Meridith Drzakowski (formerly Wentz) 124 Bowman Hall, University of Wisconsin-Stout |


Meridith Drzakowski (formerly Wentz)

124 Bowman Hall, University of Wisconsin-Stout

715-232-5312 |


Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Policy and Administration, Supporting Program: Evaluation Studies; University of

Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2007

Dissertation: A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Ubiquitous Computing Programs in Higher


Master of Science, Applied Psychology (Concentration: Health Psychology); University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2001

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology and Biology; Saint Olaf College; Graduated Cum Laude, with Distinction in Psychology, 1999


Assistant Chancellor

Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality September 2010 – present


Provide leadership and coordination of UW-Stout’s strategic process, including the five-year strategic plan, university action plans and priorities, serving as the liaison to UW System’s planning efforts, enterprise risk

 management, and accountability requirements.

Provide advice, counsel, and recommendation to the Chancellor on planning, and analytical issues.

Support the Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellor, Deans, and department heads with resource management and planning.

Plan and direct UW-Stout’s comprehensive institutional research, assessment and analysis responsibilities and requirements. Provide data for university-wide decision-making.

Plan, design, direct and perform university-wide benchmarking and other analytical studies for institutional improvement and as required for accreditation.

Direct the unclassified pay plan simulations and equity studies.

Plan, design, support and promote continuous improvement activities of the institution. Provide assistance to

 individual departments, units and colleges in the implementation of quality improvement initiatives.

Provide leadership and coordination of the review process for all university policies. Serve as the chair of the

University Policy Committee.

Serve as the UW-Stout Accreditation Liaison officer.

Direct the UW-Stout Applied Research Center.

Directly supervise six PARQ staff and the Faculty and Academic Staff Senate support position, and indirectly supervise an additional eight ARC staff.

Director of Budget, Planning and Analysis, UW-Stout

Interim Director of Budget, Planning and Analysis, UW-Stout

July 2007 – August 2010

April 2005 – June 2007


Design, implement and maintain the university’s strategic planning and assessment efforts

Provide advice and recommendation on planning, budget and analytical issues

Support the senior administration with resource management and planning

Direct annual operating budget development process and manage daily budget operations

Direct the unclassified pay plan simulations and equity studies

Direct the capital planning and budget process

Plan, design, direct and perform institutional research and analysis

Support and promote continuous improvement activities of the institution

Serve as the director for the UW-Stout Applied Research Center

Supervise seven permanent staff and one LTE

Coordinate the review process for university policies

Support the university’s accreditation efforts and requirements

Provide training on quality improvement

Director of Institutional Research, UW-Stout

Supervise institutional research staff and students

Serve on the core team to write UW-Stout’s AQIP portfolio, provide data and results for all sections of the portfolio

January 2005 – April 2005


Supervise, plan, design, direct and perform institutional research, analysis and institutional assessment, including survey design and analysis

Institutional Planner, UW-Stout

Associate Institutional Planner, UW-Stout May 2001 – July 2004


Plan, design, direct and perform research, analysis and institutional assessment, including survey design and

 analysis

July 2004 – January 2005

Coordinate the statistical research and evaluation efforts related to the assessment of the e-Scholar program

Provide analytical and statistical support for UW-Stout’s strategic planning process, including the development of institutional performance measures

Coordinate the data collection for UW-Stout’s benchmarking efforts

Design, implement, evaluate, and monitor equal opportunity research projects, perform data analysis

Manage the development, perform statistical analysis and write the statistical analysis portion of the federal affirmative action plan

Supervise six graduate/undergraduate students on various research projects

Advanced Research Assistant, UW-Stout January 2001 – May 2001


Primary writer of the Organizational Performance Results Section (Category 7) of UW-Stout’s Malcolm Baldrige

National Quality Award application

Serve as a member of the core team that developed and reviewed UW-Stout’s complete Baldrige application

Graduate Assistant, UW-Stout September 1999 – May 2001


Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Graduate Assistant Responsibilities: developed and maintained research databases for tracking job applicants, employees, promotions and other processes; implemented, analyzed and wrote reports for surveys; presented research reports to key stakeholders

Experimental Psychology Graduate Assistant Responsibilities: Led laboratory and statistics section of an experimental psychology course; gave presentations and graded papers

STEPS Program Evaluator Graduate Assistant Responsibilities: Provided support for the design and implementation of a program evaluation of STEPS, a summer program to get girls interested in science and math

Managing Editor, HealthPartners Research Foundation May 1999 – September 1999


Solicited articles, edited and helped manage Healthy Outcomes, the annual HealthPartners research newsletter


Drzakowski, Meridith; Hopkins-Best, Mary; Cochran, Kathleen; Holsinger-Fuchs, Pam; Schnur, Kay. Validating Excellence in Education: Linking Practice and Research through the Baldrige Experience, presented at the Pre-Conference Living

Case Research Event, Midwest Academy of Management, October, 2014.

