Enabling Lean Enterprise Transformation Through IT The PDM Example Erisa K Hines with Tom Shields and Jayakanth ‘JK’ Srinivasan March 23, 2005 – LAI Plenary Overview • • • • • • Context Research Design Results Implications for Lean Lessons Learned Conclusions http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 2 Lean Enterprise “A lean enterprise is an entity that efficiently and effectively creates value for its multiple stakeholders by employing lean principles and practices” – EA Working Group Definition • Lean Principles – Waste minimization – Responsiveness to change – Right thing at right place at right time and in the right quantity – Effective relationships within the value stream – Continuous improvement – Quality from the beginning http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 3 Product Lifecycle Management “A strategic business approach that applies a consistent set of business solutions in the support of the collaborative creation, management, dissemination, and use of product definition information across the extended enterprise from concept to end of life – integrating people, process, business systems and information (emphasis added)” – CIMdata definition of Product Lifecycle Management Increasing Enterprise Value High Lean Enterprise Enterprise Capability Business Solutions Enterprise Return } } Effectiveness Enterprise Agility Business Applications Process Focus Revolutionary levels Evolutionary levels Standardized Toolkits Functional Focus Custom Implementations Data/Technology Localized Exploitation Cost Focus Low 1985 http://lean.mit.eduCAD Data Management 1990 Integration Quality Focus 1995 Product Data Management 2000 Efficiency Automate 2005 Product Lifecycle erisak@mit.edu Management 4 “Industry” Perspective “The aerospace companies want to shed IT silos that can’t talk to each other, and the vendors want to accommodate them with suites of tools that can smoothly exchange data…” – David Hughes, AWST, 2003 “PLM is an emerging technology with a lot of growth in front of it. But it is mature enough that the GMs of the world are using it and that’s a confidence-building factor” – Bob Nierman, EDS Aerospace Market Share of PDM/PLM early 1990s 21% Aerospace Market Share of PDM/PLM 2005 13% PDM/PLM technologies for aerospace alone is an estimated $10.4 Billion market for 2005 – Daratech Report http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 5 The Real Value of PDM (beyond the design cycle) Design Manufacturing Distribution Product Support Retirement • Why don’t we know the realistic payback? The metrics aren’t there!! • The Intangibles – Downstream support capability and benefits – Contracts won due to capability – Actual savings due to reduced rework http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 6 Key Research Questions • What are the high level requirements of a PDM? • How is the management of data evolving? • What makes a successful implementation? • How are the technology and organization evolving? Who is driving? http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 7 Research Methodology • 9 Sites (6 Companies) – 24 programs • Structured Interviews – – – – Introduction to site Site interview Program interviews Process interview • Case Studies – 2 sites http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 8 Site Profile Data (1) N u m b er o f Sites Number of Employees at each Site 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 1999 2000-4999 5000-7999 8000-10,999 11,000+ Employees http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 9 Site Profile Data (2) Money Spent per Site per Year on PDM 4 3 2 1 0 0-.99 1-1.99 2-2.99 3-3.99 Money spent ($M) http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 10 PDM Implementation Spending Where Money is Being Spent for PDM Im plem entations Process Development 35% Required SW & HW 32% Consulting 19% Training and Other 5% Data Quality, M igration… 9% • The majority of money spent is on developing processes and the licensing costs erisak@mit.edu 11 http://lean.mit.edu Your Reasons for PDM • • • • • • • Need to replace legacy tool(s) Reduction in cost, time to market Centralization of data Elimination of data redundancy Concurrent engineering Reduction in tool variability Efficiency gains in design, iterations http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 12 Primary Driver for PDM • Site interviewees given a choice between: – Internal Need/Desire – Supplier Demand -- Customer Demand -- Competitive Need • Survey says: – Internal: 7 responses • one had Customer as close second – Competitive: 2 responses • one had Internal as close second http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 13 Results from Site/Program Visits http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 14 Results (1): What PDM is Being Used For 100% 90% 80% nonPDM 70% 60% PDM+ 50% 40% PDM 30% 20% 10% ol la bo ra ti o n C Vi su al M gm t C S ha ng e tru ct ur e gm t M Pr od R oc D W or kf lo w el ea se 0% Va ul ti n g Percentage (Programs) Current Functional Use of PDM (2004) Functionality • There is a clear distinction between the traditional applications of PDM and those that are not http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 15 • MBOM is the breaking point due to other business systems http://lean.mit.edu C AD 2D M AD et 3D a D a E Sc E B ta an ng OM St D No r u r a te c w s To t A ing ol na s in ly g sis M od el C s Pr M AE N oc u B O on re M -c m o n en t T e f Da st ta PM Da t Fi D a e a M l d D ta ai a O nt D ta th a Sc er D ta he at du a le s C 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AD C 2D M AD et 3D a D at E Sc En B a an g OM St D No ru ra te c wi s Percentage To t A (Programs) n ol na g s in ly g si M s od el s C Pr M AE N oc u B O on re M -c m on e n T e f Da t st ta D PM a t a Fi D e a M l d D ta ai a O nt D ta th a Sc er D ta he at du a le s C Percentage (Programs) Results (2): Product Data Trend Where Data Elements Are Managed (Past) • CM 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% There is an industry trend in using PDM to manage more traditional engineering design data non-CM than in the past PDM+ Where Data Elements Are Managed (Future) PDM erisak@mit.edu non-CM CM PDM+ PDM Data Elements Data Elements 16 Results (3): PDM Maturity Survey Integration of Product Data Across the Lifecycle Extent of Supplier/Partner Integration A 5 4 3 2 1 0 A 5 4 3 2 1 0 I H I B C G D F H D F 5 4 3 2 1 0 H A 5 4 3 2 1 0 G D F http://lean.mit.edu I B C E E Integration/Compatibility with Existing Systems/Applications A I C G E Managem ent of Workflow Electronically Throughout the Lifecycle B H B C G D F E erisak@mit.edu 17 Results (4): Industry’s PDM Maturity Results from Survey of PDM Maturity (Current) A 5 4 I B PD LC Integration 3 Sup/Part Integration 2 Electronic Workflow 1 H C System Integration 0 G D A through I represent the sites F E Possible answers ranged from 1 to 5 • Higher maturity lies in the primes, with similar capability erisak@mit.edu http://lean.mit.edu in homogeneous suppliers 18 Results (5): Industry’s Desired PDM Maturity Results from Survey of PDM Maturity (Current) A 5 4 I B 3 2 PD LC Integration 1 H C Sup/Part Integration Results from Survey of PDM Maturity (Desired) 0 Electronic Workflow A System Integration G D F • E The desire to increase PDM capability demonstrates that companies are still striving to transform http://lean.mit.edu I H 5 4 3 2 1 0 F B C PD LC Integration Sup/Part Integration Electronic Workflow Syst em Integrat ion D E erisak@mit.edu 19 Lean and PDM http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 20 Lean Practices • 8 out of 9 sites employ Lean and some form of Six Sigma practices • Was a Lessons Learned Standard Process used for the PDM implementation? – 2 out of 9 had a formal process – 5 out of 9 had an informal process – 8 of 9 have utilized LL information • Stakeholder Identification – 3 out of 6 formally identified stakeholders and value http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 21 Lean Implications of PDM • IT provides the infrastructure to support “Enterprise Change.” – PDM is a (important) piece of that. • Creates opportunity to address process development/improvement • When deployed as a Lean Initiative/Project – – – – Competition with other initiatives User sensitivity to success of past Lean events May garner more management support Provides visibility outside of “IT” http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 22 Take-Aways http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 23 Lessons Learned • Change Management: Users – People/culture are your biggest barrier – Do not allow users to continue with the old system • Change Management: Leaders – RAA: Responsibility, Authority, Accountability – Clear Objectives/Staying Power • Run it Like a Program • Get the vendors involved early – understanding of process-tool interaction • Understand vendor capability e.g. BOM management http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 24 Fun Quotes “I guess it’s working just fine.” ~PDM Budget Oversight~ “There is no point in doing a value stream map and finding out where improvements can be made, if you do not have the authority and the funding to actually make changes” ~Director of Lean PDM~ “Everyone is into reducing waste and continuous improvement so it becomes the change agent – the common language we all speak to justify going to our (common) singular system.” ~VP of Engineering on Lean~ http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 25 Conclusions • PDM remains focused on the design stage • Suppliers moving up the food chain: Need for product data management capability • Change management and data migration are the biggest challenges/pitfalls • Lean principles and practices should be used when implementing PDM capability • PDM enables Lean Enterprise Transformation – opportunity to address enterprise value stream http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 26 Thank you Questions? Feedback? For further discussion, please contact Erisa (erisak@mit.edu) or JK Srinivasan (jksrini@mit.edu) http://lean.mit.edu erisak@mit.edu 27