expansion Planning project and current successful best-practice programs at Kirkwood which include College Prep Block, Project START/FINISH, and KPACE. It aligns with the Regional Leadership and Instructional Innovation Initiatives. Developmental Programs. To deal more effectively with the needs of underprepared students, the following strategies are under discussion: Assess effectiveness of the current placement model and cut scores for math, writing, reading and ELA; implement alignment by working with ACT; and make improvements or model changes based on data collected. Communicate placement model and plan for student success with regard to advising, testing, and mode of course delivery. Align curricula of developmental courses with the next course level, and design faculty professional development relevant to student success and competency completion. This tactic will be part of the Instructional Innovation Initiative. Define and communicate a college-wide mission and vision for Kirkwood’s Regional Centers. Kirkwood’s regional centers are a long-term educational investment to our community partners and constituents. In order to ensure the success of this investment, a clear understanding of the services, stakeholders, goals and threats must be defined. A cross-functional college team is needed to share information, identify student populations, challenge assumptions, map student enrollment trends, plan comprehensive student services and identify specific goals for the centers and our community. This tactic aligns with the Instructional Innovation, Program Effectiveness, Educational Delivery, and Regional Leadership Initiatives. These new tactics have been discussed with Kirkwood’s administrative team and input has been invited from all Kirkwood employees. Leadership for these tactics will be determined by the Kirkwood Cabinet by September, 2013. Kirkwood’s Learner Success Agenda is updated quarterly and annual updates are posted at