Drzakowski, Meridith and Buchanan, Elizabeth. Building and Sustaining an Effective Leadership System, presented at the

Quest for Excellence conference, April, 2013.

Gorbatenko-Roth, Kristina; Geissler, Andrew; Rodencal, Ashley; Drzakowski, Meridith, Graduate Students in Real-World

Evaluation Fieldwork: Faculty, Student and External Client Perspectives on Ethical Issues, Responsibilities and

Relationships, presented at the American Evaluation Association conference, October, 2012.

Sorensen, Charles and Drzakowski, Meridith. Strategic Planning at UW-Stout, presented to the University of Wisconsin

System Board of Regents, 2012.

Furst-Bowe, Julie and Wentz, Meridith. Lessons Learned from Ten Years of AQIP, presented at the Higher Learning

Commission Conference, March 30, 2012.

Wentz, Meridith, Marson, Wendy and Henderson, Jane. Evaluating Ubiquitous Computing Programs. Academic

Exchange Quarterly, Spring 2011.

Wentz, Meridith. Strategic Planning, presented at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Regional Conference,

September, 2010.

Wentz, Meridith and Schnur, Kay. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management and Process Management, presented at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Regional Conference, September, 2009.

Bosshart, Sally; Wentz, Meridith; and Heller, Tynan. Using Alumni Perspectives for University Evaluating and Planning,

College Student Journal, June, 2009.

Wentz, Meridith. Vacancy Assessment Policy Helps to Fund Priorities, Business Officer. March, 2009.

Wentz, Meridith. Strategic Planning at UW-Stout, presented to Governor’s State University at their Stakeholder

Visioning Session, November, 2007.

Wentz, Meridith and Schnur, Kay. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management and Process Management, presented at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Regional Conference, October 2007.

Furst-Bowe, Julie and Wentz, Meridith (2006). Beyond Baldrige. University Business. October, 2006. 45-48.

Sorensen, Charles and Wentz, Meridith (2004). From Crisis to Quality: Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

Award Criteria to Redefine Leadership Systems. The Higher Education Digest.

Smith, Claudia and Wentz, Meridith. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management and Process Management, presented at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Regional Conference, September 2004.

Wentz, Meridith and Albrecht, Donna. Laptops in the Classroom: Impact on Teaching and Learning, presented at the

American Association of Higher Education Learning to Change Conference, April 2004.

Wentz, Meridith and Smith, Claudia. Development and Implementation of a Campus-Level Governance Evaluation, presented at the Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, May 2003.

Olson, Ross; Brown, Joe; and Wentz, Meridith. Information and Analysis (Category 4 of the Malcolm Baldrige National

Quality Award Application), presented at the Achieving and Sustaining Excellence in Higher Education conference,

November 2002.

Olson, Ross; Brown, Joe; and Wentz, Meridith (panelist). Information and Analysis (Category 4 of the Malcolm Baldrige

National Quality Award Application), presented at the Quest for Excellence Conference, March 2002.

Murphy, Shirley; Gilberts, Cindy; Hall, Pinckney (panelist); and Wentz, Meridith (panelist). Student and Stakeholder

Focus (Category 3 of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Application), presented at the Quest for Excellence

Conference, March 2002.

Wentz, Meridith and Cutsforth, Tammy. Creative Uses of the Data Warehouse at UW-Stout, presented at the Data

Warehouse Summit II, September 2002.

