CrystalVue II™ Technical Supplement

CrystalVue II™ Technical Supplement
The GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems (ATS) CrystalVue II™ abrasion-resistant-coating (ARC) passenger
cabin window is a market leading product backed by over 16 years of flight testing and in-service performance
history. CrystalVue II™ represents the most viable technical and economic solution to the problem of
premature crazing of stretched acrylic passenger windows. CrystalVue II™ is the industry preferred low cost “D
check to D check” service life window.
GKN ATS has been the leading manufacturer of acrylic aircraft windows, including passenger cabin windows, for
more than six decades. Our advanced acrylic material, manufacturing processes, and proprietary coating technology
have established GKN ATS as the select original equipment supplier to major aircraft manufacturers including:
Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier and Embraer.
In late 1980s, GKN ATS introduced the first improved craze resistant passenger window - the original low water
absorption passenger window using our patented Acrivue 352S stretched acrylic. The Acrivue 352S uncoated outer
pane became the standard product specified by Boeing (including Douglas Products) and for spare replacements by
airliners worldwide. In the early 1990s, CrystalVue™ coated passenger cabin windows were introduced into the
CrystalVue II™
qualify on Airbus
family of aircrafts
and on regional
aircraft with
American Eagle
introduction with
Delta and Japan
Airlines as launch
Mt. El Chicon event
trigger evaluation of
advance materials
and coatings
Mt. Pinatubo event
triggers flight
testing of
coated windows
Boeing specified
CrystalVue™ as
standard equipment
Solar Control
Boeing 777 100%
GKN ATS CrystalVue II™ craze and abrasion resistant coated passenger windows were developed to address
market demand. After more than 16 years of laboratory and flight evaluation testing, our coating technology has
proven performance for high level of abrasion resistance, improved light transmission and water repellency.
CrystalVue II™ windows have up to three times the optical service life of an uncoated window. In addition, the
Federal Aviation Administration has approved GKN ATS for application of the CrystalVue II™ coating to any
stretched acrylic flight deck windows.
Uncoated Acrylic
SS-6782 Coated Acrylic
GKN ATS CrystalVue II™ coated outer passenger window panes have proven performance of more than 20,000
hours, six years plus (D check to D check) during flight tests with 16 airlines, on 11 aircraft types and 66 aircraft from
1982 to 1998. In total, evaluation aircraft accumulated more than 200,000 flight hours with CrystalVue II™ outer
panes. During the testing period, not a single window was removed for crazing or abrasion related causes.
During 1984 to 1989, the combination of Acrivue 352S stretched acrylic and SS-6782 hard coating, known as
CrystalVue II™, successfully completed initial flight service testing in 1991, led to additional flight tests by airframe
manufacturer's and airline operators during the period 1991 to 1999. These tests have continued to validate the
superior performance of CrystalVue II™ as a "D check to D check" craze free window. In 1998, based on a
successful five-year flight test on an Air France A340 aircraft, Airbus Industries invited GKN ATS to qualify CrystalVue
II™ for the Airbus family of aircraft.
Today, with our success and proven track record, GKN ATS works with Boeing conducting tests on the next
generation of advanced coatings. No other manufacturer's coated or un-coated outer passenger window pane has
been so extensively flight tested; nor have they demonstrated comparable service life in any of the flight test
evaluations performed by airlines and/or original equipment manufacturers to date. GKN ATS CrystalVue II™ is the
only approved hard-coated application in the world by Boeing.
stretched acrylic
removed due to
severe crazing by
11,000 F/H
Acrivue™ 352S
19,412 F/H
CrystalVue II™
19,412 F/H
To date, all hard and soft-coated passenger window products produced by
other suppliers (more than eight formulations by our count) have failed flight
evaluation testing, as unserviceable, in one to two years of flight service.
Today, more than 2,000,000 CrystalVue™ and CrystalVue II™ outer panes and assemblies have been put into airline
service worldwide, combined. More than 200,000 new CrystalVue II™ coated passenger windows enter the market
every year. The in-service performance indicates that CrystalVue II™ has the potential for a service life exceeding six
years on wide body aircraft and eight years on narrow body aircraft, including regional and business aircraft models.
Many of the windows originally installed by the CrystalVue II™ launch customers have approached seven years in
service and continue to be in very good serviceable condition. These airlines have made the decision to fly
CrystalVue II™ beyond the initial D check period to realize even greater maintenance cost savings than originally
projected for installing CrystalVue II™ on their aircraft.
As a craze resistant, extended service life window CrystalVue II™ significantly reduces passenger window
maintenance actions and associated costs. CrystalVue II™ provides the airline passenger with a clear, craze free
view without additional operator expense associated with frequent polishing or other maintenance. Since its
commercial introduction, CrystalVue II™ has become the preferred spare for more than 30 airline operators
worldwide. Many operators, large and small, have specified CrystalVue II™ outer panes and assemblies for
complete fleet window replacement programs.
Our extensive flight testing and monitoring of in-service performance over the last 16 years has provided GKN ATS
with the data to identify and invest in process refinements to increase the value of CrystalVue II™ products.
CrystalVue II™ is yet another example of our philosophy of continuous product improvement. This enhanced craze
and abrasion resistant passenger window incorporates refinements in surface finishing techniques and adds our SS6782 coating to the inner surface of the pane. CrystalVue II™ is more tolerant to handling damage during the
installation process to further reduce operator maintenance costs associated with scrap and rework.
CrystalVue II™ is also more resistant to scratching, staining and other effects of condensation between the panes.
These refinements enhance the optical clarity of the window to further improve passenger satisfaction. The GKN ATS
“Operation Excellence” program is focused on continuous product improvement to offer a better value and cost
effective resolution to our OEM and airline customers worldwide.