Tafalla, Richard; Date, Caroline; Mortenson, Michelle; Wentz, Meridith; Performance Feedback and Physical Fitness

Effects on Psychological Stress Resistance, presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, May



Committees where I served in a leadership capacity:

Chair, Women’s Academic Staff Mentoring Program Steering Committee

Chair, Information Portal Design and Implementation Team

Chair, Job Satisfaction and Morale Survey Revision Task Force

Chair, University Policy Committee

2003 – 2005

2005 – 2006

2005 – 2007

2006 – present

Chair, Internal Communications Audit Committee

Co-Chair, Diversity Leadership Team

Co-Chair, AQIP Assessment Committee

Co-Chair, Voluntary System of Accountability Committee

Chair, FOCUS 2015 Goal Development Committee

Co-chair, Student Retention Committee

Sponsor, Educational Support Unit Review Committee

Coordinator, Strategic Planning Group

Chair, FOCUS 2020 Goal Development Committee

Chair, FOCUS 2020 Performance Indicators Committee

Chair, Higher Learning Commission Assurance Argument Team

Committees where I served as a member:

Member, Chancellor’s Cabinet

Member, E-Scholar (Laptop) Assessment Committee

Member, IRB for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research

Member, Chancellor’s Advisory Council

Member, Provost’s Council

Member, Administrative and Student Life Services Director’s Council

Member, Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Council

Member, UW System Accountability Report Task Force

Member, Institutional Research Advisory Committee for the National

Association of System Head

Member, Supplemental Compensation Program Funding Committee

Member, Enrollment Management Committee

Member, MS in Applied Psychology Program Advisory Committee

Member, Thesis committee for a candidate for the MSAP degree

Member, Search and Screen Committee for UW-Stout Provost

2007 – 2008

2010 – present

2007 – 2008

2008 – 2010

2008 – 2009

2010 – present

2012 – present

2012 – present

2014 - 2015

2014 - 2015

2013 - present

2010 – present

2002 – 2011

2004 – 2010

2005 – present

2005 – 2010

2005 – 2010

2005 – 2012

2013 – 2014

2013 – present

2013 – 2014

2010 – present

2010 – present

2009, 2014

2012, 2015

Member, Search and Screen Committee for UW-Stout Library Director

Member, Search and Screen Committee for UW-Stout Vice Chancellor


Performance Excellence and Accreditation Training

Examiner, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Senior examiner, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Peer Reviewer for Higher Learning Commission

AQIP Strategy Forum and other AQIP events

Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting

Strategic Planning Training

SCUP Step I, II, III Strategic Planning Training

Snowmass Institute (Strategic Planning)

Effective Group Facilitation

Lean Office Principles

Leadership Training

Management Development Program (MDP), Harvard University

Evaluation Training:

Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute

Selected Evaluation Courses



2011, 2012, 2013

2014, 2015

2012- present

2007 – 2012

2013- present

2011 – 2012

July 9-14, 2006

Fall, 2006

Fall, 2006

June 14-26, 2009

2004, 2005

Principles of Program Evaluation

Evaluation Internship (2 courses)

Research Design and Educational Policy

Doctoral Research Seminar

Cost and Economic Analysis in Educational Evaluation

Evaluation Problems

Evaluation Colloquium


Team Taught Graduate Level Program Evaluation I Course

Team Taught Graduate Level Program Evaluation II Course

Taught Online Courses for Graduate Level Institutional Research and Evaluation Certificate Program Courses

Fall 2012

Spring 2014

Fall 2014- current


Pilot Participant in the Association for Institutional Research Statements for Aspirational Practice for Institutional

Research Program. Spring 2015.

Staggs, Susan; Gorbatenko-Roth, Kiki; Tafalla, Richard and Wentz, Meridith. Program Evaluation Certificate Program.

Curricular Incubation Center Grant, $6,858. January 2009.

Gorbakenko-Roth; Tafalla, Richard and Wentz, Meridith. Program Evaluation Certificate Program. Curricular Incubation

Center Grant. Summer 2008.

A Training Programs for the Participants in UW-Stout’s Women’s Mentoring Program. Faculty Women’s Mentoring

Program Steering Committee (coordinator, Claudia Smith) and Women’s Academic Staff Mentoring Program Steering

Committee (chair, Meridith Wentz). Funded by the UW-Stout Unclassified Professional Development Grant, $2,455.

December 2003.

Albrecht, Donna and Wentz, Meridith. Sharing UW-Stout’s e-Scholar Success, funded by the UW-Stout Unclassified

Professional Development Grant, $2,000. December 2003.

Summer Data Policy Institute, received a grant to attend a two-week Summer Data Policy Institute sponsored by

Association for Institutional Research, National Science Foundation and National Center for Education Statistics. June


Referral Practices of Physicians for Patients with Depression , funded by the UW-Stout Student Research Fund, $250.

April 2001.

Psychophysiology in Applied Settings , funded by the St. Olaf Student Research Fund, $100. January 1999.

Research Experiences for Undergraduate Program, received a grant to participate in the summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program at the University of Minnesota. May 1998.


2011 Honoree for the NACUBO Models of Efficiency Award for project management methods. Awarded to the Planning,

Assessment, Research and Quality office.

2010 2nd Place Honoree for the CACUBO Best Practices Award for “Doing More with Less” project management methods. Awarded to the Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality office.



Grant Title Granting



Intentional Networks

Transforming Effective

& Rigorous Facilitation of Assessment,

Collaboration &




Math and Science

Program Partnership

US Department of Labor

Employment &



Department of



The ARC is currently working with a consortium of institutions in Wisconsin to evaluate their program which is focused on developing academic programs that are needed in the region for workers who have been displaced and need re-training in order to take advantage of employment opportunities.

Lead external evaluator on $23 million Round 3 TAACCCT grant for Northcentral

Technical College in Wisconsin.

Oversee the design and implementation of the evaluation, including data collection and analysis of data

Lead a team of five evaluators and research assistants

Reporting, dissemination, and publication of results

Work with national TAACCCT evaluation team

The ARC is currently working with two UW System entities that have received funding through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The project with the University of Wisconsin

Oshkosh is focusing on three main goals regarding increased STEM content knowledge for both students and educators. This is a collaborative project between UW-Oshkosh and four public school districts to help develop math, science, and technology competencies for K-5 educators and students. The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse project is addressing the needs of two CESA districts for support in implementing the Common Core State Standards for

Mathematics, with a focus on grades 4-8. The ARC is conducting the evaluation for both of these projects. The evaluation plan consists of

Collect baseline data.

Create and administer custom surveys to track educator and student knowledge as well as educator satisfaction.

Gather classroom state assessment data.

Gather control group data.

Analyze survey and state data.

Created customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.



TUES: Classroom

Research to Invigorate

Undergraduate STEM

Education (CRIUSE)

Midwest Digital

Fabrication Partnership














The goal of this grant was to help more students at UW-Stout graduate with a degree in

Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. The ARC evaluation implementation consisted of:

Developing and administering multiple mixed-method surveys to the target and comparison groups.

Analyzing this data and providing custom reports.

Conducting focus groups for target group, analyzing the qualitative data, and providing custom reports.

This was a collaborative project between UW-Stout and UW-Manitowoc to increase student retention and graduation from STEM majors – starting in high school and tracking students through college. The ARC created and implemented several custom, longitudinal surveys. We analyzed all data gathered from the surveys, and created custom stakeholder reports.

The goal of this grant was to improve the effectiveness of science education through classroom research.

Implement online surveys for past and present students

Conducted focus groups with past and present students from two Biology courses

This was a collaborative project between UW-Stout and three other mid-west campuses to help incubate and develop students who are interested in engineering. The ARC developed the evaluation plan, and implemented the plan by:

Implementing client-authored surveys to assess student experiences in FABLAB.

Implementing client-authored surveys to assess instructor experiences with FABLAB.

Implementing client-authored survey to track student participation.

Using student performance data to track retention and graduation.

Creating customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.

Collaborative Research:

Understanding and

Preparing Future

Computer Professionals for the Ethical

Complexities of a

Diverse World




The goal of this grant was to assess how ethics is taught by computing professionals, and to identify best practices. The evaluation plan consisted of

Creating and administering custom surveys to track faculty and student expectations and perceptions around ethics.

Gathering and analyzing program literature and course syllabi from each study site.

Analyzing survey data.

Creating customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.


Title III

Clarifying Expectations to Improve the Learner-

Instructor Working

Relationship: A Conduit for Enhancing Learner

Engagement, Self-

Efficacy, and





Department of


UW System

The goal of this grant was to investigate the impact of student participation in a specialized psychology group. The ARC conducted the grant evaluation through analyzing data collected by the Principal Investigators, analyzing student performance data, and analyzing data from national surveys. ARC created customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.

The goal of this grant was to investigate new methods and programs to improve student retention, graduation rates, and assessment of student learning outcomes. As the internal evaluator, the ARC:

Worked with Title III staff to develop and implement surveys to assess faculty development workshops;

Analyzed the resulting data;

Gathered and analyzed student retention data on target and comparison group; and,

Created customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.

The objective of this project was to improve the learner-instructor working relationship by opening a dialogue between learners and instructors regarding students’ expectations of the course, the instructor and themselves

OrgSync evaluation

Closing the

Achievement Gap

UW System

UW System

This was a collaborative project between 4 campuses to develop and evaluate a comprehensive student engagement portfolio system using OrgSync. The evaluation plan consisted of

Creating and administering custom surveys to track specific student for two purposes. o Short term: assess usability and user friendliness; and, o Long term: to assess the impact on student learning.

Analyzing survey data.

 Gathering and analyzing archival data on targeted students’ use of OrgSync software.

Creating customized reports for each facet of the evaluation.

The goal of this grant was to evaluate the effectiveness of a bridging program for new minority freshmen students. The evaluation plan consisted of:

Focus group for staff after 1 st implementation.

ARC written surveys for program participants and control group.

Analysis of student performance data with comparison groups.

Analysis of retention rates with comparison groups.

The goal of this grant was to understand what indicators are linked with student success at UW-

Stout and to identify and evaluate initiatives that are designed to improve these indicators.

Developing Leading

Indicators of Student

Success in College: The

Access to Success


UW System

Curricular Incubation

Center Grants

K-5 STEM Project



Department of



The goal of these grants was to conduct needs assessments to determine if there was rationale for implementing a new academic program

A collaborative project between UW-Oshkosh and four public school districts to help develop math, science and technology competencies for K-5 educators and students.

Develop cohort and comparison groups

Implement pre/post content assessments for participants

Implement pre/post efficacy assessments

Evaluate standardized learning data from classrooms

Expanding Female

Youth Leadership in

STEM fields and

Establishing an

Evaluation Mechanism

Evaluation of Learning

Communities at a 2year


Otto Bremer


Inver Hills



Research Experiences for Undergraduates in

Mathematics and

Computer Science:

University of


Evaluation of the eScholar Program

(Digital Learning




University of



Observations of teacher workshops

ARC is assisting camp administrators in implementing an evaluation plan for the annual STEPS Camp for Girls. Every summer, 160 seventh grade girls attend one of four one week camp session designed to stimulate interest in STEM fields. The evaluation plan assesses the effectiveness of the camp experience in changing attitudes towards STEM topics. ARC staff worked with the camp director to:

Revise and improve a pre-post survey measure

Administer the online survey to the girls on the first and last day of their summer camp experience.

Analysis and reporting of all quantitative and qualitative data gathered from the survey

The goal of the evaluation is to measure the effectiveness of the learning community model at a two-year institution. Date is being collected longitudinally through student and faculty surveys, collection of participation and retention data.

Utilize data from benchmarking survey on learning community effectiveness

Incorporate data from the Community College Survey of

Student Engagement (CCSSE)

Survey learning community faculty

Analyze student records for demographic comparisons; o retention and graduation outcomes

Twice yearly reporting to assist IHCC in planning Learning Communities

The goal of the evaluation is to measure increased participation in research and motivation towards graduate education and research careers. Student participants were tracked longitudinally through both surveys and student data.

Assisted grantees with survey development and deployment

Implemented pre/post surveys to program participants

Gathered data from home institutions of program participants

Yearly survey of the student population to assess impressions of the digital learning environment on campus..


Training and


Utility Study

University of



ETS Proficiency Profile


University of



History of Recruitment


Developing Leading

Indicators of Student

Success in College,

The Access to Success


University of



UW System

Data is used in the planning process and to improve services to students

Administer bi-annual survey to faculty and staff to gauge the utility of the training and professional development sessions offered by the university.

Implement online survey for campus faculty and staff

Analysis of qualitative data with three person team

Reporting of results to Training & Development Team, used to inform University planning

Biennial administration of the ETS Proficiency Profile to both freshmen and senior students to calculate learning gains of UW- Stout students. Results are used as a comparative point across other universities, and to determine UW-Stou t’s effectiveness.

Administration of ETS Proficiency Profile

Coordination of 5 person proctor team

Annual reporting of results to Provost

Administer quarterly survey of new hires. Develop departmental reports of recruitment efforts using survey results and demographic details of hires and recruits.

The goal of this grant was to understand what indicators are linked with student success at UW-Stout and to identify and evaluate initiatives that are designed to improve these indicators.
